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Jerry Alsay

OLUDOTUN ONI, PhD, Faculty Mentor and Chair

ALFREDO DOMINGUEZ, PhD, Committee Member

SUSAN FEREBEE, PhD, Committee Member

Tonia Teasley, JD, Interim Dean, School of Business and Technology

A Dissertation Presented in Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the Degree

Doctor of Information Technology

Capella University

February 2019

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© Jerry Alsay, 2019

Social engineering attacks are a significant cause for data breaches among healthcare

organizations that electronically transmit health information in the United States. Such breaches

are costly for healthcare organizations, can negatively impact patients, and are becoming

increasingly common. The purpose of this quantitative study was to address the research

question: to what extent does organizational security factors, information security awareness

factors, and individual security factors predict the level of social engineering awareness among

end-users of healthcare organizations. The theoretical framework for the study was based on

transformational leadership theory, organizational security culture, and the theory of planned

behavior. Multiple regression was used to analyze data collected from a sample of 113

employees of healthcare organizations in the continental United States. The level of social

engineering awareness was found to be statistically significantly associated with both individual

security factors and information security awareness factors. However, no significant relationship

was found between organizational security factors and the level of social engineering awareness.

The results indicate that to improve social engineering awareness among employees,

management should focus more on individual security factors and information security

awareness factors and not on organization security factors.


I would like to dedicate this study to my wife, Stephanie and two children, Curtis and

Camille. Without their support and patience throughout this whole journey, I would not have

completed it.


I owe thanks to many people who helped and supported me while I worked on this study.

I am grateful for having a supportive and patient doctoral committee and wish to thank Dr.

Oludotun Oni, Dr. Alfredo Dominguez, and Dr. Susan Ferebee for their guidance and patience.

Without their support, I would have not succeeded.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments.................................................................................................. iv

List of Tables ....................................................................................................... viii

List of Figures ........................................................................................................ ix

CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................1

Introduction ..............................................................................................................1

Background ..............................................................................................................4

Business Technical Problem ....................................................................................9

Research Purpose ...................................................................................................10

Research Questions ................................................................................................10

Rationale ................................................................................................................11

Theoretical Framework ..........................................................................................12


Definition of Terms................................................................................................17

Assumptions and Limitations ................................................................................19

Organization for Remainder of Study ....................................................................20

CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ...........................................................................22

Introduction ............................................................................................................22

Research Strategy...................................................................................................22

Organizational Information Security .....................................................................23

Security Factors .....................................................................................................36

Security Awareness Training .................................................................................57

Theory of Planned Behavior ..................................................................................58

Research Method ...................................................................................................60

Summary ................................................................................................................62

CHAPTER 3. METHODOLOGY .....................................................................................64

Introduction ............................................................................................................64

Design and Methodology .......................................................................................65

Population and Sampling .......................................................................................67

Setting ....................................................................................................................69

Data Collection ......................................................................................................69

Instrumentation ......................................................................................................72

Hypotheses .............................................................................................................74

Data Analysis .........................................................................................................76

Validity and Reliability ..........................................................................................81

Ethical Considerations ...........................................................................................82

Summary ................................................................................................................84

CHAPTER 4. RESULTS ...................................................................................................85

Introduction ............................................................................................................85

Data Collection Results..........................................................................................86

Descriptive Analysis ..............................................................................................92

Multiple Regression Results ..................................................................................95

Analysis of Hypotheses..........................................................................................97

Summary ................................................................................................................98

CHAPTER 5. CONCLUSIONS ......................................................................................100

Introduction ..........................................................................................................100

Evaluation of Research Questions .......................................................................100

Fulfillment of Research Purpose..........................................................................104

Contribution to Business Technical Problem ......................................................105

Recommendations for Further Research ..............................................................107

Conclusions ..........................................................................................................108

REFERENCES ................................................................................................................110

STATEMENT OF ORIGINAL WORK ..........................................................................126

List of Tables

Table 1. Reliability for the Predictor and Criterion Variables, N = 113...........................87

Table 2. Correlations of Criterion Variable (Level of Social Engineering Awareness) with

Predictor Variables, N = 113 ..............................................................................89

Table 3. Outlier Labeling Rule Analysis, N = 113 ...........................................................91

Table 4. VIF and Tolerance for the Predictor Variables, N = 113 ...................................92

Table 5. Sample Demographics, N = 113 .........................................................................94

Table 6. Variable Descriptive Statistics, N = 113 ............................................................95

Table 7. Regression Results for Level of Social Engineering Awareness on Predictor Variables,

N = 113 ...............................................................................................................97

List of Figures

Figure 1. Research model showing level of social engineering awareness as an effect of

organizational security factors, information security awareness factors, and individual

security factors ....................................................................................................75

Figure 2. Scatterplot to check for homoscedasticity (standardized residual by unstandardized

predicted values for level of social engineering awareness)...............................90

Figure 3. Histogram with normal curve overlay for the regression residuals ....................93



In today’s networked world, organizations must provide for the security of their

information assets. For healthcare organizations, this is especially important, because security

breaches can have negative effects on patient outcomes and healthcare quality (Ponemon

Institute, 2016). Healthcare organizations that deal with patient data include health plans,

healthcare clearinghouses, and healthcare providers (e.g., hospitals) that electronically transmit

health information. Hereafter, the term healthcare organizations is used to refer to these entities

in aggregate. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of the United States

(HIPAA) regulates protected health information (PHI) about patient healthcare, health status, and

payment for healthcare, requiring that such information is treated with special care. For the

purpose of the present study, the terms patient data, medical records, and patient information

refer interchangeably to PHI as defined by HIPAA.

Patients whose medical records are stolen from healthcare organizations may be treated

inappropriately, lose access to health insurance benefits, or encounter difficulty in employment

owing to false entries in their medical records (Agaku, Adisa, Ayo-Yusuf, & Connolly, 2014).

Additionally, lost or stolen healthcare records result in up to $7 billion in losses to the healthcare

industry annually (Agaku et al., 2014). Therefore, there is an urgent need for strong information

security strategy in the healthcare industry to prevent against costly cyberattacks.

Troublingly, cyberattacks are increasingly common in healthcare, with an increase of

320% from 2015 to 2016 (Gammons, 2017). One reason for this increase is that patient health

data is worth a premium on the black market, yielding greater profits for cybercriminals than

other types of stolen data (Ablon & Libicki, 2015). Understanding the gaps in security that make

successful cyberattacks possible is key to updating security policies to reverse this trend.

Although there are many types of cyberattacks, social engineering, or behavioral

intrusion whereby hackers manipulate employees’ behavior in order to obtain privileged

information (Ahmad, Maynard, & Park, 2014; Crossler et al., 2013), may be the main cause of a

data breach in healthcare organizations (Ponemon Institute, 2016). However, end-users in

healthcare organizations (e.g., hospitals, private practices), including healthcare practitioners

(e.g., doctors, nurses, technicians) and administrators (e.g., billing professionals, records

keepers), lack an appropriate level of social engineering awareness, so they may be unable to

recognize social engineering attacks, resulting in a data breach (HIMSS, 2016; Junger, Montoya,

& Overink, 2017).

Social engineering is a particularly troubling issue because it is one of the most difficult

types of security threats to prevent (Indrajit, 2017). Whereas other types of attacks are

preventable using firewalls and other software- and hardware-based techniques, preventing

social engineering requires attention to the human element, including an understanding of the

factors that correlate with end-user awareness of social engineering (Indrajit, 2017; Nishani &

Biba, 2016). Recent research has identified security awareness as an important factor in

organizational information security (Narain Singh, Gupta, & Ojha, 2014). An emerging research

trend has demonstrated that end-users’ security awareness and intention to resist social

engineering can be predicted with factors such as organizational culture, end-user awareness

training, and security self-efficacy (Decker, 2008; Hauser, 2017; Holbert, 2013; Rocha Flores &

Ekstedt, 2016). Additionally, there is an extensive body of research on the role and importance of

security awareness in preventing social engineering attacks (Medlin, Cazier, & Foulk, 2008;

Mishra, Caputo, Leone, Kohun, & Draus, 2014). However, none of these studies focused on

factors that predict social engineering awareness among end-users in the healthcare industry. The

lucrative market for private health information on the black market has made it imperative to

investigate the factors that influence to the level of social engineering awareness among

healthcare end-users, as PHI is especially attractive to cybercriminals, who can yield greater

profits for this type of stolen data than other types of stolen data (Ablon & Libicki, 2015). While

researchers know that social engineering awareness is important in healthcare, they still lack

robust information on the factors that influence it. This lack of information is limiting

practitioners’ ability to improve their level of social engineering awareness by addressing its

antecedents. Also, because the structure and culture of a healthcare organization is always

changing, and the methods of cybersecurity attackers are always improving, it is important to

know the awareness level of end-users.

An understanding of the factors influencing social engineering awareness in the

healthcare industry could help information technology professionals and healthcare managers

take action to prevent social engineering attacks by focusing on the individual and organizational

elements that are statistically important to security awareness. Therefore, the aim of this

quantitative, regression study is to identify antecedents to social engineering awareness in the

healthcare industry by examining the organizational security factors (i.e. transformational

leadership and information security culture), information security awareness factors (i.e., general

information security awareness and information security policy awareness), and individual

security factors (i.e., end-users’ self-efficacy, attitude, and normative beliefs) that predict social

engineering awareness in healthcare organizations.

This chapter introduces the study and proceeds as follows. The first study contains a brief

background of the study. Next is a statement of the business technical problem and purpose of

the study, followed by a list of the research questions and hypotheses. The chapter also contains

descriptions of the rationale, theoretical framework, and significance of the study. Next, a section

on the definition of terms provides the meanings of keywords and concepts used in the study.

This is followed by a description of the assumptions and limitations of the study. A summary,

presenting the organization of the remainder of the study, concludes the chapter.


The importance of information technology cannot be overstated in a world of networked

assets. In many industries, such as the healthcare sector, most valuable assets are increasingly

moving to consisting of data only; which is being stored, moving in transit, or used throughout

the internet or throughout a cloud infrastructure. This is creating an increased burden on those

responsible for protecting non-physical assets that may not be entirely in their control. The

dependency has increased steadily throughout the years and has led the industry to be susceptible

to having their information systems compromised and valuable data being stolen, or patient

information abused (Ponemon Institute, 2016).

Healthcare organizations have been using electronic medical records for over 20 years,

but recent developments in Internet-based storage and networking have emerged as a challenge

to the security and privacy of electronic health records (Mishra et al., 2014). While maintaining

medical information in an electronic form offers a multitude of benefits, private health

information stored online could be at risk to the evolving technological threat of cyberattacks

(Conteh & Schmick, 2016). As technology becomes increasingly indispensable in healthcare,

security awareness is crucial in healthcare to protect private health information and minimize

fraud (Knight & Saxby, 2014).

Cyberattacks on healthcare organizations grew 320% from 2015 to 2016 (Gammons,

2017). The healthcare industry has become a major target for hackers for several reasons: (a) the

information is sensitive in nature, (b) information stolen from hospitals is harder to track, and (c)

the healthcare industry has been slow to adopt cybersecurity measures (Loughlin et al., 2014). A

study by the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) revealed that

approximately 85% of healthcare organizations view the protection of electronic information as a

business and information technology priority (HIMSS, 2016). This is not surprising, given the

increasing threat of cyberattacks and the financial cost that organizations can incur from security

breaches. As healthcare information technology evolves, patients are becoming more aware that

their sensitive health information is at risk (Choi, Kim, & Park, 2015).

The general problem of interest to researchers is that cybercriminals can take private

health information and sell it for high prices on the dark web. Stolen medical records sell for 10

to 20 times more than any other type of data (Ablon & Libicki, 2015). According to an even

more shocking estimate, criminals can make $50 on medical records for every $1 they would

make on credit card information (Lowes, 2014). The lucrative market for private health

information is especially attractive to cybercriminals. This problem occurs in healthcare settings

including hospitals and private practices, and it affects patients and healthcare industry

stakeholders (e.g., employees, executives).

Healthcare organizations, regardless of size, have become dependent on information

technology to gain and maintain a competitive edge (Hyatt, 2015). A component of that

competitive edge is the security posture of the organizational computing infrastructure, which

contributes to maintaining the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of patients’ personal

health information (Holtfreter & Harrington, 2015). As cybercriminals search for more profitable

targets, healthcare organizations and the personal health information that they hold have been

targeted. Cybercriminals are attracted by the wealth of patient information that healthcare

organizations hold because it has more lasting value than other types of information (Kamoun &

Nicho, 2014). Attacks on healthcare information systems have rapidly increased in recent years,

by one estimate 125% faster than attacks on other types of data (Ponemon Institute, 2016).

Cybercriminals are continuously looking for ways to infiltrate healthcare systems.

Attackers often choose the path of least resistance to compromise systems, and the weakest link

in information security continues to be the end users (Abawajy, 2014). Interconnectivity and

information sharing across healthcare organizations make it easier for criminals to access private

health information (Warfield, 2012). There are several types of healthcare cyberattacks: (a)

ransomware, involving malicious software that locks files until the organization pays a ransom to

unlock the information (Richardson & North, 2017); (b) stolen private health information,

involving hacking of medical records, which is the most common type of attack (Mearian, 2016);

(c) insurance fraud, involving the use of personal data to file fake claims and the collect

reimbursement for nonexistent services (Clough, 2015); and (d) social engineering, or targeting

healthcare employees with methods such as phishing to infect the health system with malware

(Junger et al., 2017). Social engineering is a particularly troubling issue for the healthcare

industry because healthcare employees are naturally trusting, and they have a desire to be helpful

(HIMSS, 2016).

The current best solution to the problem is for information security managers to

implement plans to identify, assess, and mitigate the evolving risk of cyberattacks on health

information. Technical solutions such as artificial intelligence and machine learning have great

potential to help mitigate cyberattacks (Nishani & Biba, 2016), but these new technologies will

not remove the need to focus on the human factor since end users are recognized as the most

important element in information protection (Indrajit, 2017). Regardless of the level of

sophistication in information system protection, it is virtually impossible to protect information

assets unless the human element is adequately addressed. In healthcare settings, focusing on the

human factor to protect client data involves hiring and training a knowledgeable workforce and

developing a culture or security, in which employees are aware of the value of their

organizations’ data and actively work to reduce the risk of data breaches (Ponemon Institute,

2016). There are multiple methods of addressing the human factor, and scholars do not yet

clearly understand which of these ways is the best and most efficient.

Cyberattacks have significant negative consequences for healthcare organizations.

Healthcare organizations have seen damages of more than $20 billion per year from attacks

(Holtfreter & Harrington, 2015). More than 69% of chief information security officers from the

healthcare industry have a concern about how to educate end users of their organizations to avoid

attacks (Ponemon Institute, 2016).

Organizations can protect their information assets by implementing a security awareness

program (Wolf, Haworth, & Pietron, 2011). A security awareness program refers to a program

designed to influence user behavior to promote the protection of the organization’s information

assets (Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016). Such programs often focus on social engineering, which

allows an attacker to exploit an organization’s employees by preying on their weakness and

having them perform an action that benefits the attacker (Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016).

Employees’ level of social engineering awareness is important in determining whether they were

able to resist this type of attack.

There are organizational, information security awareness, and individual security factors

that can shape a person’s level of social engineering awareness (Decker, 2008; Holbert, 2013;

Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016). Organizational factors are internal factors, which are factors

present within an employee’s organization, such as leadership and organizational culture

(Decker, 2008; Holbert, 2013; Hyatt, 2015; Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016). Individual factors

are inherent factors related to individual employees; for example, self-efficacy describes whether

employees feel that they are capable of recognizing and resisting social engineering attacks

(Decker, 2008; Holbert, 2013; Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016). There are also external factors,

which are factors external to an organization; these can include social media or news outlets.

External factors take into account how forces outside an organization can influence an

employee’s ability to recognize a social engineering attack (Decker, 2008; Holbert, 2013; Rocha

Flores & Ekstedt, 2016). Together, these types of factors may determine how an employee reacts

to a social engineering attack within an organization.

The present study addressed the issue of antecedent factors to social engineering

awareness in healthcare organizations using the theory of planned behavior. This theory is

relevant to the study because it describes how individuals’ attitudes, subjective norms, and

perceptions of behavioral control influence their motivation and intention to act in particular

ways. The present study uses security attitude, subjective norms, and security self-efficacy (i.e.,

the perception of behavioral control with respect to security) as variables, so the theory of

planned behavior is a fit for the present study. Other researchers investigating security awareness

have used the theory of planned behavior (Ifinedo, 2014; Safa et al., 2015), because it follows

logically from questions addressing end-users’ intention to resist social engineering and other

cyberattacks. While previous research focused on security awareness from an organizational

view, this study focused on security awareness from an individual view. The ultimate goal of

understanding the factors antecedent to security awareness is to empower end-users with the

intention to resist social engineering, so the theory of planned behavior is relevant in the present


Business Technical Problem

There is a problem with data breaches from social engineering attacks among healthcare

organizations that electronically transmit health information in the United States (HIMSS, 2016).

Although healthcare leaders implement programs to reduce attacks (Ponemon Institute, 2016;

Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016; Wolf et al., 2011), the number of attacks grew 320% from 2015

to 2016 (Gammons, 2017; Ponemon Institute, 2016). Previous studies have been conducted to

gauge the extent to which organizational security factors, information security awareness factors,

and individual security factors influence social engineering awareness (Rocha Flores & Ekstedt,

2016; Holbert, 2013; Decker, 2008). These studies focused on the organizational view of social

engineering awareness, not the individual view. Also, these studies did not focus specifically on

the healthcare industry, which is a high target area. Cybercriminals are using various social

engineering methods to attack healthcare end-users, which are causing financial and reputational

losses for the healthcare industry and their clients. More than 78% of security practitioners

believed that a major cause of concern for data breaches are social engineering attacks

(Ponemon, 2016). This problem has negatively impacted the healthcare industry because attacks

are costing healthcare organizations up to $7 billion per year (Agaku et al., 2014). The problem

has also negatively impacted patients because patients whose medical records are stolen from

healthcare organizations may be treated inappropriately, lose access to insurance benefits, or

encounter employment difficulty owing to false entries in their medical records (Agaku et al.,


Research Purpose

The purpose of this quantitative multiple regression study is to determine whether

organizational security factors, information security awareness factors and individual security

factors predict the level of social engineering awareness among healthcare end-users in

healthcare organizations in the continental United States. There is an ongoing lack of

understanding of what factors can raise a healthcare end-user level of social engineering

awareness, thus preventing a potential social engineering attack. The results of this study are

expected to contribute to the knowledge area of security awareness and social engineering

awareness within the healthcare industry by informing healthcare information technology leaders

on what to look for when understand the level of social engineering awareness among their

employees and how to develop of an efficient and effective information security awareness

program to combat the ever-present threat of cyberattacks.

