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1. Daily Activities – Asked about Servers, Escalation Levels & Backup Strategies used
2. Database creation steps (in Windows)
3. Browsing d ORACLE Architecture with select & update queries
4. About Listener’s requirement, usages & its feature in 9i, its Location & about its contents
5. Default port no for listener in windows
6. An user complains that he isnt able to connect with listener with that port, whereas other
users are getting connected. How to react in such cases
7. About Library Cache function for a query
8. what is Hashvalue; How is it generated & where 2 find them (views)
9. About DBBC’s Classifications, its default sizes
10. Pinning a table in Keep & How should we know that we have to pin the table
11. About Recycle Pool, LRU lists description
12. DBBC of 4mb size & 1gb table; How this table will be used in DBBC!
13. Statspack Installation Steps; About spcreate.sql location; Def. tablespace, if not allocated,
what will happen; Taking snaps; Generating reports
14. About Optimizer Modes classifications with its usages
15. Changing DB mode – to Archivelog
16. About DBMS Job Scheduling & Crontab
17. LMT & DMT’s Differences
18. Exp/Imp parameters; Def value for statistics in both Exp/Imp
19. Exp parameter – Direct, consistent
20. Imp Parameter – commit, about questionable statistics error..
21. About PCTUSED, PCTFREE in block level
22. Finding schma level object’s size (from dba_segments)
23. Steps for Installation of Oracle on Linux
24. Errors during installation; About connecting to a remote machine
25. Knowledge of Installing in Silent mode
26. Patch Upgradation steps; & About metalink
27. Migration Steps
28. User Creation with def. tbs, temp tbs & Quotas
29. About Password authendication; Using O/S authendication in it (parameters)
30. To felicitate analyzing all objects for a particular user, what we need to do.

1. what is the difference between 8i,9i,10g?
2. Explain abt datapump?
3. Explain consistancy parameter in exp?
4. Explain 01555 error?
5. Explain Hit ratio?
6. Explain incremental backup in rman? differential backup in rman?
7. Rman metadata has been backed up in to the tape, now in the recovery catalog 3 days
data has been lost, how would you recover the data from tape to recovery catalog?
8. Tell abt db migration?is it startup pfile=’old path ‘ migrate or upgrade?
9. How would you reduce the size of a table?
10. A query takes only 5min., it is been running fine for the past 10 day, but today it took
45min to ran? query is not modified?why?
11. How do i find no. of users loged in to the database? both in os level and database level??
12. I have 8 processors in my server, how many license should i suppose to get?

1. About Ticketing tool; And what does it contain; like, only errors or errors with
2. When do we know to analyze a table
3. Which query is taking a long time to execute
4. About TKProf; When ll we go for it & how 2 implement the same; What we see from
5. How 2 know about, which particular session & 2 which user, 2 trace and then & how 2
implement it
6. Should tracing be set at instance level or at session level; Why;
7. Patch upgradation steps
8. Knowledge of applying OS Patches for Oracle
9. Difference between Roles & Profiles
10. How 2 allocate quotas for a particular user
11. Important Pfile parameters & Database creation steps in Linux
12. To install a new version (software alone), 9204, over an existing version, 9201, what are
the steps.
13. Steps for user creation with def. tblsp, temp tblsp, quotas
14. What Default role you ll give to that user
15. Some System privileges & object priveleges (DML- insert, update)
16. Full Export Privilege
17. extend management- local & uniform size- 10m for a tablespace; a table with initial
100m is created; how many extends will get allocated during object creation
18. How to access a table in schema B off Tablespace B from schema A off Tablespace A
19. Steps for relocating a datafile
20. Steps for adding a datafile to a tablespace – what prechecks has to be done before that
21. Moving a table from a tablespace A to tablespace B
22. Moving an index across tablespaces
23. Installation of Statspack
24. Hot Backup procedure
25. Where do we find abt a particular datafile needs recovery
26. Shutdown options & How to find current version
27. To see the current active session
28. Checking bgprocess status for a particular DB;
29. What is listener & What infos are in listener.ora & tnsnames.ora

1. What is Normalization?
2. What is boyce code Normal Form?
3. What is your daily routine?
4. What is the package to be installed before installing oracle into linux?
5. How will you login into sqlplus?
6. How will you do sql tuning?
7. If table contains index and index is not used what will you do?
8. What is the difference between Statspack and AWR?
9. How will you generate statspack report?
10. What will you see in statspack report?
11. What is the content of control file in sql*loader How will you find whether the data is
loaded properly what is that file name?
12. One export dump is there how will you import it?
13. Difference between view and materialized view?
14. How will refresh a view and where is a log located?
15. Can you delete a log?
16. How many times a refresh is done?
17. Can you export a table that contains constraints what is the parameter?
18. How will you analyze an object?
19. What will you do if there is any fragmentation?
20. How will you set up a sql tuning?
21. What is the related parameter to Optimizer_index_cost_adj?
22. What are all export and import parameter?
23. What shell programming you know?

