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Nama : Jenni Napitupullu

Npm : 160410055

QUIZ English For Busines Presentation

1. How to overcome Nerveous during presentation ?

Answer : Always to be Learn to relax, Turn nervousness into positif energy., Don’t apologize for
being Nervous.
2. What are the way deal with and reduce Nerviusness ?
Answer : prepare presentation, Learn to relax, check out the room, know your Audience,
concencrate on the message, visualize success
3. What’s the meaning of body language ?
Answer : Body language is a form of non-verbal communication. It is our posture, the gesture
and the moves we make that send signals that speak louder than words.
4. Gimme an example of the signposting language ?
Answer : Finally, the agreement needs senior management approval before it can be approve.
5. what’s the meaning signposting ?
Answer : signposting is where you let the audience know what to expet in your speech, and
when you identify when you’re moving into a new point.
6. What’s the meaning of business presentation ?
Answer : Busines presenation is conducted to present materials or information about business
activities to a business partner using business presentation.
7. How to get started with a great introduction ?
Answer : a. welcome the audience an introduce ur self
a) catch the audience’s attention
b) identify the goal of your number one presentation
c) give a brief overview of ur presentation
d) Provude instruction on how to ask a question
e) use common language to make the introduce easy to understand
8. How to make a good opening presentertion ?
Answer : welcoming the audience, introducing urself, Saying what your topic is, Explaining why
your topic is relevan for your audience
9. What the purpose of Busines Presentation?
Answer : The purpose of doing business presentation is to attract investors, get capital loans
from a legal instution and many more.
10. What the good opening for presentation?
Answeer : welcoming the audience, introducing ur self and Tell the audience a story or
anecdote (like a joke).
11. There are several effective opening teqniques to grab the audience’s attention explain ?
Answer : assk a rhetorical question, Start with an interesting fact, Tell the audience a story or
anecdote, and Give the audience a problem to think.
12. Explain about how to relax to overcome nerveousenss?
Answer : Sit comfortable with your back straight, Breate in slowly, hold your breath for 4-5
seconds, the slowly exhale, To relax your facial muscles, open your mouth and eyes wide, then
close them tightly
13. Don’t apologize for being nervous it means?
Answer : if u apologize for any problem u think u’ve with ur presentation , u’ll only be calling
attention for it.
14. Body language is important during presentation. Why?
Answer : coz audience I’ll fast to understand what’re u saying
15. What should we do with our hands during presentation ?
Answer : moving the hands is like signaling to audience if needed.
16. What should you do when you feel nerveous ?
Answer : try to relax and take a breathe for a second exhale and then focus on my presentation.
17. How should you keep eye contact with the audience?
Answer :
18. what kind of methode is common in America Bussiness world ?
Aswer : Visual language, directness, simple vocab.
19. What kind of good interaction with audience?
Ansewer : Q and A session
20. When some audience get bored on our presentation, what we have to do overcome the
Answer : Tell the audience a story like a joke

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