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31 II

ඉංග්‍රීසි භාෂාවා ා-ාII කාලයා:-ාපැයාදෙකයි

English Language - II Time :- Two Hours

Test 9
Read the text and underline the most suitable word given within brackets. The first one is
done for you.
Many people worldwide ( 1) …………………….. (consider/ considered/ considering)
Arthur C Clerk as the god father of (2) …………………….. (global/ glob/ globalization)
communication. He was a very inquisitive child in his childhood. He created his own map of
the moon based on the (3)…………………….. (observe/ observation/ observing) he made at
home with a homemade telescope. He was (4)………………………… (interest
/interested/interesting) in writing fiction too. His natural (5)…………………….. (curious/
curiousness/ curiosity) led him to explore science and space and everlasting
(6)…………………… (enthusiastic/ enthusiasm/ enthusiastically).
(5 marks)
Test 10
Sujani and Ranuli meet at the school after the vacation. Given below are some statements and
questions from their conversation. Rewrite them in reported speech. The first one is done for
1) Sujani : “Where is the new class?”
Sujani asked where the new class was.
2) Ranuli : “Have you got a computer?”
Ranuli asked whether …………………………………………………………………..
3) Sujani : “ I brought some flowers”
Sujani said that ..............................................................................................................

4) Ranuli : “ I complete the assignment”

Ranuli said that ............................................................................................................

5) Sujani : “ I will call Nimmi”

Sujani said that .............................................................................................................

6) Ranuli: “ Our teacher is coming.”

Ranuli said that ............................................................................................................
( 5 marks)
Test 11
Fill in the blanks with the words given in the box. There is one extra word.

infected illness mask consult outbreak information worldwide feet

December habits distance cough sick began reported

Corona viruses like the new COVID -19 pandemic that (1)………….. in Wuhan, China in (2)
………………….. 2019, cause mild to severe respiratory (3)……………….. including
deaths. COVID - 19 has since spread (4) ………………….. . The best preventive measures
including wearing a (5) ……………. , staying six (6)………… apart, washing hands often,
avoiding (7) ……………….. people keeping social (8)………….. , keeping your hands away
from your face and getting the adequate rest and nutrition. The number of (9)…………
people have been (10)…………… daily. Organizations that collect this information,
including the World Health Organization (WHO) and Centers for Disease Control and
prevention (CDC) are gathering (11) ……………….. and continuously learning more about
this (12)………………………. The infections, symptoms include fever, (13)
………………….. and shortness of breath. Having such symptoms may cause the serious
situation and before that it is advisable to (14)…………… a doctor and maintain our social
(7 marks)
Test 12
Complete the following story using the most appropriate form of the verb given within
brackets. The first one is done for you.
Upul was playing cricket with his friends while his mother (1)……was……….(be) not at
home. Once he hit the ball hard, and it (2)………………(go) through Mr.Perera’s window.
Mr.Perera (3) ………………….(complain) about the incident to his mother over the phone.
In addition he said he would not tolerate this type of action any more. When Upul
(4)……………(come) home his mother strictly warned him regarding his behavior. Upul was
very sad. Unlike the other days Upul’s mother did not call him for tea. Instead of arguing
with his mother, he went to the garden and (5) …………………(sit) beneath a tree. He was
waiting there till his father came in search of him. Upul told the whole story to his father. He
realized that it was a mistake and he (6) …………………(persuade) Upul to come into the
house with him. At the end the family said sat for dinner around the table without any
(5 marks)
Test 13

Match the following different types of letters with the descriptions. The first one is done for

A. A letter of application
B. A letter of condolences
C. A letter of complaint
D. A letter of placing an order
E. A letter of congratulations
F. A letter of request
1. Menu hears that Dasuni has got the first place from all island dancing E

2. The school librarian needs to buy some books for the library before the next

3. The street lights are not working and the rubbish is not collected for days.
Ask for immediate action.

4. Mrs. Fernando has bought a laptop for her daughter. But two days later it is
not working.

5. Lahiru is seeking an accountant post around Kalutara

6. The principal of Sripali College heard that one of the former teachers of the
school passed away

( 5 marks)
Test 14
(a) You have a pen friend in England and he/she asked you about attractive places in Sri
Lanka for an assignment. Write a letter to him/her providing necessary information. Use
about 100 words. Include the following.
 thank him/ her for the letter
 mention attractive places in Sri Lanka
 ask him/her to send some photos of his / her country
(b) The following graph shows how the Lions club of Monaragala has spent money for
different projects in percentages. Study it and write a description about how the money was
spent. The following words will help you. Use about 100 words in your description.

