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We fildNçso

by Jean Rabe
Artwork by Jim Holloway

An overview of the lrüorse lands' great serpents, part 2

In DRAGON@ Issue #182, we presented

the first portion of this article, detailing
linnorms - Norse dragons first described in
The AD&D@ 2nd Edition }{RI Vikings Cøm-
paign sourcebook - and how to use them



rJ a /.t

Linnorm, Flame
I 0

FREQUENCY! V.fu fare
DIEIl Spdcial
Exceptional (15-16)
Neutral evil I
ARMOR CLASST -4 (base)
MOVEMENT: 24 Fl 40 (B) T
HIl DICE: 20 þase)
THACO: 4 (at 20 HD)
NO. O¡'ATTACKS¡ 2 claws/l bite + sPecial
DAMAGE/ATTAcKsr 3d6/3d6/3d10

SPECTAL ATTACKS: Spells, breath weapon


SIZE: G (40' at base)

MORALD: Fanatic (17-18)
XP VALUE: Variable

Flame linnorms are the most beautifrf of the Norse dragons and per-
haps the most rare. They live to bend others to their will and to accumu- norm ages, it gains other abilities; very young-immune to magical fire-
late wealth. Ac{ept at magiÇ even the youngæt of the flame linnorms can based attacks, plus lteøt metal (three times a day);
master spells. juvenile- pyrotechnics and produce fire (lhree times each a day);
Upon hatching, the scales of a flame lìrurorm are as black as unused adult-fnball (at wili every three rounds); old- fre charm and fre trap
coals. By the time a lirurorm reaches the juvenile stage, the scales have (three tlrnes each a day); venerable- Jlame strike and. wall of fre (twice
faded to a soft, dull $ay, the shade of ash. At this stage the li¡morm is each a day); great wyrm- fre seeds and firestorm (once each a day).
sometimes confused with gray lir¡rorms. However, when the linnorm
reaches adulthood, its scales become vibrant, starting with a glowing Habltat/Society: Flame linnorms are loners, making their homes as
orange in the young adult stage and reaching a pulsing scarlet by the deep within the earth as possible in cavems that can accommodate their
time it is a wyrm, Adult and older linnorms appear as a mass of flte huge forms and even larger piles of heasure. The linnorms do not hate
when they walk, their scales shifting, seeming like flames lapping over other flame linnorms or other breeds of linnorms. However, they
the creature's body. Great wynns are said to look like living fireballs. choose to isolate themselves, not wanting to risk the chance that other
Flame linnorms speak their own language and can communicate with linnorms might steal their wealth. The linnorms frequently inventory
all other Norse dragons. In addition, a very young linnorm has a 207o their treasure to make sure every piece is accounted for. Magical trea-
chance to pick up human tongues. The percentage chance to gain this suÌes are especially prized, and the linnorms will spend long hours try
abi.lity increases 10% per age category of the lin¡rorm until the wyrm ing to discover what those treasures do. Flame linnorms that master the
stage, when it is certain to possess this skill. use of magical items use those items in battle or lo clnrm or enslave
humans and demihumans. These captives help the linnorm acquire
Combatl Flame linnorms attack nonintelligent creatuÌes only for food, ñofe tfeasuÌe.
These great dragons reserve thei¡ full fury for Viking ships. castles, and
Flame llmorms memorize every inch of their territory and guard it
bands of adventurers laden down with chests and bundles. In combab a
eealouslv, lhere is a 25% chance for a flame linnorm that has attained
flame linnorm prefers to attack from above where it has a good vantage
venetabfe áge or greater to have 14 fire elementals guarding its lair.
point and a better chance to escape a dangerous situation. It almost al. Sages are uhceftain whether the elementals are summoned by magrc
ways attacks first with its spells, hoping to take down its targets without
the ll¡trorms have acquired or whether they willingly serve the linnorm
damaging any valuables. Il however, its adversarles prove too staunch,
ln exchatrge for treasure.
the li¡norm continues with its b¡eath weapon ánd magical fire abilities. Flame lfuurorms mate every 30 years, then separate. The female is left
It fights with its claws and bite only if it has no cholce. as the linnorm to lay its eggs on its owry and she abandons them as soon as the young
fears close combat could harm its beautiful scales.
lirurotms hatch.
Breath Weapory'Special Abilitlee! A flame llrurotm has two breath
weapons that cause equal damage. One is a cloud of hot ashes 90' long, Ecology: Flame linnorms have been known to eat herd animals, trees,
7U wide, and 4ü deep. The second is a stream of flame 5' wide at the and the very earth. Howevet, thelr favorite food is in the form of any
linnorm's mouth and 110 long. The flame linnorm casts spells and uses object on fire. These linnorms sometlmes set sections of a forest ablaze
magical abilities at 9th level, plus any combat modifier. just to dine.
From birth, a flame linnorm is immune to nonmagical fire. As the lin-

