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Use of Programming languages in Fluid Power.

The benefits of Programming language in Automation within Indian

manufacturing are thankfully becoming better recognised than has been the
case over the past ten years. What is less well recognised is the inextricable
link between this technology and the enabling role played by Fluid Power.
Greater accuracy, increased precision, faster operation, increased quality,
greater consistency and significant cost savings are just a few of the myriad
of benefits to be realised through programming language in automation but
they all rely upon some form of actuation derived from either
electromechanical, hydraulic or pneumatic technology.

In the case of hydraulics, the technology is normally used for tasks where
there is a need to handle heavy parts such as billets of steel, or when there is
a need for extra force in gripping such components. Usually, Robot
Integrators become involved in hydraulics when supplying automation
equipment to some of the larger OEMs such as Caterpillar or JCB and for
manufacturers of heavy prime materials such as Corus which leads to
increase in use of programming language for automation.

In the Service robot sector, (those robots that tend to emulate humanoid
structure and activity), many high performance robots have also relied upon
hydraulic actuation with all the power gain advantages on offer. Similarly,
pneumatic actuators are used as a proven and effective means of translating
the force of compressed air into an effective form of motion control. While
many pieces of plant and equipment still need to be operated manually, the
increasing use of controllers means that more equipment can now be
operated in an autonomous or semiautonomous manner by the use of
Programming language.
Diggers, excavators or farming equipment etc. often rely upon some level of
automation but if we begin to integrate electronic intelligence onto this type
of equipment then the level of automation could be increased substantially.
In considering how hydraulics is used within farming there are already
autonomous systems available, for example, those used to fix posts in

The concept of artificial intelligence (AI) is often referenced within the

context of robotics. However, many researchers use the related and
complementary term of intelligence amplification (IA). For example, there is
a form of remote hand-like device called a tele-factor, tele-manipulator or
‘waldo’, which, through the use of hydraulics and electronics, allows a
mechanism to be operated by a human. Uses for this type of device might,
for example, include moving dangerous materials or liquids. The film
industry in productions such as ‘Alien’ and ‘Avatar’ made use of this
technology. In the former the heroine fits into what could be described as a
full body-suit version of a waldo – a large metal frame which is able to
amplify her strength. Researchers believe that there are great opportunities
for this type of technology to be adapted and applied within industry or in
the service arena

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