Equal minimum maximum lowest highest more than less than

The percentage of money spent by lions club


Series 1 Series 2 Series 3

…………………………………………………………………...........( 10 marks )
Test 15
Read the following passage and answer the questions given below.

1.The other day we heard someone smilingly refer to poets as dreamers. Now it is accurate to
refer to poets as dreamers, but it is not discerning to infer, as this person did, that the dreams
of poets have no practical value beyond the realm of literary diversion. The truth is that poets
are just as practical as people who build bridges or look into microscopes; and just as close to
reality and truth. Where they differ from the logician and the scientist is in the temporal sense
alone; they are ahead of their time, whereas logicians and scientists are abreast of their time.

2. We must not be so superficial that we fail to discern the practicableness of dreams.

Dreams are the sunrise streamers heralding a new day of scientific progress, another forward
surge. Every forward step man takes in any field of life, is first taken along the dreamy paths
of imagination.

3. Robert Fulton did not discover his steamboat with full steam up, straining at a hawser at
some Hudson River dock; first he dreamed the steamboat, he and other dreamers and then
scientific wisdom converted a picture in the mind into a reality of steel and wood. The
automobile was not dug out of the ground like a nugget of gold first men dreamed the
automobile and afterward, long afterward, the practical-minded engineers caught-up with
what had been created by winging fantasy.

4.He who looks deeply and with a seeing eye into the poetry of yesterday finds there all the
cold scientific magic of today and much which we shall not enjoy until some tomorrow. If the
poet does not dream so clearly that blueprints of this vision can immediately be drawn and
the practical conversions immediately effected, he must not for that reason be smiled upon as
merely the mental host for a sort of harmless madness. For the poet, like the engineer, is a
specialist. His being, tuned to the life of tomorrow, cannot be turned simultaneously to the
life of today. To the scientist he says, “ Here I give you a flash of the future.” The wise
scientist thanks him, and takes that flash of the future and makes it over into a fibre of today.

Task 1

• State whether the following statements are True or False by Writing T or F

• Poets are not dreamers

• Dreams help the progress of our life
• Robert Fulton discovered the steamboat
• The automobile is a result of dreaming
• Poets are specialists like engineers.
• The wise scientists thank the poets

( ½ x 6 = 3 marks)
Task 2

1. Write a word from the first paragraph closest in meaning to each phrase given

2. it is correct ………………………………………………………

3. kingdom ………………………………………………………..

( 1 x 2 = 2 marks)

2. Write the sentence in paragraph 2 which says that dreams lead the progress of
scientific future.


( 01 mark)

3. Find a synonym from the text

Knowledge ………………………………………………………….

( 01 mark)

4. Underline the most suitable title for the given text

A. Poets are dreamers

B. Discovery of steamboat

C. Nightmares

D. Science and technology

( 01 mark)
Test 16

Write on one of the following. Use about 200 words.

A. An article to a Children’s magazine on the topic “Modes of transport; now and then”.
 Include:
 Modes of transport used in the ancient time
 Development of the modes of transport with the development of the technology
 Modes of transport used today
 Positive and negative aspects of the modes of transport
i. Eg: positive: easy, fast
ii. Negative: environment pollution, traffic
B. Write an essay on “Why we should follow good heath habits”
 What good health habits mean
 When and where we can follow good health habits
 Importance of following good health habits during the epidemic period
 How the good health habits lead to a healthy life?
C. You have been asked to deliver a speech on
 “Why we should engage in sports?” at the English morning assembly of
your school. Write your speech.
 Include:
 Health benefits – exercise, weight management
 Personality development – leadership qualities, unity, friendship, discipline
D. Two friends express their views on online learning. They discuss the good and bad
points. Complete the following dialogue.
Senali : Online learning is very good source of learning during the vacation. Don’t
you think so?
Raini : yes, it is very useful for our studies.
Senali : I could watch many video lessons related to Science.
…………………………………………………………………………………….(15 marks)

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