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John C.

Barry a, Morgan a, Lawrence J

Louis L. Jacobs b, Lindsay ‘, S. Mahmoo


The fluvial Neogene Siwalik formatic$ns of northern Pakistan contain a long and richly fossiliferous sequence of
terrestrial vertebrate faunas in which patterns of fauna1 turnover and changes in diversity can be documented and
analyzed for intervals having durations of 0.5 m.y. The complete sequence extends from circa 18.5 to 1 Ma, but the
part between 18.5 and 5.5 Ma is best sampled, and most intervals within it are well represented
Thirteen orders of Siwalik mammals have been identified, with well-sampled intervals having 50 or more species.
Most Siwalik mammals, however, are either rodents or artiodactyls. Bovids arc the most common and most speciose
of the larger mammals, while murid and “:;r*icetid”rodents dl~minate the small mammal assemblages.
Between 18.5 and 5.S Ma species diversity varied considerably. Among artiodactyls and rodents the number of
species first increased between 15 and 13 Ma and then fell. Data on stratigraphic ranges of rodents and artiodactyls
show that fauna1 change in the Siwaliks v~asepisodic, occurring during short intervals with high turnover followed
by longer periods with considerably less change. Maxima of first appearances occurred at approximately 13.5 and 8.5
Ma, while maxima of last occurrences were at 12.5 and 8.0 Ma.
Some of the observed faunai events can be correlated to climatic and environmental changes. The Middle Miocene
diversification occurred during a period of global cooling, while the latest Miocene decline in diversity and increased
turnover accompanied oxygen rrr;:dcarbon isotopic changes that correlate to globally increasing seasonality and
aridity. Other correlatir\nh are ambiguous. The marked decrease in diversity and the major turnover events between
13 and 8 Ma do not correspond to known local or global events.
The Neogene Siwaliks and Paleogene Bighorn-Crazy Mountains sequence in Wyoming and Montana share many
similarities. They have equivalent levels of temporal resolution and similar levels of completeness of their fossil
records. Siwalik ordinal abundance and diversity patterns differ markedly from those of the Paleogene, but generic,
and probably species, diversity was approximately the same, although the Siwahk faunas may have been slightly less
diverse. Over time, changes in diversity were of comparable magnitude, with monotonic trends persisting for more
than 5 million years. The magnitude of fauna1 turnover was also similar, ranging from less than half to 3.5 times that
expected. In both sequences fauna1 change appears to have been episodic, with strong pulses between intervals of low
turnover. The Siwaliks, in contrast to the Paleogene sequence, may have had more distinct pulses and longer intervals
between pulses. Neither sequence has peaks of first occurrences coinciding with peaks of last occurrences.

003 l-0182/95/$9.50 0 1995 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

SSDI 0031-0182(94)00112-X
1. Introduction Pilgrim ( 1910, 1926) and later Colbert ( 1935)
commented on some of the large scaie evoiutionary
Terrestrial deposits are notoriously incomplete patterns of Siwalik mammals, but they too princi-
and discontinuous, making study of fauna1 change pally focused on phylogenetic and biogeographic
in ancient mammal communities difficult because patterns. It is only recently that questions concern-
of uncertainties about the ages and even the order ing species diversity and the dynamics of fauna1
of fauna1 events. The Neogene Siwalik forma- turnover have been addressed. Important conclu-
tions of Pakistan, however, contain thick sedi- sions of recent studies include recognition that
mentary sequences with good stratigraphic control Miocene fauna1 change in southern Asia was epi-
and abundant fossils, making it possible to docu- sodic, occurring as brief periods of high turnover
ment fauna1 changes in Siwalik communities with separated by intervals of considerably less change,
increased temporal resolution. In this regard, the and recognition that pulses of increased extinction
Siwaliks are similar to the Paleogene formations did not necessarily accompany pulses of increased
of the Bighorn and Crazy Mountains Basins in first appearances ( Barry et al., 1990, 1991). Large
Wyoming and Montana, and both records present differences in species richness and relative abun-
opportunities to document and compare patterns dance between stratigraphic levels were also noted
of fauna1 turnover and change in terrestrial eco- in those studies and by Jacobs et al. ( 1990). Barry
systems over intervals of ten to twenty million et al. ( 1991) also documented trends in body size
years. increase among ruminant artiodactyls.
In this paper we discuss the patterns of fauna1 The geologic setting and important taphonomic
turnover and species richness (or diversity as we biases of the Siwalik formations are discussed in
will generally refer to it throughout this paper) in this issue by Badgley and Behrensmeyer, Badgley
the Neogene Siwalik record, and make comparison et al., Behrensmeyer et al., and Willis and
to the patterns documented in the Paleogene Behrensmcyer. Here it is only necessary to note
Bighorn and Crazy Mountains Basins by Maas that the formations are very thick and comprise
et al. (this issue), Our principal objective is to alternating sandstones and fine grained sediments,
provide information with which to compare the with typical fluvial environments such as channels,
evolution of the mammals and terrestrial eco- crevasse splays, oxbow fills, and floodplain soils.
systems in the early and late Cenozoic, but we are The Siwalik fossil accumulations have been inter-
atso concerned with whether the apparent patterns preted as attritional assemblages that may combine
are simply artifacts of a biased, incomplete record. taxa of several distinctive local communities
In the following we first discuss the background ( Badgley, 1986; Behrensmeyer, 1987). The verte-
and methods of our study. Second, we describe brate fossils typically occur as modest concen-
the quality of the Siwalik fossil record and the trations of disarticulated bones, but low density
patterns of change in species richness and turnover, accumulations and isolated bones are also found.
using our estimates of record quality to weigh the Fossils are most common in the fill of the small
significance of the observed patterns. We then channels and the crevasse splays, and because these
discuss possible correlations between Siwalik biotic facies become rare after circa 7 Ma ( Willis, 1991)
events and tectonic and climatic events, and end the evolving depositional system limits our ability
by comparing the Meogene Siwa!ik and Paleogene to determine stratigraphic ranges in the younger
Bighorn-Crazy Mountains sequences. parts of the sequence. For this reason we restrict
There is a very large literature on Siwnlik mam- our analysis to sediments older than 5 Ma.
mals, beginning with publication of discoveries in Thick deposits of Neogene Siwalik sediments
the mid4830’s by British colonial ofhcers (e.g., are known throughout India and Pakistan. Our
Cautley and Falconer, 1835; Baker and Durand, specific study area is on the Potwar Plateau in
1836). These earliest works were primarily con- northern Pakistan where fossiliferous sediments
cerned with the description of taxa, as were the are especially well exposed. Consequently, relative
later publications of Falconer and Lydekker. stratigraphic positions of fossil sites are easily
s ancl tragulids.

