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50 Shoulder
Mohamud Daya

clavicular, glenohumeral, and sternoclavicular), and

PERSPECTIVE one articulation (scapulothoracic). The clavicle is an
S-shaped bone that acts as a strut to support the upper
The shoulder joint is a unique and complex articula-
extremity and keep it away from the chest wall. The
tion unit. It has the largest range of motion of any
clavicle articulates medially with the sternum and lat-
appendicular joint in the body and can be moved
erally with the acromion process. The sternoclavicular
PART TWO TRAUMA • Section III Orthopedic Lesions

through a space that exceeds a hemisphere. The wide

joint (SCJ) represents the only true articulation between
range of motion also predisposes the joint to instabil-
the upper extremity and the axial skeleton. The large
ity and injury; this was depicted in 3000 B.C. in wall
articular surface of the sternal end of the clavicle fits
paintings of Egyptian tombs, which show accurate
poorly with the sloping narrow clavicular notch on the
drawings of manipulations (similar to the Kocher tech-
manubrium sterni. A circular flat fibrocartilaginous
nique) used to reduce shoulder dislocations.1 Hip-
disk helps reduce the discrepancy between the two
pocrates may have been the first to outline extensively
articular surfaces (Figure 50-2). The stability of the joint
the diagnosis and treatment of shoulder dislocations.2
largely depends on associated ligaments. A loose
Shoulder injuries are commonly encountered in
fibrous capsule whose expansions form the anterior
emergency medicine. Statistical studies show that 8% to
and posterior sternoclavicular ligaments envelops the
13% of all athletic injuries involve the shoulder and that
joint.5 The interclavicular and costoclavicular liga-
shoulder dislocations account for more than 50% of all
ments are two additional structures that stabilize the
major joint dislocations seen in the emergency depart-
joint. The costoclavicular ligament opposes the pull of
ment. Almost every major sport or athletic activity
the sternocleidomastoid and is the most important
involves use of the shoulder joint in one way or another.
stabilizing ligament.5 The SCJ participates in all move-
The shoulder can be injured by trauma (indirect or
ments of the upper extremity and is the most moved
direct) or by overuse. Traumatic injuries tend to occur
joint in the body.6 The superior mediastinum with its
in football and ice hockey, whereas overuse injuries
great vessels, trachea, esophagus, and other important
(impingement syndromes) are more common in swim-
structures are immediately posterior to the joint.
ming and baseball. Shoulder injuries also are common
The tubular clavicle flattens laterally to provide
in wrestling, tennis, volleyball, and javelin throwing.3
attachment sites for the coracoclavicular and acromio-
In general, children are vulnerable to the same injuries
clavicular ligaments (Figure 50-3). The clavicle also
as adults; however, the presence of the epiphysis and its
protects the subclavian neurovascular bundle and pro-
growth plate changes the pattern of injuries.4 The
vides the neck with an acceptable cosmetic appearance.
strength of the joint capsule and its ligaments is two to
The middle third of the clavicle, which is the most
five times greater than that of the epiphyseal plate. An
commonly fractured segment, is thin and untethered by
injury that produces a sprain or dislocation in an adult
any ligamentous structures.7 Rotation around the long
often causes a fracture through the hypertrophic zone
axis of the clavicle increases the range of motion of the
of the growth plate in a child. The shoulder girdle has
glenohumeral joint and improves the strength of the
epiphyseal plates at the acromion process, proximal
arm-trunk mechanism.7
humeral head, coracoid process, glenoid cavity, and
The acromioclavicular joint (ACJ) connects the
medial end of the clavicle. Complete or greenstick frac-
lateral end of the clavicle with the medial aspect of the
tures of the clavicle and fractures of the proximal
acromion process (see Figure 50-3). The bony configu-
humeral epiphysis are encountered more commonly
ration of the joint varies considerably and provides
in the pediatric population. Most shoulder injuries in
little or no stability.8 Stability is a function of associ-
children can be treated conservatively with a good pro-
ated ligaments and muscles. The joint capsule is
gnosis for full return of function.4
strengthened on all sides to form the relatively weak
anterior, posterior, superior, and inferior acromioclav-
icular ligaments. The clavicular and acromial attach-
ments of the deltoid and trapezius muscles provide
additional static and dynamic support for the superior
aspect of the joint. The powerful coracoclavicular liga-
The shoulder girdle connects the upper extremity to the ment, which is the primary suspensory ligament of the
axial skeleton (Figure 50-1). It consists of three bones upper extremity, also stabilizes the joint. The coraco-
670 (clavicle, humerus, and scapula), three joints (acromio- clavicular ligament is composed of two parts—the
Acromioclavicular joint Coracoid process Figure 50-1. Anatomy of the shoulder
girdle. (From Roy S, Irwin R: Sports
Acromial process Medicine: Prevention, Evaluation, Man-
Clavicle agement and Rehabilitation. Engle-
Greater tubercle wood, NJ, Prentice Hall, 1983.)
Sternoclavicular joint
Lesser tubercle
Bicipital groove

Glenohumeral joint
Body of sternum

Costal cartilage

Costochondral junction

CHAPTER 50 Shoulder
Anterior Figure 50-2. Ligaments and the interarticu-
Disk sternoclavicular lar disk of the sternoclavicular joint. (Redrawn
Interclavicular ligament from DePalma AF: Surgery of the Shoulder,
ligament 3rd ed. Philadelphia, JB Lippincott, 1983.)

Subclavius Tendon of
muscle subclavius
Posterior Coracoclavicular
fasciculus ligament


Superior Figure 50-3. Ligaments of the acromioclavicular joint.

acromioclavicular (Redrawn from DePalma AF: Surgery of the Shoulder,
ligament 3rd ed. Philadelphia, JB Lippincott, 1983.)
Trapezoid ligament Coracoclavicular
Conoid ligament ligament


trapezoid and conoid ligaments.8 The trapezoid liga- tance from the clavicle to the coracoid process varies
ment arises from the shaft of the coracoid process and from 1.1 to 1.3 cm in the standing adult. Although the
runs superiorly to insert onto the inferior surface of the ACJ itself has only 5 to 8 degrees of movement, it allows
lateral clavicle. The conoid ligament arises from the for 40 to 50 degrees of clavicular rotation. The latter is
base of the coracoid process and inserts more medially required to achieve a full range of motion at the gleno-
on the inferior surface of the distal clavicle. The dis- humeral joint. 671
The scapula is a flat triangular bone that forms the tuberosity. Together, this group of muscles forms the
posterior aspect of the shoulder girdle. The thin body of rotator cuff, which helps stabilize the humeral head
the scapula lies flat against the posterior thorax and within the glenohumeral joint (Figure 50-5). The long
widens laterally to form the glenoid fossa. A stable base head of the biceps tendon originates from the supra-
from which glenohumeral motion can occur is provided glenoid tubercle and ascends over the humeral head to
by 18 muscular origins and insertions on the scapula.9 enter the arm via the bicipital groove. The long head
The flat anterior surface of the scapula gives rise to acts as an additional stabilizer for the superior and
the subscapularis muscle, whereas the serratus anterior anterior aspect of the glenohumeral joint (see Figure
muscle inserts onto its thickened medial border. Poste- 50-5). Long muscles that cross the articulation are
riorly the surface is divided into two parts by the scapu- involved primarily in movements of the glenohumeral
lar spine. The areas superior and inferior to the spine joint. The pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi, and teres
give rise to the supraspinatus and infraspinatus major muscles all insert into the humeral intertubercu-
muscles. The teres minor and major muscles originate lar groove. Displacements encountered with fractures
from the posterior aspect of the lateral border of the of the humerus usually reflect the pull of these attached
scapula. The thickened posteromedial border serves as muscle groups. The proximal humerus is composed
the attachment site for the rhomboid and levator scapu- primarily of trabecular bone with a thin cortical shell.
lae muscles. Changes in bone density with age (osteoporosis) greatly
PART TWO TRAUMA • Section III Orthopedic Lesions

The superior border of the scapula gives rise to an increase the risk of fractures in this area.7
anterior projection, the coracoid process (see Figure The blood supply of the articular surface of the
50-1). As discussed, the coracoid provides attachment humerus is derived from vessels contained in the
for numerous important ligaments and muscles that rotator cuff tendons and from the anastomosis of
help stabilize the glenohumeral joint. The acromion, in the anterior and posterior circumflex humeral arteries.
conjunction with the strong coracoacromial ligament, The neurovascular bundle runs anteriorly, and the axil-
forms the coracoacromial arch (see Figure 50-3). lary nerve is in close proximity to the inferior aspect of
Muscles attached to the coracoid process include the the joint. Movements of the glenohumeral joint include
short head of the biceps, coracobrachialis, and pec- flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, internal rota-
toralis minor. The neurovascular bundle is located tion, external rotation, and circumduction.
beneath the coracoacromial arch, immediately poste- Four nerves supply most of the shoulder muscles.
rior to the coracoid process. The axillary nerve supplies the deltoid and teres minor
The glenohumeral articulation is a ball-and- muscles; the suprascapular nerve, the supraspinatus
socket–type joint (Figure 50-4). The glenoid fossa is and infraspinatus muscles; the subscapular nerve, the
deepened by a rim of fibrocartilage (glenoid labrum) teres major and subscapularis muscles; and the mus-
and provides a bearing surface for only half of the culocutaneous nerve, the proximal arm muscles. These
humeral head at any one time. The absence of congru- nerves represent the final branches of the upper bracial
ent surfaces makes the bony joint mechanically unsta- plexus (nerve roots C5-8), and injuries to the brachial
ble. The stability of the joint primarily depends on plexus invariably result in significant shoulder
associated muscles and ligaments. A negative intra- dysfunction.
capsular pressure completes the stabilization mecha-
nism.10,11 The absence of bony stability permits a range
of motion, however, that is greater than that of any
other joint in the body.
A synovial membrane extends from the glenoid fossa
to the humeral head. The membrane is large and redun-
dant inferiorly to accommodate the extensive range of Most complaints usually involve some combination of
movement. The synovial membrane extends medially pain, stiffness, instability, and weakness. Pain can
to form the subscapularis bursa and laterally to envelop result from many different conditions extrinsic and
the long head of the biceps. Overlying the synovial intrinsic to the shoulder. Extrinsic sources of shoulder
membrane is a loose and redundant fibrous capsule (see pain include disorders of the cervical spine, thoracic
Figure 50-4). Anteriorly the capsule is thickened to outlet syndromes, and Pancoast’s tumors. In addition,
form the superior, middle, and inferior glenohumeral pain can be referred to the shoulder from myocardial
ligaments. The inferior glenohumeral ligament is sub- processes, diaphragmatic irritation (e.g., subphrenic
divided further into an anterior band, a posterior band, abscess, lower lobe pneumonia, splenic hematoma,
and an interposing pouch. The anterior band of the ruptured ectopic pregnancy, gallbladder disease), and
inferior glenohumeral ligament is the most important gastric or pancreatic diseases.
restraint to anterior glenohumeral dislocations.10,11 Acute intrinsic pain usually is associated with a trau-
Superiorly the acromial process and the coracohumeral matic event. The most important factors to determine
ligament (see Figure 50-4) protect the capsule. are the time and mechanism of injury, its precise loca-
The proximal humerus articulates with the glenoid tion, and the intensity of the pain. Occasionally the
fossa and provides for the attachment of many impor- patient may have acute pain in the absence of associated
tant muscles. The supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and trauma (e.g., calcific tendinitis). Shoulder pain also can
teres minor insert onto facets of the greater tuberosity, present in an insidious manner, unrelated to any pre-
672 whereas the subscapularis inserts onto the lesser cipitating factor. In these instances, the duration,

Coracoacromial ligament
Tendon (subscapularis)
Long head
Coracoid process
of biceps
Middle Glenohumeral
Glenoid cavity ligaments
Glenoid labrum Inferior
Articular capsule
Acromioclavicular Clavicle
Acromion Conoid Coracoclavicular
Trapezoid ligaments
Coracoacromial ligament

CHAPTER 50 Shoulder
Articular capsule



Coracoid process Coracohumeral ligament

Articular capsule
Inferior transverse
scapular ligament


Figure 50-4. Anatomy of the glenohumeral joint.

