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How unhappy some dogs like it though,talking to my over driver about where I'm

goinghe said he'd love to go to New York too but since Trump it's probably not,Does
anybody know if the Rand's likely to fall against the dollar? I got some money I
need to change into R but it keeps getting stronger unhappy ,I miss going to gigs
in Liverpool unhappy ,There isnt a new Riverdale tonight ? unhappy ,it's that A*dy
guy from pop Asia and then the translator so they'll probs go with them around Aus
unhappy ,Who's that chair you're sitting in? Is this how I find out. Everyone knows
now. You've shamed me in pu,don't like how jittery caffeine makes me sad ,My area's
not on the list unhappy think I'll go LibDems anyway,I want fun plans this weekend
unhappy ,When can you notice me. unhappy what? ,Ahhhhh! You recognized LOGAN!!!
Cinemax shows have a BAD track record for getting cancelled unhappy ,Errr dude....
They're gone unhappy Asked other league memeber to check the guys are go ,Not you
again sad ,Why would Harvey be going to prison? unhappy ,Missing in crying
Seaside area. ,Becoz if we will depend on your promoting its waste of hardwork to
all team who ,I thought you'll save me crying ,major waffle cravings right now
sad ,cant speak japanese ::(,how can people do stuff like this unhappy ,please
just stop confining animals in zoos unhappy ,Feel like i shoyould be telling you
to get the fuck out social media byout also feel really mean because unhappy
silence love yoyou hope yoyoure okay ,i miss you huhu so busy unhappy ,it was
extended family. 12 ppl.ahh wanted to show a Oh My Girl being dorky while playing a
game but it got deleted unhappy ,Don't do that unhappy ,Jamie can you please reset
the CGa grandfinal server... no administrator are responding unhappy ,noOoooooo YOU
GONNA MISS THE BUFFET unhappy TAKE CARE AIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ,I wish i could vote
for you unhappy ,instant message so jealous okay unhappy but never mind haha bruno
can wait finals first,when i'm enlisting can please turn up like this unhappy
,unhappy how come people like this have children where's the state intervention
,Ouchhhhh unhappy ,Help... I want to stop tweeting. All I feel is endless
suffering and pain. I tried to deactivate myself many times... Save me...
unhappy ,For those asking, the application is Kana Kanji Funtime! Sadly, it looks
like iOS 11 is due to kill it unhappy ,Yeah did update to 16.04 , it froze a few
times. Then went to 16.10, froze mid install. Waited 3hrs he'd to pull plug
crying ,Shaandaar, Zabardast, Another ATBB on it's way ! I wish Srk Sir starts
signing good movies unhappy ,I want Jabee crying ,sociopath full raid gear sad
,When will you say hi sunshine ? unhappy ,i feel bad for doing that AHAHA
unhappy ,it's getting harder and harder to stay unhappy ,His face looks bloated
unhappy baby get well soon ,fuck. tried changing my settings but still in india.
unhappy ,talking to my over driver about where I'm goinghe said he'd love to go to
New York too but since Trump it's probably not,Let's not forget that it's also
Gabriel Tenma White's birthday today!I miss unhappy ,Why am i always taken for
granted eversince unhappy ,Ah alright, i don%27t know if you saw my comment yet,
but what camera you shooting with, does it have flip out scr ,I miss Louis' tweets
unhappy ,Koalas are dying of thirst and it's all because of us unhappy ,okay I'll
shut up now. instant message just mad that lots of people will now have a VERY
flawed opinion on mental health ( on mine) because of this show unhappy ,pamura isa
because in this very moment, i want to explode like a grenade to the point where
people will die with me. sad ,YG should have sent them to MCD. I want to see them
holding the trophy unhappy anyways ,i really want one of those iconic jimin
stripes turtleneck shirt unhappy ,I want a spoons but I cant go unhappy honestly
feels like a messy break up unhappy ,Makes me so sad unhappy they looked so
unhappy when I went to SeaWorld ,YG should have sent them to MCD. I want to see
them holding the trophy unhappy anyways ,I miss Rockys posts unhappy ,Hey Tony,
oh no unhappy Could you please tell me a little more about your issue? Im
following if youd prefer to DM. Amanda,i love mason and miss mason unhappy ,Cold as
a mother crusher right now. Nearing the end of April. sad ,we don%27t talk anymore
like we used to do unhappy ,YG should have sent them to MCD. I want to see them
holding the trophy unhappy anyways ,miss biking unhappy ,I miss Big brother
unhappy ,6 days in camp haiss miss you a lot unhappy ,It's raining so hard
unhappy ,Am bored and kandowiandg I have ando plaands for today is makiandg me
eveand more bored unhappy ,oh my god not laurie penny unhappy ,can you say Hi
Mekisha? unhappy ,I should never draw again unhappy ,Cleantha ,Visual Studio
Installation - 89% .. BSOD comes suddenly unhappy ,i want to make waffles
unhappy ,So sad unhappy ,crying muh feels,Look like somethings i will ignore xD
Kart Racing when? unhappy ,did ate jenna just blocked me or what? unhappy ,My bed
is so comfortable I don't want to get up unhappy ,Is that store still in use? If
so, I sincerely hope not too many priceless antiques were destroyed. Reg ,Astaga
unhappy /? ,I want a puppy now unhappy ,have to work unhappy but i'll see you
tomorrow!! ,happy weed day without them is not the same anymore unhappy ,my
favourite lipstick hilang crying ,Time just flies, can't believe he will be year
for next year unhappy We're becoming old HAHAHAH :v,The new Twitter reply view has
me confused... like do I capitalise my replies to people or not? unhappy ,Whaddup.
Me too crying ,unhappy every time laughing my ass off,who's selling an army bomb
ver 2??? meet up on sad ,Yeesh unhappy It's fairly warm here.,easter has flown
unhappy I'm not ready to give up home luxuries like branded cereal,Ohnoo unhappy
unhappy hope it recuperates sooner!!,Her back unhappy ,give me a chance in west
server unhappy ,but you were going to do it yesterday unhappy ,I agree. My issue
would be that it all has to be paid for somehow. I just can't see the numbers
adding up. sad ,I want to drink with cigarettes unhappy ,Oh mince unhappy ,The
manifesto, Nick? Might he deliver WHEN the time demands it. Story of his life -
,It's okay I've accepted you the way you are unhappy ,why do people abuse animals
unhappy they're so loyal,i'm actually crying while typing this tweet i just can't
take it anymore.. not applicablehulog not applicable knock out d unhappy ,imagine
if he wins next time too unhappy unhappy ,Same unhappy ,I need Cue something that
would make me smile....I'll be waiting...:( ,YG should have sent them to MCD. I
want to see them holding the trophy unhappy anyways ,YG should have sent them to
MCD. I want to see them holding the trophy unhappy anyways ,these nosebleeds are
getting outta hands unhappy ,I am perfectly happy being single .. Until I see a
happy couple :(KISSES TheFashionIcon,Dude I just want more sleep unhappy ,Feel so
fucking shit today unhappy ,wont be able to stream tonight i'm sorry guys
unhappy ,I face swapped a cat with a dog and it's really upsetting unhappy ,your
system does not recognize spaces in last names so for 2nd time unable to check in
forced to wait in unnecessary lines unhappy ,still waiting unhappy ,- Thank you
tons, rocks. next question - where is my astro unhappy ? ,It was not your fault,
but the customs of Argentina that fill you with paperwork unhappy ,i tried fixing
my choristers dress hem that came undone by taping it with fabric tape but i put it
on wrong and its even more ruined unhappy ,Small fishie died unhappy ,It's too nice
outside to be stuck in school all day unhappy ,EDM pleaseeeeeeeee unhappy ,oh my
god unhappy next time mishutuuu,Can you say Hi julia ??pleasee crying ,Bby
unhappy your emotion ,I seriously thought that Coldplay was going to be band like
Depeche Mode or U2, just kept going unhappy ,poor baby unhappy I hate people
,unhappy i have to be strong today jfjfjkf,I NEED A UNICORN FRAPPUCCINO STAT. I
JUST FOUND OUT THEY ARE LIMITED TIMEE! unhappy How much longer?,Her back
unhappy ,unhappy sorry to hear this.....,I won't. if i do it's probably for phil
but he hasn't seen me yet unhappy ,Yuri was here and i didn't know it unhappy the
second snsd i missed ,why are your campervan tickets so expensive? unhappy
,Canberra is a land-locked capital. unhappy ,how much? i cant seem to deathmatch
you unhappy ,.agata baby unhappy it broke in the mail. but i read your letter
can't thank you enough. you are the best ,same unhappy ,she is! HAHA but I wanted
to look like v unhappy ,unhappy they look dead,Puta I know sorry isn't enough pero
sorry padin unhappy ,mannn, i want to go to an m's game unhappy ,unhappy feeling
bored,I wish i could sleep early unhappy ,I just hope I start getting the 1GB data
per day from tonight!! unhappy ,Koalas are dying of thirst and it's all because of
us unhappy ,i want to see you happy sad ,I just told them to bugger off and hung
up! They waned access to my pc. If they phoned someone like my Gran ,my braces hurt
unhappy ,Ohh welcome to CLXSSlC chanyeol oppa! Or should I call you with richard?
