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Year 11 Revision
November 2021


The GCSE Geography Year 11 mock exam will be all the topics from year 10, plus unseen fieldwork
questions. You will study unseen fieldwork after October half term.

Topics to revise are:

Paper 2 - UK Geographical Issues: Exam format = 1 hour 30 minutes

Students answer questions on:

 Topic 1: The UK’s evolving Physical Landscape

o Geology and relief of the UK - rocks, tectonic processes, glaciation, upland and
lowland landscapes.

o Coastal change and conflict - rock structure, waves, coastal erosion, coastal
deposition, coastal flooding and coastal management.

o River processes and pressures – upper course of rivers, middle course of rivers,
lower course of rivers, storm hydrographs, flooding and managing flood risks.

 Topic 2: The UK’s evolving Human Landscape

o Changes in the UK – population, economic core and periphery, international and

national migration, UK’s economy and society, changes in industry and globalisation.

o Dynamic Cities – London as a case study – London’s location, structure of the city
(CBD, inner city, suburbs, rural-urban fringe), causes of international and national
migration, inequality, dereliction, regeneration, rebranding, sustainability, London and
rural areas, Devon and Cornwall.

 Topic 3: Geographical Investigations:

o Unseen Fieldwork

 Understand: how to formulate enquiry questions; the different quantitative and

qualitative methods; methods of primary data collection; how to use secondary
data sources; presenting data; analysing, concluding and evaluating the data.

QPCS Google sites: SOCIOLOGY look at top right hand corner & click: GCSE

The GCSE History Year 11 mock exam will be all the topics from year 10 except ‘Interpretations of
Appeasement’. The interpretation question will be about ‘Interpretations of Origins of the Cold War’.


Unit 1: The Inter-War Years 1919-1939 – The Treaty of Versailles, 1919; The League of
Nations,1920-1939; The Great Depression, 1930s; Japan and Manchuria, 1931; Italy and Abyssinia,
1935-36; Hitler’s Germany, 1933-1939; Causes of the Second World War, 1930s; Appeasement,

Unit 2: The Cold War 1945-1989 – The Origins of the Cold War, 1945-1953; The Berlin Crisis, 1961;
The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962; The Vietnam War, 1965-1975

Unit 3: South Africa 1948-1994 – The nature of the system of Apartheid, effects of Apartheid,
resistance and opposition, international reaction, reasons for the end of Apartheid

Unit 2b: Interpretations question – ‘Interpretations of the Origins of the Cold War’


Time = 1 hour 45 minutes

Section 1 = Inter-War Years/Cold War/End of the Cold War [50 marks]

5 mark – describe question

10 mark – explain question
10 mark - explain question
25 mark - interpretation question: ‘Interpretations of the origins of the Cold War’

Section 2 = South Africa [40 marks]

2 mark - describe question

10 mark - explain question
10 mark - source question
18 mark essay – balanced answer – arguments for/against + conclusion with reasons


All revision resources are on THE HISTORY PORTAL PAGE on ‘GOOGLE EDUCATION’:



 Systems Architecture
 Memory 1 hour and 30 minutes
 Storage Written paper
 Wired and wireless networks (no calculators allowed)
 Network topologies, protocols and layers
 System security
 System software
 Ethical, legal, cultural and environmental concerns

 Algorithms
1 hour and 30 minutes
 Programming techniques Written paper
 Producing robust programs (no calculators allowed)
 Computational logic
 Translators and facilities of languages
 Data representation

Revision tips:
Ensure you go through all the power-point slides on each of the topics listed above. Work through all the
Worksheets. (All the power-point slides and resources are on Google Classroom and also on Studentshare)


The Component 3: Theatre Makers in Practice paper is 1 hour 30 minutes long. All students will
have been given a detailed revision guide.

Section A of the exam will be based on an extract from the set text, DNA by Dennis Kelly. A series
of 4 questions will cover both performance and design elements. Students will be required to answer
from the point of view of performer, designer and director.

