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Ara Pacis, also called Ara Pacis Augustae (Latin: “Altar of the Augustan Peace”),

Monument that was dedicated to augustus in his honur on 9 bc, built in 13 bc when he came back from the
provinces of guol and spain, the massage behind the ara pacis peace- pax , he established pax romana the
era of peace that augustus has brought upon the roman empire , every where you look at this monument
you see images of abundance and prosperity Fertility plants animals allowed to grow all of nature
intertwin reproductive and fertile

. The sculptures on the walls and on the altar represent the shrine’s dedication ceremonies, scenes from
Roman legends and mithology, and floral motifs and are considered to be among the finest examples of
Roman art. Mythical sacrifices appear, the legendery founders of rome, reminded the romans who they
were where they come from also it is reanacting old roman rituals The sculptures on the walls and on the
altar represent the shrine’s dedication ceremonies, scenes from Roman legend, and floral motifs and are
considered to be among the finest examples of Roman art. Augustus in the prior three years supervising
the administration of the region, he was the first emperor of rome succeeding his uncle cesar and before
them rome had two long periods of monarchy and republic reign, so he was the emperor that brought
relative peace after 100o years of wars ,The Senate proposed building the altar in the Curia, but Augustus
decided to place the structure near his mausoleum in the Campus Martius. Sedimentation from the
rising Tiber River eventually buried the building.

The shrine is considered a propaganda statment

augustus he gave senate power but he made himself princeps (first among equals) the authority first among others
but he controlled everything pontificus Maximus head priest of the state religion so the alter had a political and
religious significance, he wants to make connection between his era and the old golden age and the Roman republic
golden age as to make a propaganda statement that he brought another golden age of young showing Greece 5th bce
golden age there are ancient Roman golden age and religious remembering traditional Roman values and tradiitons
and religious to make a strong connection to himself and his era

Sone of the marble component were discovered in 17 century unearthed in the 1800s, though it was not
until 1937 that a full-scale operation uncovered the remaining portions of the building. In 1938 it was
reconstructed during the musolini reign and in recent years a monument, later known as the Museo
dell’Ara Pacis, was raised beside the Tiber to house the reconstituted edifice. In 2006 it was replaced by a
structure designed by American architect Richard Meier.

One of the greatest examples of early roman sculpture consists of stone marble , whose walls have
entrence on the east ans west . all the sculptures sections of the monument are made of luna marble. The
iconography of its sculptor was designed like all roman art, as a visual reminder of roman military power ,
the insperations for the reliefs , is high classical Greek sculpture , from the parthenon era . the influence
for the alter’s mythological sculptures appears to be Hellenistic statues and reliefs

Western wall
The floral wall :

There are amazing decorated relief carving in the lower frieze all around more than 50 different species
they for symmetrical linear patterns there is order in nature , one famous acanthus leaf famous in
Corinthian capitals from which the scroll unfolds,ivy grapes leaves and even small insects and animals like
lizars scorpions snails inhabit the reliefs and more that twenty swans are spaced along the frieze also from
frogs lizards and birds the carving is deep the shadows like it is lifted from the surface, this is translated
symbol of fertility abundance that Augustus brought This decorative art resembles carving from second
century bce Pergamon in Greek controlled asiaThe style of the vegetation here is hellenistic

The sacrificial panel:

On the front right of the Ara Pacis is a panel showing Aeneas offering up a drink to the Penates
(household gods he had brought from Troy) as he is preparing to sacrifice a pig maybe to goddess juno it’s
a roman custom following a peace treaty . (1,2)Behind him is his son Ascanius Iulus who is the ancestor of
the Julian clan. (2) Lead by the fact that the two individuals are adults, however, some believe that next
best candidate is therefore Achates who is a companion of Aeneas. (Rehak) The proximity of this relief of
Aeneas to the representation of Augustus on the corner of the adjacent wall was no coincidence. Just as
contemporaries would have seen similarities between Aeneas and Augustus through Vergil's Aeneid,
Augustus wished the same association to be portrayed on the Ara Pacis augustus calimed it was his
ancestor. Its position centered between Romulus and Augustus also served to connect the remote past
with the new age


