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Mariya Dzhaferska Student Number TTR 7723

Health and Social Care QCF Diploma Level 5

513.2 Be able to lead practice that promotes social, emotional, cultural,

spiritual and intellectual well-being
2.1 Explain the psychological basis for well-being

A person’s well-being is what is” good for” them. We all have a sense of how happy or content
we feel with life: this is psychological wellbeing. Wellbeing is not just about being happy or
content, but also about being actively engaged with life and with other people.
Well-being includes social, and psychological dimensions as well as health-related behaviors.
The Ryff Scales of Psychological Well-Being is a theoretically grounded instrument that
specifically focuses on measuring multiple facets of psychological well-being. These facets
include the following:

 Self-acceptance
 Positive relations with others
 Autonomy
 The ability to manage complex environments to suit person needs and values
 The sense of purpose in life
 Personal growth

Mariya Dzhaferska Student Number TTR 7723
Health and Social Care QCF Diploma Level 5

Maintaining a sense of psychological wellbeing and continuing to be socially engaged in later

life is an important part of growing older in a healthy way. To be able to lead practice that
promote social, emotional, cultural, spiritual and intellectual well-being we aim to discover the
factors across life that influence how older people feel and how they function socially. By doing
this, we aim to achieve a quality of life for our clients that will fulfil their meaning of happy and
content life.

The World Health Organization (1946) defines health as:

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence
of disease or infirmity
Mental Health is described as:
Mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own
potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is
able to make a contribution to her or his community
These definitions show that well-being is not only to be happy but includes health in physical,
mental and social aspects and implies to emotional, spiritual and career needs of the
As a manager my role is to lead practice that ensures well-being for the clients and staff as well.
My role is to ensure that clients’ needs are met and they live a life that gives them a sense of
being happy. Psychological well-being is very important and enable clients to experience quality
life. If psychological well-being is compromised it can lead to negative emotions, depression
and reduce life expectance.
2.2 Promote a culture among the workforce of considering all aspects of individuals’ well-
being in day –to- day practice.
Holistic approach in care means consideration of the complete person, physically,
psychologically, socially, spiritually and environmental state. These different states can be
equally important. They should be managed together so that a person is treated as a whole.
Whole systems approaches have become a popular way of thinking about the steps that
Organisations need to take in order to achieve change.
To promote culture among workforces most important is staff to have relevant knowledge and
training to be able to support clients in their day to day living. Staff need to understand
importance of outcome based practice for the clients.

Mariya Dzhaferska Student Number TTR 7723
Health and Social Care QCF Diploma Level 5

I ensure staff is aware of the policies and procedures in the work place that ensure outcome
base practice in our Organisation.
I lead by example to promote practice that respect people wishes and life style choices. I lead a
practice that even small achievements in clients’ day to day life cam make a huge impact on
their well-being.
I promote practice where the staff uses different ways of communication with the clients to
converse with the clients, offer them choices, and try to find important details for the
individuals. We making opportunities for the clients to use their remaining skills and abilities,
we help them to be occupied and offer different stimulation. We ensure their safe and
comfortable life.
Using staff supervision, formal and informal meeting with the staff I monitor staff performance
towards supporting in individuals to achieve the outcomes.
2.3 Review the extent to which system and processes promote individual well- being
To be able to lead culture that promote well-being in day to day practice we need to be aware of the
aspects of well-being and what is important for our clients.

I work with people with dementia. Their lives are constantly controlled with what things they can or
cannot do.

Our responsibilities we to find out what is important for them to improve their well-being.

The essential for well-being for people with dementia are:

 Having a sense of control -Giving clients choices and involving them in making decisions in
makes them feel in charge of their lives.
 Have a sense of who there are-respect client personality and their individuality
 Feeling safe and secure- ensure safe and secure environment
 Being able to communicate with others-being involved in conversation, opportunity to express
their choices ,make clients feel socially included and respected
 Feeling socially included- maintain positive relationship for the clients with their family ,friends
is as much important to them as it is important to everybody else
 Feeling meaningful things to do-feeling that what they’re doing has a real purpose and
meaning, is what matters to them and give them purpose in their lives.
 Being taken seriously –

The concept of well-being is about being comfortable in our lives to do things that are important and
meaningful for us. It could be difficult but rewarding to find the way to enable the people that we care
for to feel in this way.

The system and practices in my Organisation promote all the essential for our clients well -being. We
recognize as a care provider that there are constraints to enable our clients to live lives in full. Their
abilities are restricted due to physical or mental difficulties that they can experienced.

Mariya Dzhaferska Student Number TTR 7723
Health and Social Care QCF Diploma Level 5

By involving clients in making decisions we put the client in the center of the care planning. By
empowering them we make them equal partner in the decisions that are made.

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