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Everyone can become an Entrepreneur

Can everybody become an entrepreneur? Think of this question for a moment. Some of you might quickly
answer it that yes everyone can be an entrepreneur. However, the answer is a bit complicated than what
you think. I think anyone can be an entrepreneur and open up their own business, but the point is not
everyone can be succeeding in. As we studied in the class, being an entrepreneur is not summarized in
what you know or what your experiences are, but it is more about in what ways you tend to succeed.
Some entrepreneurs are trying to open up their own business. They put all their knowledge and their skills
but still they are not successful. So, is there any condition or prerequisite for doing business successfully
and becoming an entrepreneur? Some people believe that in order to be successful entrepreneur you need
to have education of it; or in other word it requires an MBA. You should be rich or have a family that
back you. You need to be brilliance and be perfect at business. While these points are important and assist
you to be an entrepreneur, it is guarantee that you will become a successful one. So what demonstrate
success of an entrepreneur? The only thing you need to have is enthusiasm and desire to do the work. We
studied about the truth in entrepreneurship. The first one was says that entrepreneurship is not reserved
for startups. Entrepreneurs should open up their business with realistic expectations and they should have
motivation so that can stay around. Moreover, being an entrepreneur is not the work of everyone. You
need to be passionate about your business. As an entrepreneur you should use from all of your skills. For
being an entrepreneur you need to have good networking because it will help you to find investors that
help you in business. Network of an entrepreneur could also support the business and it will attract new
customers. In addition, a person can be an entrepreneur that has determination, motivation, leadership
skill, willingness to do the work, and willingness to take risk. Anyone can start a business, but we can
notice just few stay around. This is because they are incapable to maintain with the challenges they face
during their work. “Entrepreneurship is a life skill” is another truth about the entrepreneurship. As an
entrepreneur, first you think about an idea, and then take action toward it. Work of entrepreneurship is
more skill of creativity because they create opportunities and they open their minds to chances. Moreover,
entrepreneurial mindset is also play an important role in the success of entrepreneurs. It is an ability that
helps entrepreneurs to take action in uncertain situation, understand from failure, and become comfort
with some level of inconvenience

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