Kalau jadi sayang gimana? unhappy ,we don%27t talk anymore like we used to do
unhappy ,Claaaaaaaaaaaaasse ! ,What a pity! unhappy Those were beautiful! But
thank you for your answer!,Sciatica. What a monumental pain in the arse. unhappy
,This escalated quickly, I'm aborting mission now have a nice day though x ,- Thank
you tons, rocks. next question - where is my astro unhappy ?,Her back unhappy ,No
stream tonight! Throat is killing me. unhappy ,Me too...I won't miss the HGVs going
past our house though. It was a nice looking building - had initiall ,Don't say
that unhappy ,Summer's not in our school's vocabulary unhappy We need air. Please
tell ,Bae's not here unhappy
,Wanna get a haircut but i don%27t know a good place unhappy ,it feels kind of
empty w/o youngjae at the venue.. unhappy ,Her back unhappy ,Yeah , i think that's
going to be true , he can't leave us unhappy ,Yesterday felt like friday unhappy ,
[PLEASE RT] he'll buy me a blinking taehyung headband, if i get 900 retweets and
900 likes. help me :(un,yes instant message sad crying ,I face swapped a cat with a
dog and it's really upsetting unhappy ,Nice! Some really nice stuff there! Mostly
black dresses which i won't get away with for a June wedding though unhappy ,I miss
you unhappy ,Beyond sad unhappy ,Goodnight princess, I love you have fun with your
friends ,YG should have sent them to MCD. I want to see them holding the trophy
unhappy anyways ,Something is really wrong. I should be spending my days naked on
a beach in the hot sunshine. Not working in the cold in King's Lynn sad ,Punishment
time for JB's team! unhappy ,Aw goodnight angel! I love you lots and I hope you're
going to have the best tiame and a lot of fun!! Wonho's already am,Not really an
amount just loads of sections unhappy I'll ride up to to netherton now meet me at
Darby end ?,Q2 I'm not an MH healthcare professional. As much as I want to help I'm
scared to death I might make the situation ,Got a msg! Oops not you unhappy ,Just
chillin~ it's a bit quiet tonight on my tough luck unhappy what about you??, I bet
The media's one-sided view of Tim Tams surprisingly was the alt-right roar extreme
droll Fad unhappy ,my hair is not as crisp unhappy ,a couple more unhappy ,what
the fuck don%27t unhappy ,Going to CA in July, our reunion is in August unhappy
,The road and traffic signs section of theory revision is such a myth unhappy
,unhappy We're sorry your pizza arrived with mushrooms despite your request. Could
you please get in touch vi ,you're a kabute unhappy ,last to things i've bought
from you no sweets unhappy ,Wish I could stay in bed all day and listen to the rain
sad ,I don't want to tell fellow Comm students because i don't want them to think
I'm some kind of suck-up... unhappy ,When will you notice me? unhappy ,GO AWAY
unhappy ,ally unhappy I can't make a poem about being cute ,ehh i cant DM you
unhappy ,to beautiful ladies and so full of fun and body confidence. .. then on
the s ,why is italian easier than spanish unhappy ,i find it so difficult to says
no to him unhappy ,It's only been 3 days and to nights since mama went back to
the province but I already miss her unhappy ,i want to cry unhappy ,I love got7 but
god i am bored unhappy ,i can't continue this right now because the lighting is
shitty as f i swear sorry sad ,Let's have dinneeeer please unhappy ,I lost one
import quizzz unhappy ,i want to be mutuals with you so bad unhappy ,Keep looking
for the things I bought yesterday in my dream unhappy ,it hurts me to see him so
sad unhappy you don't understand i have to do this. if i don't kill you, he'll kil
,i hate park jisung so much sad ,When your online crush comes to the meet-up
without their Snapchat filter unhappy ,I hate when my mom ask so you going or no?
Bc then I want to stay home but i missed too much school already unhappy ,HAPPY
BIRTHDAY KATRIKA I miss you though unhappy miss having you in our group and all
haih anyway, have a blast okay. love you!,I miss my dogs too unhappy ,YG should
have sent them to MCD. I want to see them holding the trophy unhappy anyways
so me though ,i miss my boys unhappy i have started working with my own local boys
but they are very nervous college friends,we were classmates for alvarez but i
don't really see you around school anymore unhappy ,ugh i miss my baby crying ,if
anyone needs me I'll be on my vent unhappy ,why is it so hard for you to notice me?
Haay unhappy ,i cant deathmatch you piss off unhappy ,When are you going to notice
yous? unhappy ,And I miss my bedroom too unhappy ,please take all the rest you
needwe love you so so much :(i hope you feel better soon sunshine! ,oh, same
unhappy ,I miss my baby unhappy ,it's only been a few days since their promotion
ended but i'm already missing her so much unhappy ,i miss them unhappy ,i miss
jihoon sad ,My only one cat yang manja sangat and now someone has took him unhappy
,Not tired and there's nothing to do great combo unhappy ,And this tweet made me
cry!! crying ,back to coconut hair unhappy ,Please return the jacket unhappy ,who
would you call when you are roused in midnightreminds me of the time(s) they were
roommates unhappy unhappy unhappy YOU SUCK,I feel so bad, and all the mobbing in
Australia, I just hope everything goes right from now on unhappy ,it's only been a
few days since their promotion ended but i'm already missing her so much
unhappy ,hungry unhappy but no time to buy food,How can I set an alarm for 9am
and snooze it until 12 unhappy ,Sad story unhappy ,Koalas are dying of thirst and
it's all because of us unhappy ,Hey screenshot sainyo . Hmm tumagal sana us .
Stay what uu are . Im always here fr uu no matter what . Luv uu so mats ,Looks
awesome Annette, but I can't make it unhappy Thanks for the heads up though.