Research Questions

The research questions of this study are:

RQ1: To what extent, if at all, do organizational security factors (i.e., transformational

leadership and information security culture) predict the level of social engineering awareness

among healthcare end-users?

RQ2: To what extent, if at all, do information security awareness factors (i.e., general

information security awareness and information security policy awareness) predict the level of

social engineering awareness among healthcare end-users?

RQ3: To what extent, if at all, do individual security factors (i.e., end-users’ self-

efficacy, attitude, and normative beliefs) predict the level of social engineering awareness of

healthcare end-users?


This quantitative multiple regression study furthered the studies conducted by Decker

(2008), Holbert (2013), and Rocha Flores and Ekstedt (2016). Decker analyzed internal, external,

and inherent factors to security awareness of end users in institutions of higher learning. Holbert

used Decker’s four factors to determine which had the greatest influence on the security

awareness level of end users. Rocha Flores and Ekstedt investigated how organizational and

individual factors shaped employees’ behavioral intention to resist social engineering within

various industries. This study used Rocha Flores and Ekstedt’s research instrument, which draws

on the theory of planned behavior to identify individual factors (i.e., self-efficacy, attitude, and

normative beliefs), organizational factors (i.e., transformational leadership and information

security culture), and security awareness factors (i.e., general information security awareness and

information security policy awareness) related to security behaviors. The focus of this study was

on the level of social engineering awareness, and the industry of focus was healthcare. This is

important because other researchers have studied social engineering awareness in other settings,

such as institutions of higher learning (Hauser, 2017) or the energy sector (Rocha Flores &

Ekstedt, 2016) and even other countries but have not specifically studied the healthcare industry.

The specific focus of this study was to determine which security factor or factors have the

greatest input on the level of social engineering awareness of a healthcare end-user. Too many

security awareness programs are designed to meet a compliance requirement and do not take into

account the concept of educating the user to fully recognize when they are being social

engineered. Many end-users do not learn or retain information the same way, so healthcare

organizations must think about the most efficient way their end-users retain awareness

information and be motivated to protect their organizational assets.

Studying the healthcare industry specifically is relevant because of the type of

information that can be gained from a successful attack by intruders. As stated earlier, PHI is

very valuable and can be detrimental for those affected if the information is violated. Effects of a

successful attack can be felt both financially and reputationally by the affected healthcare

organization and their affected client (Agaku et al., 2014; HIMSS, 2016). While other business

information assets are just as valuable, PHI is more valuable on the black market, which can lead

to an extra incentive from cybercriminals to take advantage of unsuspecting healthcare end-users

with social engineering attacks. Even though many healthcare end-users are highly educated

professionals, they can still be susceptible to high engineered phishing attacks, due to their nature

of work.

Theoretical Framework

Transformational Leadership Theory

Bass (1998) developed the theory of transformational leadership in the 1980s.

Transformational leadership is a leadership style that, according to the theory, can be

distinguished from transactional leadership. Whereas transactional leaders use systems of reward

and punishment to motivate subordinates to perform specific tasks, transformational leaders use

techniques like inspiration, individualized treatment, and intellectual stimulation to motivate

subordinates (Barling, Slater, & Kelloway, 2000). Transformational leadership theory is relevant

to the present study because transformational leadership is one of the organizational factors that

served as a predictor variable in the study.

The core assumption of transformational leadership theory is that leaders can motivate

subordinates to perform beyond their own expectations by generating buy-in to the goals and

values of the organization as a whole or the smaller team within which they work (Miner, 2015).

In so doing, employees transcend their own self-interest to work for the good of a greater whole,

rather than for a contingent reward like a paycheck or a promotion (Miner, 2015). In the 1990s,

Avolio and Bass (1995) expanded the transformational leadership theory to emphasize the

difference between individual-level transformational leadership (i.e., the behaviors of individual

leaders) and organization-level transformational leadership (i.e., the culture that promotes

selfless commitment to organizational goals). Because the theory supports the view that

organizational and individual factors comprise a unified whole, it is especially relevant to the

present study, which attempts to understand the organizational and individual factors that predict

security awareness. In the context of information security, researchers have identified an

important role of transformational leadership in employees’ intention to resist social engineering

(Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016) and in the effectiveness of security countermeasures (Humaidi &

Balakrishnan, 2015). Owing to its logical connection to the independent variable and to existing

findings on its importance in information security, transformational leadership theory is an

important component of the theoretical framework for the present study.

Organizational Security Culture

Theoretical work exists describing the role of organizational culture in information

security. Schein’s seminal work on organizational culture established a definition of

organizational culture as “the system of shared beliefs and values that guides the behaviors of its

members to maintain suitable patterns of social systems to survive in the dynamic environment”

(Lim, Chang, Ahmad, & Maynard, 2012, p. 298). Organizational culture is important to business

scholarship in many industries and research topics, but recent theoretical work has begun to

identify a particular type of organizational culture that is important to security. Specifically, an

organizational culture that places value on security is important to ensure that employee behavior

aligns with security requirements. A key theoretical work in this vein that provides the

framework for the present study is that of Lim et al. (2012).

The theoretical framework of Lim et al. (2012) is particularly relevant to the present

study because the authors argue that an organizational security culture is important at both the

individual and organizational levels. Not only does organizational security culture influence the

behavior of employees (i.e., the individual level), it also enables the implementation of security

at the organizational level, because the organization’s long-term plan and shared security values

facilitate new and improved security practices (Lim et al., 2012). This is relevant to this present

study because the study asks about both organizational and individual factors that influence

security awareness. The Lim et al. (2012) framework supports this research aim by focusing on

organizational culture as an antecedent to security behaviors.

Theory of Planned Behavior

Ajzen (2011) developed the theory of planned behavior, which describes how

individuals’ attitudes, subjective norms (or normative beliefs), and perceptions of behavioral

control (or self-efficacy) influence their motivation and intention to act in particular ways. This

theory aligns with the present study, which asks about the extent to which individual factors of

self-efficacy regarding resisting social engineering, attitude toward resisting social engineering,

and normative beliefs about resisting social engineering predict security awareness in healthcare


According to the theory of planned behavior, an individual’s attitude consists of his or

her tendency to evaluate things either positively or negatively. For example, information security

attitude refers to an individual tendency to feel either positively or negatively toward information

security (Safa et al., 2015). Subjective norms refer to an individual’s beliefs about what is

important to his or her peers and superiors (Ifinedo, 2014). For example, if an individual believes

that society expects him or her to behave in a certain way, the individual is more likely to behave

in that way, according to the theory of planned behavior. Behavioral control refers to the extent

to which individuals believe they, rather than someone else, have the power to accomplish

particular tasks. For research purposes, behavioral control is often equated with self-efficacy or

the extent to which an individual believes he or she is capable of accomplishing a task (Ifinedo,

2014). For example, according to the theory of Planned Behavior, people who believe they are

capable of becoming aware of information security are more likely to intend to pursue behavior

consistent with that goal.

Many researchers have used the theory of planned behavior to investigate information

security at the organization level (Ifinedo, 2014; Lebek et al., 2014; Safa et al., 2015), and these

studies have largely confirmed its constructs. Researchers have used other theories in

information security research, including the protection motivation theory and the general

deterrence theory (Crossler et al., 2013). Additionally, some researchers have used the theory of

Reasoned Action, which predates the theory of planned behavior (Siponen, Mahmood, &

Pahnila, 2014). However, the central constructs of these theories are similar to those of the

theory of planned behavior (Lebek et al., 2013). Because the theory of planned behavior has been

so widely used, and because evidence has so widely confirmed its applicability to information

security research, the theory of planned behavior is appropriate for use in this study.

Additionally, the theory of planned behavior addresses the same individual factors that this study

treated as predictor variables, making it a logical choice as a theoretical framework.


Contribution to Researchers

The research objective of this study was to examine the relationships between

organizational security factors, information security awareness factors, and individual security

factors and the level of social engineering awareness of healthcare end-users. Although there

have been prior security awareness and social engineering awareness studies (Decker, 2008;

Hauser, 2017; Holbert, 2013; Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016; Medlin, Cazier, & Foulk, 2008;

Mishra, Caputo, Leone, Kohun, & Draus, 2014), the relationship between the organizational

security factors, information security awareness factors, and individual security factors of

healthcare end-users are always changing, so continuous investigation is needed. Researchers

have agreed that the combination of organizational security factors, information security

awareness factors, and individual security factors elements exists (Decker, 2008; Hauser, 2017;

Holbert, 2013; Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016), however, an investigation into this combination

involving healthcare end-users is needed due to the criticality to support healthcare information

systems (HIMSS, 2016).

The results of this study helped to fill the gap in the literature by explaining the level of

social engineering awareness of healthcare end-users by empirically validating the theory of

planned behavior and by determining whether the level of social engineering awareness was the

outcome of the combination of organizational security factors, information security awareness

factors, and individual security factors of healthcare end-users. In addition, a reduction in the gap

of knowledge for social engineering awareness from an individual level perspective, in contrast

to the organizational perspective was gained.

Finally, the research is of significance to researchers in the field of information security

as it addresses a particular security concern (i.e., social engineering attacks) in a particular

industry (i.e., healthcare), adding to the granularity of detail with which the research community

understands information security.

Contribution to Practitioners

This study sought to inform and influence healthcare organization management by

demonstrating the importance of understanding the level of social engineering awareness among

their employees. Continuous cyberattacks against their most important asset require management

to develop and redefine strategies for security awareness and in particular social engineering.

This study was meaningful to the community of healthcare organizations because it identified

factors that may predict a high level of social engineering awareness. With knowledge of these

factors and their predictive value for security awareness, healthcare stakeholders were

empowered to develop and promote new initiatives that were more effective and efficient in

preventing social engineering attacks by increasing end-user security awareness. The research

problem is of significance to healthcare information security professionals and managers because

such professionals are tasked with vouchsafing the private health data that is entrusted to them.

The problem is also significant to executives of healthcare organizations because data breaches

result in significant financial losses to the organizations, which may be tasked by shareholders

(in the case of private companies) or taxpayers (in the case of public organizations) to maximize

cost-effectiveness and minimize unnecessary losses.

Definition of Terms

The major concepts in this study are social engineering, social engineering awareness,

and information security awareness. These concepts and other important terms are defined in the

below statements, based on their use in this study.

Attitude is the degree to which information security behavior is positively valued

(Decker, 2008).

Cyberattack is an offensive type of attack that targets computer information systems

through malicious acts from an anonymous source that steals, alters, or destroys a specified

target system (Ilves, 2016).

End-user is an individual who uses a computer system and computer applications for

their daily work (Bhatnagar, Madden, & Levy, 2016).

General information security awareness is an employee individual perception of their

own awareness of the general information security phenomena (Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016).

Individual security factors are inherent security factors that relate to an individual

employee (Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016).

Information security is the protection of an information system that uses, stores, and

transmits information (von Solms & van Niekerk, 2013).

Information security awareness factors are internal security factors that relate to an

individual knowledge of an organization’s security policies (Decker, 2008).

Information security culture is an employee individual perception of shared beliefs and

values among colleagues in their work environment (Decker, 2008).

Information security policy awareness is an employee individual perception of their own

cognizance of the actual information security policies in their organization (Rocha Flores &

Ekstedt, 2016).

Level of social engineering awareness is an employee intention to resist a social

engineering attack (Rocha Flores & Ekstedt 2016).

Normative beliefs are an employee perceived social pressure about their social

engineering security behavior caused by behavioral expectations of managers or colleagues

(Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016).

Organizational security factors are internal security factors which are present within an

employee’s organization (Decker, 2008).

Security awareness is the level of comprehension that users have about the importance of

information security best practices (Abawajy, 2014).

Security awareness program is a program designed to influence a user’s behavior toward

the protection of the organization’s information assets (Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016).

Self-efficacy is an employee judgment of personal skills, knowledge, or competency

about their level of social engineering awareness (Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016).

Social engineering is the art of getting users to compromise information systems

(Krombholz, Hobel, Huber, & Weippl, 2015).

Transformational leadership is a leader action to generate awareness and motivate

employees to change their information security behaviors (Decker, 2008).

Assumptions and Limitations


This study involved several assumptions. The first assumption is that each participant is a

healthcare end-user, defined as an employee involved in using information technology systems

that give the employee access to PHI that is protected under HIPAA. The second assumption is

that all participants have full knowledge of their organization’s security awareness program, so

they can accurately answer the survey questions. The third assumption is that the participants

were truthful in their responses and did not manipulate their answers to hide their true beliefs.

There are also assumptions related to the statistical tests that were conducted with this study: (a)

there is a linear relationship between variables, (b) that the residuals are normally distributed, (c)

there was no multicollinearity between variables, (d) there was homoscedasticity across

variables, (e) the data does not have any outliers, and (f) the residuals (errors) were normally



Several limitations were present in this study. The first limitation of the study is the use

of closed-ended, scale questionnaire items, without the use of open-ended questions;

participants’ responses lacked detail on participants’ perspectives. This weakness is inherent in

quantitative research, according to Steckler, McLeroy, Goodman, Bird, & McCormick (1992).

The second limitation of the study is that it was only available over the Internet, so it did not

include participants that do not have Internet access, and little was known about participants’

characteristics. According to Wright (2005), these are inherent disadvantages of online survey

research. The third limitation of this study is that the sample was not generalizable beyond the

population from which it was drawn, largely owing to the sampling issues inherent in online

survey research (Wright, 2005).

Organization for Remainder of Study

This chapter provided an overview of the study, the purpose of which is to determine if

there are any correlations between organizational and individual security factors and the level of

social engineering awareness of healthcare end-users. The researcher explained the significance

of the study, with emphasis on the potential positive effect of understanding the factors that

contribute to social engineering awareness.

The remaining chapters presented the following: Chapter 2 presented a thorough review

of professional and academic literature related to the research topic from a historical and

contemporary point of view. Chapter 3 discussed the research design and methodology, along

with a discussion of the research instrument, data collection and analysis methods, reliability and

validity of the selected instruments, and ethical considerations. Chapter 4 presented data relating

to the study results. Chapter 5 presented discussions, implications, and recommendations.



The purpose of this study is to determine whether organizational and individual factors of

the healthcare end-user predict the level of social engineering awareness of the healthcare end-

users in the continental United States. This chapter contains a review of existing theoretical and

empirical literature related to the research topic. The goal of this review is to provide an

overview of the literature on security awareness programs and social engineering awareness

programs. The chapter proceeds as follows. First, the researcher describes the literature search

strategy. Next is a review of literature related to organizational information security, including

types of information security, information security in the healthcare industry, and types of

information security breaches, with a focus on social engineering. In the following section, the

researcher presents a discussion of internal factors that influence organizational security, divided

into individual and organizational factors. There is a separate discussion for each factor pertinent

to the study, and links are drawn among the factors within each of the subsections. Next, a brief

section describes the existing literature on the importance of security awareness training for

preventing security breaches, followed by a section considering the research method for the

present study. Finally, there is a discussion of the theory of planned behavior, its development,

and its strengths and weaknesses. A summary concludes the chapter.

Research Strategy

This chapter contains a review of research studies and scholarly content related to

security awareness generally, social engineering specifically, and the factors that influence end-

user awareness of security and social engineering. The researcher used the following databases to

search for relevant articles: ProQuest, Academic Search Premiere, ProScience, Google Scholar,
and Academic One File. Using these databases, the researcher searched for articles using the

following search terms, alone and in combination: behavioral intent, behavioral intention, cyber-

attacks, employee behavior, healthcare, information security, information security attitude,

information security awareness, information security breaches, information security culture,

information technology, normative beliefs, organizational culture, organizational information

security, organizational security factors, self-efficacy, social engineering, theory of planned

behavior, and transformational leadership.

Search results were narrowed to include only articles published since 2013. The purpose

of this limitation was to emphasize recent literature. As a result, this chapter heavily emphasizes

recent findings in the field of information security. However, when recent articles contained

citations leading to seminal works, or when no recent articles did not contain results for

particular topics, the researcher included older articles in the review.

Organizational Information Security

Information security is an increasingly important issue in organizations because

organizations have assets and resources that exist only in the form of digital information,

whether stored locally on computer servers or remotely using cloud-based storage (Crossler et

al., 2013; Narain Singh, Gupta, & Ojha, 2014). Information and technologies are essential to

business success because they represent sources of market knowledge and innovation, and these

are key to an organization's competitive advantage (Ahmad et al., 2014). Therefore, if an

organization suffers a breach to the security of its information, it could lose its competitive edge,

resulting in significant negative consequences.

Security breaches can negatively affect businesses, even when data is not lost. For

example, denial of service attacks can disrupt an organization's internet connectivity and e-mail

access, leading to costly downtime and loss of productivity (Ahmad et al., 2014). Therefore,

ensuring information security is essential if businesses are to avoid losses from security breaches.

Information assets are vulnerable to a variety of threats, including hacking, denial of

service attacks, and behavioral intrusion such as social engineering (Crossler et al., 2013).

Because technologies change rapidly, organizations must constantly adapt and respond,

modifying their information security management in ways that prevent emerging types of

security breaches (Burns, Posey, Courtney, Roberts, & Nanayakkara, 2017; Crossler et al., 2013;

Narain Singh et al., 2014). Such responses constitute information security management.

In most organizations, information security management practices focus on implementing

technological tools, such as firewalls and denial of service detection, in an attempt to prevent

information security breaches (Crossler et al., 2013). Ahmad et al. (2014) reported that 60% of

organizations use "information security countermeasures, including anti-virus software,

firewalls, anti-spy software, virtual private networks (VPN's), vulnerability/patch management,

encryption of data in transit, and intrusion detection systems" (p. 358). Although it is vital for

organizations to implement such technologies, these efforts are not enough, because security

breaches continue to occur, even increasing in frequency.

As Crossler et al. (2013) pointed out, scholars have long recognized that “the individual

user within an organization,” or the end user, “is a predominant weakness in properly securing

information assets” (p. 90). Narain Singh et al. (2014) echoed this sentiment, stating that

information security management is not merely, or even primarily, a technical issue, but that “the

management and behavioral aspects are also of pivotal importance but are often overlooked by

organizations” (p. 644). Empirical evidence supports the argument that managers take one-sided

approaches to information security management. In a qualitative, focus-group study with security

managers from eight organizations, Ahmad et al. (2014) found that security managers took an

ad-hoc approach to implement security strategies, and they focused on maintaining access to data

(e.g., by preventing denial of service attacks), ignoring the risks to business and competitiveness.

The strategies that Ahmad et al. (2014) surveyed were mostly externally oriented, neglecting the

behaviors of technology end-users within the organizations. This literature suggests that there is

a need for further investigation into how information security strategies affect the information

behaviors and outcomes within organizations.

