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Letter, Dr. Daclaud Heinftoth to Dr. Gregorian Iithousen, Head Physician, Clinic for the Mentally Disturbed My Dearest Dr. Iilhousen, At your request, I am most fortunate and pleased to share with you some of my more successfil methods in treating those desperate charges to whom we both attend. Fortunate, for reasons that will become clear in time to you, and pleased, for these arcane tools have been of great benefit fo me in many ways... and of course, to ‘my “wards” as well. I know that, as a colleague, you will more than humor my indulgence of such occult treat- ments. In truth, I initially persued this path merely to observe the effects of such cabalistic trappings on super- stitious minds, but the results of my research have been extraordinary beyond my mast hopeful expectations. To illustrate that impact, I urge you to employ these methods in the treatment of your unfortunate charge, Reymond S., about whom we recently corresponded. (To which I must add: my offer of treatment stands yet, and I shall happily bear the costs of transporting him to the asylum. Keep in mind that strain is sometimes of the utmost benefit in eliciting the desired responses from our charges.) It is my advice that you avail yourself of the mild rebuking incantations I detail here, especially at those times Reymond seems most disruptive. Isolation of the subject is recommended, as are vocal restrictions... unless you find a benefit—as I have—upon your other charges at hearing the subject’s strident complaints! You must forgive my rambling; I become loquacious when faced with the encouraging prospect of another employing some of my personal procedures. I will leave the rest for you to discover and make use of as you see fit. I expect to hear of your wondrous results forthwith! Yours in Earnest, Dr. Daclaud Heinfroth BE 0260 339 saruary 2006 DEPRESSION Neeromancy Level: Brd 3, Sor/Wiz 3 ‘Components: V, § Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: 20 ft. ‘Area: 20-ft.radius burst centered onyou Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: Will negates Spell Resistance: Yes Waves of weakness emanate from you, crippling your enemies both mentally and physically. All opponents within ‘the area must save or become fatigued and take a penalty on their Will saves ‘equal to per 3 caster levels (maximum 5} Fatigue caused by this spell lasts for 1 round per caster level. This spell does not cause creatures that are already fatigued or become fatigued during its duration to become exhausted. LOBOTOMIZE ‘Transmutation Level: Sor/Wiz 5 ‘Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Touch Target: Creature touched Duration: 1 minute/level Saving Throw: Will negates Spell Resistance: Yes You cause a creature to forget how to use a specific ability. Upon casting this spell, choose a specific spell level of 4th level or lower, weapon pro- ficiency, or two skills. Any creature you successfully touch with a melee touch attack has some aspect of that trait lobotomized. Ifyou choose to lobotomize a spell level the target loses all spel slots or prepared spells of that level. For example, ifa sorcerer with four 3rd-level spell slots has his 3rd-level spells lobotomized, he loses access to all four slots for the duration of this, spell, while a wizard in the same case would be unable to cast any prepared jrd-level spells, At the end of this spell any lobotomized spells or spell slots return. If you choose a target's proficiency with weapons to be lobotomized, the target is treated as being nonprofi- cient with all weapons, taking a—q penalty on attack rolls it makes with any weapon. A target does not lose its proficiency with natural weapons. If you choose to lobotomize skills, pick two skills, For the duration of this spell the target is treated as if he had o ranks in these two skills. If lobotomized skill can be used untrained, the target can still make a skill check and add the bonus from his relevant ability score. If a lobotomized skill cannot be used untrained, the target cannot make use of that skill, Lobotomize in no way informs you of what spells, feats, or skills a target pos- sesses. Ifyou attempt to loboiomize a spell level the target does not possess, the spell has no effect. This spell has only partial effect if you try to loboto- mize a skill the target does not possess, affecting only skills it actually has. This spell does not affect crea- tures without minds, such as many constructs, 007¢s, plants, numerous undead, or similar creatures. Material Component: A small metal hammer and an iron spike. Janvary 2006 DRAGON 339 [ZZ Evocation (Flectricity] Level: Sor/Wiz. 2 ‘Components: V, § Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Close (25 fl. +5 ft/2 levels) Effect: One ray Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Fortitude partial Spell Resistance: Yes ‘You create a short stroke of electric- ity that ares from your hand to the target creature. This bolt of electricity deals 1d6 points of electricity dam- age. In addition, the target must make a Fortitude save or be stunned for 1 round per3 caster levels (maximum 5 rounds). Creatures with any immunity or resitance to electricity are immune to the stun effec. Evocation Level: Drd 7, Sor/Wiz 7 ‘Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Medium (100 ft. +10 ft/level) ‘Target: One creature Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: Reflex negates Spell Resistance: Yes You create a column of freezing, swirling water that engulfs your target. The subject is paralyzed by the water's powerfil grip and takes 1d6 points of cold damage every round, However, the target gains a +6 bonus to A’ the liquid sheath protects it. ‘While surrounded by water, ifthe subject is ave and cannot breathe water, it can hold its breath for 2 rounds pet point of Constitution but must make a Constitution check (DC+1 per previous success) each round thereafter to continue doing so, Failure on any such check (or voluntary resumption ‘of breathing) causes the subject to fll unconscious (0 hp) On the next round, the subject drops to-1 hit points and is dying; on the third round it suffo- cates (see Drowning on page 304 of the DUNGEON Masren's Guide) A character outside the water col- umn may attempt to help the subject of this spell. As a full-round action, a rescuer adjacent to the pillar of liquid may make a Strength check with a DC equal to the spell’ initial saving throw to pull the subject free. Doing so ends the spell Material Component: A drop of water and a drop of blood. Necromancy Level: Sox/Wiz 5 Components: \, S,M Casting Time: 1 minute Range: Touch ‘Target: Living creature touched Duration: Instantaneous and 10 minutes/level; see text Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Through a minute-long ritual, you siphon a spe- cific ability score from a creature, Upon casting this spell on a target, choose one ability score. ‘The target takes a pen- alty to the chosen ability score equal to 1d6 +1 per caster levels (maximum 1d6+5). The target’s affected ability seore cannot drop below 1. You then gain a bonus to the chosen ability score equal to half the penalty imposed upon the target (rounded down). Both the penalty and the bonus incurred by this spell last for 1 minute per level. For example, ifa r3th-level wizard used this spell to damage the Intel- ligence ofa krenshar (Intelligence 6)and rolled a5, the krenshar would take a9 penalty to its Intelligence (+ 4 from wizard levels), lowering its Intelligence to 1. The wizard then gains a +2 bonus to his Intelligence, as the krenshar effectively only lost 5 points of Intelligence (halved and rounded down to 2) Ifyou attempt to use this spell to affect an ability score the target does not have (like trying to drain the Con- stitution of an undead creature) the target suffers no ill effects, but you still roll to see how much of a penalty it would have taken if it had the abil- ity. Instead of the target taking this penalty, you take 5 points of damage for every point of that penalty. You must maintain contact with the target for the entire cast ing time, Ifyou break contact for any reason the spell ends and you gain no benefit. Casting this spell most often requires the target to be unconscious, restrained in some manner, or willing. Material Component: A syringe. &

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