Supraspinatus muscle
and external rotators
Anatomic neck

Rotator interval

1 3
2 Biceps tendon
Surgical neck
muscle 4

Figure 50-5. The rotator cuff.

location, character, and aggravating and alleviating carefully in all cases. After 45 degrees of abduction, the
factors of the pain should be noted. Intrinsic shoulder scapula moves approximately 1 degree for every 2
pain in general does not radiate past the elbow. degrees of glenohumeral motion.
Stiffness usually signifies a restricted range of motion A thorough neurovascular examination should be
resulting from an underlying painful condition of the performed in all cases before and after all manipula-
shoulder. Instability can be seen in the form of an tions. The vascular status is checked by determining
obvious subluxation or dislocation. Alternatively the the brachial, radial, and ulnar pulses with the arms in
patient may relate the sensation of the shoulder almost various positions. A complete sensory (light touch and
going out. A rotator cuff tear or an underlying nerve pinprick) and full motor examination also should be
lesion usually causes significant shoulder weakness. performed. The brachial plexus can be tested by eval-
uating the myotomes and dermatomes pertinent to each
Physical Examination nerve root (Table 50-1). In addition, the deep tendon
reflexes should be evaluated in both upper extremities.
The shoulder should be inspected from the anterior,
posterior, and lateral positions. Any obvious deformity,
ecchymosis, laceration, swelling, or hematoma should DIAGNOSTIC STRATEGIES
be noted. The masses of the trapezius, deltoid, infra-
PART TWO TRAUMA • Section III Orthopedic Lesions

spinatus, and supraspinatus muscles should be com- Radiology

pared to detect any atrophy.
Palpation of the shoulder should be performed sys- The initial assessment of traumatic injuries includes
tematically, beginning at the SCJ and moving laterally a three-view series of radiographs consisting of true
along the clavicle to the ACJ. Next the scapula, gleno- anteroposterior (45-degree lateral), transscapular
humeral joint, and humerus are palpated. Any point lateral, and axillary lateral views (Figures 50-6 and
tenderness, crepitus, swelling, or deformity should be
Active and passive ranges of motion should be tested. Table 50-1. Sensory and Motor Components of the
Active range of motion is best determined with the Brachial Plexus
patient in the sitting position, which eliminates the
contributions of the lumbar spine and lower extremity Level Sensory Area Muscle
joints. Passive range of motion is best evaluated with C2-4 — Trapezius
the patient in the supine position. The degrees of C5 Lateral arm Deltoid
abduction, forward flexion, extension, and internal and C6 Lateral forearm Biceps
external rotation should be recorded and compared C7 Index fingertip Thumb extensors
C8 Little fingertip Finger flexors
with the unaffected extremity. In addition, the motion T1 Medial forearm Interossei
of the scapulothoracic articulation should be observed

35 degrees

Figure 50-6. Positions for the trauma series of shoulder radiographs. A, Axillary view. B, True anteroposterior (35-degree oblique) view.
674 C, Transscapular lateral view.
CHAPTER 50 Shoulder

Figure 50-7. Normal axillary (A), true anteroposterior

(B), and transscapular lateral (C) views (trauma series)
B of the shoulder.

50-7). The true anteroposterior view (see Figure 50-7B) ing the relationship of the humeral head with the
is preferred over standard anteroposterior views glenoid fossa and in identifying lesions of the coracoid
because it projects the glenohumeral joint without any process, humeral head, and glenoid rim.13 Some degree
bony overlap. Standard anteroposterior views taken in of abduction is required to obtain the axillary view.
internal and external rotation profile the lesser and Because this may not be possible with some injuries, a
greater tuberosity and are more useful in the evaluation reverse projection or a modified axillary view (Figure
of soft tissue conditions. 50-8) may be considered. The difficulty in obtaining the
Acceptable orthogonal views include the axillary axillary view has led to the popularity of the trans-
lateral, transscapular lateral, and apical oblique.12 The scapular view (see Figure 50-7C). Advantages of this
preferred view is the axillary lateral (see Figure 50-7A), projection include its simplicity and reproducibility
which projects the glenohumeral joint in a cephalo- and the clear delineation of anatomic structures. In this
caudal plane. This view is particularly useful for defin- view, the scapula is projected as a Y, with the body 675
25 degrees
PART TWO TRAUMA • Section III Orthopedic Lesions

25 degrees

Figure 50-8. Modified axillary view of the shoulder.

Figure 50-9. Displaced midclavicular fracture.

forming the lower limb and the coracoid and acromion

processes forming the upper limbs. The humeral head
is normally superimposed over the glenoid, which is
located at the junction of the three limbs. This view is
particularly useful in identifying anterior and posterior Clavicle
glenohumeral dislocations. The apical oblique film
(obtained by placing the injured shoulder in a 45- Pathophysiology
degree oblique position and angling the central ray 45 The clavicle accounts for 5% of all fractures and is the
degrees caudally) provides a unique coronal view of the most commonly fractured bone in children. Epidemio-
glenohumeral joint. The view can be obtained easily logic studies in adults have documented an annual
and painlessly and has been found to be more sensitive incidence rate of 30 to 50 per 100,000 population, with
than the transscapular view for detecting bone and joint a 2 : 1 male-to-female ratio.16,17 Clavicular fractures are
abnormalities in the injured shoulder.14 Plain radio- classified anatomically and mechanistically into three
graphs are the mainstay of the radiologic examination types. Fractures of the medial third are uncommon
in the emergency department, but in selected circum- (5%) and occur as a result of a direct blow to the ante-
stances, additional bone and soft tissue details may be rior chest. Fractures of the middle third are the most
obtained using computed tomography (CT) or magnetic frequent (Figure 50-9), accounting for 80% of all
676 resonance imaging (MRI).15 injuries. The usual mechanism of injury involves a
Figure 50-10. Type III lateral clavicular fracture (intra-artic-
ular). (Courtesy of David Nelson, MD.)

CHAPTER 50 Shoulder
direct force applied to the lateral aspect of the shoul- splint (Figure 50-12). This splint is applied after closed
der as a result of a fall, sporting injury, or motor vehicle reduction of the fracture, which is accomplished by
accident. Fractures of the lateral third (15%) result pulling the shoulders up and back. Such reductions
from a direct blow to the top of the shoulder and are are difficult to maintain and may be associated
classified further into three subtypes.18 Type I fractures with increased discomfort at the fracture site. Cla-
are stable and occur lateral to the coracoclavicular lig- vicular splints can lead to skin irritation and com-
aments. Type II fractures are medial to the coracocla- pression of the neurovascular bundle in the axilla.
vicular ligaments and have a tendency to displace Because malunion and shortening are associated with
because the proximal fragment lacks any stabilizing lig- an acceptable functional and cosmetic outcome, treat-
aments. Type III injuries involve the articular surface ment with a simple sling is a valid and appropriate
(Figure 50-10).18 alternative to the clavicular splint in the emergency
Clinical Features
The patient has pain over the fracture site, and the Disposition
affected extremity is held close to the body. With frac- Immediate orthopedic consultation should be sought
tures of the middle third, the shoulder typically is for open fractures or fractures associated with neu-
slumped downward, forward, and inward. This is a rovascular injuries, skin tenting, or interposition of soft
result of the effect of gravity and the pull of the pec- tissues. More urgent orthopedic consultation (before 72
toralis major and latissimus dorsi on the distal frag- hours) is recommended for type II lateral clavicle frac-
ment. The proximal fragment is often displaced tures because these fractures have a 30% incidence of
upward by the action of the sternocleidomastoid. The nonunion and may require surgical repair.18 Severely
head is often tilted toward the injured side in an comminuted or displaced fractures of the middle third
attempt to relax the effects of these displacing muscu- (defined as >20 mm of initial shortening) also may
lar forces. Ecchymosis, crepitus, and a palpable or benefit from early orthopedic referral because these
visible deformity may be present over the fracture site. have been associated with a higher incidence of
Although associated neurovascular injury is rare, the nonunion.21 Greenstick fractures of the midclavicle are
close proximity of the subclavian vessels and brachial common in children (Figure 50-13). Most of these frac-
plexus demands a thorough assessment. Rarely, injury tures are nondisplaced and heal uneventfully. Initial
to the dome of the pleura may result in an associated radiographs may appear normal despite suggestive
pneumothorax. clinical findings. In these instances, the arm should be
immobilized in a simple sling and the radiographs
Management repeated in 7 to 10 days if symptoms persist.
Principles of initial management include pain Most fractures of the clavicle heal uneventfully and
control, immobilization, and proper follow-up. Frac- can be followed by a primary care physician. A sling
tures of the clavicle can be immobilized with support- should be worn until repeat radiographs show callus
ive devices, such as a simple sling or sling and swathe formation and healing across the fracture site. Passive
(Figure 50-11). Another immobilization technique shoulder range-of-motion exercises (Figure 50-14) are
for midclavicular fractures still recommended in the encouraged to reduce the risk of adhesive capsulitis.
orthopedic literature is the clavicular (figure-of-eight) Younger children generally require shorter periods of 677
Figure 50-11. Shoulder immobilization. A, Sling over
swathe. B, Velpeau sling immobilization.
PART TWO TRAUMA • Section III Orthopedic Lesions


Figure 50-12. Clavicular or figure-of-eight


Figure 50-13. Greenstick fracture of the

clavicle (arrow).

CHAPTER 50 Shoulder
Figure 50-14. Pendular shoulder exercises.

immobilization (2 to 4 weeks) than adolescents and fracture the scapula. Most fractures result from high-
adults (4 to 8 weeks). Vigorous competitive play should speed vehicular accidents, falls from heights, or crush
be avoided until the bone healing is solid. injuries.24 Coracoid process fractures are usually avul-
sive, and glenoid rim fractures are commonly associ-
Complications ated with anterior glenohumeral dislocations. An
Complications are unusual, with the most common acromial process fracture usually results from a direct
ones being delayed union or nonunion.16-18 Complica- blow applied to the top of the shoulder.
tions after fractures of the medial third resemble com- The most important aspect of scapular fractures is the
plications associated with posterior sternoclavicular high incidence (75% to 98%) of associated injuries to
dislocations. Fractures of the middle third have been the ipsilateral lung, chest wall, and shoulder girdle
associated with injuries to the neurovascular bundle complex.9,25,26 The most common associated orthopedic
and the pleural dome. Articular surface injuries (type injuries are fractures of the ribs, proximal humerus, and
III lateral clavicle fractures) can lead to subsequent clavicle. Associated lung injuries include pneumotho-
osteoarthritis of the ACJ. rax, hemothorax, and pulmonary contusion; these may
be seen in a delayed fashion, 2 to 3 days after the initial
injury. Associated injuries of the head, spinal cord,
Pathophysiology brachial plexus, and subclavian or axillary vessels are
Fractures of the scapula are rare injuries, with an more significant but less common.9,25,26
annual incidence of 10 to 12 per 100,000 popula- Fractures of the scapula can be classified according
tion.22,23 They account for 1% of all fractures and occur to their anatomic location. In the system proposed by
primarily in men 30 to 40 years old.9 A thick muscle Ada and Miller,25 type I fractures involve the acromion
coat and the ability to recoil along the chest wall process, scapular spine, or coracoid process. Type II
protect the scapula from direct and indirect trauma. In fractures involve the scapular neck, and type III injuries
general, considerable force and energy are required to are intra-articular fractures of the glenoid fossa (Figure 679
and immobilization in a sling to support the ipsilateral
upper extremity. Passive shoulder exercises (see Figure
50-14) are initiated as soon as discomfort subsides to
reduce the risk of adhesive capsulitis. In general,
patients require a sling for 2 to 4 weeks.24
Fractures of the body and spine usually require no
further therapy. Nondisplaced fractures of the
acromion process also respond well to conservative
therapy. Displaced acromial fractures that impinge on
the glenohumeral joint require surgical management.
Rarely the acromion is fractured as part of a superior
dislocation of the humeral head. In these instances, an
accompanying tear of the rotator cuff is invariably
present and requires surgical repair. If the coracocla-
vicular ligaments remain intact, fractures of the cora-
coid process respond well to conservative therapy.
Severely displaced coracoid fractures with ruptured
PART TWO TRAUMA • Section III Orthopedic Lesions

coracoclavicular ligaments usually require open reduc-

tion and internal fixation.6 Scapular neck and glenoid
fossa fractures present the most difficult management
issues. Although most of these injuries do well with
Figure 50-15. Comminuted type III fracture of the scapular. conservative therapy, open reduction and internal fix-
(Courtesy of David Nelson, MD.) ation are recommended for severely displaced or angu-
lated fractures.24,25

