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‫ أبانوب عماد زكي غبور‬: ‫االسم‬


What is capability maturity levels?

1.Initial --- Work is done informally:
This level of software development organisation is
distinguished by AD HOC activities (organization is not planned
in advance.). Processes are typically ad hoc, and the
organisation does not always provide a steady environment.
Success in these organisations is determined by the
competence and heroism of the people who work there, rather
than by the adoption of tried-and-true techniques.
2.Repeatable --- Work is planned and tracked:
Successes in software development can be replicated. The
processes may not be repeated for all of the organization's
projects. To track cost and schedule, the organisation may
employ some basic project management.
Process discipline aids in the retention of existing practices
during times of stress. Projects are completed and managed in
accordance with their documented plans when these
procedures are in place.
3. Defined --- work is well defined:
The organization's standard processes, which serve as the
foundation for level 3, are built and improved through time.
These standard procedures are utilised to provide consistency
throughout the company. Projects define their procedures
using the organization's standard processes and customizing
The management of the organisation creates process objectives
based on the organization's set of standard processes and
ensures that these objectives are addressed effectively.
‫ أبانوب عماد زكي غبور‬: ‫االسم‬

4. Managed --- Work is quantitatively controlled:

Management can efficiently control the software development process
by using precise measurements. Management, in particular, can develop
strategies to change and adapt the process to unique projects without
demonstrable quality losses or departures from specifications. The
organisation established a quantitative quality goal for both the
software process and software maintenance at this level.
Subprocesses are chosen that make a significant contribution to overall
process performance. Statistical and other quantitative techniques are
used to govern these selected subprocesses.
5. Optimizing --- Work is Based Upon Continuous Improvement:
Focusing on continuous process performance improvement through
both incremental and innovative technical advancements. The
organisation establishes quantitative process-improvement objectives,
which are constantly amended to reflect changing business objectives
and utilised as criteria in managing process improvement. The
consequences of implemented process improvements are measured and
evaluated in relation to the quantitative process-improvement goals.
Measurable improvement efforts are targeted at both the defined
processes and the organization's collection of standard procedures.


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