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Rachel Jane Tan

Activity no. 2 BOTTOM LINE

1. Loving yourself means you have to take good care of your well being starting with your
lifestyle. This is particularly challenging when you are regular or a working student. You need
to balance your academic life and your commitment to be physically active.

Taking care of yourself means compassionately accepting yourself for who you are instead of
burning yourself out trying to be everything to everyone all the time. It's living your life in a
way that doesn't leave you needing to check out or take a break just so you can have a bath,
read a book, or sip tea.

2. Explain your idea on local and foreign movie and music artist’ (e.g. K-Pop) body and face
as standard of what is sexy and beautiful or handsome.

Being Famous is what makes them being sexy or handsome as an artist .  I am familiar with
the Korean beauty standard and I agree that it is ideal. Korean beauty is always
changing and developing. Males certainly don’t have as much standards as women,
but the standards they do have are usually similar to women: pale skin, over 180 cm,
big eyes, nice nose,

3. Among the kinds of diet, which do you think you can sustain adopting? Explain your choice.

I predominately use the zone method of eating with a bit if paleo. I believe that we all live in
different regions of the world and should embrace foods that come from those areas. Also,
eating a diet high in fruits, veggies, whole grains, nuts, healthy fats, and lean proteins will
serve you as a whole.

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