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Savannah Hausler

ENG 111

Interior Designer and Architecture

I have always known that I wanted to do something in design. Since I was a little kid I

was always drawing something, with my favorite things to draw growing to be buildings and

landscapes as I got older. I had little sketch books where you could design outfits and even

sketched dresses for a while. It didn't last long at all and I always left the outfits unfinished

because I would get bored or become uninterested. That's how I ruled out fashion design as my

future career.

It was around 7th grade that we took our first Xello career test. Of course, as I expected a

ton of art and design careers were suggested along with a few animal related ones that I basically

disregarded. I settled on 2, one I don’t remember so we know how that went and the other being

graphic design. I really zoned in on graphic design, my dad and grandpa even had me make

business cards for them. After I made the business cards I decided graphic design wasn’t for me.

I couldn’t stay focused and I couldn’t see myself being happy with the job in the future.

After I figured out that graphic design wasn’t my thing I’m not going to lie, I wasn’t

worried. It was 8th grade and I had all the time in the world. But also we took the xello test a

couple times after that. That's where interior design came in. I started to focus on that more and a

friend even told me about a website where you could design the inside of a house. I thought it

was a lot of fun and ended up basically spending my free time in school playing it. Eventually

summer came and I forgot about the website. That's where I decided that I was going to be an

interior designer.
However the main career that I would like to get into would be architecture. This didn't

really come into play until around 10th grade when my sister went to college for interior design.

I didn't really want to do the same thing as her and my dad always told me that maybe I should

try out architecture. Of course I didn't listen and just rolled my eyes at the thought but the more I

thought about it the more I started to like the idea, I mean architecture and interior design, two

birds one stone. I could just design the whole house, a very ambitious thought. But if it's

possible, why not?

I am currently taking basic drafting and I am in the 5th year program (you take college

classes through North Central Michigan College during highschool and then after you graduate,

take a year at NCMC for free). By doing this I can get all or most of the required credits out of

the way for free and then focus on classes that go towards my degree. After I'm done with that I

hope to go to Lawerence Tech or Michigan State to get a bachelors in Architecture. Along with

attending a university I plan to do an internship with a company or firm so that I can start

building experience since my career pay will mainly be determined by experience and of course

how good I am.

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