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Learning outcome of the course.

Upon completing this course, learner will be able to

•Get introduced to Terraform
•Learn to create instances
•Get acquainted with different variable types
•Comprehend to output attributes in Terraform
•Learn outputting attributes
•Understand and manage data sources
•Learn to create modules and it’s use case
•Create a AWS key pair and use this to connect to EC2 instances
•Understand what VPC is
•Components of VPC in AWS
•Understand subnets, routing table, NAT
•Create a custom VPC
•Learn to launch instances in VPC
•Launch a simple HTTP response web server
•Create autoscaling group and policy
•Understand ELB and its types
•Comprehend Load Balancer and attach ELB to an autoscaling group

Benefits of Terraform

Entire deployment process can be automated, and developers can kick off their own
deployment whenever required.
Speed and Safety
Deployment can be faster and not prone to manual error.
IaC act as a documentation, allowing everyone in the organization to understand how
things work.
Version Control
IaC source files can be stored in version control which means the entire history of infra
is captured.
You can perform code review, run automated tests for every single change made.
Pack your infrastructure into reusable modules.
Get rid of repetitive and tedious task of deploying code and managing infrastructure.

How to install terraform on AWS CloudShell?

mkdir ~/bin
mv terraform ~/bin
terraform -version
Create an Ec2 instance using Terraform in AWS CloudShell.
provider "aws" {
access_key = "AKIAV7WF7N45CVNTAFNZ"
secret_key = "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"
region = "us-east-1"

resource "aws_instance" Demo1 {

ami = "ami-0ed9277fb7eb570c9"
instance_type = "t2.micro"

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