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Properties of matter prep.

Engineering 2022 - 1st term

Complete ) ‫( هذا السؤال يصلح ان يكون اختياري او صواب و خطأ‬

1) The measure various physical quantities three
fundamental units are commonly used in physics length ,
math and time
2) There are three systems of units MKS , CGS and FPS
3) In “ MKS “ system the units of length is meter , the unit
of mass is kilogram and the unit of time is second
4) In “ CGS “ system the unit of length is centimeter , the
unit of mass is gram and the unit of time is second
5) International system of units “ SI “ is a coherent system
consisting of six units they are meter , kilogram ,
second , ampere , degree Kelvin and candela
6) The main limitations of dimensional analysis are :
I. Doesn’t give us any information about the
dimensionless constant
II. It’s not applicable to trigonometrically and
exponential functions
III. It can’t used when a physical quantity depends
on more than three quantities
7) The main uses of dimensional equations are :
I. Test the correctness of equations
II. Derive the equations
III. Convert one system of units into another one
IV. Recapitulate important formulae
8) The ratio of stress to the strain is called elastic modulus
and it’s constant

PROF / AHMED ALI Tel.: 01115656361 SMART ACADEMY- 2022

Properties of matter prep. Engineering 2022 - 1st term

9) There are three elastic modules are young’s modulus ,

shear modulus and bulk modulus
10) The hook’s law is valid within the elastic limit and for
small strains
11) The shear stress is defined as the ratio of tangential
deforming face ( F ) to the area ( A ) of the face being
shared ( F / A )
12) The change in the length due to deforming face is
described by young’s modulus
13) The young’s modulus is defined as the ratio of tensile
F /A
stress to tensile strain ( Y = L / L )
14) The equation of Poisson’s ratio is
lateral strain d / d
  =
longitudinal strain L / L
15) The ratio of lateral strain to the longitudinal strain is
called as Poisson's ratio
16) The physical meaning of Poisson's ratio is change in
length causes change in diameter
17) The isothermal bulk modulus is equal to
 dP
B isothermal = P = but the adiabatic bulk modulus is
dV /V
 dP
equal to B isothermal = p  =
dV /V

PROF / AHMED ALI Tel.: 01115656361 SMART ACADEMY- 2022

Properties of matter prep. Engineering 2022 - 1st term

18) The isothermal process mean’s the process of change

in pressure or volume when the temperature is
constant , but the adiabatic process happened when the
system is isolated
19) When the fluid particles moves along the path , above a
certain velocity the flow becomes irregular and motion
is random and that’s called turbulent flow
20) The equation of continuity is A1 V1 = A2 V2
21) The relation between pressure , speed and elevation is
called as Bernoulli’s equation
22) The fluid witch using in Bernoulli’s equation is an
incompressible and non-viscous
23) Sprayer is an application of Bernoulli’s equation
24) The “ SI “ unit of Viscosity is N . S / m2 and “ CGS “
unit is Dyne . S / Cm2
25) The property of fluid of resisting the shearing
motion is called as Viscosity
26) The coefficient of viscosity ( ) mean’s the ratio
between shear stress and the change in shear strain
  F. h A. V
and it’s equal ( )
27) Surface tension is the property of a liquid by which
the free surface of a liquid behaves like a stretched
28) The relation between the surface energy and the surface
tension is equal to T  F 2L

PROF / AHMED ALI Tel.: 01115656361 SMART ACADEMY- 2022

Properties of matter prep. Engineering 2022 - 1st term

29) The angle of contact in the case of water is acute ( less

than 90 ) but the angle of contact in the case of mercury
is obtuse ( more than 90 )
30) Surface energy equal the sum of the mechanical work
done and the heat absorbed from the atmosphere
31) The surface tension in isothermal conditions equal
( T = S – H ) but in adiabatic conditions equal (S = T)
32) The mutual attraction between the molecules of the
same substance is called as cohesion force
33) The adhesion force is the mutual attraction between
the molecules of different substances
34) The excess of pressure inside a soap bubble is equal to
P 2T and it’s “ SI “ unit is Newton’s / m2
35) The angle between the free surface of a liquid and
the surface of a tube is called as angle of contact
36) When the rigid object is in motion , it has two motions
translational and rotational
37) The angle momentum of the particle is defined as the
cross product of its position vector ( r ) and linear
momentum ( p ) so ( L = r × p )
38) The relation between angular momentum and angular
velocity is L  I .   m r 2 . 

PROF / AHMED ALI Tel.: 01115656361 SMART ACADEMY- 2022

Properties of matter prep. Engineering 2022 - 1st term

39) The relation between rotational kinetic energy and the

moment of inertia is equal E t . k  I .  2

40) The moment of inertia of solid cylinder is equal
I  M R2 but the moment of inertia of hoop is equal
I M R2
41) A physical or compound pendulum is a rigid body
suspended from a fixed axis , which is not passing
through the center of mass
42) The change of circuit parameter, characteristic, or
behaves due to instrument operation without
maintains is called as loading effect
43) The range is defined as that region enclosed by the
limits within which a particular quantity is measured
44) The smallest change in input that the instruments can
response to it is called as resolution
45) The deviation of the measured value from the true
value is called as error
46) Errors may come from different sources and are usually
classified under two main heading its systematic errors
and random errors
The kinetic energy of an object as the energy associated
with its motion through space.