a second phase, which encompasses

1985), and Kappelman ( lYS4) solely on the basis ma1 exchange with northern Eurask and Africa.
of superposition. On any single magnetic polarity ween circa 18 and 7 a, these and other taxa
timescale, resolution of our age estimates typically diversified, with many of the resulting lineages
approaches 200,000 years or less. IIowever, since 110~ being found only in the modern Indomalayan
differences between magnetic timescales are often realm. This third phase includes the Si~~~alikfauna1
greater, resolution in an absolute time framework zones of Pilgrim ( 19 13) and earlier autl+is. A
is typically closer to 500,000 years. In this paper, fourth phase can also be recognized following a
we use the Berggren et al. ( 1985) time scale and fauna1 turnover after 7.5 Ma. This Late Miocene
our age estimates range from 100,000 to 400,000 turnover made the Siwalik faunas more simila: to
years older than those based on the Zankin~n ;~d r::\nrempor~neo11~faunas in northern and western
Dalrymple ( 1979) time scale. Eurasia and suggests a southeastward retraction
Johnson et al. ( 1982, 1985) estimated the base of the Indomalayan province onto peninsular
of the Potwar Plateau Siwalik sequence to be older India. The third and fourth phases are the focus
than 18.3 Ma, and the top to be less than 0.6 Ma. of this paper.
In this nearly 18 m.y. interval, thirteen orders of While there are no significant fossil floras in
fossil mammals have been identified. Despite the Pakistan, Miocene floral assemblages from north-
ordinal diversity, however, most Siwalik mammals western India have been interpreted as showing
belong to just three orders: rodents, artiodactyls, the Pliocene replacement of lowland semi-
and perissodactyls. Among the larger mammals, evergreen forests by drier, more open forests
ruminant artiodactyls and equids are the most ( Vishnu-Mittre, 1984; Prakash, 1973). similarly,
common and have the most species, while murid Quade et al. (1989) interpreted paleosol carbon
and “cricetid” rodents dominate the small and oxygen isotope data from Pakistan to indicate
mammal assemblages in both number of specimens the existence of closed canopy forest before 7.5
and number of species. Siwalik ruminants include Ma and increasingly open woodland and extensive
tragulids, “giraffoids,” and bovids. “Cricetids” grasslands afterwards. These authors attributed
comprise five families or subfamilies ( Flynn et al., Late Miocene vegetational chmges to the inception
1985), three of which are now extinct, while one or intensification of the Indian monsoon, but
is now exclusively African, These Siwalik ordinal recent interpretations (Cerling et al., 1993; Quade
abundance and diversity patterns contrast strongly and Cerling, 1995) emph, I 1 decreasing atmo-
with those of the Paleogene and are a consequence spheric CO2 as a contribc ~ng or alternative
of both Neogene radiations and extinction of factor. These Late Miocene vegetational changes
Paleogene groups. Temporal ranges for Siwalik undoubtedly influenced the Late Miocene fauna1
ruminants, murids, and “cricetids” are listed in turnover documented in Pakistan.
Barry et al. ( 1991) although some changes to that
listing are incorporated here.
Biogeographically, the Siwalik faunas have been
interpreted as representing a distinct, isolated pre- 2. Materials and methods
cursor of the modern I~~domalayan province of
southern and southeast Asia (Bernor, 1983, 1984; In :his paper we USCstratigraphic range data for
Barry et al., 1985; Thomas, 1985). Throughout its artiodactyls and rodents, as well new data on total
history the degree of isolation has varied, and four mammal diversity of selected intervals, to discuss
phases of isolation and interchange can be recog- fauna1 turnover in the Siwaliks. These data
nized in the Siwaliks. The first phase is one of (Table 1 ), which are updated and expanded over
isolation, which was most complete in the earliest previous studies ( Barry et al., 1990, 1991 ), are
Table 1
Number of faur~ul turnover events a:nd estimates of diversity
in Siwalik mammal assemblages. First occurrences ( Nf). last
occurrences (N,). wly occurrences (N,, ). SKI found bcforc.
during, and after (_Vbda),range through tnsa (N,,). maximum
species richness (iv,,,,, ), and standing species richness ( N,,) 14.0 7 I I 4 15 10.5
14.5 0 0 0 4 7 7.0
Age hrf N, No 15.0 1 1 0 3 8 7.0
(Ma) 15.5 0 1 0 3 8 7.5
16.0 0 0 0 6 8 8.0
Rodiwts 16.5 0 0 0 4 8 8.0
5.5 0 1 3 0 (I 4 2.0 17.0 3 0 0 4 8 6.5
6.0 0 0 n 0 1 1 1.0 17.5 0 0 1 0 5 6 5.5
6.5 1 ‘0
0 0 0 3 1.5 18.0 0 0 0 0 5 5 ‘i 5.0
7.0 2 7 2 c 0 11 5.5 18.5 5 0 1 0 0 6 3.0
7.5 3 i 3 1 3 I(! 7.0
8.0 I 5 3 3 1 13 8.5
8.5 6 3 4 7 1 15 9.0
9.0 0 6 1 5 0 12 8.5 used to determine: the number of species present
9.5 0 0 0 0 II II 11.0
within intervals, as well as to calculate rates of
10.0 3 5 1 8 0 17 12.5
I’;;lLiiWl t Ui~ilOWr. The stratigraphic data are based
10.5 1 3 1 12 0 17 14.5
11.0 z 1 I 13 0 17 15.0 on collections madb since 1973 as part of an
Il.5 0 0 0 z 12 14 14.0 ongoing research program. Our identifications are
12.0 1 4 0 12 1 IS 15.5 mostly at the species level. But, since our most
12.5 0 7 0 13 4 24 20.5
reliable data set includes only rodents and artio-
13.0 3 4 1 21 0 20 25.0
13.5 11 4 1 14 0 30 22.0 dactyls, which typically comprise about 60% of
14.0 I 1 1 15 I IO 17.5 the species in any stratigraphic interval, the data
14.5 5 1 1 II 1 19 15.5 encompass only part of the total mammal fauna.
15.0 0 0 0 0 13 13 I3.0 Thus our species-level data are not strictly compa-
13.5 7 I I to 1 1s 13.5
‘) rable to the more inclusive genus-level Paleogene
16.0 i 0 0 IO II! 12.0
16.3 3 0 0 0 0 I2 IO.5 data of Maas et al. ( 1995). Perissodactyls, and
I’/,0 4 0 1 4 I 10 7.5 especially equids. are also rich in species, but are
17.5 0 0 0 0 s ‘S 5.0 not included because of the difficulties of identi-
18.0 0 0 0 0 2 5 5.0 fying their species from fragmentary material.
18.5 5 0 2 0 0 7 Z.S
Because the data are most robust, we restrict our
analysis to the time period between 5.5 and 18.5
5.5 2 0 0 3 6 4.5 Ma. As in previous studies, we have divided this
6.0 2 0 0 5 7 6.0 period into half-million year intervals. Some of the
6.5 3 0 3 4 IO 8.5 terms used in our discussion are defined and
7.0 3 I 8 I 14 11.5
7.5 I 0 9 3 illustrated in Fig. 1.
13 12.0
8.0 2 1 11 0 15 13.0 Fauna1 turnovers are the result of local extinc-
8.5 3 0 12 0 16 14.0 tion, immigration, anagenetic evolution, or clado-
9.0 0 1 IO 1 16 13.5 genesis. Immigrant species are those that dispersed
w 3 0 6 3 I3 11.o from other geographic regions, wilile in situ specia-
IO.0 3 0 4 5 14 11.5
IO.5 I 0 3 7
tion, whether anagenetic or cladogenetic, took
13 11.5
11.0 5 2 Ir) 0 I8 14.0 place within the region. Because in situ speciations
11.5 1 0 13 3 16 IS.5 and immigrations may not be distinguishable,
12.0 I I 13 2 18 16.5 we have not attempted to separate them and
12.5 0 I 11 3 17 15.5
treat them all as “first appearancss.” Preliminary
13.0 1 0 II I5 14.0
13.5 I 1 12 0
studies, however, indicate that nearly half of all
16 14.0
Siwalik first appearances are probably immigration
Before During After
Interval Interval Interval