Types of Information Security Strategies

Scholars who have recognized the importance of the human element to protecting

organizational data define information security management as a multifaceted discipline

involving a range of approaches to protecting organizational assets and privacy (Narain Singh et

al., 2014). In their synthesis of literature, Ahmad et al. (2014) identified nine strategies that

organizations use to secure their informational assets: (a) prevention strategies focus on

protecting data, for example by prohibiting unauthorized access to data, (b) deterrence strategies

focus on influencing people in a way that discourages them from trying to breach the

organization’s security, (c) surveillance strategies focus on monitoring information security, for

example using tools that attempt to detect denial of service attacks, (d) detection strategies

attempt to identify behavior that might result in security breaches, (e) response strategies focus

on repairing damage or reinstating security after breaches or attacks have occurred, (f) deception

strategies focus on leading attackers down the wrong path, protecting valuable assets by

attracting attackers toward less valuable assets, (g) perimeter defense strategies focus on

regulating incoming and outgoing information, reducing the number of points vulnerable to

attack, (h) compartmentalization strategies focus on dividing valuable information assets into

smaller sections and securing those sections separately, such that a majority of information will

remain secure, even if one of the sections is breached, and (i) layering strategies focus on using

multiple strategies to secure assets, so that the full complement of strategies will work together,

and the failure of a single strategy will not be catastrophic.

These nine strategies can apply to security efforts broadly, including physical security,

but Ahmad et al. (2014) argued that all nine are relevant to information security at the

organizational level. In their qualitative study, they found that all the strategies except deception

were in use in at least some of the organizations they studied. However, managers’

understanding of and ability to effectively implement these strategies was lacking (Ahmad et al.,

2014). Additionally, managers did not effectively combine strategies into multifaceted

information security programs.

For the present study, some of the nine approaches to information security are more

relevant than others. For example, prevention strategies can include both technological tactics

(e.g., firewalls) and behavioral tactics (e.g., non-disclosure agreements). However, detection

strategies are generally technology-based and externally facing, so they do not address the

human element to security organizational data assets. This conceptual issue represents a

limitation of existing taxonomies of prevention strategies. Nevertheless, implementation of

externally-facing security measures may be related to employees' security awareness and

behavior. One of the goals of the present study is to determine whether internal and external

factors of information security correlate with employees' security awareness. A later section of

this chapter contains a review of literature related to these internal and external factors.

From a business perspective, there are also various strategies for information security

investment. According to Huang, Behara, and Goo (2014), organizational information security

investment decisions consist of three dimensions. First, organizations must decide how much to

invest in information security. Second, they must decide on what technologies, tools, or

measures to invest. Third, they must make implementation decisions about how to make

information security measures effective (Huang et al., 2014). In their cost-benefit analysis of

healthcare organizations’ information security investment, Huang et al. (2014) concluded that for

information assets where breaches would potentially be very costly, investing in security is

valuable from a business standpoint. However, they argued that healthcare organizations rarely

consider the intrinsic benefits of information security investment, focusing only on risk

reduction, and thereby potentially missing the benefits of enhanced security (Huang et al., 2014).

This suggests that organizations, especially healthcare organizations, could benefit from further

information security investment. A weakness of this theoretical work is that it does not present

outcome results from the empirical literature, indicating a need for further empirical research on

the impact of investment and various prevention strategies on actual security outcomes. The next

section focuses on information security issues specific to the healthcare industry.

Information Security in the Healthcare Industry

In the healthcare industry, information security breaches are costly. According to one

estimate, lost or stolen healthcare records result in up to $7 billion in losses to the healthcare

industry annually (Agaku et al., 2014). Unlike in other industries, however, information security

is not only a matter of protecting valuable business assets, but also a question of patient safety

and regulatory requirement. Breaches in healthcare information security can lead to identity

theft, causing dire financial and medical consequences for patients whose identities are stolen.

Agaku et al. (2014) pointed out that “victims of medical identity theft may receive inappropriate

medical treatment (including potentially harmful medication), exhaust their health insurance

benefits, or fail pre-employment medical screening examinations because of the presence of

bogus health conditions in their health records” (p. 374). Therefore, it is important from a patient

safety perspective to prevent security breaches in healthcare organizations.

From a regulatory perspective, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

(HIPAA) requires that healthcare organizations take proactive measures to protect patient health

information (Kwon & Johnson, 2014). Additionally, the Health Information Technology for

Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act of 2009, which incentivizes hospitals for

implementing healthcare technologies like electronic medical records, stipulates that healthcare

organizations must attest that they have implemented security provisions (Kwon & Johnson,

2014). Therefore, information security is an especially relevant topic in the healthcare industry.

Breaches in healthcare information security can occur in many ways. Difficult-to-secure

applications and technologies, such as mobile devices and cloud-based storage, are vulnerable to

unauthorized access such as hacking. Additionally, healthcare providers often exchange sensitive

healthcare information to facilitate care provision (Agaku et al., 2014). For example, a clinic may

send protected information to an insurance provider via e-mail in order to expedite insurance

claim processing. In such an example, not only is the information subject to interception by

thieves if not adequately secured, but it is also vulnerable to misuse by employees who are

authorized to access the data.

Despite the existence of legislation requiring that healthcare organizations secure patient

health data, there are still concerns in the industry regarding the safety of electronic health

information. Agaku et al. (2014) conducted a survey study to assess perceptions of healthcare

data security among nearly 4,000 U.S. adults and to determine whether such perceptions affected

their tendency to disclose sensitive information to healthcare providers. The results indicated that

around two-thirds of participants were concerned about the potential for security breaches when

they transferred their health information by fax or electronically (Agaku et al., 2014).

Furthermore, patients who felt that they had little or no control of their medical records were

42% more likely than others to withhold health information due to security concerns (Agaku et

al., 2014). These results underscore the importance of information security to patient health

outcomes; if patients are concerned about data security and withhold information, healthcare

providers may have a limited ability to provide adequate care, because they do not have all the

information they need.

In another important empirical study, Angst, Block, D'Arcy, and Kelley (2017)

investigated the effect of information security investments on data breaches in healthcare

organizations. They hypothesized that, in organizations where information security strategies are

closely linked to actions (as opposed to merely symbolic, e.g., unenforced policies), security

investment would be more effective regarding reducing the number of data breaches over time.

By analyzing data from 5,000 hospitals in the United States, they found that, contrary to their

hypothesis, investment in symbolic security measures (i.e., those without concrete links to

action, whether internal or external to the organization) led to an increase in the likelihood of

security breach. Simply investing in information security was not enough to reduce data

breaches. Rather, the researchers found that decreased likelihood of data breaches was associated

with institutional factors, and they concluded that institutional factors influence how healthcare

organizations invest in information security in ways that are meaningful for security outcomes

(Angst et al., 2017). Although this research is not conclusive, because additional studies and

replications have not yet occurred to validate the result, the finding suggests that there is a need

to understand how institutional factors influence information security. In this study, the

researcher addressed this need by examining the extent to which institutional and personal

factors influence security awareness among end-users in healthcare organizations.

The population of interest in the study is end-users in healthcare organizations (e.g.,

hospitals, private practices), including healthcare practitioners (e.g., doctors, nurses, technicians)

and administrators (e.g., billing professionals, records keepers). By addressing this population,

the present study fills an important gap in existing research. As evidenced in this section, the

majority of recent research on security awareness in healthcare has focused only on management

practices, organizational security policies, and other top-down approaches. For example, Angst

et al. (2017) focused on security policies and data breaches, not the individual human element.

Mishra, Draus, Goreva, and Caputo (2016) conducted a study focusing on social engineering in

healthcare settings, but their survey sample consisted of students in healthcare programs, so their

results are likely not applicable to understanding user behavior in real-world healthcare settings.

Social Engineering and Other Breach Types

There are many types of security breaches to which organizations might fall victim to,

including hacking, denial of service attacks, and behavioral intrusion such as social engineering

(Ahmad et al., 2014; Crossler et al., 2013). The greatest percentage of data breaches can be

attributed to policy violations or negligence among employees or contractors (Soomro et al.,

2016). In the United States, there are hundreds of data breaches annually, resulting in millions of

lost or stolen records, and affected firms incur tens of millions of dollars in costs from the

breaches (Soomro et al., 2016), indicating the urgency of addressing this issue.

Behavioral intrusion, whereby hackers manipulate employees’ behavior in order to obtain

privileged information, is particularly dangerous because it exploits individuals’ security

behavior, which is known to be the weakest link in organizational information security (Rocha

Flores & Ekstedt, 2016). This type of breach occurs when employees click on malicious e-mail

links, inadvertently download malicious software onto their computers, reveal their passwords

over the phone, and fall victim to phishing scams. All such behavioral data breaches fall into the

category of social engineering.

In a survey of cyber-attack types, Raiyn (2014) defined several types. Notably, in remote

to local user attacks, an attacker outside the organization gains access to a remote organizational

computer by exploiting technological vulnerabilities in the system (also called hacking);

similarly, in user to root attacks, an attacker with access to an organizational account (within the

organization), exploits upstream vulnerabilities to gain access to higher level privileged

information. These types of attacks frequently occur in sequence. An attacker, having gained

access to a user account, can then use the user account access to gather and leak data. This

dangerous attack pattern can begin with social engineering (Raiyn, 2014). If an attacker can get

access to a user account via phishing or another social engineering strategy, the attacker can

often proceed from there to wreak havoc for the information security of the organization.

Such attack pathways are called advanced persistent threats (Krombholz et al., 2015).

According to Krombholz et al. (2015), social engineering is the most dangerous form of a

security breach because even the most technologically secure systems are vulnerable. Further,

social engineering can be automated, for example by creating a mass e-mailing system to phish

for passwords throughout even very large organizations. High-profile organizations like Google,

The New York Times, PayPal, and Facebook have fallen victim to social engineering

(Krombholz et al., 2015). Therefore, there is an increased interest in understanding the causes of

social engineering success and preventing employees from falling victim to such attacks.

Krombholz et al. (2015) defined five social engineering approaches: (a) physical

approaches rely on gathering information from a physical, rather than virtual, environment.

Examples include taking notice of passwords written on sticky notes, often after having

legitimately gained access to an employee’s office space, and dumpster diving, (b) social

approaches rely on persuading individuals to give away privileged information, often after

developing a relationship with the victim to enhance trust. Attackers usually engage in this type

of behavior over the phone, (c) in reverse social engineering approaches, attackers secretly

sabotage victims’ computer systems and then advertise their services to help fix the problems. In

the process of fixing the computer system, the attackers will ask for passwords or ask victims to

install malicious software, claiming that these measures are required for the fix, (d) technical

approaches involve searching the internet for data that users have previously made available in

public forums like social media. According to Soomro, Shah, and Ahmed (2016), social media is

fundamentally incompatible with organizations’ information security interests, and (e) socio-

technical approaches combine elements of social and technical approaches. This category

includes e-mail phishing as well as the more sophisticated technique of spear-phishing, whereby

attackers target phishing messages directly to individuals after gathering data on those

individuals via the internet (Krombholz et al., 2015).

Although this list covers a wide range of malicious behavior and potential data breaches,

it is not necessarily exhaustive. Therefore, as a construct for research, social engineering is

perhaps best understood using Rocha Flores’ and Ekstedt’s (2016) broader definition of an attack

in which organizational end users knowingly or unknowingly perform actions that benefit


Existing Research on Social Engineering Awareness

In recent years, research on social engineering awareness has largely emphasized linking

the variable to other variables or testing interventions to improve social engineering awareness.

However, it is reasonable first to review a small number of studies that have directly addressed

the state of social engineering awareness in various settings. A qualitative study conducted in

Sweden found that, although managers at production companies had a good awareness of social

engineering, they had divergent views on the potential impact of social engineering attacks

(Svanlund, Kronberg, & Jeppsson, 2015). One potential explanation for this finding could be that

managers have different educational backgrounds.

The idea that managers have different educational backgrounds finds support in Hauser’s

(2017) study, which addressed social engineering awareness in higher education settings. The

results of Hauser’s study showed that faculty and students in information technology programs

were aware of social engineering, but business students and faculty lacked awareness. This

finding is relevant to the present study because it suggests that organizations whose managers

have not received specific training in information technology may not have the knowledge

necessary to institute information security cultures.

In addition to educational backgrounds, linguistic backgrounds could play a role in social

engineering awareness, as Drevin, Kruger, Bell, and Steyn (2017) found in their study, based in

South Africa. The study took place at a group of hospitals, and the researchers’ goal was to

assess the level of security awareness among healthcare employees. They gave participants a

vocabulary test to determine whether they were familiar with words and concepts related to

security awareness. They found that there were significant differences across business functions,

supporting the Hauser (2017) study and that there were differences across language groups. This

finding suggests that social engineering awareness could be language specific. Although the

present study does not address the role of participants’ native language, the finding is still

relevant because it underscores the extent to which individual factors play a role in information

security outcomes.

Turning to research on the importance of intervention to improving social engineering

awareness, Alkhamis and Renaud (2016) found that, after watching a training video, employees

in Saudi Arabia were able to pass a social engineering awareness quiz. Similarly, Bullée,

Montoya, Pieters, Junger, and Hartel (2015a) conducted a study in which they first administered

an intervention to half of a group of employees working in an office setting. After the

intervention, the researchers staged a security attack, using a prewritten script to try to convince

employees to voluntarily hand their office keys to the people posing as offenders. They found a

striking difference in how employees responded to the threat: 62.5% of employees who did not

receive the intervention fell victim to the social engineering attack, compared with only 37% of

those who received the training (Bullée et al., 2015a). From this study, it is possible to draw two

important conclusions. First, without the appropriate training, employees may show an alarming

lack of social engineering awareness, evidenced by the fact that more than half of respondents

gave their keys to an attacker in the Bullée et al. (2015a) study. Second, intervention appeared to

be highly effective in preventing the attack.

Although research like the Bullée et al. (2015a) study is useful for identifying the

potential benefit of interventions for increasing social engineering awareness, not all scholars are

in favor of such research. For example, Mouton, Malan, Kimppa, and Venter (2015) raised

concerns about the ethics in social engineering research. They identified studies in which

researchers stage social engineering attacks as a potential ethical concern, with the possibility to

cause harm to research participants. Therefore, it is important for researchers to ensure that they

follow proper ethical measures when they research this topic. Chapter 3 contains a discussion of

the ethical considerations of the present study.

In a theoretical article, Bullée, Montoya, Pieters, Junger, and Hartel (2015b) made the

case that research on social engineering attacks can be beneficial to practitioners in preventing

social engineering attacks. The authors suggested that, by using regression analysis data from

social sciences research, practitioners can incorporate the complexities of the human element

into their models for understanding and preventing social engineering attacks. Korpela (2015)

made a similar argument in an article describing methods for subjecting existing research data to

data analytics in order to better prevent cyber security attacks. These arguments suggest that

there may be significant practical benefit from research on social engineering, in part

overcoming ethical concerns.

Another study by Junger et al. (2017) raises further questions about the efficacy of certain

types of interventions. They found that, among a sample of shoppers in the Netherlands, the

majority of participants provided personal information to staged attackers, even after receiving

priming questions and a warning about social engineering attacks. Just under half of the

participants (43.5%) provided their bank account details, with much higher percentages for other

types of information, including e-mail addresses and purchase history (Junger et al., 2017). This

alarming result underscores the need for further research into ways of improving social

engineering awareness in society broadly.

Rocha Flores and Ekstedt (2016) conducted one of the most important recent works in

this field. They studied information security awareness, rather than social engineering awareness

per se, but their large sample of 4,296 employees at multiple organizations in Sweden makes

their study one of the most robust to date. The results showed that participants attitude toward

social engineering and their self-efficacy concerning social engineering were significantly

predictive of information security awareness (Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016). This study is

especially important to the present research because this present study uses variables and a

theoretical framework similar to those that Rocha Flores and Ekstedt used.

Turning the category of studies that examine the relationships between social engineering

awareness and other variables, Rocha Flores, Antonson, and Ekstedt (2015), in a study prior to

the one described above, collected data from information security executives and employees at

24 different organizations, with the goal of determining whether there was a relationship between

social engineering awareness and how the organizations governed information security. They

found that organizations with explicit information security departments or committees had

significantly better awareness among their employees (Rocha Flores et al., 2015). This suggests

that, in addition to intervention and employee training, organizations can build social engineering

awareness into their structure.

The studies reviewed in this section are the primary research works on social engineering

awareness from the past half-decade. Although earlier research exists, the vast majority of

current work is theoretical, providing information on types of social engineering attacks and

prevention strategies. Technology and social engineering strategies change rapidly, so do these

taxonomies (Gardner & Thomas, 2014; Mann, 2017). Therefore, there is a gap in existing

research related to social engineering awareness, particularly about the factors that influence

such awareness. The present study addresses this gap.

Security Factors

Factors that influence information security outcomes in organizations are numerous.

Existing research has attempted to identify factors related to organizational security, but results

are heterogeneous, and no standardized, generally agreed upon set of factors exists (Narain Singh

et al., 2014). However organizational security factors can be classified into external and internal


External factors are “external in nature, i.e., organizations do not have any control over

them, but have to comply or act according to them” (Narain Singh et al., 2014). Examples of

external security factors include the current level of information technology, changing security

risks from outside the organization (e.g., hacking and social engineering strategies), legislation

and regulation, and characteristics of the market and competitors (Narain Singh et al., 2014).

Internal factors are “factors that organizations have to control and manage internally,

such as business issues, IT infrastructure, strategic vision, and aligning IT with [the] company’s

strategy” (Narain Singh et al., 2014, p. 649). Decker (2008) indicated that internal factors include

security policies, end-user awareness training, and management. Harris (2010) identified that

organizational security policies are the pillar for protecting data and security awareness training

is the instrument to instruct end users about security policies. Therefore, the internal factors that

contribute to organizational security interact with and mutually reinforce one another.

Internal factors can be further categorized into organizational and individual factors.

These two types of internal factors constitute the dependent variables in the study. Therefore, this

section focuses on internal factors. Broadly speaking, the existing research on organizational

factors (transformational leadership and information security culture) and individual factors

(self-efficacy, attitude, and normative beliefs) support the research questions for the present

study, because research demonstrates that these factors are relevant to organizational security

outcomes (e.g., Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016). However, literature focusing on social

engineering awareness, and literature focusing on healthcare settings, is limited. The remainder

of this section reviews existing research related to the research topic to demonstrate this gap and

justify the need to ask the research questions of the present study.