Age Body Lgt.('f Tarl Lgt.{'l AC Breath Woapon llllzard Spellr MR Trearure Ρ1pe XP VÁluo
1 3-24 3-24 -1. 2d8+1 1 40% thv 14,000
2 25-42 25-42 4d8+2 2 45% E 18,000
c 43-57 43-57 -3 6d8+3 3 50% E,c 2',1,000
4 58-76 58-76 -4 8d8+4 31 55% E,G 22,000
5 77-96 77-96 -5 10c18+5 321. 60y" gG,H 24,000
6 97-1.07 97-"107 -6 72d8 + 6 432 65% E,G,H,I 25,OOO
7 1.08-129 1,08-1,29 14ct8 + 7 5331 70% EG,Fll x 2 26,000
I 130-156 130-156 -8 16d8 + I 5432 75% EG,H,I x 2 27,000
9 1.57-1.86 1.57-"t86 -9 18d8 + 9 6443 80% EG,H,I x 2 28,000
10 187-217 1,87-217 -10 20d8 + 10 64441, 85y" EG,H,I x 3 29,000
77 218-237 n8-n7 -11 nd9 + 11. 75442 90lo E,G,H,I X 3 3O,OOO
1.2 238-265 238-265 -1.2 24d10 + 12 7 5543 95% E,G,H,I x 3 31,000

66 JULY 1992 01992 TSR, inc, All Rights Reserved.

Linnorm, Gr
FRDQUENCY3 Very rare
DIET: Spécial
INTELLIGENCE: very [1-12)
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil
NO. APPEARINGI 1 (5% of 14)

ARMOR CLASS: -1. (base)

MOVEMET{T: "12, Fl36 (c), Sw 12
HIT DICE: 13 þase)

THACO: 7 (at 13 HD)

NO. OT ATTACKS: 2 claws/1- bite/l tail strike + special
DAMAGE/ATTACKS: 4d6l 4d6/ 4d10/2d6