50-15). The most common are type IV fractures, which Associated injuries of the ipsilateral lung, chest wall,
involve the body of the scapula.25 and shoulder girdle account for most complications
after fractures of the scapula. A shear-type brachial
Clinical Features plexus injury has been associated with fractures of the
In a conscious patient, the shoulder is adducted, and acromion process. Neurovascular (brachial plexus,
the arm is held close to the body. Any attempts at move- axillary artery) injuries also have been reported with
ment result in significant pain. There may be associ- fractures of the coracoid process.6 Scapular neck, body,
ated tenderness, crepitus, or hematoma over the or spine fractures that extend into the suprascapular
fracture site. The clinical findings occasionally mimic notch can injure the suprascapular nerve.6 Delayed
those seen with a rotator cuff tear. Hemorrhage into the complications include adhesive capsulitis and rotator
rotator cuff associated with the scapula fracture can cuff dysfunction.24
result in spasm and a temporary reflex inhibition of
function (pseudorupture).25 The presence of a scapula Proximal Humerus
fracture mandates a thorough search for associated tho-
racic, intracranial, orthopedic, and neurovascular Pathophysiology
injuries. Fractures of the proximal humerus are common and
account for 4% of all fractures.27 A prospective
Diagnostic Strategies Swedish study reported an incidence of 114 per
The trauma series of shoulder radiographs identifies 100,000 with a mean age of 67 years and a female-to-
most fractures, as does careful examination of the male ratio of 3 : 1.28 These fractures occur primarily in
scapula on the trauma chest radiograph. The axillary the older population, in whom structural changes asso-
lateral view is especially useful in evaluating fractures ciated with aging (osteoporosis) weaken the proximal
of the glenoid fossa and the acromion or coracoid humerus, predisposing it to injury. Although most of
processes.9 The os acromiale (unfused acromial process these injuries are minimally displaced and do well
epiphysis) is present in 3% of the population and with conservative therapy, significantly displaced frac-
should not be confused with a fracture of the tures may require operative intervention.
acromion.7 A comparison film can be useful because Fractures of the proximal humerus separate along old
the abnormality is present bilaterally in 60% of cases. epiphyseal lines, producing four distinct segments con-
In many patients, fractures of the scapula initially are sisting of the articular surface (anatomic neck), greater
overlooked because of the life-threatening nature of the tuberosity, lesser tuberosity, and humeral shaft (surgi-
associated injuries.9 cal neck). The Neer classification system (Figure 50-16)
is based on the relationship of these fracture frag-
Management ments.29,30 In this system, a segment is considered
Most fractures, including fractures with severe com- displaced if it is angled greater than 45 degrees or
minution and displacement, heal rapidly with conser- separated more than 1 cm from the neighboring
680 vative therapy.9,24,25 Initial therapy consists of analgesia segment. Because this classification system considers
Figure 50-16. Neer’s classification of proximal
2 3 4
humeral fractures. (From Neer CS: Displaced prox-
part part part
imal humeral fractures: Part 1. Classification and
evaluation. J Bone Joint Surg Am 52:1077, 1979.)




CHAPTER 50 Shoulder




only displacement, the number of fracture lines is irrel-

evant. There are four major categories of fracture:
minimal displacement (Figure 50-17), two-part dis-
placement (Figure 50-18), three-part displacement, and
four-part displacement. When present, anterior and
posterior dislocations are included as part of the clas-
sification. Impaction and head-splitting fractures are
classified separately.
The classic mechanism of injury involves a fall on an
outstretched abducted arm. Concurrent pronation
limits further abduction and levers the humerus against
the acromial process; this produces a fracture or dislo-
cation, depending on the tensile strengths of the bone
and surrounding ligaments. Older patients are prone to
Figure 50-17. Three-part minimally displaced fracture of the proxi-
fracture, whereas younger individuals are apt to dislo-
mal humerus.
cate. The combined injury (fracture and dislocation)
may be seen in middle-aged individuals. Proximal
humerus fractures also may result from a direct hematoma, ecchymosis, deformity, or crepitus may be
blow to the lateral side of the arm or from an axial load present over the fracture site. Although usually normal,
transmitted through the elbow. High-energy mecha- a thorough neurovascular examination helps identify
nisms and polytrauma are more common in younger associated injuries of the axillary nerve, brachial
individuals. plexus, or axillary artery.

Clinical Features Management

The affected arm is held close to the body, and all Minimally displaced fractures (see Figure 50-17)
movements are restricted by pain. Tenderness, constitute 80% to 85% of all cases. No displacement 681
Figure 50-18. Anteroposterior (A) and axillary (B) views of a two-
part displaced fracture of the proximal humerus. The degree of
displacement often is visualized better on the axillary view. (Cour-
tesy of David Nelson, MD.)
PART TWO TRAUMA • Section III Orthopedic Lesions

or angulation is present, and the fracture segments tures involving less than 20% of the articular surface
are held together by the capsule, periosteum, and are usually stable. With more than 20% involvement,
surrounding muscles. Initial treatment consists of the reduction is usually unstable and requires surgical
adequate analgesia and immobilization with a sling repair.
and swathe device. As soon as clinical union is
achieved (head and shaft move together), functional Complications
exercises are initiated. Initial passive exercises (see The most common complication of proximal humeral
Figure 50-14) are slowly replaced by more active and fractures is adhesive capsulitis (“frozen or stiff shoul-
resistive exercises. Most nondisplaced fractures heal der”). This complication can be prevented by the
over 4 to 6 weeks. early initiation of a thorough rehabilitation program.
The treatment of two-part, three-part, and four-part Two-part fractures of the articular surface and four-part
displaced fractures is beyond the scope of this discus- fractures have a high incidence of avascular necrosis
sion. An orthopedic surgeon should be consulted of the humeral head. Repeated forceful attempts at
because many of these injuries require operative reduction of fracture-dislocations may be associated
repair.30 Fracture-dislocation injuries also may require with subsequent heterotopic bone formation (myositis
an orthopedic surgeon. Care must be used because ossificans). Neurovascular injuries (axillary nerve,
reductions of these injuries in the emergency depart- brachial plexus, and axillary artery) may be encoun-
ment are often unsuccessful and can cause separation tered with displaced surgical neck fractures and
of previously undisplaced segments. Closed reduction fracture-dislocations.
under x-ray control and general anesthesia may be
Proximal Humeral Epiphysis
Posterior glenohumeral dislocations usually are asso-
ciated with anteromedial impression fractures of the Pathophysiology
articular surface. A similar fracture of the posterolat- Fractures of the proximal humeral epiphysis are
eral aspect of the humeral head is present with anterior uncommon and account for 10% of all shoulder frac-
682 dislocations (Hill-Sachs deformity). Impression frac- tures in children.32 The injury can occur at any age
Figure 50-19. A, Salter I injury of the right proximal humeral
epiphysis. B, Normal left side is included for comparison.

CHAPTER 50 Shoulder

while the epiphysis remains open but is most common of injury. Imperfect reductions are often acceptable
in boys 11 to 17 years old.33 The most common mech- because growth and remodeling correct the deformity
anism of injury involves a fall onto the outstretched with time. After reduction, unstable injuries should be
hand, and the fracture typically occurs through the immobilized in a shoulder spica cast, whereas stable
zone of hypertrophy in the epiphyseal plate. Injuries lesions can be immobilized with a sling and swathe.
can be classified according to their location (Salter Fractures of the proximal humeral epiphyses generally
system), stability, and degree of displacement.6 heal in 3 to 5 weeks.34

Clinical Features Complications

The patient has the injured arm held tightly against the
Complications are rare and include malunion, growth
body by the opposite hand. The area over the proximal
plate disturbances, and injuries to the neurovascular
humerus is swollen and extremely tender to palpation.
bundle. Markedly displaced or angulated fractures are
Radiographs obtained at 90 degrees to each other
more likely to result in a residual loss of mobility.32
confirm the diagnosis. Comparison views may be
helpful with minimally displaced fractures.33
Management Sternoclavicular
Fractures of the proximal humeral epiphysis should
not be taken lightly because the potential for growth Pathophysiology
disturbance exists even under the most ideal condi- The SCJ is the least commonly dislocated major joint
tions. The active healing process at the site of an epi- in the body. Significant forces are required to disrupt
physeal injury makes delayed reduction extremely the strong ligamentous stabilizers of this joint. The
difficult. Early orthopedic consultation should be most common causes are motor vehicle accidents and
obtained for all such injuries. Children younger than 6 injuries sustained in contact sports, such as rugby or
years old usually have Salter I epiphyseal injuries football. The SCJ can dislocate in an anterior or poste-
(Figure 50-19) and can be treated conservatively with rior direction. Anterior dislocations, which result from
sling and swathe immobilization and analgesic agents. indirect forces, are more common (9 : 1 ratio).5 The
Children older than age 6 usually have a Salter II epi- usual mechanism of injury (Figure 50-20) involves an
physeal injury. Salter II injuries with greater than 20 anterolateral force to the shoulder, followed by back-
degrees of angulation should be reduced.34 Closed ward rolling, which levers the medial clavicle out of its
reduction is accomplished by reversing the mechanism articulation. Posterior dislocations (Figure 50-21) can 683
Figure 50-20. Mechanisms that produce anterior and posterior displacements of the sternoclavicular joint. A, When the patient is lying on the
ground and a compression force is applied to the posterolateral aspect of the shoulder, the medial end of the clavicle is displaced posteriorly.
B, When the lateral compression force is directed from the anterior position, the medial end of the clavicle is dislocated anteriorly. The same
mechanism could apply with any type of lateral compression injury of the shoulder. (From Neer CS, Rockwood CA: Fracture and dislocations
of the shoulder. In Rockwood CA, Green DP [eds]: Fractures in Adults, 4th ed. Philadelphia, JB Lippincott, 1984.)
PART TWO TRAUMA • Section III Orthopedic Lesions