Section B will be based on a performance that the students have seen (e.g. The Woman in Black, A
Christmas Carol). There will be two questions, one based on a design element, one based on a
performance element. Students will choose one of these questions to answer.

Revision support:
 BBC Bitesize -
 Quizlet -
 ‘DNA’ resources are accessible from the Year 11 GCSE Page on the Drama Portal -
 CGP revision guides – ‘GCSE Drama: For the Grade 9-1 Course’, ‘GCSE Drama: DNA – For
the Grade 9-1 Course’

The exam is 2 hours and is split into two sections.

Section A will test your core knowledge. In this section students will need to answer a series of multiple
choice questions, questions that demonstrate your knowledge of different manufacturing processes,
materials and design influences.

Section B will test your chosen discipline. If you are in Mr Pineda’s class your focus for section B will
be Timber based materials.

If you are in Miss Jayawardene’s class your focus for section B will be Papers and Boards

Students will need to revise the following:

New and emerging Technologies

Energy, materials, systems and devices
Materials and their working properties
Specialist principles
Maths in DT- resources will be in Google Classroom

Topics of revision include:

Materials, printing methods, technical drawing techniques such as orthographic, isometric, exploded
drawings, representing data, sustainability and recycling, production methods-batch, mass, JIT and
continuous production, industrial printing methods, advantages/disadvantages of CAD/CAM, tools and
equipment and flow charts, sustainability, electronic system processing, mechanical devices, people,
culture and society.

All of the above can be found in the AQA GCSE (9-1) Design and Technology textbook
There is also a maths element to the exam and students should remember to show their working out
on the exam paper. Students will need to bring in their calculator and protractor.

We will also be putting revision resources in your Google

Classrooms to support you.
GCSE business students will take one 60 minute paper. This paper will just be based on Theme 2
content covered in Year 11.

The paper will consist of multiple choice, 2, 3, 6, 9 and 12 mark questions. There may also be
calculation questions.

Students should revise the following topics:

Theme 2: Building a business

Topic 2.1: Growing a business:
 Business growth
 Changes in Aims and Objectives
 Business and globalisation
 Ethics, the environment and business

Topic 2.2: Making marketing businesses

 Product
 Price
 Place
 Promotion
 Using the marketing mix to make decisions


Online theory, revision and activities


90 minutes 50 marks


Section A Representation and Language

You will have one 20 mark question on one of the set texts which we will revise in lessons. It will be a
comparison question with an unseen text.

Section B Audience and Industry

You will have two questions on Fortnite and The Archers totalling 10 marks.


Music (Katy Perry - Roar, Pharrell Williams - Freedom and Duran Duran - Rio and Katy Perry’s and
Pharrell Williams’ official website)

The section will be on representations and industries. This will be 20 marks in total.
Key points to note:
● This exam consists of 80 marks.
● The exam is 1 hour and 45 minutes.
● The exam consists of nine questions.
● The paper will include multiple-choice, short open, and extended writing questions.
● There are two sections in the exam:
 Section A: 68 marks
 Section B: 12 marks
● The extracts of the pieces of music will be played on CD to all students taking the examination paper.

Section A
Students will be assessed on their ability to identify aurally the key musical features in some of the set works
from the areas of study. They should understand the context within which the set works were composed and
their place within the area of study as a whole.

Students will also be expected to express and justify opinions on the set work extracts and complete short
musical dictation and staff notation questions.

Further details for Section A include:

● eight questions requiring students to respond to extracts of music on CD, of which:
 six questions will be based on extracts of the set works
 one question will be on musical dictation. This will be worth 6–10 marks
 one question will be on an unfamiliar piece (closely related to a set work) with an accompanying
skeleton score. This will be worth 8 marks
● The question on an unfamiliar piece of music will relate to one of the set works (but not a set work). Its
purpose is for students to draw links from their study of the set works to the music heard as an unfamiliar
extract. For example, it might be that following the study of the Star Wars music, another extract in a
similar style will be used, although not necessarily by the same composer or from the same film track. A
short skeleton score will be provided to help the student follow the music and provide reference points.