SPPCIAL ATTACKS: Spells, poison tail, breath weapon

MAGIC RESISTANCE! Variable or cotrode any metal in 3-12 rounds unless washed off. The metal is
SlZEz H (18'at base)
aliowed a saving tluow vs. acicl to avoid this effect (magical bonuses may
MORALE! Fearless (19-20) be applied),
XP VALUE: Variable The tail of a gtay linnorm oozes a poisonous substance that is the
equivaient of poison type B. Creatures struck by the tail suffer 2d6 hp
Gray Linnorms are ruthless to a fault and revel in deceiving and harming damage from the physical blow, plus 20 additional hp damage from the
all othe¡ intelligent creatures, especially humans and demihumans. venom unless they save vs. poison.
While they have the smallest bocties of all Norse dragons, they have long, Unlike other lir¡rorms, a gray linnorm is not bom with any special
whiplike tails that they are quick to employ in combat. abilities. However, it gains abilities as it ages: very young- protectîon
At birtb a gray linnorm has shiny black scales so small they appear as from normal nrissiles (constant); juvenile -contagion (three times a day);
smooth skin. The black scales remain, although they grow larger and adull- shape change (at will, three times a day); old- torøíthþrm (three
thicker until the li¡rnorm reaches the juvenile stage. Sometime during times a day); venerable-- dísfance distortion (three times a day); great
this growth stage, the scales' color begiru to fade. By the time the lin- wyrm- sirk (twice a day).
norm has reachèd the mature adult stage, the scales are normally a dull Its clerical spells come from the spheres of Al1, Charm, Elemental, Pro-
gray, the color of lead. Whtle the linnorm can alter the appearance of its tection, and Weather. A gray lirurorm casts spells and uses its magical
scales by concentrating it is limited to changing the shades of gray and
abilities at 7th level, plus its combat modifier.
making the scales appear shinier or duller. Habitat/Societyl Gray linnorms usually are found on mountains, hills,
Gray linnorms speak their own language and can communicate with ridges, and other places that overlook the land. They place themselves
all other Norse dragons. They also have a propensity for learning other on these earthly pedestals and consider their territory everything with-
languages. A hatchling gtay linnorm has a 40% chance of being able to in their lines of sight. Their lai¡s are usually tunnels into hillsides, the
speak with any other intelligent creature. The chance to gain this ability entrances of which arc carefully concealed and happed.
increases 15% fo¡ each age category up to the young adult stage (100%). Gray linnorms mate once every 20-30 years, with the parents staying
Combah Gray linnorms spend little time plotting their attacks, usually with their offspring until they have passed from the young stage. After
adopting a plan on the spur of the moment. They prefer to initially that time, the parents separate, meeting again in another 20-30 years.
strike from a heigh¡ f¡om where they have a better vantage point. How- While gray linnorms are solitary, they have been known to join forces
ever, unlike some of the other linnorms, they do not attempt to kill their with others of their kind to raid a settlement or ship, particr:larly if they
victims only using spells and their breath weapon; they use these abili- can place the blame through their shape change on anothet linnorm,
ties only to weaken their foes (of course, their foes are often not hardy particularly the frost lirmorm, whom they hate above all other dragons.
enough to stand up to a breath weapon attack). Gray linnorms rellsh Gray linnorms will immediately attack any intelligent creature that en-
killing their foes with their foreclaws and whiplike tail. Especially mali- ctoaches upon its tenitory, as it fears that the oeature might be after its
cious gray lirurorms capture humans and demihumans, táking them to wealth, A gray linnorm hordes its wealth deep within its tunnels. While
their lair where they toy with them before eventually finishing thern off. It will collect virtually anything (including cloth, fumiture, and ship
geât)¡ it is especlally fond of coins of all types.
Gray linnorms of the adult stage and older wlll often use theh shape
change abtlity to appear as a different type of linnorm (especially tf an- Ecology: Gray llnnortns can dlgest nearly anything. However, they
other Norse dragon is tn the area) in áh áttempt to blame that othet have acquired a taste fot dee¡, cattle and sheep, and they are a terror to
linnorm for the attack. farmers.
Breath Weapory'Special Abilities: The breath weapon of a gray lin- While these lin¡rotms have no natural predators, they are sometimes
norm is a jet of black slime 3' wide and 60' long. It is a conosive sub- hunted by adventurers who use thei¡ scales for armor and their poison
stance that, in addition to causing physical harm to creatures, will rust and other body parts in potions and for spell components.

Ago Body Lgt.('l Tatl Lgt.(') AC Breath Woapon Clorlc Spella MR Treaaure T¡rye XP Value
1 7-4 4-1.0 2 4d4+L 1 1,0% c 7,000
2 5-9 11,-20 T 6d4+2 11 'LSlo c 9,000
J 10-15 27-32 1 8d4+3 111 20% C,E 10,000
4 "r6-25 33-52 0 10d4 +4 21.1. 25% C,E 11,000
5 26-35 53-73 - '1.
12d4 +5 221. 30% C,Ex2 13,000
6 36-47 74-96 -2 14d4 +6 222r 35% C,Ex2 15,000
7 48-59 97-121. -J 16d4 +7 3222 40% ÇE,F x 2 16,000
8 60-72 122-'t50 -4 18d4 + I 33227 4s% C,E,F X2 "17,000
9 73-87 1.51.-178 -5 20d4 +9 33 3 21. s0% C,E,F X3 18,000
10 88-116 1,79-235 -6 nd4 + 10 33332 55% C,E,F X3 20,000
11. 117-136 236-277 -7 24d4+77 43333 60% C,E,F X4 21.,000
1.2 137-157 278-325 -8 26d4 + 12 443337 65lo ÇE,F x 4 22,000

O'1992 TSR, lnc. All Rights Reserved.

