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Batch Cheat Sheet

by ChaosJD (ChaosJD) via

Help Directory copy (cont) Arrays Way2 (cont)

help comman​dName xcopy /YS src as above with​out ask to missing loop over elements: indexed
comman​dName /? dest overwrite
xcopy /YS src copy to network share Functions: label and goto
help --> show all system commands
\\serv​er​\share echo "Hi:"
All System Commands robocopy /S src copies dirs and subdirs goto :good
dest except empty ones :bad
robocopy /YS as above without ask to echo "I don't like scripting"
Clear Screen src dest overwrite goto :eof
Clear Screen cls
Parameters echo "I like scripting"
%0 Name of Script goto :eof

Tab Autoco​mplete %1 ... %9 Parameter 1 ... Parameter

arrow keys back/f​orward history
@ECHO off
up/down commands %* prints all parameters as a
Control + C stops current command REM check for intera​ctive sesseion
(one line) access it through a for loop
ALT + F7 clears the history SET intera​ctive=0
for %%x in works with > 10
F7 shows the history ECHO %CMDCM​DLINE% | FINDSTR /L
(%*) do echo parameters
Directory Make & Remove IF %ERROR​LEVEL% EQ SET intera​‐
mkdir creates new subdir​ectory Pass Parameters to sub script
ECHO do work
parame​ter​s_s​cri​‐ @echo off REM pause if intera​ctive (doubl​e-c​licked
pt.bat call parame​ter​s_s​ubs​‐ execution)
mkdir creates subdir & subdir​/su​‐ cri​pt.bat %* IF "​%in​era​cti​ve%​" == "​0" PAUSE
subdir​/su​‐ bsubdir EXIT /B %error​level% EXIT /B 0
bsubdir Hint: creates it, if they aren't
parame​ter​s_s​‐ @ECHO off FINDSTR /L is use search string literally
ubs​cri​pt.bat echo subscript called
rmdir removes an empty dir with %* Navigation
rmdir /s removes directory with EXIT /B 0
realative parent cd .., cd..
directory content EXIT /B specifies to exit the current batch directory
rmdir /s /q removes directory with scropt instead of cmd.exe. If executed from
subdir​ectory cd subdir​‐
directory content & skips y/n question outside a batch script, it will quit cmd.exe
absolute cd
Directory copy Arrays Way2
copy src copy files set set value to a specific array
cd \Windows
dst array[0]=0 element
set change Z:
copy /Y src copy files overwrites with​out
array[1]=1 drive
dest quesiton
xcopy /s copies dirs and subdirs
src dest except empty ones echo access to array elements

By ChaosJD (ChaosJD) Published 22nd October, 2020. Sponsored by Last updated 22nd October, 2020. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords!
Page 1 of 3.
Batch Cheat Sheet
by ChaosJD (ChaosJD) via

Wildcards Variables File Rename & Move (cont)

? one arbitary character setlocal Only active in the move moves and renames file1 to file2
(file?.txt) set current batch file (local) file1 (path: dir/file2) file2 is overwr​itten
* ( *.bat) arbitary characters (0,1 or MY_ENV=abc dir/file2 from file1
more) endlocal move moves and overwrites file1 to file2
set creates or changes an /Y file1 with​out asking
File Show MY_ENV=abc enviro​nment variable file2
that is active in the cmd.
type file show file content
(global) File Names
more show file content page​wise
set shows the active enviro​‐ Case-I​nse​nsitive
sort file show file content sorted
nment variables
Max. 260 characters incl. invisible termin​‐
echo print variable out ating null character
Directory show Content
spaces and character set 128 - 255 allowed
current dir
defined returns
folder Never <, >, :, ", /, \, |, ?, *
MY_VAR 0 => Execution was
absolute dir C:\Windows Hint: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _, spaces, ( underscore
path as space )
>0 => Execution failed
dir Y: different drive *.bat & *.cmd

dir /B only show file names and IF Control Structures dir /B --> only show file names and directory
directory names Names
IF test (command) ELSE Syntax
Batch Files User Input Directory Rename & Move

@ echo off Syntax: set /P Control structures For rename renames dir1 in dir2
set /P name="Input var=pr​ompt: dir1
for {%%|%}​<Va​ria​ble> in (<S​et>) do <Co​‐
yor name: " dir2
mma​nd> [<C​omm​and​Lin​eOp​tio​ns>]
echo Hi %name% variable call move if dir2 exist: dir1 into dir2 (path:
cmd.exe use ->%
dir1 dir2/d​ir1), else rename dir1 to
batch script use ->​%%
Batch Files File Input dir2 dir2

@echo off move file 2 is deleted. file1 get the

echo Bill > file file1 name of file2 ans is set at the
call :print​_name Florian
echo Gate >> file dir/file2 position of file2 with asking
echo print_name exitst with %error​level% (Yes/N​o/All)
set /P fileco​ntent =< set /P var=< file
goto :eof move file 2 is deleted. file1 get the
echo First Line: :printname /Y file1 name of file2 ans is set at the
%filec​ontent% echo Hit %1 file2 position of file2 with​out asking.
exit /B 0 <- REM sets exit status of :print​‐
FOR /f %%f in (file) REM print each
Do ( line in file
echo %%f
File Rename & Move
rename file1 renamef filte1 to file2
move file1 dir move file 1 to dir (path

By ChaosJD (ChaosJD) Published 22nd October, 2020. Sponsored by Last updated 22nd October, 2020. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords!
Page 2 of 3.
Batch Cheat Sheet
by ChaosJD (ChaosJD) via

File Redirects Control Struct​ures: Comparison

type file.txt | give output of type to sort
sort Operator Info Equal
sort < file.txt give content ( stdin) of EQU == Equal
file.txt NEQ != Not equal
echo "​hi" > write "​hi" (stout) to file.txt LSS < Less
LEQ <= Less than or equal to
type NUL > create empty file
GTR > Greater than
GEQ >= Greater than or equal
rm file 2> redi​rects errors​(st​derr) ro
NOT ! Not
errors.txt errors.txt
rm file 2> NUL discard errors
rm file 2>&1 redi​rect stderr to stdout
echo "​you​" >> append "​you​" to file.txt
REM Präfix after them the text
Calcul​ation Notepad++

set /a i=0 Visual​Stu​dioCode

echo i=%i% Atom
set /a i=1+1 Operatoren +, -, *, /
set /a i+=1 Operatoren +, -, *, /
Arrays Way1 Windows Terminal
set arra​y=1 2 3 4 ConEmu
%array% (echo) all Array cmder
for %%a in loop over elements Batch Filex Exit / Return
(%array%) do ( Specify exit echo "abc"
echo%%a code: exit 0
Query error echo %ERROR​LEVEL%
set array=​(and unset vari​able or level
nothing else) array
Exit/R​eturn 0 => Execution was
codes successful
>0 => Execution fiales with
code X

By ChaosJD (ChaosJD) Published 22nd October, 2020. Sponsored by Last updated 22nd October, 2020. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords!
Page 3 of 3.

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