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HUONG oAn nAr lAu

cAc Hgc puArrl rtEruc euu cHiruH euy


6. 7L 76. 21. 26.

7. 72 77. 22. 27.

B. 13 18. 23. 28.

9. L4 79. 24. 29.

10. 15 20. 25. 30.

PART II: WRITING [4 points)






pp rHr Hec Kt/(- NArrr Hec 2ozl. -202L-
ilai hqc C0ng nghe Tp.HCM
Hgc phAn: TIf,NG AI\H 5
Ngiry thi: /4 0/I t202.2 /3:/5
Kh6i ngirnh/Ltfp:
Thdi gian ldm bdi: 90 phrit, khgq

Sinh viAn hm bdi theo "H{\1NC nAN LAM BAI TIflNG ANH" (trong file dinh kdm db thi)


sentences - 6 points

1. VOCABULARY: Choose the best answer to complete the sentence

1. The newspaper headline today was "Stray Bullet . Hunter By A Few Centimeters."
A. Misses B. Threatens C. Rescues D. Hits
2.My number one goal is to remember vocabulary so I often make .
A. flash cards B. playing cards C. business cards D. name cards
3. We've been starting ....... ..with native speakers to improve our speaking skill.
A. discussions B. connections C. instructions D. conversations
4. My friend uses a . to heat frozen food every day because he has no time to cook.
A. microwave B. pan C. cooker D. stove
5. They'vejust announced on the PA system that our flight's been ....
A. packed B. expired C. upgraded D. delayed
6. There were only a few people at the museum so I got a(an) . ........ticket.
A. overpriced B. expensive C. discounted D. costly
7. Chicken is put in a pan and ... . ....for about one hour and 30 minutes. Then it is served with a
green salad.
A. baked B. melted C. roasted D. gilled
8. While he was riding a killer wave, he .. .. . .. his board and a shark tied to bite him.

A. went B. ran C. took D. fell

9...... .... isadishconsistingofmeatorfishcookedonsticksandservedwithpeanutsauce.
A. Batter B. Dough C. Satay D. Flour
10. ..
.. .... . are dough that is filled with meat, vegetables and cheese. They are a popular street
snack in the Dominican Republic.
A. Bagels B. Empanadas C. Spaghetti D. Paza

2. GRAMMAR: Choose the best answer to complete the sentence

I l. I ..... . .... online video clips lately to improve my listening comprehension.

A. am watching B. watch C. been watching D. have been watching

12. I have a test tomorrow. I out last night. But I did.
A. shouldn't go B wouldn't go. C. didn't go D. shouldn't have gone
13. "What . you . when you lost your cell phone?" -'oI bought a new one."
A. did / do B. were / doing C. had / done
14. Thecompany classes in the future on how to use the new phone.
A. was offering B. has offered C. offered D. will offer
15. Julia her motorcycle for a long time.
A. is owning B. has been owing C. has owned D. owns
16."Whatwereyoudoingwhenthestormhit?'-"I..... .....theboatforthestorm."
A. was preparing B. prepared C. am preparing D. have been preparing
You ........
17. Your wife made a nice dinner. . her a compliment but you didn't want to.
A. gave B. could give C. should give D. could have given
18. I'll .. you to email the information next week.
A. remind B. have C. make D. let
19. I .. you, but there wasn't time.
A. would phone B. would have phoned C. phoned D. should phone
20. Last week the police . Alan in his car because he ....
. at over 120
kilometers an hour.
A. stopped /drove B. was stopping / was driving
C. was stopping / drove D. stopped / was driving