Linnotlm., Rain
FREQUENCY: Vefu rare


DIET: Speclal
INTELLIGENCE: Average (8-10)

ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil
NO. APPEARING: 1 (5% of 1-6)
ARMOR CLASS: 3 (bare)
MOVEMENT: 18, Fl 40 (B), sw e
HIT DICE: 10 þse)

THACO: 11 (at 10 HD)

NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 claws/1- bite + special
DAMAGE/ATTACKS: 1d1211d1213d1,0

Spelis, breath weapon
Variable 2 lt

SIZE: H (20 at base)

MORALE: Fanatic (1.7-18)
)P VALUE: Variable

Rain linnorms are the most vain of the Norse dragons, and will go out of casts spells at 8th level, adjusted by combat modifiers.
their way to destroy communities and harm the land in the area of other Rain lhflorms a¡e bom invulnerable to elechical attacks. As they age
dragons. However, unlike gray linnorms, the rain linnorms do not at- they gain additional abilities: very young- crute þod and wøter (twice
tempt to place the blame for the attacks elsewhere. The ¡ain linnorms a day); young- plant growth and entangle (each three times a day);
demand credit fo¡ thei¡ atrocities. The more heinous the act, the more juvenile- ull lìghtning (twice a day); young adult -lightníng boll (twice a
powerful the ¡ain lin¡rorm considers itself. Further, the rain linnorms day), wøter breøthing (at will); adult- control winds (twice a day); ma-
seek to gain vast amounts of treasure. mo¡e than they believe other twe adult-moonbeam and røinbow (each three times a day); old-
dragons could possibly accumulate. immune to missile weapons and fuansmute dust to water (three times a
When rain linnorms hatch, their teardrop-shaped scales appear shiny day); very old-immune to nonmagical blunt weapons, wuther sum-
and white. As the linnorm ages, the scales retain their shape, but they moning (wice a day); venerable-immune to nonmagical edged weap-
become larger, thicker, and are able to become gray, blue, green, or ons, conjure water elementøl (twice a day); wyrm-regenerate 10
white at the creature's whim. hp/round control weather (once a day); great wyrm: regenerate 20 hp/
Lirurorms speak their own language and can communicate with all rovnd, wind øølk (once a day).
other Norse dragons, although they tately lower themselves to do so. In
ac{dition, a hatchling linnorm has a 5% chance of being able to communi- Habltat/Soclety: Rain linnorms live on hills where they can be com-
cate with all animals. The chance to possess this ability increases 5% per fortably buffeted by the winds and rain. Their lairs ate usually deep
age category of the lirnorm. within the hlls, and their treasure hidden inside the many chambers. A
linnorm usually stays in its lair only when the weather is pleasant.
Combafi Young and juvenile rain lirrnorms are quick to rush into baþ Wyrms and great wyms have been known to control wuther around
tles that will net them treasure. This includes attacking üaveling mer- thelr domalns when the land has been too long without inclement
chants, wandering advenfurers, and small communities. The li¡norms weather.
attack first with their breath weapon and any magical abilities they pos- Rain linnorms consider all others-including other rain linnorms-to
sess. A favorite strategy of juvenile rain lin¡rorms is to call lightning on a be beneath thenv and therefore improper company. The only time more
targe! then breathe on anything left standing. However, if the target than one rain linnorm will be encountered is when a pair has mated.
appears small and nonthreatening, the linnorm will combat the victim The pair separate when the eggs hatch" abandoning the baby linnorms
with its claws and bite in an effort to keep any valuables intact. As the to their own devices.
linnorm ages, its tactics change. Adult and older rain linnorms hate to Rain linnorms attempt to kill all intelligent creatures that come too
sully their claws with physical combat. The older lirurotms always at- neæ their lairs. If a linnorm belleves the location of its lair is known it
tack first with their weather-related spells, to show thetr superiority wlll painstaklngly move evely plece of keasure to a new lai¡.
even oveÍ the elements. Then they assault thëif tafgets with theil
breath weapons. Ecologyt Raln li¡r¡rorms are áble to subsist orì almost anything. How-
Bteath Weapory'Special Abilitiee: A rain linnormls bteath is a evef, theh favorite sustenance is llghtning bolts, which they aitempt to
stream of boiling water 3' wide at the linnorm's mouth and 90' long. catch ln evening stonns. They have no known predators except human
Creatu¡es struck must save vs. breath for half damage, A tain linnorm adverrhrrers.

