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Tejaswini Pirani

100 words on the fiction character (movie/book/serial) that you identify with and
reasons for the same

I relate myself with a recent Netflix series character Kang Sae-byeok from Squid Games. The
reason why I relate myself with her is because of her attitude towards life. The attitude of never
falling down no matter how many huddles you got to face in life. A strong individual who is
always on her feet to not lose hope form her life, and provide the same to her brother. The
goodness of sticking together as a team player at the same time the willingness of letting go. A
strong independent woman who is not afraid to make her choices to create a better life for
herself and her family.

100 words on the first thoughts that came to your mind after seeing the short
film "Alike"

The short film Alike is one great example of the current human lifestyle. It very well depicts
how the society as well as the education system as a whole has fails to understand the
importance of creativity. It also represents that human society is creating machines for the
future with the help of the education system by blocking the out of the box concept and
prioritizing the concept of rote learning. There is a constant demotivation from the society and
family towards an individual who tries to choose a different path. However, the movie also
represents that happiness lies beyond the societal lines and begins with creativity.

Image / GIF link of favorite meme

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