There are two types of internal factors: individual factors and organizational factors

(Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016). Individual factors are those that pertain to end users and vary

from person to people, such as information security awareness and self-efficacy. Organizational

factors, by contrast, are factors about management and to the organization as a whole, such as

leadership and organizational culture. To date, few studies have explicitly conceptualized

security factors in this way. Instead, many researchers focus on one or the other of organizational

or individual factors, failing to consider their interactions. This is a problem because

organizations make investments in organizational and individual factors, for example by training

employees and enacting culture change, without a clear understanding of how these factors

interact and to what extent they influence actual security behaviors and outcomes (Rocha Flores

& Ekstedt, 2016).

For example, one way in which organizations can invest in information security is to hire

new employees with security credentials or to invest in training existing employees with

credentials (Merkow & Breithaupt, 2014). Many information security credentials exist that

generally apply and to specific industries. In the healthcare industry, the Healthcare Information

Security and Privacy Practitioner (HCISPP) credential ensure that practitioners have an

understanding of data protection as it applies specifically to healthcare information (Merkow &

Breithaupt, 2014). This is an example of an organizational factor (investment) that influences

individual factors (credentials and knowledge). This study addressed the gap in the literature by

examining organizational and individual security factors.

Individual Factors

Internal factors include employee behaviors and internal policies that regulate or attempt

to regulate employee behaviors. This is important because, in the words of Burns et al. (2017),

“interactions among individuals and their environments at the micro-level form the overall

security posture at the macro-level” (p. 509). Indeed, researchers have long recognized that

employee behaviors, including employees’ adherence (or lack thereof) to security policies, are

one of the most important factors in organizational information security (Lebek et al., 2013;

Siponen et al., 2014).

Siponen et al. (2014) conducted an empirical study on employee adherence. Their

objective was to develop a model explaining employees' security adherence behavior. Using a

sample of 669 employees at four organizations in Finland, the researchers used structural

equation modeling to determine the extent to which each of the following individual factors

influenced the intent to comply with security policies: perceived severity of security threats,

perceived vulnerability to security threats, perceived efficacy of organizational responses to

security threats, security adherence self-efficacy, attitude, normative beliefs, and rewards

(Siponen et al., 2014). Their results indicated perceived severity, self-efficacy, perceived

vulnerability, attitude, and normative beliefs positively influenced intention to comply.

Importantly, the researchers also tested whether the intention to comply with security policies

correlated to actual compliance with security policies. Although compliance was self-reported

and could, therefore, be subject to social desirability bias, this result nevertheless suggests that

understanding and influencing behavioral intentions can enable organizations to improve


Rocha Flores and Ekstedt (2016) conducted another important study of organizational

and individual security factors. They followed a rigorous mixed method process to develop a

research instrument measuring seven factors. At the organizational level, the measured

transformational leadership and organizational security culture. At the individual level, they

measured information security awareness, security attitude, security self-efficacy, security

normative beliefs, and intention to resist social engineering. The researchers defined all

individual factors, except for security awareness, as intrinsic factors, or factors specific to each

and not determined by factors outside the individual (Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016). After

developing and validating their research instrument, Rocha Flores and Ekstedt surveyed 4,296

employees of diverse organizations in Sweden to examine how the organizational and individual

factors interacted to influence employees' intention to resist social engineering.

The Rocha Flores and Ekstedt (2016) study, although not without flaws (described in the

next paragraph), was rigorous, and the results appear to be highly conclusive. The findings

revealed that attitude toward resisting social engineering was positively associated with intention

to resist social engineering. Self-efficacy and normative beliefs were also associated with

intention to resist, but with weaker coefficients. At the organizational level, the researchers found

that employee-perceived transformational leadership was associated with employee-perceived

security culture and employees’ information security awareness. A significant positive link

between transformational leadership and attitude toward resisting social engineering was fully

mediated by information security culture (Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016), suggesting that

transformational leaders tend to enact organizational security cultures, and employees develop

more positive attitudes toward resisting social engineering as a result.

Although Rocha Flores and Ekstedt (2016) revealed important insights for organizational

security culture, one of the major limitations of their study is that it took place entirely in

Sweden. Therefore, the interactions between organizational and individual security factors

cannot be extended to other countries, and it remains unknown how organizational and

individual factors interact in other settings. Therefore, this study drew on their research,

employing their rigorously developed survey instrument, to test the influence of organizational

and individual factors on employee security awareness in the United States. Because this study

used the same variables as those used in the Rocha Flores and Ekstedt study, the remainder of

this section reviews literature related to the individual factors in that study.

Information security awareness. Information security awareness is "An employee's

perception of both his/her general knowledge about information security and his/her cognizance

of the information security policy" (Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016, p. 31). Several researchers

have identified the need for robust security awareness to protect organizational information

assets (Ciampa, 2009; Narain Singh et al., 2014; Siponen et al., 2014). Lack of information

security awareness is one of the roots of user mistakes that lead to costly security breaches (Safa

et al., 2015). Therefore, it is essential that organizations understand how to improve information

security awareness by understanding the factors that predict it.

In a quantitative study among 500 Australian employees, Parsons, McCormac,

Butavicius, Pattinson, and Jerram (2014) found that knowledge of policy and procedures

influenced employees’ attitudes toward information security. Based on the results of their

analysis, the researchers concluded that training intended to improve awareness should focus not

only on policies and facts but also on the importance of information security behaviors, in order

to influence employees’ attitudes (Parsons et al., 2014). This result is important for the present

study because it elucidates the importance of awareness and supports the need to understand the

factors that influence awareness.

Lebek et al. (2013) conducted a review of the literature related to employee security

awareness and its relationship to security behavior. The researchers sought to determine which

were the dominant theories used to study employee security awareness and behavior. Although

the results identified 54 different theories used in 113 published works, Lebek et al. found that

there were four key theories used in the majority of literature: the theory of planned behavior (the

conceptual framework for this present study), the goal disruption theory, the protection

motivation theory, and the technology acceptance model. As the authors pointed out, there is

considerable evidence of alignment among the core constructs of these four models, indicating a

consensus that information security awareness and behavior are goals- and motivation-driven.

There are many ways of improving information security awareness among employees,

although research into the relative effectiveness of these various methods is lacking (Abawajy,

2014). Security awareness training methods include text-based training (e.g., information

delivered to employees in e-mails and handouts), game-based training, and video-based training.

In one study of these three methods, Abawajy (2014) found that it was most effective to combine

delivery methods, rather than using only one.

One problem in the existing literature is the failure to distinguish among user-caused

security breaches that stem from different motivations. According to Crossler et al. (2013),

security awareness training may not be effective in reducing security breaches that result from

employees purposely striving to do harm to the organization or seeking personal benefit. Despite

this limitation of existing research, the studies reviewed here reveal that security awareness is a

key factor in improving security outcomes organization-wide. However, not enough research

exists about the antecedents to security awareness at the individual and organizational levels.

Therefore, in the present study, the researcher examines security awareness as the independent


Attitude. According to Rocha Flores and Ekstedt (2016), attitude is “The degree to

which the performance of the information security behavior is positively valued” (p. 31).

Existing research has shown that attitude is important in predicting security policy compliance.

For example, Safa et al. (2015) identified several factors statistically related to employees’

attitude toward compliance. These included information security knowledge sharing,

collaboration, commitment, and personal norms. Safa et al. (2015) analyzed several factors, such

as collaboration and commitment, that other researchers have not explored in detail or at all,

making it difficult to draw conclusions about the importance of those factors in general.

However, the study also included factors like norms and information security knowledge, which

are similar to the factors studied elsewhere (e.g., Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016; Siponen et al.,

2014). Additionally, Safa et al. (2015) confirmed the findings of Rocha Flores and Ekstedt

(2016) by revealing that employees’ attitude toward information security associated positively

with behavioral intention to comply with security policies.

As mentioned above, Siponen et al. (2014) found that attitude positively related to

intention to comply with security policies in their sample of Finish employees. Rocha Flores and

Ekstedt (2016) found a similar result when considering intention to resist social engineering as

the outcome variable. Again, Parsons et al. (2014) found that attitude toward security policy and

procedures accounted for 72% of the variation in self-reported compliance behaviors among

Australian employees. Similarly, Ifinedo (2014) found a statistically significant positive

relationship between attitudes toward compliance and actual compliance with information

security policies. Together, these studies strongly suggest that attitude is important to

organizational security outcomes. The literature search did not reveal any studies that failed to

find significant links between attitude and other information security–related variables, further

underscoring its importance.

Although the research reviewed here shows that security awareness can influence

security attitude among employees, few researchers have posited the reverse causal relationship.

Readers should note that, of the results reviewed here, none can be used to make direct causal

claims, because all of the statistical analyses used correlation analysis, which does not

necessarily imply causation. Therefore, it is possible that security attitude leads to an increase in

security awareness since positive attitudes could motivate employees to seek and retain more

information about security policies and practices. This logic motivates the hypothesis of the

study, but, to this researcher’s knowledge, no existing studies have theorized the relationship in

this direction.

Self-efficacy. In general terms, the concept of self-efficacy refers to one’s belief in one’s

ability to succeed or accomplish a given task by mobilizing one’s own capacities and resources

(Schwarzer, 2014). The psychologist Albert Bandura developed the notion of self-efficacy as a

part of his social cognitive theory, and researchers have applied the notion in many fields and

disciplines as a way of explaining many types of behavior (Schwarzer, 2014). Domain-specific

self-efficacy can predict domain-specific performance because, when individuals believe they

can accomplish a task, they are more likely to persevere with the task in the face of problems,

less likely to become frustrated, and more likely to exert effort to cope with the difficulties they

encounter (Safa et al., 2015; Schwarzer, 2014).

In the context of social engineering, Rocha Flores and Ekstedt (2016) defined social

engineering as “An employee’s judgment of personal skills, knowledge, or competency about of

resisting social engineering” (p. 31). Safa et al. (2015) offered a definition of information

security self-efficacy, which is slightly broader than the Rocha Flores and Ekstedt (2016)

definition: “a belief in [one’s own] ability to protect information and system from unauthorized

disclosure, loss, modification, destruction, and lack of availability” (p. 70). In the Rocha Flores

and Ekstedt study, self-efficacy positively related to intention to resist social engineering, and

this relationship was statistically significant, but the effect size was small, with a path coefficient

of only 0.09. This indicates that, although self-efficacy had an effect, it was a much weaker

effect than observed for the other variables in their study.

Interestingly, Siponen et al. (2014) revealed an almost identical result to that reported in

the Rocha Flores and Ekstedt (2016) report. They found that, although self-efficacy was

positively related to intention to comply, and although the relationship was significant at the p <

.01 level, the effect size was only 0.087, almost exactly the same as the effect size that Rocha

Flores and Ekstedt observed. These two findings mutually reinforce one another and suggest that

it may not be productive for organizations to emphasize self-efficacy in security awareness

training. Nevertheless, as Crossler et al. (2013) pointed out, many organizations indeed focus on

promoting self-efficacy in their security training interventions.

By contrast, a study by Safa et al. (2015) revealed that information security–related self-

efficacy influenced security behavior more strongly. Their study consisted of a structural

equation model based on survey responses from 212 information technology professionals (of

which about half worked in information security roles specifically) in Malaysia. The researchers

hypothesized that a high degree of self-efficacy would positively influence behaviors because it

would lead to increased coping efforts, persistence, and self-regulation (i.e., ability to manage

stress and other negative effects) in the face of problems. The coefficient of the resulting path

between self-efficacy and behavior was 0.617 (Safa et al., 2015). One potential explanation of

the difference between this result and results in similar studies is that all of the participants in the

Safa et al. (2015) study were information technology professionals. It is possible that self-

efficacy is a greater determinant of technology-related behavior among employees whose work

deals with technology explicitly.

Although Ifinedo (2014) did not examine self-efficacy specifically, the researcher tested

the related constructs of locus of control, self-perceived capabilities, and self-perceived

competence related to information security. The results revealed a significant, positive

relationship between each of these constructs and information security policy compliance.

Together, the results reviewed here suggest that self-efficacy, while important to security

outcomes, may not be as important as other factors. Nevertheless, the conflicting evidence

suggests that more research is warranted to definitively reveal the nature and extent of the

connection between self-efficacy and security behaviors. To this researcher’s knowledge, no

studies yet exist examining the predictive value of self-efficacy on security awareness.

Normative beliefs. According to Rocha Flores and Ekstedt (2016), normative beliefs

refer to "an employee's perceived social pressure about his/her social engineering security

behavior caused by behavioral expectations of such important referents as executives,

colleagues, and managers" (p. 31). Siponen et al. (2014) noted that peers and superiors could

influence normative beliefs, and they also included normative beliefs as a variable in their study.

Normative beliefs are frequently included in behavioral intention studies.

Siponen et al. (2014) found that normative beliefs had a statistically significant, positive

effect on the intention to comply with security policies, with a moderate effect size (β = 0.327).

In the Rocha Flores and Ekstedt study, there was also a positive relationship between normative

beliefs and intention to resist social engineering, but the effect size was quite small (β = 0.08),

indicating that employees’ attitude is more important to their security behavior intentions. One

explanation for this discrepancy in findings might be that the two studies used slightly different

outcome variables. Siponen et al. (2014) studied intention to comply with security policies,

which might be strongly related to normative beliefs because it inherently involves

organizational superiors, who have put the policies in place and who may monitor employees’

compliance. By contrast, Rocha Flores and Ekstedt examined intention to resist social

engineering, which, while potentially indirectly tied to the security policy (e.g., if security

policies explicitly require social engineering resistance), examines a security-related, rather than

a compliance-related, behavior. Therefore, normative beliefs might be more likely to influence

compliance behavior than security behavior.

Ifinedo (2014) also included normative beliefs (called subjective norms in that study) in a

study of information security policy compliance. Using partial least squares analysis, they found

that normative beliefs significantly positively related to both the attitude toward compliance and

the intention to comply. Both effect sizes were small, but the effect on attitude approached

moderate (β = 0.25). Attitude toward compliance, which the researchers modeled in the

mediating between multiple individual variables and intent to comply, strongly influenced intent

to comply (β = 0.63; p < .001), suggesting that, if normative beliefs are important to security

behaviors, it is because they influence employees’ attitudes.

One mechanism by which normative beliefs might influence security behavior is the

perception that security policies are mandatory. The mandatory nature of security policies relates

to policy compliance. In a study of 320 employees’ reactions to a new information security

policy memo, Lowry and Moody (2015) found that the more employees perceived the new

policy as mandatory, the stronger was their intent to comply with the policy (β = 0.420). Narain

Singh et al. (2014) confirmed this finding in their review and factor analysis, which found that

information security regulation is important to information security management across

organizations. This suggests that employees' perceptions of management expectations can

influence their security behavioral intent. Although the literature search for this review did not

yield any studies examining the effect of normative beliefs on security awareness, previous

findings on normative beliefs' effect on attitude suggest that employees may be more motivated

to seek out and retain security-related knowledge if they perceive an organizational norm in

favor of doing so. This may be especially true in cases where an information security policy

mandates were maintaining security awareness, for example through mandated training.

Behavioral intention. Behavioral intention is the degree to which an individual intends

to engage in a certain behavior in the future. In the context of information security and social

engineering, it refers to “an employee’s intention to resist social engineering” (Rocha Flores &

Ekstedt, 2016, p. 32). Behavioral intention is central to several theories of behavior and

motivation, including the theory of planned behavior, which serves as the theoretical framework

for this study.

In information security research, behavioral intention relates to employees’ intent to

engage in security behavior. The term security behavior is a new term in our connected society.

Guo, Yuan, Archer, and Connelly (2011) defined a security behavior as the behaviors engaged in

by employees who voluntarily bypass organizational information systems security policies with

the intention of benefiting the performance of their work. Herath and Rao (2009) suggested that

security behavior could be determined or defined by the attitude, subjective norms, and

behavioral control of users. Aytes and Connolly (2004) defined security behavior as user’s

intentions based on their perception about the usefulness of good security behavior and the

negative consequences of not demonstrating these behaviors and that these behaviors can be

categorized as intentional, malicious, mistakenly, or beneficial.

A majority of studies that focus on end-user factors related to information security use

behavioral intention as an outcome variable. However, the type of behavior tested varies widely

from study to study. Rocha Flores and Ekstedt (2016) studied intent to resist social engineering,

whereas several other research teams have studied intent to comply with security policies

(Ifinedo, 2014; Lowry & Moody, 2015; Safa et al., 2015; Siponen et al., 2014). As mentioned

previously, this subtle difference in behavioral intention variables could influence the outcomes

of information security research. Some factors, like normative beliefs, could have different

effects on intent to comply with policy versus intent to resist social engineering independent of

policy compliance. Which outcome variable is appropriate could depend on the organizational

context and the overall strategy for information security. For example, an organization whose

security strategy strongly emphasizes mandatory policy directives might be interested in

behavioral intent to comply. By contrast, an organization that more strongly emphasizes a

security climate, whereby employees should participate in information security regardless of

policy, might want to influence behavioral intent to resist social engineering.

Although some have argued that behavioral intention, which surveys research can easily

examine, does not necessarily reflect actual behavior, some recent research in information

security suggests that intention and behavior are correlated (Ifinedo, 2014; Rocha Flores, Holm,

Nohlberg, & Ekstedt, 2015; Siponen et al., 2014). Therefore, it is appropriate to include

behavioral intention as a variable for understanding security outcomes as a product of individual

employees’ behavior.

Organizational Factors

In addition to individual factors like the ones described above, there are also

organization-level factors that affect security behaviors and outcomes. In recent years,

organizational factors have received less attention than individual factors, owing to a growing

interest in the “human factor”, that is, the role of individual behaviors in security outcomes.

However, organizational factors are still important in determining the overall security posture of

organizations, which can interact with individual factors to yield security outcomes (Burns et al.,

2017). Organizational security culture is one example of an organizational factor, as is

transformational leadership. These two factors are variables in the study, and they also form key

elements of the theoretical framework (described in Chapter 1). Therefore, this section aligns

with the theoretical framework and the research questions of the study.

Organizational factors include any factors that are directly under the organization’s

control but that exist either organization-wide or at the level of management (rather than at the

level of end-user employees). For example, information security policies themselves are a type

of organizational factor. The existence of competent information security policies is an

organizational factor influencing both security outcomes and employees’ security behavior (Safa

et al., 2015).

In an important early study, Kraemer, Carayon, and Clem (2009) conducted two focus

groups, each consisting of five information security experts, to determine the individual and

organizational factors that influence security outcomes and vulnerabilities. The results uncovered

numerous important factors of both types. Among the organizational factors that Kraemer et al.

(2009) listed were lack of management support for information security management,

decentralized security practices, lack of information security ownership and planning, outdated

policies, undocumented or poorly documented policies, policy overload (i.e., too many policies),

inadequate funding for security, poorly allocated funding, technology hardware/software

mismatch, inappropriate technology environments, and lack of user training. Chang and Ho

(2006) identified the following additional organizational factors as important to effective

information security management: business managers’ information technology competence,

industry type, and organization size. This early research demonstrates that many elements of an

organization’s security management can influence security outcomes, and organizational security

factors are complex.

