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Prelim Act. =) Quizz, Exam, Attendance/ Comparison bet. Education during Rizal’s time, Reflection or
Thought paper.

Mid. =) / Reflection or thought paper.

Final =) reaction Succesos de las islas Filipinas, reflection on mi ultimo adios, reflection or thought paper.


Sub= quiz, attendance, comparison, reflection, exam, sa aking mga kabata

Pre acti = quiz , comparison, sa aking mga kabata

Appli = comparison, thought paper

Thought paper = paaman, thought paper

Mid. Term.

Sub. = paaman, exam, thought paper, attendance

Pre acti = thought paper, attendance, submission (mean)

Appli = Thought paper, submission

Thought paper= thought paper.


Sub. = Reaction to Succesos, reflection to mi ultimo adios, thought paper, submission.

Pre acti= Attendance, Overall attendance, Succesos de las islas

Appli = reflection on mi ultimo, thought paper, attendance

Thought paper = final thought paper, overall thought paper,

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