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Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) invasion in

Hokkaido streams, northern Japan, in relation to
flow variability and biotic interactions
Mikio Inoue, Hiroshi Miyata, Yousuke Tange, and Yoshinori Taniguchi
Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. Downloaded from by TPE/MAIN LIBRARY on 04/10/14

Abstract: Factors controlling invasion success of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and interactions with native masu
salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) were examined by field investigations. The results suggested that flow regime has a major
role in controlling rainbow trout invasion success. Although competitive relationships were found between the two species,
masu salmon were not likely to prevent trout invasion. Analyses on the distributions and abundances of the two species in-
dicated that the occurrence of rainbow trout was limited to streams with stable flows, and the density of each species was
negatively related with that of the other. Habitat use and diet analyses revealed a pattern of their resource partitioning;
rainbow trout occupy positions near the bottom or cover, foraging benthic prey, while masu salmon feed drifting prey at
the middle layers of the water column. This resource partitioning was suggested to reflect a diet shift by rainbow trout.
Our results also have a management implication that dams, which control flow regime, can be a key factor in managing
rainbow trout invasion and its effects.
Résumé : Des observations de terrain ont permis d’examiner les facteurs qui contrôlent le succès de l’invasion de la truite
arc-en-ciel (Oncorhynchus mykiss) et ses interactions avec le saumon masou (Oncorhynchus masou) indigène. Les résultats
font croire que le régime d’écoulement des eaux a un rôle majeur dans le contrôle du succès de l’invasion des truites.
Bien qu’il existe des relations de compétition entre les deux espèces, il est peu probable que les saumons masou empê-
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chent l’invasion des truites. Des analyses de la répartition et de l’abondance des deux espèces indiquent que la présence
de la truite arc-en-ciel est restreinte aux cours d’eau à écoulement stable; il y a aussi une relation négative entre les den-
sités des deux espèces. Des analyses de l’utilisation de l’habitat et du régime alimentaire montrent un patron de partage
des ressources : les truites arc-en-ciel se tiennent près du fond ou des abris et se nourrissent de proies benthiques, alors
que les saumons masou s’alimentent de proies en dérive dans les couches intermédiaires de la colonne d’eau. Ce partage
des ressources semble refléter un changement de régime alimentaire chez la truite arc-en-ciel. Nos résultats ont aussi des
conséquences sur la gestion, puisque les barrages, qui contrôlent le régime d’écoulement, peuvent être un facteur essentiel
pour gérer l’invasion des truites arc-en-ciel et ses effets.
[Traduit par la Rédaction]

Introduction affecting success and failure of invasion and variation in im-

Invasions by non-native species are a major threat to bio- pacts by invaders is an important subject in invasion biology
diversity and ecosystem health. Once non-native species es- (Fausch et al. 2001; Light 2003; Marchetti et al. 2004).
tablish self-reproducing populations, they can exert strong Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), which is native to
impacts on native communities at various levels through the Pacific coast of North America and Kamchatka Peninsula
competition, predation, and indirect cascade effects (Crowl (Russian Far East), is one of the most widely introduced spe-
et al. 1992; Townsend 2003). However, introduced species cies in cool-temperate regions of the world (Fausch et al.
cannot always become successful invaders; some species 2001), with evidence of its negative impacts on native biota
fail to be established (e.g., Brown and Moyle 1997) or may having been frequently reported (e.g., Crowl et al. 1992;
not have strong, detectable impacts on native communities Weigel et al. 2003; Morita et al. 2004). Fausch et al. (2001)
even if they are established. Therefore, understanding factors analyzed geographic patterns in invasion success of rainbow
trout at a broad scale, using four regions where their inva-
sions varied from highly successful (southern Appalachians,
Received 11 September 2008. Accepted 22 June 2009. Published USA) to moderate (Colorado, USA, and Hokkaido, Japan) or
on the NRC Research Press Web site at on failed (Honshu, Japan). They showed that the region where
20 August 2009. invasions failed has flow regimes that are not favorable for
reproductive life history of rainbow trout (e.g., frequent high
M. Inoue,1 H. Miyata, and Y. Tange. Department of Biology, flows after their emergence period). The match between in-
Faculty of Science, Ehime University, Bunkyo-cho 2-5, vasion success and flow regime across the regions strongly
Matsuyama 790-8577, Japan. suggests that flow disturbance limits the trout’s invasion suc-
Y. Taniguchi. Department of Environmental Science and cess. However, because their comparison was made at a
Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Meijo large, regional scale, various factors may differ distinctly
University, Tenpaku, Nagoya 468-8502, Japan.
among the regions (e.g., temperature regimes, biota), and
1Corresponding author (e-mail: the differences in invasion success might be explained also

Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 66: 1423–1434 (2009) doi:10.1139/F09-088 Published by NRC Research Press
1424 Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. Vol. 66, 2009

by similar other factors. Therefore, their flow disturbance Fig. 1. Location of the study sites in the Iburi District, southwestern
hypothesis needs to be examined at a smaller spatial scale Hokkaido, northern Japan. Fish distribution and abundance were
(i.e., within a region) so that possible confounding factors examined using 24 sites (solid circles and open squares); open
that vary among regions can be ruled out. If presence or ab- squares indicate six sites used for habitat use and diet analyses.
sence of rainbow trout among streams within a region can be
explained by differences in flow regimes, this provides
strong support for the flow disturbance hypothesis.
In Japan, rainbow trout has been stocked extensively over
the four main islands (Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, and
Kyushu), with varying success of establishment among the
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regions (Kitano 2004). In Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu,

only a few cases of their establishment have been reported
(Kato and Yanagawa 2000), despite repeated stocking for
fisheries and recreational purposes in most river systems
through the last several decades (Kawanabe 1980; Kitano
2004). In Hokkaido, however, their self-sustaining popula-
tions are not rare (e.g., Kitano et al. 1993; Aoyama et al.
1999; Takami and Aoyama 1999); they have been success-
fully established in certain streams, but not in others. This
situation is ideal to test the flow disturbance hypothesis.
The objective of our study is to identify factors controlling
invasion success of rainbow trout in Hokkaido streams, con-
sidering the flow disturbance hypothesis and biotic interac-
tions with native salmonids. weak (but see Taniguchi et al. 2002). Rather, masu salmon
It is important to examine interactions between native and may offer biotic resistance to rainbow trout invasions.
non-native salmonids, not only in terms of impacts of in- In this study, we examined (i) distribution and abundance
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vaders but also of biotic resistance from native species. Be- of rainbow trout in relation to flow variability, masu salmon
cause competition for food and space is common among abundance, and other habitat factors, and (ii) habitat use and
salmonids (Fausch 1988; Nakano 1995), native salmonids diet of rainbow trout and masu salmon in both sympatric
may prevent invasion by non-native salmonids through com- and allopatric sites. Because we assume that life history of
petitive interactions. On the Asian side of the Pacific coast, rainbow trout does not perfectly fit to the seasonal pattern
masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) and whitespotted charr of stream discharge in Hokkaido (high flows in spring and
(Salvelinus leucomaenis) are the two most widely distributed summer; see Fausch et al. 2001), we predict that rainbow
native salmonids (Kawanabe 1989). Recently, a growing trout would fail to establish in streams with higher flow var-
number of studies, both empirical (Taniguchi et al. 2000; iability, and therefore, the occurrence of rainbow trout
Morita et al. 2004) and experimental (Hasegawa et al. 2004; would be limited to streams with stable flows. If masu sal-
Hasegawa and Maekawa 2006), have revealed negative ef- mon offers strong biotic resistance to rainbow trout invasion,
fects of non-native rainbow trout on whitespotted charr pop- we predict that a complementary occurrence would be found
ulations in Japan. These studies suggest that whitespotted in their distributions. In addition, investigations on habitat
charr is unable to prevent rainbow trout invasion. However, use and diet of the two species would provide information
studies on interactions with masu salmon are scarce and lim- on elaborating their interactions.
ited to small-scale, controlled experiments in artificial chan-
nels (Taniguchi et al. 2002; Hasegawa et al. 2004; Hasegawa Materials and methods
and Maekawa 2006); empirical data from the field are still
largely lacking (but see Nakano and Kaeriyama 1995). Study area
Nakano and Kaeriyama (1995) described resource parti- The study was conducted using 13 streams in the Iburi
tioning among four salmonid species, including rainbow District in southwestern Hokkaido, Japan (Fig. 1). The mean
trout (juvenile steelhead (i.e., sea-run rainbow trout)) and annual precipitation in this region is ~1200 mm, dominated
masu salmon in a Kamchatkan stream, which provided a by summer rainfall (70%) and winter snowfall (25%). In
unique case where both species were native. Their data sug- streams, high flows occur in the snowmelt season (April–
gest that masu salmon occupied suitable feeding positions May) and between August and October by rainfall (Kishi et
despite the presence of rainbow trout, although their study al. 1999; Shibata et al. 2001). Although precipitation regime
did not adopt a comparative approach in which competitive and the seasonal pattern of stream discharge are similar
effects can be examined (i.e., comparison of resource use within the study area, the degree of fluctuation in stream dis-
between sympatric and allopatric sites; e.g., Gatz et al. charge differs between eastern and western parts of the area
1987). Recent experimental studies using laboratory chan- owing to geological conditions. In the eastern side, the soil is
nels reported that masu salmon matched rainbow trout in be- dominated by clastic pumice derived from volcanic ejecta of
havioral competitive ability (Hasegawa et al. 2004), and Mt. Tarumae. Because this soil has high water permeability,
rainbow trout did not affect habitat use of masu salmon (Ha- surface runoff during precipitation is negligible, and stream
segawa and Maekawa 2006). Such evidence suggests that ef- discharge is derived mainly from deeper groundwater
fects of rainbow trout on masu salmon populations may be (Shibata et al. 2001). As a result, streams on this volcanic

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deposit have stable flow. Distribution of the thick deposits of Table 1. Habitat variables characterizing each study site.
the Mt. Tarumae volcanic ejecta is limited to the eastern side
Habitat variable Mean (SD), range
of Tarumae Stream, and thus flow fluctuation in the western
side streams is higher than in the eastern side. Channel gradient (%) 1.0 (0.6), 0.2–2.1
Stream size (m)
Twenty-four study sites were established over the 13
Mean wetted width 4.1 (1.3), 1.5–7.1
streams to investigate fish distribution, abundance, habitat
Water temperature (8C)
use, and diet (Fig. 1). Streams at the study sites were gener-
Maximum in summer 13.5 (2.1), 9.3–18.5
ally small (first- to third-order), with low or moderate chan-
Habitat component (%)
nel gradient (Table 1). All study sites were located in
Pool area 45.4 (15.9), 15.7–80.7
deciduous broad-leaved forests dominated by oak (Quercus
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Cover area 9.7 (6.5), 1.9–29.3

