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(@htdd Room)

(define-struct room (name exits))

;; Room is (make-room String (listof String))
;; interp. the room's name, and list of names of rooms that the exits lead to

;; Link to image of ROOMS:


(define ROOMS (list (make-room "A" (list "B" "D"))

(make-room "B" (list "C" "E"))
(make-room "C" (list "B"))
(make-room "D" (list "E"))
(make-room "E" (list "F" "A"))
(make-room "F" (list))))

(define RA (first ROOMS))

(define RB (second ROOMS))
(define RF (sixth ROOMS))

;; Consider this to be a primitive function that comes with the data definitions
;; and that given a room name it produces the corresponding room. Because
;; this consumes a string and generates a room calling it will amount to a
;; generative step in a recursion through a graph of rooms.

;; You should not edit this function, but you can experiment with it to see how
;; it works.

;;(@htdf lookup-room)
;;(@signature String -> Room)
(define (lookup-room name)
(local [(define (scan lst)
(cond [(empty? lst) (error "No room named " name)]
(if (string=? (room-name (first lst)) name)
(first lst)
(scan (rest lst)))]))]
(scan ROOMS)))

(@template genrec Room (listof String) accumulator encapsulated)

(define (fn-for-house r0)
;; path is (listof String); context preserving accumulator, names of rooms
(local [(define (fn-for-room r path)
(if (member (room-name r) path)
(... path)
(fn-for-lor (room-exits r)
(cons (room-name r) path))))
(define (fn-for-lor lor path)
(cond [(empty? lor) (...)]
(... (fn-for-room (lookup-room (first lor)) path)
(fn-for-lor (rest lor) path))]))]
(fn-for-room r0 empty)))

(@template genrec Room (listof String) accumulator encapsulated)

(check-expect (count-rooms (lookup-room "A")) 6)

(check-expect (count-rooms (lookup-room "F")) 1)
(define (count-rooms r0)
;; todo is (listof String); a worklist accumulator of room names
;; visited is (listof String); context preserving accumulator, names of rooms
;; already visited
;; rsf is the number of reachable room so far
(local [(define (fn-for-room r todo visited rsf)
(if (member (room-name r) visited)
(fn-for-lor todo visited rsf)
(fn-for-lor (append (room-exits r) todo)
(cons (room-name r) visited) (add1 rsf)))) ;(... (room-name r))
(define (fn-for-lor todo visited rsf)
(cond [(empty? todo) rsf]
(fn-for-room (lookup-room (first todo))
(rest todo)
(fn-for-room r0 empty empty 0)))

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