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Chapter 4 IT AS level

E-Safety and Health and Safety


This is when an unauthorised person tries to gather personal data by disguising or impersonating a
trustworthy person or organisation. This is usually done in the form of phishing emails which try to
trick a user into logging in to a fake phishing website, which looks like a legitimate website but is
designed to steal the user’s login credentials or private information.


This is another method of collecting personal data by installing malicious code onto a computer or
server. When a user attempts to access a legitimate website, they will be redirected to a fake
phishing website. This can be done by hijacking the user’s DNS server, which maps domains to IP
addresses. It can also be done by changing the ‘hosts’ file on the user’s computer; this file overrides
DNS settings.


This is SMS phishing. It may try to trick a user into accessing a phishing website or phoning a fake


This is vishing over voice, where a fraudster calls a user and claims to be from a certain organisation
requesting personal information. They will often impersonate a bank and claim that there are
fraudulent charges on the user’s account. The victims of this are usually elderly or vulnerable.

Trojan Horse

This is a malicious program which disguises itself as useful software. When the application is run, the
trojan horse will execute in the background, usually to install other malware.


A type of malware that exploits holes in computer networks to replicate itself and quickly spread
through the network. This is usually done to install other malware once the worm is in place.


This refers to any software that is used to gather data about a person without their knowledge.
Keyloggers are the most common type of spyware; they will record all the actions performed by a
user, including all keystrokes.


This is software used to display adverts targeted at the user. Adware will usually fill the user’s screen
with adverts in the form of popups or windows. Adware is often bundled with free software.

This is a type of malware that enables a person to gain administrator access to a victim’s computer.
This access can be used to disable any safety mechanisms, such as firewalls or antivirus software.

Malicious Bots

Bots are applications that are programmed to repeatedly carry out certain tasks. These are usually
used by cybercriminals to bombard people with spam emails. Bots can also be used on instant
messaging services to try and trick users. Infected computers can also be turned into ‘zombie bots’,
which are used to collectively launch attacks on websites.


A type of malware which encrypts all of the user’s files and demands a payment for decryption.
Usually, the only method for the user to recover their files is to pay, often using cryptocurrencies.

Health and Safety

Health Issues

RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury): This is pain, numbness or weakness that occurs in the hands, arms,
shoulders and the neck. This is caused by repetitive movements such as typing or clicking and poor
posture. To prevent this, a good posture should be maintained and regular breaks should be taken.
Wrist rests can also be used to support a user’s wrists.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Pain and numbness in a user’s hands and fingers. It is cause by the
compression of a major nerve, and happens because of constant repetitive movements. Again, users
should take regular breaks to avoid this.

Back Pain and Muscle Spasms: Caused by poor posture. A user should sit on an adjustable chair with
proper back support.

Eye Strain: A user will often experience eye strain when looking at a monitor for extended periods of
time. Users should configure their monitor correctly to reduce this, and they should take regular

Deep Vein Thrombosis: This is when blood clots occur, usually in the legs. This is normally caused by
sitting in a chair that puts pressure on the back of a user’s legs, mostly behind their knees. This can
be prevented by taking breaks and standing up for a while.

Fatigue: This is when a user gets very tired from overworking for long continuous periods of time.
Users should take regular breaks.

Safety Issues
Fire: Computers can overheat and could cause fires. This can also occur because of overloaded plug
sockets. Computers should be used in rooms that are properly ventilated, with fire extinguishers
nearby. Plug sockets should not have too many devices plugged into them, especially those that
require a lot of power.

Spilt Drinks: These can cause a short in a computer. Eating and drinking at a computer should be
avoided where possible.
Electric Shock: This can occur if a user touches wires, especially if they are worn out. It can also
occur if liquids are spilt onto an electrical device. Caution should be taken when handling electrical
wires, and old ones should be repaired. Liquids should be kept away from electrical devices.

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