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Fuse (v) \ˈfyüz\: to reduce to a liquid or plastic state by heat.

Mutation (n) \myü-ˈtā-shən\: significant and basic alternation.

Progenitor (n) \prō-ˈje-nə-tər, prə-\: ancestor in the direct line.

Blast (n) \ˈblast\: violent gust of wind.

Inner (adj) \ˈi-nər\: of or related to mind and spirit.

Tickle (v) \ˈti-kəl\: to touch (a body part, a person, etc.) lightly so as to excite the surface nerves and
cause uneasiness, laughter, or spasmodic movements.

Shiver (v) \ˈshi-vər\: to undergo trembling.

Turbulent (adj) \ˈtər-byə-lənt\: exhibiting physical turbulence.

Portion (n) \ˈpȯr-shən\: individual’s part or share of something.

Full-blown (adj) \ˈfu̇ l-ˈblōn\: fully developed.

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