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present continuous perfect

sure/ must + V must + be + V-ing must + have + pp
certain can't + V can't + be + V-ing can't + have + pp

perhaps may + V may + be + V-ing may + have + pp

unsure might + V might + be + V-ing might + have + pp
could + V could + be + V-ing could + have + pp
e.g. I am sure that he is a doctor.
He must be a doctor.
e.g. I am certain that he isn't watching TV now.
He can't be watching TV now.
e.g. Surely, he didn't steal the money.
He can't have stolen the money.

should + V
should(n't) + have + pp
need + V / needed to + V / didn't need to + V
need(n't) + have + pp
e.g. She should do morning exercise.
She should have gone on a balanced diet.
Yesterday, I didn't need to go to work because it was Sunday.
You needn't have bought many onions because there are
a lot in the fridge.
hình thể bên ngoài

sự già nua, sự hao mòn sự lệch lạc

phấn hồng phấn nền

bác sĩ

xỏ lỗ tai
must have worn

were found end

proved used were
value suspect who had

concede devour
raze crop exterminate
interrupt flout imitate

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