have the injured extremity foreshortened and sup-

ported across the trunk by the opposite arm. There is
pain with any movement of the upper extremity or
lateral compression of the shoulders. The SCJ is mildly
swollen and tender to palpation. With an anterior dis-
location, the displaced medial end of the clavicle may
be palpable. Posterior dislocations are associated with
more severe pain, and the neck is often flexed toward
the injured side.5 The clavicular notch of the sternum
may be palpable, and there may be complaints of
hoarseness, dysphagia, dyspnea, and weakness or
paresthesias in the upper extremities. Rarely, airway
complications can occur. These patients should be
examined thoroughly to identify any injuries to supe-
rior mediastinal or intrathoracic structures. When nec-
essary, appropriate consultation should be obtained
Figure 50-21. CT scan shows posterior dislocation of the right ster-
noclavicular (arrow) joint with compression of the superior medi-
astinum. (Courtesy of Donald Sauser, MD.) Diagnostic Strategies: Radiology
Although the diagnosis of sternoclavicular dislocations
can be made clinically, it should be confirmed radio-
logically. Standard anteroposterior, oblique, and spe-
result from a direct blow to the medial clavicle (30%) cialized (40-degree cephalic tilt) views are often
or from a posterolateral force to the shoulder followed difficult to interpret because of overlapping rib,
by inward rolling (70%). Posterior dislocations can be sternum, and vertebral shadows. CT is best to visualize
associated with life-threatening injuries within the these dislocations and associated injuries (see Figure
superior mediastinum. Injuries to the SCJ can be graded 50-21) or MRI.15 Ultrasound also may be a useful
into three types.5 A grade I injury is a mild sprain sec- adjunct in some circumstances.5
ondary to stretching of the sternoclavicular and costo-
clavicular ligaments. A grade II injury is associated Management
with subluxation of the joint (anterior or posterior) sec- Treatment of grade I injuries includes immobilization
ondary to rupture of the sternoclavicular ligament. The (simple sling), adequate analgesia, and primary care
costoclavicular ligament remains intact. Complete follow-up. Immobilization generally is maintained (1 to
rupture of the sternoclavicular and costoclavicular lig- 2 weeks) until full painless motion is restored. Grade
aments results in a grade III injury (dislocation). In II injuries should be immobilized with a sling or soft
patients younger than age 25, these actually represent clavicular (figure-of-eight) splint and referred for ortho-
Salter Type I injuries because the medial epiphysis of pedic follow-up. The figure-of-eight splint is preferred
the clavicle has not yet fused.35 because it maintains the clavicle in a more anatomic
position. Grade II injuries require a longer course of
Clinical Features immobilization (3 to 6 weeks) and are more likely to be
Clinical suspicion is the most important factor in diag- associated with persistent pain.5,6 All grade III injuries
nosing these injuries, and prompt diagnosis is vital should be managed by closed reduction. Anterior dis-
684 because it is associated with a better prognosis. Patients locations may be reduced in the emergency department
reduced, these injuries are generally stable and can be
immobilized with a clavicular splint. Buckerfield and
Castle36 described an alternate method of reduction for
posterior dislocations. In this technique, traction is
applied to the adducted arm while both shoulders
simultaneously are forced posteriorly using direct pres-
sure. This technique levers the clavicle into place and
requires much less force than the traditional abduction-
extension method.

Complications of anterior injuries are primarily cos-
metic. Twenty-five percent of posterior dislocations
may be complicated by life-threatening injuries to
intrathoracic and superior mediastinal structures. A
potential long-term complication of both is degenera-

CHAPTER 50 Shoulder
tive osteoarthritis.

Acromioclavicular Joint
Injuries of the ACJ occur primarily in men and account
for 25% of all dislocations about the shoulder girdle.28
The annual incidence is 15 per 100,000, and most
injuries result from participation in contact sports,
such as football, rugby, ice hockey, and wrestling.28 A
small percentage of injuries are caused by motor
vehicle accidents and falls.
The most common mechanism of injury involves a
fall or direct blow to the point of the shoulder with the
Figure 50-22. Reduction of dislocated sternoclavicular joints. (From arm adducted. The resultant force drives the scapula
Simon RR, Koenigsknecht SJ: Emergency Orthopedics: The Extrem- downward and medially to produce the injury. The
ities, 2nd ed. Norwalk, Conn, Appleton & Lange, 1987.) weak acromioclavicular ligaments rupture first. With
increasing force, the coracoclavicular ligament rup-
tures, and the attachments of the deltoid and trapezius
after orthopedic consultation and intravenous analge- muscles are torn from the distal clavicle. The ACJ also
sia (Figure 50-22). A rolled sheet is placed posteriorly can be injured after a fall onto the outstretched hand.
between the shoulder blades to elevate both shoulders In this instance, the force is transmitted to the acromio-
approximately 5 cm above the table. Traction is applied clavicular ligaments only, and the coracoclavicular lig-
to the arm in an extended (10- to 15-degree) and ament, which is relaxed, remains uninjured.37
abducted (90-degree) position. If reduction does not The three-part Tossy and Allman classification
occur, an assistant can add inward pressure on the system is based on the degree of damage sustained by
medial end of the clavicle. Stable reductions should the acromioclavicular and coracoclavicular ligaments
be maintained in a clavicular splint and referred for (Figure 50-23).8 Type I injuries are sprains of the
orthopedic follow-up.5,6 Most reductions are unstable. acromioclavicular ligaments. Type II injuries are asso-
Because the deformity is primarily cosmetic and not ciated with disruption of the acromioclavicular liga-
functional, the current treatment of choice for recurrent ments. The joint space is widened, and the clavicle
anterior dislocations is benign neglect. displaces slightly upward. There are minor tears in the
Posterior dislocations are true orthopedic emergen- attachments of the deltoid and trapezius muscles, but
cies and should be reduced expeditiously.5 Ideally, the coracoclavicular ligament remains intact, and the
reduction of posterior dislocations should be attempted coracoclavicular distance is maintained. A type III
in the operating room under general anesthesia, injury is characterized by complete disruption of
although it can be attempted in the emergency depart- the acromioclavicular ligaments, coracoclavicular liga-
ment under conscious sedation. Emergency reduction ment, and muscle attachments. The joint space is
may be required for patients with airway obstruction or widened, and the coracoclavicular distance is in-
vascular compromise. The patient is positioned as creased. The clavicle is displaced upward by the pull
described previously, and traction is applied in an of the trapezius, and the shoulder is displaced down-
extended and abducted position. If traction alone does ward by the effect of gravity. Rockwood modified this
not reduce the dislocation, concurrent clavicular three-part classification system by describing three
manipulation may be helpful. The skin is sterilely pre- additional types (IV, V, and VI) of ACJ injuries.35 In type
pared, and the clavicle shaft is grasped with a sterile IV and V injuries, the ligamentous and muscle disrup-
towel clip and pulled out anterolaterally. When tions are similar to the disruptions encountered in type 685
Figure 50-23. Mechanism of injury and classi- 1
fication of acromioclavicular joint injuries.
A, The direct force is applied to the point of the
shoulder (1); the scapula and attached clavicle 2
are forced downward and medially; the clavicle 1 3
approaches the first rib (2). If the force contin- 3
ues, the first rib abuts the clavicle, producing a
counterforce (3). Depending on the magnitude
of the force, a grade I, II, or III sprain may occur.
B, Grade I sprain. A few fibers of the acromio-
clavicular ligament stretch, and a few tear (1);
the acromioclavicular joint is stable (2); the
coracoclavicular ligament is intact (3). C, Grade
II sprain (subluxation). The capsule and the
acromioclavicular ligament rupture (1); the joint
is lax and unstable (2); the end of the clavicle
rides upward, usually less than half of the width A B
of the end of the clavicle (3); the coracoclavic-
ular ligament remains intact (4); the attachments
to the trapezius and deltoid remain intact. 3
PART TWO TRAUMA • Section III Orthopedic Lesions

D, Grade III sprain (dislocation). The capsule 4

and acromioclavicular ligaments rupture (1); the 1
coracoclavicular ligament ruptures (2); the 1
insertions of the trapezius and deltoid tear away 2 3
(3); the clavicle rides upward (4); the interval 4
between the clavicle and the coracoid process 5 2
is greatly increased (5). (From DePalma AF:
Surgery of the Shoulder, 3rd ed. Philadelphia,
JB Lippincott, 1983.)


III injuries, but the clavicle displaces either posteriorly use one third to two thirds less intensity should be
into the trapezius (type IV) or superiorly in an exag- ordered. The recommended projections include an
gerated fashion (type V). In the rare type VI injury, the anteroposterior view of both joints on a single wide
clavicle displaces inferiorly. film, an axillary lateral view, and a 15-degree cephalic
tilt view.8,35 The axillary lateral view is useful for iden-
Clinical Features tifying associated fractures and posterior dislocation of
Patients should be examined while they are in the the clavicle. The normal coracoclavicular distance
sitting or standing position because the supine position varies between 11 and 13 mm. A difference of more
can mask ACJ instability. Type I injuries are associated than 5 mm between the injured and uninjured sides is
with mild tenderness and swelling over the ACJ diagnostic of a complete coracoclavicular disruption.
margin. No deformity occurs, and a full range of motion Type I injuries have essentially normal radiographs.
is usually possible, although painful. Type II injuries Type II injuries show widening of the joint and a slight
produce moderate pain, and the distal end of the clav- upward or posterior displacement of the clavicle but a
icle may lie slightly superior or posterior to the normal coracoclavicular distance. Type III, IV, and V
acromion. Patients with type III, IV, V, and VI injuries injuries have a widened joint, an increased coraco-
usually have severe pain and hold the arm tightly clavicular distance, and either superior or posterior dis-
adducted to reduce traction stress across the joint. In placement of the clavicle (Figure 50-24). Historically,
type III injuries, the shoulder hangs downward, and the stress views of the ACJ have been recommended to dif-
clavicle rides high, producing a visible clinical defor- ferentiate between type II and III injuries. Such views
mity. In type IV injuries, the clavicle may be palpable lack efficacy for this purpose, and their routine use is
posteriorly, and in type V injuries, the clavicle may be unnecessary.38
palpable subcutaneously above the acromion. In type
VI injuries, the shoulder assumes a flattened clinical Management
appearance. Type I and II injuries should be immobilized in a sling
for comfort and to protect against further injury. These
Diagnostic Strategies: Radiology patients should be referred for follow-up with their
The energy settings used for the radiographic trauma primary care physician. When pain has subsided (1 to
686 series overpenetrate the ACJ. Specific ACJ views that 3 weeks), the patient can begin range-of-motion and
motion predisposes the joint to dislocations. The
annual incidence is 17 per 100,000, and there are
two distinct age peaks. The first is in men age 20 to 30
years, and the second is in women age 61 to 80 years.39
The glenohumeral joint can dislocate anteriorly, poste-
riorly, inferiorly, or superiorly. Anterior dislocations
account for 95% to 97% of all glenohumeral disloca-
tions. Posterior dislocations account for most of the
remainder, whereas inferior and superior dislocations
are rare.

