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Chapter 3

Age 17
Thornhill High

I hated the students of Stumberson High. They want us either dead or executed in front
of their eyes. To them, we are dirt on their shoes. I should hate all of them. They made
us feel animals, yet one of them caught my heart.
Angelic Cruella Patterson.
I still couldn’t believe she was here. And God, why does she always, always, caught me
unluckily and in a not decent kind of way I don’t want her to know.
“What’s wrong?” My friend, Jake, one of the Patterson’s labor worker, asked. We were
sitting inside his trailer, and there was a bottle of liquor on his right hand.
“Nothing,” I answered, took the bottle from his hand, and sip it.
“Woah, easy, dude!” He let out a baritone laugh and patted my back simultaneously.
“You’re still thinking about her?” he asked, but there was no humor in his voice now.
“What do you think?”
“Man, she’s not for you.”
“I know.”
We fell silence.
Before he could tell something that would snap me back to my reality, I stand up on my
seat. “I have to go. My mom and baby Emily arrives today.”
His eyes lit up as soon as I mentioned baby Emily. “Oh? That’s good to hear. Are they
done with their vacation?”
“Yeah,” I answered and chuckled. “I have to clean the mess or else my mom will kill
“Sure,” he nodded and take a sip of his beer before standing up. “I’m going with you.”
“No.” My eyes wander to my black leather jacket on the kitchen sink. I took forward and
grab it leisurely before locking my eyes to Jake. “I’m not going to let you see my mom in
that state,” I nodded at Jake’s body.
His eyes were bloodshot red. He stinks because he was not been taking a bath for a
week. He smells alcohol, and both of us knew that he’s not feeling well.
“Yeah,” he mumbled, more to himself, “Send my regards to your mother then, Owen.”
Without further ado, I went out from that trailer and jump on my motorbike. I raised my
hand to bid goodbye to my friend and drove out there as fast as I could.
“Mom?” I yelled inside of our apartment when the light is on. Looking at a middle-aged
woman wearing a checkered apron, I knew that I wasn’t dreaming. My mom’s here after
six months of waiting.
I couldn’t help but to run towards her and pull her into a tight hug. “Owen!” she shrieked
when my biceps tightens around her shoulder. “You’re back,” I whispered to her.
She pull out our hug and looks at me with teary eyes. “Yes, how were you?” she asked
and her eyes look at me up and down, gazing my body and face. When her eyes
squinted to the little tattoo on my hand she inspected, her smile immediately curl down.
“Owen, you didn’t – “
I cut her off. “How’s baby Emily?” I asked, looking at the three-months old baby on the
bed. She was sleeping, but I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. “She’s sleeping. Don’t
wake her up.”
I didn’t answer my mother. My hand found the small hands of the baby in front of me.
She’s not my blood-related sister. I’m an adopted child of the Lacoste. That’s what I
knew when my mother told me at the age of ten. She thought she’s not fertile enough to
bare a child, that is why she adopted me when I was still a baby. Now that her husband
becomes a fugitive, they were blessed with a baby. However, the situation with her
husband that I refused to acknowledge as my foster father, becomes worse as the
police keeps on searching at him.
I’ve seen my mother cried every night. And I goddamned know the reason why. She
was thinking about her husband – where he is hiding, and if he was eating, or even
barely alive. She overthinks too much. So, when there was a chance given to go with
her husband in a remote island, and to cherish every days together with their baby as
one happy family, I let her go, even if I don’t want to.
“Owen, school is coming. How much was the tuition fees again? How about your
uniform? The miscellaneous things?”
“Don’t worry about it, mom,” I answered, still looking with admiration to baby Emily.
“Just tell me so I can budget it.”
“I told you, mom. There’s nothing to worry about it.”
“Why? Because you’re not going school?”
I fell silence.
Then, I sighed. “Mom, you forgot again. School opened last month. I’m okay. For the
third time, don’t worry about the money.”
“I’m your mother, Owen. Of course I worry about my son’s future. Are you studying
well? Please don’t be heavily influenced with your friends. They are bad influence to
I didn’t argue because if I did, it’s going to be a long sermon about how my mother
despised my frat friends and how I should distance myself to them. Little did she know I
was the one who leads them.
Days passed by, I was busy with school and practice.
“There’s an underground fight tonight. 8 pm sharp. Are you in?” Coach Tim asked me
one time, so I nodded and unwrapped my bondage. Jake looks at me, and my
eyebrows raised. “What about it?” I asked.