In their study, Rocha Flores and Ekstedt (2016) examined two organizational security

factors: transformational leadership and informational security culture. Because this study

followed the Rocha Flores and Ekstedt study and utilized their research instrument, the

remainder of this section focuses on those two variables.

Transformational leadership. Transformational leadership theory is the primary

element of the theoretical framework for this present study. Bass (1998) introduced the concept

of transformational leadership to explain how organizational leaders enact organizational change

by motivating employees to achieve high performance. Transformational leadership is not about

providing concrete direction to employees and organizational departments using a cost-benefit

model. Rather, transformational leaders inspire employees to perform by generating buy-in with

higher order values (Choi, 2016). “Transformational leadership appeals to the moral values of

followers in an attempt to raise their consciousness with regard to ethical issues and mobilize

their energy and resources to reform institutions” (Choi, 2016, p. 638). Researchers have

identified transformational leadership as an important factor in organizational outcomes.

Evidence shows that transformational leadership improves the effective use of

information technology at the organizational level (Lebek et al., 2014). In the context of

information security research, Rocha Flores and Ekstedt (2016) defined transformational

leadership as “a leader’s actions to generate awareness and motivate employees to change their

information security behaviors” (p. 31). Owing to the increased focus on individual factors in

security management research, only a few studies have examined the influence of

transformational leadership on information security outcome variables. In the context of

information security, researchers have identified an important role of transformational leadership

in employees’ intention to resist social engineering (Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016) and in the

effectiveness of security countermeasures (Humaidi & Balakrishnan, 2015).

Lebek et al. (2014) conducted a study with the specific goal of determining how

transactional leadership influences employee security behaviors. They collected data from 208

employees across different industries in the United States, and they used structural equation

modeling to analyze the survey responses. Findings revealed that transformational leadership had

a significant direct influence on employees’ participation in information security. They also

found an indirect relationship via organizational climate (Lebek et al., 2014). This indicates that

one way in which transformational leaders lead to improved security outcomes is by influencing

a strong and positive security culture.

Findings from Rocha Flores’ and Ekstedt’s (2016) study strongly confirm the Lebek et al.

(2014) findings related to transformational leadership. Rocha Flores and Ekstedt found a

statistically significant, positive relationship between transformational leadership and security

awareness (β = 0.52). This finding is particularly important for the present study because it

shows that transformational leaders can influence employees’ awareness of security concepts and

policies. Additionally, according to their results, Rocha Flores and Ekstedt concluded that a

positive relationship between transformational leadership and attitude toward resisting social

engineering was, in their sample, mediated by information security culture. Again, this suggests

that leaders have a strong influence on culture, which is the mechanism through which they

influence employees’ behavior. The next subsection contains a review of literature related to

security culture.

To develop a deeper understanding of why transformational leadership can lead to

information security effectiveness, Choi (2016) surveyed 180 information security managers in

South Korea to test four aspects of transformational leadership with respect to their influence on

the perceived relevance of information security policy and the enforcement of information

security policy. The aspects were the idealized influence, intellectual stimulation, individualized

consideration, and inspirational motivation. Choi’s results indicated that three of the four factors

significantly positively influenced the outcome variables; intellectual stimulation did not have a

significant influence either on the relevance or enforcement of information security policy.

Effect sizes were moderate but strongly significant (Choi, 2016). This indicates that

transformational leaders can enhance information security outcomes when they act in symbolic

roles to inspire employees at a one-on-one level.

Soomro et al. (2016) conducted a literature review on the role of management in

organizational information security. They found that, in articles published since 2004,

management’s role in information security was the second most widely distributed concept, after

effective policies, awareness, and training. Lack of top management support for information

security initiatives is an often-cited problem in extant research (Narain Singh et al., 2014;

Soomro et al., 2016). However, the importance of management is often framed in terms of

funding and resource allocation for information security investment, or in terms of ensuring

consistency and uniformity in organization-wide security policies. The psychological impact of

leadership on employees’ behaviors is much more rarely discussed. Therefore, the present study

fills a gap in existing literature by contributing further data related to transformational leadership

and its influence on employees’ security awareness.

Information security culture. Organizational security culture is also an element of the

theoretical framework for this present study. According to Rocha Flores and Ekstedt (2016),

information security culture is “an employee’s individual perception of shared beliefs and values

among colleagues in the work environment” (p. 32). Harris (2010) stated that security culture

could be outlined as a set of beliefs, principles, or norms that are shared by people within an

organization. Information security culture is an aspect of organizational culture, which “guides

the activities of the organization and its employees by placing constraints upon the activities and

behavior of employees and by prescribing what the organization and its employees must, can, or

cannot do” (AlHogail & Mirza, 2014, p. 2). Although scholars have defined information security

culture in a variety of ways, there is a general consensus that when information security culture

is present, engaging in information security-related activities is a natural part of daily life within

the organization (AlHogail & Mirza, 2014).

Culture plays a crucial role in information security (Kraemer et al., 2009), and there

exists a large body of literature describing security culture and related factors (for a review, see

Narain Singh et al., 2014). Research has found that one of the key factors in ineffective

information security management is a lack of alignment between information security needs and

the overall business strategy (Soomro et al., 2016). Robbins and Judge (2008) identified that

security culture could be utilized as a control mechanism to shape the attitudes and behaviors of

users. North, Perryman, Burns, and North (2010) identified security culture as the theory about

perceptions and posture, which the organization supports in a manner that integrates security

behaviors in users. Lacey (2009) posed that security culture carries weight in the development of

security awareness of a user. Implementing information security culture using appropriate and

effective change management principles can lead to organization-wide security gains (AlHogail

& Mirza, 2014). Through information security culture, organizations can ensure that employees

at all levels and in all functions across an organization value security and understand the

organization's approach to information security.

One important study on security culture, by Goo, Yim, and Kim (2014), showed that,

among a sample of 581 end-user employees in South Korea, information security climate had a

strong positive influence on employees’ compliance with information security policies. In

addition, the researchers described the effect of security culture on employees’ normative

commitment. This suggests that security culture can influence normative beliefs about the

importance of security within an organization, which, in turn, influence security behaviors.

Parsons et al. (2015) focused on organizational security culture, seeking to understand its

influence on employees’ security-related decision making. They conducted a survey of 500

employees in Australia, and their results showed that information security culture positively and

significantly influenced employees’ information security decision making. The researchers

concluded that developing information security culture is worthwhile for organizations hoping to

improve security outcomes and minimize risk from social engineering and other threats.

In their study, Rocha Flores and Ekstedt (2016) observed findings supporting those of

Huang et al. (2014). They found that information security culture positively associated with

information security awareness, attitude, and normative beliefs. Additionally, their results

suggested that employees’ attitude to resisting social engineering mediated a positive

relationship between security culture and behavioral intention to resist social engineering. These

results suggest that security culture’s influence on employees’ security behaviors is important but


To explain the influence of information security culture on human behavior, AlHogail

(2015) developed a framework of security culture. The author described four areas in which

information security culture influences behavior: (a) preparedness, which includes training and

awareness; (b) responsibility, which includes employees’ ownership of and participation in

information security practices; (c) management, which is largely related to policy and direction,

but which could also include transformational leadership, as described in the previous

subsection; and (d) society and regulations, which relates to how factors external to the

organization interact with the organization’s culture (AlHogail, 2015). With respect to the

present study, this framework is relevant because it posits a relationship between information

security culture and employee security awareness, which is one of the hypotheses tested in this


Factors of Security Awareness Level

This theoretical perspective understands information security behaviors as caused by

internal, external, and inherent security factors. Researchers have identified various factors that

affect end-users’ levels of security awareness (Decker, 2008; Holbert, 2013; Rocha Flores &

Ekstedt, 2016), but these studies have focused on only general populations. Studies also provided

validation for looking into the factors that influence end-users’ information security awareness

level (Holbert, 2013). Decker developed a framework that integrated various theoretical

constructs to capture the inherent, internal, and external factors that affect the levels of security

awareness (Decker, 2008). A three-factor measurement model based on Decker’s survey

indicates that inherent factors, internal factors, and external factors extend in their effect to end-

user levels of security awareness. In this study, the focus was on organizational, information

security awareness, and individual factors.

Security Awareness Training

Several studies have identified information security training, including security

awareness training, as an important factor in organizational information security (Narain Singh et

al., 2014). According to Lee and Lee (2002), security awareness programs can minimize user

computer abuse. A security awareness program is a key component of an overall security

program. In order for a security awareness program to be successful, it has to focus on the human

component. Lee and Lee (2002) noted that, if a security awareness program is unsuccessful, it is

due to the users’ lack understanding of information security.

Organizations have valuable data that they need to protect from intruders that wish to

access the data. Organizations often invest heavily in data security technologies to protect against

unauthorized access, but often this does not protect the information, owing to user errors (Kim,

2010). Most organizations consider end users to be the weakest link within their security

programs (Okenyi & Owens, 2007). User security violations are most often attributed to poor

security awareness training. Although it is useful to train users to have a robust security

awareness, most organizations fail to invest in such training or fail to conduct training on a

consistent basis.

Some researchers have argued in favor of including security awareness training,

specifically focused on social engineering awareness, in schools. Mohammed and Apeh (2016)

argued that such training is important, not only for students but also for teachers, who can be the

victims of social engineering attacks in the workplace. The researchers implemented a pilot

program to assess their model for improving social engineering awareness in schools and found

that their educational program led to behavior change among the teachers, who had to learn the

material in order to teach it (Mohammed & Apeh, 2016). This study provides another important

data point in favor of security awareness training.

Theory of Planned Behavior

As introduced briefly in Chapter 1, the theory of planned behavior constitutes a major

component of the theoretical framework for this study. The theory of planned behavior describes

how individuals’ attitudes, subjective norms (or normative beliefs), and perceptions of

behavioral control (or self-efficacy) influence their motivation and intention to act in particular

ways. This section traces the development of the theory over time and reviews the current state

of the theory.

Ajzen developed the theory of Planned Behavior in 1991, but its precursor, the theory of

reasoned action, was developed by Fishbein in 1967. The TRA emerged as a response to a

growing body of empirical literature showing that people’s attitudes correlate poorly with their

behaviors (Wicker, 1969; Montaño & Kasprzyk, 2015). For example, an individual’s attitude

toward breast cancer does not predict her tendency to get regular mammograms. The major

advance of the TRA was to reframe behavioral prediction in terms of individuals’ intentions, or

attitudes toward the behaviors themselves. Early research showed that intention was a much

better predictor of behavior than attitudes as they had been previously studied (Ajzen &

Fishbein, 1980; Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975).

The development of TRA involved defining the variables that contribute to the intention

to perform certain behaviors. According to Fishbein (1967), behavioral intention is determined

by individuals' attitudes toward performing a behavior and their subjective norms associated with

that behavior. However, the TRA did not account for the degree to which individuals feel they

have control over performing a certain behavior. Even if an individual has a positive attitude

toward behavior and values the behavior as a subjective norm, the individual may not have the

intention to perform that behavior if he or she feels unable to do so. To overcome this limitation,

Ajzen's (2011) theory of Planned Behavior added perceived control (consisting of control beliefs

and perceived power), extending the TRA. The inclusion of perceived control is important in

contexts like a business where individuals may feel that regulations or organizational controls

constrain their behavior.

Recently, Montaño and Kasprzyk (2015) proposed a further extension of the TPB, which

they termed the Integrated Behavior Model (IBM). The IBM incorporates the variables from the

TPB and adds a few other factors, notably self-efficacy (an individual's belief that he or she is

able to perform a behavior successfully) and knowledge necessary to perform the behavior.

Another recent development is the reasoned action approach (RAA), which is based on the TPB.

The RAA’s major contribution is to subdivide the three TPB variables into two distinct

subcomponents each, some of which (e.g., capacity as a subcomponent of perceived control)

were not sufficiently elaborated in the TPB. This development has been interesting to researchers

because it retains the fundamental structure of the TPB while overcoming some of the TPB’s

alleged oversimplifications (McEachan et al., 2016). However, the IBM, the RAA, and other

novel theories lack the years of empirical support that the TPB enjoys (Armitage & Conner,

2001). Furthermore, the TPB’s parsimony is a major strength that competing theories have not

been able to match (McEachan et al., 2016).

Despite its popularity, the TPB is not without its limitations. Notably, research evidence

on the variable of subjective norms has been equivocal; Armitage and Conner (2001) suggested

that measurements of subjective norms have lacked rigor, and the research understanding of

subjective norms has been too narrow. Similarly, the TRA variables together account for less

variation in individuals' behaviors than perceived control alone (Armitage & Conner, 2001).

Sniehotta, Presseau, and Araújo-Soares (2014) conducted a thorough review of evidence

contradicting the validity and utility of the TPB, to which Ajzen (2015) wrote a rebuttal

defending the complexity and explanatory power of the theory. These questions about the TPB

are not yet resolved.

Nevertheless, recent research in business settings (e.g., Kautonen, van Gelderen, & Fink,

2015) has continued to demonstrate the robust efficacy of the TPB in predicting intention and

subsequent behavior. Furthermore, interventions that follow the TPB framework by focusing in

on changing participants’ intentions also tend to lead to changes in behavior (Webb & Sheeran,

2006). Moreover, several researchers have used the TPB to investigate information security at

the organization level (Ifinedo, 2014; Lebek et al., 2014; Safa et al., 2015), and these studies

have largely confirmed its constructs. In a literature review of 113 studies on information

security awareness and behavior, the TBP/TRA was the most commonly used theoretical

framework (Lebek et al., 2013). Therefore, the TPB is appropriate for the present study and is

adopted as a major component of the theoretical framework.

Research Method

The present study uses a quantitative multiple regression method, which is described in

detail in Chapter 3. This section contains a discussion of the strengths and limitations of this

method in the context of the research topic. Among existing studies investigating factors related

to information security awareness and behavior, quantitative methods are by far the most widely

used (Lebek et al., 2013). One reason for this focus on quantitative methods is because

quantitative research is appropriate for establishing statistical relationships between and among

predefined variables (Creswell & Creswell, 2018). In the quest to discover which factors predict

information security behaviors, quantitative research has enabled scholars to test correlations and

their predictive value. Additionally, quantitative methods have enabled researchers and business

stakeholders to measure information security awareness (Kruger & Kearney, 2006), giving them

a way to tangibly understand both the state of security awareness within organizations and the

impact of various interventions.

Lebek et al. (2013) conducted a literature review on the research approaches used to

understand employee information security awareness and behavior. In a total of 113 published

studies, Lebek et al. identified 54 different theories used to research the topic, of which the

TPB/TRA was the most common, used in 27 studies. The next most commonly used theories

were general deterrence theory (17 studies) and protection motivation theory (10 studies). This

indicates that existing research has found the TPB to be a useful framework for studying security

awareness and behavior and that the greatest compatibility and comparability with existing

studies is to be gained by using the TPB as a theoretical framework.

Lebek et al. (2013) also investigated the methods employed in existing studies on the

research topic. They found that, among existing publications that reported empirical research (as

opposed to theoretical pieces and case study, for example), 90% used quantitative methods. The

results of these studies underscored the relevance of the TPB, particularly the perceived control

construct; in 92% of cases where researchers evaluated the relationship between intention to

comply with information security policies or recommendations, on the one hand, and perceived

behavioral control, on the other, the relationships were significant at the 95% level (Lebek et al.,

2013). However, the authors did not report on the use of particular quantitative designs.

The findings of the Lebek et al. (2013) review support the use of quantitative research in

the present study. However, the authors also pointed out some limitations of this common

research approach, which bear discussion. First, the variables of the TPB lend themselves to

quantitative research because they are most easily measurable using self-report questionnaires.

However, there are well known methodological issues with self-report research including the

potential for common method variance and social desirability bias (Lebek et al., 2013),

potentially leading to unreliable data. Furthermore, some research indicates that self-reported

behavioral intention may not adequately predict employees’ actual behavior (Workman,

Bommer, & Straub, 2008). However, as Lebek et al. acknowledged, it can be difficult to conduct

observational studies of employees’ security behaviors owing to the sensitive nature of the data,

which organizations may be unwilling to reveal. Therefore, on the whole, quantitative self-report

survey research continues to be a good approach to studying awareness and behavioral intention

related to organizational security. Additionally, owing to a large number of studies that have

used this approach, the present study bearded comparison with the existing body of research

better than it would if it used a novel approach.


There exists a large body of research on the factors that influence information security

outcomes in organizations. In recent years, researchers have given more attention to the “human”

factors, or the individual characteristics and behaviors of employees, than to organizational

factors like leadership and culture. Individual factors are important because scholars generally

agree that individual end users are the weakest link in organizational information security.

However, individual factors alone do not explain information security outcomes, because

organization-level factors interact with individuals to influence awareness and attitudes, which,

in turn, influence individuals’ behaviors and behavioral intentions. For this reason, it is important

to study both organizational and individual factors when examining information security

outcomes. The study asks whether organizational factors, on the one hand, and individual

factors, on the other hand, influence end users’ information security awareness in organizational

settings. The literature reviewed in this chapter reveals that, without security awareness,

employees are less likely to engage in security-promoting behaviors, so it is crucial that

organizations understand how to promote awareness in end users. The remaining chapters

presented the following: Chapter 3 discussed the research design and methodology, along with a

discussion of the research instrument, data collection and analysis methods, reliability and

validity of the selected instruments, and ethical considerations. Chapter 4 presented data relating

to the study results. Chapter 5 presented discussions, implications, and recommendations.



This chapter includes a description of this study research and data collection process,

including a discussion of the research and methodology design, population and sampling plan,

data collection plan, and data analysis plan. The basis of the research was to gain completed

surveys using a previously validated survey administered to healthcare IT professionals across

the United States. Survey distribution and data collection involved using SurveyMonkey

Audience for access to a panel of healthcare IT professionals. Participation in the survey was

voluntary, and questions at the beginning of the survey ensured no employees who were not

healthcare end-users completed the survey.

This quantitative multiple regression study was an expansion of earlier work by Rocha

Flores and Ekstedt (2016). Rocha Flores and Ekstedt studied the resistance of social engineering

in various industries in Sweden, but the study did not focus specifically on the healthcare

industry. Social engineering in the form of phishing and ransomware attacks have been

successful in evading technical solutions of cybersecurity programs; this has made it critical that

healthcare employees can detect and resist these attacks. In addition to expanding Rocha Flores

and Ekstedt’s study regarding the industry, this study broadens the geographic reach as well by

including the United States as opposed to Sweden.