1. What is ASSM? What is the important parameter in ASSM?
2. Temporary tablespace is corrupted,what happened in database level? how to recover that
tablespace? If need any recovery?
3. What is the Critical situation which you are facing in your Environment?
4. What is sql_redo & sql_undo in logmnr_contents? what is this use in table recovery?
5. In tbs begin backup mode,It is possible to add datafiles?
6. What are the tuning commands available in linux?
7. What is glance command in linux?
8. How to see wait events other than statspack?
9. What will you see in v$session_events , v$system_events & v$ session_wait?
10. In rman backup, some of the archive log files are missing,rman will continue the process
or not?
11. How to tune the query? How long a time taking that query before & after the tuning?
12. Which one is best in v$sql_text,v$ sql_area & v$sql? Why?
13. Which join method is best in tuning? Why?
14. What are the errors occurring frequently in Alert logfiles?
15. How to solve dead lock errors?
16. What is the difference between backupset & image copy?
17. What is the incremental checkpoint?
18. How to solve db file scattered read & db file sequential read?
19. How to configure retention time in rman?
20. How to clone the db using rman?
21. How to clone the db without downtime?
22. How to view user transactions?
23. What is obsolete & expired command in rman?
24. How to stop archive apply in standby database?
25. How to add datafile in standby database( standby_file_ management= manual.)
26. How to add archive log files in standby database if missing?
27. What is DBWn & LGWr?
28. How to change LMT to DMT?
29. What are the types of DB link?
30. What is use of query_rewrite_ enabled parameter?
31. What are types of partitioning?
32. In hash partitioning, how data’s are partitioned internally?
33. In Range partitioning, table partitioned using the values (Jan + 15 days in Feb) & (Feb 15
days + Mar) how to partitioned that table using Feb values only?
34. How to partition the non-partitioned table?
35. What is the difference between patches & patchset?
36. Tell me the full syntax of tablespace creation?
37. Which value is best for Cursor_sharing parameter in OLTP env/why?
38. Why less redo generated, in rman hot backup?
39. How to know oracle to need Instance recovery?
40. When to switchover the databases(scenario) ?
41. What is latches?
42. How to transport the read-only tablespace to new location?
43. User inserts some rows into table, it taking more long times, why?

1. what is delayed block clean out? ans : to increase the commit frequency… (to avoid)
2. what types of patches? o patch, cpu patch
3. what is the most important kernal parameter for installing the oracle? shmmax ,shmni
4. can restore the back up of rman for recover the database? yes
5. what is your back up stratagy? daily export , weekly hot backup
6. what is the difference between hotcloning and cold cloning? what is the syntax?
7. can u write a shellscript for backup, db startup?
8. what is deadlock explain it?
9. explain about snap shot too old error?1555
10. how will u resize the logsize? suppose i have 30mb log i want 50mb so what i have to
11. what is consistent=y in export?
12. for installing the oracle what package have to run? for what purpose?
13. what is database incarnation?
14. what is the view for session?
15. explain about split block concept?
16. what is resumable in export?
17. how will u configure the rman for backup?
18. do u know about the standby concept?
19. what do you know by configure the kernal parameter?
20. how will u monitor a db?
21. what are the major steps for upgrade the db as a dba?
22. what kind of query tunning have u done?
23. what is hitratio? suppose hitratio is 40% it is good or bad? ans: bad
24. how many database you are monitoring?
25. what will u see in the statspack report?
26. how will u tune the query with the help of statspack report?
27. what are the minimum things for upgrade the db?
28. what is pga what are the parameter for that?
29. how will you configure the tnsname and listerner ?
30. what is the relation between rman and block corruptions?
31. what is miss ratio?
32. what is the 10g features?

1. If a user clicks a button to view a report. It takes longer time to get the report. How will
you identify the query that is taking longer time to retrieve the output?
2. What is the Linux script to capture an error message in alert. log and needs to be posted
in mobile.
3. Write a shell script to do an health check for 1400 databases.
4. (displaying alert.log,tablespace size, database size)
5. If the archive log destination is filled, database is hanging. What is the solution?
6. Where will you get the various instance names in Linux? What is the name of the text
file? Scenario:
A tablespace is of size 100MB.That Tablespace is filled and hence throwing an error like
“unable to extent”.
But verified that there is around 20MB freespace present in the tablespace.what is the
reason behind this error?
1.Row migration and row chaining?
2.Pctfree and the block parameters?
3.Recovery scenarios:
a) A disc that contains the backup of two datafiles (non system) got currupted,
how would you recover?
b) Archive log file ( of LSN no 43) corrupted what will you do?
4.How would you set a database to Archivelog mode
and how would you start the Archiver process?
5.Size of the database and how often Backup (Backup strategies)?
6.Deadlock situation explain?
7.Linux command for IO statistics?
8. Pl sql packages to analyze the table and indexes?
9.RAC and RMAN – but I said I dont know.
10.Tkprof syntax including parameter to do tkprof on diff users?
11. statspack report and the imp events?
12. explain plan syntax? how often we take?
13. Profile for users? explain?
7. crontab —- how will u use it? (or) have u used crontab?
8. Difference between direct and buffer?
9. when using direct object does not gets exported or imported why is tat so?
10. what do u mean by fractured block?
11. Default size for DBBC?
12. Have u worked in a ticketing system?
13. In solaris OS how can determine OS level locks? (or) where can u find them?
14. Have u used statspack, when do u go for it and wat is the purpose and what can u find in
it? and some wait events? one of my colleague (ie) he is also a DBA bymistake he has
deleted a datafile youcome in the next shift and find that usersare complaining that they
are not able toaccess the data, what will u do?(wat all thesteps u do)(u have all old
backups and allhot/cold)

