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Goods and Scates Validation Form

Using the criteria developed for evaluating a questionnaire set forth by Carter Good and

Douglas Scates, please evaluate the attached questionnaire using the following scale:

5 – Excellent 4 – Very Good 3 – Good 2 – Fair 1 – Poor

Directions: Kindly check the respective boxes provided herein.

Criteria for Validity 5 4 3 2 1

1. This questionnaire is short enough and respondent respect it and
would not drain much of their precious time.
2. The questionnaire is interesting and has a face appeal such
respondents will be induced to respond to it and accomplish it fully.
3. The questionnaire can obtain depth to respondents and avoid
superficial answer.
4. The items or questions and their alternative responses are not too
suggestive and not too stimulating.
5. The questionnaire can elicit responses which are definite but not
mechanically forced.
6. Questions or items are stated in such way that responses will not be
embarrassing to the person(s) concerned.
7. Questions or items are stated in such manner as to avoid suspicion on
the art of the respondents.
8. The questionnaire is not too narrow nor restricted nor limited in its
9. The responses to the questionnaire when taken as a whole, could
answer the basic purpose for which the questionnaire is designed
considered valid.

Validated by:

________________________________ _______________
  Name          Signature
________________________________ _________________
Title Degree         Position


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