On the front left of the Ara Pacis is a panel displaying the origins of Rome with the entrance to the
Lupercal (the wolf cave) and the she-wolf nursing Romulus and Remus While most of this panel has been
lost over time, it is believed that Romulus and Remus are shown nursing from the she-wolf as Mars the
father is there asa well as their bilological fathre stands nearby. (1,2)The presence of Mars, God of war


Eastern wall

Like many other figures of feminine fertility and abundance, the central figure is seated amid abundant
vegetation. She is flanked by two companion figures on the right and left who, with billowing veils, are
seated on a sea creature and a swan or goose. (Galinsky 148). A cow and a sheep are at the feet of the
central figure. To varying degr to be Pax. While most altars dedicated to peace do include a repres

enLikemany other figures symbolizing feminine fertility and abundance, the central figure is seated amid
abundant vegetation. Around her are two figures with veils, one seats on a sea creature and‫ז‬a the other
seats on swan or goose. ). A cow and a sheep are sitting center at her feet, the iconography brings to
mind that of Mother Earth ( figures on the left and right might represent air and sea which might mean the
the seated figure is Mother Earth other speculations it is belived that they are the wind of water and wind
of air deity figures with veils it is believed that the babys represent the roman citisens ,

mother earth is wearing a veil that shows her breasts and abdomen it bears resemblance to

Parthanon sculptures from 432 bce she wheres a crown of flowers of fruits the figure in the middle could
be:Tellus-mother earth, Venus, Ceres, Pax peace

lustrates peace ‫ ה‬With the two children on her lap, she strongly resembles Venus Genetrix, the mother of
the Julian family. (Coo With the two children on her lap, she strongly resembles Venus Genetrix, the

mother O’Shea Julian family. (Cooley 232).

Sea serpent representing the element water and right, bird represents water air and sea, may
indicate that the seated figure is Terra, or mother earth. The figures asit abo

Likely, the identity of the seated figure was not meant to be absolute. Like many of the images of
the Ara Pacis, the image on this relief is complicated and multi-layered.ley 232).

The figures to the left and right, Eastern wall

which represent air and sea, mInhere we see the goddes Roma sitting atop a heap of captured
weapons the inference being that she is forcing her enemies to make peace, it might be because
Augustus thought peace could only be made by means of war this figure we see the goddess Roma
sitting on top of a pile of accumulated arms, which have been

acquiredan image on an altar dedicated to peace at first may seem out o f place. Most agree that this
image of war, namely victory in war, was included to illustrate the Augustan belief that peace was only
viable side we see a procession. there are lots of conflicting interpretation in front could be Mother Earth also Venus
or peace but she is clearly a figure that represents fertility and abundance her the way the drapery in cringed to her
torso is beautifully depicted semi nude similar to the goddesses at the Parthenon in Greece as this art is inspired
from ancient Greek art elements.on two sides are two mythological figures which are presumed to be representing
earth and sea she has fruits the drapes makes haloes around bodies the ox and ship at her feet give a sense of
harmony peace and fertility powerful massage of golden age of peace after decades of war.figures on the side of the
procession moving foreword towards the main staircase from back wall to the front, the procession might be in
honor of the alter in inaugurated or the event when Augustus returned from the final wars the figures are priests with
the veils and members of Augustus family on the far left is Augustus know only parts of his body remain, and then
agrippas one of his important ministers this is also similar to the frieze on the Parthenon from Greece’s golden age
they have ideall beautiful not anyone specific in contrast here they are specific people from specific event Roman
were good in portraits so they tended to to make heads of specific people , there are figures in the background
depicted in low relief and in front much more depth of carvings ,which creates a feeling of space and depth