Anterior Dislocations
Pathophysiology. Anterior dislocations can result from
indirect or direct forces. The most common mechanism
of injury consists of an indirect force transferred to the
anterior capsule from a combination of abduction,
extension, and external rotation. In younger indi-

CHAPTER 50 Shoulder
viduals, the injury usually is sustained during athletic
activities. In older patients, a fall onto the outstretched
arm is more common.28 Rarely a direct force applied to
the posterolateral aspect of the shoulder can force the
Figure 50-24. Third-degree sprain of the acromioclavicular joint. The humeral head out of the glenoid fossa anteriorly.
coracoclavicular distance measures 18 mm (arrow). (Courtesy of Anterior dislocations can be classified according to
David Nelson, MD.) their etiology (traumatic or nontraumatic), frequency
(primary or recurrent), and the anatomic position of
the dislocated humeral head.39 After dislocation, the
humeral head can assume a subcoracoid, subglenoid,
subclavicular, or intrathoracic position (Figure 50-25).
strengthening exercises with a return to sports when The subcoracoid is the most common type of anterior
pain-free function has been achieved.8 Type IV, V, and dislocation. The head is displaced anteriorly and rests
VI injuries require early surgical treatment. The man- on the scapular neck inferior to the coracoid process.
agement of type III injuries has changed dramatically The next most common type is the subglenoid disloca-
since the 1980s. Most studies have concluded that con- tion, in which the head is anterior and inferior to the
servative treatment provides equal or, in some cases, glenoid fossa. Together the subcoracoid and subglenoid
better functional results than surgical intervention. In types account for 99% of all anterior dislocations. Sub-
addition, surgical patients have longer recovery times clavicular and intrathoracic dislocations are extremely
and higher complication rates.8 The main complica- rare and involve the addition of strong lateral to medial
tions of conservative therapy are the persistence of nui- forces that push the humeral head medially.
sance symptoms (clicking or pain) and a cosmetic Clinical Features. The patient is in severe pain with
deformity. Selected patients who are young, have the dislocated arm held in slight abduction and exter-
severe displacement (>2 cm), and perform repetitive nal rotation by the opposite extremity. The lateral edge
overhead activities may be candidates for surgical of the acromion process is prominent, and the normally
intervention.8 Treatment of type III injuries in the emer- rounded shoulder assumes a “squared-off” appearance.
gency department should consist of sling immobiliza- The coracoid process is indistinct, and the anterior
tion and early (<72 hours) orthopedic referral. The shoulder appears full. The patient leans away from the
initial therapy in all cases should include adequate injured side and cannot adduct or internally rotate the
analgesia. shoulder even slightly without severe pain. A neu-
rovascular examination is performed to identify asso-
ciated injuries of the brachial plexus, axillary nerve,
The most common concurrent injuries are associated
radial nerve, or axillary artery. The reported incidence
fractures of the clavicle and coracoid process.
of axillary nerve injuries after anterior glenohumeral
Osteoarthritis of the ACJ is a potential long-term com-
dislocation ranges from 5% to 54%.40,41 Axillary nerve
plication of an acute injury.8 Acromioclavicular arthri-
function can be assessed by testing for sensation over
tis typically presents as an impingement syndrome
the lateral aspect of the shoulder and by testing motor
with shoulder pain between 120 and 180 degrees of
function of the teres minor and deltoid muscles.
Deltoid function is tested by having the patient attempt
shoulder abduction while the examiner feels for muscle
Glenohumeral Dislocations
contraction. Motor testing is more accurate because
Perspective sensory testing can be misleading owing to the pres-
The glenohumeral joint is the most commonly dislo- ence of overlapping cutaneous nerve root dermatomes.
cated major joint in the body. The lack of intrinsic Axillary nerve injuries occur more frequently in
bony stability in conjunction with its wide range of patients older than age 50 years.41 687
Figure 50-25. Types of anterior disloca-
tion. A, Subcoracoid. B, Subglenoid.
C, Subclavicular. D, Intrathoracic. (From
DePalma AF: Surgery of the Shoulder, 3rd
ed. Philadelphia, JB Lippincott, 1983.)

PART TWO TRAUMA • Section III Orthopedic Lesions


Diagnostic Strategies: Radiology. The trauma series of

radiographs confirms the clinical diagnosis and identi-
fies the position of the humeral head (Figure 50-26).
Associated fractures may be present in 50% of cases.
The most common of these is a compression fracture of
the posterolateral aspect of the humeral head caused by
forceful impingement against the anterior rim of the
glenoid fossa. This defect in the humeral head, or Hill-
Sachs deformity (see Figure 50-26), is reported to be
present in 11% to 50% of all anterior dislocations. The
actual incidence is probably much higher because
minor compression fractures are difficult to visualize
on plain radiographs. The defect is best visualized on
an internal rotation anteroposterior view of the gleno-
humeral joint. A corresponding fracture of the anterior
glenoid rim (Bankart’s fracture) is present in approxi-
mately 5% of cases.10 Avulsion fractures of the greater
tuberosity are present in 10% to 15% of cases.10,40
Management. Closed reduction of the dislocation
should be accomplished expeditiously because the
incidence of neurovascular complications increases
with time.41 Radiographic documentation of the type of Figure 50-26. Recurrent anterior subcoracoid dislocation with
dislocation and any associated fractures should be Hill-Sachs deformity of the humeral head (arrow).
obtained before attempting reduction. Reduction can be
accomplished using various techniques, most of which
involve traction, leverage, or scapular manipulation shoulder. It is wise to be familiar with several tech-
principles.42 There are no good comparative studies of niques of reduction because none is uniformly
one reduction technique over another.42 The ideal successful.
method should be simple, quick, and effective; require Good muscle relaxation is the key to a successful
688 little assistance; and cause no additional injury to the reduction in most settings. Muscle relaxation can be
CHAPTER 50 Shoulder
Figure 50-28. Traction-countertraction method for reducing anterior
Figure 50-27. Stimson or hanging weight method of reduction for shoulder dislocations.
anterior dislocations.

achieved using conscious sedation or interscalene,

supraclavicular, or suprascapular nerve blocks.43 Occa-
sionally, reductions can be accomplished without the
use of any analgesia, especially if the time from injury
to reduction is short or if the dislocation is a recurrent
one. Muscle relaxation and analgesia also can be pro-
vided through intra-articular injection of a local anes-
thetic agent.43,44 This technique is especially useful
when conscious sedation is contraindicated and is
associated with a shorter length of stay in the emer-
gency department after reduction.44 The joint is entered
under sterile technique 2 cm inferior to the lateral edge Figure 50-29. External rotation technique. The involved arm is slowly
of the acromion using an 18-gauge or 20-gauge needle. adducted to the patient’s side, and the elbow is flexed 90 degrees.
Any associated hemarthrosis is aspirated, then 20 mL Gentle external rotation is applied to the forearm to achieve
of 1% lidocaine is injected over 30 seconds. The patient reduction. (From Simon RR, Koenigsknecht SJ: Emergency Ortho-
is allowed to relax for 15 minutes before reduction is pedics: The Extremities, 2nd ed. Norwalk, Conn, Appleton & Lange,
Gentle traction in various directions (forward flexion,
abduction, overhead, lateral) is used to overcome the
muscle spasm that holds the humeral head in its dis- is seated in a chair, and the affected arm is supported
located position.42 In the Stimson or hanging weight by the patient’s unaffected extremity. A 3-foot loop of
technique (Figure 50-27), the patient is placed prone 4-inch cast stockinet is placed along the proximal
with the dislocated arm hanging over the edge of the forearm of the involved extremity with the elbow at 90
examining table. A 10- or 15-lb weight attached to the degrees. The patient is assisted or instructed to sit up,
wrist or lower forearm provides traction in forward and the physician’s foot is placed in the stockinet loop
flexion. Reduction usually occurs over 20 to 30 to provide firm downward traction. The physician’s
minutes. In the traction-countertraction method (Figure hands remain free to apply any gentle external pressure
50-28), traction is applied along the abducted arm or rotation as needed until reduction is accomplished.
while an assistant using a folded sheet wrapped across The most commonly recommended leverage tech-
the chest applies countertraction. The forward eleva- nique is the external rotation method of Liedelmeyer.47
tion maneuver of Cooper and Milch is also simple and With the patient in the supine position, the involved
safe. The arm is initially elevated 10 to 20 degrees in arm is slowly and gently adducted to the side. The
forward flexion and slight abduction. Forward flexion elbow is flexed to 90 degrees, and slow, gentle external
is continued until the arm is directly overhead. Abduc- rotation is applied to achieve reduction (Figure 50-29).
tion is increased, and outward traction is applied to Scapular manipulation accomplishes reduction by
complete the reduction.45 repositioning the glenoid fossa rather than the humeral
Another simple and effective traction technique is head. The patient is placed in the prone position with
the Snowbird technique.46 In this method, the patient the affected arm hanging off the table as for the Stimson 689
these studies did not find any new clinically significant
fractures on postreduction radiographs and argued that
in most instances a successful reduction can be deter-
mined clinically by the presence of a palpable clunk,
decrease in pain, and improvement in the range of
motion. These findings must be confirmed in larger
prospective studies before they are adopted as a stan-
dard of care.
After reduction, the affected extremity is immobi-
lized using a sling and swathe bandage or a Velpeau
sling (see Figure 50-11). Patients should be discharged
with adequate analgesia and appropriate follow-up.
Primary dislocations and complicated cases (associated
fracture, rotator cuff tear, axillary nerve injury) should
receive orthopedic follow-up. In uncomplicated cases,
the shoulder is immobilized for 3 to 6 weeks in younger
patients and 1 to 2 weeks in older (>40 years old) indi-
PART TWO TRAUMA • Section III Orthopedic Lesions

viduals.10 The traditional position of immobilization is

with the shoulder in internal rotation. Studies suggest
that this positioning may delay healing and is associ-
ated with a higher recurrence rate.53 In a randomized
clinical trial, Itoi and coworkers54 found that 3 weeks
of immobilization in 10 degrees of external rotation was
associated with a zero recurrence rate at 13 to 15
months compared with a 30% recurrence rate with
sling immobilization in internal rotation. If these pre-
liminary findings are confirmed by additional trials,
sling immobilization may be replaced by external rota-
tion splints. Regardless of the immobilization tech-
nique, early initiation of shoulder exercises (see Figure
50-14) helps reduce the risk of adhesive capsulitis. A
Figure 50-30. Proper hand position and direction of rotation during meticulous rehabilitation program aimed at restoring
shoulder relocation using the scapular manipulation technique. (From
Kothari RU, Dronen SC: The scapular manipulation technique for the the static and dynamic stabilizers of the glenohumeral
reduction of acute anterior shoulder dislocations. J Emerg Med 8:625, joint follows the period of immobilization.10
1990.) Complications. Complications include the aforemen-
tioned fractures and neurovascular injuries. Most
axillary nerve injuries are neurapraxic, and the prog-
nosis for recovery of function is good.41 Rotator cuff
technique. After the application of downward traction tears may be present in 10% to 15% of cases.55 Rotator
(manual or hanging weights), the scapula is manipu- cuff tears are especially common in primary disloca-
lated by rotating the inferior tip medially (Figure 50- tions in patients older than age 40. In this setting,
30), while stabilizing the superior and medial edges failure to abduct the arm often is misdiagnosed initially
with the opposite hand.48 McNamara49 also described a as an axillary nerve injury. Most of these individuals
seated modification of the scapular method in which require tendon and capsular repair to restore shoulder
traction is applied in the forward horizontal position stability.55 Recurrence also is a common complication
while an assistant manipulates the scapula. Scapular after anterior dislocation, and patients younger than
manipulation can be difficult in heavyset individuals, age 30 have a reported recurrence rate of 79% to
in whom it is difficult to palpate and grasp the inferior 100%.39 A Hill-Sachs deformity or glenoid rim fracture
tip of the scapula. More traditional techniques, such as is associated with increased risk of recurrence.10
the Hippocratic method (traction with the foot in the Studies suggest that the traditional method of treatment
axilla) and the Kocher maneuver (leverage, adduction, (immobilization followed by physical therapy) is inef-
and internal rotation), are no longer recommended fective in preventing redislocation in young, highly
because of a high incidence of associated complications athletic individuals. Arthroscopic studies of primary
(axillary nerve injury, humeral shaft and neck fractures, anterior dislocations in young, highly athletic indivi-
capsular damage). duals have detected a high incidence of anterior-
The neurovascular examination must be repeated inferior capsulolabral avulsions (Perthes-Bankart
after any attempt at reduction. It also is generally rec- lesion) from the glenoid rim. This avulsion is believed
ommended that radiographs be repeated to confirm to be the primary predisposing factor for recurrence,
reduction and to identify any associated fractures not and these individuals seem to benefit from early arthro-
apparent on prereduction films. More recent studies scopic repair of the lesion.56 Recurrence rates decline
have questioned the need and cost-effectiveness of with increasing age and in the presence of a greater
690 routine postreduction radiographs.50-52 The authors of tuberosity fracture.10
Figure 50-32. Overlap of the glenoid rim associated with posterior
Figure 50-31. Technique for performing the shoulder apprehension
test. (From Simon RR, Koenigsknecht SJ: Emergency Orthopedics:
The Extremities, 2nd ed. Norwalk, Conn, Appleton & Lange, 1987.)
tion of the humeral head. The subacromial variety
accounts for 98% of all posterior dislocations.58
Clinical Features. Early diagnosis is essential to