The annual cost of cybercrime continues to climb, reaching $400 billion in 2015 and is

expected to reach $2.1 trillion by 2019 (Morgan, 2016). Defending against social engineering

attacks with corporate policies, standards, and a sound social engineering awareness program are

critical areas of focus for senior management of organizations.

Design and Methodology

The design of this study was to evaluate an existing theory, the theory of planned

behavior, as it relates to specific research questions using empirical analysis methods. Out of the

four philosophical worldviews, theory verification through empirical measurement is most

appropriately done by using a positivist/postpositivist research approach (Creswell & Creswell,

2018). With this worldview, applying the quantitative method is most appropriate. Within a

positivist/postpositivist way of thinking, the purpose of the research is to identify relationships

between variables by reducing them into a framework in which it can be tested. In this method,

the theory is simplified into a research question that a researcher can predict based on a given

theory and test through a set of hypotheses.

Quantitative methods require researchers to collect data using surveys or archival or

historical means. With quantitative research, researchers can use existing instruments for their

study (Cooper & Schindler, 2014). The researcher determined that the quantitative method would

be the best fit for this study. Quantitative research seeks to answer a question based on (a)

problem identification, (b) question formulation, and (c) hypothesis formulation (Cooper &

Schindler, 2014). The questions posed seek to determine a relationship between predictor

variables (organizational, security awareness, and individual factors) and one criterion variable

(level of social engineering awareness of healthcare end-users) and to answer the research

question posed earlier in the study. Therefore, a quantitative method is appropriate because it

allows a researcher to define the research question and its related hypotheses clearly. Subjectivity

is minimized with quantitative methods (Creswell & Creswell, 2018).

Regression design assesses the relationships between two or more variables (Creswell &

Creswell, 2018). The advantage of using a regression design is that the researcher can test

relationships between and among variables. Additionally, the researcher can make predictions

based on the results. The disadvantage of using this design is that the researcher cannot draw

causal inferences about the relationships (Cooper & Schindler, 2014). The regression design is

appropriate based on the research questions of this study. The researcher is interested in

determining the extent to which the predictor variables (organizational security factors,

information security awareness security factors, individual security factors) may predict the

criterion variable (level of security awareness). A theoretical model is shown in Figure 1 on how

these factors may predict the level of social engineering awareness. Various findings within

academic literature have identified the variables in this study with security awareness and

security issues in general (Decker, 2008; Holbert, 2013; and Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016). The

benefit of using the regression design is that it is capable of demonstrating whether the predictor

variables predict or influence the criterion variable (Creswell & Creswell, 2018).

Quantitative research begins with a set of hypotheses that are either strengthened or

weakened through evaluation. Researchers collect data by using surveys to refine or change

claims made based on existing theory. As evidence collected in research is never absolute and

perfect, quantitative research does not provide a final position for the presented hypotheses but

rather indicates whether the research results fail to reject them. Instead of providing a precise

measure of relationships between variables, quantitative research involves an attempt to explain

a relationship in the form of a hypothetical question.

In reviewing past research on the subject of human behavior within the context of

information security awareness and social engineering, most research involves using a

quantitative, non-experimental method. This research used Rocha Flores and Ekstedt’s (2016)

research instrument but did not follow their data analysis method, which was structural equation

modeling. The results from the study, therefore, helped expand on Rocha Flores and Ekstedt’s

findings and explain identified relationships in a different context and using a different research

design. In doing so, practitioners were able to assess if any difference indeed exists in the way

healthcare IT professionals respond to awareness programs and thus whether programs should be

customized for different audiences. For researchers, a direct focus on healthcare IT professional

population provided insight into areas for future research when selecting a sample.

Population and Sampling

The population of this study was healthcare end-users from the healthcare industry

located within the continental United States. The sample frame for the study consisted of

members of SurveyMonkey Audience who are professionals in the healthcare industry between

the ages of 21-65. The study did not consider members of SurveyMonkey Audience that were

not in the healthcare industry. The participants were a random sample from the sample frame.

The sample size used was determined by G*Power 3.1, A priori analysis to compute the

required sample size with a focus on multiple linear regression: fixed model, R2 deviation from

zero. The input parameters of effect size f2 = .15, a err prob = .05, power = 0.95, and the number

of predictors = 2 which comes to a minimum sample size of 107 for this study, but with a survey

study, a sample size over the minimum is always the goal. The sample size was 118. The margin

of error for tolerance in this study was a confidence interval of +/- 5% and a confidence interval

of 95%. Previous research studies used a confidence interval of 95%, which provides support

that this is a supported method (Creswell & Creswell, 2018). The standard error (SE) for the

study was 0.02%.

This study considered previous research about the return rate of online survey

respondents, which tends to be equal to or lower than traditional survey formats (Evans &

Mathur, 2005). The geographical location of this study was the continental United States, but the

actual location within the United States varied, as participants resided across the country, based

on the participant’s actual location.

To participate in the study, a participant had to be a healthcare end-user and had to be

between the ages of 21 and 65. A healthcare end-user is a healthcare employee involved in using

a healthcare information technology system which gives the healthcare employee access to PHI.

These end-users are the prime targets for cyberattackers since they have direct access to PHI

through their daily job functions. This study did not include any participants that were not

healthcare end-users. Participants were contacted via a recruitment e-mail asking them to

participate in the study from SurveyMonkey Audience. The period of recruitment and

participation of participants remained open until the minimum number of responses were

collected. The recruitment e-mail contained a brief overview of the purpose of the study and an

invitation link. From there, the participants were guided to a secure survey website to accept the

consent form and complete the survey. The consent form contained information relating to the

intent and purpose of the study, information ensuring the participant that his or her identity and

confidentiality would not be compromised throughout this process, and a statement that the

participant was under no pressure to complete the survey. The information gained from the

participants was coded, so no identifying information from the participant is known, as such, it

would be impossible for the researcher to remove a participant response if a participant contacts

the researcher asking to remove. The participant had opportunities at the beginning of the survey,

throughout the survey and at the end of the survey to decide not to participate in the survey by

closing the web browser containing the survey.


The research of this study took place through online surveys distributed to healthcare

professionals through SurveyMonkey Audience, as such, no specific workplace setting should

influence the outcome of this study. The advantage of the online nature of this survey allowed

the participant to take the survey in an environment that is comfortable to them. Another

advantage of this setting is the low cost of data collection. Finally, the participant was willing to

share information more freely due to there being no interviewer. There are disadvantages to the

use of online-survey, such as limited participant availability, but the use of SurveyMonkey

Audience should mitigate that risk. SurveyMonkey Audience uses survey panels of their own

created over time (SurveyMonkey Audience, 2018). Also, SurveyMonkey Audience seeks

individuals through social media systems to join their panels (SurveyMonkey Audience, 2018).

The surveys are sent out by e-mail with only a description of the survey length included in the e-

mail to avoid topic selection bias.

Data Collection

As the various methods of issuing surveys have their advantages and disadvantages, often

the deciding factor comes down to the cost, collection time, and the response rate of the survey

(Deutskens, de Ruyter, & Wetzels, 2006). Web-based data collection is used frequently because

of its “low costs, flexible format, and fast response” (Granello & Wheaton, 2004, p. 387).

Data was collected through a composite online survey instrument. A Likert-type scale

was used to capture the respondents' level of agreement with each statement, ranging from 0

(strongly disagree) to 10 (strongly agree). Only the respondent ID and the level of agreement for

each survey question was captured and stored. The survey was administered electronically using

the survey tool called SurveyMonkey. SurveyMonkey is an online survey company that

provides, customizable surveys (SurveyMonkey Audience, 2018). For each participant response,

SurveyMonkey can ensure that each response collected are: (a) anonymous and (b) coded. To

ensure responses are anonymous, SurveyMonkey has an option called Anonymous Responses,

turning this option on ensured each participant response is not trackable and identifiable

information is not stored (SurveyMonkey Audience, 2018). This option was used to ensure

anonymity for the participant within the survey, web links and email invitations. To ensure

responses are coded, each response collected with SurveyMonkey contained a respondent ID,

which is unique to the response and not the respondent (SurveyMonkey Audience, 2018). This is

to ensure that in no way a response can be traced back to a respondent. With this, a researcher

can only see the respondent ID within the exported data. The collected data was exported from

SurveyMonkey in excel spreadsheet format, from which the information was uploaded into IBM

SPSS Statistics for analysis.

IBM SPSS Statistics is one of the software packages that was used for descriptive and

statistical analysis of the data that was being gathered. IBM SPSS Statistics is widely used in

social science research and can be used to analyze the distribution of variables of this study

(George & Mallery, 2017). It can also be used for multivariate analysis methods, such as

regression, correlation, or analysis of variance (George & Mallery, 2017).

Only the researcher had access to the SurveyMonkey Audience survey tool. The e-mail to

the participants included an introduction, description of the study, its purpose, a URL link to the

web survey, and notification that it would remain confidential and anonymous. The period of

recruitment and participation of participants remained open until the minimum number of

responses are collected. At the survey website, participants were notified again that they would

remain anonymous and their responses would remain confidential, and by accepting a consent

form and completing the survey that they provided their informed consent.

IRB Process

Before collecting data, the researcher received the required approval for data collection

from the Capella University Institutional Review Board (IRB). The required ethical training

modules on Human Subjects Research through the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative

(CITI) must be completed and the required IRB items submitted, including: (a) IRB application,

(b) consent form, (c) CITI Ethical Certificate, (d) permission to use existing survey instrument,

and (e) the survey instrument.

Informed Consent

Survey Monkey Audience was be used to solicit prospective participants for this study.

An e-mail invitation contained a letter of consent that outlined the purpose of the research and

allowed potential participants the opportunity to decline the invitation. Participants indicated

their willingness to partake in the study by clicking a link that took them to the survey. By

clicking the link, participants agreed to accept all risks associated with the survey.

Participation was voluntary and confidential. Volunteer participants were notified about

the confidential and anonymous nature of the study and were asked to acknowledge that they

have read and understood these conditions and agreed to them before completing the survey. If

the prospective participants are not interested in the survey, they can disregard the e-mail

invitation with no further involvement.


The researcher informed prospective participants of the anonymity and confidentiality of

their responses. The responses were anonymous in that there was not a way to connect

identifying information with survey responses through the methods mentioned in the data

collection section. The respondents were not asked to give any names or code numbers. The

researcher stored all research information, records, and electronic and paper data in a private,

secure storage area that only the researcher had access to. After seven years, the researcher will

destroy the data using third-party Department of Defense approved deletion software.


The data collection instrument was composed of four pre-existing, closed-ended

composite scales consisting of quantitative scaled questions and a demographic section. The

demographic section captured the age and gender of the participant. The instrument included

four scales. These scales are: (a) organizational structure scale, (b) information security

awareness scale, (c) intrinsic beliefs scale, and (d) the intention to resist scale (Rocha Flores &

Ekstedt, 2016).

The first scale is a list of 12 questions that comprised the analysis of organizational

security, which is a one-dimensional construct with composite indicators (items): (a)

transformational leadership (TL) and (b) information security culture (ISC). Each item uses

Likert-type scales of 0 (strongly disagree) to 10 (strongly agree) (Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016).

Items scores were summed for an overall index. No anchors were given for other scale points.

The scores ranged from 0 to 120.

The second scale consisted of six questions that comprised the analysis of information

security awareness, which is a one-dimensional construct with composite indicators (items): (a)

general information security awareness (GISA) and (b) information security policy awareness

(ISPA) (Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016). Each item uses Likert-type scales of 0 (strongly

disagree) to 10 (strongly agree) (Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016). Items scores were summed for

an overall index. No anchors were given for other scale points. The scores ranged from 0 to 60.

The third scale consisted of 17 items that comprised the analysis of intrinsic beliefs,

which measures a one-dimensional construct with composite indicators (items): (a) self-efficacy

(SE), (b) attitude (A), and (c) normative beliefs (NB) (Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016). Each item

uses Likert-type scales of 0 (strongly disagree) to 10 (strongly agree) (Rocha Flores & Ekstedt,

2016). No anchors were given for other scale points. Items scores were summed for an overall

index. The scores ranged from 0 to 170.

The fourth scale consisted of 5 items that comprised the analysis of intention to resist,

which measures a one-dimensional construct with composite indicators (items): level of social

engineering awareness (LSEA) (Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016). Each item uses Likert-type

scales of 0 (strongly disagree) to 10 (strongly agree) (Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016). No anchors

were given for other scale points. Items scores were summed for an overall index. The scores

ranged from 0 to 50.

The scales identified for this study was adopted from Rocha Flores and Ekstedt (2016).

These scales tie in with the theoretical framework, described in Figure 1 and the research

questions of the study as it is the researcher goal to determine if organizational security factors,

information security awareness factors, and individual security factors predict the level of

security awareness. The scales used multiple-item measures, which increase accuracy and

consistency when measuring the variables. Measuring the variables with Likert-type scales

facilitates standardizing and quantifying the relative effects (Wikman, 2006). There is an

ongoing debate as to the ordinal versus interval nature of the Likert-type scales, but several

studies explained that when using multiple Likert-type questions, interval assumptions are

appropriate (Awang, Afthanorhan, & Mamat, 2016; Carifio & Perla, 2008). Also, when the

responses to the scales are summed the result or sum is looked at as a continuous variable. No

modification of the existing scales was done to adjust for this study.

Previous reliability and validity values for these scales are indicative of adequate

numbers. For the organizational structure variable, the reliability and validity measures were CR

= 0.957 and AVE = 0.816 for transformational leadership and CR = 0.911 and AVE = 0.594 for

information security culture (Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016). For the information security

awareness variable, the reliability and validity measures were CR = 0.922 and AVE = 0.855 for

general information security awareness (Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016). For information security

policy awareness, the reliability and validity measures were CR = 0.918 and AVE = 0.736 and

the standardized coefficients were between 0.64 and 0.64 (Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016). For

the intrinsic beliefs variable, the reliability and validity measures were CR = 0.942 and AVE =

0.903 for self-efficacy (SE) (Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016). For attitude (A), the reliability and

validity measures were CR = 0.947 and AVE = 0.817 (Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016). For

normative beliefs, the reliability and validity measures were CR = 0.965 and AVE = 0.873

(Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016).


The research questions of this study are: (a) To what extent, if at all, do organizational

security factors (i.e., transformational leadership and information security culture) predict the

level of social engineering awareness among healthcare end-users? (b) To what extent, if at all,

do information security awareness factors (i.e., general information security awareness and

information security policy awareness) predict the level of social engineering awareness among

healthcare end-users? and (c) To what extent, if at all, do individual security factors (i.e., end-

users’ self-efficacy, attitude, and normative beliefs) predict the level of social engineering

awareness of healthcare end-users?

The model shown below in Figure 1 was constructed because the research questions

asked about the ability of organizational security factors, information security awareness factors,

and individual security factors to predict the level of social engineering awareness. The model

represents that the level of social engineering awareness as an effect of organization security

factors, information security awareness factors and individual security factors.

Figure 1. Research model showing the level of social engineering awareness as an effect of
organizational security factors, information security awareness factors, and individual security

The first null and alternative hypotheses are as follows:

H1o: The organizational security factors (i.e., transformational leadership and information

security culture) do not significantly predict the level of social engineering awareness of

healthcare end-users.

H1a: The organizational security factors (i.e., transformational leadership and information

security culture) significantly predict the level of social engineering awareness of healthcare end-


The second null and alternative hypotheses are as follows:

H2o: The information security awareness factors (i.e., general information security

awareness and information security policy awareness) do not significantly predict the level of

social engineering awareness of healthcare end-users.

H2a: The information security awareness factors (i.e., general information security

awareness and information security policy awareness) significantly predict the level of social

engineering awareness of healthcare end-users.

The third null and alternative hypotheses are as follows:

H3o: The individual security factors of (i.e., end-users’ self-efficacy, attitude, and

normative beliefs) do not significantly predict the level of social engineering awareness of

healthcare end-users.

H3a: The individual security factors of (i.e., end-users’ self-efficacy, attitude, and

normative beliefs) significantly predict the level of social engineering awareness of healthcare


Data Analysis

Data analysis techniques of descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis was

used in this study. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the distribution of variables of the

study using IBM SPSS Statistics. Multiple regression was used to learn about the relationship

between the predictor variables and the criterion variable using IBM SPSS Statistics. Multiple

regression allowed the researcher to ask which predictor variables are the best indicator of the

criterion variable.

The multiple regression analysis approach in this study required assumptions of

homoscedasticity, normality, and linearity. The IBM SPSS computer program, used for the

multiple regression analyses discussed below, provided the statistical analysis of these

assumptions. If these assumptions are not met, transformations of the raw data were used, where

possible, to ensure adherence to the assumptions.

The assumptions are as follows:

• The criterion variable is measured at the continuous level.

• The predictor variables are measured at the continuous level.

• The observations are independent. The respondents completed the survey independently.

• There is a linear relationship between the criterion variable and each of the predictor

variables. This assumption was verified by constructing the scatterplots of the criterion

variables versus the predictor variable.

• Data shows homoscedasticity (the variances along the line of best fit remain similar as

you move along the line).

• Data does not show multicollinearity. This assumption was verified by examining the

tolerance and Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) values. A tolerance value of .10 or less

indicated multicollinearity and a VIF value of 10 or higher indicated multicollinearity.

• Data does not have any outliers. The Outlier Labeling Rule was used to determine if there

were any outliers in the criterion and predictor variable distributions.

• The residuals (errors) are approximately normally distributed. This was checked by

constructing a histogram with a superimposed normal curve.

Descriptive Statistics

The researcher used descriptive statistics to describe the basic attributes of the

distribution of the data in the form of means, standard deviations, and score ranges. The means
and standard deviations summarized the distribution, and the score range showed how much

responses vary. Also, the researcher computed internal consistency reliability coefficients

(Cronbach’s alpha) for all composite scores used in this study.

Multiple Regression Analysis

To analyze the hypothesized relationships, this research used multiple regression

analysis. Multiple regression analysis is used to see if there is a statistically significant

relationship between sets of variables. This type of analysis helps one to understand how the

typical value of the criterion variable changes when any one of the predictor variables is varied,

while the other predictor variables are held fixed. Multiple regression analysis is widely used for

prediction and forecasting and is also used to understand which among the predictor variables are

related to the criterion variable, and to explore the forms of these relationships. Relationships

depicted in regression analysis are, however, associative only, and any cause-effect (causal)

inference is purely subjective.

