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T-1 T-2
第 415 章 Cap. 415


( 第 415 章 ) (Cap. 415)
目錄 Contents

條次 頁次 Section Page
1. 簡稱 1-1 1. Short title 1-2
2. 釋義 1-1 2. Interpretation 1-2
3. 本條例對若干結構物等的適用範圍 1-9 3. Application of Ordinance to certain structures, 1-10
4. 船舶註冊官 2-1 4. Registrar of Ships 2-2
5. 指示 2-1 5. Instructions 2-2
6. 對公職人員的保障 2-3 6. Protection of public officers 2-4
7. 船舶註冊紀錄冊 3-1 7. Register of ships 3-2
8. 註冊紀錄冊的查閱等 3-1 8. Inspection, etc. of register 3-2
9. 註冊紀錄冊的更正 3-1 9. Rectification of register 3-2
10. 註冊紀錄冊內文書錯誤的改正 3-5 10. Correction of clerical errors in register 3-6

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T-3 T-4
第 415 章 Cap. 415

條次 頁次 Section Page
11. 可註冊的船舶 4-1 11. Registrable ships 4-2
12. 船舶財產權的註冊 4-5 12. Registration of property in ships 4-6
13. 噸位規例 4-5 13. Tonnage regulations 4-6
14. 船舶的噸位及描述 4-9 14. Tonnage and description of ships 4-10
15. 在香港以外地方註冊等的船舶的噸位 4-9 15. Tonnage of ships registered, etc. outside 4-10
Hong Kong
16. 船名規例 4-11 16. Ship names regulations 4-12
17. 有關船名的規則 4-13 17. Rules as to ship names 4-14
18. 船舶的標記 4-15 18. Marking of ship 4-16
19. 註冊申請 4-19 19. Application for registration 4-20
20. 船東及轉管租約承租人親自作出或由他人 4-23 20. Declarations by and on behalf of owners and 4-24
代表作出的聲明書 demise charterers
21. 首次註冊須出示的證據 4-29 21. Evidence on first registration 4-30
22. 拒絕註冊 4-33 22. Refusal of registration 4-34
23. 將資料記入註冊紀錄冊內 4-35 23. Entry of particulars in the register 4-36
24. 註冊證明書 4-37 24. Certificate of registry 4-38
25. 文件的保留 4-37 25. Retention of documents 4-38
26. 船籍港 4-39 26. Port of registry 4-40
27. 臨時註冊的申請 4-39 27. Application for provisional registration 4-40
28. 臨時註冊時將資料記入註冊紀錄冊內 4-43

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T-5 T-6
第 415 章 Cap. 415

條次 頁次 Section Page
28. Entry of particulars in the register on 4-44
provisional registration
29. 臨時註冊期 4-43 29. Period of provisional registration 4-44
30. 臨時註冊證明書 4-45 30. Certificate of provisional registration 4-46
31. 臨時註冊文件的保留 4-47 31. Retention of documents on provisional 4-48
32. 本條例對臨時註冊船舶的適用範圍 4-49 32. Application of Ordinance in relation to ships 4-50
provisionally registered
33. 證明書的保管 4-49 33. Custody of certificate 4-50
34. 使用不當的證明書 4-51 34. Use of improper certificate 4-52
35. 證明書遺失等的補發 4-51 35. Replacement of lost, etc. certificate 4-52
36. 前數條條文對臨時註冊證明書的適用範圍 4-51 36. Application of preceding sections to 4-52
certificate of provisional registry
37. 正確船旗 4-53 37. Proper colours 4-54
38. 第 V 部的適用範圍及釋義 5-1 38. Application and interpretation of Part V 5-2
39. 船舶的移轉 5-1 39. Transfer of ships 5-2
40. 移轉聲明書 5-1 40. Declaration of transfer 5-2
41. 移轉的註冊 5-3 41. Registration of transfer 5-4
42. 船舶因法律的實施而傳轉 5-3 42. Transmission of ship by operation of law 5-4

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T-7 T-8
第 415 章 Cap. 415

條次 頁次 Section Page
43. 第 VI 部各詞的定義 6-1 43. Definitions in Part VI 6-2
44. 船舶的抵押 6-1 44. Mortgage of ship 6-2
45. 抵押的優先權等 6-3 45. Priority of mortgages, etc. 6-4
46. 抵押權人不視作船東 6-5 46. Mortgagee not treated as owner 6-6
47. 抵押權人有權將船舶脫手 6-5 47. Mortgagee to have power of disposal 6-6
48. 抵押的移轉 6-5 48. Transfer of mortgage 6-6
49. 抵押因法律的實施而傳轉 6-7 49. Transmission of mortgage by operation of 6-8
50. 抵押的解除 6-7 50. Discharge of mortgage 6-8
51. 船東將船舶脫手的權力 6-9 51. Power of disposal by owner 6-10
52. 信託不獲承認 6-11 52. Trusts not recognized 6-12
53. 衡平法上的權益不會不包括入內 6-11 53. Equities not excluded 6-12
54. 船東的地址等的更改通知 7-1 54. Notice of change of address, etc. of owner 7-2
55. 身為法人團體的船東或承租人的解散等的 7-1 55. Notice of dissolution, etc. of body corporate 7-2
通知 owner or charterer
56. 轉管租約終止的通知 7-3 56. Notice of termination of demise charter 7-4
57. 船舶的消失、移轉等的通知 7-5 57. Notice of loss, transfer, etc. of ship 7-6
58. 外地終止註冊證明書的交付 7-5 58. Delivery of foreign certificate of deletion 7-6
59. 船東請求終止註冊 7-7 59. Owner seeking closure of registration 7-8

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T-9 T-10
第 415 章 Cap. 415

條次 頁次 Section Page
60. 因收到船舶的可註冊性通知書而將船舶的 7-7 60. Closure on receipt of notice concerning 7-8
註冊終止 registrability
61. 因未能遵守本條例的規定而被終止註冊 7-9 61. Closure on failure to comply with 7-10
requirements of Ordinance
62. 因未能繳交各項費用而被終止註冊 7-11 62. Closure on failure to pay fees or charges 7-12
63. 因代表人的不作為等而被終止註冊 7-13 63. Closure on failure of representative person to 7-14
act, etc.
64. 以指令將船舶的註冊終止的一般規定 7-15 64. Closure by direction generally 7-16
65. 發給終止註冊證明書 7-19 65. Issue of certificate of deletion 7-20
66. 註冊終止後註冊證明書的交付 7-19 66. Delivery of certificate of registry on closure 7-20
67. 關於抵押的註冊紀錄冊內記載事項 7-19 67. Register entries relating to mortgages 7-20
68. 代表人 8-1 68. Representative person 8-2
69. 代表人更改業務時須作出通知 8-3 69. Notice of change of business by representative 8-4
70. 打算不再作為代表人時須作出通知 8-3 70. Notice of intention to cease acting 8-4
71. 代表人的責任等 8-3 71. Duties, etc. of representative person 8-4
72. 更換代表人須作出通知 8-5 72. Notice to replace representative person 8-6
73. “ 政府船舶 ” 的含義 9-1 73. Meaning of “Government ship” 9-2
74. 政府船舶的可註冊性 9-1 74. Registrability of Government ships 9-2

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T-11 T-12
第 415 章 Cap. 415

條次 頁次 Section Page
75. 政府船舶的註冊申請 9-1 75. Application for registration of Government 9-2
76. 將政府船舶資料記入註冊紀錄冊內 9-3 76. Entry of particulars of Government ship in 9-4
the register
77. 政府船舶的註冊證明書 9-3 77. Certificate of registry of Government ship 9-4
78. 與政府船舶有關的文件的保留 9-3 78. Retention of documents relating to 9-4
Government ship
79. 註冊政府船舶的移轉 9-5 79. Transfer of registered Government ship 9-6
80. 本條例對政府船舶的適用範圍 9-5 80. Application of Ordinance to Government 9-6
81. 船舶的改裝 10-1 81. Alterations to ships 10-2
82. 重新註冊 10-1 82. Registration anew 10-2
83. 發給新註冊證明書 10-3 83. Grant of new certificate of registry 10-4
84. 聲明的方式 10-5 84. Mode of making declarations 10-6
85. 註冊官免除任何人作出聲明等的權力 10-7 85. Power of Registrar to dispense with 10-8
declarations, etc.
86. 虛假聲明或資料 10-7 86. False declarations or information 10-8
87. 文件及其副本作為證據的可接受性 10-9 87. Documents, copies and admissibility in 10-10
88. 文件的送達 10-11 88. Service of documents 10-12
89. 遭扣留船舶放行前出海 10-13 89. Taking detained ship to sea 10-14
90. 費用規例 10-15 90. Fees and charges regulations 10-16

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T-13 T-14
第 415 章 Cap. 415

條次 頁次 Section Page
91. 提及在香港註冊的船舶 10-17 91. References to ship registered in Hong Kong 10-18
92. 附表的修訂 10-19 92. Amendment of Schedules 10-20
93. 提起刑事訴訟的時限 10-19 93. Time limit for criminal proceedings 10-20
94. 第 XI 部的釋義 11-1 94. Interpretation of Part XI 11-2
95. 根據法令註冊的船舶 11-1 95. Ships registered under the Act 11-2
96. 仍未根據法令註冊的船舶 11-3 96. Ships not yet registered under the Act 11-4
97. 過渡期船舶資料的記入 11-3 97. Entry of particulars in respect of transitional 11-4
98. 過渡期船舶的註冊證明書 11-5 98. Certificate of registry for transitional ships 11-6
99. 過渡期船舶文件的保留 11-7 99. Retention of documents for transitional ships 11-8
100. 根據法令發出的證明書的交還 11-7 100. Return of certificates issued under the Act 11-8
101. 過渡期船舶不再是可註冊船舶 11-7 101. Transitional ship ceasing to be registrable 11-8
102. 本條例對過渡期船舶的適用範圍 11-9 102. Application of Ordinance to transitional ships 11-10
103. ( 廢除 ) 12-1 103. (Repealed) 12-2
104. 保留、修訂及廢除條文 12-1 104. Savings, amendments and repeals 12-2
附表 1 註冊船舶的正確船旗 S1-1 SCHEDULE 1 PROPER COLOURS OF A S1-2

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T-15 T-16
第 415 章 Cap. 415

條次 頁次 Section Page
附表 3 本條例對政府船舶的適用範圍 S3-1 SCHEDULE 3 APPLICATION OF ORDINANCE S3-2
附表 4 本條例對過渡期船舶的適用範圍 S4-1 SCHEDULE 4 APPLICATION OF ORDINANCE S4-2

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1-1 第I部 PART I 1-2

第 415 章 第1條 Section 1 Cap. 415

本條例對船舶在香港註冊及有關事宜作出規定。 An Ordinance to provide for the registration of ships in Hong Kong and
for related matters.

[1990 年 12 月 3 日 ] 1990 年第 366 號法律公告 [3 December 1990] L.N. 366 of 1990

1. 簡稱 1. Short title
(1) 本條例可引稱為《商船 ( 註冊 ) 條例》。 (1) This Ordinance may be cited as the Merchant Shipping
(2) ( 已失時效而略去 ) (Registration) Ordinance.
(2) (Omitted as spent)

2. 釋義 2. Interpretation
(1) 在本條例中,除文意另有所指外 —— (1) In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires—
“ 外地終止註冊證明書 ” (foreign certificate of deletion),就船舶 “authorized surveyor” (特許驗船師) means a surveyor appointed
來說,指由香港以外地方的有關主管當局發出的證明書 by a Certifying Authority referred to in section 13 for the
或其他文件,證明或說明該船舶在該地方的船舶註冊紀 purposes of the tonnage regulations;
錄冊內的註冊已終止; “builder’s certificate” (建造證明書), in relation to a ship, means a
“ 代 表 人 ” (representative person) 就 船 舶 來 說,指 當 時 根 據 第 certificate signed by the builder of the ship and containing a
68 條就該船舶而委任的代表人; true account of—
“ 生效日期 ” (commencement date) 指總督根據第 1(2) 條為本條 (a) the proper denomination and tonnage of the ship, as
例指定的實施日期; estimated by him;
“ 可註冊 ” (registrable) 就船舶來說,指能根據本條例註冊; (b) the date when and place where the ship was built; and
“ 合資格的人 ” (qualified person) 具有第 11(4) 條給予該詞的含 (c) the name of the person on whose account the ship was
義; built;
“ 再轉管租約 ” (sub-demise charter) 指由轉管租約承租人以轉 “certificate of deletion” (終止註冊證明書) means a certificate of
管方式將船舶再出租的船舶轉租合約;在這租約下,再 deletion issued under section 65;
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1-3 第I部 PART I 1-4

第 415 章 第2條 Section 2 Cap. 415

轉 管 租 約 承 租 人 管 有 該 船 舶,並 控 制 一 切 與 該 船 舶 的 “certificate of provisional registry” (臨時註冊證明書) means a

航行及經營有關的事宜,包括船長及船員的僱用; ( 由 certificate of provisional registry granted under section 30 and
2001 年第 9 號第 2 條增補 ) a new certificate of provisional registry granted under section
“ 身分證 ” (identity card) 就任何人來說,指根據《人事登記條例》 35;
( 第 177 章 ) 發給該人的身分證; “certificate of registry” (註冊證明書) means a certificate of registry
“ 指示 ” (instructions) 指處長根據第 5 條發出的行政指示; granted under section 24, 77 or 98 and a new certificate of
registry granted section 35 or 83;
“ 政府 ” (Government) 指香港政府;
“certificate of survey” (驗船證明書) means a certificate granted by
“ 建造證明書 ” (builder’s certificate) 就船舶來說,指由該船舶 an authorized surveyor under section 14;
的建造商簽署並據實載明以下各項的證明書 ——
“certificate or declaration of marking” (標記證明書或聲明書), in
(a) 該建造商估計該船舶的正確度量衡單位及噸位; relation to a ship, means—
(b) 該船舶的建造日期及地點;及 (a) a certificate signed by an authorized surveyor; or
(c) 訂造該船舶的人的姓名; (b) a declaration made in Hong Kong by one or more of the
“ 送交 ” (lodged) 指按照本條例交付註冊官並由註冊官接受; owners or by the demise charterer of the ship,
“ 特許驗船師 ” (authorized surveyor) 指第 13 條所指的核准當局 certifying or declaring, as the case may be, that the ship’s
為執行噸位規例而委任的驗船師; name and port of registry have been marked as directed by
“ 終止註冊證明書 ” (certificate of deletion) 指根據第 65 條發給 the Registrar;
的終止註冊證明書; “commencement date” (生效日期) means the date appointed by
“ 船東 ” (owner) 就註冊船舶或臨時註冊船舶來說,指根據本 the Governor under section 1(2) for the coming into operation
條例註冊為船東的人; of this Ordinance;
“ 船長 ” (master) 包括每個當時指揮或掌管船舶的人,但領港 “demise charter” (轉管租約) means a charter party by which a
員除外; ship is chartered or let by demise and under which the demise
charterer has the possession of the ship and has control of all
“ 船舶 ” (ship) 指 ( 除第 3 條另有規定外 ) 各類並非靠槳力推進
matters relating to the navigation and operation of the ship
including employment of the master and crew; (Amended 9 of
2001 s. 2)
“demise charterer” (轉管租約承租人) means the charterer of a
“ 處長 ” (Director) 指海事處處長;
ship under a demise charter, and in relation to a registered
“ 註冊 ” (registered) 就船舶來說,指根據本條例註冊; or provisionally registered ship means a person registered as
demise charterer under this Ordinance;
“Director” (處長) means the Director of Marine;

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1-5 第I部 PART I 1-6

第 415 章 第2條 Section 2 Cap. 415

“ 註冊官 ” (the Registrar) 指根據第 4(1) 條委任為船舶註冊官的 “foreign certificate of deletion” (外地終止註冊證明書), in relation
任何人;凡該詞是與處長當時依據第 4(3) 條行使的權力 to a ship, means a certificate or other document issued by
或執行的職能連用,則包括指處長; the relevant authority of a place outside Hong Kong and
“ 註冊紀錄冊 ” (register) 指根據第 7 條備存的船舶註冊紀錄冊; certifying or stating, as the case may be, to the effect that the
ship has been deleted from the register of ships in that place;
“ 註冊證明書 ” (certificate of registry) 指根據第 24、77 或 98 條
發給的註冊證明書及根據第 35 或 83 條發給的新註冊證 “Government” (政府) means the Government of Hong Kong;
明書; “identity card” (身分證), in relation to any person, means an
“ 標記證明書或聲明書 ” (certificate or declaration of marking) 就 identity card issued to that person under the Registration of
船舶來說,指 —— Persons Ordinance (Cap. 177);
(a) 由特許驗船師簽署的證明書;或 “instructions” (指示) means administrative instructions issued by
the Director under section 5;
(b) 由該船舶的一名或超過一名船東或該船舶的轉管租
約承租人在香港所作的聲明書, “lodged” (送交) means delivered to and accepted by the Registrar
in accordance with this Ordinance;
指令予以標記; ( 由 1995 年第 586 號法律公告修訂 ) “master” (船長) includes every person (except a pilot) having
command or charge of any ship;
“ 噸位規例 ” (tonnage regulations) 指根據第 13 條訂立的關於船
舶噸位的規例; “owner” (船東), in relation to a registered or provisionally
registered ship, means a person registered as owner under this
“ 臨 時 註 冊 ” (provisionally registered) 就 船 舶 來 說,指 根 據 第 Ordinance;
28 條臨時註冊;
“provisionally registered” (臨時註冊), in relation to a ship, means
“ 臨時註冊證明書 ” (certificate of provisional registry) 指根據第 provisionally registered under section 28;
30 條發給的臨時註冊證明書及根據第 35 條發給的新臨時
註冊證明書; “qualified person” (合資格的人) has the meaning assigned to it by
section 11(4);
“ 轉管租約 ” (demise charter) 指以轉管方式將船舶出租的租船
合約;在這租約下,轉管租約承租人管有該船舶,並控 “register” (註冊紀錄冊) means the register of ships kept under
制一切與該船舶的航行及經營有關的事宜,包括船長及 section 7;
船員的僱用; ( 由 2001 年第 9 號第 2 條修訂 ) “registered” (註冊), in relation to a ship, means registered under
“ 轉管租約承租人 ” (demise charterer) 指在轉管租約下的船舶 this Ordinance;
承租人,而就註冊船舶或臨時註冊船舶來說,指根據本 “registrable” (可註冊), in relation to a ship, means able to be
條例註冊為該船舶的轉管租約承租人的人; registered under this Ordinance;
“ 驗船證明書 ” (certificate of survey) 指由特許驗船師根據第 4 “the Registrar” (註冊官) means any person appointed as a
發給的證明書。 Registrar of Ships under section 4(1) and, where the term
is used in connection with a power or function for the time
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1-7 第I部 PART I 1-8

第 415 章 第2條 Section 2 Cap. 415

(2) 凡本條例任何條文就任何船舶或與船舶有關的任何事情 being exercised by the Director pursuant to section 4(3),

而 —— includes the Director;
(a) 對該船舶的船東或輚管租約承租人委以責任或法律 “representative person” (代表人), in relation to a ship, means the
責任;或 representative person for the time being appointed in relation
(b) 訂定須向該船舶的船東或轉管租約承租人送達通知 to the ship under section 68;
書, “ship” (船舶) means, subject to section 3, every description of
該條文須解釋為對以下的人委以責任或法律責任,或解 vessel capable of navigating in water not propelled by oars,
釋為訂定須向以下的人送達通知書 —— and includes any ship, boat or craft and an air-cushion vehicle
or similar craft used wholly or partly in navigation in water;
(i) 船舶如憑藉第 11(1)(a) 條已予註冊或將予註冊,則指
其船東;或 “sub-demise charter” (再轉管租約) means a sub-charter party
by which a ship is sub-chartered or sublet by demise by the
(ii) 船舶如憑藉第 11(1)(b) 條已予註冊或將予註冊,則 demise charterer and under which the sub-demise charterer
指其轉管租約承租人, has the possession of the ship and has control of all matters
但如該條文是對並非船東或轉管租約承租人的人委 relating to the navigation and operation of the ship including
以責任或法律責任,或是訂定向該人送達通知書, employment of the master and the crew; (Added 9 of 2001 s. 2)
則本款並不損害或影響該條文的實施。 “tonnage regulations” (噸位規例) means regulations as to the
tonnage of ships made under section 13.
(2) Where in relation to a ship or to any matter connected with a
ship any provision of this Ordinance—
(a) imposes a duty or liability on either of the owner or
demise charterer of the ship; or
(b) provides for the service of notice on either of the owner
or demise charterer of the ship,
the provision shall be construed as imposing the duty or
liability or providing for the service of notice—
(i) in the case of a ship registered or to be registered by
virtue of section 11(1)(a), on the owner; or
(ii) in the case of a ship registered or to be registered by
virtue of section 11(1)(b), on the demise charterer,
but nothing in this subsection shall prejudice or affect the
operation of that provision in so far as it imposes the duty or

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1-9 第I部 PART I 1-10

第 415 章 第3條 Section 3 Cap. 415

liability, or provides for the service of notice, as the case may

be, on any person other than the owner or demise charterer.

3. 本條例對若干結構物等的適用範圍 3. Application of Ordinance to certain structures, etc.

處長可藉憲報公告規定,該公告中所述某件經設計或經改裝 The Director may by notice published in the Gazette provide that a
以供在海上使用的東西,就該公告指明的本條例條文來說, thing designed or adapted for use at sea and described in the notice
須視作或不視作船舶處理;此外 —— is or is not to be treated as a ship for the purpose of any provision
(a) 該公告亦可就不同情況,作出不同的規定;及 of this Ordinance specified in the notice, and any such notice
(b) 如該公告規定,就該公告指明的條文來說,某件東
西須視作船舶處理,則該公告亦可規定該條文須按 (a) make different provision in relation to different
指明的方式修改後,適用於該件東西。 occasions; and
(b) if it provides that a thing is to be treated as a ship
for the purpose of a provision specified in the notice,
provide that the provision shall have effect in relation to
the craft with such modifications as are so specified.

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2-1 第 II 部 PART II 2-2

第 415 章 第4條 Section 4 Cap. 415

4. 船舶註冊官 4. Registrar of Ships
(1) 處長須以書面委任一名或超過一名公職人員為船舶註冊 (1) The Director shall in writing appoint one or more public
官。 officers to be Registrars of Ships.
(2) 註冊官具有本條例或其他法律賦予他的權力及委予他的 (2) The Registrar shall have such powers, functions and duties as
職能與職責。 are conferred or imposed upon him by this Ordinance or any
(3) 在無損第 (2) 款規定的情況下,處長具有該款所指的註冊 other law.
官權力及職能,並可行使該等權力及執行該等職能。 (3) Without prejudice to subsection (2), the Director shall have
and may exercise the powers and functions of the Registrar
referred to in that subsection.

5. 指示 5. Instructions
(1) 處長可向註冊官及其他公職人員發出他認為需要或適宜 (1) The Director may issue to the Registrar and to other public
的行政指示,該等行政指示須與本條例並無抵觸,以更 officers such administrative instructions not inconsistent
有效地實施本條例的條文。 with this Ordinance as may appear to him to be necessary or
(2) 處長須以他認為適當的方式公布該等指示。 expedient for the better carrying out of the provisions of this
(3) 凡本條例中提及指明格式或方式之處 ——
(2) The Director shall publish such instructions in such manner
(a) 該格式或方式可由處長在指示中指明;及 as he sees fit.
(b) 如指示中訂定,不符指明格式或方式之處倘無實質 (3) Where in this Ordinance there is reference to a specified form
影響便不會使該格式或方式無效,則須據此辦理。 or manner—
(4) 註冊官及其他公職人員須遵守處長發給他的指示。 (a) that form or manner may be specified by the Director in
instructions; and
(b) if the instructions so provide, deviations from the
specified form or manner not affecting the substance
thereof shall not invalidate that form or manner.

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第 415 章 第6條 Section 6 Cap. 415

(4) The Registrar and any other public officer shall comply with
any instructions issued to him.

6. 對公職人員的保障 6. Protection of public officers

( 具追溯力的適應化修訂 —— 見 1999 年第 64 號第 3 條 ) (Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 64 of 1999 s. 3)
(1) 公職人員行使或看來是行使本條例所賦權力,或執行或 (1) No public officer shall be personally liable for any damage,
看來是執行本條例所委職能或職責時,真誠地作出任何 injury or loss suffered or incurred by any person as a result of
作為或不作為,因而導致任何人蒙受或承擔損害、損傷 any act done or omission made by the public officer in good
或損失,公職人員無須因此而負上個人的法律責任。 faith in the exercise or performance or purported exercise
(2) 第 (1) 款就任何作為或不作為而賦予公職人員的保障,並 or performance of any power, function or duty under this
不在任何方面影響政府在侵權法下就該作為或不作為而 Ordinance.
須承擔的法律責任。 ( 由 1999 年第 64 號第 3 條修訂 ) (2) The protection conferred on public officers by subsection
(1) in respect of any act or omission shall not in any way
affect any liability of the Government in tort for that act or
omission. (Amended 64 of 1999 s. 3)

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3-1 第 III 部 PART III 3-2

第 415 章 第7條 Section 7 Cap. 415


7. 船舶註冊紀錄冊 7. Register of ships
(1) 註冊官須為根據本條例註冊或臨時註冊的船舶備存一份 (1) The Registrar shall keep a register of ships registered or
註冊紀錄冊。 provisionally registered under this Ordinance.
(2) 註冊紀錄冊須按訂明的規定載有關於船舶、船東、各船 (2) The register shall contain such particulars in respect of
東的船舶權益、轉管租約承租人、抵押權人及代表人的 ships, owners and their respective interests in ships, demise
資料。 charterers, mortgagees and representative persons as are
(3) 註冊紀錄冊可以能閱讀或不能閱讀的形式備存,但如以 prescribed.
不能閱讀的形式備存,則註冊紀錄冊內所記載的事項, (3) The register may be kept in legible or non-legible form but
須能夠以能閱讀的形式複製。 if kept in non-legible form any entry in the register shall be
capable of being reproduced in legible form.