Only Occurrences


Last Occurrences N max

1 Nbda
RangeThrough 1 N,., I baN

Fig. I. Definitions of categories of Uaunal occurrences and nomenclature used in text. A’= present. O= absent.

events, while anagenetic and cladogcnetic evolu- of using several different kinds of information, but
tion are less common. the disadvantage of being sequence specific. since
scores for intervals in the Potwar cannot be com-
pared directly to scores from the Bighorn-Crazy
Mountains sequence. However, two other mea-
Completeness, the fraction of the original living sures of completeness (Cl, and CY2)overcome this
assemblages preserved in the fossil assemblages, limitation to some extent. Both involve calculating
critically affects inferences we might draw from an index using an estimated or expected diversity
the fossil record. That is, taphonomic factors and some measure of observed or recorded diver-
influence how abundant fossils are at localities, sity ( Krause and Maas, 1990; Maas et al., 1995).
and localities or horizons with abundant fossils For CI,, the index used by Krause and Maas
ordinarily have more taxa than those with fewer ( 1990), recorded diversity (IV, ) is defined ‘as the
( Badgley and Gingerich, 1988; Badgley. i 990). number of species that have actually been found
Thus to some unknown extent, taphonomic pro- in the interval (first and last occurrences, taxa
cesses determine how well fossil assemblages record known only in the interval, and species known
original diversity and how accurately the magni- before, during, and after), while estimated diversity
tude and timing of changes in diversity can be is derived from the sum of all species known in
estimated, Here we use two methods to assess the the interval (N,) plus those known before and
completeness of the Siwalik record. The first is a after, but not during the interval (A$,). (See Fig. 1 )

modified version of the interval-quality scores used Thus:

by Barry et al. ( 1990), where each 0.5 m.y. interval
is graded on criteria that include the number of
specimens, number of localities, and preservation
of the fossils. In this paper we use seven classes, We also calculate a second index of completeness
with Class 0 having no data and Class 6 the best. (C12), in which expected diversity is the number of
Because of differences in taphonomy and collecting taxa known in intervals before and after the
techniques, the rodents and artiodactyls are cval- interval of interest (i.e. the subset of N, + N,, from
uated separately. The rationale and limitations of which first, last, and only occurrences have been
this method were discussed by Barry et al. ( 1990). excluded), while recorded diversity (Nbda) is the
As discussed below, we consider only ClasseL; 4 number of species that are known not only before
through 6 to be reliable, although Classes 1 and after, but also during the interval ( Fig. 1).
through 3 also provide some useful information. Thus, the expected value is the sum of Nbdiland
The interval-quality method has the advantage N,, and the index is the percent of the expected
taxa that are actually found in the interval, or: half of the first and last occurrences lie before the
midpoint of the interval, which will only be true
if the occurrences arz evenly distributed through-
This index is more conservative because it gives out the interval (Maas et al., 1995) or at least
lower values than CI,, although the two indices distributed symmetrically about the midpoint. The
track each other. Because C12 has expected values estimate will bc off, however, if the distributions
that are independent of the observations, confi- of first or last occurrences are markedly asymmetri-
dence intervals can be placed on the estimates. cal about the midpoint. The method also assumes
This allows sample-size effects to be taken into that only occurrences have a duration of approxi-
consideration in judging how good any specific mately one half interval, and are symmetrically
estimate might be, which is not possible with CI,. distributed.
The Cl2 confidence intervals can be determined
using the binomial distribution (Simpson et al.,
1960), assuming that taxa in older and younger
intervals should also be present in the interval of Fauna1 turnover is calculated from the number
interest and that the discovery of a taxon in the of first and last occurrences in each interval (only
interval is independent of the discovery of other occurrences are counted as one first and one last
taxa. We have calculated the upper and lower occurrence). Turnover may be expressed simply as
bounds using formulas given by Ehrenfeld and the number of events or as rates adjusted for
Littaucr ( 1964, p. 373). interval taxonomic richness or duration (Webb,
1969). Gingerich ( 1987) has proposed use of a
rate quotient (RQ). calculated as the ratio of
observed to expected turnover, where expected
Maximum species richness or di~versity(N,,,, ) is turnover is derived from multiple regression of the
the total number of taxa that actually or poten- number of events on richness and duration (see
tially occur in each interval ( Fig. 1). This is calcu- also Maas et al., 1995), Because our intervals are
lated using the range-through method ( Roltovsky, of equal duration, neither the maximum nor the
1988; Barry et al., 1990). which assumes that taxa standing diversity need to be adjusted for interval
occurring in older and younger intervals were also Icngth. The problem of interval richness is dis-
present through the intervening interval. This cussed further below.
method also a~s~l~~s that all extinctions occur at The apparent ages of first and last occurrences
the end of the interval and all appearances at are strongly distorted by the quality of the fossil
the beginning, so that it may count taxa as record, with intervals of poor quality making some
co-occurring in an assemblage that actually did last occurrences seem too old and some first occur-
not overlap in time. Following Maas et al. ( 1995). rences too young. To correct for this bias, we have
we have therefore also calculated standing richness extended the observed stratigraphic ranges. The
as an estimate of diversity in the middle of the method and its justification are discussed in Barry
interval. Standing richness (N,,) is the number et al. ( 1990). As in that study, when extending a
of taxa known before and after the interval species’ range, we assume; ( 1) that the potential
M&da+ N,,). plus the sum of first occurrences. last range can be determined from our estimates of
occurrences, and only occurrences, divided by two, data quality, and; (2) that the probability of
or: finding the first (or last) occurrence is equal for
each additional interval within the potential range.
This procedure is conservative with respect to our
(Our formula differs from that used by Maas inferences and conclusions, in that it underesti-
et al. ( 199% because in Table 1 we tabulate only mates the magnitude of first and last occurrence
occurrences separately from the values for fj’rst maxima and minima. It also gives the best visual
and last occurrences.) This method assumes that expression to the uncertainties of the ages of the
Age QualIt\’ Q‘I: c-1, C-I?
( Ma) rank
P lower hpper
Age Quality CI, C‘I, G!
t Ma rank l-l.5 z 0.57 0.57 I). 1x 0.90
P lower P UPPer 15.0 2 0.63 0,SO 0.12 0.88
15.5 3 0.50 0.43 0.10 0.82
Rocim ts 16.0 3 0.75 0.75 0.35 0.97
5.5 4 1.oo ne 16.5 2 0.50 0.50 0.16 0.84
6.0 0 ne ne 17.0 3 0.88 0.80 0.28 0.99
6.5 1 1.oo ne 17.5 1 0.17 0.0 0.0 0.52
7.0 2 1.oo ne 18.0 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.52
7.5 5 0.70 0.25 0.01 0.81 18.5 3 11C ne
8.0 5 0.92 0.75 0.19 0.99
8.5 5 0.93 0.67 0.09 0.99
9.0 4 1.OO 1.oo 0.48 1.oo
9.5 0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.28 maxima and minima. In many cases where we can
10.0 5 1.oo 1.O@ 0.63 1.oo
identify deposits of relevant age and where intense
10.5 5 1.oo 1.oo 0.74 1.OO
11.0 5 1.OO 1.OO 0.75 1.oo collecting will yield good fossil samples, we can
11.5 1 0.14 * 0.14 0.02 0.43 test these assumptions. Identification of apparently
12.0 5 0.94 0.92 0.64 1.oo important intervals of low quality has changed our
12.5 3 0.83 0.76 0.50 0.95 collecting priorities in the past.
13.0 6 1.oo 1.oo 0.84 I .oo
To assess the significance of the observed turn-
13.5 6 1.oo 1.OO 0.77 1.oo
14.0 5 0.95 0.94 0. 711 1.oo over patterns, we use chi-square goodness-of-fit !o
14.5 5 0.95 0.92 0.62 I .oo test the departure of the observed pattern from an
15.0 0 0.0 (?.CI 0.00 0.25 expected distribution of first and !ast occurrences
15.5 3 0.93 0.91 0.59 1.00 (Barry et al., 1990). The null hypothesis in both
16.0 3 0.83 0.83 0.52 0.98 cases is that occurrences are distributed evenly
16.5 3 1.oo 1.oo 0.66 I .oo
9 0.90 0.80 0.28 0.99
among the 27 intervals. First occurrences in the
17.5 0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.52 basal interval and last occurrences in the final
18.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.52 interval are excluded from the analysis. In contrast
18.5 3 IlC ne to the bootstrapping method of Maas et al. ( 1995).
our approach does not treat species ranges as of
5.5 2 ne ne
fixed duration, but rather assumes that first and
6.0 1 1X -ne last occurrences are independent of one another.
6.5 3 0.60 0:89
? 43 0.10 _ 0.82 Barry et al. ( 1990) used an even distribution as
7.0 4 0.93 0.52 J i.00 the expected, in which case the last as well as the
7.5 5 0.85 0.82 0.48 0.98 first occurrences were considered equally likely in
8.0 4 1.oo 1.oo 0.72 1.oo
I .oo 1.oo 0.74 1.oo
all intervals. use the same expected distribu-
8.5 6
9.0 5 0.94 0.91 0.59 1.oo tion here.
9.5 3 0.77 0.67 0.30 0.93
10.0 3 0.64 0.44 0.14 0.79
10.5 2 0.46 0.30 0.07 0.65 3. Results
11.0 6 1.OO 1.oo 0.69 1.oo
11.5 5 0.88 U.87 0.60 0.98
12.0 5 0.89 0.87 G.60 0.98
12.5 4 0.82 0.79 0.49 0.95
13.0 4 0.87 0.85 0.55 0.98 Data 011 interval quality are presented in ‘able 2
13.5 5 1.oo 1.oo 0.74 1.oo and Figs. 2 and 3. Both interval-quality scores
14.0 4 0.87 0.67 0.22 0.96
( Figs. 2A and 3A) and completeness indices ( Figs.