Section B
In Section B, students will be asked to compare in detail an extract of one of the set works with an extract from
an unfamiliar listening piece (related to one of the set works). Students will hear the pieces and see the
scores. This question will be worth 12 marks.

The question will be an extended response assessed for the quality of musical knowledge and understanding
demonstrated as well as the quality of the evaluation and conclusion. This question will focus on the stylistic
features of the music and will draw on the students' knowledge from the study of the set works. Students
should be prepared to demonstrate that they are able to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of,
and evaluate, musical elements, musical contexts and musical language. Questions may include any of the
● how the musical elements (pitch, tonality, structure, sonority, texture, tempo, metre, rhythm, and
dynamics) have been used by the composer/performer
● how the instruments and groups of instruments are used
● how any other key musical elements have been used in the pieces
● how the two pieces compare together to meet a purpose, audience or other factor
● placing the music in its musical, historical, social and cultural context
● expressing and justifying opinions on the pieces in question.

The essay question will involve comparing one of the set works with an unfamiliar piece.

There will be scores accompanying this question for both extracts of music. The question will be focused on an
evaluation of certain stylistic aspects of the music. This will be extended writing in which the student will show
how they can apply their knowledge in a comparison exercise. This may include making evaluative and critical
judgements on the pieces as well as making stylistic connections between the two pieces.

Credit will be given if other music is referred to in students’ answers – this could be from the suggested wider
listening pieces or any other relevant works studied by the student.
Students will need to know how the works fit within the context of other pieces written in similar genres around
the same time.

Useful revision resources and online support:

 Music Theory and Dictation practice -

 BBC Bitesize -
 Eduqas Digital Resources -
 Online exam style questions material
 Eduqas study guide-


Format of the exams: students will sit either the foundation or higher-tier papers for the mock exam.
Paper Foundation Higher

Listening (25%) 35 minutes 45 minutes

Reading (25%) 45 minutes I hour

Includes translation into

Writing (25%)  I hour  I hour 15 minutes

 Photo task  90 word task
 40 word task
 150 word task
 90 word task
 Translation into French/Spanish
 Translation into

Speaking (25%)  Roleplay 12 minutes

 Photo card task
 General conversation

Content covered in mock:

Theme Sub-units

1. Identity and culture 1: Me, my family and friends

2: Technology in everyday life
3: Free-time activities
4: Customs and festivals in French-speaking

2. Local, national, international and global areas 5: Home, town, neighbourhood and region
of interest 6: Social issues
7: Global issues
8: Travel and tourism

3: Current and future study and employment 9: My studies

10: Life at school and college
11: Education post-16
12: Jobs, career choices and ambitions
How to revise

● Revise vocabulary lists on Quizlet from previous topics by doing one or two of the activities (e.g. match/
learn) or create your own condensed vocab lists, focusing only on the words you are struggling with
● Revise vocabulary and grammar structures using the provided booklets
● Revisit previous assessments and exams to assess targets and areas in need of improvement
● Use the revision booklet to ensure that you know a bank of high frequency verbs in the different tenses
● Use the revision booklet to ensure that you know a bank of structures to extend your sentences
(connectives, positive and negative adjectives, infinitive constructions, tense markers, phrases to give and
justify your opinion)
● Log-in to Kerboodle and redo listening and reading activities from previous units, especially the test and
revise pages
● Log-in to Kerboodle and practise planning writing tasks (found in the test and revise sections)
● Use writing booklet to practise a range of writing tasks
 Prepare and practise general conversation questions, role play cards and photo cards

Exam Board: AQA

Revision Support:
 AQA Specification, textbook and past papers all accessible from the Year 11 GCSE Page on the PE
Portal -
 GCSE Pod
 BBC Bitesize -
 Quizlet -
 The PE Classroom -
 PE Planet -

AQA PE GCSE Revision Guide Book available from PE Department for £5.