8. 註冊紀錄冊的查閱等 8. Inspection, etc. of register

任何人繳付訂明的費用,即可 —— Any person may, on payment of the prescribed fee—
(a) 查閱以能閱讀形式出示的註冊紀錄冊; (a) inspect the register in legible form;
(b) 索取關於註冊紀錄冊內所記載事項而以能閱讀形式 (b) require to be furnished with a copy of, or extract from,
出示的副本或摘錄;或 any entry in the register in legible form; or
(c) 要求由註冊官或其代表認證該副本或摘錄為真實副 (c) require such copy or extract to be certified as a true
本。 copy by or on behalf of the Registrar.

9. 註冊紀錄冊的更正 9. Rectification of register

( 具追溯力的適應化修訂 —— 見 1998 年第 25 號第 2 條 ) (Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 25 of 1998 s. 2)
(1) 凡有利害關係的人認為註冊紀錄冊內有重要錯誤,他可 (1) Where it appears to any person interested that there is a
以書面向處長申請將註冊紀錄冊內資料更正。 material error in the register, he may apply in writing to the
(2) 處長收到根據第 (1) 款提出的申請後,如認為註冊紀錄冊 Director for rectification of the register.
內有重要錯誤,可 ——
(a) 指令註冊官更正註冊紀錄冊內資料;或
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第 415 章 第9條 Section 9 Cap. 415

(b) 除第 (3) 款另有規定外,要求該申請人向原訟法庭申 (2) Upon receipt of an application under subsection (1) the
請將註冊紀錄冊內資料更正。 ( 由 1998 年第 25 號 Director may, if in his opinion there is a material error in the
第 2 條修訂 ) register—
(3) 凡處長認為該重要錯誤是由於註冊官的疏忽、蓄意作為 (a) direct the Registrar to rectify the register; or
或不作為而引致,則第 (2)(b) 款不適用。 (b) subject to subsection (3), require the applicant to apply
(4) 根據本條向原訟法庭提出更正申請的通知書須由申請人 to the Court of First Instance for rectification of the
送達處長;處長可在有關聆訊中出庭及陳詞。 ( 由 1998 register. (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
年第 25 號第 2 條修訂 ) (3) Subsection (2)(b) shall not apply in any case where, in
(5) 原訟法庭在本條所述的聆訊中,可 ——  ( 由 1998 年第 the opinion of the Director, the material error is due to the
25 號第 2 條修訂 ) negligence or wilful act or omission of the Registrar.
(a) 就更正註冊紀錄冊內資料事發出它認為適當的命令; (4) Notice of an application to the Court of First Instance under
及 this section for rectification shall be served by the applicant
(b) 對有關該項更正所需要或適宜作出決定的問題作出 on the Director and the Director may appear and be heard in
決定。 the proceedings. (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
(6) 一份根據第 (5) 款作出的命令須送達處長及註冊官。 (5) The Court of First Instance may, in proceedings under this
section—  (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
(7) 註冊官 ——
(a) make such order as it thinks fit concerning the
(a) 須遵守根據第 (2)(a) 款作出的關於更正註冊紀錄冊 rectification of the register; and
(b) decide any question that it is necessary or expedient to
(b) 在收到一份根據第 (6) 款送達的命令時,如該命令規 decide concerning such rectification.
(6) A copy of an order under subsection (5) shall be served on
(8) 在本條來說 —— the Director and the Registrar.
(a) 如註冊紀錄冊在事實上或實質上有錯誤,即屬有重 (7) The Registrar shall—
(a) comply with any direction to rectify the register under
(b) 在不限制 (a) 段的一般性原則下,如出現以下情形, subsection (2)(a);
註冊紀錄冊即屬有重要錯誤 ——
(b) upon receipt of the copy of an order served under
(i) 任何記載事項自註冊紀錄冊中略去; subsection (6), and if the order so requires, rectify the
(ii) 無充分理由而在註冊紀錄冊內記入任何事項; register accordingly.
(iii) 註冊紀錄冊內錯誤地存有任何記載事項;或 (8) For the purposes of this section—
(iv) 註冊紀錄冊內的記載事項有錯誤或欠妥善;及

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第 415 章 第 10 條 Section 10 Cap. 415

(c) (b)(i) 段所提及的記載事項自註冊紀錄冊中略去,須 (a) there is a material error in the register if there is an error
解作包括提及本條例規定須予或准予記入或留在註 of fact or substance in the register;
冊紀錄冊內、但並沒有記入註冊紀錄冊或已從該冊 (b) without limiting the generality of paragraph (a), there is
刪去的事項。 a material error in the register if—
(9) 原訟法庭在本條下的司法管轄權,可由高等法院司法常 (i) an entry is omitted from the register;
務官或聆案官行使。 ( 由 1998 年第 25 號第 2 條修訂 )
(ii) an entry is made in the register without sufficient
(iii) an entry wrongly exists in the register; or
(iv) there is an error or defect in an entry in the
register; and
(c) the reference in paragraph (b)(i) to an entry omitted
from the register shall be read as including a reference
to a matter that is required or permitted by this
Ordinance to be entered, or to remain, in the register but
is not entered in, or is removed from, the register.
(9) The jurisdiction of the Court of First Instance under this
section may be exercised by the Registrar of the High Court
or a Master thereof. (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)

10. 註冊紀錄冊內文書錯誤的改正 10. Correction of clerical errors in register

註冊官可改正或安排改正註冊紀錄冊內的文書錯誤或明顯錯 The Registrar may correct, or cause to be corrected, any clerical
誤。 error or obvious mistake in the register.

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4-1 第 IV 部 PART IV 4-2

第 415 章 第 11 條 Section 11 Cap. 415

可註冊的船舶及權益 Registrable ships and interests

11. 可註冊的船舶 11. Registrable ships

(1) 除本條例另有規定外,船舶如符合以下規定及有代表人, (1) Subject to this Ordinance, a ship is registrable if—
即可註冊 —— (a) a majority interest in the ship is owned by one or more
(a) 該船舶的過半數權益由一名或超過一名合資格的人 qualified persons; or
擁有;或 (b) the ship is operated under a demise charter by a body
(b) 該船舶由一個身為合資格的人的法人團體在轉管租 corporate being a qualified person (whether or not a
約下經營 ( 不論該船舶的過半數權益是否由一名或 majority interest in the ship is owned by one or more
超過一名合資格的人擁有 )。 qualified persons),
(2) 註冊船舶如有以下情形,即不再是可註冊的船舶 —— and a representative person is appointed in relation to the
(a) 該船舶是憑藉第 (1)(a) 款予以註冊,但其過半數權 ship.
益不再由一名或超過一名合資格的人擁有; (2) A registered ship ceases to be registrable if—
(b) 該船舶是憑藉第 (1)(b) 款予以註冊,但 —— (a) being a ship registered by virtue of subsection (1)(a), a
(i) 不論是由於轉管租約的終止,或是由於其他原 majority interest in the ship ceases to be owned by one
因,該船舶已不再由一個身為合資格的人的法 or more qualified persons;
人團體在轉管租約下經營; (b) being a ship registered by virtue of subsection (1)(b)—
(ii) 該 船 舶 或 其 份 額 或 部 分 已 經 移 轉 或 傳 轉;或 (i) the ship ceases to be operated under a demise
( 由 1995 年第 68 號第 2 條修訂 ) charter by a body corporate being a qualified
(iii) 轉管租約承租人在該轉管租約下享有的權利已 person (whether by reason of the termination of the
經根據再轉管租約被轉讓; ( 由 2001 年第 9 號 demise charter or otherwise);
第 3 條修訂 ) (ii) the ship or any share in or part of the ship is
(c) 該船舶在戰爭或敵對行動中被奪取,以致其船東或 transferred or transmitted; or
轉管租約承租人對該船舶的經營失去控制; (iii) the rights of the demise charterer under the demise
charter are assigned under a sub-demise charter;
(Amended 9 of 2001 s. 3)

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第 415 章 第 11 條 Section 11 Cap. 415

(d) 該船舶已被摧毀、確實已完全消失、或被推定已完 (c) the ship is taken in war or hostilities, as a result of

全消失,以致不能再用作航行; which the owner or demise charterer has lost control
(e) 該船舶在註冊時仍然是一艘在香港以外地方註冊的 over the operation of the ship;
船舶; (d) the ship is broken up, or is an actual or constructive
(f) 該船舶其後在香港以外地方註冊;或 total loss such that it is no longer capable of being used
in navigation;
(g) 該船舶的代表人的委任終止。
(e) the ship at the time of registration remains registered in
(3) 在本條來說,該船舶為註冊而分成的船舶財產權份額或 a place outside Hong Kong;
( 聯合計算 ),則該人或該等人即視作擁有該船舶的過半 (f) the ship subsequently becomes registered in a place
數權益;而為這目的,與一名並非合資格的人聯名擁有 outside Hong Kong; or
的份額或部分,將不計在內。 (g) a representative person ceases to be appointed in relation
(4) 本條所指合資格的人是 —— to the ship.
(a) 持有有效身分證並通常居於香港的個別人士; (3) For the purposes of this section, one or more persons shall
be treated as owning a majority interest in a ship if there is
(b) 在香港成立的法人團體;及 vested in that person or in those persons, taken together, the
(c) 《公司條例》( 第 622 章 ) 第 2(1) 條所界定的註冊非香 legal title to more than one half of the shares or parts into
港公司。 ( 由 2004 年第 30 號第 3 條修訂;由 2012 which the property in the ship is divided for the purposes of
年第 28 號第 912 及 920 條修訂 ) registration, there being left out of account for this purpose
(5) 本條並不減損或影響第 IX 或 XI 部的條文的效力。 any share or part which is jointly owned by a person other
than a qualified person.
(4) The following are qualified persons for the purposes of this
(a) an individual who holds a valid identity card and who is
ordinarily resident in Hong Kong;
(b) a body corporate incorporated in Hong Kong; and
(c) a registered non-Hong Kong company as defined by
section 2(1) of the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622).
(Amended 30 of 2004 s. 3; 28 of 2012 ss. 912 & 920)
(5) Nothing in this section shall derogate from or affect the
provisions of Part IX or XI.

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4-5 第 IV 部 PART IV 4-6

第 415 章 第 12 條 Section 12 Cap. 415

12. 船舶財產權的註冊 12. Registration of property in ships

為將船舶註冊 —— For the purposes of registration of a ship—
(a) 船舶的權益可分成任何數目的份額或部分,而任何 (a) the interest in a ship may be divided into any number
數目的人均可註冊為該船舶的船東或該船舶某份額 of shares or parts and any number of persons may be
或部分的擁有人; registered as owners of the ship or of a share in or part
(b) 任何數目的人均可註冊為船舶的聯名船東或該船舶 of the ship;
份額或部分的聯名擁有人,但這類聯名船東或聯名 (b) any number of persons may be registered as joint
擁有人無權將所擁有的權益分開脫手;及 owners of a ship or of any share in or part of the ship,
(c) 法人團體須以其法團的名義註冊為船東。 but any such joint owner is not entitled to dispose of his
interest in severalty; and
(c) a body corporate shall be registered as owner by its
corporate name.

船舶的量度及識別 Measurement and identification of ships

13. 噸位規例 13. Tonnage regulations

(1) 行政長官會同行政會議可訂立規例 ——  ( 由 1999 年第 (1) The Chief Executive in Council may make
64 號第 3 條修訂 ) regulations—  (Amended 64 of 1999 s. 3)
(a) 就某些人或團體作為規例所指的核准當局而作出規 (a) providing for persons or bodies to be, or to be
定,並就某些人或團體由處長授權作為規例所指的 authorized by the Director to be, Certifying Authorities
核准當局而作出規定; for the purposes of the regulations;
(b) 就核准當局或其代表在規例中指明的情況下量度及 (b) providing for the measurement and survey of ships for
檢驗船舶以確定其噸位而作出規定; the purpose of ascertaining tonnage to be undertaken,
(c) 就核准當局發給船舶的註冊噸位證明書、或淨噸位 in such circumstances as may be specified in the
證明書、或並非在香港註冊的船舶的噸位證明書 ( 該 regulations, by or on behalf of a Certifying Authority;
噸位是為規例指明的目的而作為該船舶的噸位者 ) (c) providing for the issue by Certifying Authorities of
作出規定,並就該等證明書在規例訂明的情況下註 certificates of register tonnage or net tonnage of any ship
銷及交還作出規定; or of the tonnage which is to be taken for any purpose
(d) 對於為船舶指定較低噸位事作出規定,該較低噸位 specified in the regulations as the tonnage of a ship not
是在船舶非載重至其安全載重極限時適用,用以代 registered in Hong Kong and for the cancellation and

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4-7 第 IV 部 PART IV 4-8

第 415 章 第 13 條 Section 13 Cap. 415

替按規例其他條文所確定的船舶噸位或作為該船舶 delivery up of such certificates in such circumstances as

的另一噸位選擇;此外,規定須在船舶上以規例指 may be prescribed by the regulations;
明的標記顯示該船舶已獲指定的較低噸位;又如該 (d) providing for assigning to a ship, either instead of or as
較低噸位是作為該船舶的另一噸位選擇,則規定該 an alternative to the tonnage ascertained in accordance
較低噸位適用時的船舶載重深度; with the other provisions of the regulations, a lower
(e) 就更改船舶的註冊噸位資料或淨噸位資料事作出規 tonnage applicable where the ship is not loaded to the
定; full depth to which it can be safely loaded, and for
(f) 禁止或限制在不計算在船舶的註冊噸位或淨噸位內 indicating on the ship, by such mark as may be specified
的空間裝載貨物或物料; in the regulations, that such a lower tonnage has been
assigned to it and, where it has been assigned to it as an
(g) 為不同種類的船舶或同一種類的船舶在不同情況下 alternative, the depth to which the ship may be loaded
作出不同規定; for the lower tonnage to be applicable;
(h) 規定規例的某條文,須視乎規例指明的條件是否獲 (e) providing for the alteration of the particulars relating to
得遵守而定,該條件是否獲遵守須按規例指明的方 the register tonnage or net tonnage of a ship;
(f) prohibiting or restricting the carriage of goods or stores
(i) 對於向核准當局繳費作出規定; in spaces not included in the register tonnage or net
(j) 規定如有違反規例條文的情形,船東、船長或兩者 tonnage of a ship;
均屬犯法,可各處第 2 級罰款。 (g) making different provision for different descriptions of
(2) 船舶噸位一經確定及按照噸位規例註冊後,即當作該船 ships or for the same description of ships in different
舶的噸位,日後須以此噸位註冊,但如該船舶的形狀或 circumstances;
容量有所更改,或發現該噸位計算錯誤,則屬例外;如 (h) making any provision of the regulations dependent on
有以上任何一種情形出現,即須按照噸位規例重新量度 compliance with such conditions, to be evidenced in
該船舶、測定其噸位及以該噸位註冊。 such manner, as may be specified in the regulations;
( 編輯修訂 ——2014 年第 2 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) (i) providing for the payment of fees to Certifying
(j) providing that where any provision of the regulations
is contravened, the owner or master, or each of them,
commits an offence and is liable to a fine at level 2.
(2) When the tonnage of any ship has been ascertained and
registered in accordance with the tonnage regulations it shall
thenceforth be deemed to be the tonnage of the ship, and shall
be repeated in every subsequent registration thereof, unless
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4-9 第 IV 部 PART IV 4-10

第 415 章 第 14 條 Section 14 Cap. 415

any alteration is made in the form or capacity of the ship, or

unless it is discovered that the tonnage has been erroneously
computed; and in either of those cases the ship shall be
remeasured, and its tonnage determined and registered
according to the tonnage regulations.
(Amended E.R. 2 of 2014)

14. 船舶的噸位及描述 14. Tonnage and description of ships

(1) 凡擬將某船舶註冊時 —— (1) Where a ship is to be registered—
(a) 特許驗船師須 —— (a) an authorized surveyor shall—
(i) 按照噸位規例確定該船舶的噸位;及 (i) ascertain the ship’s tonnage in accordance with the
(ii) 按指明格式發給證明書,指明該船舶的噸位及 tonnage regulations; and
構造,及當時處長規定須提供以描述該船舶身 (ii) grant a certificate, in the specified form, specifying
分的其他資料;及 the ship’s tonnage and build, and such other
(b) 該船舶的船東或轉管租約承租人須安排將該證明書 particulars descriptive of the identity of the ship as
在該船舶註冊前交付註冊官。 may for the time being be required by the Director;
(2) 第 (1) 款不適用於擬予以臨時註冊的船舶。
(b) the owner or demise charterer of the ship shall cause
the certificate to be delivered to the Registrar before the
ship is registered.
(2) Subsection (1) shall not apply in relation to a ship which is to
be provisionally registered.

15. 在香港以外地方註冊等的船舶的噸位 15. Tonnage of ships registered, etc. outside Hong Kong
( 具追溯力的適應化修訂 —— 見 1999 年第 64 號第 3 條 ) (Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 64 of 1999 s. 3)
(1) 行政長官會同行政會議如認為某國家有與噸位規例具同 (1) The Chief Executive in Council may, where it appears to him
等效力的現行法例,則可發出命令,使該國家的船舶無 that legislation to the same effect as the tonnage regulations
須在香港重新量度,即以同樣方式、在同樣程度上及為 is in force in any country, order that ships of that country
同樣目的而被當作具有其註冊證明書或其他國家文件上 shall, without being remeasured in Hong Kong, be deemed
所示的噸位,猶如根據本條例註冊的船舶被當作具有其 to be of the tonnage denoted in their respective certificates
註冊證明書所示的噸位一樣。 of registry or other national papers, in the same manner, to
the same extent, and for the same purposes as the tonnage
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4-11 第 IV 部 PART IV 4-12

第 415 章 第 16 條 Section 16 Cap. 415

(2) 根據第 (1) 款發出的命令,須受該命令中指明的條件及限 denoted in the certificate of registry of a ship registered under
制規限。 this Ordinance is deemed to be the tonnage of that ship.
(3) 行政長官會同行政會議如認為某國家的船舶按照該國家 (2) An order under subsection (1) shall be subject to such
的規則量度所得的噸位,與該船舶根據噸位規例量度所 conditions and qualifications as may be specified in the order.
得的噸位有重大差距,則不論是否有任何根據第 (1) 款作 (3) The Chief Executive in Council may, where it appears to him
出的命令仍然生效,即可命令該國家的任何船舶,為本 that the tonnage of a ship of any country, as measured by
條例的所有或任何目的而按照噸位規例重新量度。 the rules of that country, materially differs from its tonnage
( 由 1999 年第 64 號第 3 條修訂 ) as measured under the tonnage regulations, order that,
notwithstanding any order in force under subsection (1), any
of the ships of that country may, for all or any purposes of
this Ordinance, be remeasured in accordance with the tonnage
(Amended 64 of 1999 s. 3)

16. 船名規例 16. Ship names regulations

( 具追溯力的適應化修訂 —— 見 1999 年第 64 號第 3 條 ) (Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 64 of 1999 s. 3)
(1) 行政長官會同行政會議可訂立規例 ——  ( 由 1999 年第 (1) The Chief Executive in Council may make
64 號第 3 條修訂 ) regulations—  (Amended 64 of 1999 s. 3)
(a) 規定建議的船舶註冊名稱須先由註冊官批准,才可 (a) requiring the name by which it is proposed to register a
將該名稱標記在該船舶上或記入註冊紀錄冊內; ship to be approved by the Registrar before the name is
(b) 賦權予註冊官為船舶預留名稱; marked on the ship or entered in the register;
(c) 賦權予註冊官在以下情況下拒絕以建議的船舶註冊 (b) empowering the Registrar to reserve a name for a ship;
名稱為該船舶註冊 —— (c) empowering the Registrar to refuse to register any ship
(i) 該名稱已是某註冊船舶的名稱,或已被預留, by the name by which it is proposed to register that ship
或註冊官認為該名稱與某註冊船舶的名稱相類 if the name—
似,以致可能導致欺騙;或 (i) is already the name of a registered ship or is
(ii) 註冊官認為以該名稱在香港註冊並不適當。 reserved, or is in the opinion of the Registrar so
similar as to be likely to deceive; or
(2) 建議予以註冊的任何船舶 ——
(ii) is in the opinion of the Registrar undesirable for
(a) 如遭註冊官拒絕以建議的名稱為該船舶註冊,則註 the purposes of registration in Hong Kong.
(2) If, in the case of any ship which it is proposed to register—

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4-13 第 IV 部 PART IV 4-14

第 415 章 第 17 條 Section 17 Cap. 415

(b) 如不符合本規例的任何規定,則註冊官不得在該船 (a) the Registrar refuses to register the ship by the name by
舶符合本規例之前將它註冊。 which it is proposed to register the ship; or
(3) (a) 船舶須有一個以英文字母組成的名稱,或一個以中 (b) any requirements of the regulations are not complied
文字組成的名稱,而該名稱可包括數字: with,
但如該名稱是以中文字組成的,則須同時顯示相應 the Registrar shall not register that ship under the name
於中文名稱讀音而由英文字母組成的名稱。 proposed or until the regulations are complied with, as the
(b) 如船舶有以英文字母及以中文字組成的名稱,就本 case may be.
條及第 17 條而言,中英文名稱須各自成一獨立名稱。 (3) (a) A ship shall have a name which may be either in
( 由 1999 年第 64 號第 3 條代替 ) English alphabetic characters or in Chinese characters
and which may include numerals:
Provided that where the name is in Chinese characters,
the phonetically corresponding name in the English
alphabet shall also be shown.
(b) If a ship has a name in both English and Chinese
characters, each shall be a separate name for the
purposes of this section and section 17. (Replaced 64 of
1999 s. 3)

17. 有關船名的規則 17. Rules as to ship names

(1) 任何人除以某船舶當時的註冊名稱稱呼該船舶外,不得 (1) A person shall not describe a registered ship by any name
以其他名稱稱呼該註冊船舶。 other than that by which the ship is for the time being
(2) 註冊船舶的船東或轉管租約承租人如事先未得註冊官的 registered.
書面批准,不得更改該船舶的名稱,或導致或准許他人 (2) The owner or demise charterer of a registered ship shall
作出該項更改。 not change the name of the ship, or cause or permit any
(3) 根據第 (2) 款要求註冊官批准的申請須以書面提出;如註 such change, without the previous written permission of the
冊官認為該項申請合理,可予以辦理。 Registrar.
(4) 更改名稱的要求一經批准 —— (3) An application for permission of the Registrar under
subsection (2) shall be in writing, and if the Registrar is of
(a) 註冊官須將該船舶的新名稱記入註冊紀錄冊內;及 the opinion that the application is reasonable he may entertain
(b) 除第 18(2) 條另有規定外,該船東或轉管租約承租人 it.
須安排將該新名稱標記在該船舶的船首及船尾。 (4) Upon the grant of permission to change the name—

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4-15 第 IV 部 PART IV 4-16

第 415 章 第 18 條 Section 18 Cap. 415

(5) 如有人向註冊官指出某船舶的名稱未得註冊官批准而已 (a) the Registrar shall enter the ship’s new name in the
經更改,而註冊官信納此事,則註冊官須指令將該船舶 register; and
的名稱改回更改前的名稱,該指令一經發出,該船東或 (b) subject to section 18(2), the owner or demise charterer
轉管租約承租人即須安排將該名稱標記在該船舶的船首 shall cause the new name to be marked on the ship’s
及船尾,但第 18(2) 條另有規定的則除外。 bows and stern.
(6) 任何人違反第 (1) 款,即屬犯法,可處罰款 $5,000。 (5) The Registrar shall, if it is shown to his satisfaction that the
(7) 任何船東或轉管租約承租人違反第 (2)、(4)(b) 或 (5) 款, name of a ship has been changed without his permission,
即屬犯法,可處罰款 $5,000。 direct that the ship’s name be altered into the name which it
(8) 如有人就某船舶而違反本條、未能遵守本條的規定或未 bore before the change, and upon such direction but subject
能遵守根據本條發出的指令,處長可扣留該船舶,直至 to section 18(2), the owner or demise charterer shall cause
該違反事件停止或直至該規定或指令獲得遵守為止。 that name to be marked on its bows and stern.
(6) A person who contravenes subsection (1) commits an offence
and is liable to a fine of $5,000.
(7) An owner or demise charterer who contravenes subsection
(2), (4)(b) or (5) commits an offence and is liable to a fine of
(8) The Director may, where there is a contravention of, or
failure to comply with any requirement or direction under,
this section in respect of a ship, detain the ship until the
contravention ceases or the requirement or direction is
complied with, as the case may be.

