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Describe, in your own words the five contexts of communication described in Chapter 1 of the


1. Intrapersonal Communication is an act of self - expression or use of introspection while

communicating when you are listening to the message, but you do not focus on it.
2. Interpersonal communication is a type of communication in which two or more people are
involved in exchanging information, emotions, meaning and / or sharing concerns. This
communication context occurs through both verbal and verbal messaging. Language is used as
speech and voice, facial expression, gesture, and body language are nonverbal messages
3. Group Communication is a type of communication in which a small group of people participates
in a conversation. Three to eight people are involved in group conversation.
4. Public communication is when someone speaks to a group of people in public, something
happens. Public speaking or writing messages for a small or large group can be used to
communicate with the public.
5. Mass communication is a form of communication in which messages are broadcast or
distributed to a huge number of people on a large scale. Send an email to a big number of
people or broadcast your message on television, for example.

Describe at least one example of each that you have used or witnessed recently or that has been
researched online.

1. A couple of weeks ago, an inner enlistment position was reported within the organization i was
working on. My roundabout supervisor energized me to yield an application for the location reported to
advance the advancement of my current position within the organization, but whereas talking to our
office manager, a voice in me said, " on the off chance that my quick bosses oppose this idea with the
organization, it'll be aimless to apply the nearness of the current administrator. ". So, communication
between my people is the negative.

2. Few days prior whereas I was holding up for the transport to go some places so at that time I have
seen some within the open where they were embracing each another, whispering to each another and
they were included in sharing their sentiments with each another through face-to-face communication.

3. Oftentimes I have been included in gather communication since our boss holds customary gatherings
on month-to-month premise in arrange to share the extend related issues such as accomplishments,
challenges, issues, and other issues by the venture staff or our colleagues.

4.Everyday, when I drive my car, I can see lot traffic signs on the road. I think that is a type of public

5. Nearly oftentimes we witness with the mass communication setting since we continuously observe
nearby or national TV commercials or getting a bundle of emails. Now and then these emails are trick or
are junk emails.
Describe which context appealed to you the most. Describe which context appealed to you the least.

The interpersonal and group communication contexts request me the foremost since I can share and
trade a few sorts of sentiments with my sweetheart, and as I work with my colleagues together so
through the gather communication setting, I discover the chances of sharing data and work-related

The public communication context appeals to me the least because I have not been able to find an
opportunity to be a public speaker or communicator through which I can share information,
thoughts, feelings, and other issues. To be honest, I lack the confidence to speak in public, so this is
the most difficult challenge for me.

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