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The purpose of this study is to monitor the college graduates of Mount Carmel College of Escalante, Inc.

from A.Y. 2016 – 2020. Specifically, this aims to answer the following questions.

1. What is the socio-economic profile of the respondents in terms of their:

1.1. Age;
1.2. Sex;
1.3. Marital Status;
1.4. Bachelor’s Degree Finished;
1.5. Year Graduated
1.6. Highest Educational Attainment;
1.7. Licensure Examination Passed
1.8. Monthly Income;
1.9. Source of Monthly Income;
2. What is the extent of the employability of the respondents in terms of:
2.1. Occupation;
2.2. Current Position;
2.3. Level of Position;
2.4. Employment Status;
2.5. Nature of Employment;
2.6. Area of Work;
2.7. Length of Service; and
2.8. Length of time before acquiring the first Job after Graduation
3. What is the extent of Unenployability of the respondents in terms of:
3.1. Reasons of unemployment;
3.2. Length of Time Being Unemployed Since Graduation
3.3. Length of time of being unemployed Since Last Employment.
4. What is the respondent’s perception on MCCEI's contribution to the personal and
professional growth of its graduates?
5. What is the respondent’s perception on the Effectiveness of Carmelian Education?

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