crispula) and maple (Acer spp.), and stream channels were
Flow variability index
generally shaded by riparian canopy. Masu salmon or rain-
Wetted/bank-full width ratio 0.74 (0.22), 0.24–1.00
bow trout and Siberian stone loach (Barbatula barbatulus)
or sculpin (Cottus nozawae) were common among the study
sites. Two other salmonids, whitespotted charr and exotic of each channel unit was measured, and each channel unit
brown trout (Salmo trutta), were found at a few sites. area was estimated by multiplying the length and the mean
In Hokkaido, rainbow trout are strictly stream residents wetted width of the transects within the channel unit. Cover
that spawn during spring (late January – early May: Aoyama is generally considered as any object that conceals fish from
et al. 1999; Taniguchi et al. 2000), whereas most masu sal- predators or provides shelter from strong current (e.g., Shir-
mon are anadromous. Masu salmon adults ascend rivers and vell 1990). In this study, we considered coarse woody de-
spawn in small tributaries in autumn (late August – early bris, brush (often structured by twigs and grass stems),
October). Fry emerge in spring (February–May), earlier than undercut banks, and overhanging vegetation (instream or
rainbow trout (June–July). Juvenile masu salmon generally within 40 cm of the water surface) as cover materials. The
spend 1 year as age-0 parr and descend to the sea in the fol- length and several widths of each cover material were meas-
lowing spring (i.e., most masu salmon in streams are age-0), ured to calculate the occupied area within the wetted chan-
although some individuals stay in streams more than 1 year. nel surface.
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Owing to these differences in life history traits, size structure

differs between the two species in streams (see Taniguchi et Habitat variables
al. 2002). Masu salmon (mostly age-0) are larger than age-0 Habitat characteristics of the study reaches were ex-
rainbow trout but smaller than age-1 and older rainbow trout. pressed by summer maximum water temperature (mean of
the four maximum temperatures recorded), channel gradient,
Distribution and abundance mean wetted width, the areal percentage of pools and that of
cover (Table 1), which can affect the abundance of rainbow
Field surveys trout (Urabe and Nakano 1998, 1999) and masu salmon
A study reach including at least two sets of pool–riffle se- (Inoue et al. 1997; Inoue and Nakano 1998). In addition to
quences (reach length: 50–150 m) was established at each these five variables, wetted/bank-full width ratio (W/B ratio),
site to quantify fish abundance and habitat characteristics. calculated as the ratio of mean wetted width at low flow to
Fish abundance was estimated during June–July 2003 using mean bank-full channel width, was used as an index of flow
the removal method of DeLury (1951). Each study reach variability. Bank-full channel is the region of wetted area at
was blocked with 5 mm mesh seines at the upper and lower high flows occurring once every few years (Gordon et al.
ends, and three removal passes were made using an electrof- 2004). Therefore, lower values of W/B ratio indicate greater
ishing unit (Model 12 Backpack Electrofisher, Smith-Root differences between peak and baseflow discharges, suggest-
Inc.). The fork length of captured fish was measured. Popu- ing higher flow variability. At locations near 9 of the 24
lation estimates of rainbow trout and masu salmon were cal- study sites, seasonal variations in discharge had been re-
culated separately for fry (age-0) and parr (age > 0) and corded (Hayakawa and Sato 1978). Our W/B ratio was neg-
converted to density (N100 m–2). atively correlated with coefficient of variation (SD/mean) of
Summer water temperature, channel gradient, stream size, the discharges (r = –0.79, P = 0.011, n = 9), suggesting that
and the area of habitat types (pool and cover) were quanti- this measure can be used as an index of flow variability in
fied at each site during June–August 2003. A maximum– this region.
minimum thermometer was placed in each study reach, and
the maximum temperature was recorded every 10–14 days Data analyses
(four times) from 18 June to 6 August 2003. The channel Distribution and abundance of fishes were analyzed using
gradient, expressed as percent change in relative height to discriminant and regression analyses. First, a stepwise dis-
reach length, was measured with a level and leveling rod. criminant function analysis was used to examine factors af-
Equally spaced transects were set along the study reaches fecting presence or absence of rainbow trout. The above
(3–5 m intervals depending on stream size), and bank-full habitat variables and masu salmon density were used to dis-
and wetted channel widths were measured. The boundaries criminate presence or absence of rainbow trout at the study
of bank-full channels were determined by scour lines, vege- sites. The correct classification rate by the discriminant
tation limits, or changes between developed organic soils model was estimated by a leave-one-out cross-validation
and inorganic alluvium. Each study reach was divided into method (jackknife method in Olden et al. 2002). Second, ef-
channel units, classified as riffle, glide, or pool. The length fects of habitat and biotic interactions (rainbow trout vs.

