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Lecture : Yuni Ansari Rambe, M.Hum
Arranged By :

Novita Herawati

NIM : 0304193217




First of all, thanks to Allah SWT who have given us healthy and chance so I can finish
this assignment about Critical Book Review.

This Critical Book Review is entitled “make yourself clear, How to Use a Teaching
Mindset to Listen, Understand, Explain Everything and Be Understood”. Although when I am
arranging this assignment, I am trully get lots challenges and obstructions but Alhamdulillah
with help of Allah SWT, those obstructions could passed.This Critical Book Review i am
arrange to fulfill the assignment that given by Mrs. Yuni Ansari Rambe, M.Hum as lecturer in
Adavanced Listening.

In arranging Critical Book Review, I don’t forget to say thank you to our lecturer, parents
and everybody who have helped in finished this Critical Book Review.

Forgive me if there is any mistake in writing or arranging this assignment that I have
made, I hope the criticism from the lecturer and the audience can help the writer in perfecting the
next assignment.

Finally, I hope this Critical Book Review usefull for authors and readers. Thank you and
Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Tanjung Pura, December 9th 2020

Novita Herawati



TABLE OF CONTENT................................................................................................................................

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................

1.1 Book Identity 4

1.2 The Background of The Study 4
1.3 The Purpose of The Book 4
1.4 The Benefit of The Book 4

CHAPTER II DISCUSSION.......................................................................................................................

2.1 Summary of The Book 5

CHAPTER III...............................................................................................................................................

3.1 The Strenghts of The Book.......................................................................................................................

3.2 The Weakness of The Book......................................................................................................................
CHAPTER IV................................................................................................................................................
4.1 Conclusion and Suggestion.......................................................................................................................

1.1 Book Identity
Title : make yourself clear, How to Use a Teaching Mindset to Listen, Understand,
Explain Everything and Be Understood
Author : Reshan Ricards and Stephen J. Valentine
ISBN/ISSN : 9781119558583
Published : John Willey & Sonsn, Inc. New Jersey,
Published Year : 2019
Page :
1.2 The Background of The Study
Critical books are the result of criticism on a material topic that is generally found
in lectures against different books. Critical books do not only aim to see the contents
of the book, but focus more on evaluation (explanation, interpretation, and analysis)
of the strengths and weaknesses of the book, what is interesting about the book and
how the contents of the book can affect the readers' thinking and understanding.
Every book written by a particular author has its own advantages and
disadvantages. Therefore, the feasibility of a book can be determined by reviewing
the book because of its comparisons to other books. A book with more dominant
advantages than other books indicates that the book is suitable for use and as a
reference source by the general public.
It is hoped that this critical book report can increase understanding of this material
and be able to think more critically and systematically, so that students as prospective
teachers can apply material in the field or after becoming teachers
1.3 The Purpose of The Book
This book will help you to understand how to be a clear teacher to students and
can listen and understand students explore everything your readers want to make
yourself clear to your audience.
1.4 The Benefits of The Book
the benefit of this book is to help people listen, understand and explain everything
and can be understood by listeners

2.1 Summary of The Book
The irony of ironies is that, often, people (including us) who are most urgently trying to
communicate, most urgently trying to build understanding in others, work against our own
message because we stand in our own way. Either our ego or our default mode of
communicating is actually preventing us from communicating. We do not tell enough stories; or
we tell too many without providing appropriate data. We raise our voices when we seek to
convince, creating defensiveness in others, instead of listening to understand. We write in lists
without ever providing vivid images to connect ideas. We offer text when a picture would be
more memorable, or ask people to discuss a picture when they would be better off quietly
reading something so as to arrive at the same starting point before a meeting begins.

Making yourself clear, as a teacher, is about all the things you can do to communicate,
but it is also a constant reminder not to get in your own way. We tell people this all the time.
Sometimes the best way to help people grow or help people learn is to remove yourself as much
as possible from the equation so that they have to confront directly what you are selling, what
you are saying, and then have an experience. Off to the side, you can then be there as counsel or
as coach or as extra set of eyes or as extra set of hands. coach or as extra set of eyes or as extra
set of hands. Put it this way (or these ways): If you sell people something that they did not really
want, then sure, maybe you made a commission, but you will not have lifetime clients.

Make yourself clear. Help them see the product or solution that they really need. if you
train people in a way that gets them to a certificate but that does not help them to really own the
knowledge or skills, then they will never take full responsibility for that training or knowledge.
They will never absorb it in a way that allows them to use it – to serve others – in a seamless and
fluent way. Make yourself clear. Help them to connect directly to the knowledge or skills so that
they become second nature for them.