Or from Amazon UK:
1 hour and 45 mins, 80 marks

We will be doing Language Paper 2 (non-fiction) as our December mock.

Paper 2:

Reading section (1 hour)

You will be given 2 non-fiction sources about a similar topic. You should spend 10 mins reading and
annotating and understanding the sources.

Q1: Choose 4 true statements about 1 of the sources.

(4 marks) [5 mins]

Q2: Summarise the similarities or differences between a topic in both sources.

(8 marks) [10 mins]

Q3: Analyse how the writer uses language in one of the extracts.
(12 marks) [15 mins]

Q4: Compare the writer’s viewpoints and how they are presented in both extracts.
(16 marks) [20 mins]

Writing section (45 mins)

You will be given a statement and will have to write to express your viewpoint on it.

You may have to write:

- a letter
- a magazine or newspaper article
- the text of a leaflet
- a speech
- a blog

You will be assessed on:

AO5: how stylish and effective and well organised your writing is [24 marks]
AO6: how accurate your writing is (SPaG) [16 marks]

Mr Bruff videos about each part of the exam:



Prepare by reading a range of non-fiction extracts (you can look up many newspaper articles online for free or
pick up free copies of the Metro and the Evening Standard at tube stations).

Challenge yourself: pick out three techniques from the article and write an analytical paragraph about each
one, explaining the effect on the reader.

This will also help you in the writing section as you will be able to use similar techniques.
All students will sit three mock exams this year. The topics are as follows

Combined Science Triple Science

Biology B1, B2, and B3 - 1 hour 10 minutes Biology B1, B2, and B3 - 1 hour 45 minutes

Chemistry C1, C2, and C3, - 1 hour 10 Chemistry C1, C2, and C3, - 1 hour 45
Minutes Minutes

Physics P1, P2, and P3 - 1 hour 10 minutes Physics P1, P2, P3, and P4 - 1 hour 45

Students will NOT need to know equations for Physics as this year they will be provided.

Revision resources are available online on Google Classroom,,, and If you need a username and password please ask your teacher.
CGP Revision Guides, Exam Question Workbooks and Revision Question Cards can be purchased from the
Science technicians for £5 each (£3 each for triple subjects).

The Mock exam will cover all topics in the specification. Attached is a list of all topics.

For revision you can use the following resources:

Hegarty Maths

To use the above you need to log in using the username and password given to you by your maths teacher.

For some practice you can use the sample assessment material from the Edexcel website,

For more practice you can use some of the past exam papers before the change.

The following is an online site you can also use.