Ago Body Lgt.('f T¡tl Lgt.('l AC BreÂth Weapon Wlzard 8pellr MR Treasure T¡rye XP Value
1. 1.-4 1-8 6 3d6+1" Nil Nil 1/zB 2,000
2 5-10 9-20 5 5d6+2 Nil Nil B 7,000
J 1,1,-17 27-34 4 7d,6+3 Nil Nil B 10,000
4 78-24 35-48 3 9d6 +4 Nil Nil Bx 11,000
25-32 49-64 2 17d6 +5 Nil Nil Bx 12,000
6 33-41 65-62 1 13c16 + 6 Nil Nil B,Z X 13,000
a 42-57 83-102 0 15c16 + 7 Nil Nil C,Zx3 14000
8 52-62 103-106 -1. 17d6 +8 1 25% C,Zx3 18,000
9 63-75 1.07-1.09 - 2 79d6+9 2't 35% C,Zx 4 20,000
10 76-9L 11,0-1,1,2 -3 21c16+10 32 45% D,ZxA 22,000
11. 92-1.08 113-115 -4 23dS+11 43 ss% D,Zxs 24,000
1,2 1 09-130 116-11.8 - 5 25d6 +72 54 65% E,Zx5 25,000

68 JULY 1992 01992 TSR, lnc. All Rights Reserved,

Co se Tearer


DIET: Spécial

TREASURE: Ax3,Bx3,Cx,Hx3,l
ALIGNMENT: Neutral evil


MOVEMENT: 24, Ft40 (C), Sw 18, Br 18, Jp 18
HTT DICE: 28 (170 hp)

NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 clawsfl bite + special
DAMAGE/ATTACKS: 3d1213d1214d10

SPECLAL ATTACKS: Spells, level drain, breath weapon

SPEC¡AL DBFENSESI + 1 or better weapon to hit, spells

SIZE: G (330' long)

MORALET Featless (1e)
XP VALUE: 35,000

The lir¡rorm called Corpse Tearer is the most hideous of the Norse drag
ons and one of the most feared. The only offspring of the godlike Lin- ture's strength score in half. Every three turns, the strength score is
norm of the same name, this mottled-brown dragon has long front legs halved again until the ceahte's sÍength drops to L. A cure disease will
that end in broken but deadly claws. lt has no rear legs. The cteaturc's stop the strength loss. However, a wish ot limited wish is needed to re-
slime-covered scales are smali and weathered, and when the linnorm is store all lost strength points.
at rest it looks more like a fallerl dead tree than a serpeht. the lirurorm's Corpse Tearer can breathe twice before needing to rest two rounds
snakelike head is dnged with matted brown and gray hair. Tufts of the before it can breathe again. It can breathe as many times as it wishes
hair appear at random intervals over his body, in places so matted it within this resfiction.
resembles loose, rotting flesh. This linnorm has the following permanent abilities, useable al will fy
Despite its raggecl appearance, the linnorm is very much aüve, moving water breøthing, continuøl darkness 100' radius, feign death, poly-
and striking quickly. Corpse Tearer is ancient, and because it has trav- morph se$ md speak with dud. ln additioru he is able to use the follow-
eled greatly it has become fluent in nearly all human and demihuman ing once a day at will: protection from good, spectrøI lnnd, delude,
tongues. Further. it is able to converse will all lirurorms and many evil, aømpiríc touch, wraiffirm, eneraøtion, dimension door, animate dead,
intelligent monsters. and control undead. Corpse Rarer uses all magical abilities at 15th level.