18. 船舶的標記 18. Marking of ship

(1) 每艘船舶在註冊前須按以下方式永久及明顯地予以標記, (1) Every ship shall, before it is registered, be marked
以令註冊官滿意為準 —— permanently and conspicuously to the satisfaction of the
(a) 該船舶的名稱須標記在該船舶的船首兩旁,而該船 Registrar as follows—
舶的名稱及船籍港名稱則須標記在該船舶的船尾上; (a) the ship’s name shall be marked on each of its bows,
如是深色底則用白色或黃色字母及中文字 ( 如屬適用 ) and its name and the name of its port of registry shall be
標記,如是淺色底則用黑色字母及中文字 ( 如屬適用 ) marked on its stern, on a dark ground in white or yellow
標記,該等字母及中文字 ( 如屬適用 ) 的高度須不 letters and (if appropriate) Chinese characters, or on a
少於 1 分米,闊度則須與高度相稱; ( 由 1995 年第 light ground in black letters and (if appropriate) Chinese
586 號法律公告修訂;由 1999 年第 64 號第 3 條修訂 ) characters, such letters and (if appropriate) Chinese

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4-17 第 IV 部 PART IV 4-18

第 415 章 第 18 條 Section 18 Cap. 415

(b) 船舶如在 1974 年 1 月 1 日前註冊,須在其船首柱兩 characters to be of a length not less than one decimetre,
旁及船尾柱兩旁標記表示該船舶吃水的英制量度尺, and of proportionate breadth; (Amended 64 of 1999 s. 3)
該尺須以英文大楷字母或數字標記,每字高度不少 (b) in the case of a ship registered before 1 January 1974 a
於 6 吋,字母或數字的底線須與所示的吃水線齊平, scale of feet denoting the ship’s draught of water shall
字母或數字並須刻入船身及在深色底上髹以白色或 be marked on each side of its stem and of its stern post
黃色漆,或以處長批准的其他方法標記; in Roman capital letters or in figures, not less than 6
(c) 船舶如在 1974 年 1 月 1 日或之後註冊,須在其船首 inches in length, the lower line of such letters or figures
柱兩旁及船尾柱兩旁標記表示吃水的分米制量度尺、 to coincide with the draught line denoted thereby, and
或米與分米制量度尺,標記方式如下 —— the letters or figures must be marked by being cut in and
(i) 如該量度尺是以分米為單位的,則每隔 2 分米 painted white or yellow on a dark ground, or in such
以數字標記;及 other way as the Director may approve;
(ii) 如該量度尺是以米與分米為單位的,則每隔 1 (c) in the case of a ship registered on or after 1 January
米及於米與米之間每隔 2 分米以數字標記, 1974, a scale of decimetres, or of metres and decimetres,
denoting a draught of water shall be marked on each
在每個表示米的數字後面須有大楷 “M” 字;量度尺 side of its stem and of its stern post—
頂部的數字須以米與分米表示 ( 除非該數字剛好是
一整米 );該等數字的底線或數字與字母的底線須與 (i) in figures at two-decimetre intervals, if the scale is
所示的吃水線齊平,數字及字母的高度須不少於 1 in decimetres; and
分米,並須刻入船身及在深色底上髹以白色或黃色 (ii) in figures at each metre interval and at intervening
漆,或以處長批准的其他方法標記; two-decimetre intervals, if the scale is in metres
(d) 船舶如在 1974 年 1 月 1 日或之後但在 1974 年 12 月 and decimetres,
31 日之前註冊,則其量度尺須按 (b) 或 (c) 段標記。 the capital letter “M” being placed after each metre figure;
(2) 註冊官可豁免任何級別的船舶,使其不受本條所有或任 the top figure of the scale showing both the metre and (except
何規定規限。 where it marks a full metre interval) the decimetre figure; the
lower line of the figures, or figures and letters (as the case
(3) 如顯示船舶吃水的量度尺在任何方面不準確,以致可能 may be), coinciding with the draught line denoted thereby;
誤導他人,該船舶的船東或轉管租約承租人即屬犯法, the figures and letters being not less than one decimetre in
可處罰款 $5,000。 length and being marked by being cut in and painted white or
(4) 本條規定的標記,須永久加以保持及不得更改;但如該 yellow on a dark ground, or in such other way as the Director
等標記所示的資料是按本條例規定的方式作出更改,則 may approve;
屬例外。 (d) in the case of a ship registered on or after 1 January
1974 but before 31 December 1974 a scale shall be
marked either in accordance with paragraph (b) or (c).

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4-19 第 IV 部 PART IV 4-20

第 415 章 第 19 條 Section 19 Cap. 415

(5) 註 冊 船 舶 的 船 東、轉 管 租 約 承 租 人 或 船 長 如 未 能 按 本 (2) The Registrar may exempt any class of ships from all or any
條的規定將標記保持在該船舶上,即屬犯法,可處罰款 of the requirements of this section.
$5,000。 (3) If the scale showing the ship’s draught of water is in any
(6) 任何人如 —— respect inaccurate, so as to be likely to mislead, the owner or
(a) 隱藏、除去、更改、污損或塗掉;或 demise charterer of the ship commits an offence and is liable
to a fine of $5,000.
(b) 任由在他支配下的人隱藏、除去、更改、污損或塗
掉, (4) The marks required by this section shall be permanently
maintained, and no alteration shall be made to them except
本 條 規 定 須 加 以 保 持 的 標 記,即 屬 犯 法,可 處 罰 款 where any of the particulars denoted by the marks are altered
$5,000;但按本條規定或根據本條規定而進行的,則屬例 in the manner provided by this Ordinance.
(5) An owner, demise charterer or master of a registered ship
(7) 處長在收到特許驗船師所發指明某船舶的標記不足或不 who fails to maintain the ship marked as required by this
準確的證明書後,即可扣留該船舶,直至該標記不足或 section commits an offence and is liable to a fine of $5,000.
(6) A person who, otherwise than as provided by or under this
(a) conceals, removes, alters, defaces or obliterates; or
(b) suffers any person under his control to conceal, remove,
alter, deface or obliterate,
any marking required by this section to be maintained,
commits an offence and is liable to a fine of $5,000.
(7) The Director may, upon receipt of a certificate from an
authorized surveyor specifying that a ship is insufficiently or
inaccurately marked, detain the ship until the insufficiency or
inaccuracy has been remedied.

註冊程序 Registration procedures

19. 註冊申請 19. Application for registration

(1) 除第 (2) 款另有規定外,為船舶申請註冊須由申請註冊為 (1) Subject to subsection (2), an application for registration of a
船東的人按以下規定提出 —— ship shall be made by the person or persons applying to be
registered as owner, as follows—

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4-21 第 IV 部 PART IV 4-22

第 415 章 第 19 條 Section 19 Cap. 415

(a) 如申請人是一名或超過一名個別人士,須由該人或 (a) in the case of one or more individuals, by that or those
該等人提出,或由獲委任代表該人或該等人行事的 persons, as the case may be, or by an individual or
個別人士提出; individuals appointed to act on his or their behalf;
(b) 如申請人是一個或超過一個法人團體,須由獲授權 (b) in the case of one or more bodies corporate, by an
代表該法人團體或該等法人團體行事的個別人士提 individual or individuals authorized to act on its or their
出。 behalf.
(2) 擬憑藉第 11(1)(b) 條予以註冊的船舶的註冊申請,須由轉 (2) An application for registration of a ship which is to be
管租約承租人及船東以第 (1) 款規定的方式聯同提出。 registered by virtue of section 11(1)(b) shall be made by both
(3) 任何人代表船東或轉管租約承租人提出申請,該人獲授 the demise charterer and the owner in the manner provided
予的權力須按以下規定用書面證明 —— by subsection (1).
(a) 如由一名或超過一名個別人士委任,該書面證明須 (3) Where an application is made by a person on behalf of an
經委任他的人簽署及加印; owner or demise charterer, the authority of that person shall
be testified by writing—
(b) 如由擁有法團印章的法人團體授權,該書面證明須
蓋有該法團的印章;或 (a) if appointed by one or more individuals, under the hand
and seal of the person or persons so appointing him;
(c) 如由並無法團印章的法人團體授權,該書面證明須
經看來是由該法團根據第 84 條授權以代表該法團作 (b) if authorized by a body corporate possessing a common
出聲明的人簽署及加印。 seal, under the seal of the body corporate; or
(4) 由並無法團印章的法人團體所授權的人提出的申請,須 (c) if authorized by a body corporate not possessing a
包括一份由該人所作的聲明書,聲明該法人團體並無法 common seal, under the hand and seal of a person
團印章。 purporting to be authorized by the body corporate to
make declarations on its behalf under section 84.
(5) 申請須按指明的格式作出,除在需要時須包括第 (4) 款所
指的聲明書外,並須包括 —— (4) An application made by a person authorized by a body
corporate not possessing a common seal shall include a
(a) 就該船舶而委任的代表人的接受委任書 ; declaration by that person that the body concerned does not
(b) 如是擬憑藉第 11(1)(b) 條予以註冊的船舶 —— possess a common seal.
(i) 其船東同意該船舶在香港註冊的同意書;及 (5) An application shall be in the specified form and shall
(ii) 其 船 東 及 轉 管 租 約 承 租 人 的 聯 同 聲 明 書,聲 include, in addition to the declaration referred to in subsection
明 —— (4) (if required)—
(A) 該轉管租約承租人是一名合資格的人; (a) the consent, in writing, of the representative person
appointed in relation to the ship, to his appointment;
(B) 該 轉 管 租 約 承 租 人 在 轉 管 租 約 下 管 有 該
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4-23 第 IV 部 PART IV 4-24

第 415 章 第 20 條 Section 20 Cap. 415

有關的事宜,包括船長及船員的僱用;及 (b) in the case of a ship which is to be registered by virtue

( 由 2001 年第 9 號第 4 條修訂 ) of section 11(1)(b)—
(C) 該船舶在香港註冊期間不會在其他地方再 (i) the consent, in writing, of the owner to the ship’s
註冊。 registration in Hong Kong; and
(6) 申請須連同根據第 20(1) 或 (2) 條所作的聲明書一併提交。 (ii) a declaration by both the owner and demise
(A) that the demise charterer is a qualified person;
(B) that the demise charterer will under the
demise charter have possession of the ship
and control of all matters relating to the
navigation and operation of the ship including
employment of the master and crew; and
(Amended 9 of 2001 s. 4)
(C) that the ship will not be registered elsewhere
for so long as it is registered in Hong Kong.
(6) An application shall be accompanied by declarations made
under section 20(1) or (2), as the case may be.

20. 船東及轉管租約承租人親自作出或由他人代表作出的聲明書 20. Declarations by and on behalf of owners and demise charterers
(1) 除非某人或根據第 84 條獲授權代表法人團體作出聲明的 (1) A person shall not be entitled to be registered as an owner of
人,巳按指明格式作出及簽署載有以下各項的擁有香港 a ship which is to be registered by virtue of section 11(1)(a),
註冊船舶權利聲明書,否則該人無權註冊成為擬憑藉第 or of a share in or part of such a ship until he, or in the case
11(1)(a) 條予以註冊的船舶的船東、或該船舶的份額或部 of a body corporate the person authorized under section 84
分的擁有人 —— to make declarations on behalf of the body corporate, has
(a) 就法人團體來說,須說明該聲明人是獲授權代表該 made and signed a declaration of entitlement to own a ship
法人團體作出該聲明; registered in Hong Kong, in the specified form, which shall
include the following—
(b) 就看來是合資格的人的個別人士來說,須說明他持
有有效身分證,並通常居於香港; (a) in the case of a body corporate, a statement that the
declarant is authorized to make the declaration on behalf
(c) 就看來是合資格的人的法人團體來說,須說明該法 of the body corporate;
人團體在香港成立或根據在《公司條例》( 第 622 章 )
附表 9 第 2 條的生效日期 * 之前不時有效的《公司條

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4-25 第 IV 部 PART IV 4-26

第 415 章 第 20 條 Section 20 Cap. 415

例》( 第 32 章 ) 第 XI 部或根據《公司條例》( 第 622 章 ) (b) in the case of an individual purporting to be a qualified

第 16 部註冊的情況; person, a statement that he holds a valid identity card
(d) 就並非合資格的人的法人團體來說,須說明該法人 and is ordinarily resident in Hong Kong;
團體成立或註冊的情況; (c) in the case of a body corporate purporting to be a
(e) 說明將歸於該聲明人的船舶法定所有權,佔該船舶 qualified person, a statement of the circumstances of
的份額、分數或百分比數目; incorporation in Hong Kong, or of registration under
Part XI of the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 32) as in
(f) 說明盡該聲明人所知所信,該船舶一經註冊,其過 force from time to time before the commencement date*
半數權益即會由一名或超過一名合資格的人擁有; of section 2 of Schedule 9 to the Companies Ordinance
(g) 說明申請書所載有關該船舶的一般描述均屬正確; (Cap. 622) or under Part 16 of the Companies Ordinance
(h) 說明該船舶並無在香港以外地方註冊,或如有註冊, (Cap. 622), as the case may be;
該聲明人會終止該船舶在每個該等地方的註冊; (d) in the case of a body corporate other than a qualified
(i) 就並非合資格的人來說,須說明該聲明人同意該船 person, a statement of the circumstances of incorporation
舶在香港註冊。 or registration of the body corporate;
(2) 除非根據第 84 條獲授權代表某法人團體作出聲明的人作 (e) a statement of the number of shares in, or the fraction or
出及簽署載有以下各項的聲明書,否則該法人團體無權 percentage of, the ship in respect of which the legal title
註冊成為擬憑藉第 11(1)(b) 條予以註冊的船舶的轉管租約 will be vested in the declarant;
承租人 —— (f) a statement that to the best of the declarant’s knowledge
(a) 說明該聲明人獲授權代表該法人團體作出該聲明; and belief a majority interest in the ship will upon
registration be owned by one or more qualified persons;
(b) 說明該法人團體在香港成立或根據在《公司條例》( 第
622 章 ) 附表 9 第 2 條的生效日期 * 之前不時有效的 (g) a statement that the general description of the ship
《公司條例》( 第 32 章 ) 第 XI 部或根據《公司條例》( 第 contained in the application is correct;
622 章 ) 第 16 部註冊的情況; (h) a statement that the ship is not registered in any place
(c) 說明該法人團體已就該船舶而與該船舶的船東簽訂 outside Hong Kong or, if it is so registered, that the
轉管租約; declarant will secure deletion of the ship from the
register in every such place;
(d) 說明依照該轉管租約的條款,該法人團體能以其法
團名義註冊為該船舶的轉管租約承租人; (i) in the case of a person other than a qualified person, a
statement that the declarant consents to the ship being
(e) 說明申請書所載有關該船舶的一般描述均屬正確;
registered in Hong Kong.
(f) 說明該船舶並無在香港以外地方註冊,或如有註冊, (2) A body corporate shall not be entitled to be registered as the
demise charterer of a ship which is to be registered by virtue
of section 11(1)(b), until the person authorized under section
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4-27 第 IV 部 PART IV 4-28

第 415 章 第 20 條 Section 20 Cap. 415

(g) 說明該聲明書附有該份轉管租約的真實、正確及完 84 to make declarations on behalf of the body corporate

整副本;及 has made and signed a declaration which shall include the
(h) 說明該聲明書附有該船舶的船東同意該船舶在香港 following—
註冊的同意書。 (a) a statement that the declarant is authorized to make the
( 由 2012 年第 28 號第 912 及 920 條修訂 ) declaration on behalf of the body corporate;
(b) a statement of the circumstances of incorporation of the
編輯附註: body corporate in Hong Kong, or of registration under
* 生效日期:2014 年 3 月 3 日。 Part XI of the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 32) as in
force from time to time before the commencement date*
of section 2 of Schedule 9 to the Companies Ordinance
(Cap. 622) or under Part 16 of the Companies Ordinance
(Cap. 622), as the case may be;
(c) a statement that the body corporate has entered into
a demise charter-party in respect of the ship with the
owner of the ship;
(d) a statement that pursuant to the terms of the demise
charter-party the body corporate is able to register the
ship in its name as the demise charterer;
(e) a statement that the general description of the ship
contained in the application is correct;
(f) a statement that the ship is not registered in any place
outside Hong Kong or, if it is so registered, that the
declarant will secure deletion of the ship from the
register in every such place;
(g) a statement that a true, correct and complete copy of the
demise charter-party is attached to the declaration; and
(h) a statement that the consent of the owner of the ship to
registration of the ship in Hong Kong is attached to the
(Amended 28 of 2012 ss. 912 & 920)

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4-29 第 IV 部 PART IV 4-30

第 415 章 第 21 條 Section 21 Cap. 415

Editorial Note:
* Commencement date : 3 March 2014.

21. 首次註冊須出示的證據 21. Evidence on first registration

(1) 擬憑藉第 11(1)(a) 條予以註冊的船舶首次註冊時,除須出 (1) On the first registration of a ship which is to be registered
示第 20(1) 條規定的聲明書外,亦須向註冊官出示以下證 by virtue of section 11(1)(a), the following evidence shall
據 —— be produced to the Registrar in addition to each declaration
(a) 關於該船舶的 —— under section 20(1)—
(i) 建造證明書、發給船東的賣據、或將該船舶的 (a) in relation to the ship—
法定所有權歸於船東的法院命令; (i) a builder’s certificate, bill of sale in favour of the
(ii) 證明該船舶最後在香港以外地方的註冊 ( 如有 owner or court order vesting title to the ship in the
的話 ) 已經終止的證據,如該船舶最後是在超 owner;
過一個上述地方同時註冊,則證明該船舶在每 (ii) evidence, to the satisfaction of the Registrar,
個上述地方的註冊已經終止的證據,以令註冊 of deletion of the ship from the registry of the
官信納; place outside Hong Kong where the ship was last
(iii) 驗船證明書;及 registered (if any) or, if the ship was last registered
concurrently in more than one such place, from the
(iv) 該船舶的標記證明書或聲明書; registry of each such place;
(b) 關於每名申請註冊為船東的合資格的人方面,發給 (iii) the certificate of survey; and
在《公司條例》( 第 622 章 ) 附表 9 第 2 條的生效日期 (iv) the certificate or declaration of marking of the
* 之前不時有效的《公司條例》( 第 32 章 ) 第 XI 部或 ship;
根據《公司條例》( 第 622 章 ) 第 16 部註冊的證明書; (b) in relation to each qualified person applying to be
及 ( 由 2012 年第 28 號第 912 及 920 條修訂 ) registered as owner, a valid identity card, certificate of
(c) 在指示中指明或註冊官合理要求的其他文件或資料。 incorporation in Hong Kong or certificate of registration
under Part XI of the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 32) as
(2) 儘管有第 (1)(b) 款的規定,如向註冊官出示以下文件,即 in force from time to time before the commencement
當作已遵守該條文中須出示發給任何人的有效身分證的 date* of section 2 of Schedule 9 to the Companies
規定 —— Ordinance (Cap. 622) or under Part 16 of the Companies
(a) 該身分證的影印本;及 Ordinance (Cap. 622), as the case may be, issued in
(b) 獲發給該身分證的人所作的聲明書,聲明該影印本 respect of that person; and (Amended 28 of 2012 ss. 912
是該身分證的真實副本及該身分證是有效的。 & 920)

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4-31 第 IV 部 PART IV 4-32

第 415 章 第 21 條 Section 21 Cap. 415

(3) 擬憑藉第 11(1)(b) 條予以註冊的船舶首次註冊時,除須出 (c) such other documents or information as may be specified
示第 20(2) 條規定的聲明書外,亦須向註冊官出示以下證 in instructions or as the Registrar may reasonably
據 —— require.
(a) 關於該船舶的 —— (2) Notwithstanding anything in subsection (1)(b), that provision
(i) 建造證明書、發給船東的賣據、或將該船舶的 shall, in so far as it requires the production of a valid identity
法定所有權歸於船東的法院命令; card issued in respect of any person, be deemed to be
complied with if there is produced to the Registrar—
(ii) 證明該船舶最後在香港以外地方的註冊 ( 如有
的話 ) 已經終止的證據,如該船舶最後是在超 (a) a photostatic copy of the identity card; and
過一個上述地方同時註冊,則證明該船舶在每 (b) a declaration by the person in respect of whom the
個上述地方的註冊已經終止的證據,以令註冊 identity card was issued that it is a true copy of such
官信納; identity card and that the identity card is valid.
(iii) 驗船證明書;及 (3) On the first registration of a ship which is to be registered
(iv) 該船舶的標記證明書或聲明書; by virtue of section 11(1)(b), the following evidence shall be
produced to the Registrar in addition to the declaration under
(b) 關於身為法人團體的每名船東的,該法人團體的成 section 20(2)—
(a) in relation to the ship—
(c) 關於申請註冊為轉管租約承租人的法人團體 ( 身為
合資格的人的法人團體 ) 方面,發給該法人團體以 (i) a builder’s certificate, bill of sale in favour of the
證明它在香港成立或根據在《公司條例》( 第 622 章 ) owner or court order vesting title to the ship in the
附表 9 第 2 條的生效日期 * 之前不時有效的《公司條 owner;
例》( 第 32 章 ) 第 XI 部或根據《公司條例》( 第 622 章 ) (ii) evidence, to the satisfaction of the Registrar,
第 16 部 註 冊 的 證 明 書;及 ( 由 2012 年 第 28 號 第 of deletion of the ship from the registry of the
912 及 920 條修訂 ) place outside Hong Kong where the ship was last
(d) 在指示中指明或註冊官合理要求的其他文件或資料。 registered (if any) or, if the ship was last registered
concurrently in more than one such place, from the
(4) 處長可在指示中指明或以其他方式規定須出示某些文件 registry of each such place;
或資料,以令註冊官信納 ——
(iii) the certificate of survey; and
(a) 第 (1)(a)(ii) 或 (3)(a)(ii) 款所述的船舶在某地方的註
冊已經終止;或 (iv) the certificate or declaration of marking of the
(b) 第 (3)(b) 款所述的身為船東的法人團體的成立或註
冊。 (b) in relation to each owner which is a body corporate,
evidence, to the satisfaction of the Registrar, of the
編輯附註: incorporation or registration of the body corporate;

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4-33 第 IV 部 PART IV 4-34

第 415 章 第 22 條 Section 22 Cap. 415

* 生效日期:2014 年 3 月 3 日。 (c) in relation to a body corporate (being a qualified person)

applying to be registered as a demise charterer, a
certificate of incorporation in Hong Kong or certificate
of registration under Part XI of the Companies
Ordinance (Cap. 32) as in force from time to time
before the commencement date of section 2 of Schedule
9 to the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622) or under Part
16 of the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622), as the case
may be, issued in respect of that body corporate; and
(Amended 28 of 2012 ss. 912 & 920)
(d) such other documents or information as may be specified
in instructions or as the Registrar may reasonably
(4) The Director may specify in instructions or may otherwise
require such documents or information as may enable the
Registrar to be satisfied—
(a) as to the deletion of a ship from any registry for the
purposes of subsection (1)(a)(ii) or (3)(a)(ii); or
(b) as to the incorporation or registration of an owner under
subsection (3)(b).

Editorial Note:
* Commencement date : 3 March 2014.

22. 拒絕註冊 22. Refusal of registration

(1) 註冊官如因任何理由認為申請人申請予以註冊的船舶不 (1) If for any reason it appears to the Registrar that a ship in
可註冊,他可向申請人或該船舶的代表人送達通知書, respect of which an application for registration has been
要求該人向他提供他認為需要的資料,以決定該船舶是 made may not be registrable, he may by notice served on
否可註冊。 the applicant or the representative person appointed in
(2) 凡註冊官已根據第 (1) 款就任何船舶送達通知書,除非在 relation to the ship require that person to furnish him with
由送達通知書日期起計的 30 天內,註冊官改為信納該船 such information as he thinks necessary for the purpose of
舶可註冊,否則註冊官可拒絕為該船舶註冊。 determining whether the ship is registrable.

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4-35 第 IV 部 PART IV 4-36

第 415 章 第 23 條 Section 23 Cap. 415

(3) 儘管申請予以註冊的船舶可註冊,處長經考慮以下各項 (2) Where the Registrar has served a notice under subsection (1)
後,如信納該船舶不適宜註冊,仍可指令註冊官不得為 in respect of a ship, he may refuse to register the ship unless
該船舶註冊 —— within the period of 30 days commencing on the date of
(a) 該船舶在安全或污染風險方面的狀況;或 service of the notice, he has become satisfied that the ship is
(b) 以任何身分在該船舶受僱或被任用的人的安全、衞
生及福利。 (3) Notwithstanding that a ship in respect of which an application
for registration has been made is registrable, the Director may
(4) 處長考慮以下各項後 —— direct the Registrar not to register the ship if he is satisfied
(a) 任何一艘船舶或任何級別或類別的船舶的用途、性 that, having regard—
質或狀況;及 (a) to the condition of the ship so far as relevant to its
(b) 在香港為該艘船舶或該級別或類別的船舶提供足夠 safety or to any risk of pollution; or
監管及控制的困難, (b) to the safety, health and welfare of persons employed or
如處長信納不適宜將該艘船舶或該級別或類別的船舶註 engaged in any capacity on board the ship,
冊,則儘管該艘船舶或該級別或類別的船舶可註冊,處 it would be inappropriate for the ship to be registered.
舶註冊。 (4) The Director may, if he is satisfied in respect of any ship or
any class or type of ship that, having regard—
(5) 根據第 (4) 款發出的指令如與某級別或類別的船舶有關,
處長須不時將這些指令以他認為適當的方式公布。 (a) to the use, nature or condition of that ship or of that
class or type of ship; and
(b) to the difficulty of providing adequate supervision and
control of that ship or that class or type of ship in Hong
it would be inappropriate to register that ship or ships of that
class or type, direct the Registrar not to register that ship or
ships of that class or type, notwithstanding that any such ship
is registrable.
(5) The Director shall from time to time publish, in such manner
as he thinks fit, any direction given under subsection (4)
where it relates to a class or type of ship.

