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Respiratory system

토픽주제 : nasal cavity 와 paranasal sinus 의 ‘기능’해부학

Introduction *
- The nasal cavity is open through the nostrils to
the external environment

-Nasal cavity 는 Nasal septum 에 의해 2부분으로 divide

-Turbinates 는 Nasal cavity 로 project into 하는데,

사용가능한 표면적을 늘려준다

Nasal cavity 의 구성

Nasal cavity 는 두부분으로 나눠진다.

-Olfactory region
기능= 냄새를 맡을수 있게 도와주는 receptor을 가지고있다

-Respiratory region
기능 = warm air
공기청정기 역할 ( trap particles)

CHOA NAE 라는 posterior aperture 을 지나,

음식물과 공기의 passageway 가 만나는 pharynx 로 간다

Nasal cavity 의 구성

4개의 passage way 를 형성한다.

‘콘차’는 3개로 나눠진다
- superior , middel 콘차 <- ethmoid bone
- inferior 콘차

4개의 passageway
-spheno ethmoidal recess
-superior meatus
-middle “ 1. Inspired 된 공기를 축축하게 (humi difying ) 하는 역할
-inferior “ 말을 할때는 , 4개의 passage way 가 있는데, 2. 머리의 Weight 을 줄여주는 역할
그것은 lateral wall 을 구성하는 3개의 콘차로 인해 만들어진다말하기
Laryngeal cavity, ligaments, cartilages


Lat crico thyroid


Sup, margin 이 ary epiglottic lig 를 만들고

Mucosa 가 cover해서 ary epiglottic fold 를 만든다

Inf. Margin 이 vestibular lig “

→ “ 해서 vestibular fold 형성한다

Vestibular ligament

up →

Hyo epiglottic lig. **

Muscles, blood supply, innervation of larynx

The histology of the larynx:

Pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium with

seromucous glands in its lamina propria (laryngeal
mucosa) continues in to the larynx and covers the false
vocal fold and the end of the laryngeal ventricle (a
depression between the false vocal fold and the true
vocal cord). Goblet cells, seromucous glands, lymphatic
nodules and adipocytes are observed throughout the
lamina propria to the end of the ventricle.

The cilia assists in retaining the mucous lining, which

helps to reduce damage caused during phonation. The
large concentration of lymphatic nodules in the
ventricle has led to it being referred to as the
laryngeal tonsils.
Passing the lower border of the ventricle, the
epithelium changes again to non- keratinized
stratified squamous epithelium that covers the
+ inferior laryngeal n. true vocal cords. At this point, the lamina
propria is avascular, thin, and lacks glands and
lymphatic tissue. The additional cell layers
replace those lost during the closed phase of
vibration. Dense elastic fibers of the vocalis
ligament project into the lamina propria and
attaches to the vocalis muscle (skeletal
muscle). The epithelium again changes to
pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium
with the cricoid cartilage (hyaline) forming the
lower border between the larynx and the
Anatomy of TRACHEA

Transverse Thoracic plane 참고

The trachea starts at the inferior end of the larynx at the level of
C6 vertebra, and it ends at the level of the sternal angle or the
T4-T5 intervertebral disc, where it divides into the right and left
main bronchi. The trachea is a fibrocartilaginous tube supported
by incomplete cartilaginous rings called tracheal cartilages that
keep the trachea patent.
These cartilages are deficient posteriorly where the trachea is
adjacent to the esophagus.
The posterior gaps in the tracheal rings are spanned by the

trachealis muscle which connects the ends of the rings giving a

flat aspect to the posterior wall of the trachea.

2 Smooth muscle b/w two end of rings


Lamina Propria

Sub Mucosa

Fibro - Elastic Tissue

Peri chondrium

Cartiage ring


Smooth m.

Sero-Mucinous Glands

Supporting Cartilage

② ⑦

① ②




Lobe 이랑 엮어서 설명하면 좋음
Segment 랑 엮어서 설명하면 좋음 (30살 28살)


LUNG ( 구조, 막(+innervation) , segment, 혈관, 신경, 림프)

LUNG 에 대한 거시적인 설명 Heart 가 left 쪽으로 extend 되어있기때문에,
left 랑 right이 symmetrical (대칭적)이지 않다

Lung 에는 visceral pleura
Parietal pleura 가 존재하며

그들 사이에 pleural cavity 가 존재한다

LUNG 은 apex , 3개의 surfaces, 3개의 border 로 구성되어있다

3 surfaces - costal
- mediastinal
- diaphragmatic

3 border - Anterior
- Posterior
- Inferior

Mediastinal surface에서 에 pulmonary hilum 을 관찰할 수 있는데,

Root of lung 이 pass 하는곳이다,

Root of lung -> a. V. Main bronchus

Right Lung -> Horizontal , Oblique fissure

에 의해 3부분으로 나눠짐

- superior , middle, inferior

Left Lung -> Obliqye fissure

에 의해 2부분으로 나눠짐

- superior , inferior
① Cardiac notch 는
heart 의 diviation 에 의해 만들어진다

- costo mediastional recess
⑦ 를 숨쉴때 왔다갔다 한다
Nerve (LUNG)


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페얼 윗


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