Please take photos!, narank 1 ako bcos of yoyou. can you please congratyoulate me
even if its already late? unhappy ,it can't be over unhappy ,RELATABLE unhappy
,how about me unhappy ,Offline unhappy ,heeeeey notice me unhappy ,i want to hang
out with them unhappy ,he was talking with the girl behind jin unhappy ,I need
cheering up, my dog who my family have had for 18 years is being put down tomorrow
unhappy ,Molly 1. I wish I could have her hair unhappy 2. Cutest Michael girl
milly on the phone 3. HAIIIIIIR and your lips 4. Friend5. Yes6. -,even me unhappy
*hugs*,I'm a building a LLVM backend so, I really need to build it unhappy ,I can't
access my school emails from any web browser unhappy Yet I have so much homework
for all my subjects on there,oh sad unhappy goodluck!,Ouch Elena Eremina's foot
slip, that fall was a mess unhappy ,donny unhappy ,you're so rude unhappy ,oh my
god same! we should attend on some lessons together sometime just kidding HAHAH
,Every time Meredith has flashbacks of Derek Shepherd I can't hold back the tears
unhappy ,Whew! Can't asses myself unhappy ,But I no have round ass crying ,unhappy
i saw somebody said his hair fell out and bighit trying to figure it out,koh,
tolong bantu sampaikan keluhan ARMYs ke dong. Too many complaint here and there
since day 1 of ticketing unhappy ,I keep waking up in the middle of the night sick
as shit. unhappy ,I cringed so hard :(That fall was such a shame- she had been
looking really good until that point...,man its been about 2hrs since their
vlive...its nearly over for sydney ppl... unhappy goes so quick so appreciate
every second!!,Hi Aled, having no mobile signal sucks unhappy What's the full
postcode for where this is happening? We're keen to help SI,That sucks unhappy ,I'm
rusty.. Haven't played this game since I was like 10. Just kept dying at that
crocodile part crying ,i really really need them right now unhappy ,Hey guys could
you help me by retweeting this? I've heard was legitimate and I really need a VPN
account rig,GOD NOT THE KOALAS ,Feeling bad unhappy with 89 others,And this tweet
made me cry!! crying ,I could write paragraphs about it xDShame its theoretically
impossible in real life unhappy ,Thank you roshhh i miss you and everyone too.
love youuu more ,Me too sweetie I know how you feel unhappy ,When your online crush
comes to the meet-up without their Snapchat filter unhappy ,.the person who chose
shut the fuck up: unhappy ,sadly yes. since he was expected to continue losing
support before dropping bombs unhappy going up when expe ,i hope this little
beaand is andot overworkiandg himself and gettiandg at least some rest unhappy ,he
could be whatever, so? sad,But the dub is what I watch for Pokemon unhappy ,are
dying of thirst and it's all because of us unhappy ,Youngjae during fansign on
04/10/17 constantly massaging his back. Clearly something wrong but pretended he
was not,but... you use a purple flowercrown in your display picture unhappy ,i
still cant unhappy ,well that's terrible unhappy ,Sorry piss off /3 unhappy ,I woke
up at 4:17, I'm a joke unhappy ,So right! Sir Rob loves to torture us unhappy ,My
salary reminds me of the weekends, I always know when it come but have no fucking
clue how it goes unhappy ,i feel so sick today unhappy ,I wish but I can't sad
,its my birthday tomorrow baby unhappy ,I'm slow unhappy ,Super unhappy ,trashing
others and having a possee behind you boosts your ego, but not your career. unhappy
,I just finished gym, had chopsuey before that unhappy laughing my ass off humble
feeds are always the bomb!,Still not possible! unhappy ,whaaaaaaaat!!! You and
unhappy ,You had loads of toys. All I had was a Sweep hand puppet AND the bastard
lost its squeak! unhappy ,this is damn.... theres people who sincerely want to
attend BH birthday party but bcs of those people who try for fun make them ca,I
should do aegyo because I lost unhappy ,Also please send prayers and sympathy
because my favorite ball dress doesn't fit my boobs crying ,I miss snsd. I miss my
girls unhappy ,Being a parent is very challenging. If we cannot control ourselves
we'll give the worst output to the children In other word, Ngomel crying ,Jonny you
and your poor legs make me so sad unhappy hope you're okay,Hope he's ok, poor
mouse unhappy ,no its okay she survived : ,Yeah! My sight reading was pretty good
in high school, but I'm a bit rusty now! unhappy ,Me to self: don't buy that.Also
me: but I'm a furry unhappy ,this is damn.... theres people who sincerely want to
attend BH birthday party but bcs of those people who try for fun make them ca,i
love youu so much unhappy thank you, and
have fun ,this is damn.... theres people who sincerely want to attend BH birthday
party but bcs of those people who try for fun make them ca,so upsetting the abuse
these kids get unhappy 3 ,Oo crying // Happy3YearsBraceUnited,exactly same in
was thinking.. unhappy ,I'm scared unhappy I mean. Why the heck did I decide to
do laundry at 7:30 pm? What is wrong with me. Did I mention how dark it is.
FML,Sunnyside as well unhappy ,y'all want me to choke what'd I do? unhappy (
,They have a whole Japan tour ahead of them.. One that will be quite brutal on
their already tired bodies. Boys unhappy , ahhh I'd be well chuffed, didn't even
get an easter egg this year! unhappy xx,Can someone buy me a tasbih pls? I don't
have one unhappy ,clay and hannah - they were so in love they deserved to be
endgame unhappy ,please talk to me about nct instant message lonely i need to
fangirl once in a while okay crying ,this is so sad what the fuck unhappy ,Please
follow me . I have been trying to get your follow for a long time unhappy . ,I
really enjoyed horrizion zero dawn but no idea what to play next unhappy ,this is
damn.... theres people who sincerely want to attend BH birthday party but bcs of
those people who try for fun make them ca,No more good conversations here
unhappy ,Annoyingly the spaces in the variable width version of the C64 font that's
available on the internet are wi ,i don't like their songs after debyout younhappy
so i can syouggest yoyou jyoust one song i really love, it's Adore you ,Jackson
unhappy then Youngjae silence aww,trop retard sad ,i'd rather be sailor uranus
but chibiusa but if thats everyone says i am unhappy rip,And you're right about
McConnell as well. Unfortunately, we seem to have sold our government some time
ago. unhappy ,I wish my dogs knew how much I hyped them up on snap chat unhappy
,some people you intensionly they don%27t even they please someone unhappy ,Very
sad unhappy ,this is damn.... theres people who sincerely want to attend BH
birthday party but bcs of those people who try for fun make them ca,The most
painful goodbyes are the onesthat are never said and never explained crying
unhappy :/,I miss BMF sad ,you're got to disappear half way too? unhappy
everybody want to being lazy eue,+I have no choice but to cancel it. unhappy ,Oh
sadly i wont watch her right now they're forbid me to see her unhappy ,Koalas are
dying of thirst and it's all because of us unhappy ,R.I.P cellphone unhappy ,and
on the pic? unhappy ,yeah unhappy ,don't miss you anymore unhappy ,okay what TF is
this colorful starbucks thing all over social media unhappy ,this is damn....