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1426 Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. Vol. 66, 2009

Fig. 2. Differences in habitat conditions (water depth and current velocity: a, 2003; c, 2004) and food availability (b, 2003; d, 2004) among
the study sites: rainbow trout allopatric sites (solid squares: TM, Tomakomai; UN, Uenae), masu salmon allopatric sites (open circles:
BB, Buhbetsu; BT, Betsubetsu), and sympatric sites (crosses: HN, Horonai; KI, Koitoi). Bars indicate ± standard deviation (SD).
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masu salmon) on rainbow trout abundance were examined Some distinct differences were found among the study sites in
by a stepwise multiple regression analysis, using study sites both habitat characteristics and food abundance. HN and BT
inhabited by rainbow trout. Rainbow trout density was used had slower current and deeper water, respectively, than other
as a dependent variable and the habitat variables and masu sites (Fig. 2). HN was characterized also by abundant food.
salmon density as independent variables. Similarly, effects Habitat use was surveyed by underwater observation.
of rainbow trout on masu salmon abundance were examined Underwater observations were made by snorkeling in an up-
using rainbow trout density with the habitat variables as in- stream direction, with the focal points of fish being identi-
dependent variables; rainbow trout density was expressed by fied for all undisturbed individuals (rainbow trout or masu
not only total density but also density of age-1 and older salmon) encountered. Distance from the bottom to the focal
trout (removing age-0 trout from total density), because points (vertical position) and the fish total length were esti-
only larger trout may have significant effects on masu mated visually, and the focal points were marked by putting
salmon (Taniguchi et al. 2002). In addition, effects of habitat a numbered flag on the streambed. In each site, the observa-
variables on total salmonid density (rainbow trout and masu tion was made in a reach including at least two pool–riffle
salmon combined) were examined. Fish densities, channel sequences; in case the reach did not harbor sufficient num-
gradient, and mean wetted width were log10-transformed to ber of fish, the observation reach was expanded so that data
improve normality; the percentages of pool and cover and of at least 30 individuals per species were obtained (length
W/B ratio were arcsin-square-root-transformed. All analyses of observation reaches: 80–500 m). After the observation,
were performed using SPSS (version 13, SPSS Inc., water depth, current velocity at the surface, mid-depth (0.5
Chicago, Illinois). depth), bottom and fish vertical position, and the distance
from the nearest cover were measured at the marked focal
Habitat use and diet points. Focal points were then characterized by water depth,
focal point velocity, distance from cover, and the relative
Field observation and sampling vertical position (distance from the bottom/total depth). To
Habitat use and diet of rainbow trout and masu salmon were describe differences in habitat characteristics among the
surveyed using six study sites in autumn (September–October study sites, water depth and current velocity were measured
2003) and early summer (June–July 2004) (habitat use survey over the observed reach using transects. Equally spaced
in autumn was conducted at only three sites) to examine their transects (3–6 m) with equally spaced measuring points
interspecific interactions (Fig. 1). The six sites represented the (0.3–0.5 m) were established, and water depth and the sur-
three cases of allopatric–sympatric situations (two sites per face, mid-depth, and bottom velocities were measured.
case): sites inhabited only by rainbow trout (trout allopatric Fish were sampled using an electrofishing unit for analy-
site: Tomakomai, TM; Uenae, UN), only by masu salmon sis of their diet. Captured fish were anesthetized with FA100
(salmon allopatric site: Buhbetsu, BB; Betsubetsu, BT), and (Tamura-Seiyaku Pharmaceutical), and stomach contents
by both species (sympatric site: Koitoi, KI; Horonai, HN). were sampled using a stomach pumping method. Fish were

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Table 2. Summary of stomach contents of rainbow trout and masu salmon in

allopatry and sympatry.

Rainbow trout Masu salmon

Prey category Allopatry Sympatry Allopatry Sympatry
Terrestrial invertebrates 63.0–78.0 7.6–73.7 41.8–85.4 62.1–89.1
Aquatic invertebrates
Gammaridae 1.3–27.3 0.4–87.3 0.–0.1 0.2–2.3
Other invertebrates 9.7–29.8 5.1–26.0 14.6–38.0 9.1–37.7
Others 0 0.–4.6a 0.–41.7b 0
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Note: Relative abundance (%) of each category by dry weight is expressed as the
range of four values from each site (two sites by two seasons).
Fish (rainbow trout fry) in early summer.
Eggs (masu salmon) in autumn.

then released alive. Benthic and drifting invertebrates were Fig. 3. The presence (solid squares) and absence (open circles) of
also sampled to examine differences in food availability rainbow trout in relation to wetted/bank-full width ratio and masu
among the study sites. Six samples of benthic invertebrates salmon density. The axes of masu salmon density and wetted/bank-
were sampled from riffles and pools (three samples per hab- full width ratio are logarithmic and arcsin-square-root scales, re-
itat type) in each site using a Surber sampler (25 cm  spectively.
25 cm quadrat, 0.3 mm mesh). Drift was sampled once at
each site using drift nets (25 cm  25 cm opening, 0.3 mm
mesh). Four drift nets were placed in a riffle for 30–40 min
during the daytime (1000–1500 h), with current velocity
measured at the center of net opening to estimate the vol-
ume of sieved water. Samples of stomach contents, benthic
For personal use only.

invertebrates, and drifts were preserved in 10% formalin in

the field and sorted (benthic and drift samples were washed
onto 1 mm mesh), identified to family or order, and weighed
(dry weight) in the laboratory.