5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.0

1.0 A
6 .a
.- .6
c-i .4
0 ne ne
5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.0

C .8
cv -6
u .4
0 nc ne ne ne ne
5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 Il.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.0

2B.C and 3B.C ) indicate that there is considerable (Table 2) ranges from 0.16 tti 0.90, indicating
variation in completeness in the Siwalik sequence considerable variation in the quality of the esti-
for both rodents and artiodactyls. Although all mates of completeness. That is, some are good
intervals have some artiodactyls and therefore estimates of completeness, while others are very
score at least as Class 1, there are five intervals poor.
that have no rodents and score as Class 0. Both The completeness indices generally track the
rodents and artiodactyls have two Class 6 intervals quality ranks, although the quality ranks may
and each has ten to eleven Class 4 or 5 intervals. allow finer discrimination. There are also impor-
The two completeness indices ( Figs. 2 and 3 ) tant differences between the quality ranks and
clo~ly track each other, with values ranging from completeness indices for the rodents. These include
0 to 1. However, the Cl, index is lower and the intervals between 7.5 and 9.5 Ma. where the
significant discrepancies appear between the two quality ranks suggest a more comp!ete record, and
indices with respect to the rodents after 9 Ma. between 15.5 and 17.0 Ma, where the quality ranks
These discrepancies are due to the larger propor- indicate a more mediocre record. In both cases,
tion of short-ranging species counted in the CI, the C12 confidence intervals indicate that the com-
index after 9 Ma (Table 2; Flynn et al., this issue). pleteness estimates are poor. This is especially true
For the rodents the frequency distribution of both for the intervals between 7.5 and 9.5 Ma.
CI, and C& values is bimodal ( Table 2). while These estimates of record quality are meant to
that of the artiodactyls is more continuous. For evaluate how reliably the fossil. assemblages might
the C12 index the 95% confidence intervals represent the original living assemblages, and to
J. C.

1 .o
B .8
_ .6
u .4
0 ne nc

5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.0

c .8 -
N *6-
c .4-
.2 -
O- ne ne ne

I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11 I
5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.0

Milllons of Years

Fig. 3. Record quality l’or artiodactyls in the Fotwar Siwalik sequence. A. Interval quality ranks. 6. C’1, completcnw indtx C. C’l,
complctencss index with 95 “,0 confidence limits. II(’= no cstimatc.

determine whether data from different intervals 4 and 5, but also for Classes 3 and 2. All these
can be compared. Turning to the latter issue first, classes of intervals are possibly comparable.
Barry et al. (1990) showed that intervals with the although we regard most of the Class 3 (and all
fewest species also had the the poorest-quality of the 2) intervals as suspect, and do not use either
data, and they argued that poor quality class class in the foIlowing analysis. In addition, the
intervals should not be compared to better quality Class 6 intervals at 13.0 and 13.5 Ma have very
class intervals. At the same time, they found that high species number, suggesting they may not
there were no differences between the two best be comparable to the lower ranking intervals.
classes in the number of species and therefore However, comparison of the number of species
those classes could be directly compared to each previously reported (Jacobs et al., 1990) for these
other. This same effect is strongly evident in our intervals (which were based on much smaller
artiodactyl data, in which a plot of quality rank samples) to those given here (Table 1) shows that
against the number of species actually found (N, ) only four species were added to each interval
(Fig. 4B) shows much overlap among Classes 4, because of new discoveries. This occurs despite at
5, and 6, and wide separation from the Class 1, 2, least a 3-fold increase in the number of specimens,
and 3 intervals. We, therefore, consider the artio- and suggests that the two Class 6 intervals can be
dactyl Class 4, 5, and 6 intervals to be comparable. compared to the Class 4 and 5 intervals. Class 4,
The rodent data ( Fig. 4A) are more ambiguous. 5, and 6 intervals arc included in our analysis.
There is considerable scatter and overlap in the The second question, that of the reliability of
number of species per interval not only for Classes the data, is more difficult to address, because there
A. Rodents
6 6 6

g 5 j 5 5 5 %A
“,4 4 4
5 3 3 3 3 3
12- 2 2 2
o I- 1 1

II I I I II I I I 11 1 l l 11 11 11 l 11 ’ 1 l 11 11
0 2 4 6 8 IO 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