3. READING: Read the 2 passages carefully, then choose the best answers:
Passage I
After the Second World War, Akio Morita, the co-founder of Sony, joined forces with a friend,
Masaru Ibuka. Both men knew a great deal about telecommunications, so they used all their money,
about f 100, and set up a small engineering company, Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo. They found a broken-down
building to use as a laboratory in Tokyo. There were so many holes in the roof that when it rained, they
had to continue working under umbrellas.
Their frst task was to decide what to make. They didn't want to make radios because of the
competition from much larger companies. Instead, they decided to create an entirely new product, atape
recorder. They succeeded in making a machine, but unfortunately they didn't have any tape, and they
didn't know how to produce it.
So they started to experiment, and tried using a number of different materials. Finally, they cut up
strips of paper to make a reel, and painted them with a magnetic material. It worked, and they gradually
improved the process. In 1950, they began trying to sell their revolutionary machine.
2 1 . Both men joined forces with each other because . . . .
A. they had no money B. they were friends
C. they were interested in the same field D. Both B & C are correct
Z2.Ther first laboratory was
A. in a small area B. poorly-equipped C. abroad D. in a new building
23. Their first products were not radios because
A. they didn't have much money
B. they didn't know what to make
C. they didn't want to compete with other companies
D. All are correct
24.Their first recorder was not in use immediately because
A. it didn't work well B. they didn't succeeded in making it.
C. they were unfortunate D. they didn't know how to produce tape.
25. Their first reel was made of .... ... covered with a magnetic material.
A. plastics B. paper C. glass D. ceramics

Passaqe 2
Hotels are changing their wasteful habits and getting involved in the move to save the environment. At
major hotels throughout the world, guests are being greeted by shampoo and mouthwash in glass
dispensers instead of elaborate plastic bottles. They are discovering recycling bins in their rooms, and
are encouraged to use towels more than once before they are washed.
This green movement is becoming increasingly popular irmong tourists who look for service
providers with an environmental conscience. The business of eco-tours is increasing rapidly. Travel
agents are booking clients on "Save the Rainforest" expeditions and similar hips where the emphasis is
on protecting the world.
The tourists on these trips are given lectures on the effects of the loss of our planet's natural
wonders and what they can do to reserve the trend. They do not need much convincing. The travelers on
these excursions are already committed to environmental protection. ln fact, a two-year study of litter in
' Antarctica found that the entire collection of litter left by visitors to the continent could be put in one
small sandwich bag. Compare that amount of litter with what the average traveler finds strewn on the
streets around a hotel, even an environmentally sensitive hotel.
26.\Nhat trend is currently affecting hotels and their guests?
A. Large rooms B. Better amenities C. Lighter foods D. Protecting the earth
27.What does the article imply about glass dispensers and re-using towels?
A. It's a marketing gimmick. B. It's only effective on eco-tours.
C. It's a wise choice environmentally. D. Hotels can set consumer trend.
28. Which group would most likely be members of the green movement?
A. Fashion designers B. First-time visitors.
C. Environmentally conscious travelers. D. Golf course owners.
29. According to the article, eco-travelers should expect
A. to find litter B. to hear lectures on the environment
C. to pay more than other travelers D. to carry their own food
30. "Eco" in this sense most likely means.
A. economy B. ecology C. Ecuador D. echo



1. Write the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence
31. They keep the bottles of water in cold water.
:> The bottles of water
32. They boil and then bake the bagels.
=> The bagels
33. I don't have a driver's license.
=> I wish
34. The man said to me, "Remember to take your room key."
=> The man reminded
35. They said to he r, "Don't carry a lot of cash."
=> They warned
36. Motels are not as comfortable as hotels.
=> Motels are
37. Barbanplays tennis better than Mike.
:>Mike doesn't
38. The people who were at the meeting will say nothing to the press.
39. He said to me, "Bring your swimming things in case it's sunny."
=> He told me
40. We are not rich, so we can't help the poor.
=>If we

2. Rearrange the words and make a complete sentence:


41. me lmylinvited/to /him /go /to /with/Paris/ boyfriend /.

42. this/ long I to I me/ happened I ago I a I time l.

43. very I a I there lwe / romantic / had / wekend /.
44. were / in / love I we I I / about / excited / was /tip I arf, I the / so /.
45. yesterday / I / still I but I like / remember I it.

Combine the previous sentences for a complete passage! (46 -50)


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