“It’s Jimmy. You can’t beat him.”
I ignored him. “How much will be mine?” Instead, I asked Coach. He has an amused
smile, and I saw how his crook teeth. “Worth triple of your tuition fees.”
I waste no time to get back to the ring and practice. “Jake!” I shouted my friend’s name
and with a slump shoulder, he went inside. “You better think twice, Lacoste,” he smirked
my family name. “I know that Jimmy, man. You can’t beat him. He’s bulky, large, and it
should be illegal that he joins underground fight. He’s supposed to be a summon
wrestler instead.” I don’t know why but I laugh because of the last sentence.
“I can beat him.”
“It’s up to you. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Jake looks serious and fuming mad. He
knows I’m stubborn when it comes to money. And whenever there is an opportunity, I
always take the chance even though it’s 10 over 90. Time seems to be pretty fast
because the night arrives.
My heart thundered in my ears as soon as I gaze the ocean of people shouting my
names on the bleachers. They weren’t sitting. They are standing and waging their bet.
Most of the bet are to Jimmy.
Jake, even though he’s completely does not agree with this, he still stand behinds me
as my name got called. “I told you,” he hissed and nodded to Jimmy in the opposite
area of where we are, “he’s big and you cannot beat him,” he’s been saying this phrase
all and over again I’m getting sick of it.
Looking at Jimmy sitting casually on the right side of the ring, I couldn’t help but smirk.
Yes, he’s big. That’s my advantage. My upper cuts are fast and his body does not look
proportionate, making him move slow. But that’s only my calculation. We’ll see it once
we fight in the ring.
“See? If you want to withdraw the fight, you have little time remaining. Come on, man.” I
ignored Jake’s mumbles when I caught someone. A pair of green emerald eyes found
A fucking beat of my heart slammed my chest, making me feel electrified with lots, lots
of voltage. I froze on my seat. I couldn’t breathe properly. My lungs suck out the air out
of me. What the fuck does the angel is doing here?
Angelic Cruella Patterson is looking at me with wide and shimmering eyes. That fucking
doe eyes. The heat shot straight to my groin, and I squirmed in my seat, feeling
uncomfortable and hot at the same time.
Then, she smiled at me and raised her hand as soon as she knew I was looking at her. I
cocked an eyebrow. Yes, she’s an angel sent by the heaven to corrupt a devil. Why
would she smile at me? Are we kinda friends now after that incident? For all I know, I
insulted her. I shoo-ed her because she fucking doesn’t belong in my place.
And now, why is she here?
Why is she in my place again?
“Are you listening to me, Owen?” Jake hissed in my ears again. “Man, I told you – are
you fucking with me? Owen! What are you looking – “ Then, as if my friend already
knew, he sighed. “Great. Great. Now, you’re looking forward to this fight now that she’s
here. What a damned night. If you’re dead tonight, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
I saw Angelic mouthed words at me.
“What?” I muttered to myself.
It took me a minute to finally decipher what her mouth shapes.
Good. Luck. Idiot.
I smirked and stand up on my seat the moment the fight starts. It was a long fight.
Excitement and fear mixed up in my system, but seeing Angelic shouting my name,
enjoying every bit of my fight, I couldn’t help but to feel inspired. Maybe it was because
she’s my lucky charm. Or maybe just her mere presence in the arena, her breath, her
chants and yell to cheer for me, her eyes that shines in the dark, and her smile when
the announcer muttered my name as the winner. It was all worth the punch and bruises
in my face.
“Oh God…” That’s what I heard from Jake when I give him a smirk. “You won…” he
mumbled, like he couldn’t believe it and it was such a miracle he should cherish.
“Congrats, Owen!” Coach Tim proudly shouted and shakes my hair. I let out a victorious
laugh when he patted my back as he keep on muttering the word congrats. I excused
myself to change in the locker area. My hands start shaking when I was alone with my
thoughts. Angelic is here. Why is she here? Is she with her boyfriend?
Then, my smile faded instantly when the idea strike me. Of course she is. Maybe it was
Zach, her boyfriend’s, idea to attend this fight. I heard that guy always like to attend
extreme sports. I bet if he likes underground fight just by watching one game, then he’s
going to participate one of it, sooner or later.
I shake my head to stop myself from thinking when I froze. In wide eyes, I swallowed a
lump in my throat when I saw Angelic in front of me. Seconds ago, I was trying to call all
Gods and saints to bump with her, and now, she came here, in the fucking men’s locker
room, voluntarily.
