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Nagar Yuwak Shikshan Sanstha’s

Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering

(An Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji
Maharaj Nagpur University)

Hingna Road, Wanadongri, Nagpur.


VII Semester B.E. in Computer Technology OR

CT1451 Artificial Intelligence
Q.2c) Write an algorithm for simple hill Climbing heuristic search. Discuss its drawback. For
Time: 1:30 Hr Max Marks: 30 this algorithm, suggest and explain the suitable heuristic for the following 8 puzzle problem.
[10] [CO2]
Q.1 a) Define AI? Explain in brief any four AI related fields. [5] [CO1]
Q.1 b) List the various type of agent Program. Explain Model based and goal based reflex agent
using suitable block schematic [10] [CO1]


Q.1c) Explain task domains of AI using suitable example. [10] [CO1]

Q.2a) What do mean by blind search? Differentiate DFS and BFS search w.r.t AI domain Initial State Goal State
problems. [5] [CO2]

Q.2b) You are given two jugs (As shown), a 4-gallon one and a 3-gallonone, a pump which has
unlimited water which you can use to fill the jug, and the ground on which water may be
poured. Neither jug has any measuring markings on it. How can you get exactly 2 gallons of
water in the 4-gallon jug and 3-gallon jug should be empty? Solve the Problem using
production rules and explain how searching takes place using BFS control strategies. [10]

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