CHAPTER 50 Shoulder
Anterior Subluxation prevent long-term functional and therapeutic compli-
Transient anterior subluxation of the shoulder is cations. As mentioned, the initial examining physician
encountered often in young athletic adults. The patient misses the diagnosis with some regularity, in part
complains of sudden sharp shoulder pain and weak- because of an overreliance on radiologic findings and
ness (dead arm syndrome) while performing an abduc- an underreliance on the clinical examination. The most
tion and external rotation maneuver. The patient also common misdiagnosis is adhesive capsulitis.58,60 The
may relate a sensation of the shoulder slipping in and patient holds the affected arm across the chest in
out. Radiographs are usually normal, and a positive adduction and internal rotation. Although usually
apprehension sign confirms the diagnosis. The latter is painful, the injury can be relatively painless.59 The
performed by gently reproducing the injury motion, normal shoulder contour is replaced by a flat, squared-
abduction, and external rotation of the arm while off appearance, and the coracoid process is prominent
applying an anterior force to the posterior shoulder and easily palpated. The humeral head may be palpa-
(Figure 50-31). This maneuver increases the pain and ble posteriorly beneath the acromion process. Abduc-
may cause anterior displacement of the humeral head. tion is severely limited, and external rotation is
A lax or redundant anterior capsule is thought to be completely blocked.
responsible for this syndrome, and recurrent episodes Diagnostic Strategies: Radiology. Standard anteropos-
are common. These patients should be referred for terior radiographs can appear deceptively normal with
orthopedic follow-up because definitive therapy (cap- posterior dislocations. The common inability to diag-
sulorrhaphy) is surgical.57 nose posterior dislocation in the frontal plane has led
to the description of several characteristic radiographic
Posterior Dislocation findings. Standard anteroposterior films show loss of
Pathophysiology. Posterior dislocations are rare and the half-moon elliptical overlap of the humeral head
account for 2% of all glenohumeral dislocations.58 This and glenoid fossa. In addition, the distance between the
rarity is explained partly by anatomy of the shoulder anterior glenoid rim and the articular surface of the
girdle. The 45-degree angulation of the scapula on the humeral head is increased (“rim sign”). The humeral
thoracic cage positions the glenoid fossa posterior to head is profiled in internal rotation and takes on a
the humeral head and serves as a partial buttress “light bulb” or “drumstick” appearance. A true antero-
against posterior dislocation. Greater than 50% of pos- posterior film shows abnormal overlap of the glenoid
terior dislocations are missed on initial evaluation, and fossa with the humeral head (Figure 50-32). Finally, an
many remain unrecognized (“locked posterior disloca- impaction fracture of the anteromedial humeral head
tions”) for weeks and months.59,60 (reverse Hill-Sachs deformity) is invariably present
A posterior dislocation can result from several dis- (Figure 50-33). This fracture may produce a curvilinear
tinct mechanisms of injury. Convulsive seizures density on the frontal projection parallel to the articu-
(epileptic or after electrical shock) often are associated lar cortex of the humeral head (“trough sign”). An
with unilateral or bilateral posterior dislocations. In orthogonal view, such as an axillary lateral, trans-
this instance, the larger and stronger internal rotator scapular, or apical oblique, confirms the diagnosis. The
muscles (latissimus dorsi, pectoralis major, teres major, axillary lateral view or apical oblique view also identi-
subscapularis) overpower the weaker external rotators fies associated fractures of the humeral head and pos-
(teres minor, infraspinatus) to produce the injury.59 A terior glenoid rim. CT may be helpful in some
posterior dislocation also can occur after a fall onto the instances.61
outstretched hand with the arm held in flexion, adduc- Management. Orthopedic consultation should be
tion, and internal rotation or after a direct blow to the obtained for all patients with posterior dislocations.
anterior aspect of the shoulder. Acute posterior dislo- Closed reduction may be attempted in the emergency
cations are classified into three types (subacromial, department under conscious sedation. The technique
subglenoid, subspinous) based on the final resting posi- of reduction incorporates axial traction in line with the 691
PART TWO TRAUMA • Section III Orthopedic Lesions

Figure 50-33. Anteroposterior and axillary views of a posterior glenohumeral dislocation. Note the widened joint space (rim sign), anterome-
dial impaction fracture of the humeral head, and curvilinear density parallel (arrow) to the articular surface (trough sign). (Courtesy of Donald
Sauser, MD.)

Figure 50-34. Luxatio erecta. A, The mechanism by which

this injury occurs in hyperabduction. B, This is always
accompanied by disruption of the rotator cuff and tear
through the inferior capsule. (From Simon RR, Koenigsknecht
SJ: Emergency Orthopedics: The Extremities, 2nd ed.
Norwalk, Conn, Appleton & Lange, 1987.)


humerus, gentle pressure on the posteriorly displaced Inferior Glenohumeral Dislocation

head, and slow external rotation. If this technique fails, (Luxatio Erecta)
reduction with the patient under general anesthesia is Pathophysiology. Luxatio erecta is a rare type of gleno-
indicated. After reduction, the shoulder should be humeral dislocation in which the superior aspect of the
immobilized in external rotation with slight abduc- humeral head is forced below the inferior rim of the
tion.60 Cases that were missed initially and present as glenoid fossa. It is estimated that 0.5% of all shoulder
a chronic or locked posterior dislocation should be dislocations are of this variety. The mechanism of
referred to the orthopedist for follow-up. Locked pos- injury involves either direct or indirect forces.62,63
terior dislocations usually require open reduction and Application of a direct axial load to an abducted shoul-
internal fixation or arthroplasty.60,61 der can disrupt the weak inferior glenohumeral liga-
Complications. Fractures of the glenoid rim, greater ment and drive the humeral head downward. Most
tuberosity, lesser tuberosity, and humeral head account inferior dislocations result from indirect forces,
for most associated injuries. Rarely the subscapularis however, that hyperabduct the affected extremity62; this
muscle may be avulsed from its insertion site on the causes impingement of the humeral head against the
lesser tuberosity. Neurovascular injuries are uncom- acromion process. Further levering of the humeral shaft
mon because the anterior location of the neurovascular against the acromion ruptures the capsule and dislo-
bundle protects it from injury. Recurrent posterior dis- cates the head inferiorly (Figure 50-34).
locations occur in 30% of patients and predispose the Clinical Features. Clinically the patient has the arm
692 joint to degenerative changes. locked overhead in 110 to 160 degrees of abduction.
Figure 50-35. Anteroposterior view of
an inferior glenohumeral dislocation.
The humeral shaft lies parallel to the
spine of the scapula.

CHAPTER 50 Shoulder
The elbow is usually flexed, and the forearm typically artery has been associated with luxatio erecta.62 Tears
rests on top of the head. The shoulder is fixed in this of the rotator cuff almost always accompany luxatio
position, and any attempts at movement result in sig- erecta and may require surgical repair. Adhesive cap-
nificant pain. The inferiorly displaced humeral head sulitis is a common long-term complication of luxatio
may be palpable along the lateral chest wall. A thor- erecta.
ough neurovascular examination is essential.
Diagnostic Strategies: Radiology. Many cases of Scapulothoracic Dislocation
luxatio erecta are mistakenly diagnosed and treated as
subglenoid anterior dislocations because the radio- Scapulothoracic dissociation is a rare and severe injury
graphic features of these two clinical entities are characterized by complete disruption of the scapu-
remarkably similar. Standard anteroposterior radio- lothoracic articulation. The mechanism of injury
graphs show the superior articular surface inferior involves a strong traction force applied to the upper
to the glenoid fossa (Figure 50-35). In addition, the extremity (e.g., motorcyclist hangs onto the handlebars
humeral shaft characteristically lies parallel to the while body is forced away). Massive local soft tissue
spine of the scapula on the anteroposterior view.63 This swelling associated with lateral displacement of the
radiographic feature is useful in distinguishing luxatio scapula is seen on the chest radiograph. Additional
erecta from a subglenoid anterior dislocation because osseous injuries include acromioclavicular separation,
in the latter, the humeral shaft lies parallel to the chest displaced fractures of the clavicle, and dislocations of
wall. Associated fractures of the acromion, coracoid, the SCJ. Associated neurovascular (subclavian or axil-
clavicle, greater tuberosity, humeral head, and glenoid lary vessels, brachial plexus) injuries are common and
rim are common. account for the poor functional outcomes associated
Management. If possible, orthopedic consultation with this injury.64
should be obtained before attempting closed reduction
under conscious sedation in the emergency depart- Soft Tissue Conditions
ment. Reduction usually can be accomplished using
Subacromial Syndromes and
traction-countertraction maneuvers. Traction is applied
Impingement (Rotator Cuff Tendinitis,
in line with the humeral shaft, while an assistant
Subdeltoid/Subacromial Bursitis)
applies countertraction across the shoulder (Figure
50-36). Gentle abduction usually reduces the disloca- Pathophysiology
tion, and the arm is brought down into an adducted Rotator cuff tendinitis and subacromial bursitis can be
position. In rare instances, buttonholing of the cap- considered part of a pathophysiologic continuum
sule prevents closed reduction, necessitating open whose endpoint is represented by complete rupture of
reduction. the rotator cuff. These two conditions are common
Complications. Neurapraxic lesions of the brachial causes of shoulder pain and have similar clinical pre-
plexus are common, and thrombosis of the axillary sentations.65 A key feature of their clinical presentation 693
is the presence of an impingement or painful arc syn- excessive overhead activity accelerate the entire
drome (Figure 50-37). process. With time, the inflammatory reaction spreads
The subacromial space is the area between the cora- to involve the adjacent bursa. This inflammation leads
coacromial arch and the greater tuberosity of the to edema, thickening, and fibrosis, further narrowing
humerus. This space, which is only a few millimeters the subacromial space (secondary impingement); this is
wide, contains the long head of the biceps, the rotator eventually followed by attritional changes within the
cuff, and the subacromial bursa. The last-mentioned rotator cuff. Because the rotator cuff is a primary
acts as the gliding mechanism between the musculo- humeral head depressor, loss of function adds to the
tendinous cuff and the coracoacromial arch. The func- secondary impingement process.65
tional arc of shoulder elevation is forward, which The impingement process also may involve the long
normally leads to impingement of the cuff and bursa head of the biceps. If so, bicipital tenosynovitis, degen-
under the anterior third of the coracoacromial arch. eration, or rupture may be present. In some cases,
Similar impingement also occurs between 60 and 120 osteoarthritis of the ACJ can narrow the subacromial
degrees of abduction and with the extremes of adduc- space and accelerate the pathologic process. Impinge-
tion. The critical wear from impingement is centered ment in this context occurs between 120 and 180
on the supraspinatus tendon, near its insertion on the degrees of abduction (see Figure 50-37).
greater tuberosity.66 Micro-opaque injection studies
PART TWO TRAUMA • Section III Orthopedic Lesions