She was lucky I was the only one inside. Or was it the complete opposite?
“Hey, nice fight!” Angelic said with glittering eyes. If I didn’t know she has a boyfriend, I
would’ve conclude that she’s in love with me. But she’s not. Wake up, Owen!
“Thanks,” I answered. I was supposed to get dressed, but she’s here. I need to tell her
to get out sooner or later. Men will change here, and when she’s smart enough to know
what does locker room means.
“What are you doing here?” I asked, squinting my eyes at her. Her eyes roam around
my body, and when she stares at the flex of my abs, she look away. I cocked my head
at the side. “Take your time. I don’t mind.” I smirked at her and point the stool in front of
me. “Sit.”
“Uhm, no thanks. I’m not staying for too long.”
“Why are you here? Who’s with you?” I asked a little bit of harsh voice. Just the thought
of his boyfriend letting his girlfriend sneak into men’s locker room irritates me. When I
will have a girlfriend, I won’t take my eyes off of her and just let her see any men.
“I’m here because I purchased a ticket,” she raised her arm to let me see the ticket of
this fight. VIP. “and… I’m alone. Hush. Don’t tell anyone I came here, okay?” she asked
me like I was one of her friends. Crossing my arms, I look down at her. “So you’re not
with Zach?” I asked.
“How did you know my boyfriend’s name?” she asked, her eyes going little by little. Oh
come on! She knows how to turn the tables. “I was asking you, Angelic. Where’s your
boyfriend? You’re not supposed to be here.”
“What do you mean by ‘You’re not supposed to be here,’ mister?” she muses and
copied my gesture. She crossed her arms on her chest and I have to look away when
her breast bulge out even more with her tiny crap top. That’s one thing, too. Why is she
wearing so little that her skin shows off more than the fabric?
I step forward, locking my gaze at her, and she steps backward, looking at me
confusingly. No, I can’t let this girl corrupt my head every fucking night. I should end the
obsession here. “Hmm, what do you think? I thought you’re a smart girl?” I asked,
whispering and trying to invade her personal space. I challenged her, and she took it.
“I’m here because I got a ticket. I didn’t know it was you, by the way.”
“Hmm…” Really, Angelic? That doesn’t seem to me. She must’ve noticed the suspicious
expression of my face so she laughed. “Okay, fine! I know that it’s you. Owen Lacoste.
That’s why I bought the ticket.”
“You bought a ticket of my fight?” Damn.
She smiled. “Yeah. And no regrets, I enjoyed it!”
“Hmm. You don’t look like the type of girl who’s into underground fight.”
“Well, now you know.”
“Where’s your boyfriend, pretty girl?” I asked, tucking the hair behind her ears. She
froze on her place and I saw her breathing hitched. Her eyebrows furrowed because of
my small gesture, and she pressed a thin line of her lips, looking up at me. I’m 6ft’ tall so
her high heels doesn’t scare me away.
“And why did he let you go here, alone? Hmmm?” I whispered on her ear. She gasped
and her hands weakly press it on my chest. Fuck. I step backward immediately as soon
as she did that. I won’t let her know how she made me feel. The moment her hands
touched my body, I know it’s going to be over.
And I’m no saint.
If she shows interest, then I’m going to go for it. Then, a thought strike me. Idiot! She
won’t give in to you. I’m damned with my illusions of fucking Zachary Herren’s girlfriend.
To cover the tension settled between us, she chuckled. “Actually…” she whispered.
That’s it. There is a hidden agenda of this predicament. She didn’t go here to watch my
fight. There’s something about it.
“I went here to ask you personally. Someone told me you knew about this Vaulter thing.
You see, my boyfriend isn’t around. Yes, you’re correct. He doesn’t know I got in here
so do me a favor and don’t tell him – “
I cut her off immediately. “Just get straight to the point. Why are you here, Patterson?”
My voice with utter coldness and firm. She noticed the change of mood, so she heaved
a deep sigh. “I was thinking maybe you could help me – “
“And for what, princess of Stumberson High, can this mere dirt help you with your
She looks annoyed. “Don’t say that.”
“Why? Aren’t you and your friends call us that term? Dirty. Stinky. Poor. Idiot – “
“I said, stop it!” she yelled, and I saw guilt ridden on her goddamned flawless face. My
jaw clenched. “What do you want from me?”