Mr Barton -

If you get stuck make sure you ask your teacher or another maths teacher
FOUNDATION - Grades 1 – 5
Geometry and Measures Algebra
I can I can
Grade Title Grade Title
do this do this
5 Arc lengths and sectors 5 Algebraic terminology
5 Derive triangle results 5 Cubic and Reciprocal graphs
5 Enlargements and negative SF Deduce quadratic roots
5 Loci
5 Derive an equation
5 Pythagoras
5 Equation of a line
5 Similarity and Congruence Expand the product of two
5 Standard constructions 5
5 Surface Area Factorising quadratic
5 Trigonometric ratios
Fibonacci, quadratic and simple
5 Volume 5
geometric sequences
Alternate and corresponding
4 5 Graphical solution to equations
4 Area of a circle 5 Inequalities on number lines
4 Areas of composite shapes 5 Linear equations
Areas of triangles, trapezia and 5 Quadratic graphs
parallelograms 5 Reciprocal real-life graphs
4 Bearings 5 Simplify indices
4 Circle terminology 5 Simplify surds
4 Circumference of a circle Solve linear inequalities in one
4 Congruent triangles variable
Writing formulae and
4 Enlargements and fractional SF 5
4 Perimeter of 2D shapes 4 Changing the subject
4 Plans and elevations 4 Collecting like terms
4 Polygons 4 Expressions
4 Solve geometrical problems 4 Factorise single bracket
4 Vector arithmetic 4 Finding the equation of a line
4 Volume of prisms 4 Graphs of linear functions
3 3-D Shapes 4 Graphs of quadratic functions
3 Congruent and similar shapes 4 Linear equations one unknown
Geometrical terminology and 4 Multiplying single brackets
diagrams 4 Non-standard real life graphs
3 Measuring lines and angles 4 nth term of a linear sequence
3 Properties of quadrilaterals 4 Number machines
3 Properties of triangles 4 Substitution
3 Translations and vectors 4 Using "y = mx + c"
3 Coordinates in four quadrants
3 Using standard units
3 Plotting straight line graphs
3 Position to term rules
Sequences of square,
triangular and cube numbers
3 Using Formulae
2 Sequences and Rules
Statistics Number
I can I can
Grade Title Grade Title
do this do this
Histograms with equal class 5 Calculating with fractions
widths 5 Error intervals
5 Scatter graphs
5 Index Laws
4 Comparing data using graphs
5 Limits of accuracy
4 Comparing Distributions Adding and subtracting
4 Correlation 4
4 Population 4 Checking calculations
4 Sampling 4 Compound measures
4 Scatter Diagrams 4 Converting metric units
4 Time series 4 Estimation
3 Charts and Diagrams 4 Fractions and percentages
3 Pie Charts 4 Fractions and ratio problems
3 Types of data 4 Interpret calculator displays
3 Vertical Line Charts 4 LCM and HCF
4 Multiples and factors
Ratio, Proportion and rates of change 4 Multiplying fractions
I can
Grade Title 4 Operations
do this
5 Compound Units 4 Order of operations
5 Gradient & the rate of change 4 Powers
5 Growth and decay 4 Rounding
5 Interpret Proportion 4 Standard Form
Terminating decimals and
5 Percentage change 4
5 Problems with compound units 3 Decimals
5 Scale factors and similarity 3 Listing outcomes
Simple Interest and Financial 3 Prime numbers
3 Using standard units
5 Solve Proportion Problems
2 Add and Subtract integers
Compare Fractions, Decimals 2 Dividing integers
and Percentages
2 Multiplying integers
4 Compare lengths, area, volume
2 Ordering numbers
4 Comparing quantities as a ratio
2 Place value
4 Division of a quantity as a ratio
Express one quantity as a % of
4 Probability
I can
4 Percentage change Grade Title
do this
4 Problems involving ratio 5 Probability of dependent events
4 Proportion and ratio Probability of independent
4 Ratio and fractions events
4 Ratio Sharing 4 Mutually exclusive sum
3 Convert standard units 4 Relative Frequency
Express one quantity as a 4 Tables and Grids
fraction of another 4 Theoretical Probability
3 Use ratio notation 4 Unbiased Samples
Use scale factors, diagrams and 4 Venn Diagrams
3 Frequency Trees
Probability of equally likely
HIGHER - Grades 4 – 9 I can
Grade Title
do this
Algebra Deduce quadratic roots
I can algebraically
do this Grade Title 5 Derive an equation
5 Equation of a line
Approximate solutions to
9 Expand the product of two
equations using iteration. 5
9 Equation of a circle Factorising quadratic
9 Equation of a tangent expressions
8 Algebra and Proof Fibonacci, quadratic and simple
