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Interpersonal Speaking: Conversation Conversation 1. Understand the format You will be asked to participate in a conversation. You will read a brief introduction and an outline of the conversation. You will then have 20 seconds to record your pai in each conversational exchange. 2. Get ready to speak You will have 1 minute to preview the conversation. You will then haver * 5 opportunities to speak. You must respond to what the other person says. » 20 seconds pér response. You must fill the whole 20 seconds, 3.Read the Tema curricular and the Introduction Wake sure you have a cleat understanding of who talking and what the conversation will be about, * Underline of circle key words and jot down ideas to help.quide and focus your ‘thought process once the conversation begins. * Pay attention to cultural referencés and respond or comment as appropriate. 4. Preview the outline The outline will give you specific details about what your role in the conversation will be. As you réad the prompts, start to visualize the conversation, + Where and when isthe conversation taking place? * With whom are you speaking, and what is your retationship ta him or her? 5.Use prior knowledge Your prior knowledge of the topicand of any vocabulary associated with it will help you speak with greater fluidity and accuracy: 6. Determine the appropriate register The introductory text will provide the key to which register you should use. Make sure you understand the context of the conversation and with whom you will be talking. * A conversation with a teaches, an unknown adult, oran authority figure will require a mote formal register. * Aconversation with a friend, classmate, or someone your own ageallows fora more informal register. ty 24 Euies 2yBa) eA bore pauesot st py UNE AYO OIA 7102 Section I Free Response 197 Part » Conversation Strategies Cee Ellice Conversation continued 7-Learn'the prompts Become familiar with prompting verbs so you can respond as directed. Common terms are: acepta fala pregunta | aconseja haz propén ‘cuenta Inchuye reacciona describe insiste tecomienda despide de menciona saluda exotica ofreceé sugiere expresa pide trata de 8.Listen carefully “As the conversation begins, listen carefully to each prompt, statement, of question. Even if you don't undetstand every word, make sure you get'the generat idea so you can formulate appropriate responses. 9. Speak for atleast 20 seconds Make sure to fill the time allotted for each of your ‘exchanges. * Using “filler” phrases and words is normal in conversation in any language. + You can repeat or tephrase something you have sald before, if appropriate. + In order to clarify your understanding, you can paraphrase, or repeat in different words, what the other person has said orasked, 10. Respond to every prompt: Always say something when prompted. Do not allow Jong pauses in your responses or leave any “blanks.” ‘71. Learn how to stall. Make sure to memorize language to indicate you are.thinking, ‘such as Déjerne pensarlo un momento, or other language used for stalling. 12. Answercompletely Respond as fully as possible in accordance with the prompt. provided, Make sure to answer the question and to comment or react to whats said, 133. Vary your language Use a variety of words.and expressions when responding to. prompts, even ifthose expressions are equivalent or have similar meanings. Variety reflects fluency. * Concentrate on using rich vocabulary and culturally-appropriate idiomatic expressions * Avoid overuse of elementary, common vocabulary. “Reach outside the box" to impress thetlistener or scorer. jwiem wudresinstezo 14. Correct your errors Ifyou notice you have made an erfor as you speak, correctiit by rephrasing your response, 5 3 E z i 3 i g pasousuyOu IN Section ll: Free Response 198 Part C » Conversation Strategies crane : “pensar ub ay SuSE IAM 8A Oe Conversation continued 15. Clarify your meaning In a conversation, itis acceptableto repeat an idea in order to clarify its meaning, If youare trying to communicate a complex idea; you' can express it more than once in different ways to énsure understanding. 16, Focus on language The purpose of this activity is to demonstrate your knowledge and:command of the language, not your knowledge of a spacific topic. + Inyour responses, you are free to tel fictional stories or state as factual events that never happened. Be creative, “= Make sure that, whatever the content of your reply, you use proper grammar, an appropriate register, and adequate modes of address 17. Stay on topic Do'niot push the conversation in a different direction orintroduce unprompted topics. Staying on topic will demonstrate your understanding, 18. Used loud and clear voice The point of a. conversation is to be heard and understood, Make sure to always enunciate clearly and to speak in ari audible voice. 