theres people who sincerely want to attend BH birthday party but bcs of those
people who try for fun make them ca,Well that's not good unhappy ,Oh boo, mine
isn't in my inbox unhappy ,Didn't keep it unhappy ,I only just absorbed that I'm
not going to get to laugh when he gets 2000 votes. unhappy ,Hi Ishwar! That's not
the experience we want you to have unhappy We will call you for more details and
sort it out! - Roshan,We All Know unhappy ,I'll be as strong as I can but it's
hard unhappy xxx,I lost two streaks and it's from my two favorite people silence
unhappy good night,I can relate to this so so much unhappy ,Joy we should get him
back ,I can't do it all on my own. (See what I did there? ) ,and they'll brush it
off lng telling others not applicable not applicableg-iinot applicablerte lng sila
and that other had it worse than them. unhappy ,usually a speedboat behind any we
get here on the river unhappy ,Omg I see why you don't drink alcohol Haha so glad
your having fun all you guys ! Wish I ,This happens ALL the time! unhappy ,0
motivation to study unhappy ,happy birthday sweet sweet girl! i hope you have the
best day ever! love and miss you so much unhappy ,NMD R2's so ugly unhappy ,my
honey unhappy ,philippines? unhappy ,I want to but I wouldn't be able to get time
off for it and don't know people in my year to go with unhappy ,unhappy
friendzone. damn sad,I cried so much, I was a mess. I went to bed feeling numb it
was awful unhappy , [PLEASE RT] he'll buy me a blinking taehyung headband, if i get
900 retweets and 900 likes. help me :(un,the email I was hoping I'd get today,
didn't arrive unhappy here's hoping tomorrow it does,Haha mate its all good I love
a debte I just wished the center ,wowwow these are all so cute unhappy i wantt
,That sucks unhappy ,instant message getting sad unhappy ,wow unhappy people are
so mean ,this is damn.... theres people who sincerely want to attend BH birthday
party but bcs of those people who try for fun make them ca,talking to my over
driver about where I'm goinghe said he'd love to go to New York too but since Trump
it's probably not,I love them with all my hort unhappy ,Golly gosh. This is simply
dreadful What havoc must be wreaking subsurface? Black salve won't ,Autograph book
at the ready, no sign of Garry Barlow yet sad ,Thank you roshhh i miss you and
everyone too. love youuu more ,please meeeee you have followed me for almost to
years now unhappy ,what happened unhappy ,True! Khilado kuch unhappy ,realized i
havent eaten rice maghapon because i finished 3 packs of spicy seafood noodles + to
extra big chilimansi :(acid attack right now,Post-show blues are hitting hard.
unhappy ,all ready for its poster - when my computer gets,good morning unhappy ,Wht
sort of thing (can't use word person for it)can cause such suffering to ths sad ,i
want to kiss his nose and tell him i love him sad ,i stayed 3 hours on the phone
with aD my bubbyyyyyyy i miss her unhappy ,No girl unhappy that's why. Wa ropiwa
1. Sandton is unnecessarily expensive2. Try salons in Braam.,I was actually looking
forward to seeing if your theory around his personal vote was correct unhappy ,Who
to bring to MB man unhappy ,I am sad to report that the robins egg my mom found in
the yard after a storm has been taken off life support. Poor thing is too frozen
unhappy ,Her back unhappy ,slight buzy kasi besh unhappy ,When you're late to
work because you had to break the news to the lovely lady who cleans the house...
crying together unhappy ,They stopped having them when they got rid of the toy
surprises at the bottom unhappy ,tell me unhappy why,i cant find my striped shirt
unhappy so instant message wearing the one that says what is your favorite thing?
with lucas in the middle,Guys please help me retweet unhappy ,there's always shit
like this. there's always people who are less deserving getting tickets, and
winning giveaways etc unhappy ,truuuu!! si grim reaper and sunny huhu grabe love
story nila unhappy ,I caught a cold. unhappy It seems I've got tired than I
expected....,Shameful, shameful business :(Stop paying giant corporations for foods
you just don't need.... wake up people plea ,I miss my baby unhappy ,HOLY SHIT! 40
pages script of the opening scene of Man Of Steel on Krypton got compressed.I wish
I could at least,Late nights ,I face swapped a cat with a dog and it's really
upsetting unhappy ,failed unhappy .g hehe,I miss my boo so much unhappy ,I need a
car unhappy but no car unhappy poor me unhappy ,I wish i could attend it too
unhappy ,ikr. I would have trauma if i ware him unhappy ,4/20 today, but it wasn't
lit at all unhappy ,why is life so unfair? unhappy ,The biblical lectures are
coming. More notification soon. Tomorrow, in fact. ,I'm so glad I don't care what
people think anymore but I wish I still looked my best everyday like I used too sad
I just pick,MUZ U MORE, SURE NO PROB. ILABYU TOO ,Such a lucky slave i wish this
was me unhappy ,instant message still hoping unhappy ,fuck unhappy ,i tak ambik
wedding package cause i is poor unhappy i ambik aromaterapi massage je hajxjsjsj.
Hehe see uuuu jwa ,Koalas are dying of thirst and it's all because of us
unhappy ,unhappy let's fight all those kids ,it's not cassandra cain. unhappy
not sure i want to watch batbuffy. batwoman would have been more interesting. ,Half
of the time it doesn't load, the other half of the time it crashes unhappy It's
embarassing when I' ,right i don%27t see how people can just do shit like this ,i
miss hoseok unhappy ,Left few months in HinHua ler unhappy I need to gambateh
wink ,A fish killer going to be pressed younhappy I the hoe of today you were a
GOOD person ,She loved Beth so much unhappy ,prince baekhyun.....throw me into the
dungeon please i don't deserve to see your beautiful face unhappy ,They are family.
It's awful when they go. Sorry to hear. unhappy ,I face swapped a cat with a dog
and it's really upsetting unhappy ,my honey unhappy ,We all do unhappy Pizza in
Taiwan! Its like a swift, flavorful dream ,Can't :(Tello,Swear I just walked past
haha, didn't get a chance to say hi unhappy ,I miss quacktopia! unhappy ,are dying
of thirst and it's all because of us unhappy ,Goodnight I love these beautiful
boys unhappy ,Why no available in the U.K.? unhappy ,Ailes sure knew how to make a
great network! Fox is going downhill wi ,penge damit unhappy ,I'm sorry unhappy
,Koalas are dying of thirst and it's all because of us unhappy ,i'm hungry
unhappy ,Finals are next week unhappy wish me luck x,I miss Temperance Brennan and
Seeley Booth so much unhappy ,I miss quacktopia! unhappy ,I said D2 largely because
SD D2 doesn't run on newer versions of Mac OS and I miss playing it unhappy HD
woul ,follow mee plss unhappy ,talking to my over driver about where I'm goinghe
said he'd love to go to New York too but since Trump it's probably not,Babye old
twitter unhappy ,congratyoulations Harry!!!!! Been with you since fifa 13!!!! Miss
yoyour younboxing videos unhappy ,can't wait to see you in that film Karl! I wished
you would be here were I'm bu,Cram reading unhappy ,I'm job searching and got none
so:(ButHedonism i got in abundance,it's only been a few days
since their promotion ended but i'm already missing her so much unhappy ,Hello I
am getting cyber bullied by do something about it unhappy ,Call center nice game
4/20 unhappy ,BES RIP ,Follow me too unhappy ,I'll be attending cosmic latte on
saturday and i'll give these out to selu shippers KASI SELU MONTH QAQO unhappy
,baby unhappy ,I only just absorbed that I'm not going to get to laugh when he
gets 2000 votes. unhappy ,friendly fire to wings tour unhappy ,my back hurts
sad ,Typed up all the medical shorthand abbreviation we use for work, and the dame
computer decides to crash unhappy now I... ,excuse me i don%27t see my nama
unhappy ,this is damn.... theres people who sincerely want to attend BH birthday
party but bcs of those people who try for fun make them ca,That's shocking and evil
unhappy ,Zac farro is back By the way hehehe So sad Jeremy is not unhappy ,Maa ki
kuss tumhari. Now take this bullshit you loser. ,I thought mountain dew in
Australia had no caffeine and it was the little energy drink cans were caffeinated
I will never sleep again unhappy ,i hope this little beaand is andot overworkiandg
himself and gettiandg at least some rest unhappy ,base unver ajalah MINAHAES
unhappy ,this is damn.... theres people who sincerely want to attend BH birthday
party but bcs of those people who try for fun make them ca,has someone contacted
jelpi about the issue rn? unhappy ,arisun at town hall has pretty terrible service
and rude staff. we only went there because ICG's fryer was broken unhappy ,this is
damn.... theres people who sincerely want to attend BH birthday party but bcs of
those people who try for fun make them ca,Powerpoint'te mi hazirladiniz post'u
unhappy ,Yeah! My sight reading was pretty good in high school, but I'm a bit rusty
now! unhappy ,only pure evil people unhappy ,poor baby unhappy I hate people
,what a great thing to be sad about unhappy ,so my hair iand suandlight versus ando
light but I waandt to chaandge it and I duandando if I waandt to go darker or
bloandder sad please help (po ,Hi Ashish! We tried to call your number but got no
response unhappy Please share another suitable time and an alternate.. cont1,Kante
why do broke girls love exposing broke niggars so much? Where's the team spirit?
