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How bears lost their tail?

A long time ago, when there was no

autumn, no summer heat or spring, only
freezing winter, the natives had to endure
winter for the entire twelve months of the
year. One day when it was snowing couple
of men went to go hunting but it was
freezing cold, so they decided to go back
to the village and saw three wolfs with
different fur colors. The oldest wolf had a beautiful gray silver colored
coat, the youngest one had pure white fur almost like snow. The last
one in the middle of the three wolves is the one with black as night fur.
With a bag around its neck.
The hunters were very curious and asked the wolf what was in the bag
around its neck. The oldest one howled and reapplied reply that he had
a sack filled with the abundance of summer's warmth. The middle one
continued what the oldest wolf said and said he had the sack with that
has the summer’s lights, and the youngest wolf had the fresh water.
The hunters wanted the sack and offered to trade, but the wolves
would not part with their sacks. The hunters begged the wolves, but
still they refused to give up their sacks. When they saw that it was
useless to argue any longer, they decided to return to their people and
think of some plan to take away the coveted sacks. The chief heard the
entire story and called his people together to arrive at a plan of how to
take the sacks away from the reluctant wolves. They decided to lure the
wolves to a great feast, fill them with go fresh caribou, moose and fish
meat, and when they were sleeping steal the sacks. A tempting feast of
fresh moose and caribou was prepared. The hunters searched for the
wolves and located them. They asked the wolves to attend the feast in
his honor and the wolves readily accepted. The three wolves arrived in
the evening, but they did not have the sack around their necks.
Although disappointed, the people served the big feast anyway. The
three wolves devoured their fill and fell asleep. The chief was frustrated
and wanted the three sacks. He ordered four of the village's skilled
hunters to follow the wolves' home and steal the three sacks by any
means. The next morning the three wolves with their belly fill bid the
chief and his people farewell. The four hunters followed closely behind
the wolves for about an hour when they came up to a large cave where
the wolves lived. Peering inside, they spotted the three sacks laying
upon the cave floor with two brown wolves guarding it. The hunters
were very courageous, and they sprang into the cave to demand the
two brown wolves to give three sacks to unleash summer. A fierce fight
killed three of the hunters and mortally wounded the fourth, but before
he died, he grabbed the three sacks and unleashed the abundance of
warmth and light and fresh. Instantly, the air became warm, and the
sky filled with bright sunlight. The snow melted into rivers and lakes
that contained fresh water. The hills and valleys were covered with
trees, flowers, and bushes. Strange birds flew in great numbers and
built nests and streams filled with fish. Every year since that time,
Summer has come to the Dene.

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