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Hi everyone, my name is Mana Arnam.

As a manager and today we’re going

to talk about Who are entrepreneurs? 
Before we dive into, I’d like to ask everyone,” whom that first come to your
mind when you hear the word entrepreneur?
Ok, so the definition of an entrepreneur is an “individual who creates a new
business, takes most of the risk and often enjoys the rewards.”

When people hear the word entrepreneur they might think of “successful
business,” or “ money.” I partially agree but indeed I believe the true
definition of entrepreneurs are the people who solve problems in return for
profit or pay, where it could be product or service.

We all want to be successful and here’s what you may not know.
If you want to be a successful entrepreneur do not focus on “making money”
Solving problems for other people is what you need to focus on and you must
demonstrate excellent problem solving skills.

Therefore, the entrepreneurs are often the first people to solve today’s
problems. I think entrepreneurs are the risk taker and reward earner in the
business world. 

So, what are the tactics for becoming a business owner?

First, you must determine what problem your business can solve?  
second, you must know who will benefit from your business. . You must know
your customer

Third, you might want to do your research before getting started.

This might not guarantee your success as an entrepreneur, but it will minimize
Build up a solid financial flow and diverse skills in your business area. 
From my experience, it’s smart to work in a company or business that you’re
interested in. Learn every aspect from other people's business model before open
up your own. This method will prepare you for the best outcome and gain
confidence from your investor. 

Last but not least, don’t BS yourself. You know yourself the most, if things didn’t
work out as you were hoping then you might have to step back before thing get
ugly. The truth hurts but I would say “only invest in what you are willing to lose.” 

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