unhappy ,But i want unhappy that looks so yummy hehehe.,Don't think I'm pretty
enough unhappy ,Koalas are dying of thirst and it's all because of us unhappy
,did some warm up sketches of some of my faves, i was going to add bazza, but i
can't,i just want to wish marissa a happy birthday but she keeps ignoring me sad
,what's wrong with you why don't you like animals unhappy ,Someone build house on
(4) i cant do it unhappy cant believe this hasn't already been done????,tulips are
my favorite unhappy ,Omg I'm sad to say that I actually don't remember this!
unhappy when did this happen??,crying We're getting VM soon wooo,unhappy my 4c
struggle is not valid?,77 ? Old Leyland, love it unhappy ,only pure evil people
unhappy ,sounds family ,this is jimin to yoongi unhappy ,Chin up Leo crying
,slight buzy kasi besh unhappy ,Rip tes 100k experience crying ,please reading
this breaks my heart unhappy ,mager unhappy ,penge damit unhappy ,this is jimin to
yoongi unhappy ,Bapak Tom Cruise. ,I only just absorbed that I'm not going to get
to laugh when he gets 2000 votes. unhappy ,I just watched this kid from produce
101 who performed Chewing Gum omoo poor kid bless his soul unhappy ,Definitely my
arms unhappy ,My moms leaving today to go out of town and I already miss her
unhappy ,I can't do it all on my own. (See what I did there? ) ,When your online
crush comes to the meet-up without their Snapchat filter unhappy ,and i would
never forget about you!! ,fuckin' headache everyday unhappy ,Jyoust hyoug me, hyoug
me longer than 10 secs. Hyoug me even when i don%27t want you to unhappy ,the
saddest part of my day everyday is when ryan has to leave at 5:30 am unhappy ,What
did he say I'm at work unhappy totally made my day though,jimin doesnt follow me
I'VE BEEN WAITING THE DM FOR A LONG TIME unhappy ,need moodbooster juseyo
unhappy ,i miss you too unhappy ,Wth why did 4/20 have to happen during the Easter
holidays it's one of the best days in Leeds unhappy ,hakyeon turns 27 soon oh my
god no he's still a baby unhappy ,It's gray outside today unhappy ,I ordered car
yesterday, dealer said loads of cars were returning due to disabled losing them sad
,Gotta keep trying before i have to quit to work unhappy pick me please! give
,Definitely my arms unhappy ,I literally couldn't see a thing when they were at
the back of the stage, the girl in front of me was ,Definitely my arms unhappy
,getting up this morning was a hassle unhappy ,My mom knows the struggle of this
drystreak I'm on unhappy ,Haven't played FM in a long time. I really should.
unhappy ,Someone messed up unhappy Available**,I miss my baby unhappy ,Yesterday's
faci so cute! But he 30+ :(Today's faci is old eeyer,yes jenniessi? ,SO PRECIOUS I
REALLY MISS HIM unhappy ,Louis_Tomlinson follow me please? unhappy ,I WAITED FOR
U unhappy ,That makes me sad. unhappy I wasn't friends with her like you, but I
liked seeing her posts and love her wri ,I WAITED FOR YOU unhappy ,U4v9rr I wish I
had noted the gentleman's name unhappy but if you find out who he is, please do
commend him. H ,I do it for 5/6 times a week leh sad and yes closing is damn fuck
opening so much better,no one is selling vhope banners what? sad ,All my irls are
coming at me because I meet the boys too much and I don't deserve any of it unhappy
,you might set the whole place on fire. ,i'll try sad and yes i am unhappy
,Goodmorning!! My Parents are taking kids for lunch today- they are off school-
Report Card! I'm wor ,yeah sad ,Streaming later in the day (night stream) since i
have to go and take care of the internet contract, sorry guys unhappy ,True unhappy
,help me too unhappy as an early birthday gift huhu,Definitely my arms unhappy
,Just please look at how scared and full of tence lauren's face is after tryin
reaching camila's hand, baby unhappy (bett,aww eunji didnt see win today sad but
congratulations to winner !!!!,You can have mine and I'll take the iPhone. I'm
switching back when my contract is up... in a year and a half unhappy ,i know.. i
really want his ranks to rise a lot during tmr's episode but seeing how many tweet
about him.. unhappy , Hitches Ride For Final unhappy ,White genocide is not a
thing. Its figment of your imagination. Youre a victim of nothing but
disinformation. ,one direction (band) whats going on unhappy ,Too bad i can't
watch it unhappy that cake is cute and looks delicious,Definitely my arms unhappy
,give me my own AHN MINHYUK juseyoooo unhappy ,sorry unhappy i just need sex for
the time being,Definitely my arms unhappy ,wants to say HI to you.,this is jimin
to yoongi unhappy ,It seems they cost abut 40k a year? I'm paying half that for my
full education and don't get treat ,Definitely my arms unhappy ,come to Miami sad
,TW: S AssaultActually horrified how many friends of mine women I talk to have been
sexually assaulted in past. Just found out another unhappy ,my heart unhappy ,soph
please don%27t win again unhappy jk.. good luck i think you will draw a good
poster,sad I don't, unfortunately,i really feel for that lamp unhappy ,sadly I'm
not unhappy ,last kiss unhappy ,WHY ARE YOU WHIMPER AT ME? ,this is damn....
theres people who sincerely want to attend BH birthday party but bcs of those
people who try for fun make them ca,Been streaminuteg for 45 minute not
understanding a thing and still.. unhappy ,Why is it so difficult for me to get at
least a chance unhappy ,for some reason unlinks from spotify and i miss
like a month of scrobbles before i notice unhappy ,only take season 9 off
,Definitely my arms unhappy ,Definitely my arms unhappy ,All of the park areas in
Paris are marked as green on Google maps, but in reality they're just patches of
dusty dirt unhappy ,ill be at work just a second come on unhappy ,and he's still
taking over a quarter of the billboard charts while x is,this is damn.... theres
people who sincerely want to attend BH birthday party but bcs of those people who
try for fun make them ca,Guys please help I tried to smoke some lettuce earlier but
now my salad is ruined unhappy ,CAN SOMEONE PLS GIFT ME XAYAH USING PI PLSSSS?