1. How to recover the lost objects?
2. What are the mandatory background processes?
3. Tell about 10g background process? Explain?
4. What are the major issues faced with your team?
5. What are the major issues faced separately?
6. How frequently you analyze the table in Ur environment?
7. When u will rebuild the index? In what situation u have to rebuild the index?
8. Tell about yesterday in Ur office what u faced the issues?
9. By using Statspack report how to see the Query problem?
10. Totally 8 database how to identify the query problems in each database?
11. Index segment Fragmentation:
12. How to identify the fragmentation? How to resolve it?
13. Table segment Fragmentation?
14. How to identify the fragmentation? How to resolve it?
15. How to take the export of another user table without knowing the password of the user?
16. Why we give consistent=Yes and Compress=No? Reason?
17. What is Block Corruption? How to identify & Resolve it manually?
18. In DB verify tools what is the things u seen in that and how to resolve it?
19. Tell me the steps of RMAN cloning?
20. Cold backup steps? Cold Clone steps? What are the major things modify in clone db?
21. Hot backup steps? Hot Clone steps? What are the major things modify in clone db?
22. What are the major things done when we give begin backup?
23. How Frequently we can take the export & import?
24. When the query slow, but the Index also set and has no problems in otherside? So that
situation how we have to resolve it?
25. In statspack what are the things we have to see?
26. RMAN Cloning Steps?
27. In RMAN how we take the backups in ur environment? ( Having any scripts to run)?
28. In RMAN device type DISK / TAPE?
29. In Disk means how much capacity / size?
30. How many times u installed for the past 4 years?
31. How many times u created the database?
32. How you apply patches?
33. Tell me how u faced & rectify the performance tuning?
34. Tell about Upgradation steps?
35. Tell about Migration steps?
36. RMAN Features?
37. In RMAN 2 weeks backup u have to keep. How?
38. In RMAN types of backups?
39. In RMAN tell me the types of errors?
40. In RMAN tell me the report preview concepts?
41. In Datapump, Include and exclude concepts?
42. Dataguard Steps?
43. Explain the three modes of Dataguard?
44. How to insert the bulk data to the table?

1. Throughput and response time?
2. One server 10 database and 10 instance ram size 2GB now facing memory problem?
3. OS level 100% CPU utilization and cause is ORACLE wat will u do?
4. Oracle memory is leaking?
5. Different types of Index?
6. Wat kind of Index is created in Primary Key?
7. Difference between Where clause and Having Clause?
8. Physical Join and logical join?
9. Acid Property?

Scope International
1. What should be done before installing oracle into linux?
2. What size of database?
3. What will be the size of SGA,DBBC and SP in OLAP and in OLTP?
4. What is the purpose of inittrans when there is a maxtrans parameter?
5. How will you analyze a table and how to find fragmentation?
6. How will you get a table when it is lost?
7. What and all tuning u have done and the steps?
8. What and all u will see in tkprof?
9. How will u set up a statspack report?
10. Explain about busy buffer wait , db file scattered read , db file sequential read and
remedy for them?
11. What are all joining methods explain?
12. what is Dbverify?
13. How will u repair the blocks that gets corrupted found in dbverify?
14. How will you force an index for a table?
15. What is record length in export , import parameter?
16. How will you truncate a 1000 tables from a user?
17. How will rate u in PL/SQL?

1. Steps for migration and upgradation of a db?
2. Steps to tune a query and DB?
3. Questions in optimization?
4. Commands in shell scripts– write a shell script to create a file with the name as
subha_06_nov_2006.(date should be current date).
5. Questions in Indexes— Hints,Types of hints–usage of it.
6. Space storage in indexes.

1. Tell about yourself , company and ur working shortly?
2. What is your daily routine?
3. Will you take daily full export?
4. How will your analyze an object?
5. What % will you use Estimate statistics?
6. Is semmnl includes your background process or not?
7. How will you restore a table when it is lost?
8. What tuning you have done and Explain?
9. How will you set up statspack and what and all wait events you have seen remedy for
10. If there is so much place in system tablespace and it is not used it throws an error why?
11. Have you know about RMAN explain how to configure it?

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