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Questions chapters 17 - 18

Chapter 17
1. Why did Heck Tate arrest Tom, according to his testimony?
Because base on what Mr. Ewell has said to him, Tom raped his daughter, she was
found lying on the floor and she was pretty well beat up. And she said that Tom was
the person hurting her, taking advantages of her
2. Why did he not call a doctor?
Heck Tate says that it was not necessary to get a doctor for Mayella because Mr.
Ewell and Heck had taken care of her instead. 
3. What details are important for Atticus when he cross-examines Tate?
he found Mayella bruised and beaten, and she told him that Tom Robinson had
raped her.
4. How does Scout feel differently about the trial in comparison to her brother?
Scout is affected by the outcome of Tom Robinson's trial in that it causes her to
begin to realize the extent of the hypocrisy and prejudice in Maycomb, to recognize
the significance of Atticus's defense of Tom, and to mature in her outlook on life.
Jem is convinced that the jury will acquit Tom Robinson after the evidence Atticus
presented. After the verdict, Jem leaves the courtroom stunned, angry, and crying.
Atticus tells Jem not to be disheartened because he will appeal Tom's case, and they
stand a much better chance of winning on appeal
5. How does Scout describe Ewell’s appearance?
Scout describes him as having a grey neck, hands that appear rusty with fingernails
black with dirt, and a face with only a "fist-sized clean space" on it. 
6. What is the stereotype of Ewell?
people like the Ewells lived as guests of the county in prosperity as well as in the
depths of a depression. No truant officers could keep their numerous offspring in
school; no public health officer could free them from congenital defects, various
worms, and the diseases indigenous to filthy surroundings.
7. How do you compare Ewell’s home to the black neighbours?
The black neighbors were poor and degraded but they were very neat and tidy. They
people who lived there took pride in what they had so their home were always clean
dignified. Meanwhile, the Ewell was totally opposite to them, the Ewell children
didn’t go to school, made them intelligent and be no educated. The father was
unemployed and an alcoholic.
8. Why is Taylor upset at Ewell’s language?
Because Ewell was rude. The words he used was so informal and bad.
9. How does Ewell explain he did not call a doctor?
Bob Ewell didn't call a doctor because it was 5$ and it was too expensive for him and
calling doctor was not necessary
10. Why does Atticus ask Ewell to write his name?
because he wants to show that Ewell is left-handed.

Ch 18.
1. Why is Mayella afraid of Atticus?
She is afraid that Atticus will expose the truth. The real threat in her life is her father.
It is generally acknowledged in Maycomb that Bob is a drunk, abusive father.
2. Why does she think he is mocking her?
Because he calls her "ma'am" and "Miss Mayella." And this make she feel that
Atticus is trying to mock her
3. What details change in her testimony?
Mayella contradicts her testimony by stating that Tom never entered her yard and
then admitting that he previously completed small jobs for her.

Ch 19.
1. How is Tom’s testimony different from Mayella’s ?
Mayella testified that she had been screaming, fighting and shouting throughout her
supposed ordeal, whilst Tom testified that there had been no screaming at all, only
that he had tried to get away from Mayella.
2. What does Scout mean by a “respectable negro” ?
 a respectable Negro would never go up into somebody’s yard of his own volition .
3. Give an example of empathy in this chapter
Jem, Scout, and Dill empathize with Tom. During the trial of Tom, they always were
in the court even they were not supposed to be there
4. What are the unwritten rules that Gilmer tries to get Tom to break.
The unwritten rules about race that Mr. Gilmer wanted Tom to break was the rule
that white people are above black people no matter what
5. How does Atticus address Tom differently to Gilmer?
Atticus show his politeness and respect to both Mayella and Tom. Meanwhile, Mr.
Gilmer just only treat respectively Mayella, and he is rude to Tom
6. Why does Dill break down crying when Gilmer questions Tom?
because he is disgusted and upset with the way Mr. Gilmer blatantly disrespects Tom
Robinson during his cross-examination.

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