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Jordan Walton

COMM 1154

Online Exercise III

● Chapter 14

Part 1

New York Times v. Sullivan case

New York Times v. Sullivan was a turning point by the United States Supreme Court that
ruled the freedom of speech protections in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution which
in return, restricted the ability of American public officials to sue for defamation.

Part 2

The verdict for New York Times v. Sullivan case was that the Supreme Court held that
news publications could not be liable for defamation to public officials unless the plaintiff meets
the exacting actual malice standard in the publication of the false statement. The Court's decision
for The New York Times was unanimous. I agree with this verdict because the plaintiff did not
use the proper methods when it came to filing for defamation and the plaintiff did not meet the
requirements to win the case.

● Chapter 15

Part 1

EDP 445 vs Chet Goldstein (Predator Poachers) and CC Unit- This story is a fine example of
how innocent until proven guilty can end an entire career. Famous youtuber EDP445 real name
Bryant Turhan Emerson Moreland was accused of talking to a 13 year old girl and was caught
but two youtubers Chet Goldstein of Predator Poachers and CC Unit. Both Goldstein and CC
Unit have gathered multiple screenshots of conversations he had with underaged girls and
explicit photographs he sent to these underage girls. (Goldstein et al.)
Jordan Walton
COMM 1154

Online Exercise III

Part 2

First off, the way they conduct this interview was done extremely amateurish. Chet Goldstein
was constantly berating Moreland for his overweight physique but they were able to make
Moreland confess to his sins and illegal activity he had committed. A good example of the use of
“Truthfulness Affects Credibility” was Moreland continuously confirming that he wanted sexual
relations with a minor and confirming the messages he sent to underage girls. Moreland aka EDP
445 responded to these accusations early on with extremely polarizing views and young women
dressing “sexual like” and blaming those who have fallen victim to sexual assault which I feel is
an example of “Media Organizations Respond to Criticism”. The reason I feel this way is
because Moreland countless times tried to prove his innocence from his critics, but has
constantly been proven wrong and has been deemed a pedophile by the masses.


Goldstein, Chet, et al. “Famous Youtuber Edp445 Attempted Meeting 13 Y / O Girl.”

Youtube, Chet Goldstein, 20 April 2021,

v=AdmXsJvUC4A. Accessed 24 April 2021.

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