23. 將資料記入註冊紀錄冊內 23. Entry of particulars in the register

在註冊前需要符合的本條例規定,如已符合,註冊官即須將 When the requirements of this Ordinance preliminary to registration

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4-37 第 IV 部 PART IV 4-38

第 415 章 第 24 條 Section 24 Cap. 415

以下與該船舶有關的資料記入註冊紀錄冊 —— have been complied with in relation to a ship the Registrar shall
(a) 該船舶的名稱; enter in the register the following particulars relating to the ship—
(b) 該船舶的驗船證明書中指明而註冊官認為對註冊有 (a) the name of the ship;
重要性的詳情; (b) such of the details specified in the certificate of survey
(c) 該船舶的註冊申請書所述有關該船舶起源的資料; as the Registrar considers essential for the purposes of
(d) 各船東的姓名地址及其他資料,如適用的話,包括
每個身為非合資格的人的船東姓名地址及其他資料, (c) the particulars of the ship’s origin as stated in the
並說明各船東擁有該船舶的份額或部分的數目及他 application for registration;
們的合計權益; (d) the name, address and description of each owner
(e) 凡擬將船舶憑藉第 11(1)(b) 條予以註冊 —— including, where applicable, each owner other than
a qualified person, and a statement of the number of
(i) 轉管租約承租人的姓名地址及其他資料;及 shares in or parts of the ship owned by each and the
(ii) 該租船合約指明的轉管租約租期;及 total interest in the ship;
(f) 代表人的姓名地址。 (e) where the ship is to be registered by virtue of section
(i) the name, address and description of the demise
charterer; and
(ii) the period of the demise charter as specified in the
charter-party; and
(f) the name and address of the representative person.

24. 註冊證明書 24. Certificate of registry

船舶予以註冊後,註冊官即須發給符合指明格式的註冊證明 Upon the registration of a ship, the Registrar shall grant a
書,其內須載有關於該船舶的資料,該等資料須已依照第 23 certificate of registry, in the specified form, containing the
條記入註冊紀錄冊內。 particulars relating to the ship entered in the register pursuant to
section 23.

25. 文件的保留 25. Retention of documents

船舶予以註冊後,註冊官須繼續管有以下與該船舶有關的文 Upon the registration of a ship, the Registrar shall retain in his
件 —— possession the following documents in respect of the ship—
(a) 註冊申請書; (a) the application for registration;

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第 415 章 第 26 條 Section 26 Cap. 415

(b) 驗船證明書; (b) the certificate of survey;

(c) 該船舶的標記證明書或聲明書; (c) the certificate or declaration of marking of the ship;
(d) 第 20(1) 或 (2) 條規定作出的聲明書; (d) the declarations made under section 20(1) or (2), as the
(e) ( 由 2001 年第 9 號第 5 條廢除 ) case may be;
(f) 不論是否依據第 58 條而交付註冊官的外地終止註冊 (e) (Repealed 9 of 2001 s. 5)
證明書; (f) any foreign certificate of deletion delivered to the
(g) 宣告沒收船舶書的副本 ( 如有的話 );及 Registrar whether pursuant to section 58 or otherwise;
(h) 指示中指明或註冊官合理要求的其他文件。 (g) the copy of the condemnation (if any); and
(h) such other documents as are specified in instructions or
as the Registrar may reasonably require.

26. 船籍港 26. Port of registry

每艘註冊船舶的船籍港均是香港。 The port of registry of every registered ship shall be Hong Kong.
( 由 1995 年第 586 號法律公告修訂 )

臨時註冊 Provisional registration

27. 臨時註冊的申請 27. Application for provisional registration

(1) 船舶臨時註冊的申請須 —— (1) An application for provisional registration of a ship—
(a) 由申請臨時註冊成為船東的人提出,或 ( 視乎情況 ) (a) shall be made in the specified form by the person or
由該人連同轉管租約承租人提出,並須按指明格式 persons applying to be provisionally registered as owner
依照第 19 條所規定的申請註冊方式作該項申請; and (as the case may be) by the demise charterer, in
(b) 包括該條所指的聲明書及同意書;及 the manner provided in respect of an application for
registration under section 19;
(c) 連同根據第 20(1) 或 (2) 條所作的聲明書一併提交。
(b) shall include the declarations and consents referred to in
(2) 在 不 抵 觸 第 (2A) 款 的 規 定 下,除 第 (1) 款 所 指 的 申 請 that section; and
書 及 文 件 外,提 出 申 請 的 人 亦 須 向 註 冊 官 出 示 以 下 證
據 ——  ( 由 2001 年第 9 號第 6 條修訂 ) (c) shall be accompanied by declarations made under
section 20(1) or (2), as the case may be.
(a) 第 21(1)(a)(i)、(ii) 及 (iv)、(b) 及 (c) 或 (3)(a)(i)、(ii)
及 (iv)、(b)、(c) 及 (d) 條指明的文件及資料; (2) Subject to subsection (2A), the following evidence shall be
produced to the Registrar in addition to the application and
(b) 該船舶當時的噸位證明書經妥為認證的副本;及
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第 415 章 第 27 條 Section 27 Cap. 415

(c) 在指示中指明或註冊官合理要求的其他文件或資料。 the documents referred to in subsection (1)—  (Amended 9 of

(2A) 提出申請的人可出示第 21(1)(a)(i) 及 (3)(a)(i) 條所指 2001 s. 6)
明的建造證明書或賣據的副本,以替代出示第 (2)(a) 款所 (a) the documents and information specified in section
規定的該等文件的正本。 ( 由 2001 年第 9 號第 6 條增補 ) 21(1)(a)(i), (ii) and (iv), (b) and (c), or (3)(a)(i), (ii) and
(3) 在 第 (2) 款 中,“ 當 時 的 噸 位 證 明 書 ” (current tonnage (iv), (b), (c) and (d), as the case may be;
certificate) 指船舶以往在香港以外地方註冊而由當地的有 (b) a duly certified copy of the ship’s current tonnage
關主管當局發出的證明書或其他文件 —— certificate; and
(a) 用以證明或說明該船舶的量度所得噸位;及 (c) such other documents or information as may be specified
(b) 須在出示時屬有效的。 in instructions or as the Registrar may reasonably
(4) 儘管有第 (2)(a) 款的規定,如向註冊官出示以下文件,即
當作已遵守該條文中須出示發給任何人的有效身分證的 (2A) A copy of the builder’s certificate or the bill of sale specified
規定 —— in section 21(1)(a)(i) and (3)(a)(i) may be produced in
substitution for their originals as required under subsection
(a) 該身分證的影印本;及 (2)(a). (Added 9 of 2001 s. 6)
(b) 獲發給該身分證的人所作的聲明書,聲明該影印本 (3) In subsection (2) “current tonnage certificate” (當時的噸位
是該身分證的真實副本及該身分證是有效的。 證明書) means a certificate or other document issued by the
(5) 根據第 (1) 款提出的申請,須連同一項由申請人所作的說 relevant authority of a place outside Hong Kong where the
明一併提交,該說明須指出該船舶為根據第 23 條註冊的 ship was previously registered—
目的而將會在那個港口及約在何時接受檢驗。 (a) certifying or stating, as the case may be, the tonnage
measurement of the ship; and
(b) in force at the time of its production.
(4) Notwithstanding anything in subsection (2)(a), that provision
shall, in so far as it requires the production of a valid identity
card issued in respect of any person, be deemed to be
complied with if there is produced to the Registrar—
(a) a photostatic copy of the identity card; and
(b) a declaration by the person in respect of whom the
identity card was issued that it is a true copy of such
identity card and that the identity card is valid.
(5) An application under subsection (1) shall be further
accompanied by a statement by the applicant of the port in
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第 415 章 第 28 條 Section 28 Cap. 415

which and the approximate time at which the ship will be

surveyed for the purposes of registration under section 23.

28. 臨時註冊時將資料記入註冊紀錄冊內 28. Entry of particulars in the register on provisional registration

(1) 除第 (2) 款另有規定外,在臨時註冊前需要符合的本條例 (1) Subject to subsection (2), where the requirements of this
規定,如已獲符合,註冊官即須將以下與該船舶有關的 Ordinance preliminary to provisional registration have been
資料記入註冊紀錄冊 —— complied with in relation to a ship the Registrar shall enter in
(a) 第 23(a)、(c)、(d)、(e) 及 (f) 條所指的資料; the register the following particulars relating to the ship—
(b) 在第 27(2) 條所指的該船舶當時的噸位證明書中指明 (a) the particulars referred to in section 23(a), (c), (d), (e)
的詳情,而這些詳情是註冊官認為對註冊有重要性 and (f);
的;及 (b) such of the details specified in the ship’s current tonnage
(c) 第 29(1)(b) 條所指的臨時註冊期的屆滿日期。 certificate referred to in section 27(2) as the Registrar
considers essential for the purposes of registration; and
(2) 除非已根據第 19 條就該船舶提出註冊申請,並在記入該
船舶的資料時尚未決定該項申請是否獲得接納,否則註 (c) the date of expiry of the period of provisional
冊官不得根據第 (1) 款將該等資料記入註冊紀錄冊。 registration referred to in section 29(1)(b).
(2) The Registrar shall not enter in the register particulars relating
to a ship under subsection (1) unless an application for
registration of the ship has been made under section 19 and
the application has at the time of entering such particulars yet
to be determined.

29. 臨時註冊期 29. Period of provisional registration

(1) 在不影響第 54 至 63 條條文的原則下,凡以下任何一種 (1) Without prejudice to the provisions of sections 54 to 63, the
情況先出現時,船舶的臨時註冊即當作終止 —— provisional registration of a ship shall be deemed to be closed
(a) 該船舶根據第 23 條獲得註冊; upon—
(b) 由臨時註冊日期起計的 1 個月期屆滿。 (a) the registration of the ship under section 23; or
(2) 獲臨時註冊船舶的船東或轉管租約承租人提出申請時, (b) the expiry of a period of 1 month commencing on the
註冊官可將第 (1)(b) 款所指的臨時註冊期延長一次或超過 date of provisional registration,
一次,每次為期 1 個月,但 —— whichever first occurs.
(a) 不得就每次申請給予延期超過 1 個月;及 (2) The Registrar may, upon application made by the owner or
(b) 除非有特殊情況證明該項延期合理,否則不得延期。 demise charterer of a ship while the ship is provisionally

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第 415 章 第 30 條 Section 30 Cap. 415

(3) 凡註冊官根據第 (2) 款將船舶的臨時註冊期延長 —— registered, extend the period of provisional registration
(a) 他須將該項延期記入註冊紀錄冊內;及 referred to in subsection (1)(b) by one or more further periods
of 1 month but he shall not extend the period—
(b) 就第 (1) 款對該船舶的適用方面來說,該款提及 1 個
月期限時,猶如是提及根據第 (2) 款延長的期限一樣。 (a) by more than 1 month on any one application; or
(4) 凡船舶的臨時註冊根據第 (1) 款當作終止,第 67 條須適 (b) in any case, unless there are special circumstances which
用於該船舶的未解除註冊抵押。 justify the extension.
( 由 2001 年第 9 號第 7 條修訂 ) (3) Where the Registrar extends the period of provisional
registration of a ship under subsection (2)—
(a) he shall make an entry in the register accordingly; and
(b) subsection (1) shall for the purposes of this section have
effect in relation to the ship as if the reference to the
period of 1 month in that subsection were a reference to
the period as extended under subsection (2).
(4) Where the provisional registration of a ship is deemed to be
closed under subsection (1), section 67 shall apply as respects
any undischarged registered mortgage of the ship.
(Amended 9 of 2001 s. 7)

30. 臨時註冊證明書 30. Certificate of provisional registration

(1) 船舶根據第 28 條予以臨時註冊時,註冊官即須發給符 (1) Upon the provisional registration of a ship under section 28,
合指明格式的臨時註冊證明書,該證明書須載有以下資 the Registrar shall grant a certificate of provisional registry, in
料 —— the specified form, containing—
(a) 依照該條記入註冊紀錄冊的關於該船舶的資料;及 (a) the particulars relating to the ship entered in the register
(b) 第 29(1) 條所指的臨時註冊期的屆滿日期。 pursuant to that section; and
(2) 船舶的臨時註冊證明書持續有效,直至以下任何一種情 (b) the date of expiry of the period of provisional
況出現為止 —— registration referred to in section 29(1).
(a) 根據第 24 條就該船舶發給註冊證明書; (2) A certificate of provisional registry in respect of a ship shall
remain in force until—
(b) 第 29(1) 條所指的臨時註冊期屆滿。
(a) the grant of a certificate of registry in respect of the ship
(3) 凡第 29(1) 條所指的臨時註冊期根據第 29(2) 條獲得延長, under section 24; or

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第 415 章 第 31 條 Section 31 Cap. 415

(4) 船舶一經獲發給註冊證明書或上述的另一份臨時註冊證 (b) the expiry of the period of provisional registration

明書,該船舶的船東、轉管租約承租人或船長須按以下 referred to in section 29(1),
規定親自或安排他人將該船舶的臨時註冊證明書或以前 whichever first occurs.
的臨時註冊證明書交付註冊官 ——
(3) Where the period of provisional registration referred to in
(a) 如該船舶在香港,須立即交付;或 section 29(1) is extended under section 29(2), the Registrar
(b) 如該船舶不在香港,須在可行範圍內盡快交付,但 shall grant a further certificate of provisional registry in
無論如何亦須在獲發該註冊證明書或上述另一份臨 respect of the extended period.
時註冊證明書後的 30 天內交付。 (4) Upon the grant of a certificate of registry or further certificate
(5) 任何船東、轉管租約承租人或船長,如無合理解釋而未 of provisional registry in respect of a ship, the owner,
能遵守第 (4) 款,即屬犯法,可處罰款 $5,000。 demise charterer or master of the ship shall deliver the ship’s
(6) 第 (4) 款的規定,並不減損或影響第 66 條適用於臨時註 certificate of provisional registry or previous certificate
冊證明書的效力。 of provisional registry, as the case may be, or cause such
certificate to be delivered, to the Registrar—
(a) forthwith, if the ship is in Hong Kong; or
(b) if the ship is not in Hong Kong, as soon as practicable
and in any case within a period of 30 days after the
grant of the certificate of registry or further certificate of
provisional registry, as the case may be.
(5) An owner, demise charterer or master who, without
reasonable excuse, fails to comply with subsection (4)
commits an offence and is liable to a fine of $5,000.
(6) Nothing in subsection (4) shall derogate from or affect
the application of section 66 to a certificate of provisional

31. 臨時註冊文件的保留 31. Retention of documents on provisional registration

船舶根據第 28 條予以臨時註冊時,註冊官須繼續管有以下與 Upon the provisional registration of a ship under section 28, the
該船舶有關的文件 —— Registrar shall retain in his possession the following documents in
(a) 臨時註冊申請書; respect of the ship—
(b) 當時的噸位證明書經妥為認證的副本; (a) the application for provisional registration;
(c) 該船舶的標記證明書或聲明書; (b) the certified copy of the current tonnage certificate;

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第 415 章 第 32 條 Section 32 Cap. 415

(d) 根據第 20(1) 或 (2) 條作出的聲明書; (c) the certificate or declaration of marking of the ship;
(e) ( 由 2001 年第 9 號第 8 條廢除 ) (d) the declarations made under section 20(1) or (2), as the
(f) 不論是否依據第 58 條而交付註冊官的外地終止註冊 case may be;
證明書; (e) (Repealed 9 of 2001 s. 8)
(g) 宣告沒收船舶書的副本 ( 如有的話 );及 (f) any foreign certificate of deletion delivered to the
(h) 指示中指明或註冊官合理要求的其他文件。 Registrar whether pursuant to section 58 or otherwise;
(g) the copy of the condemnation (if any); and
(h) such other documents as are specified in instructions or
as the Registrar may reasonably require.

32. 本條例對臨時註冊船舶的適用範圍 32. Application of Ordinance in relation to ships provisionally

除非有明文作其他規定或以必要的含示作其他規定,否則本 registered
條例的條文適用於臨時註冊及臨時註冊船舶,猶如該等條文 Except as otherwise provided expressly or by necessary implication
適用於註冊及註冊船舶一樣。 the provisions of this Ordinance apply to and in relation to
provisional registration and ships provisionally registered as they
apply to and in relation to registration and to registered ships.

證明書及船旗的使用等 Use, etc. of certificates and flags

33. 證明書的保管 33. Custody of certificate

(1) 管有或控制船舶註冊證明書的人 —— (1) No person having possession or control of a certificate of
(a) 不得以船東、抵押權人、承租人、其他對該船舶有 registry of a ship shall—
法定所有權、留置權或抵押權或其他權益的人就該 (a) detain such a certificate by reason of a claim by an
船舶作出聲請為理由,而扣留該證明書;或 owner mortgagee, charterer or other person to any title
(b) 不得無合理解釋而不按要求將該證明書交付予為該 to, lien or charge on, or interest in, the ship; or
船舶的合法航行而有權保管該證明書的人,或交付 (b) fail, without reasonable excuse, to deliver the certificate
註冊官或其他根據法律有權要求將該證明書交付他 on request to the person entitled to custody of it for the
的人。 purpose of the lawful navigation of the ship, or to the
(2) 任何人違反第 (1) 款,即屬犯法,可處罰款 $10,000 及監 Registrar or any other person entitled by law to require
禁 6 個月。 its delivery.

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第 415 章 第 34 條 Section 34 Cap. 415

(3) 在對違反本條而涉及註冊證明書的罪行進行的聆訊中, (2) Any person who contravenes subsection (1) commits an
如法庭或裁判官認為該證明書已遺失或應視作已遺失處 offence and is liable to a fine of $10,000 and to imprisonment
理,該法庭或裁判官須就此事而發出命令,並安排將一 for 6 months.
份該命令送達註冊官。 (3) If, in any proceedings in respect of an offence against this
section in relation to a certificate of registry the court or a
magistrate is of the opinion that the certificate is, or should be
treated as, lost, the court or magistrate shall make an order to
that effect and cause a copy of the order to be served on the

34. 使用不當的證明書 34. Use of improper certificate

(1) 船舶的船長、船東或轉管租約承租人不得為該船舶的航 (1) The master, owner or demise charterer of a ship shall not use,
行而使用或准許他人使用並非合法發給該船舶或無效的 or permit the use of, for the purpose of the navigation of the
註冊證明書。 ship, a certificate of registry not legally granted and in force
(2) 凡有違反第 (1) 款的情形,船長及船東或轉管租約承租人 in respect of the ship.
均屬犯法,可各處罰款 $50,000 及監禁 1 年。 (2) Where subsection (1) is contravened, the master and the
owner or demise charterer commit an offence and each is
liable to a fine of $50,000 and to imprisonment for 1 year.

35. 證明書遺失等的補發 35. Replacement of lost, etc. certificate

船舶的註冊證明書如有誤置、遺失或毀壞,註冊官在接獲船 Where a certificate of registry of a ship is mislaid, lost or
長、船東、轉管租約承租人、代表人或其他由船東或轉管租約 destroyed, the Registrar shall upon application and upon receipt of
承租人授權的人提出的申請,及收到上述的人作出的聲明書, a declaration by the master, owner, demise charterer, representative
說明盡該聲明人所知所信的有關事實後,註冊官即須發給新 person or other person authorized by the owner or demise charterer,
的註冊證明書,以代替原先的證明書。 stating, to the best of the declarant’s knowledge and belief the facts
of the case, grant a new certificate of registry in substitution for the
original certificate.

36. 前數條條文對臨時註冊證明書的適用範圍 36. Application of preceding sections to certificate of provisional

第 33、34 及 35 條適用於臨時註冊證明書,猶如它們適用於註 registry
冊證明書一樣。 Sections 33, 34 and 35 shall apply in relation to a certificate of
provisional registry as they apply in relation to a certificate of

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4-53 第 IV 部 PART IV 4-54

第 415 章 第 37 條 Section 37 Cap. 415

37. 正確船旗 37. Proper colours

(1) 註冊船舶的正確船旗須為附表 1 指明的旗幟,並須按該 (1) The proper colours of a registered ship shall be the flags
附表指明的方式懸掛。 specified in Schedule 1 flown in the manner specified in that
(2) 註冊船舶可在任何時候懸掛正確船旗,而除獲處長根據 Schedule.
第 (2A) 款豁免外,須在進出任何港口時懸掛正確船旗。 (2) A registered ship may at any time, and shall, unless exempted
( 由 1998 年第 11 號第 2 條修訂 ) by the Director under subsection (2A), on entering and
(2A) 處長可豁免任何註冊船舶,使其無須按第 (2) 款的規定懸 leaving any port, fly the proper colours. (Amended 11 of 1998
掛正確船旗。 ( 由 1998 年第 11 號第 2 條增補 ) s. 2)
(3) 註冊船舶不得懸掛看來是或近似正確船旗但實在並非正 (2A) The Director may exempt a registered ship from the
確船旗的船旗。 requirement to fly the proper colours under subsection (2).
(Added 11 of 1998 s. 2)
(4) 任何船舶如不是註冊船舶,不得 ——
(3) No registered ship shall fly any colours purporting to be
(a) 懸掛註冊船舶的正確船旗,但得到處長批准的,則 or closely resembling the proper colours which are not the
屬例外;或 proper colours.
(b) 懸掛看來是或近似正確船旗的船旗。 (4) A ship, not being a registered ship, shall not—
(5) 凡有違反第 (2)、(3) 或 (4) 款的情形,有關船舶的船長即 (a) except with the permission of the Director, fly the proper
屬犯法 —— colours of a registered ship; or
(a) 如違反第 (2) 款,可處罰款 $5,000;及 (b) fly any colours which purport to be or closely resemble
(b) 如違反第 (3) 或 (4) 款,可處罰款 $10,000。 the proper colours.
(6) 獲處長為這目的授權的海事處人員可 —— (5) Where subsection (2), (3) or (4) is contravened the master of
(a) 登上違反本條的規定而懸掛船旗的船舶;及 the ship concerned commits an offence and is liable—
(b) 檢取、帶走及處置該船旗。 (a) in the case of a contravention of subsection (2), to a fine
of $5,000; and
(7) 任何人阻礙或妨礙公職人員根據第 (6) 款行使權力,即屬
犯法,可處罰款 $10,000。 (b) in the case of a contravention of subsection (3) or (4), to
a fine of $10,000.
(6) Any officer of the Marine Department authorized by the
Director for the purpose may—
(a) board any ship upon which any colours are flown in
contravention of this section; and

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第 415 章 Section 37 Cap. 415

(b) seize, take away and dispose of any such colours.

(7) Any person who hinders or obstructs an officer in the exercise
of his powers under subsection (6) commits an offence and is
liable to a fine of $10,000.

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5-1 第V部 PART V 5-2

第 415 章 第 38 條 Section 38 Cap. 415

38. 第 V 部的適用範圍及釋義 38. Application and interpretation of Part V
(1) 本部不適用於憑藉第 11(1)(b) 條予以註冊的船舶。 (1) This Part shall not apply to a ship which is registered by
(2) 在本部中,除文意另有所指外,提及船舶時包括提及船 virtue of section 11(1)(b).
舶的份額或部分。 (2) In this Part, unless the context otherwise requires, a reference
to a ship includes a reference to a share in or part of a ship.

39. 船舶的移轉 39. Transfer of ships

(1) 為根據本條註冊的目的,註冊船舶的移轉須憑藉賣據作 (1) For the purposes of registration under this Ordinance, the
出。 transfer of a registered ship shall be effected by a bill of sale.
(2) 該賣據須 —— (2) The bill of sale shall—
(a) 載有該船舶的驗船證明書上所載而足以用作辨認該 (a) contain such of the description of the ship contained in
船舶的描述,以令註冊官滿意為準;及 the certificate of survey as is sufficient to identify the
(b) 由移轉人在一名或超過一名見證人在場見證時簽立, ship to the satisfaction of the Registrar; and
並由見證人簽署。 (b) be executed by the transferor in the presence of, and be
attested by, one or more witnesses.

40. 移轉聲明書 40. Declaration of transfer

(1) 除本條另有規定外,註冊船舶如按照第 39 或 79 條予以 (1) Subject to this section, where a registered ship is transferred
移轉,則除非作為承轉人的個別人士或根據第 84 條獲授 in accordance with section 39 or 79, the transferee shall not
權代表法人團體作出聲明的人,已按指明格式作出及簽 be entitled to be registered as an owner of the ship until
署一份說明以下各項的關於該船舶的移轉聲明書,否則 he, or in the case of a body corporate the person authorized
該承轉人無權註冊成為該船舶的船東 —— under section 84 to make declarations on behalf of the body
(a) 說明該承轉人在擁有香港註冊船舶方面的資格,或 corporate, has made and signed a declaration of transfer in
如該承轉人是法人團體,則說明該法人團體的組織 the specified form referring to the ship and containing—
情況,以證明該法人團體是合資格的人;及 (a) a statement of the qualification of the transferee to own
a ship registered in Hong Kong, or if the transferee is a

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5-3 第V部 PART V 5-4

第 415 章 第 41 條 Section 41 Cap. 415

(b) 說明盡他所知所信,該船舶一經移轉,它的過半數 body corporate, of such circumstances of the constitution

權益即由一名或超過一名合資格的人擁有。 thereof as prove it to be a qualified person; and
(2) 本條應用於並非整艘船舶由合資格的人擁有的情況時, (b) a statement that, to the best of his knowledge and belief,
第 (1)(a) 款僅對合資格的人適用。 a majority interest in the ship will upon transfer be
(3) 如承轉人是政府,則第 (1) 款不適用。 owned by one or more qualified persons.
(2) In the application of this section to a ship which is not wholly
owned by qualified persons, subsection (1)(a) shall have
effect only in relation to qualified persons.
(3) Subsection (1) shall not apply where the Government is the

41. 移轉的註冊 41. Registration of transfer

(1) 賣據及移轉聲明書 ( 如需要的話 ) 在送交註冊官後,註冊 (1) Upon lodgment of the bill of sale and the declaration of
官即須將承轉人的姓名作為該船舶的船東姓名記入註冊 transfer (if required), the Registrar shall enter in the register
紀錄冊,並須在賣據上加簽註明以下各項 —— the name of the transferee as owner of the ship, and shall
(a) 已將承轉人姓名記入註冊紀錄冊;及 endorse on the bill of sale—
(b) 上述記入的日期及時間。 (a) the fact of that entry having been made; and
(2) 賣據須按其送交註冊官的先後次序記入註冊紀錄冊。 (b) the day and hour of making the entry.
(2) Bills of sale shall be entered in the register in the order of
their lodgment.