PROF / AHMED ALI Tel.: 01115656361 SMART ACADEMY- 2022

Properties of matter prep. Engineering 2022 - 1st term

Some problems
1) In Jaeger's experiment, a capillary tube of internal diameter
5x10-4 m dips 3x10-2m inside water contained in a beaker. The
difference in level of water manometer when the bubble is released
is 0.09 m. Calculate the Surface tension of water.
The Answer
= (𝐻𝜌2 𝑔 − ℎ1 𝜌1 𝑔)
T= (𝐻𝜌2 − ℎ1 𝜌1 )

Here r = 2.5×10-4 m
g = 9.8 m/s2
H = 0.09 m
h1 = 3×10-2 m = 0.03 m
ρ1 = ρ2 = 103 kg/m3
2.5×10−4 ×9.8
∴ T= (0.09 × 10−3 − 0.03 × 103 )

T = 73.5×103 N/m.
2) A mercury drop of radius 1 cm is sprayed into one million drops of
the same size. Calculate the energy expended. Surface tension of
mercury = 73x10-3 N/m.
The Answer

T = 35×10-3 N/m
R = 1 cm= 10-2 m
Radius of each small drop = r

PROF / AHMED ALI Tel.: 01115656361 SMART ACADEMY- 2022

Properties of matter prep. Engineering 2022 - 1st term

4 4
∴ πR3 = 106 × πr3
3 3

R = 100 r
𝑅 10−2
r= = = 10−4 𝑚
100 100

Increase in area = (106×4πr2) − 4πR2

= [10×4π(10-4)2] − 4π(10-4)2] − 4π(10-2)2
= 4π [10-2− 10-4]
= 4π ×99×10-4 m2
Energy expended = (surface tension) (increase in area)
= 35×10-3×4π×99×10-4 J
= 4.355×10-3 J
3) Calculate the amount of energy needed to break a drop of water of
diameter 2x10-3 m into 109 droplets of equal size. Surface tension
of water = 72x10-3 N/m.
The Answer

R = 10-3m
4 3 4𝜋 3
𝜋𝑅 = 109 × 𝑟
3 3
R = 103 r
𝑅 10−3
r= = =10-6m
103 103

Increase in surface area

A = 109×4πr2 − 4πR2
A = 4π[109×(10-6)2−(10-3)2]
A = 4π × 999×10-6m2

PROF / AHMED ALI Tel.: 01115656361 SMART ACADEMY- 2022

Properties of matter prep. Engineering 2022 - 1st term

T = 72 × 10-3 N/m
Energy required = T × A
= 72× 10-3×4π×999×10-6 J
= 1.9040 ×10-4 J

4) Consider an oxygen molecule (O2) rotating in the ( XY ) plane

about the (z) axis. The rotation axis passes through the center of
the molecule, perpendicular to its length. The mass of each oxygen
atom is ( 2.66 x 10-26 kg ) , and at room temperature the average
separation between the two atoms is ( d = 1.21 x 10-10 m ) (The
atoms are modeled as particles.)
(A) Calculate the moment of inertia of the molecule about the (z) axis.
(B) If the angular speed of the molecule about the (z) axis is 4.60 x 1012
rad/s , what is its rotational kinetic energy?


We apply the result we just calculated for the moment of inertia in the
equation for KR:

PROF / AHMED ALI Tel.: 01115656361 SMART ACADEMY- 2022

Properties of matter prep. Engineering 2022 - 1st term

5) Calculate the excess of pressure inside a soap bubble of radius

3x10-3m. Surface tension of a soap solution is =20x10-3 N/m.
Calculate also the surface energy of the soap bubble.
‫ ) و التوتر‬3×10-3m ( ‫احسب الضغط القياسي داخل فقاعة من الصابون نصف قطرها‬
‫ ثم أحسب الطاقة السطحية للفقاعة‬. ) 20×10-3N/m ( ‫السطحي للصابون‬
The Answer
Here T = 20×10-3N/m , R = 3×10-3m
∴ P=

P = 26.66N/m2
surface energy = ( surface tension ) × ( total surface area )
= T × 2 × 4πr2
20 × 10-3 × 2 × 4π × ( 3 × 10-3 )2
= 4.525 × 10-6 J

‫مع التمنيات بالتوفيق‬

‫ أحمد علي‬.‫ د‬01115656361
‫ماجستير الرياضيات و االحصاء كلية البحوث و الدراسات االحصائية‬
‫دبلوم النانو فيزياء جامعة القاهرة‬

PROF / AHMED ALI Tel.: 01115656361 SMART ACADEMY- 2022

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