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Good afternoon Mr. / Madam Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen.

The topic for our

debate is technology a friend or a foe we opossition team believe that

the technology a foe .

My point is Technology is altering our lifestyle and will alter the cognitive and social development of
current and future generations. There are many different ways in which the evolution of technology and
society are connected. Technological innovation has changed our lives. Computers, smartphones and
the internet have strongly affected how we interact with other people. Many claim that they are
dehumanizing our lives and making us more solitary people. Technology may also be facilitating cultural
colonialism and reducing diversity. Today, children play less with other children and spend much of
their time watching videos on their tablets and playing video games. People are doing less physical
exercise than their ancestors. We are becoming increasingly detached from nature and more attached
to technological gadgets.

Technology forms an integral part in the process of evolution of mankind. Early human beings made
various weapons and tools from stones, animal bones, trees and other available resources.
Development of agriculture, weapons, tools, extraction of resources - these are a few major
technological developments giving impetus to the process of evolution of civilizations all over the world.
With the development of man with technology, he has also become a victim of it . Accounts of
numerous wars written with blood on history books are evidences of destruction of mankind with
technology. Traversing the histories, we find how people have been victims of wars aided by
sophisticated technologies.

And now in the 21st century, the question of a world without technology can be called Null. Waking up
with a reminder of the day's activities in a single click of the cell phone to going to bed at night checking
the number of calories burnt for the entire day, gives us an idea of our attachment to technology.
Communication, food, transportation etc , all we need is nothing but products of technology. It has
become an inseparable friend without which continuity of life seems impossible. But, at the same time,
this modern age technology comes at the behest of serious dire consequences. With the advancement
of technology, environment is degrading parallely. We are all witnessing the climate change in front of
our own eyes which is nothing short of advancement of technology,if not fully to a major extent. This is
a serious threat ,which thankfully the modern age civilization is slowly realizing. Improper handling of
technology has led to us to this point.Moreover, certain physiological researches teams have also
proved their disadvantages. Because of the presence of social media applications like Facebook,
Whatsapp, Twitter, Instagram, etc. the actual isolation has increased manifold. And ultimately it leads to
increased loneliness and depression cases amongst the youngsters.
Due to the dependence of humans on technology, it has deteriorated the intelligence and creativity of
children. Moreover, in today’s world technology is very important but if the people use it negatively,
then there arises the negativity of the technology.However, one thing that we need to keep in mind is
that innovations are made to help us not to make us a victim of this technology.

Sir/Madam Chairman , Ladies and Gentlemen, in conclusion we as the opposition team strongly believe
that technology is a foe. As the opposition team side, we have told you that Many people recognize that
technology often comes with unintended and undesirable side effects.

Again we as the opposition team strongly believe that technology is not a friend it's a foe and not good
at all. Thank you .

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