Combat: Unlike many other of the great dragons, Corpse Tearer enjoys Habitat/society: Corpse Tearey's lair is in a vast chamber beneath an
fighting and will not often let lackeys do battle for it. This ancient lin- ancient Viking burial cave on the Vikings' home worlcl. His lair is guard-
norm is not quick to fight, however. It watches foes carefully and f¡om a ed by a pair of controlled vampires and the corpses of dead linno¡ms
distance, noting their abilities, potential weaknesses, and determining if and Vikings. This lai¡ is almost impossible to find because it is so deep
it can gain something by defeating them. beneath the earth. The few creatures that found their way there are
When ii is ready, it strikes, flying above its victims and beginning wlth now helping to guard it.
its paralyzing breath weapon, followed by its disease breath and spell- The lai¡ is dank, stinks of rotting flesh, and is filled with Corpse Tear-
like abilities. If its victims survive the flrst onslaught, Corpse Tearer er's considerable wealth. The linnorm is obsessed with garnering an
lands on top of the strongest ones in an attempt to crush them, then ever-increasing amount of gems, magic, art objects, and coins, and uses
fights with its energy-draining claws and powerful bite to flnish them his animated coryses to dlg through graves to obtain more. Further, the
off. Each successful claw attack drains one life level automaücally ftorn linnorm raids human and demihuman communities and Viking ships to
its victim. If Corpse Tearer suffers ñore than 170 hp damage, lt flees, gain more treasure.
flying away if possible or uslng its dim¿nsion doot abillly to escape, Corpse Tearer claims liHle territory, only its sepulcher-like lair, It en-
joys the closed-ln feellng of the chamber walls and the darkness, willing-
Breath Weapory'Speclal Abllltlésr Cotpse Tearer's breath weapon ls ly leaving the above gfouhd tó othet linnorms. Because Corpse Tearer
a cone oÍ paralyzation þrce 10' wide at his mouth, 300' long, and 50' spends an exttaordinary añoúlt of time cataloguing his wealtþ he rare-
wide at its apex. Creatures of less than 4 HD caught in the cone are ly leaves its home.
automatically paralyzed for 4d4 tums. Geatures of greater than 4 HD
are allowed a saving throw vs. breath weapons to avoid the effects. This Ecology: Corpse Teæer does not need sustenance when inside his lair.
breath weapon causes no physical damage. Corpse Tearer's second Outside, he is able to eat virtually anything, although he prefers rotting
breath weapon is another matter, however. The disease breath is a cloud carcasses. This linnorm has no known predators. as the men and demi-
100'long 80'wide, and 8ü thick. All creatures trapped within the cloud humans who hate him so are wise enough not to pursue him.
suffe¡ 8d12 + 12 hp damage (save vs. bteath weapon for half¡. Further,
the creatures are subjected to a maglcal disease that slowly weakens
them. The disease manifests itself witlrln 1d6 rounds by crrtting a ctea-

@1992 TSR, lnc. All Rights Reserved, DRAGON 69

Linnorffi, Midgard ìl

FREQUEI{CY: unlque


DIET: 5pecral (-r
INTELLIGENCEI Supra-genius (20) aí-
TREASURÞl S,ïU,VW,X (all x 5)
ALIGNMENT: Lawful evil
,q )r
18, Sw 40
2s (200 hp)
NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 claws/1. bite/l tail strike + special
DAMAGÞ/ATTACKSI 3d10/3d10/2d121 4d10