unhappy ,instant message still bored unhappy ,this is jimin to yoongi unhappy ,My
heart hurts. sad I hate people ,can just see the edge creeping in unhappy ,Its
not organicthey'll shoehorn it inbut plot character developmentMCU netflix has
lesWhat support ,I suddenly miss you ate unhappy ,Biggest problem for paper books
is storage unhappy ,i havent been this early to school since last semester
unhappy ,Pierces like a bitch unhappy ,I think that's one of the hottest part of
your body ,wow this is amazing but i won't be in the country unhappy ,Definitely
my arms unhappy ,i want harry's phonecase sad ,Work at 7 this morning unhappy
,jungkook looks like he gives the biggest and warmest hugs unhappy ,Ah Baba no
idea tori olorun. May I never be a victim of such case ,PSA: REMEMBER THIS WHEN YOU
ASK ARTISTS TO DRAW FOR YOU. I'd say the same thing for writers but apparently
commissi ,I want to give him everything that makes him happy just to see this smile
unhappy ,I miss Jamie boy and we're both sick unhappy ,what if the one direction
(band) itself is the one who's giving up? unhappy ,damn ify ate unhappy ,Whaaattt
,don't rt to save a guy's life ,Nooo your hair color is pretty ,Koalas are dying of
thirst and it's all because of us unhappy ,Definitely my arms unhappy ,where's
justin i miss him unhappy ,Someone should bring me breakfast to work unhappy ,Thats
grim unhappy ,oh
noooo baby unhappy ,I'm so tired unhappy ,I miss you Levi unhappy ,i left my
headphones at home unhappy kms,I wish I was meeting OA again unhappy ,A year ago
today is the last time Sakho played for us unhappy ,they would have sustained their
fame if they did unhappy ,I miss him unhappy ,ich will ned unhappy ,When your
online crush comes to the meet-up without their Snapchat filter unhappy ,This is
by far my worst day of 2017 since January 8th unhappy crying crying .,Note to
self: Dont get to attached crying ,Mine hasn't been sending stuff unhappy
,Definitely my arms unhappy ,Roc Boyz sad ,i love you but I can%27t be arsed i
don%27t know why people keep saying it unhappy ,No Celtics or Bruins today unhappy
At least Sale is pitching for the Sox,I honestly think that their just trying to
get rid of me and make a mockery out of me in my Town because i just wont admit it.
unhappy ,Nooo your hair color is pretty ,Aseek ,Bantay? unhappy ,Trying to get in
touch with but their numbers appear to be down! unhappy ,Need your help guys crying
,A fish killer going to be pressed younhappy I the hoe of today you were a GOOD
person ,I need lessons to learn how to start conversations with people and keep
chatting with them unhappy , Who hacked me unhappy ,Damn you both, I won't be on
till later! unhappy ,Lets hope a VIP does this good deed. I want to watch this
too . They shouldn't have done thi ,sometimes at night i feel scared and vulnerable
crying ,If you really want to dye it don't go lighter ,how come i didn't get a
reminder email this month unhappy ,wowwow these are all so cute unhappy i wantt ,
[PLEASE RT] he'll buy me a blinking taehyung headband, if i get 900 retweets and
900 likes. help me :(un,younhappy I'll keep it jyoust for you,Damn it isn't
available here unhappy ,it's $10 but also free postage. i wish the seller had
yanan and yeo one too. unhappy ,Don kray denial of normal bi say ,Same unhappy
I've unfollowed so many people ugh, it's such a negative pit of unhappiness,its
ending soon aah unhappy ,Definitely my arms unhappy ,this is damn.... theres
people who sincerely want to attend BH birthday party but bcs of those people who
try for fun make them ca,Faltan Russel why Noodle unhappy ,yeah i am unhappy
thank you so much my angel ,i miss jihoon sad ,We lost: at Jacksonville, 2010 Week
11, 24-20 unhappy ,i hope this little beaand is andot overworkiandg himself and
gettiandg at least some rest unhappy ,Guess who's not getting a unicorn
frappuccino because they're sold out unhappy ,what if the one direction (band)
itself is the one who's giving up? unhappy ,come back callie gabbie d ghost
unhappy i love you both,unhappy oh man..,it kind of feels like a sunburight now
right now sad someone please make the nobby things on glasses not slip,Guess who's
not getting a unicorn frappuccino because they're sold out unhappy ,Would really
like it if the coandsole versioands and got the update to makr it like the Steam
versioand. =(,Hi! We tried to call your number but got no response unhappy Please
share another suitable time and an alternate number.. cont1,Sooooo feels like a
Friday today unhappy ,Definitely my arms unhappy ,I miss talking to yoyoyou who
are yoyou younhappy yoyou can always still talk to me ,This picture makes me sad
unhappy ,why can't dogs just live forever unhappy ,I understand that look sad ,my
boyfriend mad cute unhappy ,i miss minmin crying ,good morning i had a nightmare
and i'm still wondering why maddie hates me. this is only the beginning of the day
unhappy ,pake unhappy ,I miss London already unhappy ,jyoustinbieber can you please
follow me on daianeryoufato i've been trying for too long unhappy i love you so
much baby! xx (April 20, 2017 at 08:45AM),Deep scratch ;_;All the paint is gone
you see the bare metal. So it needs to be fixed to avoid getting a rusting car soon
unhappy ,when will you go here in batangas? sad ,I miss you more unhappy ,I only
just absorbed that I'm not going to get to laugh when he gets 2000 votes.
unhappy ,this wasnt meant to sound ano sad ,this is damn.... theres people who
sincerely want to attend BH birthday party but bcs of those people who try for fun
make them ca,One year ago today unhappy ,this song will always be one of my faves
unhappy ,talking to my over driver about where I'm goinghe said he'd love to go to
New York too but since Trump it's probably not,fuck get me followers unhappy my
ratio is amazing,mom please stop making cookies, they're like 90 calories per piece
unhappy ,I miss the 7/27 costumes unhappy ,why did she delete the tweet, now I
need a different pinned tweet unhappy ,[thinks about how tfp soundwave is forever
trapped in the void realm] unhappy ,You deserve better . Hope you'll be okay
unhappy ,mane has been amazing unhappy ,Dammit the effect of the linearts doesn't
show so nicely on twitter unhappy ,but like HOW LONG IS A WHILE?! i didn't want him
to be back but he puts me in such a good mood so i don't want him ,we can get pork
katsudon at Tokyo Diner! Tho it doesn't have egg in it unhappy ,before anyone else
we ass hole unhappy ,the anniversary of josh's death unhappy ,so sorry I havent
been checking my tweets unhappy We are all here for you!,Aww unhappy I'm on
Coeurl,Oh no unhappy ,I liked a video ,my puppies deserves all better unhappy ,My
husband has a family history with the mafia too but he doesn't know the stories sad
,WTF Canada 2017 and you are still in the 1700s. I Will Never support, buy or do
anything that supports Canada until,suuuuuuuuss scared crying ,One table last night
told me I look like a graceful ballerina gliding through tables- then another told
me I looked like a flash dancer unhappy ,seem I want to drop this account to
wuhyungwon unhappy ,Don't ask. Two special issues lined up. unhappy ,you got to
rest, man. : ( ,Does anyone have a 7 adapter or 7 earbuds i can borrow for the day?