19. Practice recording yourself Don't be-caught off-guard. Use activities inthis back’ to practice recording your part in the conversations: 3 RS 20, Maiorize the direction lines! : Directions: You will participate in a conversation. First, you will have 1 minute to read a preview of the conversation, including an outline of each turn in the conversation, Afterward, the conversation will begin, following the outline. Each time itis your turn ‘to speak, you will have 20 seconds to record your response. You should participate in the conversation as fully and appropriately as possible, Instrucciones: Vas a participar en una conversacion. Primero, vas a tener I minuto para leer la introduccién y el esquema de la conversacién. Después, comenzard la conversacion, ‘siguiendo el esquema. Cada vez que te corresponda participar en la conversacién, vas & tener 20 segundos para grabar tu respuesta. Debes participar de la manera mas completa y apropinda posible. ‘Section li: Free Response 189 “paniasa abi ny 201 u.s0o BUR IA ice Existen expresiones que puedes aprovechat para relacionarlas ideas, o para hacer una pausa era pensar tw respuesta durante una conversaciéa. Te pueden servir para hacer una transicién mis flaida o para pedir que te aclaren una idea. Nosa: conju, usied cuando te encuentres en una conversaciéni formal. ga los verbos con el pronombre Creo quest... Esobvioque. Si Vale Ithink/belleve 50... ‘No puede sr! eEn-serio? No es posiblet iNome digast Parece mentira, No esciertoNo es verdad. Itisn’t possible! It can’c bet No wayi You're kidding! Wshardto beleve, En otras palabras. Esque... dle entiendes? Osea. Poreso... Eabes? Quiero decir que... | would like to say... EEntiendes lo que quiero deci? Do you khow what | mean? El registro, sogin la Real Academia Espaiiola, es el “modo de expresarse que se adopta-en funciéna las circunstancias’ es decir, indica sel modo de expresarse ¢s formal o informal, En el exanaen de AP®: + Es preciso qué uses el registro formal en la sectidn de Iniérpersoral Covaniunication: E-mail Reply. «En la seccion de Interpersonal Communication: Conversation, lee la introduccién y el texto para decidir si debes emplear el registro formal o informal. Ta Uned Tema ‘Con amnigosintimosy familiares | En'sitvaciones mds formales, enos negocios, en a ofcing Saludos Por escrito if Hola, amigova ‘Muy Sefior mio Queridore Muy Sefiora mia Queridisimora Estimado Seftor Wi queridova Estimada Sefiora Estimado Seftor Pérez Estimada Sefiora Goitzélez Tonversacién ae Hola. ‘Buenos dias, Sefor/Sefiora Pérez Qué wa? Buenas tardes/nochies, Seon! 2Qué hay ce nuevo? Sefora Gonzalez. Wome ests? sCémo est usted? Mucho gusto en verioias Despedidas Por escrito Un afectuoso saludo Le saluda atentamente Un cordial saludo Atentamente Mis mejores saludos ‘Austed atentamente Mis recuerdos a tu familia Un cordial saludo Afectuosamente Cordialmente Un beso. Mis recuerdos a su familia. Besos Un fuerte abrazo Abrazos Besos y abrazos Con tado mi carino Gon todo mi afecto Tuamigala Conversacion Adiés. ‘did, sefor/sehora/seforta. Hasta luego. Muchas gracias por su ternpo. Hasta pronto, Leagredezco mucho su tiempo. Haste mafiana, ‘Adjetivos y pronombres | tu, tus, tayo, tuya, tuyos, tuyas Su, Ss, $uyO; suya, sUyOS, suyas posesives Pronombresdeobjeto | te Tovlavle directa eindirecto Pronombres que (@,por, pare, etc) th (@, por para, etc] usted _Taquieren preposicion 228 “pave SY 90 Bu RUBIN ISA Lae nucor J2ubMesn roe i Interpersonal Speaking: Conversation $3} viroatcnat Tema curricular: Las familias y las comunidades Contexto: Las tradiciones y los valores Vas a participar en una conversacién con Amparo, una amiga tuya. Ella y su madre estén preparando una fiesta, Amparo vienie a tu casa para hablar contigo. @) Amparo: ‘Te-seluda y te explica por qué viene a tu casa. Ti Responde al saludo y pide detalles, Amparo. Continiala conversacién y te hace una pregunta, Td Contesta le pregunta y hazle preguntas detalladas acerca del evento. Amparo. Teresponde y te hace una pregunta. Ti Responde negativamente y explica por qué con detalles, Amparo Continda la conversaci6 ytehace una pregunta Ti Contimia la conversacién'y hazle una pregunta. Amparo Teresponde y te hace una pregunta, ‘Ta Contesta afirmativamente, agradece la invitacion y despidete de ella, eo BABE A KLE yy 9 Sueey YBN BA HOR pawssasnd6u iy >a panacas Section Il Free Response 200 PartC » Conversation ‘pau syGupy 20 Sule AB eMA Og ‘paneres SUSY 201 Daieay ayn man HOT ae + Nati and aparopiaa vocabulary ane tomate language 4 Acconacyanc vatty ir gramme, sit and usege, with ferent * Mostly consistent use of egiter appropriate forthe convatsston 1 Ziarundaton inflaton, and cing make the response comprehend res ont ape comprehenity {+ Ganteation or slt- Ura vocabuly the appors yur iaupot ond pls he op | 5 Avoid ovrue of slamentary, common veabulory. "Reach aubide the 1 hose impress he Roa: | 2 dvoid Engh or other longuoge inerornce, e.g, poblacin is crea £01 popelecidn” See Cognadios flee n Aaseion © bo 427 | | Foeracy and voriy 6 Use caract ward order