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Description of the Business

Crunchy Morkov is a portion of healthy snack food. Morkov is derived from the Russian
word which means carrot. This is an innovative product from the original Kropek that is fried
prawn flavored crackers. Considered street food in the Philippines. Kropeks are peddled by
vendors in the middle of the road, usually during the rush hours when traffic is terrible. Crunchy
Morkov is composed of grated cassava, salt to taste, and dried ground carrots. It has different
flavors so anyone can enjoy the different varieties. It is made from healthy ingredients and can
also be cooked and processed by using resources that are available anywhere and you don’t
have to pay for it. What I mean by this is, instead of using plastics, we are using banana leaves
for drying our kropek before frying or baking it.
In Crunchy Morkov, carrots are not the only vegetable we can use even though it is the
center of it. It can be innovated by future entrepreneurs by changing or adding/extending other
vegetables like okra, ampalaya, and vegetables that are usually not eaten by many. This
product of ours is not just a snack anytime, but it can also be called an affordable healthy snack
because of its substance or ingredients.
What's special about this product is that it can be eaten for 5 years old and above
because of its healthiness. The fiber in carrots can help keep blood sugar levels under control.
And they're loaded with vitamin A and beta-carotene, which there's evidence to suggest can
lower your diabetes risk. They can strengthen your bones. Carrots have calcium and vitamin K,
both of which are important for bone health. Cassava is a calorie-rich vegetable that contains
plenty of carbohydrates and key vitamins and minerals. Cassava is a good source of vitamin C,
thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin. With this product, you can enjoy healthy, affordable snacks and
save money for those junk foods that you are buying at some stores.

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