B. Artiodactyls
6 6
3 s 5

6 “1 3 3333 3 3
a3 2 2 ?J 2 2
l- 111

II IIIII'Il1 II I 111 II1 IIII’I I Ii 17

0 2 4 6 8 IO 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

Number of Species (N,)

Fig. 4. Number of species against interval quality rank. Data are the number of species actually recovered in each interval (N,). A.
Rodents. B. Artiodactyls.

is 110 certain way to estimate original diversity of good quality for the rodents and twelve for the
from the number of species found in a fossil artiodactyls. All but one of these inter\. a!s lies
assemblage, Therefore, even in the best of circum- between 14.5 and 7.0 Ma. the most completely
stances, we have no way of knowing with certainty known part of the sequence. It is noteworthy that
how closely the Siwalik fossil assemblages record the intervals after 7 Ma are particularly poor for
the original assemblages. For example, bats were both rodents and artiodactyls.
presumably a diverse and abundant component of
the original faunas, but are rarely found even in
lass 6 intervals. Nevertheless, modern faunas
from geographic regions of comparable size have
similar numbers of rodent and large mammal Figs. 5 and 6 show the number of artiodactyl
species as the Siwalik fossil assemblages (Barry and rodent spec: present throughout the
et al., 1990). In addition, as previously noted, sequence in the better quality intervals, with Fig. 5
although the sample sizes used here are signifi- being the maximum count (N,,,) and Fig. 6 the
cantly larger than those used by Barry et al. standing richness (N,,) (see also Table 1 where
( 1990). the number of species from well-sampled values are given for all intervals). Fig. 5 also shows
intervals has changed little. We therefore conclude our best estimates for the total number of mammal
that for at least the Class 4, 5, and 6 intervals, the species in three of the best known intervals (these
number of species of rodents and artiodactyls include all species that have been documented by
found or assumed to be present approximates the our or other collections; the original assemblages
diversity of the life assemblages. Class 3 intervals undoubtedly had more bats, small carnivores, and
may also approximate original diversity for the insectivores). As can be seen from the figures, the
rodents, but because of our uncertainty we do not curves of Figs. 5 and 6 closely match each other,
include them in our analysis of diversity and with standing richness smoothing out differences
turnover. between intervals, as well as having lower values.
Thirteen of the Siwalik intervals are considered It is also apparent that there is a strong record-
76 species
(59 genera)

63 mecles

Millions of Years

Fig. 5. Maximum number (A’,.,,,,) of rodent and artiodactyl species found or inferred to be present using th: ra!!se-through method
for 0.5 m.y. intervals. Total numbers of species and genera for all Siwalik mammals are given for 8.5. 11.Q, .-wd 13.5 Ma intervals.
Closed triangles are intervals with both rodent and artiodactyl records of Class 4 or better. Open circles are intervals with on<
record Class 3 and the other Class 4 or better.


UY 4o
E 36
% 32
: 28
; 24
f 20
ii 16

5mO 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 i3.C 14.0 IS0 160 17.0 180 19.0

Millions of Years

Fig. 6. Standing species richness (N,,) for rodents and artiodactyls in 0.5 my. intervals. Calculated from N,, =
(Nbda+Nrt)+(Nf+N,+ N,)/t. Clued triangles are intervals with both rodent and artiodactyl records of Class 4 or better. Opel1
circles are intervals with one record Class 3 and the other Class 4 or better.

quality effect (Table I), but for the region under the txonomic composition of this component
the solid line we think we have reliable estimates changing markedly over time. Second, there is an
for the diversity of the life assemblages. Therefore. increase in the number of artiodactyl and rodent
in the following discussion we focus primarily on species between 14 and 13 Ma that seems to be
standing species diversity and the interval between independent of the record-quality effect, although
14.5 and 7 Ma. it should be noted that the highest number of
There are four notable features in the overah species are in the two Class 6 intervals. Third,
standing diversity pattern. First, throughout mosl there is a marked decline in the number of species
of the sequence there are more species of rodents between 14 and 9 Ma, with almost all of the
than artiodactyls, and, as shown in Fig. 5, the non- decline occurring in the rodents, while the number
rodent, non-artiodactyl component of the fauna is of artiodactyls stays nearly constant. And finally,
usually about 30 species. This is true in spite of there may be a small, but significant, decline in
the number of species in both groups bt:tween occurrences needs to be adjusted for the duration
8.5 and 7 Ma. If we accept our previous assertion of the interval and the number of contained taxa.
that the intervals of quality ranks 4 through 6 To accomplish this, he applied a multiple regres-
are comparable, then these observed differences sion of (In) duration and (In) assemblage size on
between intervals should approximate changes in (In) occurrences to calculate expected turnover,
diversity. which can be related to the observed turnover as
a rate quotient (RQ), calculated as the ratio of
observed to expected turnover (see Maas et al.,
Turnover can be expressed as the number of 1995). The rate quotients can then be compared
first and last occurrence events within each between sequences. Our intervals are of equal
interval, with the central question being whether duration, and thus the duration correction does
the pattern is of steady or pulsed turnover relative not need to be made for our data. Fig. 8 shows
to the 0.5 m.y. intervals. There are, however, two the least-squared regressions of the first and last
confounding issues which need to be considered. occurrences on standing species richness. The
The first is the problem of record quality. As noted hypothesized dependence of the number of events
above, intervals of lower quality bias estimates of on assemblage size is clearly not present in the
where first and last occurre’;lces lie by making last Siwalik data, and therefore we have not made this
occurrences seem too old and first occurrences too adjustment either. However, to facilitate com-
young. We have therefore developed a correction parison to the Paleogene Bighornk and Crazy
to compensate for low quality data, This correction Mountains sequence we have calculated an ana-
involves first applying the estimates of data quality logue of RQ, using the average number of events
to extend the species’ranges and then partitioning per interval as the expected value. This is the same
the events along the extended range. The results as using a regression with zero slope. The RQavy
are shown in Fig. 7, scale is shown on the right of Fig. 7, where RQavg
In addressing the second problem, that of com- equals the number of events observed in each
paring records from different sequences, Gingerich interval, divided by the average per interval (4.3
( 1987) suggested that the number of first and last for first occurrences and 4.4 for last occurrences).