Ara Pacis: detail of the processional frieze showing priests at right and the Germanic hostage/guest (north


processional frieze showing members of the Imperial household (south face)


This depicts augustos and his immidate family (damaged, he appears on the far left in the image above) and
marcus agripa (friend, son in law and leutantat to auguatusThe leafes crowns and toga’s are symbols of victory,
it is unusual to show children in this procession but the belif is augustus wanted to promote childbirth in the
roman empire upper is agrippas under the figure without body is augustus

The priests are identified in this picture as the procession walkes west to the main entrence and the
assitents are carring the ritual objects one hold a jug in his right hand and a casket on the left through
successful warfare. This is slightly different from the modern ima

ge of peace, which can be accomplished through z variety of means other than warfare. f peace, which

can be accomplished throug h a variety in the alter acanthus

garlands containing fruits from all the seasons , there is imitation of wooden paneling that wraps around
the lower half of the interior wall mabe to make it look more modest, it has symbolysem of what is being
done in the secricial ceremony, ox skulls, like the fruit from all year round so does the peace of augustus
will last, it has Hellenistic style flower decorationsmeans

notable for the depicted children. The northern wall is not as symbolic as the eastern and western walls
and was probably more of an Augustan nod to the aristocracy of the day. Not much distinguishes this
wall from the southern wall either--the imperial family is portrayed no differently than the senatorial class.

that m The North wall of the Ara Pacis is a relief of a procession of Senators. All of the Senators are
wearing togas and a laurel wreath (the symbol of Victory). Some of the Senators are carrying olive
branches in their hands as an allusion to peace. This relief is also notable for the depicted children. The
northern wall is not as symbolic as the eastern and western walls and was probably more of an Augustan
nod to the aristocracy of the day. Not much distinguishes this wall from the southern wall either--the
imperial family is portrayed no differently than the

senatorial class.

ost of this relief has been lost through the ages. The image of Roma has been completed by stencil of
what scholars privy to altar have agreed upon from evidence in historical description.

is figure we see the goddess Roma sitting on top of a pile of accumulated arms, which have been
acquired in the process of war (Galinsky 148). The presence of such an image on an altar dedicated to
peace at first may seem out of place. Most agree that this image of war, namely victory in war, was
included to illustrate the Augustan belief that peace was only viable through successful warfare. This is
slightly different from the modern image o

Notice that most of this relief has been lost through the ages. The image of Roma has been
completed by stencil of what scholars privy to altar have agreed upon from evidence in historical

ay indicate that the seated figure is Terra, or mother earth. The figures all sit above their respective icons
showing roman dominance over them.

In this figure we see the goddess Roma sitting on top of a pile of accumulated arms, which have been
acquired in the proIn this figure we see the goddess Roma sitting on top of a pile of accumulated arms,
which have been acquired in the process of war (Galinsky 148). The presence of such an image on an
altar dedicated to peace at first may seem out of place. Most agree that this image of war, namely victory
in war, was included to illustrate the Augustan belief that peace was only viable through successful
warfare. This is slightly different from the modern image of peace, which can be accomplished through a
variety of means other than warfare.

Notice that most of this relief has been lost through the ages. The image of Roma has been
completed by stencil of what scholars privy to altar have agreed upon from evidence in historical

cess of war (Galinsky 148). The presence of such an image on an altar dedicated to peace at first may
seem out of place. Most agree that this image ofInIn this figure we see the goddess Roma sitting on top
of aIn this figure we see the goddess Roma sitting on top of a pile of accumulated arms, which have
been acquired in the process of war (Galinsky 148). The presence of such an image on an altar dedicated
to peace at first may seem out of place. Most agree that this image of war, namely victory in war, was
included to illustrate the Augustan belief that peace was only viable through successful warfare. This is
slightly different from the modern image of peace, which can be accomplished through a variety of means
other than warfare.