SPECIAL ATTACKS: Spells, breath weapons/ constriction

+ 2 or better weapon to hit, spells
SIZE¡ c (s00' long)
MORALE: Fearless ('re) deep. Those caught within the cloud suffer 16d20 + 12 hp damage (save
XP VALUÞI 31,000 vs. breath weapon for hulf). All those who fail their saving throws are
affected as if they were subject to dust of sneezing and choking. The
The Midgard linnorm is said to be the sole offspring of the Midgard Ser- final breath weapon is a cone of wind 20 wide at his moutlç 200' long,
pent, child of Loki. The Midgard llnnorm, of which sages believe (and and 50' wide at the base. All those caught within the cone suffer
hope) there is only one, is the most magnificent of the Norse dragons 12d20 + 12 hp damage (save vs. breath weapon for half). Further, they
and ¡ivals Bahamut and Tiamat in power (see FOR1 Draconomicon, pag- are automatically propelled backwards 20ü from their starting position.
es 57-59). Sages think that this great wingless serpent may be as immor- The Midgard linnorm is able to breathe every other round as often as it
tal as his sire. Thei¡ flamboyant and frightening stories claim the wishes. Creatures struck by a breath weapon save at -3 because of this
Midgard linnorm lives at the bottom of the ocean. Few have actually linnorm's awesome power,
seenthe Midgard li¡norm, and fewer still have lived to tell of it. They Another deadly attack is its ability to constrict creatures by wrapping
say the creature is so long they could not see the end of it. its tâil about them and squeezing. Those caught in this grip suffer 20 hp
ihe giant linnorm's body is covered with massive blue, green, and sil- damage pet fouhd until dead. A successful bend-bars attempt at one-
ver scales that glisten like opals. When it moves, the shifting colors make half rrormal chances is needed to wriggle fue.
it look like a stream of running water, Its head, filled with a double row ln addldon, this great linnorm has the following permanent abilities,
of pale-blue teeth, is said to st¡etch 50' wide and twice that long. lts useable at will water breathing, ESP, telEatlry, create water, and pto-
emerald-greery lidless and pupil-less eyes are perfecdy round and mir- tection from fre. At will, he can perform the following, once a day:
ror whatever is looking into them. While the Midgard linnorm has no charm person, clnrm monster, wall of fog, detect int;isibility, lrypnotic
homs, its head is topped with a ridge of coarse midnight blue hair that pattern, whispering wind, improaed inuisibility, solid fog, wizaú eye,
looks like a horse's mane. The hair extends partway down its massive airy water telekínesis, death fog, raise water, aeil, power itord stun,
neck where it becomes a lighter blue spinal ruff that runs to the tip of its teleport zoithout erroh power word blind, and shape clunge. The
barbed tail. Midgard linnorm uses his magical abilities at 14th level.
The Midgard linnornLs rear legs ate short and stumpy for its massive
form, and appear as if they are not sttong enough to support it. Its front Habitat/Society: The Midgard linnorm lives at the bottom of the ocean
legs are longer and end in razor-sharp claws. The linnorm uses its legs on the world of the Vikings, and there spends most of its time. The ser-
primarily to aid its maneuverability as it slithers along in the water and pent is a solitary creature, believing the company of others largely in-
across the land. consequential. StüL the lirurorm recognizes the value in keeping others
The Midgard linnorm speaks the languages of all Norse dragons and neâtby as guafds. The serpent's lalr is a huge underwatet sea cave, so
can telepathically communicate with all other intelligent creahrres. Thls deep beneath the su¡face of the watet that no light filters down. In this
is the only ü¡r¡rorm with this extensive telepathic ability. lalt, the Mtdgard ünnorm is guarded by a quartet of venerable sea lin-
nÕftfls of tndrhnum hit poitrts (see DRAGON@ issue 182). The Midgard
Combat: Despite its malicious nahte, the Mldgard lnnorm avoids bat llrutortn stotes his wealth withtn the deepest chambers. Discarding
tles, considering physical struggles beneath it. It ptefers to meddle ln coltrs and getns, the serpent electg to keep primarily magical treasure,
the affairs of othèr linnorms, humans, and demihumans through its and he employs some of that magic when venturing out of his lair. Also
spells and abilities, keeping its distance yet maintaining control of the ln his lair are remnants from vlsits to the surface-prows of Viking
situation. The Mdgard linnorm has entered few fights tn its centuries- ships, statues from villages, large shields, and other trinkets.
long existence. It relies on guards to fight for it. The Mtdgard linnorm considets all of the sea floor his domain and is
However, if a threat is menacing enough, the Midgard linnorm quick to dispatch any creatutes that claim territory in his presence.
breathes on the targets. Those left standing are next subjected to its
spells and further breath weaporÌs. The Midgard linnorm will oniy at- Ecologyl The Midgard linnorm requires very little sustenance, dining
tack with its bite, claws, and tail slash if the¡e is no other tecourse. once every fou¡ or five decades. During this time, the linnorm consumes
vast amounts, of sea foam-atrd whatever is floating on it.
Breath Weapory'Special Abilitieet The Mldgard linhotm possesses The Midgard lirurorm has no knowh predators but many enemies in
three breath weapons. The fi¡st is a spray of boiling wáter 10' wide and human and demihuman cotrftlunitles. Occasionally, bands of humans
200' long. Creatures of fewer than 4 HD struck by the spray automati- and demihumans who have heard of the Midgard linnorm foolishly
cally drown unless they are capable of breathing water. Creatures of 5-7 band together in an attempt to hunt if they are never heard from again.
HD drown only if they fail their saving throws vs. breath weapon. Crea- All notmal linnorms bow to the Midgard linnorm, never daring to chal-
tures of greater than 7 HD are not subject to the drowning attack. Fur- lenge it. O
ther, all those struck by the water spray suffer 20d20 + 12 hp damage
(save vs. breath weapon for hal$, and they are propelled 100'back. The
second breath weapon is a cloud of dust 200' long, 80 widq and 6ü

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