Statistical tests were conducted to obtain the F statistic, the R2, the adjusted R2, the t

statistic, and the standardized coefficients (Beta coefficients). The F statistic for the model was

used to determine if the combination of the three predictors significantly predicts the criterion

variable. The R2 was used to determine the proportion of variability in the criterion variable that

is explained by the combination of the three predictors. Adjusted R2 would be an estimate for the

population R2 if the model were used on the study population. Adjusted R square gives a

realistic indication of the predictive power of the study model whereas R2 is overoptimistic. The

t statistic for each coefficient was examined to determine which predictors contribute

significantly to the prediction of the criterion. The standardized coefficients (Beta coefficients)

was examined to determine the relative strength of each predictor in the prediction of the

criterion variable. Below are the research questions, hypotheses, criterion and predictor

variables, which shows how the criterion and predictor variables relate to the hypotheses and

how the hypotheses relate to the research questions.

RQ1: To what extent, if at all, do organizational security factors (i.e., transformational

leadership and information security culture) predict the level of social engineering awareness

among healthcare end-users?


H1o: The organizational security factors (i.e., transformational leadership and information

security culture) do not significantly predict the level of social engineering awareness of

healthcare end-users.

H1a: The organizational security factors (i.e., transformational leadership and information

security culture) significantly predict the level of social engineering awareness of healthcare end-



Criterion – the level of social engineering – measured by the intent to resist scale which

consists of 5 items. The scale responses range from 0 - strongly disagree to 10 - strongly agree.

The score is calculated by summing the responses. The score is calculated by summing the

responses. The scores ranged from 0 to 50.

Predictor – organization security factors – measured by the organizational structure scale

which consists of 12 questions. The scale responses range from 0 - strongly disagree to 10 -

strongly agree. The score is calculated by summing the responses. The scores ranged from 0 to


RQ2: To what extent, if at all, do information security awareness factors (i.e., general

information security awareness and information security policy awareness) predict the level of

social engineering awareness among healthcare end-users?


H20: The information security awareness factors (i.e., general information security

awareness and information security policy awareness) do not significantly predict the level of

social engineering awareness of healthcare end-users.

H2a: The information security awareness factors (i.e., general information security

awareness and information security policy awareness) significantly predict the level of social

engineering awareness of healthcare end-users.


Criterion – the level of social engineering – measured by the intent to resist scale which

consists of 5 items. The scale responses range from 0 - strongly disagree to 10 - strongly agree.

The score is calculated by summing the responses. The score is calculated by summing the

responses. The scores from ranged from 0 to 50.

Predictor - information security awareness – measured by general information security

awareness and information security policy awareness scale which consist of 6 items. The scale

responses range from 0 - strongly disagree to 10 - strongly agree. The score is calculated by

summing the responses. The score is calculated by summing the responses. The scores from

ranged from 0 to 60.

RQ3: To what extent, if at all, do individual security factors (i.e., end-users’ self-

efficacy, attitude, and normative beliefs) predict the level of social engineering awareness of

healthcare end-users?


H30: The individual security factors (i.e., end-users’ self-efficacy, attitude, and normative

beliefs) do not significantly predict the level of social engineering awareness of healthcare end-


H3a: The individual security factors of (i.e., end-users’ self-efficacy, attitude, and

normative beliefs) significantly predict the level of social engineering awareness of healthcare



Criterion - the level of social engineering awareness – measured by the intent to resist

scale which consists of 5 items. The scale responses range from 0 - strongly disagree to 10 -

strongly agree. The score is calculated by summing the responses. The scores ranged from 0 to


Predictor – individual security factors – measured by the intrinsic beliefs scale which

consists of 17 items. The scale responses range from 0 - strongly disagree to 10 - strongly agree.

The score is calculated by summing the responses. The scores ranged from 0 to 170.

Validity and Reliability

The survey used for this study was adapted from a pre-existing survey developed by

Rocha Flores and Ekstedt (2016). The instruments were drawn from past literature and based on

their nature are not limited to any industry (Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016). The instrument was

pretested on a sample of 200 employees; the results of the pretest resulted in minor corrections to

the wording of the items (Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016). To ensure that the minor wording

corrections completed correctly, the instrument was proofread by a professional translation

company (Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016). All instruments showed adequate reliability and

validity, measured concerning composite reliability (CR) and average variance extracted (AVE).

However, these values, along with Cronbach’s alpha internal consistency and the reliability

coefficients were computed again in the study to ensure that validity and reliability are

consistent. The reliability and validity measures are mentioned below.

The CR is similar to Cronbach’s alpha except that the factor loadings are considered,

rather than assuming that each item is equally weighted in forming the latent variable, an

acceptable rating for this is 0.7 (Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016). The AVE is a validity measure

of the amount of observed variance in the items that are attributable to the hypothesized factors;

an acceptable rating is 0.5 (Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016).

For the organizational structure variable, the reliability and validity measures were CR =

0.957 and AVE = 0.816 for transformational leadership and CR = 0.911 and AVE = 0.594 for

information security culture (Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016). For the information security

awareness variable, the reliability and validity measures were CR = 0.922 and AVE = 0.855 for

general information security awareness (Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016). For information security

policy awareness, the reliability and validity measures were CR = 0.918 and AVE = 0.736 and

the standardized coefficients were between 0.64 and 0.64 (Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016). For

the intrinsic beliefs variable, the reliability and validity measures were CR = 0.942 and AVE =

0.903 for self-efficacy (SE) (Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016). For attitude (A), the reliability and

validity measures were CR = 0.947 and AVE = 0.817 (Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016). For

normative beliefs, the reliability and validity measures were CR = 0.965 and AVE = 0.873

(Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016). These values are indicative of adequate reliability and validity.

Ethical Considerations

Before collecting data for the study, the researcher received training and the required

approval from the Capella University Institutional Review Board (IRB). The researcher

completed the required ethical training modules and submit the required IRB forms for approval.

No data collection occurred before IRB approval.

Before collecting data, the researcher required participants to provide written, informed

consent. Potential participants received an e-mail invitation containing a letter of consent that

outlined the purpose of the research and the risks and benefits of participation. There are no

direct benefits of participation, and the researcher did not provide any reward or incentive, but

the participants may benefit indirectly through improved security awareness training that may

partly result from the findings of this study. Risks of participation are negligible but may include

some degree of emotional distress if participants have strong emotional reactions to issues

related to security awareness and cybercrime. Participants indicated their consent by clicking a

link that took them to the survey.

The method of solicitation stressed that participation in this study was voluntary and

confidential. Responses were anonymous in that there was not a way to connect a participant to a

specific survey response. The researcher informed participants of their anonymity and

confidentiality in the e-mailed consent letter. Participants did not receive feedback on their

participation in the study, but they did have access to the researcher's contact information and the

contact information of a representative of the researcher's university, and they can contact either

of those people if they are interested in receiving a copy of the published dissertation.

Regarding data collection and analysis, the data was anonymized by the SurveyMonkey

data collection tool, so the researcher did not have access to any personally identifying

information for any of the respondents. The researcher downloaded the anonymous responses

from SurveyMonkey and stored the data on a password-protected hard drive during the data

analysis process. In the final research report, the researcher presented results only in aggregate,

not providing the details of any individual response, to further protect participants' anonymity.

After the study concluded, the researcher will keep the raw data on a password-protected hard

drive for seven years, after which the data will be securely erased from the drive.

The researcher does not intend to edit or fabricate data, and the researcher intends to

report all findings, not just those representing positive or significant results. The researcher did

not change the hypotheses of the study to fit the research findings, nor did the researcher avoid

reporting negative findings. This study, including all data, is the result of the researcher’s

original work.


This chapter summarized the purpose of the study; it then described the research design

and methodology, the target population and sample size, and data collection technique. This

chapter also described the quantitative instrumentation and the data analysis procedures, which

included explaining the justification of using a pre-existing survey. Finally, this chapter

described participant selection criteria, along with a discussion for ensuring data access and

mitigating confidentiality concerns for the study participants. The remaining chapters presented

the following: Chapter 4 presented data relating to the study results. Chapter 5 presented

discussions, implications, and recommendations.



Chapter 4 includes a presentation of the results of this study, covering demographic

information and multiple linear regression model results. Descriptive statistics were calculated

for each of the demographic questions. The hypotheses were tested using multiple regression

analysis. Multiple regression was used to measure the extent to which individual security factors,

information security awareness factors, and organizational security factors predicted the level of

social engineering awareness among healthcare end-users. The chapter starts by answering the

research questions and hypotheses. The next section discusses the sample, demographics, and

descriptive statistics. Following is a section containing details about the results, including the

multiple regression analysis. The chapter concludes by restating the findings and answers the

research questions.

The goal of this study was to determine the extent to which individual security factors,

information security awareness factors, and organizational security factors predicted level of

social engineering awareness among healthcare end-users. The researcher followed a quantitative

regression approach to test the hypotheses and address the research questions. Assumption

testing was also conducted and showed that the predictor variables did not contain

multicollinearity and the criterion variable closely followed a normal distribution. The results of

the hypothesis testing showed that there was a statistically significant relationship between

individual security factors and level of social engineering awareness among healthcare end-users,

there was a statistically significant relationship between information security awareness factors

and level of social engineering awareness among healthcare end-users, and there was no

statistically significant relationship between organizational security factors and level of social
engineering awareness among healthcare end-users.

Data Collection Results

In total, 118 responses were received via SurveyMonkey Audience. The number of

responses was higher than the minimum of 107 required, as indicated by the power analysis. The

participants’ responses were loaded into SPSS to perform the statistical analysis and test the

hypotheses. The respondent data were analyzed by first searching for and addressing any missing

values and outliers. Upon visual inspection of the data, a total of five outliers were eliminated

from the analysis; all five outliers had exceptionally low scores on one or more of the scales. For

the organizational structure scale, three responses scored below 20. For the information security

awareness scale, three responses scored below 20. For the intrinsic beliefs scale, two responses

scored below 50. For the intent to resist scale, three responses scored below 25. After outlier

removal, a final sample of 113 usable responses was retained for analysis.

Instrument Reliability

Cronbach’s alpha is a measure of a scale’s internal consistency and is indicated as a

number between zero and one (Tavakol & Dennick, 2011). Internal consistency measures how

similar the items are within the scale. The survey instrument was based on Rocha Flores and

Ekstedt’s (2016) instrument because it contained scales necessary to collect the data for this

study. The Rocha Flores and Ekstedt instrument contain measurement scales for organizational

security, information security awareness, individual security factors, and level of social

engineering awareness. In this study, the Cronbach alpha scores each scale were as follows:

organizational security (12 items), α = .965; information security awareness (six items), α = .941;

individual security (17 items), α = .973; level of social engineering awareness (five items), α =

.945. These alpha scores indicated a high degree of inter-item reliability. A reliability coefficient

of .90 or higher is considered excellent (Yang & Green, 2011). All the scales have reliability

within the excellent range. Table 1 summarizes the instrument reliability results.

Table 1

Reliability for the Predictor and Criterion Variables, N = 113

Variable Reliability


Organizational Security .965

Information Security Awareness .941

Individual Security .973


Level of Social Engineering Awareness .945

Assumption Testing

Before calculating the multiple regression model to address the research questions and

hypotheses, it was essential to establish whether the data met the statistical assumptions for

multiple regression analysis. Multiple regression analysis assumes that the predictor and criterion

variables are continuous, that observations are independent, that there is a linear relationship

between the criterion variable and the predictor variables, that data show homoscedasticity

(similar variances along the line of best fit), that there are no outliers, that there is no

multicollinearity, and that data are normally distributed.

The criterion variable of the level of social engineering awareness is measured on a

continuous scale as the sum of the response scores for each of the six items. When the responses

are summed, the resulting variable is continuous. The predictor variables are also continuous;

each is measured as the continuous sum of the responses for all items within each scale.

Therefore, the assumption of continuous variables is supported.

Multiple regression analysis assumes that observations are independent, with no mutual

influence or dependency. The respondents completed the survey independently and answered the

questions independently. They had no interaction with one another during the process of

completing the survey, and they did not know of one another's identities. Therefore, their

responses could not have had any mutual influence, and the assumption of independent

observations is supported.

The third assumption is that there is a linear relationship between the criterion variable

and each of the predictor variables. This assumption was verified by calculating the correlations

between the criterion variable and the predictor variables. The correlations ranged from .831 to

.620. All the correlations were significant at the .01 level, indicating that there is a linear

relationship between the criterion variable and the predictor variables. Table 2 summarizes the

results of linear relationship testing.

Table 2

Correlations of Criterion Variable (Level of Social Engineering Awareness) with Predictor

Variables, N = 113

Variable r

Organizational Security .620**

Information Security Awareness .819**

Individual Security .831**

**p < .01

The fourth assumption for multiple regression analysis is that data show

homoscedasticity (i.e., the variances along the line of best fit remain similar as you move along

the line). To test for homoscedasticity, the standardized residuals were plotted against the

standardized predicted values. A scatterplot centered around the best fit line with variance

approximately random indicates homoscedasticity. Examination of the scatterplot indicated that

there is homoscedasticity, supporting the assumption. Figure 2 shows the homoscedasticity


Figure 2. Scatterplot to check for homoscedasticity (standardized residual by standardized

predicted values for the level of social engineering awareness).

The fifth assumption is that there are no outliers in the data. The outlier labeling rule

(Hoaglin & Iglewicz, 1987) was used to determine whether there were any outliers in the

predictor and criterion variable distributions. The formulas for determining the lower and upper

limits for outliers to the distributions are:

Lower limit = Q1- [(Q3 – Q1)*2.2] (1)

Upper limit = Q3 + [(Q3 – Q1)*2.2] (2)

Values that fell outside of the lower and upper limits were considered outliers. The

minimum value should be higher than the lower limit, and the maximum value should be less

than the upper limit. All the minimum and maximum values for the sample met this criterion.

Therefore, there are no outliers in the sample used for analysis (n = 113). Table 3 summarizes the

results of the outlier analysis.

Table 3

Outlier Labeling Rule Analysis, N = 113

Variable Q1 Q3 Min LL Max UL


Organizational Security 80.5 111.0 25.0 13.4 120.0 178.1

Information Security Awareness 45.5 58.5 30.0 16.9 60.0 87.1

Individual Security 89.0 116.5 51.0 28.5 120.0 177.0


Level of Social Engineering 40.0 50.0 25.00 18.0 50.0 72.0

Note. Q1 = 1st quartile - 25th percentile, Q3 – 3rd quartile – 75th percentile, Min = minimum,
LL = lower limit, Max = maximum, UL = upper limit

Multiple regression analysis also assumes that there is no multicollinearity in the data.

This assumption was verified by examining the tolerance and variance inflation factor (VIF)
values. The tolerance value for a predictor variable is calculated as (1-R2). This represents the

proportion of a variance in a predictor variable that is not related to other predictor variables in a

model (O’Brien, 2007). If the tolerance value is .10 or less, multicollinearity is indicated. The

Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) is the reciprocal of the tolerance value. VIF measures how much

the variance of an estimated regression coefficient is increased because of collinearity (O’Brien,

2007). VIF value is calculated as 1/(1-R2). If the VIF value is greater than 10, multicollinearity is

indicated. The tolerance values for all three predictor variables were greater than .10, and the

VIF values for all three predictor variables were less than 10, indicating no multicollinearity.

Table 4 summarizes the results of the multicollinearity test.

Table 4

VIF and Tolerance for the Predictor Variables, N = 113

Predictor variables Tolerance VIF

Organizational Security 0.434 2.304

Information Security Awareness 0.184 5.435

Individual Security 0.189 5.291

Finally, multiple regression analysis assumes that the residuals (errors) are approximately

normally distributed. This was checked by constructing a histogram with a superimposed normal

curve. Figure 3 shows that the distribution of the residuals is approximately normal. Therefore,

the assumption is supported.

Figure 3. Histogram with normal curve overlay for the regression residuals.

Descriptive Analysis

The descriptive analysis consists of two sections. In the first section, the demographic

statistics are presented, including those related to gender, age, and education. The second section

contains the descriptive statistics according to each of the study variables.

Demographic Statistics

The target population for this study consisted of healthcare end-users aged 21–65.

Demographic questions on the survey asked about gender, age, and level of education. Table 5

summarizes the demographic statistics for the sample.

Table 5

Sample Demographics, N = 113

Variable n %
Female 97 85.8%
Male 16 14.2%
21 – 29 yrs 13 11.5%
30 – 39 yrs 30 26.5%
40 – 49 yrs 27 23.9%
50 – 59 yrs 33 29.3%
60 – 65 yrs 10 8.8%
High School 35 31.0%
Associate 33 29.2%
Bachelor 24 21.2%
Master 14 12.4%
Doctorate 7 6.2%

For gender, there were 97 female and 16 male participants, which represented 85.8% and

14.2% of the sample, respectively. An analysis of the age groups shows that 11.5% identified

themselves in the 21–29 age group, 26.5% of participants were in the 30–39 age group, 23.9% of

participants were in the 40–49 age group, 29.3% were in the 50–59 age group and 8.8% were in

the 60–65 age group. An analysis of highest level of education shows that 31% of participants

identified themselves as having a high school diploma, 29.2% identified themselves as having an

associate’s degree, 21.2% identified themselves as having a bachelor’s degree, 12.4% identified

themselves as having a master’s degree, and 6.2% identified themselves as having a doctorate.

Variable Descriptive Statistics

There were three predictor variables (organizational security, information security

awareness, and individual security) and one criterion variable (level of social engineering

awareness). The descriptive statistics for each variable are summarized in Table 6.

Table 6

Variable Descriptive Statistics, N = 113

Scale M SD Med Min Max


Organizational Security 93.0 19.8 94.0 25.0 120.0

Information Security Awareness 50.1 8.7 51.0 30.0 60.0

Individual Security 100.2 18.4 105.0 51.0 120.0


Level of Social Engineering 44.3 7.4 49.0 25.0 50.0


Organizational security contained 12 questions with a response scale of 0 (strongly

disagree) to 10 (strongly agree). The score was calculated by summing the responses. Possible

scores could range from 0 to 120. For this sample, the scores ranged from 25.0 to 120.0, with a

mean of 93.0 and a standard deviation of 19.8.

The information security awareness scale contained six questions with a response scale of

0 (strongly disagree) to 10 (strongly agree). The score was calculated by summing the responses.

Possible scores could range from 0 to 60. For this sample, the scores ranged from 30.0 to 60.0,

with a mean of 50.1 and a standard deviation of 8.7.

Individual security contained 17 questions with a response scale of 0 (strongly disagree)

to 10 (strongly agree). The score was calculated by summing the responses. Possible scores

could range from 0 to 170. For this sample, the scores ranged from 51.0 to 120.0, with a mean of

100.2 and a standard deviation of 18.4.

Level of social engineering awareness contained five questions with a response scale of

0 (strongly disagree) to 10 (strongly agree). The score was calculated by summing the responses.

Possible scores could range from 0 to 50. For this sample, the scores ranged from 25.0 to 50.0,

with a mean of 44.3 and a standard deviation of 7.4.