Data analyses
Habitat and diet data were used to examine resource par-
titioning between rainbow trout and masu salmon and ef-
fects of interspecific interactions on it. To identify habitat patches on the bottom (see Konishi et al. 2001). Therefore,
variables related to their habitat partitioning in the sympatric gammarids are likely consumed by benthic feeding rather
sites, a stepwise discriminant function analysis was used. than drift feeding. To examine whether the food resource
Focal points of rainbow trout and those of masu salmon in use differs between rainbow trout and masu salmon in each
each sympatric site were discriminated using water depth, sympatric site, the percentage of terrestrial invertebrates and
focal point velocity, distance from cover, and the relative that of gammarids in stomach contents (by dry weight) of
vertical position as potential discriminant variables, with the individual fish were compared between the two species us-
correct classification rate being assessed by a leave-one-out ing Mann–Whitney U test. Similarly, the percentage of ter-
cross-validation. On the basis of the results of this analysis, restrial invertebrates and that of gammarids were compared
key variables related to their habitat partitioning were iden- among allopatric rainbow trout and allopatric masu salmon
tified. These variables were then compared among allopatric using Kruskal–Wallis test and subsequent pairwise compari-
rainbow trout and allopatric masu salmon using one-way sons (Mann–Whitney U test with Bonferroni correction). All
analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Tukey’s honestly sig- analyses were performed using SPSS (version 13, SPSS Inc.,
nificant difference (HSD) multiple comparison test to exam- Chicago, Illinois).
ine whether their habitat partitioning in the sympatric sites
were mediated by habitat shift by either species. Water Results
depth, focal point velocity, and distance from cover were
log10- transformed to improve normality; the relative vertical Distribution and abundance
position was arcsin-square-root-transformed. Among the 24 study sites, rainbow trout occurred in 11
In the diet analysis, we focused on two prey categories, sites. The stepwise discriminant function analysis indicated
terrestrial invertebrates and gammarids, which were major that the presence or absence of rainbow trout was discrimi-
components of stomach contents (Table 2) and may reflect nated by the W/B ratio but not by masu salmon abundance
foraging behavior of fish. For stream fishes, terrestrial inver- (Fig. 3); the discriminant function, of which correct classifi-
tebrates are provided as drifts, and thus their dominance in cation rate was 91.7%, retained only W/B ratio as the dis-
stomach contents is indicative of drift feeding. On the other criminant variable (Wilks’ l = 0.282, c2 = 27.19, P <
hand, gammarids, which also made up large proportions in 0.001). The study sites inhabited by rainbow trout were
some sites (Table 2), are a typical inhabitant of leaf litter characterized by a higher value of W/B ratio.

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1428 Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. Vol. 66, 2009

Table 3. Results of stepwise multiple regression analysis on the densities of rainbow trout,
masu salmon, and total salmonids (both species combined).

Species Independent variable coefficient R2 F P
Rainbow trout Mean wetted width –0.64 0.75 11.72 0.004
Masu salmon density –0.45
Masu salmon Age-1 and older trout density –0.79 0.62 14.85 0.004
Total salmonids Cover area 0.67 0.45 7.38 0.024
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Note: Data were transformed prior to analysis.

The stepwise multiple regression analysis on the 11 sites Fig. 4. The density of rainbow trout (a, b), masu salmon (c), and
revealed negative relationships between rainbow trout and both combined (d) in relation to explanatory variables detected by
masu salmon densities (Table 3; Fig. 4). The variation of multiple regression analysis. The axes of fish densities and mean
rainbow trout density was best explained by a combination wetted width are logarithmic scale, while that of cover area is arc-
of mean wetted width and masu salmon density; rainbow sin-square-root scale. In panel (b), trout and salmon densities are
trout increased with decreasing wetted width and masu sal- expressed by residuals after removing effects of mean wetted width.
mon density. Masu salmon density was best modeled by a
negative effect of the density of age-1 and older rainbow
trout. For total salmonids, cover area was detected as the
single best predictor. The density of rainbow trout and
masu salmon combined increased with cover area.

Habitat use
In the sympatric sites, differences in the total body length
For personal use only.

between rainbow trout and masu salmon varied among the

sites and seasons (Fig. 5). In HN, rainbow trout was smaller
than masu salmon in autumn 2003, whereas rainbow trout
was larger than masu salmon in early summer 2004. In KI
in early summer, the sizes of the two species were compara-
ble, although the shape of frequency distribution differed
(bimodal vs. unimodal). The stepwise discriminant function
analysis showed that although variables discriminating be-
tween focal points of rainbow trout and those of masu sal-
mon in sympatry varied among the sites and seasons, focal
points of rainbow trout were generally characterized as
lower vertical positions or locations closer to cover (Table 4;
Fig. 6). In HN in autumn, focal points of the two species
were best discriminated by relative vertical position, with
rainbow trout occupying lower vertical position than masu
salmon. In HN in early summer, where rainbow trout was
larger in body size than masu salmon, their focal points
were best discriminated by water depth and distance from
cover. Rainbow trout occupied locations with deeper water
and closer to cover than masu salmon. In KI, where their
sizes were comparable, the discriminant function retained
all four variables, with the highest contribution of relative
vertical position followed by distance from cover; their hab-
itat partitioning in terms of the two variables was similar to
those in HN.
Relative vertical position and distance from cover were
considered as key variables in habitat partitioning between
the two species, and these variables were compared among
the allopatric sites (Fig. 7). In autumn 2003, relative vertical
position of allopatric rainbow trout (UN) was significantly
lower than that of allopatric masu salmon (BB) (one-way
ANOVA, F = 4.80, P < 0.032). Although the same result
was obtained from early summer 2004 (i.e., trout in UN <
salmon in BB; Tukeys’ HSD test, P = 0.021), relative verti-
cal position of rainbow trout in another allopatric site (TM)

