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Exercise 2:
2 whom
3 who
4 whom
5 where
6 which
7 who
9 which
10 that
11 when
12 which
13 that
14 that
15 whose

Exercise 3:
2 which
3 who
4 whose
5 which
6 who
7 whose
8 who
9 who
10 who
11 when
12 who
13 who
14 whose
15 who
16 that
17 whom

Exercise 4:
2 which
3 where
4 who/that
5 which/that
6 whom/that/0
7 which/that/0
8 that/which/0
9 whose
10 who/that
11 when
12 which/that
13 which/that
14 which/that
15 which/that/0

Exercise 5:
2 who/that feels energized around others
3 whose energies are activated by being alone
4 who/that pay attention to details in the world
5 who/that is more interested in relationships between people and things
6 that/which/0 this test measures
7 who/that made decisions objectively
8 whose primary way to reach a conclusion
9 who/that look other people’s feelings into consideration
10 that/which/0 he or she has
11 which we prefer to live or work
12 who/that prefer a planned and predictable environment
13 that/which/0 they find themselves in
14 whose life must be planned in advance
15 where he should be placed
16 which you would be the happiest and most productive

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