Multiple Regression Results

Multiple linear regression was utilized to test the research hypotheses and address the

research questions to determine which predictor variables (organizational security, information

security awareness, and individual security) contributed to the prediction of the criterion variable

(level of social engineering awareness). The F statistic for the model was used to determine if the

combination of the three predictors significantly predicted the criterion variable. R2 was used to

determine the proportion of variability in the criterion variable that was explained by the

combination of the three predictors. The t statistic for each coefficient was examined to

determine which predictors contributed significantly to the prediction of the criterion. The

standardized coefficients (β) were examined to determine the relative strength of each predictor

in the prediction of the criterion variable.

The results of the regression analysis are summarized in Table 7.

Table 7

Regression Results for Level of Social Engineering Awareness on Predictor Variables, N = 113

Variable B SE B β t p

Organizational Security -0.015 0.029 -0.040 .526 0.600

Information Security Awareness 0.333** 0.100 0.394 3.345 0.001

Individual Security 0.204** 0.047 0.508 4.358 0.000

Note. R2 = .72, adjusted R2 = .71, F (3, 109) = 93.65, p < .001

*p < .05; **p < .01

The model was significant, F (3, 109) = 93.65, p < .001. The combination of the three

predictors (organizational security, information security awareness, individual security)

significantly predicts the criterion variable (level of social engineering awareness). The

combination of the three predictors accounts for 72% of the variability in the level of social

engineering awareness, which is shown with R2= .72 and adjusted R2 = .71.

Organizational security was not significant (t = .526, p = .600) indicating that

organizational security does not contribute significantly to the prediction of the level of social

engineering awareness in the presence of the other two predictors. Information security

awareness was significant, (t = 3.345, p = .001), indicating that information security awareness

contributes significantly to the prediction of the level of social engineering awareness in the

presence of the other two predictors. Individual security was significant, (t = 4.358, p = .000)

indicating that individual security contributes significantly to the prediction of the level of social

engineering awareness in the presence of the other two predictors. The beta coefficients indicated

that individual security was the strongest predictor (β = .508), followed by information security

awareness (β = .394). These values indicate that both variables were strong predictors overall.

Analysis of Hypotheses

This study hypothesized that individual security factors, information security awareness

factors, and organizational security factors predict the level of social engineering awareness

among healthcare end-users. A hypothesis testing approach was used to answer the research

questions. The specific research questions and hypotheses are listed below. Also, listed below are

the results of the hypotheses.

RQ1: To what extent, if at all, do organizational security factors (i.e., transformational

leadership and information security culture) predict the level of social engineering awareness

among healthcare end-users?

H1o: The organizational security factors (i.e., transformational leadership and information

security culture) do not significantly predict the level of social engineering awareness of

healthcare end-users.

H1a: The organizational security factors (i.e., transformational leadership and information

security culture) significantly predict the level of social engineering awareness of healthcare end-


For Research Question 1, the null hypothesis was accepted, and the alternative hypothesis

was rejected. The organizational security factors (i.e., transformational leadership and

information security culture) do not significantly predict the level of social engineering

awareness of healthcare end-users.

RQ2: To what extent, if at all, do information security awareness factors (i.e., general

information security awareness and information security policy awareness) predict the level of

social engineering awareness among healthcare end-users?

H2o: The information security awareness factors (i.e., general information security

awareness and information security policy awareness) do not significantly predict the level of

social engineering awareness of healthcare end-users.

H2a: The information security awareness factors (i.e., general information security

awareness and information security policy awareness) significantly predict the level of social

engineering awareness of healthcare end-users.

For Research Question 2, the null hypothesis was rejected, and the alternative hypothesis

was accepted. The information security awareness factors (i.e., general information security

awareness and information security policy awareness) significantly predict the level of social

engineering awareness of healthcare end-users.

RQ3: To what extent, if at all, do individual security factors (i.e., end-users’ self-efficacy,

attitude, and normative beliefs) predict the level of social engineering awareness of healthcare


H3o: The individual security factors (i.e., end-users’ self-efficacy, attitude, and normative

beliefs) do not significantly predict the level of social engineering awareness of healthcare end-


H3a: The individual security factors (i.e., end-users’ self-efficacy, attitude, and normative

beliefs) significantly predict the level of social engineering awareness of healthcare end-users.

For Research Question 3, the null hypothesis was rejected, and the alternative hypothesis

was accepted. The individual security factors (i.e., end-users’ self-efficacy, attitude, and

normative beliefs) significantly predict the level of social engineering awareness of healthcare



The results of data analysis were presented in Chapter 4. The goal of this study was to

determine the extent to which organization security, information security awareness, and

individual security predicted the level of social engineering awareness among healthcare end-

users. The study followed a quantitative survey-based research method. Quantitative data were

collected and analyzed using IBM SPSS. Multiple linear regression was used to test the research

hypotheses. The chapter began with a discussion of the demographic results and descriptive

statistics. One hundred thirteen participants provided the data for the analysis. The instrument

reliability and multiple regression assumptions were delineated. The instrument scales provided a

high degree of reliability, with each scale providing over .90 for Cronbach alpha. Results

indicated that information security awareness and individual factors, but not organizational

factors, significantly predicted the level of information security awareness among healthcare

end-users. Chapter 5 contains a discussion of results and the conclusion of this study. The

chapter also includes the implications of the study and recommendations for future research.



The goal of this quantitative regression study was to determine to what extent, if any, do

organizational security factors, information security awareness factors, and individual security

predict the level of social engineering awareness of healthcare end-users. Participants from

SurveyMonkey Audience were asked to complete an online survey that consisted of

demographic and Likert-type questions related to security factors and social engineering

awareness. One hundred and thirteen healthcare end-users participated in the survey. Chapter 5

presents an overview of the study and the research findings and implications. The objective of

this chapter is to present a discussion of the results of the study and also to discuss the

implications for future research and application to practice. First, the research questions are

evaluated, and the implications of the results are discussed. Next is a discussion of the extent to

which the study fulfilled the research purpose outlined in Chapter 1. The study's contribution to

the business technical problem is addressed next, followed by recommendations for further

research illuminated by the results of this study. A conclusion ends the dissertation.

Evaluation of Research Questions

The purpose of this quantitative multiple regression study was to determine whether

organizational security factors (i.e. transformational leadership and information security culture),

information security awareness factors (i.e., general information security awareness and

information security policy awareness), and individual security factors (i.e., end-users’ self-

efficacy, attitude, and normative beliefs) predict the level of social engineering awareness among

healthcare end-users in healthcare organizations in the continental United States. Based on this

purpose, three research questions were formulated. This section evaluates each of them in light
of the research results (presented in Chapter 4). Altogether, this study found that individual

factors and information security awareness factors were more important than organizational

factors in predicting the level of social engineering awareness among healthcare end-users.

Research Question 1: Organizational Security Factors

Research Question 1 asked, “To what extent, if at all, do organizational security factors

(i.e., transformational leadership and information security culture) predict the level of social

engineering awareness among healthcare end-users?” The results indicated that organizational

security factors do not significantly predict the level of social engineering awareness among the

sample of this study. This result was surprising because two of the three components of the

theoretical framework (transformational leadership and organizational security culture) predicted

that organizational factors would be necessary to information security awareness.

According to the transformational leadership theory, organizational leadership should

have an influence on individuals’ behavior within an organization. In the context of information

security, transformational leadership has been found to help predict employees’ intention to

resist social engineering (Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016) and to influence the effectiveness of

security countermeasures (Humaidi & Balakrishnan, 2015). Therefore, it was expected that

transformational leadership (one of the components of the organizational security measure in this

study) would significantly relate to end-users’ social engineering awareness, but this was not the


Similarly, Lim et al. (2012) argued that an organizational security culture is vital in

influencing the behavior of employees. Based on this component of the theoretical framework, it

was expected that information security culture (the second component of the organizational

security measure in this study) would relate to end-users’ social engineering awareness.

However, no significance was identified.

The most important possible explanation for this surprising finding in the context of the

present study is that the data on organizational security factors were collected via self-report

from individual employees. These subjective responses may not have accurately reflected the

organizational security settings in which the respondents were employed. For example,

organizations with strong information security cultures at the leader level may not have been

rated as such by employees whose roles provide them little opportunity to interact directly with

the organization's leaders. Nevertheless, the theoretical framework of organizational security

culture and transformational leadership presupposes that employees receive communication and

are initiated into the culture of organizational security. Still, employees with negative attitudes

toward their workplaces or other factors may have been less likely to indicate that their

workplaces had strong organizational security cultures, regardless of the actual cultures in place.

Controlling for attitudes or directly observing organizational security cultures could have

prevented these possible errors; these will be necessary directions for future research.

Research Question 2: Information Security Awareness Factors

Research Question 2 asked, “To what extent, if at all, do information security awareness

factors (i.e., general information security awareness and information security policy awareness)

predict the level of social engineering awareness among healthcare end-users?” The results

indicated that information security awareness factors do significantly predict the level of social

engineering awareness among the sample of this study. This was the expected result, based on

the theoretical framework. Rocha Flores and Ekstedt (2016) found that information security

awareness was related to organizational security and intention to comply with information

security policies. However, the relationship between information security awareness and social

engineering awareness has not been previously studied. This finding, therefore, represents a

significant contribution to the existing literature. This is an important result because it indicates

that an overall strong level of security awareness includes awareness of the type of security

breach known as social engineering.

Research Question 3: Individual Security Factors

Research Question 3 asked, “To what extent, if at all, do individual security factors (i.e.,

end-users’ self-efficacy, attitude, and normative beliefs) predict the level of social engineering

awareness of healthcare end-users?" The results indicated that individual security factors

significantly predict the level of social engineering awareness among the sample of this study.

This result supports the results of existing literature showing that the "human factor" is among

the most critical factors to ensuring the integrity of organizational information resources

(Crossler et al., 2013; Narain Singh et al., 2014). It also supports Rocha Flores and Ekstedt

(2016), who found a positive relationship between social engineering resistance and self-efficacy

and attitude toward social engineering.

Additionally, this finding supports the need to invest at the individual level in order to

improve social engineering awareness. Other researchers (e.g., Alkhamis & Renaud, 2016;

Bullée et al., 2015a) have found that individual-level investments like training can significantly

improve organizations’ security by reducing the rate at which employees engage in risky

behavior or fall victim to social engineering attacks.

Finally, this finding strongly supports the theoretical framework of the theory of planned

behavior. The theory of planned behavior posits that attitude, subjective norms, and self-efficacy

about particular behaviors predict users’ intention to engage in that behavior. Previous

researchers have confirmed the theory in studies of organizational information security (Ifinedo,

2014; Lebek et al., 2014; Safa et al., 2015). The present study adds another confirmation of the

importance of these constructs in predicting social engineering awareness. Because social

engineering awareness has been found to prevent employees from falling victim to social

engineering attacks (Bullée et al., 2015a), this result suggests that focusing on improving

individuals’ self-efficacy, attitudes, and normative beliefs about social engineering resistance

could improve security outcomes for organizations.

Fulfillment of Research Purpose

The purpose of this study was to determine whether organizational security factors (i.e.

transformational leadership and information security culture), information security awareness

factors (i.e., general information security awareness and information security policy awareness),

and individual security factors (i.e., end-users’ self-efficacy, attitude, and normative beliefs)

predict the level of social engineering awareness among healthcare end-users in healthcare

organizations in the continental United States. The results of multiple regression analysis

(presented in Chapter 4) showed that information security awareness factors and individual

security factors, but not organizational security factors, were statistically significant in predicting

the level of social engineering awareness among the research sample. Because the data met all

assumptions for the analysis and the research questions were answered using the data analysis,

the study can be said to have fulfilled the research purpose.

An additional objective of this study was to contribute to knowledge toward

understanding or resolving the business technical problem. The problem addressed in this study

is the costly and increasing occurrence of data breaches in organizations that electronically

transmit health information in the United States (Agaku et al., 2014; Gammons, 2017; Ponemon

Institute, 2016). Social engineering is a particularly troubling type of security breach because it

exploits vulnerabilities in individuals within the organization, and attackers convince internal end

users to provide sensitive data. The present study contributes to this problem by reaffirming the

importance of the human element in preventing such security breaches. Individual security

factors and information security awareness factors were significant in predicting social

engineering awareness. Therefore, in order to address and prevent social engineering breaches in

the healthcare industry, it is crucial for IT managers to focus on improving individual security

factors, particularly self-efficacy, normative beliefs, and attitudes, which together were the

strongest predictors of social engineering awareness in the present study.

Contribution to Business Technical Problem

The business technical problem addressed in this study was the costly and increasing

occurrence of data security breaches in the healthcare industry in the United States (Agaku et al.,

2014; Gammons, 2017; Ponemon Institute, 2016). In order to resolve this problem, IT managers

need a thorough understanding of the factors that promote social engineering awareness and,

thereby, prevent end-users from falling victim to social engineering attacks (Bullée et al., 2015a).

If IT managers know factors related to social engineering awareness, they can invest in

interventions and people strategies that target those factors. As a result, the level of awareness of

social engineering among employees could increase, and, in turn, the prevalence of successful

social engineering attacks could decrease. It is important to prevent social engineering attackers

from finding success with their victims because data breaches cost the healthcare industry up to

$7 billion annually (Agaku et al., 2014).

The results of this study contributed to the general understanding of factors associated

with social engineering awareness. Findings presented in Chapter 4 indicated that the individual

security factors of end-users’ self-efficacy, attitude, and normative beliefs were the strongest

predictors of social engineering awareness among the research sample. This new knowledge

contributes to the business technical problem by indicating the importance of focusing on these

individual factors in any attempts to increase social engineering awareness. Researchers should

note that, because this present study was cross-sectional, it is not possible to draw any firm

conclusions regarding causal relationships among the variables. Thus, it is possible that the

association between individual factors and social engineering awareness is not a causal one, and

that improving the former would not necessarily result in an improvement in the latter. However,

the results of this study suggest that focusing on individual factors may be a fruitful direction for

IT managers hoping to improve employees' awareness of social engineering threats.

Conversely, this study did not reveal a statistically significant relationship between social

engineering awareness and the organizational security factors of transformational leadership and

information security culture. This finding supports the opinions of scholars who believe that a

focus on the “human element” is crucial to preventing social engineering attacks (Indrajit, 2017;

Narain Singh et al., 2014; Nishani & Biba, 2016). Although the theoretical framework of this

study suggests that organizational factors are also important, the lack of association in this study

contributes to the business technical problem by reinforcing the importance of interventions and

management techniques targeting the individual level.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, this study is one of the few existing studies to

focus on social engineering awareness as an outcome variable, and one of the few studies to

focus on the healthcare industry specifically. This is an essential contribution to the business

technical problem because it arms healthcare IT managers with new knowledge pertaining

specifically to healthcare environments. Although it is reasonable to assume that much of the

existing knowledge on data breach prevention applies across industries, there may be differences

in the importance of various factors depending on the specific work environment. Thus, by

focusing on social engineering awareness in healthcare specifically, this study provides new

knowledge that can help healthcare IT managers address the costly occurrence of data breaches

in the industry.

Recommendations for Further Research

The results of this study illuminate several critical areas where further research can

benefit scholars and practitioners. First, in its examination of organizational security factors, this

study relied on self-reported data from end-users in the healthcare industry. Although end-users'

perceptions of organizational culture are essential, their reports could be subject to biases and

inaccuracies, which could have influenced the outcomes of this study. Therefore, the researcher

recommends further research utilizing direct observation of organizational security culture by

trained observers, in order to achieve a more objective understanding of how organizational

security factors, including security culture and transformational leadership, could influence

social engineering awareness.

Second, this study assumes, based on existing research (Bullée et al., 2015a), that social

engineering awareness leads to decreased incidence of social engineering attacks. However,

research on the correlation between awareness and attack susceptibility is still in its infancy. It is

possible, therefore, that end-users with strong social engineering awareness could still fall victim

to carefully constructed social engineering attacks. The researcher recommends that, in the

future, researchers focus on actual social engineering attack rates at various organizations,

determining the factors that lead to positive outcomes from data security. Awareness should still

be included as an essential variable in models of data security outcomes, but an emphasis on

outcomes can help elucidate the value of working to improve awareness among employees.

Finally, this present study was non-experimental, and the researcher did not test the

efficacy of any interventions or other investments aimed at improving social engineering

awareness. Therefore, it is not known whether investments based on the results of this study

would have the intended effect of improving social engineering awareness among healthcare

end-users. Future longitudinal or experimental research should be conducted to determine

whether, if at all, interventions targeting individual factors and information security awareness

factors (both of which were significantly related to social engineering awareness in the present

study) achieve the desired effect.


In the healthcare industry, data breaches are not only costly from a monetary point of

view but can have detrimental effects on the patients whose sensitive health information is stored

in healthcare databases (Agaku et al., 2014). Stolen healthcare data are worth more on the black

market than other types of stolen information (Ablon & Libicki, 2015). Taken together, these

facts highlight the potentially explosive nature of the problem of information security breaches in

the healthcare industry. It is therefore essential to energetically research the factors that

contribute to preventing data breaches in the industry.

This study represents an attempt to address the research need by investigating whether

organizational security factors (i.e. transformational leadership and information security culture),

information security awareness factors (i.e., general information security awareness and

information security policy awareness), and individual security factors (i.e., end-users’ self-

efficacy, attitude, and normative beliefs) predict the level of social engineering awareness among

healthcare end-users in healthcare organizations in the continental United States. The study was

guided by a theoretical framework consisting of transformational leadership theory,

organizational security culture, and the theory of planned behavior. Data from a total of 113

participants, all employed in the healthcare industry, were analyzed to determine the extent to

which each of the antecedent variables predicted social engineering awareness in the sample.

The results of this study indicated that individual factors and information security

awareness factors were both statistically significant predictors of social engineering awareness.

This finding corroborated past research (e.g., Alkhamis & Renaud, 2016; Bullée et al., 2015a;

Crossler et al., 2013; Narain Singh et al., 2014; Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016). However, no

significant association was found between social engineering awareness and organizational

security factors. Although this finding supported the opinions of those who emphasize the

“human factor” in organizational security, it contradicted previous research indicating the

importance of organizational factors (e.g., Humaidi & Balakrishnan, 2015; Lim et al., 2012;

Rocha Flores & Ekstedt, 2016). One potential explanation for this surprising finding is that the

study relied on end-users’ self-reports, rather than direct observation, to assess organizational

security factors.

This study was one of the only existing studies to focus specifically on the healthcare

industry and to use social engineering awareness as an outcome variable. These facts indicate

that the studies contribute to the existing body of knowledge. If healthcare IT managers are to

address the costly and potentially dangerous occurrence of data breaches, especially those owing

to insidious methods like social engineering, they must pay attention to the individual factors

(self-efficacy, normative beliefs, and attitudes) that have routinely shown to promote positive

security outcomes.


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