Left mine in my car unhappy ,I'm staying here in SA unhappy ,Preacher...... unhappy
,Umma why you do this crying ,I miss it already unhappy ,Well thanks for stoping by
unhappy ,Why? You don't like blonde hair? unhappy ,3. That's a lot cheaper and
easier than make your own. My schematic needs special cables that doesn't come
easy. unhappy ,Pozuelo (formerly of Swans) and Suso (Liverpool now AC), both look
so so good at there current clubs. Shame they never cut it in the PL unhappy
,Gorbachev done w/o fear. Thought bold enough to implement his vision on Damp
Squib unhappy ,WUUT SERIOUSLY? ,Who got to pen today man crying ,As if this process
hasn't been frustrating enough, it's just got 3 years longer unhappy ,Roc Boyz
sad ,Ravel Morrison unhappy ,That is super scary unhappy ,Same. unhappy I got a
12h stream coming up for my Bday in 8 hours. And I'm still not sleeping. ,talking
to my over driver about where I'm goinghe said he'd love to go to New York too but
since Trump it's probably not,Ps4 mate, got to aksis 2nd part and have a CP for him
but have never completed it since return on investment dropped laughing out loud
unhappy ,we left it all unspoken, we buried it alive and now it's screaming in my
head crying ,DONT LAUGH unhappy MEANIE BASE ,Sorry I didn't make it to the book
drive yesterday couldn't get outta work unhappy ,yoongi come back unhappy ,NOOOO in
here is 6.45 ;_; I have classes at that time unhappy ,YG should have sent them to
MCD. I want to see them holding the trophy unhappy anyways ,Call Duration: Before
sex: 01:47:36 After sex: 00:00:19 crying ,this is jimin to yoongi unhappy ,I'm all
fucked up right now unhappy ,Definitely my arms unhappy ,Last day of the camp
tomorrow, it's been so much fun and I absolutely love the kids!! Don't want it to
be over so soon unhappy ,Koalas are dying of thirst and it's all because of us
unhappy ,Think it would drive me mad once the synths and other robots turned up.
unhappy ,now i don%27t want to go camp unhappy ,can I only pick one unhappy ,But
I'm lonely. unhappy ,Hi! We tried to call your number but got no response unhappy
Please share another suitable time and an alternate number for.. cont1,Miss my
friends unhappy ,The one on the left? I couldn't see it unhappy ,not
applicablengarag not applicable this unhappy ill find more wonu pictures soon
alxmdkcsnx ,please answer request. unhappy ,Koalas are dying of thirst and it's
all because of us unhappy ,most painful thing ever is having feelings for someone
you can't be with .. unhappy ,No one is offering this poor old lady a seat
unhappy ,lexxxxxy unhappy youre too nice to me instant message really not eek
,Why am I better at pen then pencil?dafaqcomonI just want to be a good drawer
unhappy ,mayes unhappy .g,Thanks for that! Little things like that really help
when sleep starts hitting and you don't drink coffee or energy drinks unhappy ,i
miss them already unhappy ,Definitely my arms unhappy ,oh my god what the heck
i'm so sorry! this was one of my favorites as well unhappy ,Scout photobombed my
bluebells photo sad ,Crap. Hailie won't be there. She has a school game and won't
make it to Middleburg in time unhappy ,Still NO sign - it's a very small area
( Gardens ) and it would be very obvious sad quite a few eyes now , but no
sign.,My knee is similar colour to leny Henry's unhappy ,Okey unhappy ,In so much
pain. My eye hurts unhappy ,Don't be buffalo unhappy ,It's hard to imagine anyone
but Robin unhappy but still exciting nonetheless,at least it's not 80 cad like
here unhappy (90 cad with Quebec taxes),Ye... I will miss you unhappy ,22 is old
unhappy ,Rl? Serius? ,I feel so awful today unhappy I don't want to go to my
internship,So I may be one of those workers who are not properly compensated
unhappy ,i love when people or message me w long messages about how beautiful they
find joon like unhappy yes i agree keep going,today hasn't been great unhappy
,Used up a month's worth
at Laugharne Weekend sad (no wi-fi in small Carmarthenshire towns, let alone for
free!),Today is 4-20 which is Hitler's birthday unhappy ,jungkook looks like he
gives the biggest and warmest hugs unhappy ,Youngjae looked so sad in the video
unhappy ,babies unhappy ,I'll check that out... I was excited about the backup
singers but they were way too backup unhappy ,First round exit in 15 minutes
followed by 45 of tech crying unhappy ,my puppies deserves all better unhappy
,resolve is sooo slow on my laptop, i don't think i'll be ever to edit long videos
here unhappy i'll go try another editing software ,I hate throwing up unhappy ,As
Nani in lies unconscious, never mind Khushi, I know I'm not ready to say goodbye
unhappy So, w,:^) hello ,He's not beating the two favourites here anyway so I'll
stop caring about this match, sob. unhappy ,I feel like the 'only environments
disable people' argument actually excludes many disabled people ,this is jimin to
yoongi unhappy ,Baaaper unhappy ,Roc Boyz sad ,Roc Boyz sad ,So, last night I
had a dream in which I moved to Japan and just so happened to see you! You denied
my friendlies request. unhappy ,SO PRECIOUS I REALLY MISS HIM unhappy ,Oh no
unhappy what are you like?! Is it still in shops?,aando uandhappy i googled it
the other day to read the meandu agaiand and it said it was a hoax,Thank you
unhappy i need a certificate signed from God,Hi Mahima! We share your concern
unhappy Please DM us your contact details so that we can get in touch for a
detailed.. cont1,talking about tattoos just makes me want my bb8 tattoo more and
more but i'm so broke it makes me unhappy ,Never want to finish desperate
housewives what will I do with my life unhappy ,Not surprised that I have the least
amount of followers out of the whole cast sad LOL,Dear attendees, I'm very jealous
of you all unhappy Please go see 18:40 - Green Room on Sat! ,talking to my over
driver about where I'm goinghe said he'd love to go to New York too but since Trump
it's probably not,Ok will do! I never had any problems with the old ticket app, the
new one just seems a bit unstable unhappy ,We'd love to, but customs mean we can't
send food abroad unhappy We do hope your other Birthday dreams come true,,freebet
any sport except total mkets on handball, basketball etc theyre all
restrict.Threw ,ikr!! unhappy oki welcome sam ,Speech-to-text doesnt understand my
accent or Irish names unhappy ,this is jimin to yoongi unhappy ,there are some
rumors going around and videos of his performances on youtube have already been
deleted.. ,I've Just Wrote 30 Tweets About But Still Didn't Notice Me crying ,this
is damn.... theres people who sincerely want to attend BH birthday party but bcs of
those people who try for fun make them ca,but why? unhappy ,Definitely my arms
unhappy ,you don't post much lately? school unhappy ,U GUYS ARE NOT NOTICING ME
unhappy ,Koalas are dying of thirst and it's all because of us unhappy ,Sorry for
being tired on stream. Will get some sleep and try be more fun tomorrow. Just
wasn't feeling it tonight guys. Not,just now I saw. But you did not reply
unhappy ,how to be you piss off crying 3,My boo))): ,how about me bes jup
unhappy ,Andy unhappy ,Lage unhappy ,I have to wake up at 4:30 tomorrow so my
body's gotten a head start by waking up at 4:30 every day this week unhappy ,wish i
had someone to cuddle me right now unhappy ,Hi Julie, I'm so sorry to see your
tweet unhappy Please could you DM your address details? I will look i ,I'm trying
to stay positive but I can't help be jealous of princess Mia's life. All she does
is cuddle and eat unhappy ,Russell my phone is just 10% is there a possibility or a
chance that you would notice me? unhappy ,Am away next Thursday unhappy the one
after!,Peacefully sitting here reading my book after work, watchman comes and
threatens me, assumes Im outsider because of my ,oh shiiiiid noooooor unhappy ,Oh
well never liked Clay anyway unhappy ,unhappy :/ unhappy feeling sick,Okay lang
friend promise meant to be broken =( HAHAHAHA,do you even care at all unhappy ,One
year ago today unhappy ,I MISSED YOU A WHOLE LOT unhappy ,I know how you feel, my
views have gone done by about 100 monthly unhappy ,mane has been amazing unhappy
,senior snaps are starting to get so senti aw unhappy ,instant message still hoping
unhappy ,this is damn.... theres people who sincerely want to attend BH birthday
party but bcs of those people who try for fun make them ca,unhappy sure,One of my
faves too unhappy I'm tying to get it up on Vimeo so you guys can still watch it
x,dang guess my plans are ruined unhappy ,Koalas are dying of thirst and it's all
because of us unhappy ,unhappy But if there'll be 1 Silver-that'd be him!,red
velvet too unhappy ,my puppies deserves all better unhappy ,Che no critiques.
