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::::::::::: www.aportesingecivil.

com ::::::::::::


1. Disable your antivirus.

2. Unrar and install the application.

3. Delete created by default .net native image.

- Run as admin command prompt (cmd.exe) and
- Execute command: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319>ngen
uninstall SAP2000

4. Run "Sap2000.v22_kg.exe" (...\Patch_Sap2000.v22\Patch\)

- A license file (lservrc) will be generated.

5. Copy both generated above license and applied emulator (SentinelRMSCore.dll)

to the folders:
- <installdir>
- <installdir>\CSiLicensing\

============= Enjoy ==============

1. Allow program's access to the internet otherwise program will not even start.

2. You can try to replace besides deleting native image -

program will start
much faster. But the good result is not guaranteed. The program may not even
start. On what does the
success depend on is a big question at the moment.
So replace:
bla(depends on product)\
with ...\Patch_Sap2000.v22\Native Images\

3. Do not use Windows Explorer for replacing No chance to

do this with it. Use Total Commander
(for example) with turning on option for showing hidden files.

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