We are asking these questions not because we're judging you, and not because we have a
specific “best” answer in mind. We are asking in order to make you aware of your own learning
preference, to make you aware that such a thing exists and can be unpacked. Because, if you
have a learning preference, if you have a preferred manner of moving through material designed

to teach you something and inspire you to act, and if you expect your preferred mode to be
respected and trusted, then it's only fair to recognize that other people, all other people, have
their own learning preferences, as well, and that these preferences sometimes shift due to
circumstance. If you can hold onto that point, then you can exist at the intersection of business
and teaching. It's a good place to be. From that perch, you will improve your chances of being
understood, and you will alter the direction of your work and possibly your business by better
understanding the people you serve. Helping others learn, too, you will become a trusted advisor.
As they improve, you will others learn, too, you will become a trusted advisor. As they improve,
you will improve. And as you both improve, your industry will become more vital, more
necessary. These are broad aspirations, of course, but they are neither unreasonable nor
unseemly. Society has always needed teachers. There's no reason that they should only exist and
flourish in the classroom. There's more room for more flourishing.

By listening carefully, by slowing down to make room for others' reflection and learning,
by observing carefully, by offering feedback, by providing insight or information or praise – or
pause – at the right time, and by really paying attention, you can make progress by instilling
understanding and making meaning in the admittedly complicated, complex, difficult
environment in which we all seek to do business. All humans, not just young humans, deserve to
be seen as learners, as full of the possibility that such a name implies. It takes only a teacher's
eye to see them, a teacher's voice to name them.

To be clear, then: when the motivated and moral actor (teacher, seller, leader, trainer,
service professional) is trying to connect to his or her audience (student, buyer, team member,
colleague, customer), three dimensions of that connection are highly valued in today's fast‐
moving, information‐rich, and highly automated society.

1. Authenticity

Recipients in an information or experiential transaction want to know that a person – not

a machine – is the caretaker of the transaction, even if a machine helps to move that transaction

2. Immediacy

The transaction should occur at the moment when it is most meaningful and helpful. This does
not always mean instantly. It means that both the actor and the audience feel that they have
delivered and received the message at the best time for their purposes (not always the same

3. Delight

Joy, genuine curiosity, and intrinsically motivated persistence will always be more useful
than fear, lack of relevance, and routine. Information, products, experiences, and solutions will
continue to exist and be more widely available to audiences. Those that “stick” will do so
because they not only address a lingering issue but also add or create new value for the audience.
Though the above can be used as a heuristic (when in doubt, be more authentic, immediate, and
delightful), this book is not about a short‐term play. It is not trying to help an organization reach
a quarterly, or even annual, quota. It has a much longer timeline than that. It is not about one‐off
transactions, though it might lend them a few ounces of grace. It is not prescriptive. There is no
set of steps or methodologies, at least ones that we can confidently stand behind, for exactly how
and when to approach information or experiential transactions. Instead, building a teaching
mindset will attune you to the nuances and differences – and the affordances and limitations – of
the choices available for modes of transacting.

3.1 The Strenghts of The Book
The advantages of this book are:
1. This book is not long-winded and fairly concise but compact.
2. there is a color in each title so that makes us interested to read it.
3. This book is very useful for people who want to be public speakers.
4. The explanation is very complete

3.2 The Weakness of The Book

weaknesses of this book are:
1. the vocabulary used in this book is not too standard and is rarely used so it is difficult to
2. in my opinion the cover of this book is not interesting how good it is designed as attractive as
possible so as to increase the interest of people to read it.
3. the look of this book is very boring
4. the explanation is complete but wordy and makes the reader bored and confused

4.1 Conclusion and Suggestion
a. Conclusion
By listening carefully, by slowing down to make room for others' reflection and learning,
by observing carefully, by offering feedback, by providing insight or information or praise – or
pause – at the right time, and by really paying attention, you can make progress by instilling
understanding and making meaning in the admittedly complicated, complex, difficult
environment in which we all seek to do business. All humans, not just young humans, deserve
to be seen as learners, as full of the possibility that such a name implies. It takes only a
teacher's eye to see them, a teacher's voice to name them.

b. Suggestion
To students specifically for ourselves too, we have to learn listening so that we are
accustomed to understanding other people correctly and giving explanations according to our
interlocutors and in general so that we can position ourselves as students who are good at
understanding or talking to the audience so that we will not difficulty when facing trial in the
final semester.

Reshan Ricards and Stephen J. Valentine, 2019, make yourself clear, How to Use a
Teaching Mindset to Listen, Understand, Explain Everything and Be Understood,
John Willey & Sonsn, Inc. New Jersey,


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