_-------_-_ 3,o

se------__._ 1.0
- 1.5

129 - 25
--------_--____ -----_ 3.0
16 Last Occurrences 3.5
Millionsof Years

Fig. 7. Number of first and last accurrences in each 0.5 m.y. interval. Data have been transformed using equal probability
wtitioning. Scale on the right shows occurrences expressed as rate quotients, calculated from the number of events in each interval
divided by the nvcr~~ge number of events.

t I - -,139x + 2.12, R-squared: ,004

28 29 3 31 32 33 33 35 36 37 3
In(x) of StandIng Species Richness


Y” ,055x + 1.564, R-squared: ,001

28 29 3 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
In(x) of Standing Species Richness

Inspection of Fig. 7 indicates that there was an expected distribution of first and last occur-
considerable variation between intervals in number rences using a chi-square good ess-of-fit test. C&r
of first or last occurrence events, with jntervals of null hypothesis is that first (or last) occurrences
very low as well as very high turnover. When are considered to be equally likely in all intervals
expressed as rate quotients, the values range and therefore should be distributed evenly among
between less than 0.5 to almost 3.5 times the the 27 intervals. With first appearances in the basal
expected. The presence of intervals of low and interval and last occurrences in the final interval
high turnover gives a strong impression that turn- excluded from the analysis, the chi-square values
over was episodic, or pulsed, on a time scale of (first appearances: 58.7; last occurrences: 59.8)
500,000 years or less. That is, the temporal have very low probabilities (d.f. = 25, p < 0.005 ).
sequence of first or last occurrences appears to be This leads us to reject the null hypothesis and
clustered in short pulses separated by longer lends support to our conclusion that the turnover
intervals with minimal turnover, as predicted by events are clustered. However, peaks of first and
the turnover hypothesis of Vrba (1985). To assess last occurrences do not coincide. For example, the
the statistical significance of these pulses, we have peak of first occurrences at 13.5 Ma has only a
tested the departure of the observed pattern from weak extinction counterpart. This lack of coinci-
dence is a finding different from that predicted by 13 Ma and a long period of global cooling and
V&a’s turnover hypothesis. in which the peaks climatic instability ( Woodruff et al., 1981; Kennett,
should fall within 0.2 m.y. of each other. 1986; Vincent et al., 1991). However, age estimates
Maxima of first appearances in the Siwaliks for the onset and end of the isotopic event differ
occurred at approximately 13.5 and 8.5 Ma, while among authors by 0.5 m.y. (e.g. Kennett, 1986;
maxima of last occurrences occurred at 12.5 and Vincent et al., 1991), making correlations with the
8.0 Ma. There also appears to be a subtle change terrestrial Siwalik record uncertain.
in the pattern over time in Fig. 7, with more pulsed Correlations with Late Miocene climatic events
turnover between 14 and 12 Ma and more constant are better, especially the correlation with the
turnover after 11 Ma. This is expressed most oxygen and carbon isotopic changes noted by
strongly in the record of first appearances, but Quade et al. (1989) at circa 7.5 Ma. These excLu--
also appears in the last occurrences. sions were initially thought to docutnent the origin
of a local south Asian monsoonal systetn with
greater seasonality of precipitation, and their age
4. Discussion accords well with a change in monsoon driven
upwelling patterns in the Arabian Sea ( Kroon
et al., 1991). More recently Ccrling and others
(Cerling et al., 1993; Quade and Cerling, 1995)
Correlations between the records of Siwalik have argued the isotopic changes also reflect cli-
biotic events and regiona! tectonic events are mate change on a more global scale or change in
imprecise, largely because the timing and magni- atmospheric composition, or both. Regardless of
tude of critical tectonic events are uncertain. In
the underlying cause, the decreased first and
addition, the effects of tectonic events are likely to
increased last occurrences and subsequent small
have been complex and transmitted only indirectly
diversity decrease noted after 8 Ma are contempo-
through the intervening fluvial system. There is,
raneous with the isotopic transition, and may
however, evidence from the Indus and Bengal
result frotn the vegetational changes reflected in
submarine fhns for a strong pulse of uplift that
the isotopic shift. Both the fauna1 and isotopic
began around 11 Ma, had peak values at 9 Ma,
changes in the Siwaliks correlate to global cooling
and lasted until 7.5 Ma OI even later ( Amano and
Taira, 1992; Rcn, 1992). On the Potwar Plateau, trends and increasing seasonality and aridity gcn-
major changes in lithology and greatly increased erally noted in the Late Miocene.
sedimentation rates have also been documented at The Siwahk isotot%c I record. however, does not
circa 11 Ma and related to tectonic events (Johnson explain the much greater decline in species number
et al., 1985; Willis, 1991), while Cerveny et al. and attending fauna1 turnover apparent before 10
( 1990) interpreted a change in heavy mineral Ma, and it is difficult to find satisfactory correla-
assemblages at circa 11 Ma as due to a change in tions to more global events. A sea-level lowstand
sediment-source area. There is also evidence that at about 10.5 Ma (Haq et al., 1987) corresponds
the Indus and perhaps more regional drainages to the first of two major marine isotopic excursions
