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[Begin Log]

[Is Devel is 0 ]
[calling ResourceManager::InitializeInMainThread]
[Creating Main Window]
[MainWindow] [Creating Menu]
[MainWindow] setting thread count to 11
[MainWindow] [Initializing Actions]
[MainWindow] [Updating Action Bar]
[MainWindow] [Initializing 3D View]
[MainWindow::Initialize3DView] [Creating 3D View]
[MainWindow::Initialize3DView] [Creating GraphicsView]
[LMMBackgroundReadThread] Thread Starting...
[LMMBackgroundReadThread] Thread Starting...
[MainWindow::Initialize3DView] [Creating ToolHelpWidget]
[AppendPrintersFromXML] reading printers from
[QPrinterSelectionWidget::MatchPrintersToSoftware] Getting print software
[MainWindow::Initialize3DView] Got print software, now assigning printers to
[MainWindow::Initialize3DView] Saved printer configs to disk
[MainWindow] [Initializing Connections]
[MainWindow] [Restoring Application State]
[MainWindow] [Initializing the UI]
[LibraryManager::InitializeFromPath] path
[RemoteStoredCommandServer::Initialize] initializing Server
[RemoteStoredCommandServer] TCP Server: listening
[RemoteStoredCommandServer] UDP Server: listening
[Initializing spacemouse]
[Setting up global event filter]
[Importing file for cmd line]
[GraphicsViewScene3D::Initialize] drawFboId: 1
[System Information] Machine OS:Windows; Platform: x64; Graphics Card Vendor :
NVIDIA Corporation; GLVersion : 4.6.0 NVIDIA 471.11; Graphics Renderer : NVIDIA
GeForce GTX 1050 Ti/PCIe/SSE2;
[GraphicsViewScene3D::initializeGL] Creating Camera
[GraphicsViewScene3D::initializeGL] Creating Renderer
[GraphicsViewScene3D] [HaveGLBlit 1 HaveGLFBO 1]
[Renderer::InitializeShaders] Has Shader Support: 1
[Shader::ValidateShade] Trying to compile shader //PHONG
[Shader Vertex Compile Log]
[Shader Fragment Compile Log]
[Shader LinkLog]
[Shader::ValidateShade] Trying to compile shader //TEXTURED
[Shader Vertex Compile Log]
[Shader Fragment Compile Log]
[Shader LinkLog]
[Shader::ValidateShade] Trying to compile shader //TEXTURED_UNLIT
[Shader Vertex Compile Log]
[Shader Fragment Compile Log]
[Shader LinkLog]
[Shader::ValidateShade] Trying to compile shader //TEXTURED_TILED
[Shader Vertex Compile Log]
[Shader Fragment Compile Log]
[Shader LinkLog]
[Shader::ValidateShade] Trying to compile shader //OVERHANG
[Shader Vertex Compile Log]
[Shader Fragment Compile Log]
[Shader LinkLog]
[Shader::ValidateShade] Trying to compile shader //XRAY
[Shader Vertex Compile Log]
[Shader Fragment Compile Log]
[Shader LinkLog]
[Shader::ValidateShade] Trying to compile shader //UVCHECKER
[Shader Vertex Compile Log]
[Shader Fragment Compile Log]
[Shader LinkLog]
[Shader::ValidateShade] Trying to compile shader //IMAGELIGHT
[Shader Vertex Compile Log]
[Shader Fragment Compile Log]
[Shader LinkLog]
[Renderer::InitializeShaders] All shaders compiled!
[Renderer::InitializeShaders] completed
[GraphicsViewScene3D::initializeGL] Initializing OpenGL State
[GraphicsViewScene3D::initializeGL] done SetupState()
[GraphicsViewScene3D::initializeGL] done configuring Advanced OpenGL
[GraphicsViewScene3D::initializeFrameCache] Trying to create FBO with type
[GraphicsViewScene3D::initializeFrameCache] framebuffer created.
[PartLibraryLoader] Thread Starting...
[PartLibraryLoader] Thread Starting...
[ShaderLibraryLoader] Thread Starting...
[BrushTextureLibraryLoader] Thread Starting...
[PolygonLibraryLoader] Thread Starting...
[MainWindow::Import] reading file C:\Users\hrcor\Downloads\Surprising Fulffy-
[MainWindow::Import] discarding Materials/UVs for object 0, as some parts were
missing (read 0 materials, 0 uv layers)
[MainWindow::Import] done reading objects
[Checking if user has set analytics preferences]
[Calling Application.exec()]
[LiveAnalysisThread] Thread Starting...
[AutoSaveWriterThread] Thread Starting...
[OPENGL ERROR] operaci�n no v�lida
[OpenGLManager::RequestFreezeRenderLoop] OpenGL errors found
[Deleting Main Window]
[Result is 0]

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