She squared her shoulders and looks at me with serious eyes. “I want you to help me
find out about this Vaulter thing. My boyfriend sign up to an upcoming illegal street
racing, and I’m afraid he’s going to get trouble with this. Not only him, but my family and
his family’s name will be drag once people find out he’s involved with illegal things.”
My hands formed into a fist, and I’m trying to calm the fuck down not to throw tantrums
in front of her. So in the end, it’s for her boyfriend, huh? She loves that idiot that much?
“Well, you waste your time, princess. I know nothing about Vaulter’s thing. Why don’t
you ask your boyfriend instead?” I told her. I’m done with her. She should know it once I
grab a t-shirt in my locker and slammed the door with full force, making her jump a little
on her place. There was already a commotion outside the locker room, and it’s her cue
to get the fuck out.
But the princess seems desperate this time.
“Please,” she pleaded. I gasped because of the way she said it. Fuck. I should drag her
out now. Right now!
“Get out – “
“I wouldn’t be here Owen if I have a choice. You’re the only one who could help me - “
“Get the fuck out. Don’t make me,” I pointed a finger at her. She squirmed when I
cursed. Goddamn it. So what if she heard me cuss? Was it her first time hearing a curse
“H-how about I’ll pay for your tuition fees? I heard you badly want to study in
Stumberson University for your college degree. If you won’t accept the money, then I
can arrange someone for you to apply for scholarship – “
“You’re making me angrier.”
I gasped when she yelled my name. It was too loud that I stop walking out from her. “H-
How about d-dinner?” her voice stuttered.
“No,” I answered. Dinner sounds good.
“It’s just information that I want, Owen..” she begged like a little child. Fuck it. It made
my mind in hazy, my stomach in knots, and my breathing irregular. This time around, if
she ever, ever, beg one last time –
“Please..” she pleaded the second. And I heaved a deep sigh, surrendering and
submitting to the angel. Turning around to face her, I clenched my jaw. “You are that
concerned with your boyfriend?” I asked. “How concerned are you? Rate it from one to
“Ten,” she answered without hesitation. Great.
“You owe me dinner every time I got information about this Vaulter thing. Got it?”
She beamed a smile that shows her full and white teeth. “Of course, of course. You
have my back at that.”
As if on cue, she immediately grab her phone on her Gucci bag and grasp it. With a
reluctancy on her face, she nodded at me. “Give me your number. I’ll text you the
I grab my phone from my locker and almost close the door and just tell this girl I don’t
have a phone when I saw my Iphone 6 cellular phone. I haven’t upgraded it. Shame
creeped inside my chest.
“Owen?” she asked, now looking wherever I stared into.
“Nothing.” I let a small smile and closed the door of my locker this time. “Give me your
phone.” I gestured my hand at her.
“I’ll just text you.”
“You don’t have a phone?” she asked casually.
I shut my eyes. “Your phone or you get out?”
Her eyes widen a fraction. “Of course, my phone.” She immediately handed my her
phone and I almost broke it in my hand as soon as I saw the lock screen. It’s her and
Zachary kissing under the sunset. What a cringe sight.
“Password?” I asked.
I smirked. “Your monthsary, huh?”
She rolled her eyes. “Just get my number, Owen.”
I look at her contact list and memorize her number in my head. After a couple of
seconds, I gave it at her. She looks shocked. “What about my number?”
“I got it,” I said and dismissed her by grabbing my rubber shoes on the shoe rack.
“What? How – I mean, are you doing this, Owen, so that I won’t annoy you anymore?”
“What?” I said, amused by her thoughts.
She bit her lower lip and she looks like she’s about to cry. “Please – “
“Stop with your pleases. I’m tired of it. What did I tell you, princess? I memorized your
number. Just wait for my text and register my number for our communication, alright?”
“You m-memorized it?”
“Yeah,” I said and shrugged my shoulder. When I still saw her high heels in front of me,
I heaved a deep sigh. “What, now?”
“Oh!” She snapped back to reality and I saw her clutching her Iphone on her chest. “T-
Thanks, then. I gotta go.” I just nodded and continue to tie my shoelaces as if the girl
I’ve been dying to talk in person but doesn’t muster enough courage wasn’t here
seconds ago.
She was here.
For her boyfriend.
The next time she came, I will make sure of it that it’s all for me. Not for anyone, and
definitely not for Zachary Herren. The boy whom everyone thought is a carbon copy of

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