also have shown a relative avascularity within this Clinical Features

“critical” area. The hypovascularity in conjunction Neer66 classified the progressive pathologic processes
with repeated wear and age-related degenerative underlying subacromial syndromes into three stages
changes ultimately results in rotator cuff tendinitis. (Table 50-2). The impingement sign (Figure 50-38) is
Narrowing of the subacromial space (anatomic variants positive in all three stages. Patients in stage 1 complain
of anterior acromion) and occupations that require of a dull ache around the deltoid area after strenuous
activity. On examination, tenderness is present over
the supraspinatus and anterior acromion. A painful
arc of abduction between 60 and 120 degrees is
1 characteristic.
Stage 2 is characterized by more persistent pain that
is particularly severe at night. The inflammatory
process within the bursa and tendons leads to the for-
mation of minor adhesions. Disruption of these adhe-
sions is thought to account for the nighttime pain.
Physical findings are similar to those of stage 1. In addi-
tion, bursal thickening leads to increased soft tissue
2 crepitus within the glenohumeral joint.
The hallmark of stage 3 is significant tendon degen-
eration after a prolonged history of tendinitis and
bursitis. Findings in this stage are discussed in the
section on tears of the rotator cuff. Radiographs are
usually normal in stages 1 and 2. Findings in stage 3
are similar to those seen with complete tears of the
rotator cuff.
The differential diagnosis of subacromial syndromes
is extensive and includes intrinsic and extrinsic causes
of shoulder pain. Extrinsic sources include the cervical
spine, lung, heart, and diaphragm. Intrinsic conditions
include acromioclavicular arthritis, adhesive capsuli-
Figure 50-36. Traction-countertraction method for reduction of tis, calcific tendinitis, and traumatic anterior subluxa-
luxatio erecta humeri. The initial maneuver (1) includes steady axial tion. A positive impingement sign may be present in
traction in line with the humeral shaft position followed by gentle many of these conditions. Relief of pain after the sub-
abduction. This reduces the glenohumeral dislocation. At this point
(2), the arm is brought down to a position of adduction and internal acromial injection of 10 mL of 1% lidocaine (impinge-
rotation. (From Davids JR, Talbott RD: Luxatio erecta humeri. Clin ment test [see Figure 50-38]) helps localize the
Orthop 252:144, 1990.) condition to the subacromial space.

Table 50-2. Three Progressive Stages of Impingement Lesions

Stage Pathology Age (yr) Course Treatment

I Edema, hemorrhage <25 Reversible Conservative

II Fibrosis, tendinitis 25-40 Recurrent pain with activity Conservative, surgical
III Bone spurs, tendon rupture >40 Progressive disability Surgical
180° Figure 50-37. Arcs of painful abduction: sub-
acromial painful arc, 60 to 120 degrees;
acromioclavicular painful arc, 120 to 180
degrees. (From DePalma AF: Surgery of the
Shoulder, 3rd ed. Philadelphia, JB Lippincott,
Acromioclavicular painful arc

CHAPTER 50 Shoulder
90° Subacromial
painful arc


Figure 50-38. Impingement injection test. The impingement sign is elicited with the patient seated and the examiner standing. Scapular rota-
tion is prevented with one hand, while the other hand raises the arm in forced forward elevation, causing the greater tuberosity to impinge
against the acromion. This maneuver produces pain in patients with impingement lesions of all stages. It also causes pain in many other shoul-
der conditions. In the case of impingement lesions, the pain caused by this maneuver is relieved by the injection of 10 mL of 1% lidocaine
beneath the anterior acromion. This test is useful in separating impingement lesions of all stages from other causes of shoulder pain. (Redrawn
from Neer CS: Impingement lesions. Clin Orthop 173:70, 1983.)

Management the arm. Pain and secondary muscle spasm limit shoul-
Initial treatment in stage 1 is conservative and consists der motion. Physical findings depend on the com-
of rest, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), pleteness, size, and location of the tear. Point
and modification of activities that produce impinge- tenderness is usually present over the site of rupture
ment. In stage 2, emphasis is on maintaining flexibility (greater tuberosity). A palpable defect also may be
and range of motion through physiotherapy and rotator present. Subacromial injection of 10 mL of 1% lido-
cuff strengthening exercises. Patients with stage 1 and caine eliminates pain and allows for proper evaluation
2 disease who present to the emergency department of motor function. The patient with a large tear cannot
reporting treatment failure with NSAIDs may benefit initiate shoulder abduction. A discrepancy between
from a subacromial injection of corticosteroids. Refrac- active and passive range of motion is highly suggestive
tory stage 2 and some stage 3 patients may require of a rotator cuff tear.69 The drop-arm test, performed by
decompression surgery to control pain. Patients with passively abducting the arm to 90 degrees and asking
stage 2 and 3 disease may benefit from referral to an the patient to hold the arm in this position, is positive
orthopedist for more detailed evaluation and treatment. with significant tears. Slight pressure on the distal
forearm or wrist causes the patient to drop the arm sud-
Rotator Cuff Tears denly. The acute pain resulting from hemorrhage and
spasm subsides over a few days. Repeat examination at
PART TWO TRAUMA • Section III Orthopedic Lesions

Pathophysiology this point confirms the loss of function in significant

The rotator cuff acts as a dynamic stabilizer of the tears.
glenohumeral joint.67 Its primary function is to hold the Chronic tears account for approximately 90% of all
humeral head in place throughout the full range of lesions. Chronic tears are attritional and more insidi-
motion (see Figure 50-5). In addition, it contributes ous in their presentation. Early findings include a
power in all directions and is responsible for specific painful arc syndrome as a result of secondary impinge-
movements. The infraspinatus and teres minor act as ment. The pain is worse at night and interferes with
external rotators, whereas the subscapularis is an inter- sleep. Worsening pain is followed by the gradual onset
nal rotator. The supraspinatus is essential for the first of weakness in the arm. Flexion and abduction are
30 degrees of shoulder abduction. affected first. The patient attempts to initiate abduction
The tenuous blood supply of the rotator cuff, abusive using scapulothoracic movement. Internal rotation is
tensile overload, and chronic wear under the cora- weakened by anterior extension of the tear. Posterior
coacromial arch predispose it to age-related degenera- extension compromises external rotation. The drop-
tive changes. The advanced stage of this process is arm test is positive with large tears, and there may be
characterized by complete rupture of the rotator cuff. atrophy of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus
The role of impingement in the development of rotator muscles.
cuff tears is controversial. Primary impingement (e.g.,
acromial variance) is uncommon, but when present
accelerates the degenerative process. More often, weak- Diagnostic Strategies: Radiology
ening or rupture of the cuff with age allows for superior Radiographs may be normal in acute and chronic tears,
migration of the humeral head, which results in but more often they show evidence of nonspecific
secondary impingement. This impingement produces degenerative changes within the glenohumeral joint
secondary changes within the subacromial space and and subacromial space. The greater tuberosity can have
symptoms characteristic of the painful arc syndrome.68 a sclerotic or cystic appearance. Osteophytic spurs and
Most tears involve the dominant arm and occur in sclerosis of the undersurface of the acromion may
men older than age 40 years. The occupational history narrow the subacromial space. The hallmark of a com-
is significant for strenuous work requiring overhead plete tear is superior displacement of the humeral head.
activity. Most tears occur near the attachment of the This displacement is best seen on an external rotation
supraspinatus and can extend anteriorly into the sub- view. The normal distance from the superior aspect of
scapularis or posteriorly into the infraspinatus. Tears the humerus to the undersurface of the acromion varies
can be classified according to their size, completeness, from 7 to 14 mm. A distance of less than 6 mm is highly
pattern location, or duration. A clinically useful system suggestive of a complete tear. Outpatient MRI, ultra-
is to divide tears into acute or chronic types. Acute tears sound, or an arthrogram can confirm the diagnosis.
(10%) usually are associated with a specific traumatic
event. Often no history of previous shoulder problems Management
exists. The most common mechanism of injury is forced Acute tears should be immobilized in a sling and
abduction associated with significant resistance; this referred promptly for orthopedic follow-up. Early sur-
usually occurs when the patient attempts to break a fall gical repair (<3 weeks) is preferred in these instances,
with an outstretched hand. Alternatively the tendon especially for a young or active individual. The man-
rupture may occur while lifting a heavy object or after agement of chronic tears includes pain control and a
falling directly onto an immovable object.69 shoulder rehabilitation program. Painful arc symptoms
may respond to the subacromial injection of a corti-
Clinical Features costeroid preparation. Orthopedic follow-up is essen-
The patient complains of a sudden tearing sensation in tial because patients with persistent pain and weakness
696 the shoulder followed by severe pain that radiates into may require surgical repair.
Lesions of the Biceps Muscle
The biceps is composed of two heads. The long head
originates from the supraglenoid tubercle and glenoid
labrum and ascends over the humeral head to enter the
arm via the bicipital groove. The long head is covered
by a synovial sheath and is held in place within the
groove by the coracohumeral and transverse humeral
ligaments. The short head of the biceps originates from
the coracoid process and inserts with the long head
onto the tuberosity of the radius. The biceps is respon-
sible for flexion and supination at the elbow.

Bicipital Tenosynovitis
Pathophysiology. Anatomically the long head of the
biceps is subject to the same stresses as the rotator cuff
within the subacromial space. Irritation and micro-

CHAPTER 50 Shoulder
trauma as a result of repetitive elevation or abduction
of the shoulder produce an inflammatory reaction
within the synovial sheath. Bicipital tenosynovitis
usually is associated with other acromial arch impinge-
ment conditions (e.g., subacromial bursitis and rotator
cuff tendinitis).70
The typical patient is middle-aged and involved in Figure 50-39. Yergason’s test. Flexion of the elbow and supination
of the forearm against resistance causes pain in the anterior and inner
an occupation or recreational activity that requires aspect of the shoulder. (From DePalma AF: Surgery of the Shoulder,
overhead movement. The patient complains of pain in 3rd ed. Philadelphia, JB Lippincott, 1983.)
the anterior part of the shoulder that radiates into the
upper arm. The pain usually is initiated by some minor
traumatic event involving forceful contraction of the
biceps. Pain increases with activity and decreases with tures are rare and are not discussed. Proximally,
rest. Abduction and external rotation in particular are microtears and other age-related attritional changes
painful. Pain increases at night and interferes with within the long head predispose it to rupture.69 The
sleep. rupture can be spontaneous or may follow a traumatic
Clinical Features. On examination, tenderness is pre- event involving either forced extension or resisted
sent over the biceps tendon as it passes through the supination and flexion.
bicipital groove. This is best shown with the arm in Clinical Features. The classic history of an acute
abduction and external rotation. Active range of motion rupture is that of a sudden snap or pop, followed by
is limited by pain, but the passive range remains intact. pain and ecchymosis in the region of the bicipital
Supination against resistance (Yergason’s test) with the groove. The tendon usually ruptures at its weakest
arm adducted and the elbow flexed to 90 degrees repro- point, which is just distal to the exit from the gleno-
duces the pain (Figure 50-39). The biceps resistance humeral joint cavity. With a complete rupture, distal
test in which forward flexion of the shoulder (elbow retraction of the muscle results in a “Popeye” appear-
extended and forearm supinated) is carried out against ance of the arm. A difference in muscle contour (Lud-
resistance also produces pain in the bicipital groove. ington’s test) also may be seen when both arms are
Diagnostic Strategies: Radiology. Radiographs may placed behind the head and the biceps muscles are con-
show evidence of subacromial space impingement by tracted.72 Functionally, forearm supination is weak-
associated acromioclavicular arthritis, inferior subluxa- ened, but elbow flexion stays strong because the
tion of the clavicle, and inferior acromial osteophytes. coracobrachialis and short head of the biceps remain
Management. Emergency treatment consists of im- intact. Most ruptures also are associated with a rotator
mobilization in a sling and anti-inflammatory medica- cuff tear.
tion. Gentle stretching exercises are encouraged, and Diagnostic Strategies: Radiology. Radiographs are
refractory or progressive cases should be referred to usually unremarkable, and the confirmatory test of
an orthopedic surgeon. Although the bicipital sheath choice is MRI.
can be injected with a corticosteroid preparation, Management. The injured arm should be immobilized
the procedure is technically difficult. Subacromial in a sling with the elbow in 90 degrees of flexion. The
decompressive surgery and biceps tenodesis may be local application of ice may provide temporary relief.
necessary in patients who fail to respond to conserva- Analgesia should be provided, and the patient should
tive therapy.71 be referred to an orthopedic surgeon within 72 hours
for further evaluation and treatment. Surgical repair is
Ruptures of the Biceps Tendon a consideration in young, active individuals. In older
Pathophysiology. Ruptures of the biceps tendon can be individuals, conservative therapy (range-of-motion and
classified into proximal and distal types. Distal rup- strengthening exercise) is preferred because the cos- 697
metic deformity is minimal, and the mild functional increased intratendinous pressure, and spontaneous
loss is usually acceptable. rupture of the deposit into the subacromial bursa can
provide dramatic relief of symptoms.
Subluxation and Dislocations of the
Biceps Tendon Diagnostic Strategies: Radiology
Subluxations and dislocations of the biceps tendon Radiographs show calcific deposits in the involved
usually are associated with a congenitally shallow tendon. For the supraspinatus, calcific deposits are best
bicipital groove or atraumatic (attritional) tears of the seen on the internal and external rotation anteroposte-
coracohumeral and transverse humeral ligaments. The rior views. The axillary view is useful for showing cal-
patient complains of a snapping sensation in the upper cification within the other tendons of the rotator cuff.
arm with abduction and external rotation. External and
internal rotation of the abducted shoulder shows dis-
Subacute symptoms usually respond to NSAIDs and
location and relocation of the tendon. With complete
measures to limit any offending activity. The acute
dislocation, the arm may reflexively drop to relocate
phase should be treated with sling immobilization,
the tendon. These conditions may require operative
NSAIDs, and analgesia. Subacromial injection of a local
repair and should be referred to an orthopedist.
anesthetic may provide dramatic temporary relief.
PART TWO TRAUMA • Section III Orthopedic Lesions