42. 船舶因法律的實施而傳轉 42. Transmission of ship by operation of law

(1) 凡船舶的財產權憑藉第 39 或 79 條所述的移轉以外的合 (1) Where the property in a ship is transmitted to any person by
法途徑傳轉他人,而該船舶的過半數權益仍由一名或超 any lawful means other than a transfer under section 39 or 79,
過一名合資格的人擁有,則獲傳轉該船舶的人,須按指 and a majority interest in the ship remains in the ownership of
明格式作出及簽署一份載有以下各項的傳轉聲明書 —— one or more qualified persons, the person or persons to whom
(a) 該船舶的驗船證明書上所載而足以用作辨認該船舶 the ship is transmitted shall make and sign a declaration of
的描述,以令註冊官滿意為準; transmission in the specified form containing—
(b) 第 40(1)(a) 及 (b) 條所指的說明;及 (a) such of the description of the ship contained in the
certificate of survey as is sufficient to identify the ship
(c) 說明該船舶財產權傳轉的方式及獲傳轉該財產權的 to the satisfaction of the Registrar;

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5-5 第V部 PART V 5-6

第 415 章 第 42 條 Section 42 Cap. 415

(2) 該傳轉聲明書須連同指示中指明或註冊官合理要求的有 (b) the statements referred to in section 40(1)(a) and (b);
關該傳轉的證據一併提交。 and
(3) 傳轉聲明書及第 (2) 款規定的證據送交註冊官後,註冊官 (c) a statement of the manner in which and the person or
即須將藉該宗傳轉而獲得該船舶財產權的人的姓名,作 persons to whom the property has been transmitted.
為該船舶的船東姓名記入註冊紀錄冊。 (2) The declaration of transmission shall be accompanied by
(4) 第 (3) 款所指的人如超過一人,則所有這些人須視作整份 such evidence of the transmission as may be specified in
已傳轉財產權的聯名擁有人。 instructions or as the Registrar may reasonably require.
(3) Upon lodgment of the declaration of transmission and the
evidence required under subsection (2), the Registrar shall
enter in the register the name of the person or persons entitled
under the transmission as owner of the ship the property in
which has been transmitted.
(4) Where there is more than one such person referred to in
subsection (3), all such persons shall be considered as joint
owners of the whole of the property transmitted.

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6-1 第 VI 部 PART VI 6-2

第 415 章 第 43 條 Section 43 Cap. 415

43. 第 VI 部各詞的定義 43. Definitions in Part VI
(1) 在本部中,除文意另有所指外 —— (1) In this Part, unless the context otherwise requires—
“ 抵押 ” (mortgage) 指根據本部註冊的抵押; “mortgage” (抵押) means a mortgage registered under this Part;
“ 抵押權人 ” (mortgagee) 指其姓名在註冊紀錄冊出現為抵押持 “mortgagee” (抵押權人) means the person whose name appears in
有人的人; the register as the holder of a mortgage;
“ 船舶 ” (ship) 包括船舶上任何屬於船東的東西; “obligation” (義務) includes any present or future obligation;
“ 義務 ” (obligation) 包括現在或將來的義務。 “ship” (船舶) includes everything on board a ship belonging to the
(2) 在本部中,除文意另有所指外,提及船舶時包括提及船 owner.
舶的份額或部分。 (2) In this Part, unless the context otherwise requires, a reference
to a ship includes a reference to a share in or part of a ship.

44. 船舶的抵押 44. Mortgage of ship

(1) 註冊船舶可根據本條例藉抵押而被用作履行任何義務的 (1) A registered ship may be made security for any obligation by
保證。 way of a mortgage under this Ordinance.
(2) 設立這種抵押的文書須 —— (2) The instrument creating such a mortgage shall—
(a) 按指明格式訂立; (a) be in the specified form;
(b) 尤其須列出 —— (b) set out among other things—
(i) 每名抵押人的姓名地址; (i) the name and address of each mortgagor;
(ii) 每名抵押權人的姓名地址;如抵押權人是法人 (ii) the name and address (or, in the case of a
團體,須列出該法人團體成立的地方;及 body corporate, place of incorporation) of each
(c) 須由每名抵押人或其代表按指明方式妥為簽立。 mortgagee; and
(2A) 凡任何人根據第 27(2A) 條在申請臨時註冊時出示文 (c) be duly executed by or on behalf of each mortgagor in
件的副本,他亦須向註冊官出示一份抵押權人確認書。 the specified manner.
( 由 2001 年第 9 號第 9 條增補 ) (2A) Where a person produces a copy of a document for
(2B) 第 (2A) 款所述的確認書須 —— provisional registration under section 27(2A), he shall also
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6-3 第 VI 部 PART VI 6-4

第 415 章 第 45 條 Section 45 Cap. 415

(a) 符合指明格式; produce a confirmation by the mortgagee to the Registrar.

(b) 列明抵押權人 —— (Added 9 of 2001 s. 9)
(i) 見過有關文件的正本;及 (2B) The confirmation mentioned in subsection (2A) shall—
(ii) 知悉有關文件的正本不會在註冊時向註冊官出 (a) be in specified form;
示。 ( 由 2001 年第 9 號第 9 條增補 ) (b) set out that the mortgagee—
(3) 抵押文書及第 45(2) 條規定的同意書送交註冊官後,註冊 (i) has sighted the original document; and
官即須將有關該抵押的資料記入註冊紀錄冊,並須在該 (ii) knows that the original document will not
抵押文書上加簽註明其註冊日期及時間。 be produced to the Registrar at the time of
(4) 抵押文書須按其送交的先後次序予以註冊。 registration. (Added 9 of 2001 s. 9)
(3) Upon lodgment of a mortgage instrument and any consents
required pursuant to section 45(2), the Registrar shall enter in
the register particulars of the mortgage and shall endorse on
the mortgage instrument the date and time of registration.
(4) Mortgage instruments shall be registered in the order of their

45. 抵押的優先權等 45. Priority of mortgages, etc.

(1) 凡同一艘船舶有 2 宗或超過 2 宗抵押註冊,則各抵押權 (1) Where 2 or more mortgages are registered in respect of
人之間的優先權,須按照其抵押的註冊先後次序而定, the same ship, priority among the mortgagees shall be in
不論其抵押於何日訂立或簽立,以及不論是否有明言、 accordance with the order of registration of the mortgages,
隱含或推定的通知。 irrespective of the date upon which they were made or
(2) 除非事先取得所有在有關船舶名下註冊的抵押持有人的 executed, and notwithstanding any express, implied or
書面同意,否則不得將任何抵押文書註冊。 constructive notice.
(3) 依照第 (1) 款給予某宗抵押的優先權,只限適用於該抵押 (2) No mortgage instrument shall be registered except with the
文書或該文書所指的文件中所明言須獲保證的義務,但 prior written consent of all the holders of mortgages then
如果其優先權低於該宗抵押的其他註冊抵押的持有人全 registered against the ship concerned.
部以書面同意不作如此安排,則屬例外。 (3) The priority accorded to a mortgage pursuant to subsection
(1) shall, unless the holders of all registered mortgages
having priority subsequent to such mortgage otherwise agree
in writing, extend only to those obligations expressed to

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第 415 章 第 46 條 Section 46 Cap. 415

be secured by the mortgage instrument or any instrument

referred to in the mortgage instrument.

46. 抵押權人不視作船東 46. Mortgagee not treated as owner

註冊船舶的抵押,除了是在需要範圍內將該船舶用作該宗抵 A mortgage of a registered ship does not have the effect of the
押的保證之外,並無效力令該抵押權人成為該船舶的船東, mortgagee becoming, or the mortgagor ceasing to be, the owner of
或令該抵押人停止作為該船舶的船東。 the ship except to the extent necessary to make the ship available
as a security under the mortgage.

47. 抵押權人有權將船舶脫手 47. Mortgagee to have power of disposal

(1) 註冊船舶的抵押權人有全權將該船舶脫手,並就該宗脫 (1) A mortgagee of a registered ship shall have power absolutely
手發出有效的收據;但如同一船舶有 2 宗或超過 2 宗抵 to dispose of the ship and to give effectual receipts in respect
押,則較後的抵押權人如未得各位較先的抵押權人的同 of the disposal, but where there are 2 or more mortgages of
意,不得將該船舶脫手,但根據法院命令而脫手的,則 the same ship, a subsequent mortgagee shall not, except under
屬例外。 the order of a court, dispose of the ship without the consent
(2) 註冊船舶的抵押權人如打算將該船舶脫手,則除非他已 of every prior mortgagee.
事先將此打算以書面通知註冊官,否則不得將該船舶脫 (2) A mortgagee of a registered ship who intends to dispose of
手。 the ship shall not dispose of the ship unless he has first given
(3) 凡註冊官獲任何抵押權人通知表示該抵押權人打算將船 notice in writing to the Registrar of his intention so to dispose
舶脫手,註冊官須立即將此項打算通知該船舶的其後的 of the ship.
每名抵押權人。 (3) Where the Registrar is notified by a mortgagee of the
(4) 船舶的脫手並不因第 (2) 款對該宗脫手的規定未獲遵守而 intention of that mortgagee to dispose of a ship, the Registrar
變成無效。 shall forthwith inform each subsequent mortgagee of that ship
(4) The disposal of a ship is not invalidated because of any
failure to comply with a requirement of subsection (2) in
relation to the disposal.

48. 抵押的移轉 48. Transfer of mortgage

(1) 註冊船舶的抵押可憑藉移轉文書而移轉給任何人,該移 (1) A mortgage of a registered ship may be transferred to any
轉文書須 —— person by an instrument of transfer which shall—
(a) 按指明格式訂立; (a) be in the specified form;

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6-7 第 VI 部 PART VI 6-8

第 415 章 第 49 條 Section 49 Cap. 415

(b) 列出承轉人的姓名地址;如承轉人是法人團體,則 (b) set out the name and address (or, in the case of a body
列出該法人團體成立的地方;及 corporate, place of incorporation) of the transferee; and
(c) 由每名抵押權人或其代表按指明方式妥為簽立。 (c) be duly executed by or on behalf of each mortgagee in
(2) 移轉文書送交註冊官後,註冊官即須將承轉人的姓名作 the specified manner.
為有關船舶的抵押權人姓名記入註冊紀錄冊,並須在該 (2) Upon lodgment of the instrument of transfer the Registrar
移轉文書上加簽註明該項註冊的日期及時間。 shall enter in the register the name of the transferee as the
mortgagee of the ship concerned and shall endorse on the
instrument of transfer the date and time of such registration.

49. 抵押因法律的實施而傳轉 49. Transmission of mortgage by operation of law

(1) 抵押權人在某註冊船舶的抵押中享有的權益,如憑藉第 (1) Where the interest of a mortgagee in a mortgage of a
48 條所述的移轉以外的合法途徑傳轉他人,則獲傳轉該 registered ship is transmitted to another person by any lawful
權益的人,須作出及簽署一份列出以下各項的傳轉聲明 means other than a transfer under section 48, that person
書 —— shall make and sign a declaration of transmission, in writing,
(a) 該船舶的名稱及正式編號; which shall set out—
(b) 將該權益傳轉的每個人的姓名地址;及 (a) the name and official number of the ship;
(c) 獲傳轉該權益的人的姓名地址;如該人是法人團體, (b) the name and address of each person from whom the
須列出該法人團體成立的地方。 interest is transmitted; and
(2) 該傳轉聲明書須連同指示中指明的傳轉證據一併提交。 (c) the name and address (or, in the case of a body
corporate, place of incorporation) of the person to whom
(3) 該聲明書及第 (2) 款規定的證據送交註冊官後,註冊官即 the interest is transmitted.
名記入註冊紀錄冊。 (2) The declaration of transmission shall be accompanied by
such evidence of the transmission as may be specified in
(3) Upon lodgment of the declaration and the evidence required
under subsection (2), the Registrar shall enter in the register
the name of the person to whom the interest is transmitted as
the mortgagee of the ship.

50. 抵押的解除 50. Discharge of mortgage

(1) 凡抵押獲解除時,抵押人或抵押權人須將抵押文書連同 (1) Where a mortgage is discharged, the mortgage instrument

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6-9 第 VI 部 PART VI 6-10

第 415 章 第 51 條 Section 51 Cap. 415

解除抵押備忘錄送交註冊官,該備忘錄須按指明格式寫 with a memorandum of discharge in the specified form

成及加註在抵押文書上或緊附在該文書上,並須由抵押 endorsed thereon or firmly affixed thereto, duly executed
權人妥為簽立。 by each mortgagee shall be lodged by the mortgagor or
(2) 抵押人或抵押權人將抵押文書及解除抵押備忘錄送交註 mortgagee with the Registrar.
冊官後,註冊官即須在註冊紀錄冊記入資料表示該抵押 (2) The Registrar shall, upon the lodgment by the mortgagor or
已解除;在記入此資料後,抵押權人在該宗抵押下的權 mortgagee of the mortgage instrument and memorandum of
益即歸於抵押人。 discharge, make an entry in the register to the effect that the
(3) 如因任何理由不能將抵押文書送交註冊官,抵押人或抵 mortgage has been discharged and, on that entry being made,
押權人須向註冊官送交一份由抵押權人所作的聲明書, any interest of the mortgagee under the mortgage vests in the
聲明該抵押已解除,並列出以下各項,以代替該抵押文 mortgagor.
書及解除抵押備忘錄 —— (3) Where the mortgage instrument cannot, for any reason,
(a) 有關船舶的名稱及正式編號; be lodged with the Registrar, there shall be lodged by the
mortgagor or mortgagee with the Registrar, in substitution
(b) 每名抵押人的姓名地址; for the mortgage instrument and memorandum of discharge,
(c) 每名抵押權人的姓名地址; a declaration by the mortgagee that the mortgage has been
(d) 該抵押的日期;及 discharged and setting out—
(e) 該抵押的資料記入註冊紀錄冊的日期及時間。 (a) the name and official number of the ship;
(4) 在本條中,“ 抵押人 ” (mortgagor) 就船舶來說,包括若非 (b) the name and address of each mortgagor;
作出抵押,抵押權人所享有的權益,便會因抵押期間作 (c) the name and address of each mortgagee;
出的任何作為及出現的情況,而歸於他享有的任何人。 (d) the date of the mortgage; and
(e) the date and time of entry of particulars of the mortgage
in the register.
(4) In this section, “mortgagor” (抵押人), in relation to a
ship, includes any person in whom, having regard to any
intervening acts and circumstances, the interest of the
mortgagee would have been vested if the mortgage had not
been made.

51. 船東將船舶脫手的權力 51. Power of disposal by owner

除本條例另有規定以及除註冊紀錄冊所示歸於他人的權利與 The owner of a registered ship has power, subject to this Ordinance
權力外,註冊船舶的船東有全權將該船舶脫手,並就該宗脫 and to any rights and powers appearing in the register to be vested

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第 415 章 第 52 條 Section 52 Cap. 415

手發出有效的收據。 in any other person, absolutely to dispose of the ship and to give
effectual receipts in respect of the disposal.

52. 信託不獲承認 52. Trusts not recognized

關於信託的明言、隱含或推定的通知,註冊官無須記入註冊 Notice of a trust, express, implied or constructive, shall not be
紀錄冊或接收。 entered in the register or be receivable by the Registrar.

53. 衡平法上的權益不會不包括入內 53. Equities not excluded

(1) 在不抵觸第 47、51 及 52 條的規定下,船舶的船東或抵 (1) Subject to sections 47, 51 and 52, beneficial interests may be
押權人,可就他在該船舶的權益而行使他的實益權益, enforced by or against the owner or mortgagee of a ship in
而其他人亦可就船東或抵押權人在該船舶的權益,而強 respect of his interest in the ship in the same manner as in
行令該船東或抵押權人讓他行使其實益權益,而行使的 respect of any other personal property.
方式,與就其他個人財產而行使的方式相同。 (2) In subsection (1) “beneficial interests” (實益權益) includes
(2) 在第 (1) 款中,“ 實益權益 ” (beneficial interests) 包括由合 interests arising under contract and other equitable interests.

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第 415 章 第 54 條 Section 54 Cap. 415


船東等在船舶的可註冊性方面的責任 Duties of owners, etc. in relation to registrability of ships

54. 船東的地址等的更改通知 54. Notice of change of address, etc. of owner

(1) 註冊船舶的船東如已根據第 20、27、40 或 42 條聲明他 (1) An owner of a registered ship who has made a declaration
通常居於香港,在以下事情發生時,須在該事情發生後 under section 20, 27, 40 or 42 that he is ordinarily resident in
的 30 天內以書面將該事情通知註冊官 —— Hong Kong shall in the event of—
(a) 他的地址有所更改;或 (a) any change in his address; or
(b) 他的居留身分有所更改,以致他不再是通常居於香 (b) any change in his residential status by reason of which
港。 he is no longer ordinarily resident in Hong Kong,
(2) 任何船東如無合理解釋而未能遵守第 (1) 款,即屬犯法, notify the Registrar, in writing, of that event within 30 days
可處第 2 級罰款。 after the occurrence thereof.
(3) 註冊官須按船東根據第 (1)(a) 款作出的通知而將其地址的 (2) An owner who, without reasonable excuse, fails to comply
更改記入註冊紀錄冊。 with subsection (1) commits an offence and is liable to a fine
( 編輯修訂 ——2014 年第 2 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) at level 2.
(3) The Registrar shall enter in the register any change of address
of an owner pursuant to a notice given under subsection (1)(a).
(Amended E.R. 2 of 2014)

55. 身為法人團體的船東或承租人的解散等的通知 55. Notice of dissolution, etc. of body corporate owner or charterer
(1) 凡 —— (1) Where—
(a) 法人團體是某註冊船舶的船東或轉管租約承租人; (a) a body corporate is the owner or demise charterer of a
及 registered ship; and
(b) 已根據第 20、27、40 或 42 條就該法人團體作出聲 (b) a declaration was made under section 20, 27, 40 or 42
明書,聲明該法人團體是 —— in respect of the body corporate that it—
(i) 在香港成立;或 (i) is incorporated in Hong Kong; or

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第 415 章 第 56 條 Section 56 Cap. 415

(ii) 《公司條例》( 第 622 章 ) 第 2(1) 條所界定的註冊 (ii) is a registered non-Hong Kong company as defined
非香港公司, ( 由 2004 年第 30 號第 3 條修訂; by section 2(1) of the Companies Ordinance
由 2012 年第 28 號第 912 及 920 條修訂 ) (Cap. 622), (Amended 30 of 2004 s. 3)
則就該船舶而委任的代表人,在該法人團體不再是在香 the representative person appointed in relation to the ship
港 成 立 的 法 人 團 體 或 不 再 是《公 司 條 例》( 第 622 章 ) 第 shall, in the event of the body corporate ceasing to be
2(1) 條所界定的註冊非香港公司時,須在此事發生後的 incorporated in Hong Kong or to be a registered non-Hong
30 天內,以書面將此事通知註冊官。 ( 由 2012 年第 28 Kong company as defined by section 2(1) of the Companies
號第 912 及 920 條修訂 ) Ordinance (Cap. 622), as the case may be, notify the
(2) 代表人如無合理解釋而未能遵守第 (1) 款,即屬犯法,可 Registrar, in writing, of that event within 30 days after the
處第 2 級罰款。 occurrence thereof. (Amended 28 of 2012 ss. 912 & 920)
( 編輯修訂 ——2014 年第 2 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) (2) A representative person who, without reasonable excuse, fails
to comply with subsection (1) commits an offence and is
liable to a fine at level 2.
(Amended E.R. 2 of 2014)

56. 轉管租約終止的通知 56. Notice of termination of demise charter

(1) 憑藉第 11(1)(b) 條予以註冊的船舶的轉管租約承租人,須 (1) The demise charterer of a ship registered by virtue of
在可行範圍內盡快以書面將該轉管租約終止的確實日期 section 11(1)(b) shall notify the Registrar, in writing, of the
通知註冊官,在任何情況下,須在該轉管租約終止的日 actual date of termination of the demise charter as soon as
期後起計 7 天內作出此項通知。 practicable and in any case within 7 days after that date.
(2) 在第 (1) 款中,“ 該轉管租約終止的確實日期 ” (the actual (2) In subsection (1) “the actual date of termination of the demise
date of termination of the demise charter) 指 轉 管 租 約 承 租 charter” (該轉管租約終止的確實日期) means the date on
人根據該轉管租約將該船舶交回船東的日期,或該轉管 which the ship is redelivered by the demise charterer to the
租約承租人及該船東同意為、或在法律訴訟中決定為該 owner under the demise charter, or such other date as may
轉管租約終止的確實日期的其他日期。 be agreed by the demise charterer and owner, or as may be
(3) 轉管租約承租人如無合理解釋而未能遵守第 (1) 款,即屬 determined in legal proceedings, to be the actual date of
犯法,可處第 2 級罰款。 termination of the demise charter.
( 編輯修訂 ——2014 年第 2 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) (3) A demise charterer who, without reasonable excuse, fails to
comply with subsection (1) commits an offence and is liable
to a fine at level 2.
(Amended E.R. 2 of 2014)

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第 415 章 第 57 條 Section 57 Cap. 415

57. 船舶的消失、移轉等的通知 57. Notice of loss, transfer, etc. of ship

(1) 註冊船舶如 —— (1) In the event that a registered ship—
(a) 在戰爭或敵對行動中被奪取,以致其船東或轉管租 (a) is taken in war or hostilities, as a result of which the
約承租人對該船舶的經營失去控制; owner or demise charterer has lost control over the
(b) 已被摧毀、確實已完全消失、或被推定已完全消失, operation of the ship;
以致不能再用作航行;或 (b) is broken up, or is an actual or constructive total loss
(c) 不再是可註冊的船舶,不論是由於該船舶或其份額 such that it is no longer capable of being used in
或部分移轉給一名並非合資格的人或是由於其他原 navigation; or
因, (c) ceases to be registrable, whether by reason of a transfer
該船舶的船東或轉管租約承租人,在接獲該事件的消息, of the ship or of a share in or part of the ship to a
如尚未有人向註冊官作出通知,須立即將該事件通知註 person other than a qualified person, or otherwise,
冊官。 the owner or demise charterer of the ship shall forthwith upon
(2) 任何船東或轉管租約承租人如無合理解釋而未能遵守第 obtaining knowledge of the event, if no notice has already
(1) 款,即屬犯法,可處第 2 級罰款。 been given to the Registrar, give notice of the event to the
( 編輯修訂 ——2014 年第 2 號編輯修訂紀錄 )
(2) An owner or demise charterer who, without reasonable
excuse, fails to comply with subsection (1), commits an
offence and is liable to a fine at level 2.
(Amended E.R. 2 of 2014)

58. 外地終止註冊證明書的交付 58. Delivery of foreign certificate of deletion

(1) 除第 (2) 款另有規定外,船舶在香港註冊時,其船東或轉 (1) Subject to subsection (2), the owner or demise charterer of a
管租約承租人須在該船舶在香港註冊的日期後起計 30 天 ship that becomes registered in Hong Kong shall, within 30
內,將關於該船舶最後在香港以外地方註冊 ( 如有的話 ) days after the date of the ship’s registration, deliver to the
的外地終止註冊證明書送交註冊官;如該船舶最後是在 Registrar a foreign certificate of deletion in respect of the
超過一個上述地方同時註冊,則須就該船舶在每個上述 place outside Hong Kong where the ship was last registered (if
地方的註冊送交外地終止註冊證明書。 any) or, if the ship was last registered concurrently in more
(2) 第 (1) 款所指的證明書如在該船舶註冊前已送交註冊官, than one such place, in respect of each such place.
則第 (1) 款不適用。

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第 415 章 第 59 條 Section 59 Cap. 415

(2) Subsection (1) shall not apply where the certificate or

certificates referred to in that subsection are delivered to the
Registrar prior to the time of registration of the ship.

註冊的終止 Closure of registration

59. 船東請求終止註冊 59. Owner seeking closure of registration

(1) 註冊船舶的船東如欲終止該船舶的註冊,他須 —— (1) Where the owner of a registered ship wishes the ship’s
(a) 獲得每名註冊抵押權人 ( 如有的話 ) 同意該船舶註冊 registration to be closed he shall—
的終止,這項同意須 —— (a) obtain the consent of each registered mortgagee (if any)
(i) 以書面按指明格式作出;及 to the closure of the ship’s registration—
(ii) 以指明的方式證實;及 (i) in writing and in the specified form; and
(b) 將他打算終止該船舶的註冊事以書面通知註冊官及 (ii) duly verified in the specified manner; and
轉管租約承租人 ( 如有的話 )。 (b) give notice in writing to the Registrar and to the demise
(2) 根據第 (1)(b) 款給予註冊官的通知書,須連同第 (1)(a) 款 charterer (if any) that he wishes the ship’s registration to
所指的同意書 ( 如有的話 ) 一併提交。 be closed.
(3) 船東就船舶而遵守第 (1) 及 (2) 款後,註冊官須將船東已 (2) A notice to the Registrar under subsection (1)(b) shall be
給予通知書及取得同意書 ( 如有的話 ) 的事記錄在註冊記 accompanied by the consent (if any) referred to in subsection
錄冊內,而該船舶的註冊隨即終止。 (1)(a).
(3) Where the owner complies with subsections (1) and (2) in
relation to a ship, the Registrar shall record the giving of
notice and obtaining of consent (if any) in the register and the
ship’s registration shall thereupon be closed.

