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4ta revolucion Industrial

The term 4th industrial revolution is coined professor Schwab founder and CEO WEF
More profound than any prior period of human history
We need to go back in history
1st. 1760 UK steam engine
2nd late 1880 mass production, division of labor and electricity
3rd late 1960s invention of computer and internet
Industry 4.0 is the result fusion of technologies, the exponential growth of tech advances are merging
the physical, digital and biological worlds in ways
Profoundly change the way we live, work and relate one another

4th industrial revolution, era marked by a technological revolution that is blurring the lines between the
physical, digital and biological spheres.

Technology is merging more and more with humans life’s

Private Chinese businesses are seeing improved performance, due to growing market vitality and the
business environment amid the country’s Anita trust efforts, but some are also facing pressure like rising
raw material costs.
Top500 private companies 5.4 trillion revenue

Huawei technologies, top the list 6 consecutive years.

Antitrusts efforts. Such efforts give law-abiding enterprises broad development space and meanwhile
drive the efficiency of private companies and market economy.

For decades, the private sector has been an indispensable force behind the countrys economic

Private enterprises contribute 50% tax revenue, 60% GDP, 70% of technological innovation and 80% of
90% TOP500 private enterprises have undergone digital transformation

China has become a leader, rather than a follower, in the 4th IR which is mainly based in the digital
economy . A large number of Chinese companies pay more attention to leveraging tech in 5g, Ai, big
More than 50% top 500 covid impact, unstable global industry and supply chain
Rising raw material costs. China, series of measures
100m users of the telephone, 75 years
100m users of instagram, 2 years
100m users of Pokémon go, 1 month

Business idea to big business

A lot of innovation

New technologies to make industries more efficient

Governments are struggling to keep up with the rapid pace tech is developing

Winner takes al economy, high skill workers rewarded with high pay
AI eliminate jobs,
Privacy concerns, every industry into a tech company
With thech changing fast every day, its time to catch up

Technology war between 2 Economic superpowers is the estan to split the world into 2
Which country is going to be the leader of the next gen rip all the economic benefits of being the leader
Tech supremacy and dominance

Huawei, among a few tech that feuding economic powerhouses

National security threat by the US sec agencies
Ban from acquiring American parts and technologies

Accountable to the Chinese government

Huawei largest telecom company in the world overtake apple

World leader of telecom

Race to install 5g mobile networks reflect the growing rivalry between china and the us
Determine political and economic fortunes of nations for many decades to come

5g development all the com tech, noUS company

Huawei Broad range of US suppliers including US
Restrictions imposed $!0B in revenue growth

China self sufficiency Develop its own in-house software or operating siystem to replace Google Android
Digital wall digital Irvin courts in

Mainland china use WeChat own version twitter

China is not yet a tech superpowers

Economist intelligent unit top 10 list not china

Obstruct them from key technologies, spend more in RD to innovate even faster
Speed up the process

US vulnerable supply rare earth elements

Wide range consumer electronics iPhones, electric care Morton’s, satelitele, military,

China dominates 70% world supply

They could block the sale to the US. 2010 Japan

Tech cold waat could lead to the creation of a bipolar world

Sepárate digital policies and standards will divide the Chinese spheres of influenc splitting the supply
chains and tech stack

Chose sides?

They need each other

Belt road initiative buy in return invest Chinese system

New world of 5G, up to 20x faster, accelerate and interconnect everything
When the US won the 4g boost $!00 billion boost GDP


$500 billion to GDP and create 3million jobs

It’s about power off you control 5g you have access to everything people is doping online. Best 5g is
Huawei . Gov don’t trust

Job money an power

Chinas 5g so far ahead
What will happen if china overtakes the us in AI

China largest economies in the word

1.4b people primarily agricultural economy
1959.1961 great famine

Combination of liberalized economic policies Xiaoping meororic rise of the country

Double digit growth rates

Powerhouse in terms of economic and regional hegemony

Lags behind the US areas

Wining the tech raise

Verter 2021 AI publications increase by 34,,5

Surpass in terms of quality and quantity

Has about half of Americas AI firms

Speech recognition

US leader information technology

Best infraestructuras to support tech advance

Reforms to encourage and facilitate RD

Target surpassing the su AI 2030

New military superpower , checar video

US won better geopolitical strategic alliances
China position challenge US power
AI before the US tech superior, next great military superpower

Superior decision
Military to anticipates next American movements defensive
Neutralize US strategic advantages

Technology hub
Experts all over the world
Dominant economic power locally
Top AI superpower 2030
Belief center

7 trillions US dollars added to chinas economy

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