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In this video, you will learn to describe other cybersecurity

threats besides malware, describe botnets, key-loggers, logic bombs and their
components. Now, we will speak
regarding all the threats out there. So botnets. Botnets are set of
compromised hosts that enables attackers to exploit those computer resources
to mount attacks. This kind of attack is used by black head hackers in order to run
operations such as in spam, denial-of-service attacks,
phishing, spyware, mind personal information,
or crypto currency. The computer part of
this botnets are also known as zombies or drones that we command from a bot master
or a bot herder. Other malware attacks. We have keyloggers. Keylogger is
any hardware-software that records every keystroke
made by a user. We have logic bombs. Its code that door
mounts on a target until it's triggered by
a specific event such as a data. In time, when
the condition is met it donates to perform whatever
it was programmed to do, usually erasing data
or corrupting systems. Then we have APTs or
advanced persistent threats. Its main goal, is to get access and monitor the
network to steal Information while it's staying undetected for
a long period of time. Usually it targets
organizations such as military, government, finance, or companies that have high
value information. Some known groups that are out there are Fancy Bear of Russia,
Lazarus group of North Korea, or Periscope group of China.

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