60. 因收到船舶的可註冊性通知書而將船舶的註冊終止 60. Closure on receipt of notice concerning registrability

(1) 在符合第 (2) 款的規定下,凡 —— (1) Subject to subsection (2), where—
(a) 註 冊 官 就 註 冊 船 舶 收 到 根 據 第 54(1)(b)、55(1)、 (a) the Registrar receives, in relation to a registered ship, a
56(1) 或 57(1) 條發出的通知書;及 notice under section 54(1)(b), 55(1), 56(1) or 57(1); and
(b) 註冊官認為該船舶已不再是可註冊船舶, (b) in his opinion, the ship has ceased to be registrable,
註冊官須將他收到該通知書一事記錄在註冊紀錄冊內, he shall record the receipt by him of that notice in the register
而該船舶的註冊即告終止。 and the ship’s registration shall thereupon be closed.

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第 415 章 第 61 條 Section 61 Cap. 415

(2) 凡註冊官收到第 (1) 款所指的通知書,除非有以下情況, (2) The Registrar shall not record in the register the receipt of a
否則註冊官不得將收到通知書一事記錄在註冊紀錄冊 notice referred to in subsection (1) unless—
內 —— (a) in the case where the notice is received from a person
(a) 如該通知書是從並非船舶的船東的人收到的 —— other than the owner of the ship—
(i) 註冊官已將該通知書內的資料通知有關船舶的 (i) the Registrar has notified the owner of the ship
船東;及 concerned of the particulars in that notice; and
(ii) 自根據第 (i) 節所發出的通知書的日期起計已過 (ii) 30 days from the date of the notification under
了 30 天;或 subparagraph (i) have elapsed; or
(b) 如該船舶的抵押當其時已在第 VI 部註冊 ( 不論有關 (b) in the case where a mortgage of the ship is for the
通知書是否從船舶的船東或從並非船舶的船東的人 time being registered in Part VI, whether the notice is
收到的 ) —— received from the owner of the ship or from a person
(i) 註 冊 官 已 將 該 通 知 書 內 的 資 料 通 知 各 抵 押 權 other than the owner of the ship—
人;及 (i) the Registrar has notified each mortgagee of the
(ii) 自根據第 (i) 節所發出的通知書的日期起計已過 ship of the particulars in that notice; and
了 30 天。 (ii) 30 days from the date of the notification under
( 由 1995 年第 101 號第 2 條代替 ) subparagraph (i) have elapsed.
(Replaced 101 of 1995 s. 2)

61. 因未能遵守本條例的規定而被終止註冊 61. Closure on failure to comply with requirements of Ordinance

(1) 註冊官認為就任何註冊船舶來說 —— (1) The Registrar may, where it appears to him in relation to a
(a) 該船舶的船東未能遵守第 54(1)(b)、57(1) 或 58(1) 條; registered ship that—
(b) 該船舶的代表人未能遵守第 55(1) 條; (a) the owner of the ship has failed to comply with section
54(1)(b), 57(1) or 58(1);
(c) 該船舶的轉管租約承租人未能遵守第 56(1)、57(1)
或 58(1) 條;或 (b) the representative person has failed to comply with
section 55(1);
(d) 有任何人違反第 86 條,
(c) the demise charterer of the ship has failed to comply
註冊官可向該船舶的船東、轉管租約承租人或代表人及 with section 56(1), 57(1) or 58(1); or
每名抵押權人 ( 如有的話 ) 送達通知書,說明 ——
(d) a person has contravened section 86,
(i) 註冊官認為該船東、代表人、轉管租約承租人或其
他人未能遵守或已違反本款指明的有關條文;及 serve on the owner, demise charterer or representative person,
and on each mortgagee (if any) of the ship, a notice stating—

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第 415 章 第 62 條 Section 62 Cap. 415

(ii) 除非在該通知書送達的日期起計 30 天內,該船東或 (i) that it appears to the Registrar that there has been a
轉管租約承租人、或其代表向註冊官呈交的陳述書 failure to comply with or a contravention of the relevant
令註冊官信納終止該船舶的註冊不適當,否則註冊 section specified in this subsection by the owner,
官打算在該段期間屆滿後,終止該船舶的註冊。 representative person, demise charterer or other person,
(2) 除非有任何依照第 (1)(ii) 款呈交的陳述書令註冊官信納 as the case may be; and
終止該船舶的註冊不適當,否則在該款所指的期間屆滿 (ii) that he intends, after the end of the period of 30 days
後,註冊官須在可行範圍內盡快終止該船舶的註冊。 beginning with the date of service of the notice, to close
(3) 註冊官可行使第 (2) 款所賦予他終止船舶註冊的權力,不 the ship’s registration unless he is satisfied that it would
論 —— be inappropriate to do so by any representations made
to him by or on behalf of the owner or demise charterer
(a) 是否有就第 (1) 款指明的未能遵守或違反條文事件而 within the period.
(2) As soon as practicable after the end of the period referred
(b) 該船舶是否不再是可註冊的船舶。 to in subsection (1)(ii) the Registrar shall close the
ship’s registration unless he is satisfied that it would be
inappropriate to do so by any representations made pursuant
to that subsection.
(3) The Registrar may exercise the power to close a ship’s
registration vested in him by subsection (2) whether or not—
(a) legal proceedings are brought against any person in
respect of any failure to comply or contravention
specified in subsection (1); or
(b) the ship ceases to be registrable.

62. 因未能繳交各項費用而被終止註冊 62. Closure on failure to pay fees or charges

(1) 凡註冊官認為根據本條例規定須繳交而與某註冊船舶有 (1) The Registrar may, where it appears to him that any fee or
關的任何費用 ( 或其中任何部分 ) 到期而仍未繳交,註冊 charge (or any part thereof) relating to a registered ship and
官可向該船舶的船東、轉管租約承租人或代表人及每名 imposed under this Ordinance remains due and unpaid, serve
抵押權人 ( 如有的話 ) 送達通知書,指明到期而仍未繳交 on the owner, demise charterer or representative person, and
的費用,及說明他打算在該通知書送達日期起計的 30 天 on each mortgagee (if any) of the ship, a notice specifying the
屆滿後,終止該船舶的註冊,除非 —— fee or charge which remains due and unpaid and stating that
(a) 指明的費用在上述期間內獲得清繳;或 he intends, after the end of the period of 30 days beginning

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第 415 章 第 63 條 Section 63 Cap. 415

(b) 在該段期間內,該船東或轉管租約承租人、或其代 with the date of service of the notice, to close the ship’s
表向註冊官呈交陳述書,因而令註冊官信納終止該 registration unless—
船舶的註冊不適當。 (a) the specified fee or charge is paid within that period; or
(2) 在第 (1) 款所指的期間屆滿後,註冊官須在可行範圍內盡 (b) he is satisfied by any representations made to him by or
快終止該船舶的註冊,除非 —— on behalf of the owner or demise charterer within the
(a) 指明的費用在上述期間內獲得清繳;或 period that it would be inappropriate to close the ship’s
(b) 依照該款向他呈交的陳述書令他信納終止該船舶的 registration.
註冊不適當。 (2) As soon as practicable after the end of the period referred
(3) 不論是否有對任何人提起法律訴訟以收回該等費用,註 to in subsection (1), the Registrar shall close the ship’s
冊官均可行使第 (2) 款所賦予他終止該船舶註冊的權力。 registration unless—
(a) the specified fee or charge is paid within that period; or
(b) he is satisfied by any representations made pursuant to
that subsection that it would be inappropriate to close
the ship’s registration.
(3) The Registrar may exercise the power to close the ship’s
registration vested in him by subsection (2) whether or not
legal proceedings are brought against any person for recovery
of the fee or charge.

63. 因代表人的不作為等而被終止註冊 63. Closure on failure of representative person to act, etc.

(1) 就註冊船舶來說,凡 —— (1) Where in relation to a registered ship—
(a) 處長信納就該船舶而委任的代表人 ( 身為該船舶的 (a) the Director is satisfied that the representative person
船東 ) 未能遵守第 71(1) 條或未能履行本條例委予他 appointed in relation to the ship (being the owner of the
的其他義務;或 ship) has failed to comply with section 71(1) or with
(b) 處 長 認 為 該 船 東 或 轉 管 租 約 承 租 人 未 能 遵 守 第 any other obligation imposed on him by this Ordinance;
68(1)(b) 或 (3) 條;或 未 能 在 第 72(1) 條 指 明 的 時 間 or
內遵守根據該條送達該船東或轉管租約承租人的通 (b) it appears to the Director that the owner or demise
知書內的規定, charterer has failed to comply with section 68(1)(b)
則不論 —— or (3) or with a notice served on the owner or demise
charterer under section 72(1) within the time specified in
(i) 是否有就該未能遵守的事件對該船東、轉管租約承 that section,

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第 415 章 第 64 條 Section 64 Cap. 415

(ii) 該船舶是否不再是可註冊的船舶, then, whether or not—

處長均可指令註冊官終止該船舶的註冊。 (i) legal proceedings are brought against the owner, demise
(2) 在接獲根據第 (1) 款發出的指令後,註冊官即須將獲發給 charterer or representative person in respect of any such
該指令事記錄在註冊紀錄冊內,而該船舶的註冊亦隨即 failure to comply; or
終止。 (ii) the ship ceases to be registrable,
the Director may direct the Registrar to close the registration
of the ship.
(2) Upon receipt of a direction under subsection (1) the Registrar
shall record the giving of the direction in the register and the
ship’s registration shall thereupon be closed.

64. 以指令將船舶的註冊終止的一般規定 64. Closure by direction generally

(1) 在不影響第 60、61 及 63 條的原則下,如註冊官因任何 (1) Without prejudice to sections 60, 61 and 63, if for any reason
理由認為某註冊船舶可能已不再是可註冊的船舶,他可 it appears to the Registrar that a registered ship may have
向該船舶的船東、轉管租約承租人或代表人送達通知書, ceased to be registrable, he may by notice served on the
規定該船東、轉管租約承租人或代表人向他提供他認為 owner, demise charterer or representative person require that
需要的資料,以決定該船舶是否仍屬可註冊。 person to furnish him with such information as he thinks
(2) 註冊官根據第 (1) 款就船舶送達通知書後,除非他改為信 necessary for the purpose of determining whether the ship is
納該船舶屬可註冊,否則他須在該通知書送達的日期起 registrable.
計 30 天屆滿後,在可行範圍內盡快根據第 (4) 款向以下 (2) Where the Registrar has served a notice under subsection (1)
人士送達通知書 —— with respect to a ship, then, unless he has become satisfied
(a) 該船舶的船東、轉管租約承租人或代表人;及 that the ship is registrable, he shall, as soon as practicable
after the end of the period of 30 days beginning with the date
(b) 如該船舶有抵押權人的話,每名抵押權人。 of service of that notice, serve a notice under subsection (4)
(3) 就註冊船舶來說,凡處長信納 —— on—
(a) 在 考 慮 第 22(3)(a) 或 (b) 或 (4) 條 所 述 事 項 後,該 船 (a) the owner, demise charterer or representative person
舶繼續獲註冊是不適當的; appointed in relation to the ship; and
(b) 就違反或未能遵守本條例條文或附表 2 指明的任何 (b) each mortgagee (if any) of the ship.
條例的條文而施加於該船舶的船東或轉管租約承租 (3) Where the Director is satisfied in relation to a registered
人的罰款,逾期 3 個月仍未繳交,且並無就該筆罰 ship—

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第 415 章 第 64 條 Section 64 Cap. 415

(c) 已就該違反條文或未能遵守條文的事件向該船舶的 (a) that, having regard to the matters mentioned in section
船東、轉管租約承租人或代表人妥為送達傳票,但 22(3)(a) or (b) or (4), it would be inappropriate for the
該船東或轉管租約承租人未能依指定時間地點在該 ship to continue to be registered;
宗告發或投訴的審判中出庭,而自那時間起,已過 (b) that any penalty imposed on the owner or demise
了至少 3 個月, charterer of the ship in respect of a contravention of or
則處長須根據第 (4) 款向以下人士送達通知書 —— failure to comply with any provision of this Ordinance
(i) 該船舶的船東、轉管租約承租人或代表人;及 or any Ordinance specified in Schedule 2 has remained
unpaid for a period of more than 3 months and no
(ii) 如該船舶有抵押權人的話,每名抵押權人。 appeal against the penalty is pending; or
(4) 根據本款發出的通知書須說明 —— (c) that any summons for any such contravention or failure
(a) 處長不信納該有關船舶可註冊,或他信納第 (3)(a)、 to comply has been duly served on the owner, demise
(b) 或 (c) 款指明的事項;及 charterer or representative person of the ship but the
(b) 除非在該通知書送達的日期起計 90 天內,由該船東 owner or demise charterer failed to appear at the time
或轉管租約承租人、或其代表向處長呈交陳述書, and place appointed for the trial of the information or
因而令處長信納終止該船舶的註冊不適當,否則處 complaint in question and a period of not less than 3
長打算在該段期間屆滿後,指令終止該船舶的註冊。 months has elapsed since that time,
(5) 除非依照第 (4) 款遞交的陳述書令處長信納終止該船舶的 the Director shall serve a notice under subsection (4) on-
註冊不適當,否則在該款所指的期間屆滿後,處長須在 (i) the owner, demise charterer or representative person; and
可行範圍內盡快指令註冊官終止該船舶的註冊。 (ii) each mortgagee (if any) of the ship.
(6) 在接獲根據第 (5) 款發出的指令後,註冊官即須將獲發給 (4) A notice under this subsection is a notice stating—
該指令事記錄在註冊紀錄冊內,而該船舶的註冊亦隨即 (a) that the Director is not satisfied that the ship in question
終止。 is registrable or (as the case may be) that he is satisfied
as to the matters specified in subsection (3)(a), (b) or (c),
as the case may be; and
(b) that he intends, after the end of the period of 90 days
beginning with the date of service of the notice, to
direct that the ship’s registration be closed unless he
is satisfied that it would be inappropriate to do so by
any representations made to him by or on behalf of the
owner or demise charterer within the period.
(5) As soon as practicable after the end of the period referred
to in subsection (4), the Director shall direct the Registrar

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第 415 章 第 65 條 Section 65 Cap. 415

to close the ship’s registration unless he is satisfied that it

would be inappropriate to do so by any representations made
pursuant to that subsection.
(6) Upon receipt of a direction under subsection (5), the Registrar
shall record the giving of the direction in the register and the
ship’s registration shall thereupon be closed.

65. 發給終止註冊證明書 65. Issue of certificate of deletion

凡船舶的註冊根據本條例終止或當作終止,註冊官須向其船 Where the registration of a ship is, or is deemed to be, closed
東發出符合指明格式的終止註冊證明書,證明該船舶的註冊 under this Ordinance, the Registrar shall issue to the owner a
已終止及終止的日期。 certificate of deletion in the specified form certifying that the ship’s
registration is closed and the date of such closure.

66. 註冊終止後註冊證明書的交付 66. Delivery of certificate of registry on closure

(1) 在船舶的終止註冊證明書發出後,該船舶的船東或船長 (1) Upon the issue of a certificate of deletion in respect of a
即須按以下規定親自或安排他人將該船舶的註冊證明書 ship, the owner or master of the ship shall deliver the ship’s
或臨時註冊證明書交付註冊官 —— certificate of registry or certificate of provisional registry, as
(a) 如該船舶在香港,須立即交付;或 the case may be, or cause the certificate to be delivered, to
the Registrar—
(b) 如該船舶不在香港,須在可行範圍內盡快交付,但
無論如何亦須在終止註冊證明書的發出日期後起計 (a) forthwith, if the ship is in Hong Kong; or
的 30 天內交付。 (b) if the ship is not in Hong Kong, as soon as practicable
(2) 任何船東或船長如無合理解釋而未能遵守第 (1) 款,即屬 and in any case within a period of 30 days after the date
犯法,可處罰款 $5,000。 of issue of the certificate of deletion.
(2) An owner or master who, without reasonable excuse, fails to
comply with subsection (1) commits an offence and is liable
to a fine of $5,000.

67. 關於抵押的註冊紀錄冊內記載事項 67. Register entries relating to mortgages

(1) 船舶的註冊如根據本部終止,則當時在註冊紀錄冊內的 (1) Where the registration of a ship is closed under this Part, the
任何記載事項,如關乎該船舶或該船舶份額的未解除的 closure shall not affect any existing entry in the register so far
註冊抵押,均不受此項終止影響。 as the entry relates to any undischarged registered mortgage
of that ship or of any share in it.

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7-21 第 VII 部 PART VII 7-22

第 415 章 第 67 條 Section 67 Cap. 415

(2) 在第 (1) 款中,“ 當時在註冊紀錄冊內的記載事項 ” (existing (2) In subsection (1) “existing entry in the register” (當時在註冊
entry in the register) 就船舶來說,指在該船舶的註冊終止 紀錄冊內的記載事項), in relation to a ship, means an entry
時存在於註冊紀錄冊內的事項。 existing in the register at the time of closure of the ship’s

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8-1 第 VIII 部 PART VIII 8-2

第 415 章 第 68 條 Section 68 Cap. 415


68. 代表人 68. Representative person
(1) 為符合第 11 條,船舶的船東或轉管租約承租人須 —— (1) For the purposes of section 11 the owner or demise charterer
(a) 委任一名符合第 (2) 款指明規定的人,作為該船舶的 of a ship shall—
代表人;及 (a) appoint a person satisfying the requirements specified in
(b) 確保在該船舶是註冊船舶期間,一直有一名符合該 subsection (2) to be the representative person in relation
等規定的人受到委任。 to the ship; and
(2) 該代表人須是 —— (b) ensure that, so long as the ship remains registered, a
person satisfying those requirements is appointed.
(a) 合資格的人,並須是該船舶的船東或部分船東;或
(2) The representative person shall be—
(b) 法人團體,須在香港成立並從事船舶管理業務或作
為船舶代理人。 (a) a qualified person and the owner or part owner of the
ship; or
(3) 當時已就船舶委出代表人的船東或轉管租約承租人,在
該代表人的身分或地址有所更改時,須在更改後的 30 天 (b) a body corporate incorporated in Hong Kong which is
內將新代表人的姓名地址或原有代表人的新地址通知註 engaged in the business of managing, or acting as agent
冊官。 for, ships.
(4) 註冊官須將根據第 (3) 款通知他的資料記入註冊紀錄冊。 (3) The owner or demise charterer of a ship in relation to which
any representative person is for the time being appointed
(5) 任何船東或轉管租約承租人如未能遵守第 (1)(b) 或 (3) 款, shall, in the event of any change in the identity, or in the
即屬犯法,可處罰款 $5,000。 address, of the representative person, notify the Registrar of
the name and address of the new representative person, or (as
the case may be) of the new address, within a period of 30
days after the change occurs.
(4) The Registrar shall enter in the register particulars notified to
him under subsection (3).
(5) An owner or demise charterer who fails to comply with
subsection (1)(b) or (3) commits an offence and is liable to a
fine of $5,000.

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8-3 第 VIII 部 PART VIII 8-4

第 415 章 第 69 條 Section 69 Cap. 415

69. 代表人更改業務時須作出通知 69. Notice of change of business by representative person

(1) 就船舶而委任的代表人 ( 並非該船舶的船東 ) 如不再從事 (1) A representative person appointed in relation to a ship (not
船舶管理業務或不再作為船舶代理人,須在此事發生後 being the owner of the ship) shall, in the event that he ceases
的 30 天內,以書面將此事通知註冊官及有關船東或轉管 to engage in the business of managing, or acting as agent for,
租約承租人。 ships, give notice in writing of that event to the Registrar
(2) 任何代表人如無合理解釋而未能遵守第 (1) 款,即屬犯 and the owner or demise charterer within 30 days after the
法,可處罰款 $5,000。 occurrence thereof.
(2) A representative person who, without reasonable excuse, fails
to comply with subsection (1) commits an offence and is
liable to a fine of $5,000.

70. 打算不再作為代表人時須作出通知 70. Notice of intention to cease acting

(1) 就船舶而委任的代表人 ( 並非該船舶的船東 ) 如打算不再 (1) A representative person appointed in relation to a ship (not
作為代表人,須 —— being the owner of the ship) who intends to cease acting as
(a) 以書面將他的打算通知該船舶的船東或轉管租約承 the representative person shall—
租人;及 (a) give notice in writing of his intention to the owner or
(b) 將一份聲明他作出上述通知的聲明書交予註冊官。 demise charterer of the ship; and
(2) 根據第 (1) 款作出的通知,須按照第 71 條的規定生效。 (b) deposit with the Registrar a declaration that he has given
such notice.
(2) A notice given under subsection (1) shall have effect in
accordance with section 71.

71. 代表人的責任等 71. Duties, etc. of representative person

(1) 就船舶而委任的代表人,在一切關於該船舶作為註冊船 (1) The representative person appointed in relation to a ship shall
舶經營的事宜中,須代表該船舶的船東及轉管租約承租 represent the owner and demise charterer of a ship in respect
人,但在不限制前述事項的一般性的原則下,尤其須代 of all matters concerning the ship’s operation as a registered
表該船東及轉管租約承租人作以下事 —— ship and in particular, but without limiting the generality
(a) 接受任何人向該船舶的船東或轉管租約承租人提起 of the foregoing, shall, on behalf of the owner and demise
法律訴訟而依據第 88(2) 條可送達代表人的所有文 charterer—
件; (a) accept service of all documents in respect of legal
proceedings against the owner or demise charterer of the

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第 415 章 第 72 條 Section 72 Cap. 415

(b) 凡處長或註冊官向該船東、轉管租約承租人或代表 ship, which may be served on the representative person

人送達通知書,規定該船東或轉管租約承租人就該 pursuant to section 88(2);
船舶採取行動或提供資料,或就該船舶作為註冊船 (b) where the Director or the Registrar by notice served on
舶經營事而採取行動或提供資料,則須在該通知書 the owner, demise charterer or representative person
指明的時間內,或如無指明時間,則在一段合理時 requires the owner or demise charterer to take any
間內,按規定採取行動或提供資料。 action or give any information concerning the ship or
(2) 第 (1) 款訂明的責任,須作為附加於由本條例或根據本條 the operation of the ship as a registered ship, take such
例就代表人而訂明的其他責任,而不是減損該等責任。 action or give such information within the time specified
(3) 就船舶而委出代表人後,第 (1) 及 (2) 款即對該人適用, in the notice or, if no such time is specified, within a
直至以下任何一種情況出現為止 —— reasonable time.
(a) 該船東或轉管租約承租人就該船舶另委一名代表人; (2) The duties prescribed by subsection (1) shall be in addition
to and shall not derogate from any other duties prescribed in
(b) 由根據第 70(1) 條將聲明書交予註冊官的日期後起計 relation to a representative person by or under this Ordinance.
的 30 天屆滿;
(3) Where a representative person is appointed in relation to a
(c) 該船舶的註冊終止; ship, subsections (1) and (2) shall apply to that person until—
(d) ( 如該人為個別人士 ) 該人死亡,或 ( 如該人為法人 (a) the appointment by the owner or demise charterer of
團體 ) 該團體清盤或解散。 another representative person in relation to the ship; or
(4) 本條不得詮釋為令到就船舶而委任的代表人,在針對該 (b) the expiration of a period of 30 days after the date on
船舶的船東或轉管租約承租人或的作為或不作為而進行 which a declaration is deposited under section 70(1); or
(c) the registration of the ship is closed; or
(d) that person’s death, if an individual, or winding up or
dissolution, as the case may be, if a body corporate,
whichever event occurs first.
(4) Nothing in this section shall be construed as making the
representative person appointed in relation to a ship liable in
any legal proceedings (whether civil or criminal) for any act
or omission of the owner or demise charterer of the ship.

72. 更換代表人須作出通知 72. Notice to replace representative person

(1) 處長如信納當時就船舶而委任的代表人 ( 並非該船舶的 (1) The Director may, if he is satisfied that the representative
船東 ) —— person for the time being appointed in relation to a ship (not

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第 415 章 第 72 條 Section 72 Cap. 415

(a) 不符合第 68(2) 條指明的規定;或 being the owner of the ship)—

(b) 未能遵守第 71(1) 條或未能履行本條例委予他作為代 (a) does not satisfy the requirements specified in section
表人的其他義務, 68(2); or
可向有關船東或轉管租約承租人及該代表人送達通知書, (b) has failed to comply with section 71(1) or with any
規定該船東或轉管租約承租人在該通知書送達的日期後 other obligation imposed on him as the representative
起計 30 天內,更換代表人。 person by this Ordinance,
(2) 任何船東或轉管租約承租人如未能遵守第 (1) 款,即屬犯 by written notice served on the owner or demise charterer
法,可處罰款 $5,000。 and on the representative person, require the owner or demise
charterer to replace the representative person within a period
of 30 days after the date of service of the notice.
(2) An owner or demise charterer who fails to comply with
subsection (1) commits an offence and is liable to a fine of

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9-1 第 IX 部 PART IX 9-2

第 415 章 第 73 條 Section 73 Cap. 415

73. “ 政府船舶 ” 的含義 73. Meaning of “Government ship”
在本部中,“ 政府船舶 ” (Government ship) 指由政府擁有的船舶。 In this Part “Government ship” (政府船舶) means a ship which is
owned by the Government.

