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Dear Elton John,

Hello is me Sophia, I mean by now you must know it’s me anyway. In today's letter I want to tell
you a story and I want your feedback. In 4th grade me and my best friend we’ll call her Mia.One
day I started to become friends with other people.We will call them Taylor and Callie.Taylor,
Callie and I started to become really good friends, you know, hanging out at lunch, at the
playground, and I started to notice how Mia was acting weird when I was around them. Telling
me things like “I'm your best friend,” “We are best friends forever,” ”I'm better than Taylor,”
“We're better friends than you and her” stuff like that. It built up over time and there was this one
time that really set me off. Taylor and I created a handshake. It was silly, it was fun and I wanted
to show her because she was my best friend, so at recess I stood on the pavement and Taylor
and I showed her our handshake. She got really upset with this. She was saying things like you
can only have a handshake with your best friend. Am I not your best friend, you mean you're
rude you were saying things like that were hurtful because I was not doing that. So I gave her
some time off and on the weekend I decided to text her to come over to my house since my
other friend Callie needed a place to stay, because her mom had to go to work so I invited her
over the same time as Mia and I.Mia was trying to talk to me and I was trying to understand
where she was coming from and understand what she was trying to say. I told her previously
that Callie would be coming. Then Callie arrived. So you know I had asked her some questions
because I was a good house host and I asked her: do you want to sit around and watch a
movie? She said yes. So I let up to my room and then I went back down and when I came back
down Mia was texting her mom and crying. I do not know what's going on so I'm trying to
comfort her. Asking her things like Are you okay? and then all of a sudden she just started
saying things like: hey what are you doing “It's your fault” “You're so mean” and really rude she
kept saying rude things to me. She's saying things to me about why I invited her over and Callie
and then she said she doesn't want to be friends with me because I'm mean and throwing out
more hurtful things. So I said, ``Call your mom you can leave. I was hurting the time so I'm not
really sure what I said so she ended up leaving. I don't really know how I should have reacted
because she was being rude to me but I feel like I should have maybe stopped being friends
with the other people because she was my best friend so I'm not sure I want to. What would you
have done? I know you're a celebrity and you may have been used for fame or something like
that. Let me know what you are up to in this situation.

PS: I know this letter is a lot but it was just sitting on my mind and I wanted to ask you.

Ok, bye.

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