ond ovoid speling orev. | In grammer, ayntax and | Avoid elomantay.orots, whieh offer yeur score mere adversaly then sage, wih few errrs | arors mada in taking tks with ria advanced src, ‘2 Lecve fe ts edt your work checking for corre oro, ech a5 90 ¥ str, cor, core, prearita wimperfee, wars Forms, perianal a, conract tee sf oticke ond pronouns, dod naun/adjcva opesment = Ute variaty of warb tensor and Loh incentive and subjunctive mods | 9 Use fermel, azadamic language. { Ba consistent in use of sandard convontons of the wifes lengeage Eee, copialzeton,onhography. cccens |"Dovslogsparagragh. © Impress the xa Raed by raising your lvl af ceemmunicaton org | lengh siesouse wih | evoriaty of srucro. ld com pourd soriancs and comp | vetay fig and ‘ochre ator than sling bane lenges. 5 | compound santneos and i 1 some complas stones INTERPERSONAL SPEAKING: CONVERSATION TASK DESCRIPTION AND EXPECTATIONS 4 Sinnilated Conversation is a cole play with the following format: + Brief description of che situation » Ovtline of each tum of the eonversadion at re to preview the conversation 4 Five opportunities to speak. ‘There is no textof what the other perton will aetually say: 4 20 sevonds'per response. Stucent should provide creative, meaningful responses, i and speak the full 20 seconds. A “Task comprises 12.5% of your total free response score SCORING GUIDELINE | STRATEGIES TO. REACH A 5 ‘Weintire the 12 Carefully ad the Tora cacular and ie Invoceeciin gréviid before fexcronge wih cseses the one of he eosverseien. Usa this infermation ro ‘ent the ‘ef eospenies ht is theme, contest, and seting. sith he conte | dain deat to-heip aide ond focus your thug process ice tho Fhe bse comesation begins «2 Pay atoton io extirelrafaonces ond vespond.or omment as comet 2 Address each bullet pont ying to kaup e srocth lw oh I Conversation, Cias off ar chuck promot completed. Tis hélprts _exeid going lost or confused | Tesipapeopiae | + Inthe hina povided, deine cea oy word an ft | i | | a Ta ce ead i APENDICE 8 | FREE RESPONSE STRATEGIES | 469 pe | SCORING GUIDELINE | STRATEGIES TO REACH AS i beeen ee. | Provides wauied 1° Became femilr wih prampling verbs 19 you con spond an vest | afore (2. : — | responses fo. questions, aeepta [dotzrbe |expreso|insie | pregunte | seloda | tfotenent ond sippor | ae en Ee Teenie | [peoriele | deapide |finoliza | menciona propen, | suger | Froquen saborohon [ewes [a [hoe | ofttee | veaceena | rota de | [és __[owpia [ew [pide | eroniende| | i | | & Seec coninvouty Avs gap whe you a gating yor wah | Pron. Seo Bests lacomeactn a Agee | ere | '» Sey something hot isthe theme cr lic ofthe comvaretin, axon fEyou | cece anatwe ioaped ' | iota hil aspen cccdance wh he rome pid | aloes eno anon ord waar tage ohare | ¢ Moka aot nto spl unston, rong ine | tows lh convention | «@ Geawhow'e ean catcoon Ff promped, So Expense le | Comenscgn opal © p44 | + Speak forthe full 20 seconds given for aach prompt ut Tinh” wht you need 1 sy, ("fay Sedemandele, 17 Use chewed pagina gu YOr pl aa | wwihease andcorty of} Pey.sttention fo the pocing and fow of what you are:communicating | Meissner | errors do nclinpede —E comprerendbiy | Varied ond approprcte + Concentrala on uang rch vacobvlery and exrally aperoarians vocabulary ons ‘Wlomatc oxprosions. idiomatic longuage > Acid overuse of elementary, corimon vocabulary. "Rasth avid the box” to impress tha loner ar scorer {2 Dodues macning of unfilier wards used inthe eonveraton teawecy and varely | @ Tiy 1 aveld olomantary errs and focus on corecl word ender | rota: mrocand |» Uf: rs ed Yur esting prmar cutis and inak with few error statements and respond gccaringly |. @ Use variety of suture rathar than sticking to only cafa © omantory sce 2 Use.a varity of ingle and compound sostonces i _ < cskod to offer advice, use the wbjunctve appeagiiorly. Mosly cansistem une of | Be careful with rapist, Should you usad of usted? Moke sue fa bo ‘eglerappropriote fer | consistent once you decid, at oly wi verbs, bu la wth pronouns the conversation fond passessive. {Pay atfetion fa the cont this w business call or an intrviw ‘Aca you snacking with a Fond or fenily meniaer® Make sure wo use ‘spptopriate greetings and leavoaking expressions, aesording to with ‘wham you ore speaking. .2-See Expresfonas que indican ragisro in Apéndica € Ip. 475) resent iypraues > Sacorect yeu haar yours make an tr. i omarchensibly : i ovation {Show they Erm wha you or vying fsa ya vie onan | intnaion ord pacing |” Eonar you ar cing osesiontihul covrd Ha equator yeu. | | ota he reponse ate thoing sp, youre shal hd communi tot pce. | | Comprhnies 4 Inecored, comet prosueiaion hat easly undestood by | Spars do not impede alive epeokere. i Sonpaheestiay |» Avid pranondaon sonst inp omereorabi. { | + Seo Eipsiones por nconersotionla ApendceD fp Alor Lo socials : | Gaiccins: > Faropvose ond wi cicolecon daily whalyou gwen | hconeston if sccmmuncce, ! 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