74. 政府船舶的可註冊性 74. Registrability of Government ships

(1) 在符合本部的規限下,政府船舶可註冊。 (1) Subject to this Part, a Government ship is registrable.
(2) 除本部另有規定外,註冊政府船舶如有以下情形,即不 (2) Subject to this Part, a registered Government ship ceases to
再是可註冊的船舶 —— be registrable if—
(a) 不再是政府船舶; (a) it ceases to be a Government ship;
(b) 該船舶在戰爭或敵對行動中被奪取,以致政府對該 (b) the ship is taken in war or hostilities, as a result
船舶的經營失去控制; ( 由 1995 年第 101 號第 3 條 of which the Government has lost control over the
修訂 ) operation of the ship;
(c) 該船舶已被摧毀、確實已完全消失、或被推定已完 (c) the ship is broken up, or is an actual or constructive
全消失,以致不能再用作航行; total loss such that it is no longer capable of being used
(d) 該船舶在註冊時仍然是一艘在香港以外地方註冊的 in navigation;
船舶;或 (d) the ship at the time of registration remains registered in
(e) 該船舶其後在香港以外地方註冊。 a place outside Hong Kong; or
(e) the ship subsequently becomes registered in a place
outside Hong Kong.

75. 政府船舶的註冊申請 75. Application for registration of Government ship

政府船舶的註冊申請須由政務司司長或政務司司長為這目的 An application for registration of a Government ship shall be made,
而授權的公職人員按指明格式提出,並須連同以下文件一併 in the specified form, by the Chief Secretary for Administration or
提交 ——  ( 由 1997 年第 362 號法律公告修訂 ) by a public officer authorized by him for the purpose, and shall be
(a) 該船舶的驗船證明書; accompanied by—  (Amended L.N. 362 of 1997)
(b) 該船舶的標記證明書或聲明書; (a) the certificate of survey;

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第 415 章 第 76 條 Section 76 Cap. 415

(c) 證明該船舶最後在香港以外地方的註冊 ( 如有的話 ) (b) the certificate or declaration of marking of the ship;
已經終止的證據,如該船舶最後是在超過一個上述 (c) evidence, to the satisfaction of the Registrar, of deletion
地方同時註冊,則證明該船舶在每個上述地方的註 of the ship from the registry of the place outside Hong
冊已經終止的證據,以令註冊官信納; Kong where the ship was last registered (if any) or, if
(d) 在指示中指明的關於法定所有權的證據;及 the ship was last registered concurrently in more than
(e) 在指示中指明或註冊官合理要求的其他文件或資料。 one such place, from the registry of each such place;
(d) such evidence of title as is specified in instructions; and
(e) such other documents or information as may be specified
in instructions or as the Registrar may reasonably

76. 將政府船舶資料記入註冊紀錄冊內 76. Entry of particulars of Government ship in the register

在政府船舶註冊前需要符合的本部規定,如已符合,註冊官 When the requirements of this Part preliminary to registration have
即須將以下與該船舶有關的資料記入註冊紀錄冊 —— been complied with in relation to a Government ship, the Registrar
(a) 該船舶的名稱; shall enter in the register the following particulars relating to the
(b) 該船舶的驗船證明書中指明而註冊官認為對註冊有
重要性的詳情; (a) the name of the ship;
(c) 該船舶的註冊申請書所述有關該船舶起源的資料; (b) such of the details specified in the certificate of survey
及 as the Registrar considers essential for the purposes of
(d) 政府是該船舶的船東。
(c) the particulars of the ship’s origin as stated in the
application for registration; and
(d) the Government as owner of the ship.

77. 政府船舶的註冊證明書 77. Certificate of registry of Government ship

政府船舶根據第 76 條予以註冊後,註冊官即須發給符合指明 Upon the registration of a Government ship under section 76, the
格式的註冊證明書,其內須載有關於該船舶的資料,該等資 Registrar shall grant a certificate of registry, in the specified form,
料須已依照該條記入註冊紀錄冊內。 containing particulars relating to the ship entered in the register
pursuant to that section.

78. 與政府船舶有關的文件的保留 78. Retention of documents relating to Government ship

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第 415 章 第 79 條 Section 79 Cap. 415

政府船舶根據第 76 條予以註冊後,註冊官須繼續管有以下與 Upon the registration of a Government ship under section 76, the
該船舶有關的文件 —— Registrar shall retain in his possession the following documents in
(a) 註冊申請書; respect of the ship—
(b) 驗船證明書; (a) the application for registration;
(c) 該船舶的標記證明書或聲明書;及 (b) the certificate of survey;
(d) 指示中指明的關於法定所有權的證據及其他文件。 (c) the certificate or declaration of marking of the ship; and
(d) such evidence of title and other documents as are
specified in instructions.

79. 註冊政府船舶的移轉 79. Transfer of registered Government ship

(1) 為根據本條例予以註冊,註冊政府船舶的移轉須憑藉賣 (1) For the purposes of registration under this Ordinance, the
據作出。 transfer of a registered Government ship shall be effected by
(2) 該賣據須 —— a bill of sale.
(a) 按指明格式作出; (2) The bill of sale shall—
(b) 顯示移轉人為政府;及 (a) be in the specified form;
(c) 由政務司司長或政務司司長為這目的而授權的公職 (b) show the Government as transferor; and
人員代表移轉人簽署。 ( 由 1997 年第 362 號法律公 (c) be signed on behalf of the transferor by the Chief
告修訂 ) Secretary for Administration or by a public officer
authorized by him for the purpose. (Amended L.N. 362
of 1997)

80. 本條例對政府船舶的適用範圍 80. Application of Ordinance to Government ships

(1) 除本部條文外,附表 3 第 2 欄指明的本條例其他條文, (1) In addition to the provisions of this Part, the provisions of this
須按該附表第 3 欄訂定的範圍適用於政府船舶。 Ordinance specified in column 2 of Schedule 3 shall apply to
(2) 除第 (1) 款所規定的外,本條例不適用於政府船舶。 Government ships to the extent provided in column 3 of that
(3) 本條例不使政府因任何涉及政府船舶的罪行而被檢控。
(2) Except as provided by subsection (1) this Ordinance shall not
apply to Government ships.

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第 415 章 Section 80 Cap. 415

(3) Nothing in this Ordinance shall make the Government liable

to prosecution for an offence in relation to a Government

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第 415 章 第 81 條 Section 81 Cap. 415

81. 船舶的改裝 81. Alterations to ships
(1) 註冊船舶經改裝後如與註冊紀錄冊所載關於該船舶噸位 (1) Where a registered ship is so altered as not to correspond with
或描述的資料不符,則該船舶的船東、轉管租約承租人 the particulars relating to the ship’s tonnage or description
或代表人須於改裝完成後的 14 天內,按指明格式將所作 contained in the register, the owner, demise charterer or
的改裝通知註冊官。 representative person shall give notice of the alteration to
(2) 在 收 到 根 據 第 (1) 款 發 出 的 通 知 書 後,註 冊 官 即 須 酌 the Registrar in the specified form within 14 days after the
情 —— completion of the alteration.
(a) 將該船舶的新資料記入註冊紀錄冊;或 (2) The Registrar shall, upon receipt of a notice under subsection
(1), at his discretion either—
(b) 規定該船舶須重新註冊。
(a) enter the new particulars relating to the ship in the
(3) 如沒有在訂明的期間內就船舶作出第 (1) 款所述的通知, register; or
行該款所規定關於作出通知的義務,直至他作出該項通 (b) require that the ship be registered anew.
知為止。 (3) Where notice under subsection (1) is not given in respect of a
(4) 任何人未能就某船舶而遵守第 (1) 款,該船舶的船東或轉 ship within the prescribed period, the obligation to give notice
管租約承租人即屬犯法,可處罰款 $5,000,及每日另處 as required by that subsection continues, notwithstanding that
罰款 $1,000。 the prescribed period has passed, until notice is so given.
(4) Where there is a failure to comply with subsection (1) in
relation to a ship, the owner or demise charterer commits an
offence and is liable to a fine of $5,000, and to a daily penalty
of $1,000.

82. 重新註冊 82. Registration anew

(1) 凡註冊官根據第 81 條規定船舶須重新註冊,他須按該船 (1) Where under section 81 the Registrar requires that a ship
舶首次註冊時一樣辦理;在首次註冊的規定、指示中指 be registered anew, he shall proceed as in the case of a first
明的規定或註冊官合理作出的其他規定已獲符合後,註 registration, and upon due compliance with the requirements
冊官即須將該船舶重新註冊。 as to first registration, or such of those requirements as are

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第 415 章 第 83 條 Section 83 Cap. 415

(2) 凡船舶獲重新註冊 —— specified in instructions or as he may otherwise reasonably

(a) 該船舶原先的註冊須當作終止,而第 67 條即適用於 require, he shall register the ship anew.
該船舶的未解除註冊抵押;及 (2) Where a ship is registered anew—
(b) 註冊紀錄冊上原先所示的以船東、轉管租約承租人 (a) the ship’s former registration shall be deemed to be
或抵押權人身分持有該船舶權益的所有人,其姓名 closed and section 67 shall apply as respects any
均須重新記入註冊紀錄冊,而重新註冊在任何方面 undischarged registered mortgage of the ship; and
均不影響該等人的原有權利。 (b) the names of all persons appearing on the former
register to be interested in the ship as owners, demise
charterers or mortgagees shall be entered on the new
register and the registration anew shall not in any way
affect the rights of any of those persons.

83. 發給新註冊證明書 83. Grant of new certificate of registry

(1) 以下各項完成後 —— (1) Upon registration of—
(a) 根據第 17 條將註冊船舶名稱的更改註冊; (a) a change of name of a registered ship under section 17;
(b) 根據第 39 或 79 條將註冊船舶的移轉、或船舶份額 (b) the transfer of a registered ship or a share in or part of a
或部分的移轉註冊; ship under section 39 or 79;
(c) 根據第 42 條將註冊船舶的財產權傳轉資料註冊、或 (c) the particulars in respect of a transmission of property in
根據該條將該船舶份額或部分的財產權傳轉資料註 a registered ship or a share in or part of the ship under
冊; section 42;
(d) 根據第 54(3) 條將船東地址的更改註冊; (d) the change of address of an owner under section 54(3);
(e) 根據第 68(3) 條將代表人身分或地址的更改資料註 (e) the particulars of a change in the identity or address of
冊; the representative person under section 68(3);
(f) 根據第 81 條將註冊船舶改建後的資料註冊、或根據 (f) new particulars of a registered ship after alteration of the
第 82 條將該船舶重新註冊的新資料註冊;或 ship under section 81 or upon registration anew under
(g) 將依照本條例作出的有關船舶、船東、轉管租約承 section 82; or
租人或代表人的其他資料的更改註冊, (g) any other change in particulars relating to the ship,
註冊官即須按指明格式發給載有該船舶、船東、轉管租 the owners, demise charterer or representative person
約承租人或代表人的新資料的新註冊證明書。 pursuant to this Ordinance,

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第 415 章 第 84 條 Section 84 Cap. 415

(2) 在獲得根據第 (1) 款發給的註冊船舶新註冊證明書後,船 the Registrar shall grant a new certificate of registry of the
東、轉管租約承租人或船長即須按以下規定親自或安排 ship, in the specified form, containing the new particulars
他人將舊註冊證明書交付註冊官 —— relating to the ship, the owners, demise charterer or
(a) 如該船舶在香港,須立即交付;或 representative person, as the case may be.
(b) 如該船舶不在香港,須在可行範圍內盡快交付,但 (2) Upon the grant of a new certificate of registry of a registered
無論如何亦須在新證明書的發給日期後起計的 30 天 ship under subsection (1) the owner, demise charterer or
內交付。 master shall deliver the old certificate of registry, or cause the
certificate to be delivered, to the Registrar—
(3) 任何船東、轉管租約承租人或船長如無合理解釋而未能
遵守第 (2) 款,即屬犯法,可處罰款 $5,000。 (a) forthwith, if the ship is in Hong Kong; or
(4) 本條適用於臨時註冊證明書,猶如它適用於註冊證明書 (b) if the ship is not in Hong Kong, as soon as practicable
一樣。 and in any case within a period of 30 days after the date
on which the new certificate is granted.
(3) An owner, demise charterer or master who, without
reasonable excuse, fails to comply with subsection (2)
commits an offence and is liable to a fine of $5,000.
(4) This section applies in relation to a certificate of provisional
registry as it applies in relation to a certificate of registry.

84. 聲明的方式 84. Mode of making declarations

(1) 根據本條例作出或為本條例的目的而作出的聲明 —— (1) A declaration under or for the purposes of this Ordinance—
(a) 若在香港作出,須在註冊官、公證人、監誓員或律 (a) may be made in Hong Kong before the Registrar, a
師面前作出;( 由 1997 年第 47 號第 10 條修訂 ) notary public, a commissioner for oaths or a solicitor;
(b) 若在香港以外地方作出,須在公證人或指示中為這 (Amended 47 of 1997 s. 10)
目的而指明的其他人面前作出;及 (b) may be made in a place outside Hong Kong before a
(c) 可由法人團體的秘書或該法團為這目的而授權的其 notary public or such other person as may be specified
他人員代表該法團作出。 ( 由 1998 年第 27 號第 11 for the purpose in instructions; and
條修訂 ) (c) may be made on behalf of a body corporate by the
(2) 在第 (1) 款中 —— secretary or any other officer of the body corporate
authorized by it for that purpose.
(a)“ 公證人 ” (notary public) 就香港來說,指《法律執業者條例》
( 第 159 章 ) 第 2(1) 條所界定的公證人;而就香港以外的 (2) In subsection (1)—

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第 415 章 第 85 條 Section 85 Cap. 415

地方來說,則指根據當地法律獲得妥為授權以監督聲明 (a) “commissioner for oaths” (監誓員) means a

的人; ( 由 1998 年第 25 號第 2 條修訂 ) commissioner for oaths duly appointed by the Chief
(b)“ 監 誓 員 ” (commissioner for oaths) 指 終 審 法 院 首 席 法 官 根 Justice under any enactment in force in Hong Kong;
據在香港有效的成文法則委任的監誓員。 ( 由 1998 年第 (b) “notary public” (公證人) in relation to Hong Kong,
25 號第 2 條修訂 ) means a notary public as defined in section 2(1) of the
( 由 1998 年第 27 號第 11 條修訂 ) Legal Practitioners Ordinance (Cap. 159), and in relation
to a place outside Hong Kong means a person duly
authorized to take declarations under the law of that
place. (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2; 27 of 1998 s. 11)

85. 註冊官免除任何人作出聲明等的權力 85. Power of Registrar to dispense with declarations, etc.

(1) 凡任何人根據本條例或為本條例的目的須代表自己或代 (1) Where under or for the purposes of this Ordinance a person
表任何法人團體作出聲明,或須向註冊官出示任何證據, is required to make a declaration on behalf of himself or
而註冊官信納由於有合理原因,該人不能作出聲明,或 of any body corporate, or any evidence is required to be
該證據不能出示,則註冊官在該人提出他認為適當的證 produced to the Registrar, and it is shown to the satisfaction
據後,及在受他認為適當的條件規限下,可免除該人作 of the Registrar that from any reasonable cause that person is
出該項聲明或出示該證據。 unable to make the declaration, or that the evidence cannot
(2) 在不影響第 (1) 款的原則下,如為某船舶在根據第 27 條 be produced, the Registrar may on the production of such
提出臨時註冊申請時,已按照第 19、20 條或 21 條作出 evidence and subject to such terms as he thinks fit, dispense
聲明、出示證據或取得同意,則在為該船舶根據第 19 條 with the declaration or evidence.
提出註冊申請時,註冊官可免除該數條所述的聲明、證 (2) Without prejudice to subsection (1), the Registrar may upon
據或同意。 an application for registration of a ship under section 19,
dispense with any declaration, evidence or consent under
section 19, 20 or 21 to the extent that such declaration,
evidence or consent has been made, produced or obtained, as
the case may be, pursuant to an application for provisional
registration of the ship under section 27.

86. 虛假聲明或資料 86. False declarations or information

任何人 —— Any person who, knowingly or recklessly—
(a) 根據本條例規定或為本條例的目的而明知或罔顧後 (a) makes any false declaration or certificate under or for
果地作出虛假的聲明或證明書;或 the purposes of this Ordinance; or

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第 415 章 第 87 條 Section 87 Cap. 415

(b) 依照本條例的規定或根據本條例所訂的規定而作出 (b) makes any false or misleading statement or furnishes

說明或提供資料時,如明知或罔顧後果地向處長或 any false or misleading information to the Director
註冊官作出虛假或誤導性說明或提供虛假或誤導性 or Registrar pursuant to a requirement by or under
資料,不論這是在申請時或作其他事時作出或提供 this Ordinance to make any statement or furnish any
的, information, whether in an application or otherwise,
即屬犯法 —— commits an offence and is liable—
(i) 一經公訴程序裁定犯法,可處罰款 $100,000 及監禁 (i) on conviction upon indictment to a fine of $100,000 and
2 年;或 to imprisonment for 2 years; or
(ii) 一經簡易程序裁定犯法,可處罰款 $10,000 及監禁 6 (ii) on summary conviction to a fine of $10,000 and to
個月。 imprisonment for 6 months.

87. 文件及其副本作為證據的可接受性 87. Documents, copies and admissibility in evidence

(1) 任何 —— (1) A document purporting to be—
(a) 註冊證明書、臨時註冊證明書、根據本條例發出或 (a) a certificate of registry, certificate of provisional registry,
作出的證明書或聲明書;或 other certificate or declaration issued or made under this
(b) 看來是以下文件的副本或摘錄的文件 —— Ordinance; or
(i) 以能閱讀形式出示的註冊紀錄冊;或 (b) a copy of or extract from—
(ii) (a) 段所指的文件, (i) the register in legible form; or
及看來是經註冊官或註冊官為這目的而授權的人認 (ii) a document referred to in paragraph (a),
證為真實副本或摘錄的文件, and to be certified as a true copy or extract by the Registrar
如在法律訴訟中出示,須被接受為證據,但如證明 or a person authorized by him in that behalf,
該文件並非是看來所指的文件,或證明該文件並非 shall be admitted in evidence in any legal proceedings upon
由看來是簽署或認證它的人簽署或認證,則屬例外; its production unless it is proved that it is not the document
該文件如被接受,即作為註冊紀錄冊內或該文件內 it purports to be or that it was not signed or certified by the
說明事項的充分證據,但並非該事項的確證。 person by whom it purports to be signed or certified, as the
(2) 任何證據如無第 (1) 款的規定已屬可接受的,則第 (1) 款 case may be, and if so admitted shall be sufficient, but not
並不影響該證據的可接受性。 conclusive, evidence of any matter stated in the register or
(3) 在不影響第 8 條的原則下,如有人申請供給註冊紀錄冊
內部分文件的副本或摘錄、或與註冊紀錄冊有關連的文 (2) Nothing in subsection (1) shall prejudice the admissibility
件的副本或摘錄,並繳交訂明的費用後,註冊官可酌情 of any evidence which would be admissible apart from that
向該人供給一份該文件的經妥為認證的副本或摘錄。 subsection.

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10-11 第X部 PART X 10-12

第 415 章 第 88 條 Section 88 Cap. 415

(3) Without prejudice to section 8, the Registrar may in his

discretion and on payment of the prescribed fee, supply a
certified copy of or extract from any document forming part
of or associated with the register to any person applying for
such copy or extract.

88. 文件的送達 88. Service of documents

(1) 本條例規定或由處長或註冊官授權向任何人送達的通知 (1) Any notice required or authorized to be served on any person
書,如用以下方式送達,即當作妥為送達該人 —— by the Director or Registrar under this Ordinance shall be
(a) 交付該人; deemed to be duly served on that person if it is—
(b) 以掛號郵件寄往註冊紀錄冊內當時所記錄的該人的 (a) delivered to him;
地址,或寄往任何人依照本條例所規定的責任以其 (b) sent to him by registered post at the address for the
他方式通知註冊官的地址;或 time being recorded in relation to him in the register or
(c) 留在上述地址。 otherwise notified to the Registrar pursuant to a duty
under this Ordinance; or
(2) 凡任何法定條文規定或授權須送達文件,用以對本條例
所訂的罪行或附表 2 指明的條例所訂的罪行提起訴訟或 (c) left at that address.
作其他有關連的用途,如文件須送達的收件人是註冊船 (2) Any document required or authorized, by virtue of any
舶的船東或轉管租約承租人,則將該文件按第 (1) 款所訂 statutory provision, to be served for the purpose of the
明的方式送達已委出的該船舶的代表人,即當作已將該 institution of, or otherwise in connection with, proceedings
文件妥為送達該船東或轉管租約承租人。 for an offence under this Ordinance or any Ordinance
(3) 凡任何法定條文規定或授權須送達文件,用以對本條例 specified in Schedule 2 shall, where the person to be served is
所訂的罪行提起訴訟或作其他有關連的用途,如文件須 the owner or demise charterer of a registered ship, be deemed
送達的收件人是船舶的船長,則將該文件按以下方式送 to be duly served on the owner or demise charterer if it is
達,即當作已妥為送達該船長 —— served, in the manner prescribed by subsection (1), on the
representative person appointed in relation to the ship.
(a) 交付該船長;或
(3) Any document required or authorized by virtue of any
(b) 留在船上給一名指揮或掌管該船舶的人或看似是指 statutory provision, to be served for the purpose of the
揮或掌管該船舶的人。 institution of, or otherwise in connection with, proceedings
(4) 任何人妨礙他人將文件根據本條例送達船舶的船長,即 for an offence under this Ordinance, on the master of a ship,
屬犯法,可處罰款 $5,000。 shall be deemed to be duly served on the master if it is—
(5) 船舶的船東、轉管租約承租人、船長或代表人,如參與 (a) delivered to him; or
違反第 (4) 款,即屬犯法,可處罰款 $50,000 及監禁 1 年。

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10-13 第X部 PART X 10-14

第 415 章 第 89 條 Section 89 Cap. 415

(b) left on board the ship with a person being or appearing

to be in command or charge of the ship.
(4) Any person who obstructs the service under this Ordinance of
a document on the master of a ship commits an offence and
shall be liable to a fine of $5,000.
(5) Any owner, demise charterer, master or representative
person of a ship who is party or privy to a contravention of
subsection (4) commits an offence and is liable to a fine of
$50,000 and to imprisonment for 1 year.

89. 遭扣留船舶放行前出海 89. Taking detained ship to sea

(1) 根據第 17 或 18 條遭扣留的船舶如在處長放行前出海或 (1) Where a ship detained under section 17 or 18 goes to sea or
企圖出海,該船舶的船長及船東或轉管租約承租人均屬 attempts to go to sea before it is released from detention by
犯法,可各處罰款 $50,000 及監禁 1 年。 the Director, the master and the owner or demise charterer
(2) 凡船舶 —— commit an offence and each is liable to a fine of $50,000 and
to imprisonment for 1 year.
(a) 違反第 (1) 款而出海;及
(2) Where a ship—
(b) 載有正在執行職責的公職人員,
(a) goes to sea in contravention of subsection (1); and
該船舶的船長及船東或轉管租約承租人 ——
(b) has on board a public officer acting in the execution of
(i) 即屬犯法,除可各處根據第 (1) 款可判處的懲罰外, his duty,
可各處罰款 $20,000 及監禁 6 個月,並可按該船出海
之日至該人員返回香港之日期間的日數,每日另處 the master and the owner or demise charterer—
罰款 $1,000,如該人員不是直接返回香港,則該段 (i) commit an offence and each is liable, in addition to any
期間計至如他取道最快的可行路線便已返回香港之 penalty to which he may be liable under subsection (1),
日;及 to a fine of $20,000 and to imprisonment for 6 months
(ii) 對一切因載該人員出海及確使他返回香港而引致的 and to an additional fine of $1,000 for each day during
開支,須負共同及各別的法律責任, the period from the date on which the ship proceeded
to sea until the date on which the officer is returned to
而一切該等開支,可由政府以追討罰款的方式追討。 Hong Kong or, if he does not return directly to Hong
Kong, would have returned if he had travelled by the
quickest practicable route; and

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10-15 第X部 PART X 10-16

第 415 章 第 90 條 Section 90 Cap. 415

(ii) are jointly and severally liable to pay all expenses

incidental to the taking of the officer to sea and to
securing his return to Hong Kong,
and all such expenses may be recovered in the same manner
as a fine.