unhappy ,Feeling so shit today unhappy ,beauty ,I face swapped a cat with a dog and
it's really upsetting unhappy ,Miss the rain unhappy ,this is jimin to yoongi
unhappy ,I'm just really soft spoken unhappy ,PLAYMFS: need moodbooster juseyo
unhappy jily_jelly,Koalas are dying of thirst and it's all because of us unhappy
,pake 3 unhappy ,SO PRECIOUS I REALLY MISS HIM unhappy ,Bells gone to daddies for
to days. Work work work for me unhappy ,damn that's unfortunate for them
unhappy ,Well that's my weekend viewing plans changed! unhappy ,this is damn....
theres people who sincerely want to attend BH birthday party but bcs of those
people who try for fun make them ca,I only just absorbed that I'm not going to get
to laugh when he gets 2000 votes. unhappy ,When i got doubts about my summer
happiness. Why zcc? unhappy ,Mmmmm I guess your not getting much acting work these
days? You have too much time on your hands unhappy ,I wish I could say the gangs
all here but Daniel's not in this picture. unhappy Rantoul Twp High ,Oh no Andy
unhappy ,This is what we have in front of us.,talking to my over driver about where
I'm goinghe said he'd love to go to New York too but since Trump it's probably
not,I'm sooooo sleepy unhappy ,Must Feel Like Shit When Men Can Stare Down The
Barrel Of A Bong As They Spend Their Kid's Milk Money unhappy ,Alright. Looks like
back to chores behind the scenes. My page hits drop to 1K daily when I don't visit
and post. unhappy ,Hi! We tried to call your number but got no response unhappy
Please share another suitable time and an alternate number for us to.. cont1,Long
time no chat sad ,Its not organicthey'll shoehorn it inbut plot character
developmentMCU netflix has lesWhat support ,miss you unhappy ,Koalas are dying of
thirst and it's all because of us unhappy ,When will 2NE1 reunite unhappy ,Bring
back the ginger curls =(,talking to my over driver about where I'm goinghe said
he'd love to go to New York too but since Trump it's probably not, 3 3 3 please
unhappy ,and he gave me his pass so like i think a while is never unhappy ,I work
so much better there unhappy , Hi Tharakaram! That's not the experience we want you
to have unhappy Please DM us your numbers so that we can get this.. cont1,This is
so damn touching. unhappy ,my puppies deserves all better unhappy ,I want to be
cuddled up having someone do that little back trace thing to put me to sleep
unhappy ,You mean your voice changed? unhappy ,those nights you're sad in real life
and cant sleep unhappy ,ohh normally I feel sick when I drink like 3-4 cups of
coffee , maybe coffee is not for you unhappy ,I miss you crying ,honestly college
makes me want to curl up into a ball and cry for 3 days straight unhappy ,Huhu so
lucky unhappy ,Weare are u? unhappy ,Im just having one of those days where
instant message like, Damn... this just Sucks! unhappy ,I've tried resetting
everything, still strict, if I can't fix it soon I'll have to delay them until
tomorrow unhappy ,You know what really upsets me? When a stranger on the internet
isn't satisfied with the entertainment I provide him for,Hi! We tried to call your
number but got no response unhappy Please share another suitable time and an
alternate number.. cont1,i want to meet you both so bad unhappy ,me want please
unhappy ,In memoriam of Alea Starbridge unhappy Your beautiful voice will never be
forgotten. ,hawhaw crying ,What dat? unhappy ,please read unhappy ,I miss him so
much unhappy ,Sorry. One bad egg has to embarrass the rest. unhappy ,I don't want
to adult today.. it's my birthday unhappy ,I miss Temperance Brennan and Seeley
Booth so much unhappy ,June 5 - June 16 unhappy ,[thinks about how tfp soundwave
is forever trapped in the void realm] unhappy ,get well really soon Jack unhappy ,
32- for the love of a daughter crying ,iiiiI WOULD LIKE A BOOOK ! fuck off
unhappy ,I'm so tired of pretending I'm not falling for you unhappy ,on the way,
although i'll be a little late sad ,More than just a picture unhappy ,WUT I
TOTALLY MISSED YOUR BDAY unhappy Happy belated Birthday sweetheart,I hope it was
great ,I love you waaaaay more baby unhappy you're the sweetest and most adorable
little angel, I'm so glad I have you ,Koalas are dying of thirst and it's all
because of us unhappy ,It's been a year haha unhappy ,guys this is really serious
and i hope you don%27t judge me unhappy ,shouldn't keep Kenyans complaining on ,.I
can't believe this hasn't been fixed yet, and I can't believe customer service just
goes ,aw younhappy i miss you too ,Aww I was trying to cheer you up unhappy
,FAMOUS sa facebook , but in reality ALONE and LONELY unhappy ,Sorry for no stream
yesterday, I have a cold unhappy we'll see how I feel today!,Wtf?! Where's the
What is this boring show that's on?! When did this happen?? This is what happens
when I close all week. unhappy ,Back at it again with the matemticas unhappy ,YG
should have sent them to MCD. I want to see them holding the trophy unhappy
anyways ,IM HUNGRY
unhappy ,I can't draw naked women crying ,Hi Ashish! We've an update regarding
your concern but your number was switched off unhappy Please share another
suitable time.. cont1,U blackmailed me unhappy ,why am i not in aus with alisha
unhappy imagine the things we could be doing,When Jongin asked each members
whether they have eaten and felt so wronged because they ate without him
unhappy ,instant message cramping sad ,I hate losing online friends unhappy it's
cruel when people deactivate unhappy ,Guys please help me retweet unhappy ,Pretty
much only the Twitters and it doesn't really work out for me sad ,the only
appropriate ones i have unhappy ,:'(( well, at least in my case it has not yet
completely broken tho, but how about yours? unhappy ,Nope unhappy ,I miss
Temperance Brennan and Seeley Booth so much unhappy ,don%27t be surprised if you
see me cry today, instant message in a lot of pain and the school doesnt allow my
to have my pain meds unhappy ,oh jeez. i didn't even try taking a crack at it
because i expected the build to be so bad, ha unhappy ,R.I.P Victoria Wood heaven
knows we're miserable now unhappy ,That was a FUN night! Sorry I missed last night
unhappy We really need to sync our calendars with and ,when will you notice me?
unhappy ,same unhappy , whats crazy is when i walked through them doors EVERY
ADMINISTRATION + HER WAS THERE THAT NIGHT. so why are her a,and yet if parents
invest in child's emotional education by taking child out of school on holiday
early that's un ,YG should have sent them to MCD. I want to see them holding the
trophy unhappy anyways ,i want more orientation unhappy ,unhappy they not ,YG
should have sent them to MCD. I want to see them holding the trophy unhappy
anyways ,wish knock out lang talaga for the new school year are good and
cooperative groupmates please unhappy ,i miss so much unhappy ,Same unhappy ,Hi
instant message your friend friend lang, hindi close friend? unhappy

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