Gradients and area under a geometric sequences
graph 5 Graphical solution to equations
Graphs of trigonometric 5 Inequalities on number lines
5 Linear equations
Quadratic equations (completing
8 5 Quadratic graphs
the square)
5 Reciprocal real-life graphs
7 Composite functions
5 Simplify indices
Expand the product of two or
7 5 Simplify surds
more binomials
Solve linear inequalities in one
Factorising difficult quadratic 5
7 variable
expressions Writing formulae and
7 Geometric Sequences expressions
7 Graphs of exponential functions 4 Changing the subject
4 Collecting like terms
Quadratic equations (needing
7 4 Expressions
4 Factorise single bracket
Quadratic equations (quadratic
7 4 Finding the equation of a line
4 Graphs of linear functions
7 Real-life exponential graphs
4 Graphs of quadratic functions
7 Represent quadratic inequalities
4 Linear equations one unknown
Simultaneous equations (non-
7 4 Multiplying single brackets
7 Solve quadratic inequalities 4 Non-standard real life graphs
4 nth term of a linear sequence
Translations and reflections of a
7 4 Number machines
4 Substitution
Turning points & completing the
7 4 Using "y = mx + c"
6 Algebraic fractions
6 Identifying parallel lines
6 Inverse functions
Linear inequalities in two
nth term of a quadratic
Quadratic equations
Quadratic equations (graphical
6 Represent linear inequalities
6 Simultaneous equations (linear)
5 Algebraic argument
5 Algebraic terminology
5 Cubic and Reciprocal graphs
Geometry and Measures Statistics
I can I can
Grade Title
do this Grade Title do this
8 Circle theorems 6 Boxplots
8 Vector arguments and proof 6 Cumulative frequency
7 Area of a triangle Histograms with unequal class
7 Cosine Rule Quartiles and Interquartile
7 Pythagoras and trig 2D and 3D 6
7 Sine Rule Histograms with equal class
6 Combined transformations
5 Scatter graphs
6 Congruence and Similarity
4 Comparing data using graphs
6 Standard trigonometric ratios
4 Comparing Distributions
5 Arc lengths and sectors
4 Correlation
5 Derive triangle results
4 Population
5 Enlargements and negative SF
4 Sampling
5 Loci
4 Scatter Diagrams
5 Pythagoras
4 Time series
5 Similarity and Congruence
5 Standard constructions
5 Surface Area Probability
5 Trigonometric ratios I can
Grade Title
do this
5 Volume
7 Conditional Probability
Alternate and corresponding
4 5 Probability of dependent events
4 Area of a circle Probability of independent
4 Areas of composite shapes
4 Mutually exclusive sum
Areas of triangles, trapezia and
4 4 Relative Frequency
4 Bearings 4 Tables and Grids
4 Circle terminology 4 Theoretical Probability
4 Circumference of a circle 4 Unbiased Samples
4 Congruent triangles 4 Venn Diagrams
4 Enlargements and fractional SF
4 Perimeter of 2D shapes
4 Plans and elevations
4 Polygons
4 Solve geometrical problems
4 Vector arithmetic
4 Volume of prisms
I can
Grade Title
do this
8 Surds Ratio, Proportion and rates of change
Index Laws (negative and I can
7 Grade Title
fractional) do this
Gradients and the rate of
7 Product rule 9
7 Recurring Decimals 7 General iterative processes
7 Upper and lower bounds
6 Direct and inverse proportion
6 Finance 1
5 Compound Units
6 Powers and Roots
5 Gradient & the rate of change
6 Product of prime factors
5 Growth and decay
6 Using Pi
5 Interpret Proportion
5 Calculating with fractions
5 Error intervals 5 Percentage change
5 Index Laws 5 Problems with compound units
5 Limits of accuracy 5 Scale factors and similarity
Simple Interest and Financial
4 Adding and subtracting fractions 5
4 Checking calculations 5 Solve Proportion Problems
4 Compound measures Compare Fractions, Decimals
4 Converting metric units and Percentages
4 Estimation 4 Compare lengths, area, volume
4 Fractions and percentages 4 Comparing quantities as a ratio
4 Fractions and ratio problems 4 Division of a quantity as a ratio
4 Interpret calculator displays Express one quantity as a % of
4 LCM and HCF
4 Percentage change
4 Multiples and factors
4 Problems involving ratio
4 Multiplying fractions
4 Proportion and ratio
4 Operations
4 Ratio and fractions
4 Order of operations
4 Ratio Sharing
4 Powers
4 Rounding
4 Standard Form
Terminating decimals and

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