90. 費用規例 90. Fees and charges regulations

( 具追溯力的適應化修訂 —— 見 1998 年第 25 號第 2 條;1999 年第 64 號 (Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 64 of 1999 s. 3)
(1) The Chief Executive in Council may make regulations
(1) 行政長官會同行政會議可訂立規例就以下各項作出規定、 providing for or in relation to—  (Amended 64 of 1999 s. 3)
或訂立與以下各項有關的規例 ——  ( 由 1999 年第 64 號
(a) fees for the registration and provisional registration of
第 3 條修訂 )
ships and for matters relating thereto, for the issue of
(a) 船舶根據本條例註冊與臨時註冊的費用,以及有關 certificates of registry, certificates of provisional registry
事項的費用;根據本條例發出註冊證明書、臨時註 and other documents under the Ordinance;
(b) annual tonnage charges in respect of registered ships;
(b) 每年向註冊船舶徵收的噸位費;
(c) fees for transfers and transmissions of ships and ship
(c) 船舶移轉與傳轉的費用,及船舶抵押的移轉與傳轉 mortgages;
(d) fees for surveys, inspections, and other services and
(d) 根據第 14 及 18 條或為第 14 及 18 條的目的而在香 facilities provided, whether in Hong Kong or elsewhere,
港或其他地方提供的驗船服務、檢查服務及其他服 under or for the purposes of sections 14 and 18;
(e) fees for inspecting the register and for copies of
(e) 查閱註冊紀錄冊的費用,供給註冊紀錄冊記載事項 or extracts from entries in the register or copies of
的副本或摘錄的費用,供給屬於註冊紀錄冊一部分 or extracts from any certificate or other document
或與註冊紀錄冊有關連的證明書或文件的副本或摘 forming part of or associated with the register, and for
錄的費用,以及認證上述副本或摘錄的費用; certification of such copies or extracts;
(f) 為本條例的目的而取得處長或註冊官的官式簽署、 (f) fees for the official signature of the Director or Registrar
或取得代表處長或註冊官的人的官式簽署的費用; or of any person on behalf of the Director or Registrar
(g) 根據第 13 或 16 條可藉訂立規例予以規定的事宜的 for the purposes of this Ordinance;
有關費用。 (g) fees for any matter in respect of which regulations may
(2) 根據第 (1) 款訂明的各項費用 —— be made under section 13 or 16.
(2) Any fees or charges prescribed under subsection (1)—

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10-17 第X部 PART X 10-18

第 415 章 第 91 條 Section 91 Cap. 415

(a) 可訂在足以收回港口管理開支的水平,而無須因政 (a) may be fixed at levels which provide for the recovery
府或其他主管當局為提供某項服務、設施或物品, of expenditure incurred or likely to be incurred by the
所承擔或可能承擔的行政或其他支出的數額而受限 Government or other authority in relation generally
制;上述港口管理開支是指政府或其他主管當局在 to the administration, regulation and control of ports,
處理香港港口、在香港水域內的船舶及水上交通的 ships and navigation in the waters of Hong Kong,
一般管理、規管及控制事務方面,所承擔或可能承 and shall not be limited by reference to the amount
擔的開支;及 of administrative or other costs incurred or likely to
(b) 在不影響 (a) 段的一般性的原則下,可按大小不同的 be incurred in the provision of any particular service,
船舶 ( 不論是以噸位、長度或其他標準劃分 ),或按 facility or matter; and
不同級別或種類的船舶、服務、設施或物品,訂定 (b) may, without prejudice to the generality of paragraph
不同的數額。 (a), be fixed at different amounts in relation to different
(3) 根據第 (1) 款訂立的規例,可規定 —— sizes of ship, whether measured by tonnage, length or
otherwise, or in relation to different classes, types or
(a) 在指明情況下將各項費用減少、寬免或退還; descriptions of ship, service, facility or matter.
(b) 豁免任何一艘船舶或任何級別或種類的船舶繳交任 (3) Regulations made under subsection (1) may provide for—
(a) the reduction, waiver or refund of fees or charges in
(c) 該項豁免由處長或註冊官作出。 specified circumstances;
(4) 根據第 (1) 款訂立的規例所規定須徵收的費用,不論其款 (b) the exemption of any ship or class, type or description
額是否超逾《區域法院條例》( 第 336 章 ) 第 33 條所提及 of ships from the payment of any fee or charge; and
租約承租人追討。 ( 由 1998 年第 25 號第 2 條修訂 ) (c) for any such exemption to be granted by the Director or
the Registrar.
(4) Fees or charges payable pursuant to regulations made under
subsection (1) may be recovered from the owner or demise
charterer in the District Court as a civil debt, notwithstanding
that the amount is in excess of the sum mentioned in section
33 of the District Court Ordinance (Cap. 336).

91. 提及在香港註冊的船舶 91. References to ship registered in Hong Kong

在任何條例中提及在香港註冊的船舶時,須詮釋作提及根據 A reference in any Ordinance to a ship registered in Hong
本條例註冊或臨時註冊的船舶。 Kong shall be construed as a reference to a ship registered or
provisionally registered under this Ordinance.

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10-19 第X部 PART X 10-20

第 415 章 第 92 條 Section 92 Cap. 415

92. 附表的修訂 92. Amendment of Schedules

( 具追溯力的適應化修訂 —— 見 1999 年第 64 號第 3 條 ) (Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 64 of 1999 s. 3)
行政長官可藉憲報命令修訂本條例任何附表。 The Chief Executive may by order published in the Gazette amend
( 由 1999 年第 64 號第 3 條修訂 ) any Schedule to this Ordinance.
(Amended 64 of 1999 s. 3)

93. 提起刑事訴訟的時限 93. Time limit for criminal proceedings

就本條例所訂的罪行、或就根據本條例訂立的規例所訂的罪 An information or complaint relating to an offence under this
行提出告發或作出投訴,須在犯該罪時起計的 2 年內提出或 Ordinance or any regulations made under this Ordinance shall be
作出。 laid or made within 2 years from the commission of the offence.

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11-1 第 XI 部 PART XI 11-2

第 415 章 第 94 條 Section 94 Cap. 415

94. 第 XI 部的釋義 94. Interpretation of Part XI
在本部中,“ 法令 ” (Act) 指在緊接生效日期前在香港適用的或 In this Part, “Act” (法令) means the Merchant Shipping Act 1894
其適用範圍擴展至香港的《1894 年商船法令》(1894 c. 60 (1894 c. 60 U.K.)* as applied in or extended to Hong Kong
U.K.)*。 immediately before the commencement date.

編輯附註: Editorial Note:

* 並請參閱以下條文 —— * Please also see following—
(a) 就《1894 年商船法令》而言,第 415 章附表 5 第 3 部及第 508 章附表 (a) in relation to the Merchant Shipping Act 1894, Part 3 of Schedule 5
2 第 1 條; to Cap. 415 and s. 1 of Schedule 2 to Cap. 508;

(b) 就 1894 至 1979 年 的《商 船 法 令》(Merchant Shipping Acts) 而言,第 (b) in relation to the Merchant Shipping Acts 1894 to 1979, s. 117 of
281 章第 117 條、第 415 章第 103 條及第 478 章第 142 條。 Cap. 281, s. 103 of Cap. 415 and s. 142 of Cap. 478.

95. 根據法令註冊的船舶 95. Ships registered under the Act

(1) 在緊接生效日期前根據法令在香港註冊的每艘船舶,自 (1) Every ship that was, immediately before the commencement
生效日期起即當作根據本條例註冊。 date, registered in Hong Kong under the Act, shall be deemed
(2) 任何與第 (1) 款所指船舶有關的記載事項或紀錄, on and from that date to be registered under this Ordinance.
如在緊接生效日期前存於根據法令而備存於香港的註冊 (2) Any entry or record that, immediately before the
紀錄冊中,則須當作是存於根據第 7 條備存的註冊紀錄 commencement date, appeared in a register book kept in
冊中關於該船舶的記載事項或紀錄,並且須當作是在根 Hong Kong under the Act in relation to a ship referred to in
據法令記入該記載事項或紀錄的日期與時間記入。 subsection (1) shall be deemed to be an entry or record in the
(3) 任何 —— register kept under section 7 in relation to that ship and to
have been made on the date on which, and at the time when,
(a) 與第 (1) 款所指船舶有關的抵押文書或其他文書,如 it was made under the Act.
(3) Any—
(b) 為該等抵押文書或其他文書作出的加簽註明、備忘
錄或其他摘記,如是按照法令訂定及在緊接生效日 (a) mortgage or other instrument relating to a ship referred
期前有效的, to in subsection (1) made in accordance with the Act

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11-3 第 XI 部 PART XI 11-4

第 415 章 第 96 條 Section 96 Cap. 415

則在生效日期及之後仍屬有效,猶如它已按照本條例的 and in force immediately before the commencement

相等條文 ( 如有的話 ) 訂定一樣。 date; and
(b) endorsement, memorandum or other note made in
accordance with the Act on any such mortgage or
other instrument and in force immediately before the
commencement date,
has effect on and after that date as if it had been made in
accordance with the corresponding provision (if any) of this

96. 仍未根據法令註冊的船舶 96. Ships not yet registered under the Act
(1) 凡就某船舶來說 —— (1) Where in relation to a ship—
(a) 已在生效日期前根據法令申請將船舶在香港註冊, (a) an application for registration of the ship in Hong Kong
但在緊接生效日期前仍未決定該申請是否被接納; under the Act was made before the commencement
而且 date and, immediately before that date, was not yet
(b) 上述註冊獲准前須符合的法令規定已獲遵守, determined; and
則 —— (b) the requirements of the Act preliminary to such
registration have been complied with,
(i) 該申請須當作是根據本條例將該船舶註冊的申請;
(ii) 該船舶須當作是可註冊船舶;及
(i) the application shall be deemed to be an application for
(iii) 在註冊前須符合的本條例規定,須當作已獲遵守。 registration of the ship under this Ordinance;
(2) 任何人在根據第 90 條訂立的規例所規定下須繳付費用的 (ii) the ship shall be deemed to be registrable; and
法律責任,不受第 (1) 款影響。
(iii) the requirements of this Ordinance preliminary to
registration shall be deemed to have been complied
(2) Nothing in subsection (1) shall affect any liability to pay any
fee or charge pursuant to regulations made under section 90.

97. 過渡期船舶資料的記入 97. Entry of particulars in respect of transitional ships

(1) 註冊官須將任何當作根據第 95(1) 條予以註冊的船舶的以 (1) The Registrar shall enter in the register the following
下資料記入註冊紀錄冊 —— particulars relating to a ship deemed to be registered under

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11-5 第 XI 部 PART XI 11-6

第 415 章 第 98 條 Section 98 Cap. 415

(a) 該船舶的名稱; section 95(1)—

(b) 該船舶的詳情,這些詳情須已記錄在根據法令備存 (a) the name of the ship;
的註冊紀錄冊內,而註冊官認為是對註冊有重要性 (b) such of the details of the ship recorded in the register
的; book kept under the Act as the Registrar considers
(c) 該船舶起源的資料,該資料須已記錄在根據法令備 essential for the purposes of registration;
存的註冊紀錄冊內;及 (c) the particulars of the ship’s origin as recorded in the
(d) 各船東的姓名地址及其他資料,並說明各船東擁有 register book kept under the Act; and
該船舶份額的數目。 (d) the name, address and description of each owner and a
(2) 註冊官須將第 96 條所指船舶的以下資料記入註冊紀錄 statement of the number of shares in the ship owned by
冊 —— each.
(a) 該船舶的名稱; (2) The Registrar shall enter in the register the following
(b) 在根據法令發出的驗船證明書中指明的詳情,而這 particulars relating to a ship referred to in section 96—
些詳情是註冊官認為對註冊有重要性的; (a) the name of the ship;
(c) 在根據法令作出的擁有權聲明書中所述有關該船舶 (b) such of the details specified in the surveyor’s certificate
起源的資料;及 granted under the Act as the Registrar considers essential
(d) 各船東的姓名地址及其他資料,並說明各船東擁有 for the purposes of registration;
該船舶份額的數目。 (c) the particulars of the ship’s origin as stated in the
declaration of ownership made under the Act; and
(d) the name, address and description of each owner and a
statement of the number of shares in the ship owned by

98. 過渡期船舶的註冊證明書 98. Certificate of registry for transitional ships

(1) 根據第 97 條將船舶的資料記入註冊紀錄冊後,註冊官即 (1) Upon the entry in the register of particulars of a ship under
須發給符合指明格式的註冊證明書,其內須載有該等資 section 97, the Registrar shall grant a certificate of registry, in
料。 the specified form, containing those particulars.
(2) 根據法令就第 95(1) 條所指船舶發給的註冊證明書,為本 (2) Until such time as a certificate of registry is granted under
條例及《商船條例》( 第 281 章 ) 的目的,須視作根據本條 this section in respect of a ship referred to in section 95(1),
發給的註冊證明書,直至根據本條就該船舶發給註冊證 the certificate of registry granted under the Act in respect
明書之時為止。 of the ship shall for the purposes of this Ordinance and the

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11-7 第 XI 部 PART XI 11-8

第 415 章 第 99 條 Section 99 Cap. 415

Merchant Shipping Ordinance (Cap. 281) be treated as a

certificate of registry granted under this section.

99. 過渡期船舶文件的保留 99. Retention of documents for transitional ships

根據第 97 條將船舶的資料記入註冊紀錄冊後,註冊官須繼續 Upon the entry in the register of particulars of a ship under section
管有以下與該船舶有關的文件 —— 97, the Registrar shall retain in his possession in respect of the
(a) 根據法令發出的驗船證明書; ship—
(b) 建造證明書、發給船東的賣據、或將該船舶的法定 (a) the surveyor’s certificate granted under the Act;
所有權歸於船東的法院命令; (b) the builder’s certificate, bill of sale in favour of the
(c) 宣告沒收船舶書的副本 ( 如有的話 );及 owner or court order vesting title to the ship in the
owner, as the case may be;
(d) 所有根據法令作出的擁有權聲明書。
(c) the copy of the condemnation (if any); and
(d) all declarations of ownership made under the Act.

100. 根據法令發出的證明書的交還 100. Return of certificates issued under the Act

(1) 第 95(1) 條所指的船舶根據第 98 條獲發給註冊證明書後, (1) Upon the grant of a certificate of registry under section 98
該船舶的船東或船長即須按以下規定親自或安排他人將 in respect of a ship referred to in section 95(1), the owner
根據法令發給該船舶的註冊證明書交付註冊官 —— or master of the ship shall deliver the certificate of registry
(a) 如該船舶在香港,須立即交付;或 granted under the Act in respect of the ship, or cause such
certificate to be delivered, to the Registrar—
(b) 如該船舶不在香港,須在可行範圍內盡快交付,但
無論如何亦須在根據第 98 條發給註冊證明書的日期 (a) forthwith if the ship is in Hong Kong; or
後起計的 30 天內交付。 (b) if the ship is not in Hong Kong, as soon as practicable
(2) 任何船東或船長如無合理解釋而未能遵守第 (1) 款,即屬 and in any case within a period of 30 days after the
犯法,可處罰款 $5,000。 grant of the certificate of registry under section 98.
(2) An owner or master who, without reasonable excuse, fails to
comply with subsection (1) commits an offence and is liable
to a fine of $5,000.

101. 過渡期船舶不再是可註冊船舶 101. Transitional ship ceasing to be registrable

根據本部註冊或當作根據本部註冊的船舶如有以下情形,即 A ship registered or deemed to be registered under this Part ceases
不再是可註冊的船舶 —— to be registrable if—

最後更新日期 Last updated date

30.6.1997 30.6.1997

11-9 第 XI 部 PART XI 11-10

第 415 章 第 102 條 Section 102 Cap. 415

(a) 該船舶或其份額已經移轉或傳轉; (a) the ship or any share in the ship is transferred or
(b) 該船舶在戰爭或敵對行動中被奪取,以致其船東對 transmitted;
該船舶的經營失去控制; ( 由 1995 年第 101 號第 4 (b) the ship is taken in war or hostilities, as a result of
條修訂 ) which the owner has lost control over the operation of
(c) 該船舶已被摧毀、碓實已完全消失、或被推定已完 the ship;
全消失,以致不能再用作航行;或 (c) the ship is broken up, or is an actual or constructive
(d) 該船舶其後在香港以外地方註冊。 total loss such that it is no longer capable of being used
in navigation; or
(d) the ship subsequently becomes registered in a place
outside Hong Kong.

102. 本條例對過渡期船舶的適用範圍 102. Application of Ordinance to transitional ships

(1) 除本部條文外,附表 4 第 2 欄指明的本條例其他條文, (1) In addition to the provisions of this Part, the provisions of this
須按該附表第 3 欄訂定的範圍及方式,適用於根據本部 Ordinance specified in column 2 of Schedule 4 shall apply,
註冊或當作根據本部註冊的船舶。 to the extent and in the manner provided in column 3 of that
(2) 除第 (1) 款所訂定的外,本條例不適用於根據本部註冊或 Schedule, to ships registered or deemed to be registered under
當作根據本部註冊的船舶。 this Part.
(2) Except as provided by subsection (1) this Ordinance shall not
apply to ships registered or deemed to be registered under this

最後更新日期 Last updated date

30.6.1997 30.6.1997

12-1 第 XII 部 PART XII 12-2

第 415 章 第 103 條 Section 103 Cap. 415


103. ( 由 1999 年第 64 號第 3 條廢除 ) 103. (Repealed 64 of 1999 s. 3)

104. 保留、修訂及廢除條文 104. Savings, amendments and repeals

( 具追溯力的適應化修訂 —— 見 1999 年第 64 號第 3 條 ) (Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 64 of 1999 s. 3)
(1) 在 附 表 5 第 1 部 第 2 欄 列 出 的《商 船 ( 噸 位 ) 規 例》( 附 (1) The Merchant Shipping (Tonnage) Regulations (App. I, p. AB
錄 IAB1 頁 *) 條文,按該部第 3 欄列出的範圍作出修訂 1*) amended in the provisions set out in column 2 of Part 1
後, —— of Schedule 5, to the extent set out in column 3 of that Part—
(a) 儘管須根據第 (3) 款廢除條文,該規例仍繼續實施; (a) shall, notwithstanding the repeals under subsection (3),
及 continue in operation; and
(b) 為所有目的,該規例須當作由行政長官會同行政會 (b) shall be deemed for all purposes to have been made
議根據第 13 條訂立。 ( 由 1999 年第 64 號第 3 條修訂 ) by the Chief Executive in Council under section 13.
(2) 根據《商船 ( 噸位 ) 規例》( 附錄 IAB1 頁 +) 發給的英國噸 (Amended 64 of 1999 s. 3)
位量度證明書或英國噸位證明書,如在緊接生效日期前 (2) A Certificate of British Tonnage Measurement or British
有效的,則繼續有效,猶如該證明書是根據經第 (1) 款所 Tonnage Certificate issued under the Merchant Shipping
修訂的規例而發給的香港噸位量度證明書或香港噸位證 (Tonnage) Regulations (App. I, p. AB 1+) and in force
明書一樣。 immediately prior to the commencement date shall continue in
(3) ( 已略去 ) force and have effect as if it were a Certificate of Hong Kong
Tonnage Measurement or Hong Kong Tonnage Certificate (as
(4) 附表 5 第 3 部指明的成文法則現予廢除。 the case may be) issued under those regulations as amended
by subsection (1).
(3) (Omitted)
(4) The enactments specified in Part 3 of Schedule 5 are repealed.

最後更新日期 Last updated date

5.11.1999 5.11.1999

12-3 第 XII 部 PART XII 12-4

第 415 章 第 104 條 Section 104 Cap. 415

(5) 《釋義及通則條例》( 第 1 章 ) 第 23 條適用於本條對聯合 (5) Section 23 of the Interpretation and General Clauses
王國的成文法則條文作出的廢除,猶如它適用於對任何 Ordinance (Cap. 1) shall apply in relation to the repeal of a
條例條文作出的廢除一樣。 provision of an United Kingdom enactment effected by this
section as it applies in relation to the repeal of a provision of
編輯附註: an Ordinance.
* 參閱第 415 章,附屬法例 C
+ 參閱 1983 年版附錄 IAB1 頁 Editorial Note:
* See now Cap. 415 sub. leg. C
+ See App. I, p. AB1, 1983 Ed.

最後更新日期 Last updated date

5.11.1999 5.11.1999

S1-1 附表 1 SCHEDULE 1 S1-2

第 415 章 Cap. 415

[ 第 37 及 92 條 ] [ss. 37 & 92]


懸掛在香港特別行政區區旗上方的中華人民共和國國旗。國旗及區旗 The national flag of the People’s Republic of China flown directly above
的規格,分別列於《國旗及國徽條例》(1997 年第 116 號 )* 附表 1 及《區 the regional flag of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The
旗及區徽條例》(1997 年第 117 號 )# 附表 1。 specifications of the national flag and the regional flag are as respectively
( 由 1998 年第 11 號第 3 條代替 ) set out in Schedule 1 to the National Flag and National Emblem Ordinance
(116 of 1997)* and Schedule 1 to the Regional Flag and Regional Emblem
編輯附註: Ordinance (117 of 1997)#.
* 見文件 A401。 (Replaced 11 of 1998 s. 3)
# 見文件 A602。

Editorial Note:
* See Instrument A401.
See Instrument A602.

最後更新日期 Last updated date

1.7.1997 1.7.1997

S2-1 附表 2 SCHEDULE 2 S2-2

第 415 章 Cap. 415

[ 第 64、88 及 92 條 ] [ss. 64, 88 & 92]


《危險品條例》( 第 295 章 ) Dangerous Goods Ordinance (Cap. 295)
《商船條例》( 第 281 章 ) Merchant Shipping Ordinance (Cap. 281)
《商船 ( 安全 ) 條例》( 第 369 章 ) Merchant Shipping (Safety) Ordinance (Cap. 369)
《商船 ( 海員 ) 條例》( 第 478 章 ) Merchant Shipping (Seafarers) Ordinance (Cap. 478)
( 由 1995 年第 44 號第 143 條代替 ) (Replaced 44 of 1995 s. 143)
《船舶及港口管制條例》( 第 313 章 ) Shipping and Port Control Ordinance (Cap. 313)
( 由 2014 年第 150 號法律公告修訂 )

最後更新日期 Last updated date

6.2.2015 6.2.2015

S3-1 附表 3 SCHEDULE 3 S3-2

第 415 章 Cap. 415

[ 第 80 及 92 條 ] [ss. 80 & 92]


I 1至3 全部 Part Section Extent and manner of application
II 4至6 全部 I 1 to 3 the whole
III 7 至 10 全部 II 4 to 6 the whole
IV 13 至 18、26、33 至 35、全部 III 7 to 10 the whole
IV 13 to 18, 26, 33 to 35, 37 the whole
V 41 全部
V 41 the whole
VI 43 至 53 全部
VI 43 to 53 the whole
VII 57 至 59 全部
VII 57 to 59 the whole
60 本條與第 57(1) 條有關之處
60 in so far as the section relates to section 57(1)
61 本條與未能遵守第 57(1) 或 58(1) 條有關之處
61 in so far as the section relates to a failure to comply
65 至 67 全部 with section 57(1) or 58(1)
X 81、82 全部 65 to 67 the whole
83 全部,但第 (1)(c) 及 (e) 及 (3) 款除外 X 81, 82 the whole
84 全部 83 the whole, other than subsections (1)(c) and (e) and (3)
85 僅第 (1) 款 84 the whole
86、87 全部 85 subsection (1) only
88 全部,但第 (2) 款除外 86, 87 the whole
91 至 93 全部 88 the whole, other than subsection (2)
104 全部 91 to 93 the whole
— 附表 1、2 及 5 全部 104 the whole
- Schedules 1, 2 and 5 the whole
( 由 1999 年第 64 號第 3 條修訂 )
(Amended 64 of 1999 s. 3)

最後更新日期 Last updated date

5.11.1999 5.11.1999

S4-1 附表 4 SCHEDULE 4 S4-2

第 415 章 Cap. 415

[ 第 92 及 102 條 ] [ss. 92 & 102]


I 1至3 全部 Part Section Extent and manner of application
II 4至6 全部 I 1 to 3 the whole
III 7 至 10 全部 II 4 to 6 the whole
IV 17 全部 III 7 to 10 the whole
18 第 (3)、(4)、(5)、(6) 及 (7) 款;為使這些條文適用於過 IV 17 the whole
渡期船舶,船舶根據第 XI 部予以註冊或當作予以註冊
時在船舶上的標記,須當作本條規定須保持在船舶上的 18 subsections (3), (4), (5), (6) and (7), and for the purposes
標記 of such application markings on the ship at the time of its
registration or deemed registration under Part XI shall be
22 第 (3)、(4) 及 (5) 款,為使第 64(3) 條適用 deemed to be markings required to be maintained under the
26、33 至 35 全部 section
37 全部,但第 (4) 款除外 22 subsections (3), (4) and (5) for the purposes of the application
of section 64(3)
VI 43 至 53 全部
26, 33 to 35 the whole
VII 59 全部
37 the whole, other than subsection (4)
60 本條與第 57(1) 條有關之處
VI 43 to 53 the whole
61 本條與未能遵守第 57(1) 條或違反第 86 條有關之處
VII 59 the whole
62、64 至 67 全部
60 in so far as the section relates to section 57(1)
X 83 全部,但第 (1)(b)、(c)、(d) 及 (e) 及 (3) 款除外
61 in so far as the section relates to a failure to comply with
84 全部
section 57(1) or a contravention of section 86
85 僅第 (1) 款
62, 64 to 67 the whole
86、87 全部
X 83 the whole, other than subsections (1)(b), (c), (d) and (e), and
88 全部,但第 (2) 款除外 (3)
89 至 93 全部 84 the whole
104 全部 85 subsection (1) only
— 附表 1、2 及 5 全部 86, 87 the whole
88 the whole, other than subsection (2)

最後更新日期 Last updated date

5.11.1999 5.11.1999

S4-3 附表 4 SCHEDULE 4 S4-4

第 415 章 Cap. 415

( 由 1999 年第 64 號第 3 條修訂 ) 89 to 93 the whole

104 the whole
- Schedules 1, 2 and 5 the whole

(Amended 64 of 1999 s. 3)

最後更新日期 Last updated date

5.11.1999 5.11.1999

S5-1 附表 5 —— 第 3 部 SCHEDULE 5—PART 3 S5-2

第 415 章 第1條 Section 1 Cap. 415

[ 第 92 及 104 條 ] [ss. 92 & 104]


第 1-2 部 PART 1-2

( 已略去 ) (Omitted)

第3部 PART 3


1. 作為香港法律一部分的《1894 年商船法令》第 I 部 (1894 c. 60 1. Part I of the Merchant Shipping Act 1894 (1894 c. 60 U.K.) in so
U.K.)。 ( 由 1999 年第 64 號第 3 條修訂 ) far as it is part of the law of Hong Kong. (Amended 64 of 1999 s. 3)

2-4. ( 已略去 ) 2-4. (Omitted)

最後更新日期 Last updated date

5.11.1999 5.11.1999

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