Notice that most of this relief has been lost through the ages. The image of Roma has been
completed by stencil of what scholars privy to altar have agreed upon from evidence in historical

pile of accumulated arms, which have been acquired in the process of war (Galinsky 148). The presence
of such an image on an altar dedicated to peace at first may seem out of place. Most agree that this
image of war, namely victory in war, was included to illustrate the Augustan belief that peace was only
viable through successful warfare. This is slightly different from the modern image of peace, which can be
accomplished through a variety of means other than warfare.

Notice that most of this relief has been lost through the ages. The image of Roma has been
completed by stencil of what scholars privy to altar have agreed upon from evidence in historical

this figure we see the goddess Roma sitting on top of a pile of accumulated arms, which have been
acquired in the process of war (Galinsky 148). The presence of such an image on an altar dedicated to
peace at first may seem out of place. Most agree that this image of war, namely victory in war, was
included to illustrate the Augustan belief that peace was only viable through successful warfare. This is
slightly different from the modern image of peace, which can be accomplished through a variety of means
other than warfare.

Notice that most of this relief has been lost through the ages. The image of Roma has been
completed by stencil of what scholars privy to altar have agreed upon from evidence in historical

war, namely victory in war, was included to illustrate the Augustan belief that peace was only viable
through successful warfare. This is slightly different from the modern image of peace, which can be
accomplished through a variety of means other than warfare.

Notice that most of this relief has been lost through the ages. The image of Roma has been
completed by stencil of what scholars privy to altar have agreed upon from evidence in historical

Li In this figure we see the goddess Roma sitting on top of a pile of accumulated arms, which been
acquired in the process of war (Galinsky 148). The presence of such an image on an altar dedicated to
peace at first may seem out of place. Most agree that this image of war, namely victory in war, was
included to illustrate the Augustan belief that peace was only viable through successful warfare. This is
slightly different from the modern image of peace, which can be accomplished through a variety of means
other than warfare.

Notice that most of this relief has been lost through the ages. The image of Roma has been
completed by stencil of what scholars privy to altar have agreed upon from evidence in historical
description.kely, the identity of the seated figure was not meant to be absolute. Like many of the images
of the Ara Pacis, the image on this relief is complicated and multi-layered.

With the two children on her lap, she strongly resembles Venus Genetrix, the mother of the Julian
family. (Cooley 232).

The figures to the left and right, which represent air and sea, may indicate that the seated figure is
Terra, or mothe With the two children on her lap, she strongly resembles Venus Genetrix, the mother of
the Julian family. (Cooley 232).

The figures to the left and right, which represent air and sea, may indicate that the seated figure is
Terra, or mother earth. The figures all sit above their respective icons showing roman dominance over

Likely, the identity of the seated figure was not meant to be absolute. Like many of the images of the
Ara Pacis, the image on this relief is complicated and multi-layered.

r earth. The figures all sit above their respective icons showing roman dominance over them.

Likely, the identity of the seated figure was not meant to be absolute. Like many of the images of the
Ara Pacis, the image on this relief is complicated and multi-layered.

vthrough victory brought about by Augustus.

With the two children on her lap, she strongly resembles Venus Genetrix, the mother of the Julian
family. (Cooley 232). With the two children on her lap, she strongly resembles Venus Genetrix, the
mother of the Julian family. (Cooley 232).

The figures to the left and right, which represent air and sea, may indicate that the seated figure is
Terra, or mother earth. The figures all sit above their respective icons showing roman dominance over

Likely, the identity of the seated figure was not meant to be absolute. Like many of the images of the
Ara Pacis, the image on this relief is complicated and multi-layered.

The figures to the left and right, which represent air and sea, may indicate that the seated figure is
Terra, or mother earth. The figures all sit above their respective icons showing roman dominance over

Likely, the identity of the seated figure was not meant to be absolute. Like many of the images of the
Ara Pacis, the image on this relief is complicated and multi-layered.

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