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Fig. 5. Frequency distributions of body size for rainbow trout (solid Table 4. Results of stepwise discriminant function analysis dis-
columns) and masu salmon (open columns) in each sympatric site: criminating focal points of rainbow trout and those of masu sal-
HN (Horonai) in autumn 2003 (a), HN in early summer 2004 (b), mon in each sympatric site.
and KI (Koitoi) in early summer 2004 (c).
2003 Early summer 2004
Variable–statistic HN HN KI
Water depth — –0.95 0.41
Focal-point velocity — — 0.40
Distance from cover — 0.81 0.56
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Relative vertical position 1.00 — 0.99

Wilks’ l 0.590 0.513 0.703
c2 31.96 60.06 35.24
P <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
Correct classification rate 87.3 80.6 77.9
Note: Standardized coefficients, significance, and correct classification
rate based on a leave-one-out cross-validation are shown for each discri-
minant function. Data were transformed prior to analysis. HN, Horonai;
KI, Koitoi.

vertebrates, while many individuals of masu salmon had

terrestrial prey in their stomachs. In particular, in autumn
2003, more than 40% of masu salmon stomachs were
For personal use only.

filled with terrestrial prey by 90%–100%. In contrast with

the case of terrestrial prey, the percentage of gammarids
in stomach contents was significantly higher for rainbow
trout than for masu salmon in all cases except KI in au-
tumn 2003 (Fig. 8). Most masu salmon had no gammarids
in their stomachs, whereas stomach contents of several in-
dividuals of rainbow trout were dominated by gammarids,
especially in HN.
In the allopatric sites (Fig. 9), contribution of terrestrial
prey to diet of rainbow trout was greater than that of
sympatric rainbow trout. In autumn 2003, the percentage
of terrestrial prey in rainbow trout stomachs in both TM
and UN was larger than that of masu salmon in BB
(Mann–Whtney U test, P = 0.003, 0.006, respectively;
see Fig. 9) and not significantly different from that of
masu salmon in BT (Mann–Whtney U test, P = 0.155,
0.467, respectively). This is attributable to lower contribu-
was not significantly different from that of allopatric masu tion of terrestrial prey to masu salmon diet, as well as
salmon in BB and BT (Tukey’s HSD test, P = 0.198– higher contribution of terrestrial prey to rainbow trout
0.999). Distance from cover was not significantly different diet. In autumn 2003, the study sites in BB and BT were
between the two species in autumn 2003 (one-way AN- used for spawning by adult masu salmon, and stomachs
OVA, F = 0.265, P = 0.609). However, in early summer of several masu salmon sampled were filled with salmon
2004, distance from cover for allopatric rainbow trout in eggs (see Table 2), which is a reason for the low contri-
both TM and UN was significantly shorter than that for al- butions of terrestrial prey to masu salmon diet in these
lopatric masu salmon in BB and BT (Tukey’s HSD test, P < sites.
0.03). In early summer 2004, no significant difference was
found in the percentage of terrestrial prey among the species
Diet and sites (Kruskal–Wallis test, P = 0.398). In every case of
The diet analysis indicated that in the sympatric sites, rainbow trout and masu salmon under allopatric situations,
stomach contents differed between rainbow trout and more than 30% of stomachs were filled with terrestrial prey
masu salmon (Fig. 8). The percentage of terrestrial prey by >80%. Differences in gammarid contribution between the
in stomach contents of rainbow trout was significantly two species in allopatric sites were similar to those in sym-
lower than that of masu salmon in both sites in both sea- patric sites (Fig. 9). In both seasons, the percentage of gam-
sons (Mann–Whitney U test, see Fig. 8). From 20% to marids in stomach contents of rainbow trout was higher than
50% of rainbow trout stomachs included no terrestrial in- that of masu salmon (Mann–Whtney U test, P < 0.005).

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Fig. 6. Differences in focal point characteristics between rainbow trout (solid squares) and masu salmon (open circles) in Horonai in autumn
2003 (a), Horonai in early summer 2004 (b), and Koitoi in early summer 2004 (c), based on the results of discriminant function analysis.
The axes of distance from cover and water depth are logarithmic scale, while that of relative vertical position is arcsin-square-root scale.
Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. Downloaded from by TPE/MAIN LIBRARY on 04/10/14

Fig. 7. Comparisons of relative vertical position (a) and distance (see Fausch et al. 2001; Light 2003), and spawning and
from cover (b) for focal points held by rainbow trout (RT, solid emergence season of rainbow trout is from late winter to
squares) and masu salmon (MS, open circles) among allopatric sites early summer, the period of declining flow (Fausch et al.
(TM, Tomakomai; UN, Uenae; BB, Buhbetsu; BT, Betsubetsu). 2001). This match decreases the risk of mortality caused by
Bars indicate ± standard deviation (SD). Data denoted by the same high flows at egg and fry stages. On the other hand, in our
letter (a, b; x, y, z) are not significantly different (P > 0.05) by one- study area in Hokkaido, northern Japan, high flows occur in
way analysis of variance (ANOVA) or Tukey’s honestly significant April–May by snowmelt and in August–October by rainfall
difference (HSD) test. (Kishi et al. 1999; Shibata et al. 2001). Therefore, high flows
by snowmelt, coincident with the spawning and emergence
For personal use only.