were substantially reorganized between 7.5 and 6.5 between 11 and 8.5 Ma (Kennett, 1986, using the
Ma (Amano and Taira, 1992; Behrensmeyer, nannoplankton correlations of Berggren et al.,
1987). The latter event may have contributed to 1985). These isotopic events were probably the
the poor preservation of fossils after 7.5 Ma. result of large-scale climatic events that could be
Correlations between Siwalik biotic events and related to the appearance of equids in southern
global or regional climate change are also uncer- Asia and in Africa at circa 10 Ma. However, the
tain, primarily because of imprecise correlations isotopic excursions are too late to explain either
between the marine and terrestrial records. There the Middle Miocene diversity decrease or the larger
is a general correlation between the Middle peaks of first and last occurrences between 14 and
Miocene diversification of Siwalik faunas prior to 12 Ma. This suggest there were other, as yet
undetected, 1 the Neogene a aleogene
changes in the ewes, and whe;.l expressed as rate quotients.
Iess than 0.5 to almost 3.5 times the
expected amount. T ese rates are very modest
compared to the rates of major sxtinctions in the
Comparisons of the patterns of Neogene Siwalik marine record (Cingerich, 1983).
nge to those noted by Maas e There is evidence in both records suggesting that
leogene Bighorn and Crazy fauna1 change occurred episodically, with turnover
Basins lead to the following generalizations. concentrated in brief pulses separated by longer
The two sequences have similar geographic intervals of low turnover. The Siwalik sequence
scope, and span approximately equal lengths of may have bepn the more strongly pulsed, with
time with equivalent levels of temporal resolution. longer intervals of low turnover separating the
Both sequences have similar levels of completeness, peaks. axima of first appearances in the Siwaliks
with a few poorly known intervals within otherwise occurr at approximately 13.5 and 8.5 Ma, while
more complete sections. In both cases these poorly maxima of last occurrences where at 12.5 and 8.0
known intervals limit our understanding of fauna1 Ma. In neither record do peaks of first appearances
change, due to uncertainties in species’ranges. coincide with peaks of last occurrences,
Although expressed in different ways, generic Changes in diversity and pulses of turnover can
and presumably species richness in the two cases be related to climatic or tectonic
sequences was broadly similar. In the Siwaliks, 0th the Siwalik and Palcogene sequences,
generic richness (expressed as a generic analogue however, have other significant fauna1 changes
of N,,, ) varied between 50 and 59 genera (lkble 1, whose origin does not seem related to climatic or
Fig. 5 ), while in well-sampled Paleogene zones tectonic events.
standing generic richness (the analogue of /&,)
varied between 31 and 62.5 genera (Maas et al.,
1995; Table 2 and Fig. 5). Since standing richness
is generally lower than maximum richness, this
suggests that the standing diversity of the richest Patterns of fauna1 turnover and changes in
Siwalik faunas may have been slightly less than diversity in terrestrial Neogene vertebrate faunas
the richest Paleogene faunas and that the number in north+_hipt
Pakistan can be analyzed for 0.5 m.y.
of Siwalik species changed less between intervals. long intervals. On the Potwar Plateau the sequence
Aiternativeiy, differences in the quality of the estends from circa 18.5 Ma to 1 Ma, with the
Neogene and Paleogene records and intensity of period between 18.5 and 5.5 Ma being best sampled
sampling in the two areas could also account for and having the highest data quality. In this time
the differences. range, well-sampled intervals have 50 or more
Unlike the patterns of species diversity, the species of mammals, belonging to thirteen orders,
number of higher-level taxonomic groups was very three of which are most common.
different. Three out of thirteen orders dominate Between 18.5 and 5.5 Ma, species diversity and
the Siwalik faunas in both number of species and the rate of turnover varied considerably. Strati-
number of fossils, a pattern which is characteristic graphic range data for rodents and artiodactyls
of African and Eurasian Neogene faunas. In con- show that the number of species increased between
trast, the Paleogene assemblages have a more 15 and 13 Ma, and then decreased after 13 Ma.
equable representation of genera and species within The data also show fauna1 change in the Siwaliks
a larger number of ordinal-level taxa. was episodic, occurring as short intervals with high
Species and generic diversity changes of compa- turnover, followed by longer periods with much
rable magnitude occur in both sequences, with less change. Peaks of first appearances occur at
both demonstrating trends that persisted for as approximately 13.5 and 8.5 Ma, while peaks of
long as 5 or 6 m.y. Some fauna1 turnover is always last occurrences occur at 12.5 and 8.0 Ma. It is
thus apparent that in the Siwaliks increased extinc- very helpful. Our close collaboratiotl with members
tion did not coincide with increased first of the Geological Survey of Pakistan has made
appearances. this research possible. Will Downs generously
Some of these fauna1 events can be correlated made data and his time available. Financial sup-
to global climatic trends. The best case is the latest port derives from NSF grants BSR U-00145 and
Miocene decline in diversity and increased turn- BNS-88 12306 and SFCP grant 7087 120000.
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