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English Department’s Vocabulary Per Grade Initiative

Academic Year 2021-2022 Grade 10 Semester 1

Dear Parents,

We would like to share this vocabulary list with you. The list contains a total of 50
vocabulary words that have been covered over the course of the first semester. According
to recent research, displaying the newly acquired vocabulary words to learners will help
foster remembrance. Thus, it is recommended that the vocabulary words are printed out
and hung in a place where students can constantly see it.

Number Vocabulary Words Meaning

1 Antiquity (n.) ancient times
2 Collectibles (n.) suitable for being collected
3 Dissolution (n.) Officially ending or dissolving
an organization
4 Rend (v.) tear- break violently
5 Spacious (adj.) vast - ample
6 Unvoiced (adj.) not verbally expressed
7 Obscure (adj.) Not known
8 Recessed (adj.) hidden – action of receding
9 Vestibule (n.) passage or hall
10 Muffled (adj.) Describing a sound that is not
clear or is quiet
11 Gregarious (adj.) unsocial
12 Amiably (adv.) social and friendly
13 Stoical (adj.) affectless- emotionless
14 Shun (v.) avoid
15 Sneered (v.) laugh - smile
16 Spitefully (adv.) badly - hatefully
17 Refinement (n.) A. politeness
B. the process of making a
substance pure.
18 Suppleness (n.) flexibility- elasticity
19 Exquisite (adj.) Very beautiful – extremely
painful or extremely beautiful
20 Gallantries (n.) bravery
21 Resplendent (adj.) having a shiny and bright
22 Homage (n.) Deep respect or praise shown
to person
23 Inestimable (adj.) too valuable
24 Blessings (n.) good - benefit
25 Amenable (adj.) obedient
26 Influence (v.) to cause an effect
27 Surrender (v.) yield
28 Windfall (n.) unexpected blessing
29 Beneficent (n.) act of kindness
30 Envoy (n.) messenger
31 Initiative (n.) Important act or statement
intended to solve a problem
32 Limited (adj.) Kept within a boundary
33 Careers (n.) professions
34 Advertising (n.) The business of trying to
persuade people to buy
products or services
35 Qualifications (n.) An official record showing
courses or training someone
had completed
36 Resist (v.) exert opposition
37 Survive (n.) remain alive
38 Vibrant (adj.) Strong and active
39 Vault (n.) A safe
40 Diversify (v.) Make more varied
41 Obsolete (adj.) outdated
42 Uncreative (adj.) not productive
43 Revolutionize (v.) Protest strongly
45 Hurl (v.) throw down violently
56 Burst (v.) break open
57 Inconceivable (adj.) Impossible to imagine
58 Advertisement (n.) public notice; commercial
59 Franchise (n.) Branch of a company
50 Withstand (v.) To resist or survive

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