period of rainbow trout in this area (Kitano et al. 1993; Tani-

guchi et al. 2000), have potential to limit establishment of
their populations. In the eastern side of the study area, how-
ever, owing to the high water permeability of the soil, stream
flow variability is low, which was expressed by a higher W/B
ratio. For example, Shibata et al. (2001) reported the lack of
snowmelt peak in the hydrograph of Horonai Stream, a typi-
cal spring-fed stream in the eastern side. Probably, such a
moderate hydrological condition in the spawning and emer-
gence period is an important factor allowing rainbow trout
to establish their self-reproducing populations.
Presence or absence of rainbow trout was not related to
masu salmon density, suggesting that biotic resistance from
the native salmonid plays no role or a lesser role in control-
ling rainbow trout invasion. In general, where two species of
stream salmonids exhibit complementary distributions (oc-
currences or abundances), interference competition often
plays an important role (Fausch et al. 1994; Taniguchi and
Nakano 2000; Rieman et al. 2006). Superiority in interfer-
ence competition is largely determined by body size (e.g.,
Nakano 1995). In the case of competition between rainbow
trout and masu salmon, the latter has a clear advantage over
Discussion the former, because masu salmon fry emerge earlier than
rainbow trout. This advantage allows masu salmon to have
Factors controlling invasion success a great potential to prevent rainbow trout invasion. How-
In our study area, the sites with and without rainbow trout ever, most masu salmon in Hokkaido are anadromous, stay-
were clearly separated by W/B ratio, with sites inhabited by ing in streams generally for only 1 year. Therefore, rainbow
rainbow trout having higher values. This result suggests that trout that survive 1 year can grow larger than masu salmon,
stable discharge favors establishment of rainbow trout popu- resulting in a competitive advantage over masu salmon. An
lations, supporting the flow disturbance hypothesis by experimental study by Taniguchi et al. (2002) demonstrated
Fausch et al. (2001). Life history of rainbow trout is thought that growth and survival of age-0 masu salmon were re-
to adapt to flow regimes in their native range (Fausch et al. duced by age-1 rainbow trout through aggressive interfer-
2001). For example, in Pacific Coast of North America, ence and predation. Anadromy of masu salmon may be one
where rainbow trout is native, flow regimes of streams are reason why they cannot offer biotic resistance to rainbow
characterized by winter high flows and summer low flows trout invasion in our study area.

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Inoue et al. 1431

Fig. 8. Relative abundance of terrestrial prey and gammarids in the diet of rainbow trout (solid columns) and masu salmon (open columns)
individuals in each sympatric site (HN, Horonai; KI, Koitoi). Results (P value) of Mann–Whitney U test comparing between the two species
in each site are indicated in parentheses. An asterisk indicates statistically significant (P < 0.05).
Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. Downloaded from by TPE/MAIN LIBRARY on 04/10/14

Fig. 9. Relative abundance of terrestrial prey and gammarids in the diet of rainbow trout (solid columns) and masu salmon (open columns)
individuals in each allopatric site (TM, Tomakomai; UN, Uenae; BB, Buhbetsu; BT, Betsubetsu). Significant differences among the four
sites based on Mann–Whitney U test after Kruskal–Wallis test are denoted by letters (a, b; x, y); sites denoted by the same letter are not
ignificantly different at P = 0.0083 (= 0.05/6; Bonferroni correction).
For personal use only.

Importance of abiotic factors, rather than biotic interac- that flow regime has a major role in controlling invasion
tions, in controlling invasion and its impacts has frequently success.
been reported in other regions. For example, in New
Zealand and Australia, both drought and spate are suggested Interactions with native masu salmon
to limit invasion of brown trout (Salmo trutta) and prevent In our study area, masu salmon were distributed regard-
them from eliminating native galaxiid fishes (Closs and less of the presence of rainbow trout. This lack of comple-
Lake 1996; McIntosh 2000; Leprieur et al. 2006). In mentary occurrences between the two species indicates that
California, 5-year annual surveys of fishes in a regulated competitive exclusion is not likely to have occurred. How-
stream revealed that the abundance of non-native fishes de- ever, the regression analysis on the abundance variations
creased with increasing stream flow, suggesting flushing ef- showed significant negative effects of each density on the
fects on non-native fishes (Marchetti and Moyle 2001). Such other’s. Previous studies have shown that masu salmon
effects of high flows were reported also for non-native abundance is limited by the abundance of cover or pool in
crayfish in other streams of California (Light 2003). Our re- northern Hokkaido streams where other salmonids were rare
sults are consistent with these previous studies and the view (Inoue et al. 1997; Abe and Nakamura 1999; Abe 2007).

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1432 Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. Vol. 66, 2009