Needle lavage (puncturing of the calcific deposits to

Calcific Tendinitis decrease intratendinous pressure) also has been
Pathophysiology described as an effective treatment.73 The subacromial
Rotator cuff calcific tendinitis is encountered fre- injection of corticosteroids for impingement symptoms
quently in the emergency department. The condition is controversial because these agents may delay the
occurs in the 40s and 50s and is rare in individuals process of calcium resorption and interfere with the
younger than age 30 or older than age 60. Calcific natural course of the condition. Patients with chronic
deposits occur primarily in the supraspinatus tendon symptoms may benefit from extracorporeal shock wave
near its attachment to the greater tuberosity. Deposits therapy or surgical removal of the calcific deposit.75
also may involve the infraspinatus, teres minor, or sub- Early shoulder range-of-motion exercises should be
scapularis tendons. Initially the tendon undergoes encouraged in all patients to minimize the risk of adhe-
fibrocartilaginous transformation. The precipitating sive capsulitis. All symptomatic patients should
factors for this change are unclear and may involve receive orthopedic follow-up.
hypoxia or stress-related degenerative changes within
the tendon.73 Calcium crystals are deposited and coa- Adhesive Capsulitis
lesce within the matrix of the tendon. Subsequent inva- Pathophysiology
sion of vascular channels into the deposit allows for the Adhesive capsulitis is a specific diagnostic entity char-
influx of neutrophils and macrophages (inflammatory acterized by an inflammatory reaction within the
response), which remove the calcification through capsule and synovium of the glenohumeral joint. This
phagocytosis. Finally, fibroblasts migrate into the area inflammatory reaction results in the formation of adhe-
to create a postcalcification scar.74 sions within the capsule and inferior axillary fold.
Adhesive capsulitis must be differentiated from other,
Clinical Features more common causes of the painful stiff shoulder; this
The clinical presentation can be divided into silent, is important because any painful condition of the
subacute, and acute phases based on the physical char- shoulder (e.g., calcific tendinitis, rotator cuff tear,
acteristics of the calcific deposits and the nature of the osteoarthritis, or trauma) may be associated with
inflammatory response within the tendon and subacro- decreased range of motion.76 Although the cause of
mial bursa. The silent phase consists of a dry powdery adhesive capsulitis is unknown, any condition associ-
deposit with no surrounding inflammatory reaction. It ated with prolonged dependency of the arm can result
is usually an incidental diagnosis when shoulder radi- in capsular contraction, including voluntary immobi-
ographs are obtained for other purposes. The deposits lization after calcific tendinitis, rotator cuff injury, mas-
may remain painless and eventually reabsorb. tectomy, or a distal upper extremity injury (Colles’
The painful arc syndrome is a hallmark of the sub- fracture).
acute phase. Enlargement and softening of the deposit
narrows the subacromial space, resulting in impinge- Clinical Features
ment under the acromial arch. Pain between 60 and The typical patient is a woman between 40 and 60 years
120 degrees of abduction (see Figure 50-37) is old. The nondominant arm is usually affected, and the
characteristic. patient has trouble with the activities of daily living.
A severe inflammatory reaction within and around The pain is often severe at night and localized over the
the deposit produces the acute phase. The deposit deltoid area. There is uniform limitation of all gleno-
becomes milky and has the appearance of an acute humeral movement, especially abduction and internal
abscess. The patient has severe pain with the arm held and external rotation. On passive testing, a sense of
close to the chest. Active and passive range of motion mechanical restriction of joint motion is present. The
is severely limited. The shoulder is warm and shoulder radiographs are usually normal if there is no
698 extremely tender to the touch. Severe pain is related to associated condition.
Table 50-3. Potency, Duration of Action, and Dose of Commonly Used Corticosteroid Preparations

Duration Preparation (Suspension) Subacromial

Preparation (Trade Name) Relative Potency of Action (mg/mL) Dose (mg)

Hydrocortisone acetate (Hydrocortone) 1 Short 50 mg/mL 25-37.5

Betamethasone sodium phosphate and 25 Short/long 6 6
acetate (Celestone Soluspan)
Methylprednisolone acetate (Depo-Medrol) 5 Long 40 40-80
Triamcinolone acetonide (Kenalog-10) 5 Long 10 mg/mL 10-20
Triamcinolone hexacetonide (Aristospan) 5 Long 20 mg/mL 20
Triamcinolone diacetate (Aristocort) 5 Long 25 25
Dexamethasone acetate (Decadron-LA) 25 Long 8 4-16

Management tion. Local anesthetic injection may result in a dramatic

The best form of therapy is preventive. Prolonged temporary improvement in symptoms.
immobilization must be avoided, and early motion of

CHAPTER 50 Shoulder
the shoulder should be encouraged in all instances (see
Figure 50-14). Treatment of adhesive capsulitis in the KEY CONCEPTS
emergency department consists of NSAIDs and referral
to an orthopedic surgeon. The diagnosis usually is con- ■ The most important aspect of scapular fractures is the high
firmed by an arthrogram, which shows obliteration of incidence of associated injuries to the ipsilateral lung,
the axillary fold and a reduction in the joint volume. chest wall, and shoulder girdle complex.
Initial therapy is usually conservative and consists of a ■ Posterior SCJ dislocations can be associated with life-
gentle assisted exercise program. Some patients require threatening injuries within the superior mediastinum, and
shoulder manipulation under anesthesia to improve the preferred imaging technique is a CT scan.
the range of motion. ■ If the coracoclavicular distance exceeds 10 to 13 mm, or
there is a difference of more than 5 mm in this distance
Injection Therapy between the injured and the uninjured sides, a grade III
ACJ dislocation should be suspected.
The local injection of corticosteroid preparations can
be useful in many painful conditions that affect the ■ Most studies have concluded that conservative treatment
of type III ACJ dislocations provides equal or, in some
shoulder, including rotator cuff tendinitis and sub-
cases, better functional results than surgical intervention.
acromial bursitis. Evidence-based research that sup-
■ A compression fracture of the posterolateral aspect of the
ports or refutes the use of injection corticosteroid humeral head (Hill-Sachs deformity) is present in a large
therapy is limited.77 Although useful for relieving the percentage of anterior glenohumeral dislocations.
inflammatory reaction, corticosteroid injections in ■ Good muscle relaxation is the key to success in the reduc-
general do not alter the underlying disease process. tion of anterior glenohumeral dislocations.
Corticosteroids inhibit all phases of the inflammatory ■ Axillary nerve function is best evaluated by motor function
response, including leukocyte migration, edema for- of the deltoid muscle.
mation, mediator release, vascular permeability, colla- ■ Recurrence is a common complication after anterior dislo-
gen deposition, and fibroblast proliferation. Systemic cation, especially in patients younger than age 30 years,
complications are rare after local injection therapy. and such individuals may benefit from arthroscopic repair.
Site-specific complications include articular cartilage ■ A posterior dislocation should be suspected in any indi-
damage and subcutaneous atrophy. The incidence of vidual who complains of shoulder pain after a convulsive
local complications correlates with the injection tech- episode.
nique, dose used, and frequency of administration. ■ It is important to evaluate the relationship between the
Direct tendon injection must be avoided at all times, spine of the scapula and the longitudinal axis of the
humerus to avoid missing an inferior glenohumeral
and the frequency of injections should be limited to
four injections per year.78
■ Early initiation of passive shoulder range-of-motion exer-
Numerous corticosteroid preparations are available
cises helps reduce the risk of adhesive capsulitis.
on the market (Table 50-3). Injection of a long-acting
agent or a combination of a short-acting and long-acting
agent is preferred. The dose used depends on the size
of the joint or bursa and the response of the individual. REFERENCES
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51 Musculoskeletal Back Pain

Michelle Lin

accounts for a significant proportion of costs to the

LOW BACK PAIN health care system.

In the ambulatory care setting, the medical complaint
Background of back pain is the fifth most common reason for a visit
to a physician’s office, with 15 million annual visits in
Approximately 70% to 90% of adults during their life- the United States.6 Low back pain primarily affects
time experience acute low back pain, defined as pain adults 30 to 60 years old and has a tremendous impact
lasting less than 6 weeks in duration.1,2 Frustrating for on the economy and workforce productivity. Approxi-
the medical practitioner and the patient, 85% of these mately 14% of all Americans take at least 1 day off of
patients have an unknown etiology for their pain.3 work secondary to back pain. For people younger than
These patients frequently are diagnosed with “acute age 45 years, persistent chronic back pain ranks as the
lumbosacral strain,” “lumbago,” or “mechanical back leading cause of disability among chronic ailments. For
pain.” These nonspecific, catch-all terms reflect the people age 45 to 64, it ranks third behind coronary
diagnostic challenge and lack of pathognomonic tests disease and arthritis.7 Patients with back pain generate
for low back pain. More accurately, these patients an estimated $24 billion in annual medical expenses
should be diagnosed with “idiopathic low back pain.” and $50 billion to $100 billion in total direct and indi-
Regardless, most of these cases resolve spontaneously rect costs in the United States.1,2,8,9
within 6 weeks. Based on more recent studies regard- The natural history of most cases of low back pain
ing the management of acute low back pain, the most follows a benign and self-limited course. Approxi-
significant discovery, contradictory to traditional teach- mately 70% to 90% of patients have complete resolu-
ing from the 1980s, is to avoid bed rest for these tion of pain within 6 weeks.10 If the pain does not
patients, including patients with sciatica symptoms.4,5 resolve within 3 months, however, it is unlikely to
Management recommendations for chronic back pain resolve after 12 months. The recurrence rate for pain is
remain controversial, however, and the condition 66% to 84% within the first 12 months.11 701

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