Similarly for rainbow trout, importance of pool and cover in petitively dominant and do not shift their resource use
determining their abundance has been shown in southern (masu salmon occupy higher vertical positions than charr,
Hokkaido streams, where rainbow trout numerically domi- feeding on drifting terrestrial prey). That is, higher vertical
nated (Urabe and Nakano 1998, 1999). In the present study, position is suitable for masu salmon. Therefore, the vertical
however, the abundance variation of each species was ex- segregation between masu salmon and rainbow trout in our
plained by the density of the opponent, rather than such hab- sympatric sites suggests that masu salmon held their pre-
itat factors, although the density of the two species ferred position. This is supported by previous experiments
combined was explained by cover abundance. These results showing that competitive ability of masu salmon in interfer-
suggest that rainbow trout and masu salmon have a compet- ence interactions was comparable to that of rainbow trout
itive relationship with each other and share the same carry- (Hasegawa et al. 2004), and rainbow trout did not elicit hab-
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ing capacity that increases with cover abundance. In other itat shift by masu salmon (Hasegawa and Maekawa 2006).
words, establishment of rainbow trout can decrease masu In the experiment by Hasegawa and Maekawa (2006),
salmon abundance by forcing to share the capacity, although vertical position of allopatric rainbow trout was lower than
masu salmon is not likely inferior to rainbow trout in com- that of allopatric masu salmon, and they concluded that their
petitive interactions (see discussion below). vertical segregation in sympatry simply reflects a difference
The habitat use and diet analyses in the sympatric sites in species-specific habitat preference by each species. In ad-
describe resource partitioning between the two species. Ma- dition, selective use of cover has often been reported for
jor variables related to their habitat partitioning were verti- rainbow trout in allopatric situation (Gatz et al. 1987;
cal position and proximity to cover. Rainbow trout Fausch 1993) and in streams where effects of other salmo-
generally occupied positions closer to the bottom or cover nids are negligible (Kitano et al. 1993; Urabe and Nakano
than masu salmon. Further, the diet analysis showed that 1999). Considering these previous studies, the habitat parti-
contribution of terrestrial prey to the diet of rainbow trout tioning along vertical position and proximity to cover in our
was lower than that of masu salmon. Instead, rainbow trout sympatric sites is also not likely attributable to habitat shift
tended to consume gammarids. These results illustrate that by rainbow trout. However, our analysis on stomach con-
in the sympatric sites, many individuals of rainbow trout oc- tents suggests a diet shift by rainbow trout in the sympatric
cupied positions near the bottom or cover, foraging benthic sites. Contribution of terrestrial invertebrates to the diet of
For personal use only.

prey, while the majority of masu salmon fed drifting prey at sympatric rainbow trout was relatively low, whereas that of
the middle layers of the water column. Although informa- allopatric rainbow trout was as high as that of both allopa-
tion on their interactions is limited, the pattern of their re- tric and sympatric masu salmon. Such differences in diet
source partitioning described here is largely consistent with can be caused by differences in food availability, rather
existing data from a field study (Nakano and Kaeriyama than by the presence of opponent species. For example, it is
1995) and an experimental work (Hasegawa and Maekawa reported that stream salmonids shifted their foraging behav-
2006). Nakano and Kaeriyama (1995) described distinct dif- ior from drift interception to benthic foraging when drifting
ferences in diet between rainbow trout (juvenile steelhead) prey abundance declined (Nakano et al. 1999a, 1999b). In
and masu salmon, with the former characterized by aquatic our study, however, the difference in terrestrial prey contri-
invertebrates of large body size (caddisfly larvae) and the bution to rainbow trout diet between sympatric and allopa-
latter by terrestrial invertebrates. They also reported higher tric situations cannot be explained by differences in drift
selectivity for cover habitats by rainbow trout than by masu availability. Drifting prey density in the sympatric sites (KI
salmon. Furthermore, an experiment using an artificial chan- and HN) was not always lower than that in the allopatric
nel showed that rainbow trout occupied lower vertical posi- sites (UN and TM). Rather, exceedingly high densities of
tions relative to masu salmon when they were in sympatry drifting prey were recorded in a sympatric site (HN) where
(Hasegawa and Maekawa 2006). contribution of terrestrial prey to rainbow trout diet was
Although we also examined resource use by the two spe- lowest. Although rainbow trout is thought to feed primarily
cies in allopatry, it is difficult to clarify whether the habitat on drifting terrestrial prey (Nakano et al. 1999c; Baxter et
partitioning in sympatry is mediated by shift by either spe- al. 2007), these data were obtained from streams where ef-
cies. Results of interspecific comparisons of habitat use fects of other salmonids were negligible (very low density
among the allopatric sites were equivocal, possibly owing to of other salmonids or sympatry with competitively inferior
among-site differences in habitat conditions and food avail- species). Our results suggest that rainbow trout shift their re-
ability (Fig. 2). For example, in autumn 2003, vertical posi- source use from drifting prey to benthic prey when they are
tion of allopatric trout (in UN) was lower than that of sympatry with masu salmon. Although, in general, competi-
alloptaric salmon (in BB), suggesting that the vertical segre- tive effects on resource use cannot be fully elucidated by
gation in the sympatric site is due to species-specific habitat only comparative analyses as ours, our empirical data cor-
preference, rather than habitat shift by either species, roborate results of previous controlled experiments on inter-
whereas the data from 2004 showed that vertical position of actions between rainbow trout and masu salmon (Hasegawa
allopatric rainbow trout in TM was as high as that of masu et al. 2004; Hasegawa and Maekawa 2006).
salmon in BB and BT. Despite such equivocality, our data
suggest, at least, that masu salmon is unlikely to have shifted Management implications
their resource use under the influence of rainbow trout. The Overall results of our study suggest that (i) flow regime
pattern of resource partitioning we described is analogous to has an important role in controlling success and failure of
that between masu salmon and whitespotted charr (Nakano rainbow trout invasion, as hypothesized by Fausch et al.
1995; Miyasaka et al. 2003), where masu salmon are com- (2001), and (ii) masu salmon has competitive effects on

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the fieldwork. We also thank the staff and graduate students, Gordon, N.D., McMahon, T.A., Gippel, C.J., and Nathan, R.J.
especially M. Miura, at the Tomakomai Research Station, 2004. Stream hydrology: an introduction for ecologists. 2nd ed.
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